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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

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Gᴏʙʟɪɴ Aʀᴄʜ

"It is getting too late already..." Goblin Arch mumbled as he failed to find rabbits, "They probably went off to sleep." With that, he retreated to the cave. There was certainly still things to be done before he went to sleep. Maybe he could get tips for tomorrow while he was inside. Exploring the cave might be a good idea, if it is even big enough for exploration." WIth such thoughts in mind, after his arrival back into the cave, Goblin Arch would explore it, going along the walls and touching them every now and then.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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anything to be seen?-

The young goblin found his way back into the cave avoiding the chance to be prey to the wolves currently roaming the night. He started to pat the walls and what he would notice was that a few of the walls had fissures in them, long cracks formed inside the walls. If he looked through one of the cracks with great concentration he would see that one of them would lead into the mountain hill they were in. The issue, however, was that the only way to see what was through the crack was to use a tool to break the wall itself.


The goddesses grace-

The goddess sighed softly as the leaf returned to its previous position and the vine went back to serving as the barrier against the skeletons. She heard the questions before hearing the goblin say that she will serve her. The goddess then started to explain as she said "Sadly my sister Duvelna The goddess of death had summoned the skeletons here death is her domain while life is mine I can't stop her because I have no followers left. Decades ago a war broke out and my followers were destroyed, this place is one of the last shrines dedicated to me the humans have forgotten about me and have decided to worship a false idol. We gods gain our power through prayer and worship without enough followers I am doomed to stay here as only a sculpture" it said sadly letting her know that she needed others to worship her or she wouldn't be able to repel the skeletons that keep coming to life here.

She then said "Please don't worry about being reckless. You have the spark of life and that's what's most important. You smile and enjoy your life despite being forced to hunt, yet you have not harmed the rabbit and instead treat it as a beloved child it speaks well of your character. I know you will be a great disciple of mine, young gina"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

She smiled, happy to hear that the goddess was willing to take her in as her disciple. She hoped that she was able to fulfill and meet her expectations. But, a though dawn to her humans? What are humans like? Are they peaceful or are they really dangerous? These thoughts circled throughout her mind as since they were the original worshipers, they should come back to worshipping the goddess.

And how about the other two? Shouldn’t they get a chance to get their followers back? Curious and thinking that it was her duty she as the goddess. “What about the other two gods should I find followers for them?” She gently asks her wanting to find if they were part of her responsibilities as her follower. And as you’re follower should I become stronger?" She said as she urges to the growling that’s coming from the massive door.

She was eager to stay her duties but, honestly she had little to no idea what they were other than spreading the faith and safeguarding things, she wanted to not make a mistake. She after her first two questions she asks again. “ What are my duties as you’re servant.” She carefully choose her tone and words

  • Gina asks the goddess her responsibilities

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Goddesses explanation-

The goddess listened as she asked her questions about the other two gods then asking what her repo sibilites were as her disciple and the goddess merely smiled at her innocence. She then explained " no you hav3 no n3ed to find worshippers for my brother and sister. They are already prais3d by humans it is sadly I that have become forgotten by them. As for getting stronger you must become stronger so you may have the strength to share the word of me. If a weak goblin is worshipping me then it won't say much for my divinity, no offense dear. However, as my disciple you merely need to pray to me often. You must spread word of me to thebignorant. Finally be who you are, a kind soul that loves my children as if they were her own. Simply being alive and talking about me does more then you believe. If you can find enough to worship me I could make this a safe haven for your kind" she said knowing that having a goddesses protection even over an old building would do wonders for her newest desciple.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

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Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

She smiled, eager to serve, of course at the state she was, the goddess wouldn’t be proud to have her only follower in a sorry state so she though of a bold move. “I want to get stronger for you, so please give me your blessing to make me stronger.” She said waiting for the goddess responds.

”I will do anything so that I can be a worthy follower, so please give me the strength and courage I need to fight for you.” She says with a clear conviction and serious manner. To her it is time for her to become strong, she had to work harder than the others so that they would listen to her.

  • Gina asks the goddess for her blessings to fight the skeleton outside to make herself stronger.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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Goblin Gird
Training with Goblin Zats /// Night // Day 3

Parrying strike after strike with the sticks for the first few minutes was entertaining but somehow just didn't feel right. For what ever reason Gird's swings didn't feel natural or what he felt it could be. not that he felt he couldn't use the weapon but all he wanted to do was feel that rush again. To get in close and inflict some damage. He knew for the sake of training this would have to do for now but soon grew tired of simply just blocking or parrying slow attacks or having his strikes blocked.

