Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes listened to what was being said, a bit annoyed that they got their names wrong like that... but it was a long time before they actually seen those guys. And then the question about that goomy and where he went... Well... if he was a outlaw again, then someone will need to go and stop him. He just hoped that would not the case. Seriously, he did join a team and fought against his old ally. Maybe he changed... but if he gone back to being a criminal, then she knew full well that he would be hunted down and brought to justice for his crimes. Though with that.. maybe the old group itself would need help to hunt him down... but that she was unsure of. This was acutally a really tricky subject that Spruce might be asking about. Whatever happened, maybe it wasen't worth asking but...
"I was wondering also... unless hes on a secret mission of some sort of a recon mission thing..." she then says, unsure.
Eralion fallowed behing Bonnie closely, seeing her scared of what she might be going to. Her father... a man that beat his child... and maybe even more... it had a large mystery to it, but he knew that it would be best to stick with Bonnie here. He stayed near her.
"I know it might be hard... but we are with you in this. If we ever fight your father, we will do whatever we can to make him pay for what he did." he says confidently, before breathing deeply.
"If hes too strong.... let me take the hit first... I got my ways to make people regret hitting me." he says smiling a bit, giving a slight wink. He then think a bit.
"And warp seeds... those might be useful. We could get some and actually use it on your father to save the missing pokemon and then get out of here." he then says, confident right now. He had to be. If he showed fear, then it would make Bonnie have a harder time. No... even if her father would be strong, he had to keep a clear head in this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


With M back now, they could go looking for Spruce and Celes "excellent! Now we can reunite with our comrades! I can only hope that Spruce and Celes are not in the middle of an intimate moment now though" Kamina said the last part while waggling his eyebrows. "Come M, we march to our next big adventure!"

Kamina found that getting around the guild was really easy now. It might have had something to do with his large size making others more likely to get out of his way, but he didn't bother putting much thought into it. What this meant was that he was able to find Spruce and Celes easily "there you two are. I hope M and I are't interrupting anything"


While he did just tell Bonnie that the person who hurt her was going to pay, he didn't expect it to happen on the same day. Not that this was a problem, it was just a surprise. "...He will taste minty justice..." the normally always cheerful little guy hissed. Bonnie's father had committed one of the greatest sins one could possible commit in Tini's mind; he abused the bonds of family to hurt Bonnie and made her afraid of cuddles. THIS WAS UNACCEPTABLE!!!! Tini had never been so angry in his life, having lived such a sheltered life, he was unfamiliar to the cruelties that other people were capable of.

"...Can't make him hurt enough..." he hissed out. It didn't matter who this bad father was; Tini was going to do everything in his power to make him suffer for what he did. Nothing could justify or excuse it. These thoughts were the only things running through his mind as he traversed Bonnie's old home alongside his team
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xeno had been unsure how to interact with Levita after being introduced, mimicking her when she lifted the ribbons trailing off her main body but quickly giving up out of fear he looked silly. Feeling very out of place, Xeno chose to move closer to Anthony and stood idly by like a shy child. Xeno was no stranger to conflict, but it was more like him to watch said arguments than participate and so he opted stay quiet as things began to actually get physical with the little electric pokemon from before acting fairly aggressive.

There was something more to the lashing out than anger though, so out of curiosity and in an attempt to be involved Xeno chose to stay near Anthony as things unfolded. He watched as several pokemon, including Anthony and Levita, began to demand attention from one another as they spoke about something called 'The Orbs'. The squabbling had brought the attention of a few bystanders, and by the time things had escalated enough for Levita to float in and try breaking things up there was a sizable number of pokemon standing about to watch.

"Are surface arguments always this complicated?" was the only thing that Xeno could manage to think of response wise, the question not really directed towards anyone even if the sableye's attention was on Levita. "I mean, you all seem to know nothing and everything about what's going on. I think the Levina is right- let the other thing speak," Xeno then continued, motioning towards the Nidoran. Looking for some sort of gratification, Xeno turned to look at Anthony as if seeking approval, cracking a toothy grin in hopes he'd said something right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


It seems like everyone just decided to step in to stop this whole situation, including the newly-introduced Chip, who used sand attack on Static, who tried to retaliate by using thundershock, though, I doubt Chip even felt the attack hit him, considering his type. Static grumbles, and Chip tries to explain that I shouldn't be friends with him, and I answer with "Well... he's not so much a friend as he's important to that quest we're on. Either way, this is the first time I've ever seen him act out like this," Static listens to the others make their points, and he says "Yeah, I guess you're right, it's a fake, but, I'm certainly not opposed to a little bit of interrogation," he then turns his head towards Nina, who escaped when she got the chance. "What!? How'd she get away so quickly?" Static asks me. I give my best impression of a shrug, and he starts searching the entire floor for her, eventually giving up, and saying to Rebecca "You know, those puns are a dangerous poison. Be careful with yours, they almost killed me," Static seemed serious, but I knew he wasn't, and he returned to my bag after that, apparently defeated. "Thanks, you guys, seriously. I'm sorry I didn't help you out, or step in, but honestly I wasn't sure what to do, or who to help," I then say to the group, who again seemed to be a team. I start to leave, but instead ask "Hey, I don't think I ever got your team's name, who are you guys?" I then just await their answer as I hear someone sneak around behind me, and I could feel Static trying to jump out of my bag, however, this time, I made sure that he couldn't get out. I then turn towards Xeno, who seemed to look back for a moment, smiling, after giving his thoughts on the matter. I nod, hoping he'd understand that yes, he said the right thing, and say "No, arguments aren't always this complicated, but they're probably more complicated than you're used to,"


