Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Well, I'm a freaking cat monster after all, of course I like yarn! But I prefer pink and purple yarn though...... They are my natural colors after all! The names Chesire by the way...... But....... You can call me Natalia if you wish...... She told him, the corner of her lips curling into a smile as she sent him a picture, well, more like a memory, of what she looked like the last time she saw herself. [i]They don't call me the Cheshire Cat for nothing...... I'll spare you the details of how I became the monster I am today....... Too gruesome plus it'd probably piss of the Russian Government if I told anyone...... But if you break out, I'd love to see who I'm talking to, face-to-face....... But....... Nighty night Victor....... I'll talk to you when I'm not so tired.....[i] She said, another yawn going into his head before there was silence. He would then, unintentionally, get a quick glimpse into Cheshire's mind. But all it took was a quick glimpse to see her past; The terribly frightened red head she was before, and the strong smexy monster woman she had become through her torturous ways. But her laugh wasn't that of a psychopaths; It was that of a young woman's, one that had been through so much, and yet still had a fun side to her as well as a dangerous one. She was a piece of work alright, but a good one t that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Audio sat alone in her cell, she had calmed down from her earlier little stroke of insanity, and was now standing in the center of the room, arms folded on her chest, with an irritated look on her face. "Ugh, what does a girl have to do for some entertainment?" she sighed while twirling her hair idly with one hand. "Hey, Jerkfaces! Can I get like, a TV with subtitles at least?!" She shouted at the camera. Of course, she couldn't hear herself talking, but she was pretty sure she got her point across. Whoever was on the other end of the camera didn't reply, they never did. " A gamecube with Legend of Zelda maybe? " She continued, with the best puppy dog look she could muster. Mario? Come on, I could at least have some Pong right?" After her continued failed attempts, she gave the camera a glare. "Fine then you fuckers. Once I get out of here, you guys are going first." She ended the sentence by sticking her tongue out at the camera with a glare. With her little tirade over, she turned her back to the camera. She wouldn't even be in this shitty situation, if she hadn't been betrayed in the first place.

It was a cold, groggy night, and there was only one club that was open. Music could be heard even outside of the sleazy club. The one with the best DJ in the entire downtown city area. Said DJ, was currently seated in the VIP section, dressed in her usual attire with her DJ glasses and headphones, with her arms wrapped around two of the clubs sexiest women on either side of her, and two of the hottest guys next to them, ready to do anything she ordered. Men were such easy puppets. Show them a little skin, flirt with them, and they'd do anything you want. She pretty much owned this club, even if she wasn't the official owner. That was her 'business partner'. She was currently here just for a bit of relaxation and fun with the ladies and gents. A break from the usual killing, destroying, murdering, and other fun stuff. Which is why she was here, it was her, base of operations, if you will.

"So, ladies... She said to the women currently flanking her. "Why don't I go give both you you girls a private show? I got some new...toys the other day, and I would love to give them a test run." However, before either of the women could reply, a man in a business suit walked up to the VIP section. At first, the bouncer tried to push him away, but unfortunately for her, Alexis recognized him. It was Sal, her 'business partner'. She waved him in and motioned for him to take a seat. The new Bouncers must not have received information on who he was yet. "Yo audio, damn awesome party tonight, like always. Sal said, as he finished the last of his drink and sat it on the table.

"Whatever, Sal, this had better be good. I was in the middle of something." She said, glaring at him through her shades, causing him to gulp. He knew very well who he was dealing with. "R-right, sorry, but I need to talk to you in private." He nervously replied. This immediately sent little red flags up in her head, something must be wrong. First of all, she already didn't trust the guy, but having him around as the owner of this place meant she could get some relative peace here unless some major issue came up. She decided she would humor him, however.

"Sorry ladies, but looks like this is gonna have to wait a bit. She said with a sigh before giving both of them a small kiss. She stood from her seat, and gave Sal another glare, before motioning for him to move. The two of them made their way to the back offices, before Sal could lead her to where she wanted to go, however, she stopped him. She had good ears, and what she was hearing, she didn't like. "You trying to trick me, Sal? "Wha-No! There's just a problem with one of the- She cut him off before he could continue by kneeing him in the stomach. She wasn't particularly strong, but it would hurt either way since he was just a normal human. He doubled over, clutching his stomach as he tried to regain his breath. "Mhm...well, unfortunately for you, I don't believe you. She took a deep breath, and unleashed a blast of sound towards Sal. The sound wave hit Sal, and sent him through the wall into the room behind him.