After a little while longer he stopped and dropped his stick. “You can keep practicing with the stick if you want but for some reason this feels better.” He resumed his stance he had earlier but this time held his fists up instead. The goblin kept his right leg forward and nodded to the other goblin. “You can work on your strikes if you want. I figure blocking would be the best step for me right now until I figure out how to hit people or grapple them.” he knew this was only going to hurt more. He just hoped that the continued abuse to his arms and legs while blocking was going to help.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Goblin Grit

Grit couldn't help but smile at the rhyme of the old goblin, clearly amused and somewhat cheered by his attempt. His smile fell, though, at the growl of his stomach and he organized the green and blue berries together before quickly wolfing them down... mostly. He still had several that he held out to gramps for answering his question. Once free to do so, Grit would take the red and yellow berries and bury them at the entrance to the cave, it wouldn't do for one of the others to eat one by accident.

The orange ones he kept in hand, due to their use in a form of medicineHe observed that the oter two goblins were doing something... Pretending to fight? Interested, Grit sat down near the two to watch them.

@Jangel13 @Duthguy @ReusableSword
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Zats was surprised when Gird dropped his weapon and not only offered to continue the fight but to let him keep using his spear. He couldn't think of any reason why his sparring partner would let him have such an advantage or why Gird seemed to want to learn fighting in a way that would make it easier for any future enemies to get close enough to hurt him. Still he wasn't gonna pass up on the opportunity as it should make for good practice in dealing with wild animals.

"I hope you know what you're doing." While Zats' strikes had more force behind it than the one used to start the fight he was still careful not to accidentally injure Gird and made sure to aim and angle his spear so that there was minimal chance of the tip doing any serious harm to the other Goblin.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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sparring match-

The goblins soon started to fight in earnest. Grandpa watched interestedly when he noticed gird released his weapon and decided to fight bare handed, it was a dangerous style in this world but one with its own advantages. He was glad he was able to cheer up grit with the little rhyme before he devoured his berries leaving a few for grandpa himself making him smile as he took what was offered and ate them as he watched the fight go through between the two of them. He watched with interest before he noticed the goblin gird get a bit better blocking the weapon itself.

Goblin gird learned unarmed combat beginner: learned how to fight with ones bare hand and understands how to block and strike with one's own hands.
Goblin zats learned polarm combat beginner: Through training has learned how to better strike at an enemy weak point and able to keep their enemy at a distance


Goddess blessing-

The goddess smiled softly at her enthusiasm through the goblin couldn't actually see her smile. Shirila was proud and couldn't help but believe she truly found a worthy acolyte. The flower then told her "You are very sweet little goblin but I don't want you to fight the skeletons outside, even with my blessing you cant handle a dozen skeletons alone. Use my blessing to find followers and face them as my disciple." the flower told her before the rose moved forward until the flower bud was pressing against her forehead.

"May this soul find her strength in the embrace of the earth, as the world is large she will find the strength to handle all of the goddesses children. I Shirila give you my blessing to fight for me" it said as the chant was done and she felt her entire body feel warmer and her body down to her very bones become strengthened and it was like she could see the blood pumping in the vines around her. When the blessing was complete as the flower pulled back and next time she looked in a mirror she would see a red flower blooming on her forehead as if like a tattoo showing her blessing and dedication to her chosen goddess.

Blessing of the eternal mother: The goddess of earth has given the first blessing in decades to her newest priest. She has been given strengthening muscles and bones to handle more damage and a now eternal connection to the earth (now easier to evolve into earth-based creatures)
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

She was surprised at first but, was soon overjoyed when the goddess has finally bestowed upon her with her blessings officially becoming a practitioner of her faith. She was overjoyed with this that she quickly loosens the net to let the rabbit free at last. She quickly looked at the massive door, remembering the goddess's warnings about fighting the skeletons all at once but, she didn’t say anything about fighting them one at a time. "How about fighting them one at a time?" She asks but, with the flower gone from the vines she says out loud.

She felt like she was able to take them on with her newfound strength. As she feels her body becomes tougher and stronger than before. She hoped that Zat was fine and safe wherever he was and knowing him he could easily be eager to become another follower for the goddess. She thoughts to herself chuckling as she thinks of his reactions and also she was excited to beat him up for not following or attempting to accompany her.

