Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

A Magical Girl Adventure

Long ago upon the Age of Tales, magic still reigned over the world. In its very real and very physical grasp, miracles were performed and spiraling feats that spun forth stories were commonplace from all the land over. It was within these very stories in which true magic was held and stored, passed down along the centuries and holding within them a special power of their own. This was the advent of Magical Girls, those gifted with the power to unlock the magic in the stories hidden in plain sight all around them.

Fairly maidens chosen by forces beyond to bring about hope and justice among the world, Magical Girls have been among the shadows long throughout history, waging an endless war against those who seek chaos. Their enemies have remained even now as the Pageless, creatures from a different beyond who seek to consume all the stories of the world. Cloaked in darkness and negativity, it is only by the power of stories and the Magical Girls who wield them to keep back darkness at its bay.

As history progressed, so too have the methods of the Magical Girls. Friendship and loyalty have remained staple keys of their power, fueling the Grimoires that hold their story magic together. It wasn’t long before all the world over united in their war against the Pageless; and thus, the Grand Ministry was born. Located at the heart of modern innovation and historical narrative, the Grand Ministry continues to watch over the world in plain view within the heart of England. It has been this way for some time and shall continue to be this way for all of time to pass….

And yet, there is whisper of a great catastrophe coming to the world. The end of all stories beckons its reach as the Pageless grow stronger, wilder, and more erratic. Something is coming, something beyond the Grand Ministry’s sight. Perhaps then, the world’s stories truly aren’t enough to vanquish its erasure after all. Only time can tell.

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Evil calls me here.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Quasi
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

once upon a time there was a cat that ruled over all

and she lived happily ever after ^-^
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm in, as always.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Villamvihar
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Villamvihar Shocking Developments

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Magical Girls? An implied focus on the importance of narrative and story? Hell yes. I am definitely interested.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Me too!

Fun trivia: My first ever RP in this website was a magical girl rp.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Welcome, welcome. The intro’s a bit short so if there’s any questions you all
have, feel free to ask.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Welcome, welcome. The intro’s a bit short so if there’s any questions you all
have, feel free to ask.


I don't have any at this particular moment so my current plan is just to wait for more details in the OOC. Right now, unless said further details change my mind, I have 2 character concepts in mind, one is an Amaterasu-esque char (Praise the Sun!) and the other is basically a Nanoha (Friendship via Lazor Beams).

If my mind does come up with a question or two, I'll make sure to ask them here.

Well... there's always the standard "How many players are you looking for this?" kind of thing, but eh...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well... there's always the standard "How many players are you looking for this?" kind of thing, but eh...

No problem. I don't have a hard cap number I'm looking for, just a good amount of initial interest, then going from there.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Sonnambula
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Sonnambula Stealer of Girls

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You son of a bitch, I’m in.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Expect an OOC in the coming days, if not sooner everyone.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

We can take in a few more people so bump bump.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dao Ma
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Dao Ma sorrow made you.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oooh this sounds interesting. Are you still looking for people?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oooh this sounds interesting. Are you still looking for people?

Yep, we can take in a few more people. Here's the thread link.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Siber
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Siber A Creature of the Cybernetic Universe

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Screw it, I have taken interest, should you still be looking? This reminds me so much of the show Glitter Force, I love it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago


We can take in 1-2 more people so you’re welcome to join. Follow the thread link above.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Licht
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Real interesting, gonna stick around and lurk -- maybe apply or make a character soon if you're still accepting.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago


We can take in one more person, maybe two, so feel free to lurk around.
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