Alexis walked over to where he landed, and placed a foot on his neck. Before she could get any further, however, a group of soldiers burst into the room, and had her surrounded within seconds. "Ah, see, you did try to cross me. Sal, that's not good for your health. The soldiers ordered her not to move, but since when had she ever done anything she had been told? By now, some dubstep was playing from her headphones, which were currently hanging around her neck and sending sound waves out into the room. "Oh this is going to be fun." She giggled with a sadistic grin. Before any of the soldiers could even react, with a single hand motion a razor sharp blade made of sound waves smashed into a group of the soldiers, sending them through the wall behind them. Another group began to open fire, but their bullets harmlessly bounced off a field of vibrating sound waves. "Is that the best you pathetic people have? Guns, against me, really? The other soldiers fell easily, after that. It was a laughable, attempt, or so she thought. Just as she was leaving to go back to the ladies she was going to make plans with, there was a prick in her side, an Sal was shakily standing, a gun in his hand, and a tranquilizer dart stuck right in her side. She soon slumped to the ground, unconscious, but not before giving Sal the most evil look she could muster. She later awoke in this chamber, and she had been locked in here ever since then.

She stood in the center of her room, quietly. Her anger and rage returning at remembering what had happened. A grin slowly spread its way across her face, Sal. Sally Sal. Little old Sal. Oh, just add his name to a list of people that would be brutally tortured to death once she got out. And hopefully, she would get an opportunity soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

With the illusion in place, MindWarp walked right past various guards, without batting an eye. It was really too easy. The prison staff were all too sure that the facility was inescapable. Never in their wildest dreams would they believe a jail break to be possible. They grew lax in their assuredness and MindWarp used this to her advantage. However, that wasn’t all that she used to her advantage. It was almost midnight, which meant that the security was low.

Arriving in an audience chamber, MindWarp looked through the window and to the huddled form of another of her targets. 25 year old Marion Mirrors. AKA Krystaal. MindWarp sneered at the sight of the chair; she knew what it was used for. And people thought that they (the villains) were the inhumane monsters. Using a prisoner as a power source? What kind of justice was that?

Turning to her companion, Virus, MindWarp gave a single nod. “Deactivate it and get the door open.” Came the simple request. For once the life mooching device was down for the count, the collar around the young lady’s neck would release. MindWarp left Virus to her work and headed to the cells doorway so that she could help Krystaal out because she had no doubt that the woman would be worse for wear.

A metallic thud alerted MindWarp to the deactivation of the life sapping device and the removal of the collar. Seconds later, the cell door opened with a drawn out hiss. Not bothering to move, MindWarp regarded Krystaal with a slight frown. It was most likely that the lady was awake or at least aware enough to hear her words. “Freedom and vengeance are yours, if you so choose to accept, Miss Krystaal.” She would wait for a satisfactory answer before stepping foot inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thud.... hisssssssssssss....

No movement was made from the supervillain, she watched with glowing blue eyes as the collar dropped from her neck, and slid back into the chair. She stared, digging her nails into her palm, at the torture device. Her knuckles turned white and her lips twitched, just slightly.
She didn't look over when the door opened, but she heard the voice of a male, a guard... telling her she was free, if she wished. Her head down with her hair mostly covering hre face, Krystaal limped slowly to the guard. She stopped right in front of him.

"Mind giving a girl a drink?"

She would grab him by both sides of his neck, not seeing that this was just an illusion of the woman beneath, and using the bigger mans momentum she swings him around and into one of the mirrors. She's right behind him when he would hit it. She grabs the back of his head and SMASHES his face into the mirror, sending splinters of glass everywhere. Her free hand shivers and claws into his back. She didn't have a taser, or some form of replacement for the power she had lost. A bit of lifeforce should do the trick in replacing the crystals energy. She could see blood run down her own hand from cutting it on the now broken glass shards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Before leaving the security room, Virus grabbed a gun and a mobile phone. She tapped on the phone rapidly before she told MindWarp before leaving "OK. Let's go. I'll let you know if any security guards are coming. I've got the current security footage on the phone," Then she left the room with MindWard, staying close to her as they went, while occasionally glancing at the phone now and then to see if there was anything strange they should avoid.

