Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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Guess there's a reason our boy get's paid the big GM bucks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Guess there's a reason our boy get's paid the big GM bucks.

Back handed compliments and dank memes?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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@Lord Wraith Only the dankest of memes
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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@Lord Wraith Only the dankest of memes

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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@Lord Wraith Oh I love Lee Newton!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We're not born to be good. It's a choice, and you have to make it every single day. And some days, it's hard as hell."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | 6'3 (6'4 in his prime)

◼ WEIGHT | 210 lbs (190 at prime)

◼ BUILD | Muscular, good shape for his age. (The most fit person on the planet in his prime.)

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue with green speckles.

◼ OTHER | Several scars that have not healed from the many years of duty. On his right shoulder, going down to his shoulder-blade is a long scar from a dragon's claw. He's got six scars on his chest, right next to his heart – from buckshot as a teenager.

These days, Thomas dresses casually when he's off from work, T-shirt, jeans, a pair of old boots he's had since his youth. When hitting the gym, he's donning a tank top, hoodie and probably a pair of sweatpants and sneakers. When at work as the Chief of the Longhorn Police, he wears a dress shirt, a loose tie and a black sports coat with elbow pads, matching it with either dark jeans, Chinos or casual suit pants and black oxfords or boots. His hair is casually swept to the left in his old age, as opposed to his youth where he would always style it to the right. He's often seen with a bit of 4'o clock shadow, or a short beard depending on how long ago he shaved.

He walks with a upright posture, coming off as an even bigger guy than the hunk of a man he is, his very stature brings a boost in morale to the cops in his precinct, his gaze is worn and every look he gives is both respectful, loving, but also incredibly exhausted, like he's seen too much. One would often catch his lightning fast reflexes, another thing one will notice about him is how he still carries his detective badge on his person, as well as a handgun – and unlike anyone else in the Crescent City PD Officer ranks, he still takes field duty quite seriously. Every aspect about Thomas Casey Campbell shows off his leadership skills, and the respect he's fought tooth and nail to get.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The fire always burns the brightest right before it burns out."
Thomas Campbell is not the first name that this being's ever held. It's merely the last in a line of thousands, perhaps more. Thomas is a being without a name, from another unknown realm within the tree of life and death one where the Vis flows less freely than in others, which is why he has explored hundreds of realms and thousands of worlds during his many lifetimes. But the tale of this life began in the early 60's, one summer night in Crescent City, when a young man, Jack Michaels, a young man in Crescent City would be held a gunpoint by a deranged lunatic in an alley but as the gunman was about to pull the trigger – wiping the young man from existence, his gun exploded and he was swept away by a six-winged being of pure light.

A few hours later, a couple walked past that very same alley, after a lovely dinner at a nice little restaurant – when they heard the cries of a child. The man, Bruce, walked into the alley, and found the newborn baby, only a few hours old, laying in the dirt. He and his wife, Mary Campbell took the child in, and name it Thomas, after Bruce's father, a world war 2 veteran who would pass from old age when Thomas was not even a year old.

The Campbells were at the time of adopting Thomas incapable of having a child, devout Christians like most, they would thank the Lord for giving them this child, calling him their little angel. When Thomas was two years old, the Lord would gift them once more, as Mary became pregnant, her infertility miraculously cured.

Thomas grew up as a relatively normal boy, he was awfully calm for a child, hardly any tantrums, happy and laughing most of the time. That is, till he was six years old, and his three year old brother, Jason, was injured. The compassion he held for his brother turned into anger, and the room he was in caught on fire, nobody ever realizing what caused the flames. His protective nature of his brother continued growing up, Bruce instilling him to take care of his brother as the two got older – that the most important thing in the world was family.

As Thomas came towards his preteen years, it became more and more clear he was no ordinary boy. He was never sick, his bruises, cuts or other injuries healed almost instantly and he was as strong as a grown man at the age of ten, capable of doing all chores as effective as his father. Bruce, a detective in the Longhorn PD former soldier who had seen all kinds of things, quickly noticed this and sheltered Thomas from the world, trying his best to teach him how to use his quickly emerging abilities, just a man trying to mentor something more than himself, Bruce did his best.

Bruce's frustrations over his job got too much for him when Thomas was in his teens, and his training shifted gears. It was no longer about control – hiding, or suppressing abilities. Now, it became about channeling them. Using them to step around the law, to do what Bruce – or other cops, never could, after two years of training, Thomas was 17 years old when he did his first act of vigilantism.