Just before what I assumed would be the final onslaught by the mystery pichu, everyone else stepped in, and stopped him. Rebecca came up with some light puns, and I couldn't stop myself from chuckling a little bit... of course, she also explained that the pichu is going about this all wrong, and that a real guardian wouldn't bring such a powerful item to a guild, while Levita suggested that they interrogate me, and that the pichu should slow down. I shake my head at that, a little scared of any kind of actual interrogation, especially if Static, right, that was his name, was the one doing the interrogating. Chip yells at both of us, and uses sand attack to temporarily blind Static, which I saw as an opening, a way to escape. Anthony started talking for a moment, distracting Static even further, and allowing me to head straight upstairs to the guildmaster's office. Once inside, I was greeted with "Oh? Are you a new friend?" I give the guildmaster, an audino, a confused look, but his assistant, an archen, then asks "Would you like to join our guild as an apprentice?" I then finally say "Oh, yeah, I would. In fact, that's why I'm here," the archen then remarks "That's the only reason why someone like you WOULD be here... er, never mind that, would you like to start a new team, or join an existing one?" I think for a moment, and remember the group who helped me get here without too much harm. "I'd like to join an existing one, which team is it that has a nincada named Chip, a drifloon named Levita, a ralts named Rebecca, and a goomy named Anthony?" They both look at each other, and then started digging through the records, eventually pulling out four pieces of paper. The guildmaster's assistant then responds with "They're not all on the same team, most of them, however, are on team Crescendo, with Anthony being on team Scarab," I then give it a bit of thought, and ask "Which team is the pichu named Static on?" They take another look, and the assistant adds "He's nowhere to be found in our guild records, sorry," I then make my decision, and say "I'll join team Crescendo, then," I overhear Anthony continuing his speech, still distracting Static, and I make my way downstairs, never really passing them, considering they're on the first floor, with the mission boards, and the entrance, whereas the rooms are on the second floor. Once in my room, that is, the room that Archie, the guildmaster's assistant led me to, I notice an extra bag lying around with some stuff in it and my name on it. I pick it up, and try my hardest to put it on, only succeeding a few minutes later.


After stuffing my face with a couple chesto berries and an apple, as well as listening to what Josh had to say about Anthony, I responded with "Huh, that's odd... so, you kept the ex-outlaw, and your leader left you?" I then end up asking "So, what are you guys doing? I mean, a few teams here are doing some things that aren't board missions, heck, my team and I are -" I then get cut off by Kamina saying "There you two are. I hope M and I are't interrupting anything," I stop for a moment, and say "N..no, you're not. I was just talking with Josh, he's kind of our next-door neighbor. He, and the rest of... wait, what was your team name? Er, anyways, he, and his team live in the room right next to ours. They were also helping us at the whole Beach Cave incident with Anthony and that outlaw mudkip," I then turn towards Celes, who was asking the same thing I was for some reason, and from the corner of my eye, I could see Archie leading someone to a room. A new guild member, perhaps? I basically ignored that, though, and just waited for everyone to say something. I was already finished with breakfast, but the others still seemed to be eating, and I was patient, at least today I was. M seemed oddly quiet, today, though, I guess the most I'd usually get out of him was a grumble or a mumble about something or another. He always seemed to be in a bad mood, especially ever since we headed off to Deep Ocean for some reason. I wonder what's on M's mind right now... meh, I guess I'd know if I was psychic, but I'm not, oh well. I think as I start looking around, noticing that my group seems to be the only ones in the mess hall right now, well, save for that one bidoof, who seemed to be eating half of the guild's available food.