Soon they reached the audience chamber and MindWarp told her to deactivate the device and open the door. She answered "Understood," as she headed to the panel and did her work. After her fingers blurred furiously over the keypad, the device was shut off, and the door opened. She watched as MindWarp offered Krystaal freedom, only to be bashed against glass and mirrors, and have Krystaal's hand scratch down her back in return. Virus feared that Krystaal may have killed MindWarp! The woman who was going to get them out of there! The only one who had the full plan of a jailbreak.

She typed on the keypad again, panicking slightly, and ended up having the prison's chair give off electrical energy instead of sucking energy away from the prisoner. Hopefully, this would make Krystaal stop trying to kill MindWarp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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MindWarp watched the scene before her with a bored expression. Her illusions really were fantastic. Neither Krystaal nor even virus seemed to have noticed the switch. The guard who had stumbled past to examine why the door to the cell opened had been replaced with MindWarp who stood back, rendered invisible by an illusion, while the poor guard had been pulled in, thrown and now had his face plastered into the space that was once a glass wall.

When the chair device began to release the waves of electricity, MindWarp glanced over at Virus. “No, no, no. Reverse that flow of electricity Virus and turn the device off, we want the power to go out. Besides," She paused and looked back at Krystaal. "Naughty children do not get dessert.” She offered freedom and a chance of revenge and this was how she was going to be repaid? On the outside, MindWarp was indifferent, but on the inside, she was angry. Quite angry. Just then, the main power went out and only red blackout lights remained on. Another illusion was created, this one made to scare. The form of the guard began to change. His skin literally melted away so that only a skeleton remained. The skeletal guard turned his head a full turn and the hollow black depths of his eyes stared at Krystaal. ”Naughty, naughty, naughty.” It sang in a broken voice.

Suddenly, Krystaal was blown back, but instead of hitting a glass wall, she landed in a stone support beam. It was due to a psionic shockwave caused by MindWarp. A second one was prepped and ready in case it was needed. The second one would cause partial paralysis. “That was not nice.” MindWarp said from her place still at the doorway and removed all illusions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Audio sat on the floor of her cell, attempting to find something to occupy herself with. Seriously, they could at least give her a Gameboy or something...as long as she had these glorified earplugs on, she wasn't much of a threat to them. She was deaf, so she was pretty much useless, which only served to make her more angry at them. If they wanted her to behave, then they'd just leave her alone and let her have her fun. Of course they wouldn't do that because they wouldn't know a good time if it bit them in the ass. She groaned and leaned backwards, her back hitting the metal mesh with a low rattling noise that was quickly absorbed by the anechoic chamber.

She stared at the ceiling, stewing in her own anger and frustration. She had to get out of here. Fuck waiting. She had waited long enough for her escape. She needed to get out of here. "Out...I need to get out" she bolted to her feet, eyeing each of the walls of her cell. She had to get out of here. "Out out out out...Where's the door..." By now, she was obviously loosing it, or what little of it she had left. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence for her. Despite her ability to pass as a relatively sane individual if she wanted too, that act was easily broken most of the time from the simplest of things. Before she was degraded into a fit of incoherent ramblings and anger, suddenly, she found herself in pitch darkness. She was slightly confused for a second, before she jumped to the conclusion that she had been blinded. "Oh come on, now i'm blind?! She whined "What kinda shitty joke- Before she could finish that sentence, however, red blackout lights flashed on, filling the room with an eerie light. She took a look around the room. "...oh, hehe."

Obviously something was wrong here. The lights just went out. Was it just the lights, or the power? Not that it really mattered. She was stuck here regardless. She growled and fell to the mesh floor, causing it to rattle. "Wonder if some lucky bastard-. she didn't finish that sentence, because for the first time in months, she thought she heard something. She looked down at the mesh floor, and stood. Yes...yes, she was sure. She heard it. A faint rattling. But...just to be sure, she jumped, causing the metal mesh to rattle quite violently. A sadistic grin began to form across her face. If these earplugs were connected to the prisons main power without any sort of power of their own. "Oh this....this is going to be fun." First thing first though. She could hear again, meaning she could fight again, but she had to get these damned earplugs off before she could do it effectively.