So after letting the rabbit free, she gives out a quick smile. “Be nice rabbit and keep yourself safe.” She gently says to the rabbit with a bit of sadness in her words as she was allowing it to finally go away and join its brothers and sisters off in the wilds or hopefully stay with her. She waits wanting to know if it was willing to call her it's master or friend.

  • Gina was overjoyed to received her blessings.
  • Gina lets the rabbit out to see if it will follow her

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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follow the goblin-

The goddess was then drained of her power since it took a lot to give a being her blessing even a small goblin. The flower was then gone before the vines started to weaken allowing her the ability to simply break out of them. When she released the rabbit it didn't immediately attack or run away from the goblin. The rabbit saw the blessing she got and knowing that it was blessed by a goddess the rabbit couldn't attack her. Instead of trying to attack the goblin the rabbit got in closer and hopped onto her lap before it started to lick the goblins cheek. It then sat down next to her letting her know that if nothing else the rabbit trusted her not to attack it so it would stay by her side as long as she would let him. The goblin was probably the first in ages to actually tame a rabbit into not attacking and instead make it a friend.

Goblin gina gained: pet rabbit, the rabbit is now tamed and will help the goblin and comfort the goblin whenever needed. If trained can become a great attack rabbit or guardian.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

"There, there." She says as the rabbit licks her cheeks, responding with a few soft pats to calm it down. She was happy for this was her second friend and from the looks of it will be a loyal companion. She was happy to get a new found friend.

Seeing the encasement and the goddess’s voice seemly disappearing. Gina suspected that she was indeed weaker as her followers dwindled. So she presses both her hands together, as she gave her very first prayer to Shirila. ”Thank you, eternal mother. I dedicate this prayer to you, may you gain a fraction of the power you gave me and thank you for everything that you have given me, and I will do my best to get you back more worshipers and restore your lost powers. She prayed before standing.

She steels herself, as it was time for her to become stronger, to better protect herself and new friend and to fulfill her promise to the goddess. She prepared herself as she places and moves the barricades that will herd the skeletons into a compressed place that she will in turn use to herd the undead into a small enclose space that will hopefully constrict their ability to move. After which she will safety attack from the barricades. After setting up the barricades she slightly opens the door enough to allow one of them to enter.

The trap itself was rather basic with the wooden benches moved to form a straight line that would leave the dead to come out from the small opening that she would make once she has slightly opened the door. Once the undead has entered the bench would coral it even further into a confine space making it near impossible for it to turn its body to face its enemy or move because its hip bones and legs would instead hit the wooded benches. Though the top part of the skeleton was free fight, preventing it from facing the right direction was still a better plan.

Now with her durable looking stick she prepares for the first one to enter and enter her trap.

  • Gina played with her rabbit.
  • She prayed to the goddess hoping to give her back a bit of her powers.
  • She sets up a trap for the undead, so that she can easily and safety attack from the barricades.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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The dead vs the earth blessed-

The bunny gave a few soft squeaks happy at the patting it's new owner was providing. It stayed by her side ready to follow the goblin and if need be help the goblin if it could. When the goblin finished it's first prayer she seemed to feel a breeze go by her face almost like a hand cupping her cheek in approval for a brief moment. It would be the only sign of approval until the eternal mother got some of her strength back to respond properly.

As the goblin went to work setting up its trap a few of the dead skeletons no more then 4 of them really, started to bang on the door to get in. When the door finally opened the first one shuffled in but the others were kept out as a loud moan in annoyance came. The skeleton that was inside groaned and tried to move but it was only moving one way and that was forward. When the skele5on saw the goblin it gave a loud wail as it pointed it rusted and ancient sword at the goblin and proceeded to move toward her waving the sword in front of himself as if preparing to fight....
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

Seeing the first one enter, Gina quickly closes the door before dashing forth to the trap that she laid out for the skeleton warrior. After in position, she bangs her durable stick towards the wooden bench, taunting the skeleton to go towards her in order for him to be stuck in the well planned out trap. “HERE YOU I AM YOU GLORIFIED WALKING STICK.” She yells out as she distance herself from the bench making sure that the skeleton wouldn’t be able to reach her.