He fought off four thugs whom were attacking a couple, he was scared, yet excited. Like this was what he was supposed to do. He ended up getting stabbed several times that night, but by the time the fight was over, the thugs were beaten down, a lot worse than he was, and the couple was fine, thanking the man in the ski mask and leather jacket. By the time he got home to his father, his wounds had already all but healed.

His powers continued to escalate, and a year later, he took flight. Six tendril like wings out of his back, as if they were made out of holy fire, they were like extra limbs, fully functional, capable of causing fires, or of being as warm as his hands to the touch. The reported sightings of 'Longhorn's Guardian Angel' became more and more frequent, coming to a plateau one particular night during a bank robbery committed by one of the recently emerging Hyperhumans. That night was the catalyst – the conception of the greatest heroes the Crescent City area had ever seen. Bruce would pass away from a heart attack – one Thomas had no way of ever stopping, and in his father's memory, he became a cop. Moonlighting as Longhorn's six-winged hero.

The rest of the escapades of Angel are shrouded heavily in legend and mystery and not much about his exploits can be confirmed. What is known is that Thomas Campbell is a incorruptible paragon for justice within the police force, he works harder than anyone else, being the very definition of what people think a hero should be.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You don't have to be super to be a hero."
Mr. Campbell is a paragon of justice, jaded over the years, sure, but he still carries that same light he had several decades ago. He wishes to clean up Crescent City – and the whole world, still. He's just come to terms with it not being behind a mask and with his wings, but as one of the highest ranking members in the Police Force. Thomas's goal is currently to become the new Commissioner, and the highest law enforcement authority, to make sure that the cops all follow the same moral code as he.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ Hellion Physique: | Angel's body is a natural conductor of the magical force of the Vis. It powers his entire being, supercharging his muscles, improving his senses, and being the source he taps into for all of his other abilities.

◼ Angelic Flight | Six wings on his back, any form Thomas decides for them to take. The wings can be used as weapons, limbs or shield. He is able to fly at speeds reaching up to Mach 4 when pushing himself. But, alas, his true limit lies only in however much Vis his body can sustain channeling without burning up.

◼ Celestial Healing | Vis powered Biokineis, Thomas is able to increase cellular regen in just about all life forms, passively on himself, but with effort to others. In his youth, he radiated health to all around him, even to such a degree that his very presence held his father's heart together, as well as allowing his teammates on the Mavericks to survive their many near-death encounters. Able to heal complex wounds at but a touch, Angel is truly a miracle worker.

◼ Superhuman features | Angel is superhuman strong, durable and armed with incredible speed and reflexes. Aable to see – and catch a subsonic bullet in his hand, and if he couldn't, the bullet would barely phase him. Lift planes and run faster than any athlete.

◼ Smiting | Like his wings, his very touch can induce flames powered by the Vis.

◼ Immortality and Rebirth| Angel cannot die. When his body burns out from the use of the Vis, he hibernates, leaving only ashes behind and a new physical body emerges, starting another lifespan. When his body is about to be destroyed, his powers reach their maximal peak, allowing him the utmost of his abilities. Over the course of a lifetime, he will recollect fragments of memories from previous lives – lifetimes he has more recollection than others. Thomas recalls bits and pieces of the other times he's lived, having a sense of Deja Vu and a familiarity.

◼ Warrior of Light | While he cannot put his finger on it, Thomas carries the skills of thousands of lifetimes within his soul. He lives for combat, and always has, a fight peaks his interest every time – as does fighting a challenging opponent. He's a master at martial arts and melee combat, and a skilled shooter with a handgun, shotgun or even crossbow.

◼ Magic | Being a natural conductor of the Vis, Thomas is able to cast some basic spells that he has learned over the years.

◼ Detective | Serving as one of Crescent City's finest, Thomas is a skilled detective, just like his father before him. Bruce taught him the skills of his trade before he would pass, skills Thomas has since then further mastered.

◼ Leadership and Charisma | A booming voice and a tall stature goes a long way to grabbing people's attention. He's not exactly one to have a way with words – saying what he means, nothing less and nothing more. He speaks from the heart and the good in his heart always shines through, inspiring others to do better. To be better.