She placed a hand on one of the earplugs, and gave it an experimental tug. She wasn't exactly sure how it was connected, but she didn't care. It didn't try to give her an unpleasant zap, so getting it off would be easy. She pulled on the one on her right, and it gave her no small amount of resistance and gave her a small twinge of pain that she easily ignored, and With a little more effort, it finally popped free. The left one followed suit seconds after. After she was finally free of her bonds, She couldn't help but to do a little victory dance. "I can finally hear agaaaaain!" she girlishly giggled as she twirled in place. Her exuberance didn't last long though, as she had business to take care of.

She stopped mid twirl and faced one of the walls, arms reaching out towards the far walls. She took a deep breath then exhaled. Despite this being an Anechoic chamber designed to damped noise within the room, sound was still created before it was lost. It couldn't just stop the creation of sound waves, still, might as well start her escape....with a bang. A loud bang.

In each of her hands, she grasped the soundwaves that the room was generating. They were weak, and what she was about to do would consume a good portion of her own energy to amplify them to the levels that were needed to blow a whole in these walls. clear, white, orbs that were impossible for normal humans to see began to collect in each of her hands, slowly growing larger as she amplified their power to destructive levels. She brought them together, merging them into one causing their power to amplify even further. Soon, it was ready. A loud whip-crack like noise reverberated throughout the room as the destructive energy was released.

The sound waves rushed at the walls, completely obliterating the anechoic fiberglass wedges, and severely damaging everything else in the room. The walls to the cell didn't fare much better. The door was the first to go, being shot out like a cannon, crushing two or three guards beneath it. The walls, resisted, but soon gave way in some areas, debris shooting out at high velocities towards the walls of whatever room was on the other side of hers. Even the roof to her cell was blasted open from the blast, sending a cloud of dust into the air. The sonic blast continued throughout the prison wherever it could find an opening, destroying anything it touched. She quietly took a look at her handiwork from where she stood.

"Oh that felt good. She gave a happy sigh, but it only lasted seconds. It was quickly replaced by a sadistic grin as she quickly walked through one of the holes her blast had created, into one of the adjacent cells. "Guess what bitches! Audiophile is back! And I, am going to kill every. Single. One of you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Cat monster eh...How did I not guess. Good to meet ya Natasha, name's Victor feel free to call me Vic if that's what you're in to.' As Victor's mind was bombarded with an image of Natasha's body he smiled slightly he goes without speaking to anyone for his entire sentence and the first person he speaks to happens to be quite the looker. 'Breaking out eh, that's easier said than done...sweet dreams.' Victor quipped.

Victor was interrupted by a colossal wave of energy ripping through the cells of the wall. Several pieces of debris and shrapnel collided with Victor but suddenly fell limply to the ground as Velocity absorbed their kinetic energy chuckling heartily as he felt his old strength begin to return to him. Picking up a large slab of concrete from the roof of the cell he began to punch it growing stronger with every blow his laugh turning into a cackle. Once he had finished his revelry he turned his masked face to the person responsible for his newfound freedom. His eyes widened at the sight of the vibrant woman who went by 'Audiophile'. "Killing me might be a bit harder than you'd think, I don't go down easy. Anyway I think our interests align, bringing this place down to it's foundations!" Victor Slate then pushed his way past the woman heading out of her cell's door and into the corridor, he noted another cell opposite but decided to ignore it in favor of ripping several guards limb from limb.

Bullets collided with the brutal man and fell limply to the ground as he let out a primal roar, he had been powerless for so long and at last he was free. Now first course of action, free the cat and kill the guards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kittenlover
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Natalia awoke when her ears caught a high pitched screech which ripped her cell open but the needles were stuck deep into her skin so they wouldn't be able to get them out easily. She slowly opened her eyes, her mind racing as the room was fading in and out of a complete and utter darkness. "W-What's going on? Is this a dream?" She managed to mumble, but it came out more like a whisper. She tried to sit up, but her body was just too tired to do anything at all, and even her eyes were having a hard time of staying open. She tried to pull out one of the needles but it only pierced into her bone, making her scream out in pain. Her breath had become very rapid and her heart was racing at the speed of light, looking around for possible instructions on how to take the stupid needles out. She found a booklet on a table, reaching for it but her body couldn't move too far. "God..... Dammit!" She muttered quietly, relaxing on the metal table again as she felt her body slowly making its way back into sleepy time mode. Victor...... Please....... Help...... She murmured into Victors head before her body went limp, her eyelids closing as she fell back to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Usurper King