  • Gina let one of the skeletons to enter.
  • She lured it into walking and getting stuck towards the cramp spaces.
  • She distances herself, from the trap to not get hit

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Can a trap be effective against undead?-

The skeleton roared at the goblin in rage as it kept moving forward unable to see past the trap the goblin had set. It kept walking forward simply driven by its hatred and the single goal to kill all in its path. As it mov3d it moved slower as its hip bone started to get stuck in the benches. By the time it reached the end of the bench3s towards her it was unable to take another step and instead opt to wield its sword and flail it around to scare her away till it could get unstuck and kill her. Meanwhile the littl3 rabbit hissed loudly it's horn pointed low as it was poised to strike right next to its newest master...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

With her plan semi working, she sprints into action as she runs to it, and once she sees its blade on her path she slides down. She swings her stick upwards, aiming to destroy its joint that connects its arms towards to its body trying to disarm it or make it drop its old sword. Afterwards follows with a swift blow to the side of its skull.

  • She slide down to avoid its attack and then strikes towards its joint and then hits its head.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

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Goblin Gird
Training with Goblin Zats /// Night // Day 3

Only one way to find out” Gird joked with a smile. Honestly, even if it was dangerous he was up for new things and new experiences. He was okay with failing too he figures that you'll learn more when you fail. The first few strikes felt better as he blocked them with his arms. Eventually asking Zats to strike low at his legs then down at the top of his head. He could feel that rush again but it just wasn't the same as when he was with that rabbit.

After a little while his arms and legs had gone numb from abuse, and he could see the bruises forming. “Okay I think that's enough for me tonight.” sweat on his brow and short of breath he smiled at Zats again. “So for the morning we need a plan of action. So my suggestion is we go out to a meet up spot that me and my friend talked about today. If she's not there or there's no sign of her. Then you can take me back to the last place you saw your friend and ill see if I can't track her.” Gird began rubbing his arms and legs feeling the slight sting. He knew he wasn't to awfully skilled with tracking but was confident he could find someone's trail that wasn't trying to hide.

“Figured it would be faster trying to find my friend first since we talked about a meeting spot, and she didn't just randomly run off into the sunset.” A joke that he giggled at for a moment then looked around finally noticing the other goblin that was watching them. “He can come too if he wants, an extra pair of eyes wouldn't hurt as long as you do what I say. Mostly so you or we don't get killed.”


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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@Jangel13 @ReusableSword
Goblin Zats

Day three evening

Seeing Gird block his attacks made Zats worry less about accidentally injuring him, at least until the other Goblin asked him to aim for his head. Luckily his opponent decided to stop and rest before anything went wrong. To Zats' surprise resting apparently involved making plans about how to their respective partners, something he didn't mind at all.

Gird's plan sounded good but there were holes in it due to things he simply couldn't know. "Yeah that would make sense, but I doubt it'll be easy or even possible to track Gina since she ran off through the tree tops. And to complicate matters even more she wanted to keep the location of where she dashed off a secret between the two of us, if she finds out I showed it to anyone it might become very difficult to convince her to come back with us."

Shortly after he was done explaining the issues with what otherwise would be a decent plan Gird pointed out the Goblin studying the two of them and suggested he came along. Like he was with Gird Zats was initially a bit reluctant, but once again reminded himself Gina's safety was what really mattered and an extra set of arms and eyes couldn't hurt. "If he want to come along that's fine with me."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Goblin grandpa yawned softly as he felt himself get tired. Today was a long day, he was mentally exhausted and was still worried about his two young ones still outside still trying to survive. He only hoped that he would be able to see them again and not have to dig the first graves. He then leaned back against the wall next to the entrance sleeping till the next morning.


bite the dust..... again-

The skeleton wailed and growled and when it noticed the goblin get under it the skeleton tried to slash at the ground but the goblin was much faster. It tried to turn but it was trapped and when the goblin attacked its arm it dropped the sword before the hit against its skull made it give one last wail of pain before the light in its eyes seemed to disappear then the skeleton went limp and its bones crumbled to the floor. Gina may not realize it but when she got rid of the skeleton the area inside the church didn't seem so suffocating and the darkness didn't seem so pitch black. Each skeleton that was killed would help in restoring the church to a safe haven rather than a death trap.

Goblin Gina gained 40XP and learned Devestating double strike: devastating double strike allows the user to quickly make a direct strike and follow up with a second strike just as quickly. The strike when used properly can create an opening wound and the follow up can destroy the internal organs or bones
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Wildman13
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Wildman13 The wild

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Goblin Gina

Day three outside/ Night time

After the ordeal Gina's eyes buckled, exhaustion has finally caught up to her as she felt the lingering fear lessen, so did her conscious as everything finally turned dark as her eyes lids fell and she collapse to the cold stone flooring of the shrine. It was finally time to end this eventful day of hers and welcome the next with open arms.

  • Exhausted she collapse

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