◼ Mechanic | Police Cruiser, Tractor or tank, it does not matter much to Tommy, he's got experience fiddling

◼ Pilot | Thomas is a licensed pilot, seeing it necessary to learn how to fly without his wings to make full use of them.

◼ Painting | In his later years, he's gotten quite handy with a pencil or brush, drawing and painting his many visions and fragments of memory.

◼ Life Giveth, Life Taketh | The very Vis that gives him his abilities is killing him. He cannot use too much, as his body cannot handle it and will deteroate even faster if he pushes himself too hard. For him to give it his all, he's doing so at the cost of his own life.

◼ Humanity | Ironically enough, Thomas still considers himself human. He carries empathy, sympathy and a lot of other emotions within him that are possible to exploit and makes him vulnerable, just like any other person.

◼ Vis Poisoning | The Vis is killing him, and in his advanced age – this is one of his longest lifespans, it's actively causing him harm

◼ Old Age| While his powers are many, his age is making him wear thing, his physical body growing ever weaker, making it harder for him to keep performing as he could in his youth.

◼ Rusty | Angel retired a decade and a half ago, and has not put on his suit since, leaving many to believe the celestial Maverick perished.

◼ Trusting | Thomas is, albeit a bit more jaded in his late years, very trusting of people. Willing to see the good in most and give just about anyone a second chance, this is mostly a positive trait, but can be abused.

◼ Immortality | His very powers have blinded him in the past. Filled him with hubris and stopped him from seeing the clear danger in front of him – to him, or to people he cares about.

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."




◼ TBD |

◼ TBD |
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Hillan Finally, a sheet for the character you've been posting with. Now how 'bout a post with the character who's been accepted?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Hillan Finally, a sheet for the character you've been posting with. Now how 'bout a post with the character who's been accepted?

Sam for Co-GM 2017
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

@Hillan Finally, a sheet for the character you've been posting with. Now how 'bout a post with the character who's been accepted?


Bout to get out my belt.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by BlackSam3091>


Bout to get out my belt.

Getting me all excited daddy.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 11 mos ago

*Gently caresses the RP.*
I'm here for you, baby.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

*Gently caresses the RP.*
I'm here for you, baby.

Hoo boy, is it starting to look dark up in here.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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I swear I am a good GM.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

I swear I am a good GM.

Don't take your kids?

They're entitled to me and Sammie.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

Don't take your kids?

They're entitled to me and Sammie.

Sometimes you make no sense.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Sometimes you make no sense.

I have lucid moments on occasion.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Hillan They're slowly becoming fewer and far between the older you get.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Supermaxx
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Supermaxx dumbass

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Of course, the moment I finish this thing four other people put CS's up too. Ha, just my luck. Anyway, here it is!



C L A I R E L I L Y Q U I N N 0 1 / 02 / 1 9 9 4 ( 23) F E M A L E V E N A R I

"Not all monsters have fangs and claws."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Is it wrong that I find pleasure in a monster's screams?"
◼ HEIGHT | 5'5"

◼ WEIGHT | 135 pounds

◼ BUILD | Athletic, Muscular

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blonde

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ TATTOOS | Currently, the young Venari huntress possesses two tattoos. The first is Odin's Illusionary Rune, a symbol for camouflage and deception. It adorns the underside of her left wrist. The second is the Gapaldur, meaning success in combat, and it rests upon the back of her neck.

Whenever anyone is asked to describe Claire's appearance in a single word, they typically answer with 'intimidating' or 'strong.' Claire has spent the last several years enduring a grueling training regime in order to turn her body into a living weapon. Under the guidance of Scribe Kletus Rex and the journal left behind by her father, Noctis has developed herself to the peak of human capability. Her upper body is bulky and solid thanks to regular boxing lessons at Invictus Gym. Claire's well defined arms and shoulders are supported by a powerful core sculpted to perfection. Upper body strength isn't all that's needed to win a fight, however, and Miss Quinn knows this well. She runs constantly to help build up her endurance and speed, allowing her to move faster for longer while patrolling the city's streets. She also takes acrobatics classes on the weekends; while she's still quite the amateur gymnast, Noctis's Vis enhanced body is still capable of incredible feats of agility when she puts her mind to it. Four years of intensive training, strict dieting and regimented physical preparation has given Claire the tools necessary to turn into the monster hunter her father had always wanted her to be.