Usurper King

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jacob was tense. It was nearly time; he could sense it inside him. He was so close now to being a free man again. Then he could make his way back to the top. Power and glory would be his, he knew it. He would force the universe to give it to him, if he had to. And then he would have his revenge.

He would hunt Samuel down and fight him. Then they would see who was the strongest, the most deserving of their respective fates. He would punish him for his betrayal, and for the lives he had ended- the blood he had spilled. Their last fight had been dishonourable, and dishonour could not be tolerated. Jacob would fight Samuel even if it ended in his death. He owed it to his soldiers.

Jacob clenched his fist, and punched the wall a second time. There was a satisfying crunch, and cracks appeared in the wall. He pounded again, and again, and again, getting faster and stronger each time. He raised his fist in preparation of a blow that would shake the walls of his cell when the lights went out. He smiled- this would be the start of his escape, he knew. Then he felt it. A burst of adrenaline surged through his body- something fundamental had changed in the air. His eyes widened in alarm. He had only felt this a few times in his life.

He leaped away from his door and had just enough time to curl up into a ball before all hell broke loose. A huge shockwave of energy blew apart the walls to his cell and sent his door careening into the spot he had occupied mere moments before. He was blasted into the back wall of his cell, barely able to withstand the forces at work. Rubble pounded into him, covering him in dust and ash. Thane stared at the ceiling, stunned. He snapped back to reality and slowly stood up, brushing himself off as he did so. Through the swirling dust he made out a hulking figure, who moved towards the now extremely surprised (and exceptionally unlucky) guards. Thane turned back to his cell, and grinned.

Holding a long metal strip of shrapnel, Jacob rushed into the corridor. He dove into a guard, smashing him against the wall. He punched him in the face, killing him instantly. Rising, he span and shouldered into an advancing guard. He slashed at his stomach and then left him to die by the wall. He ran up to a third guard, and kicked him in the chest- hard. As the guard keeled over in agony, Thane swiped with his metal ribbon. The guards head went sailing over him, and arc of blood following. Thane followed it with his eyes, and then turned towards the last guard. She backed away in terror, pushing herself up against the wall.

‘What did we ever do to you? We were just doing our jobs! No, please, I don’t want to die, not yet. Please…I’m so…I haven’t…even…’ she trailed off. She stared at Jacob’s bloody strip of metal. ‘What did I do wrong,’ she whispered to herself. Jacob crouched down and stabbed the make-shift sword deep into her heart with exact precision. As blood seeped across the floor towards him, Thane leant to the dying guards ear.

‘You didn’t fight well enough.’

Thane stood up and turned to the corridor. He joined the hulking figure from before, who had taken care of the rest of the guards.

‘Well. It seems as if we have an opportunity. Shall we escape, together?’ Thane turned towards the open door. Freedom beckoned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Eh...who are you?" Audio said, giving him a Victor a quizzical look as he spoke to her. "Wasn't this- She looked around at the room was in, and realized that she had, in her haste walked right into another cell, not out the doors to her cell. "Goddammit." She face palmed. "Apparently I have no sense of which way freedom is." She gave a frustrated sigh as the large man who had spoken walked passed her. "Well, I know an easy way to change that! She continued, with an all too happy smile growing on her face. Now time to blow this place sky high, and get covered in a nice cool layer of blood in the process. Just one problem, that guy that was in this cell was stealing all of her fun. Can't have that, now can we?

"Yo, hot guy with the big muscles, wait up!" She called out as she followed him back through her cell and out into the hallway. "Can't let you have all the fun, now can I? Things were already starting to get chaotic, someone else was fighting a group of guards, and the guy she had met a few seconds ago was also beating the living crap out of a group of them. The guards, if they didn't know something was wrong when the power went out, definitely knew something was wrong now.

"Tch, I've gotten slow." she said as a few guards fired off shots at her. She raised a hand nonchalantly, an almost invisible field of energy sprang to life right before the bullets collided with it, sending them bouncing off harmlessly into the walls. "Pathetic. She growled, with her other hand, she amplified the sound of a gunshot and sent a wide blast of energy down the corridor towards the guards. They instantly flew backwards, some being killed instantly, the others having quite a few of their bones broken. While she took care of them, another prisoner had walked up, offering to escape with the other guy.

"Hold up. She said as she walked up to the both of them, halting them before they could get anywhere else. "I broke both ya'll guys out of here. You guys aren't going anywhere without me." It definitely was more of a command than a suggestion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Ethan was in the middle of whistling yet another tune when he suddenly felt it hit him like a tidal wave: power. The sensation was so sudden that it made his legs go weak, which almost caused him to fall face-first once more. However, he manages to catch himself, chuckling lowly as he starts straining against his straitjacket. The room begins to tremble with what was going on outside, but as well as what was going on inside; a great, screeching sound can be heard as the earth underneath the floor of his cell begins to shift and press against the steel slab beneath his feet.

With a loud rending of metal, a large, stone spike erupts from the ground, close enough to Ethan to tear a large hole down the middle of his straitjacket, freeing him. As the restraint falls from his body, he chuckles as he breaks a piece of the spike off. "That's better," he says, dropping the spike. Using his power over earth, he accelerates the chunk enough to break the chain between his ankles. Turning to the door, he clenches his fist and says, "This'll be a piece of cake, now."

The guards outside his door were beginning to panic. All around them, they heard the sounds of the breakout. But, more worryingly, they could hear the laughter coming from behind the solid steel door keeping Ethan imprisoned. "E-even he couldn't get out of there, right?" the younger guard asks. A moment later, his question is answered.

The heavy steel door suddenly flies off of it's hinges and slams into the wall on the opposite side of the corridor, burying itself halfway into the concrete surface and sticking there. For a few moments, nothing happens as the guards stare into the darkness of Ethan's cell. When nothing continues to happen, the older guard turns to the younger and says, "You stay here and I'll--" The rest of his sentence would forever be lost as a large chunk of stone flies out of the darkness of Ethan's cell and takes the guard's lower jaw with it.

As the guard falls to his knees, his hands scrabbling at the space his jaw used to be, his breaths coming in panicked gurgles, another stone takes off the rest of his head, staining the corridor with his blood and gray matter. The younger guard screams, tears falling down his face, as he falls onto his rear, then turns to vomit on the hall floor, his gun completely forgotten as the man they were guarding steps out of the cell.

Ethan looks at the pathetic mess in front of him and casually flicks his wrist at him. A large spike of stone erupts from the ground beneath him and crashes into the ceiling, large enough to split the young guard in two. Grinning, he watches the young man's lifeblood leak out of his upper and lower halves. Taking in a deep breath, he says, "Ah, it's good to be back." He then swipes his hand through the air in front of him and a sudden rumbling fills the air.

The rumbling begins to increase in volume as the building slowly begins to shake. Everywhere within fifteen yards of Ethan, glass begins breaking, walls crack, parts of the floor rise up while other parts begin to separate. All this happens as he begins to walk down the corridor, once again whistling the song about the drunk sailor as stone flies toward his hand, forming a large, earthen sword, which he uses to cut down any guards that dare approach him, the destruction following him as he moves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 2 mos ago

There was a stir somewhere down the corridor. Sarah Covenry cocked her head momentarily, trying to catch what was happening. It was probably one of the other cell occupants going crazy again. Still, it wasn't like the series reruns she was watching were any more interesting. Turning off the television and placing aside the book she'd been skimming she rose to her bare feet and walked over towards the ballistic glass wall that kept her in. Listening intently she heard the sounds of scuffling. Perhaps two of the guards were having a fight, an argument of sorts? Maybe there was a prisoner transfer. Some of the prisoners liked to show they weren't intimidated. Silly foolishness that, taking a sock to the jaw for mere pride.