Outside of her physique, Claire is typically described as short and pretty. The young Venari doesn't smile often, and is quite standoffish. It isn't often that anyone outside of Rex or Pierre sees the girl loosen up and enjoy herself. Her cold, passive aggressive appearance drives most people away, leaving Miss Quinn with few friends or acquaintances outside of the people that help her in her mission. Claire likes to keep her dirty blonde hair down whenever she's not working. During the hunt, however, it's better for her to have it up in a bun to keep her golden locks out of her face. In regards to clothing, Claire has a fondness for darker shades. She likes to wear a combination of jeans, a light jacket and a graphic tee on most days.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The world still needs the Venari."
Thune Quinn was a hunter with no equal. He possessed a level of skill that few men could hope to ever achieve in their life time, and the knowledge he gathered through decades of experience made him one of the most potent warriors the Venari had since the Witch trials. Quinn was born in the late sixties, and introduced to the world of the Venari by a friend of his uncle when he was thirteen years old. The old guard was long gone, wiped out hundreds of years ago by the Witch hunters that had betrayed them. But a pocket of them survived, continuing to watch over the world from the shadows. The young Thune proved to be a prodigy; he earned the respect of the council with his tenacity and drive to be the best of the best. As the years passed on and he grew into adulthood, Thune joined the ranks of the hunters and gained a reputation for his skill at arms and dedication to learning his enemies. Even with their numbers waning, Thune and his few remaining brothers in arms carried on the legacy of the Venari with pride. They remained vigilant, even in the face of the emergence of the Hyperhumans in the late 80s. There was an intense debate between the remaining Venari about how they should classify these new humans; were they to be hunted like the Draoi and the Hellions, or accepted as the next step in humanity’s growth as a species? Thune was a part of the latter camp and encouraged cooperation with the Hyperhumans. He firmly believed these superpowered beings would help reinvigorate the Venari’s fight against the darkness.

In the early nineties, Thune moved to the newly formed Crescent City and set up shop with a handful of other Venari, including his friend Kletus Rex. The place was thought to be a hub for Hellion activity, and Quinn was hell bent on eradicating the otherworldly threat in its entirety. He was in the height of his carreer when he met the gorgeous Annabethe Yukianessa, a fiery Irish woman that had immigrated to the States a few years prior. Thune was baffled by how enamored he was with her. For the first time in his life, the Venari hunter found something he’d rather do than work. The two started dating, and Thune’s performance on the field dropped significantly. He slacked in his training. He missed out on guild meetings. He even started to smile. The two were wed within a year of meeting one another. Thune elected to never speak of his ‘other’ life to his wife, believing that to do so would put her in incredible danger. In 1994, Annabethe gave birth to a baby girl they named Claire. Thune dove back into his work to earn money to provide for his new family, leaving Annabethe to raise Claire mostly on her own. He was still around and tried to help when he could, but his job took up a large portion of his time and required most of his attention.

Claire’s early life was mostly uneventful. She didn’t have too many friends, but stayed out of trouble for the most part. Her brother, Charlie, was born when she was three. Claire wasn’t ecstatic to have to share the house with a stinky brat, but there were worse things in the world than her new baby brother. Dad tended to disappear on business trips quite often, lasting anywhere from a week to a month. When he was home, Thune often vanished into his study downstairs and only came up for dinner. He was distant. Sometimes, he came off as cold. Claire sometimes wondered if the man actually loved her or her family. Life continued as normal for awhile. It was good, if a little bit boring. Everything changed in 2004. Claire was sitting in the kitchen across from her father and finishing up her schoolwork when she heard a knock on the front door. She paid it no mind at first- probably just someone coming by to visit mom. The severity of the situation only hit when she heard her mother scream. Dad was out of his chair in an instant. He told Claire to find somewhere to hide, and ordered her not to leave that spot until he came to get her. She did as she was told, finding the best hiding spot she knew. Claire would never forget the horrendous sounds that assaulted her ears as she cowered in fear, praying she wasn’t found. The thirteen year old girl had to listen while her baby brother was torn apart by a monster. She didn’t know how long she stayed there. It felt like time had stopped after everything went silent. The police eventually found Claire nearly eighteen hours later- she hadn’t made a peep the entire time.

Claire didn’t have any living relatives to go to, so she was taken in by Alice Grace, an old friend of the family. Words cannot describe how destroyed that little girl was. Fear devoured her from the inside out, eating away her innocence. It no longer felt like she was truly alive; Claire existed in a strange limbo, like floating in a dark abyss, where all hope was choked to death until nothing remained but primal terror. Every time she tried to sleep, Claire’s mind was assaulted by the screams of her dying family. Whenever she closed her eyes, all she could glimpse is what she imagined had happened to them. The dark terrified her. Putting her anywhere dark for even a second would leave Claire in a crying, anxious mess, only recovering hours later. She didn’t speak about what happened to her for two years. Any attempt to get her to open up was met by unmatched fear. She refused to speak to any therapist Grace sent her to. As the years went by and Claire floated through the remainder of her schooling, she changed. The frightened little girl was twisted into something…dark. Fear turned to anger. She became increasingly hostile to everyone around her. She got into countless brawls at school. Even the smallest slight was enough to send Claire into a violent rage. Miss Quinn’s attempt to cope with what happened to her shattered what few relationships she still had, driving everyone away with her hostility.

At the age of eighteen, she turned her rage away from those around her and toward the unknown individual that had murdered everyone she loved. She tried, at first, to see what the police knew. Her questions went unanswered by them- her case had gone cold awhile ago. The condolences they offered were a slap in the face. With the police failing her, Claire returned to the scene of the crime. The house had remained untouched for the last five years, aside from the blood being cleaned up and the bodies cremated. She tore the place apart looking for clues- even the smallest hint letting her know who or what had done it would help. She wanted to find the man that did it. She wanted closure. Her search eventually led her down to her father’s study. Claire wasn’t usually allowed down there, especially when dad wasn’t home. After rummaging through the place, she came to a disturbing conclusion: her dad didn’t actually have a job. None of the documentation she found said anything about work. The most tangible things were the travel notices and emails shared with coworkers. Yet, even those were mostly nonsense that looked like a thinly veiled attempt to cover up the fact that he didn’t actually DO anything.

Everything Claire believed about her father came into question when she accidentally stumbled upon a switch beneath his desk that opened up a hidden passageway behind the bookshelf. The passage led to a wide open room that wasn’t on the house’s floor plans. The walls were lined with weapons from across time. There were glass cases displaying strange hooded costumes, suits of armor and intricately designed medieval weapons. A massive computer with technology far ahead of its time sat at the far wall. Claire couldn’t make heads or tails of what it was all doing down there. Why did her father have a secret room filled with this stuff? Her attempts to get past the computer’s password failed, so she went about looking through the filing cabinets and drawers. That was when she discovered a leather bound journal hand written by her father. The book was addressed directly to Claire. It explained everything about her father that Claire could have possibly wondered. She learned of the Venari, and Thune’s job as a hunter. She learned of the Hellions and the Draoi that he fought against every time he left on a ‘business trip.’ She even learned of her father’s struggle with having to keep distant from his family in order to protect them from what he was doing. The journal told Claire that her father predicted his own death. It said that she’d one day have to take up the mantle and walk in his stead. The world still needed the Venari. Thune wrote that he planned to leave some kind of hint for Claire, so that she would find this book after he had passed. It seemed Claire had only stumbled upon it now out of dumb luck- or, perhaps, destiny.

The book led her to searching for the other Venari that Thune had worked with. Claire was disturbed to find that all but one of them had died since her father had fallen; all within a few years of one another. She sought out the man named Kletus Rex, eventually finding him in a small mechanic’s shop in Somerset. The old scribe tried to run her off at first. He claimed he had retired, and that the Venari were dead. Claire was wasting her time by trying to dig up what should be remained buried. The girl refused to listen. She demanded answers, and returned there every day for three weeks until eventually the old man cracked. He told her everything he knew about her father and what he had been up to. She learned of his private life in the darkness, of his shadow war against the world’s last remaining monsters. The Venari were dying off in droves, and had been in steady decline for hundreds of years. Claire shared the journal with Kletus. He didn’t seem surprised that Thune had written such a thing; his old partner had spoken at length about rebuilding the Venari and returning them to their glory days. He laughed when Claire said she wanted to become a hunter just like her dad. It was a ridiculous notion.