"Hello?" Sarah called out experimentally, "Is there somebody there?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Krystaal, blown back, hit her head hard against the glass. The one she had been ready to suck the energy from dissappeared and blood dripped where she hit her head. She looked at the woman in the doorway, smirked, and stood up. She sauntered over to the woman, unafraid to get up into her face with and speak in a hissing tone.
"So you're the one that freed me?" She smirked, crossing her arms. "Funny how hey under estimate the smaller looking women like us. Hmph. Regardless, I hope you certainly don't fucking expect a thank you regarding the fact you use illusions to keep your distance like a bloody louse. Had you come in here yourself I wouldn't have fuckin' attacked you git. Now you got me bleeding," Krystall let out a hiss, pushing past the small woman roughly, her eyes flashing in anger.
"And since you freed me I can't necessarily take it out on you... no matter how much of a bitch move that was." Wringing her hands, Krystaals eyes began to glow an eerie blue light and she turned to MindWarp. "What do you want?"

(I dun feel like doing the VA atm with my roomates home XP Maybe later)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"What was...?"

A pair of guards sitting at the rather elaborate door to the cell of "Red Abyss" where startled by a power flicker. One of the two became a tad bit alarmed going through the information on his computer screen.

"Something is going on topside, Looks like we are on emergency power."

The other waves it off, "Probably some stupid drill."

===within the chamber===

sets the mood

The darkness of the room is only slightly lessened by the glow of the blue electronic devices that seem to line the walls. But for an instant the room was black. From the black a red hue was born underneath the lone sarcophagus in the center of the room. The lone fixture began to violently shake, something within in it crashing about! The metal that comprised it began to whine as its lid was beginning to give from the sheer force of whatever it was trying to contain!


The lids hinges gave way! The lid found itself soaring only to just as abruptly find itself lodged into the ceiling of the chamber. A strangely dressed man had sat up from the soup within, his body seemed to shake from either cold or the simple stiffness of being held that long. As the man began to look about the room, he found himself violently vomiting and coughing.


"The movement sensors are going insane!"

The twin officers looked at each other in confusion and disbelief. In the year they have been here nothing has ever changed, this was the easiest gig in the damn building! But now are they not supposed to detonate the elevator and fill the room with water?

"Its got to be a drill! Lets check it out first!"

With that, the pair begin opening the 10 ton steel door....As light spills into the room, the see the reflection of the liquid and the all to out of place shine of the lid....Sticking out of a metallic ceiling. Their flashlights search the room madly till they see the trail of liquid going behind the fixture in the center of the room. A few cowardly gestures...and a game of rock paper scissors...and one move to check it out.

"Its'a guy!"

He says with an almost happy tone, clearly they had been led to believe a monster was kept in the chamber. As if the threat was already over he let his rifle hang from its sling as he went to the strange mans side. "Hey buddy, how did you get in here?" The other officer began looking around for clues, shinning the light about. "I think we should be on the elevator already man....this don't feel right."
The officer ignores the plea of his partner and continues to question the victim."Did you get locked in here with maintenance or something?" He begins to help the man clear the disgusting goo from his face and hair.
"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" exclaims the other officer?! His flashlight made it to the backside of the lid, where the distinct impression of a fist had warped the metal. His partner had no time to react as the hand of the Abyss grabbed his neck. (Sh*t!) was the only warning before he let loose with his automatic rifle, but it was far far to late.

The man from the sarcophagus, had once more became the Abyss. His armor seemed to manifest from the darkness of the room, his eyes vanished into a red hue the filled the gap in the helm. The sound of the bullets ricocheting off the metal was the only bit of acknowledgment that the gun had even been fired at the Abyss. The Guard who was free of the grasp dropped his gun and began to run, knowing full well why those extreme precautions where in place now! He had to get there bef....His thoughts grew silent. He tries desperately to process thought but he cant seem to make things connect. His vision seems to pull away from itself, like he had but like so many thoughts in that moment, he failed to complete it as it all fell dark.

"Where am I? Where is the one called balance! WHERE!"

Abyss had regained himself, but his location and this area where new. Last he remembered he was in battle with another armored one...But now. Lifting the remaining guard higher he questioned him once more.

"I will spare you suffering if you answer the question. WHERE!"