Only, Miss Quinn never let it drop. She fought tooth and nail to convince the man to train her. Rex broke down once more and decided to go through with it. Using the vast knowledge the master hunter had left behind for his daughter, Kletus began educating the girl. She started her physical training at Invictus Gym. With the help of the gym’s owner, ex Golden Gloves champion Jean Pierre and renowned amateur boxing coach, Claire turned herself into a living weapon. She spent the next four years rigorously studying the Venari’s hunting methods, and rebuilding her body from the ground up for the purposes of combat. Her drive was incredible. Both Kletus and Jean were amazed by the girl’s tenacity. She refused to quit or slow down, always striving to improve herself. She never forgot what motivated her: every time she lay down to sleep, their terror-filled voices reminded her why she went through with the taxing training regime. The self torture changed her from an angry teen to a dedicated young woman. Kletus held a mock trial for apprenticeship that she passed with flying colors. He gave Quinn her first Vis tattoo. It was made with what little ink he had left over from his time as a scribe, gifting her the strength of a Valkyrie.

Her first hunt was more frustrating than dangerous. She had to chase down an invisible Sigbin that was messing with some locals in Los Paraíso. Claire had to track the little bastard back to its nest using nothing but its wretched smell. Killing it was surprisingly easy. Rex had made it sound like killing something was one of the hardest things in the world. Her prey bagged, Claire returned back to Kletus. He applied her second tattoo, gifting her the Sigbin’s invisibility powers. It was then that she decided on the alias Noctis, after the Latin word for night. She thought it was appropriate. She’s been at this whole ‘hunter’ thing for less than a year now. The number of Hellions and Draoi in Crescent City is, as one might expect, very low. Still, Claire’s excited for what lies ahead. Maybe she’ll finally be able to use her newfound skills to track down the thing that killed her family. She would make that monster pay for what it did to them. To her.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"I won't back down. Not now, not ever!"
Claire is driven by an intense desire to avenge the death of her family. Her rage consumed her whole being, darkening a once bright soul until it was pitch black. The monster that tore her family apart had taken everything from Claire. It had ripped her heart from her chest and crushed it in its disgusting maw, fundamentally changing who she was forever. That little girl had felt so helpless. What sick reality did she live in that a child had to listen to the tormented screams of her mother and baby brother while she cowered, praying that the demonic beast would not find her? For awhile, she felt lost- purposeless. That changed when Claire discovered who her father really was. Equipped with the knowledge of the Venari, the relentless Noctis now seeks to cleanse the world of the Hellions. The darkness will be purged, and the creatures of the night utterly eradicated. Never again should a child have to feel so helpless. Never again.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Think you can hit me? Try it. I dare you."
◼ Invisibility | By channeling the power of Vis contained within her tattoo of Odin's rune, Noctis is capable of temporarily vanishing from sight. This isn't a form of camouflage but rather true invisibility, removing Claire from the spectrum of light in its entirety. She becomes untraceable through any conventional or natural means, allowing her many unique opportunities to act that otherwise would not be practical or even possible.

◼ Enhanced Physiology | The Gapaldur symbol Claire wears was made with the blood of a Valkyrie. The Norse angel of battle possessed incredible physical attributes that have, in part, been passed down to the Venari huntress. Her strength, speed, endurance and natural durability have all increased three fold. Complimented well by her own physique, the Vis of the Hellion allows Miss Quinn to stand toe to toe with enemies few humans could hope to fight on equal footing.

◼ Boxing | A Venari hunter must be prepared for every scenario. In the ideal world, Claire would never have to get into close quarters with anything that has knives for fingers or limbs as large as tree trunks. However, not every hunt ends cleanly. On the off chance that Noctis finds herself trapped in hand to hand with a superior foe, she's come prepared with approximately four years of boxing experience. Her time with Austin Gates at the Invictus Gym has taught the huntress how to throw and how to take a punch.

◼ Acrobatics | A major part of any hunt is the chase. It is absolutely vital that Claire knows how to traverse any environment in order to pursue her foe and vanquish it. To this end, Noctis recently took up a couple of gymnastics classes and begun applying what she's learned in an Urban setting, running across the rooftops and scaling the sides of buildings to hone her craft. She still has plenty to learn. But, in time, the young warrior will be able to move across Crescent City like a master acrobat.

◼ Deadeye | Claire is a natural deadeye when it comes to shooting. Her training with Kletus has helped cultivate this affinity, leading to Noctis being a crack shot with a firearm or her usual crossbow.