The guard gasped in pain as the sensation of his neck being squeezed in the metallic hand made it hard to maintain any sort of silence. "Yo-your in prision! 8 stories underground!" A loud crunch led to a look of terror, Abyss crushed the mans tracheae before dropping him....between the sides of his split comrade, a rather morose work of art.

Abyss chuckled, the guards had been so nice as to open the door for him. Peering out into the rather quaint room, he found it difficult for him to move about, "Irritating..." He grabbed the desk and smashed it into its counterpart, freeing up the room for him to leave....A lord of rage, a master of destruction....Just pressed the button for the elevator. Something about this makes him chuckle.
The doors slid open to allow him on, only for him to be stopped abruptly by the shoulder-plates....He was to wide. The knight grunts before smashing his way onto the elevator. Luckily he can stand within it fine, pressing the G button the doors fall off in their attempt to close.

The outer doors open to a room of panicking guardsman. Not for his arrival, but for the Chaos that had begun elsewhere....But the scarily used elevators doors opening did attract some attention as the room quickly became aware of his presence.

A single word, but it echoed about in the room as if Abyss where the Devil himself. As the guards spread about taking more defensive position, and other continued on to deal with other inmates, it was becoming all to clear. Housing this many monsters is just asking for trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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FoxFireOfDawn Back in business!

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Koishi realized that something was off from the vibrations she was feeling. The walls had shook and the chain holding up her little friend had rattled vigorously. The guards had seemed on edge for a while now, too. They had soon left to see what was going on, leaving her cell unguarded. She sat up and went over to the wall, putting her head against it to hear the sound of the mechanics hidden behind crackling and fizzing. "Did someone, or a few others escape...?" She mumbled to herself. Koishi soon realized that her friend was screeching loudly, probably from the shocis earlier. "Sshhh, it's okay, everything's fine...." she had said, trying to calm her purple eye down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Virus did as MindWarp ordered and stopped the flow of electricity after nodding to her in understanding. She shut off the chair and watched Krystaal warily as she spoke to MindWarp. Virus kept silent because she knew that if she spoke up, then she could end up ruining MindWarp's chance to convince Krystaal on their side. She braced herself for anything that may happen. She also kept an eye on her surroundings as well as on Krystaal and MindWarp, just in case any guard or other inmate may come up to the both of them and try to kill them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Absolute Grace
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Absolute Grace

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If the rumbling, explosions and screams of the guards were anything to go by, MindWarp guessed that due to the power going out, a few of the inmates had gotten out. But of course, that was all part of the plan and it seemed to be going perfectly. It was then that the backup generator kicked in after a 5 minute delay, though half the compound was sure to have suffered too much damage to sustain the generator electricity. However, in the half of the compound where the electricity still worked, Virus would be able to continue to work her magic.

As Krystaal sauntered towards her and got up in her personal space, MindWarp returned the smirk with one of her own. “Oh, I’m not looking for a thank you, I am merely looking for your, shall we say… cooperation. Yes that’s it. Your cooperation. I am in the process of collecting members for a team. And you, have been lucky enough to receive a position if you so choose to accept.”

Walking away from the now opened cell. MindWarp ushered Virus to follow closely behind, and allowed Krystaal to walk beside her. She held up no illusions, for she was still grumpy and wanted to vent on any guards who tried to subdue her and Virus. A group of three came forward, but were stopped in their tracks by a burning sensation. Using a second stage of her illusions, MindWarp created the image of fire that only she and the three guards could see, however that wasn’t all, due to her ability to pretty much control the brain, the pain receptors of the guards believed that the flames were real and were burning. As they fell to their knees and screamed, MindWarp ignored them and turned back to Krystaal. “Will you accept?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

As Ethan moved through the halls, having just cut down some guards who were foolish enough to try to stop him, he suddenly stops, hearing the sound of something screeching, making him stop his earthquake. Turning the corner, he comes across a near-empty cell, where a girl who appeared to be around the same age as himself, stood with her ear against the wall. The screeching was coming from what appeared to be a small box suspended from the ceiling. However, his attention was fixed on the girl, having found her pretty cute. Grinning, he lifts his sword and effortlessly cuts through the door to her cell, slicing right through the hinges, which causes the door to fall to the ground with a loud thud. Stepping into the cell, the screeching barely having any affect on him, he smirks says, "Yo, girlie. What're you listening to?"
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