◼ Conditional Invisibility | Unlike the Sigbin she killed to make the tattoo, Noctis cannot remain in her stealth form for very long at all. It's duration is short, lasting a minute or two at best before requiring a certain span of time dependent on how long she used the power for it to recharge. This means that there are moments where she is visible and, therefore, vulnerable to being spotted. Aside from that, her invisibility does not make her undetectable by the other four senses. She can still be heard, felt, smelled or...tasted.

◼ Peaked | Despite her enhanced physiology, Claire still has limits. She's caped out near the peak of human ability- but can go no further. She's a better athlete than most; however, don't expect her to outrun Usain Bolt or have the strength of a powerlifter. The best of mankind is still able to outclass her in their specialized areas.

◼ Amateur | Notic is one of the only new Venari uplifted in the past decades, and she's quite possibly the last. She lacks a proper teacher, having only an old Scribe and the book left by her father to guide her through her future hunts. Her inexperience could very well be the death of her.

◼ Still Human | Noctis is still vulnerable to anything a human is: bullets, fire, knives and a powerful knock to the head can do her in just like anybody else. It might take a little more umph to finish the job.

◼ Easily Manipulated | Claire's conviction is a two edged sword. She's willing to do anything to destroy the monstrosities that terrorize the world. A man with a silver tongue and knowledge of who Claire is would find it an easy task to turn her to his side, provided he promises to somehow advance her mission. Noctis' moral compass isn't well defined yet. She's willing to do things that that be illegal or, in some cases, even cruel, in the name of the hunt- and someone with an agenda could make use of this.

▼ N O T E S:

"Am...am I becoming what I hate?"



◼ Invictus Gym | Built over fifteen years ago by retired boxer Jean Pierre, Invictus is a small local boxing club in the Lower East Side of Larissa. The club is frequented mostly by the poor residents of the East Side. It struggles financially due to Pierre's desire to help the local kids stay out of trouble.

◼ Rex's Motor Garage | Rex's Motor Garage is the self owned workplace of Kletus Rex, the former Venari scribe turned mechanic. It's located in Somerset, not far from where Claire's squatting with Grace.

◼ Grace's Apartment| Home to Alice Grace, Claire's childhood friend turned legal guardian. Claire calls the place home whenever she isn't off with Kletus or Jean.

◼ The Room| The Room is what Claire's nicknamed her father's secret armory. She uses it as her base of operations.

◼ Weapons | Noctis' primary weapon of choice is the crossbow her father used to use. The weapon has a lever for quick, easy reloads during high stress situations. It has a draw weight of 150 lbs and is designed to kill big game, making it effective against most enemies Claire will run in to. Her secondary weapons consist of a pair of Glock 19s.

◼ Outfit | When hunting dangerous creatures of the night, it pays to come well prepared. Claire wears a modified version of the Venari uniform her father used to use. It consists of a leather hooded trench coat with armored plating on vital areas, a ballistic vest and cargo pants. She prefers darker clothing to assist her in staying hidden from sight during night time operation. Noctis keeps a quiver on her hip for easy access to bolts when using her crossbow. To conceal her identity, Claire typically wraps a shemagh scarf around the lower half of her face. Her attire, while nothing too special, works well for her.

◼ Equipment | What equipment the Venari huntress chooses to carry with her depends upon the conditions she predicts she'll be hunting in and the monster she's chasing. Rex provides her with any necessary materials necessary for dealing with a specific threat, though she usually carries silver and iron tipped bolts with her due to their usefulness against many different magical threats. Smoke bombs, a flare, medical supplies, a grappling hook, blinding pellets and a taser are also kept on her person during hunts.

◼ Other |Claire has a couple of other items dear to her. The book that her father left behind being one of them. The journal has taught her almost everything she knows about the Venari, and how to hunt. It contains a detailed list of every known Hellion and how to defeat them, among other things that Thune deemed necessary information. It isn't just a book about the Venari, either. It was a love letter from a father to his daughter. Miss Quinn learned more about Thune from that book than she had from the actual man himself. The other item is a sword she found among his equipment. She wasn't sure how to use it and couldn't find anyone so far who could teach her, so it remains back at The Room, gathering dust.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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@Superboy Nice sheet. Getting some Grimm/Buffy/Supernatural vibes there, which are all checks in your favor in my book.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

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