The feeling of dread only seemed to intensify as we searched, as every minute seemed to be bringing me closer to the mansion, my father's mansion. I expected everyone to just wait there while I searched for the imaginary seeds, however, they all tried to help for some reason. I DID find A stash of seeds, but I don't think they were mine. In fact, they were in a bag with a picture of a snivy on the front. I took a look inside, and dug around, finding nothing but a stockpile of quick seeds. Everyone was going to ask about MY stash, and will probably be suspicious if I can't produce one, so I took off the picture of the snivy, and said "Uh... I found it... but it wasn't warp seeds, it was quick seeds," I almost instantly regretted saying that, as now we had no more excuses to not head into the mansion. I decide against eating any quick seeds at the moment, and continue to lag behind my team as we tried to head into the mansion again. However, the moment we got there, I could already see my father, he was across the room, and most likely heard the big, creaky door open. "I...it's him!" I shout before trying to run, eating one quick seed, and dropping the bag near my teammates as I race off, with my father chasing me. I had an idea of where that bidoof was, however, I was heading in the wrong way, I headed upstairs, a place where I've never been in all my time living here, whereas the bidoof was probably in the basement, where he used to keep me, his previous victim. Thankfully that quick seed allowed me to outrun my father, but not by much. I ended up hiding in some random closet, reminiscent of that OTHER mission involving an overly fancy mansion and a horrendous monster living in it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes listened carefully, and breath deeply. Well... guess things did change for them. Then M and Kamina arrived, with M being rather silent compare to everyone else. Well that was strange. Usually he was the one to comment or say something or another, but not this time. She then stretched a bit, before looking at the door.
"Well... it is nice to see you guys are alright... though Spruce... maybe we should start our search for you know what.... or maybe a mission on the mission board?" she says, looking back, only seeing just then what seemed to be a small white spot moving away quickly. She stares for a second, her senses kicking in again.
"If you excuse me..." she says before running out of the room, fallowing her senses, going towards where she was sensing it, only to feel something else not too far from there. Another ghost? What the heck was this.
Eralion was walking forwards, listening to Bonnie before she warned the group that her father was there, before she took a quick seed and runned off, probably to find the bidoof quickly. A persian.... a big persian at that. Eralion swallowed his saliva before suddenly taking a quick seed and then rushing to the persian, using karate chop on him. What happen next was not what Eralion expected. The hit striked as if he hit a weak point, but it was so weak that Bonnie's father just scratched off the hit.
"Oh dear Arceus... RUN!" Eralion says, running off to the stairs. That guy was strong... to have resisted a hit like that. This was bad. They had to get that bidoof out of there quick before something bad would happen to him, and then get out quickly. They had to be really quick. If only they had warp seeds instead. Throwing one to the persian would have forced him away and made the mission easier... but that was not the case. Maybe he could find a way to slow down her father... furniture... that what he needed to use. But he had to be sure the others could escape also.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Josh began nibbling on his Chesto berry, while Spruce asked him what his team's been up to.
"Well, remember that guy we captured in Beach Cave? He somehow escaped from prison, so we had to go out and capture him again." Josh said. He then paused for a moment, wondering if he should tell them about the Orbs of Balance. He knew that he couldn't go around telling everybody about them, but he trusted them, and they might even know where one of them might be hidden.

"We've also got another thing that we've been doing. It's much more important than just capturing some outlaw." He said. "We're looking for the Orbs of Balance. There's one for each sub-type - Normal, Light, Shadow, and Void. We already found the Normal one, but we don't know where the rest are."

Celes then suggested that her team go find a mission to do, then ran out of the room.
"Yeah, I guess it's about time we got back to our team, too." Josh said. "Before we leave, though, you don't happen to know where one of the orbs might be, do you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Ah! Greetings" Kamina said to the other team. "Now that Spruce mentions it, I think I do remember all of you. That Mudkip outlaw hiding out in Beach Cave huh...it feels like it happened years ago. My first adventure, so nostalgic." Just then he remembered that M was right next to him and hadn't said a word yet. "Come on M, say hello to our neighbor, don't be rude." Then leaning in to the other team, he whispered "I apologize for my friend here, he's a grumpy little Magnemite. Don't take it personally, he doesn't mean any offence by it"



That was the person who hurt Bonnie so much, who made her link cuddles to pain. Who made her heart broken


In an adorable scream of pure rage (wow, that sounds bizarre), Tini swallowed a Quick Seed and scurried after the Persian "BLOOD!!!" he screeched as he leaped at the Persian's tail, grabbing onto it with his teeth and biting onto it as hard as he could. While the Persian did let out a cry of pain, it didn't stop to remove Tini, giving the little beserker the chance he needed. Wrapping his body around the tail, he was able to free up his mouth to wield his trusty frying man "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" With a might swing, he struck the large Normal Type...right in the butt. Yes; a Dratini was basically spanking a Persian with a frying pan while coiled around it's tail
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Oh, sorry Levita,” I say quickly, nervous at the thought that I could have hit my own friend on accident. “That was pretty cool though, right? I bet that I could do that better if I did it more often...” I begin to think about all the cool things I could say whenever I got the chance to do that again, maybe even some sort of pun or one-liner, but then Chip decides to attack Static for whatever reason. What’s the deal with this place? Why does everyone try to hit each other the moment things start to get tense? Do they have some sort of grudge against diplomacy? Is it just lost to this part of the world? I take a deep breath, managing to calm myself down. I notice the Nidoran escaping in the midst of the chaos, but I don’t really do anything about it; it’ll stall the conflict for a little while and she’d probably have some time-consuming reason to go here in the first place.

“Well,” I say to the Pichu (whose name seems to be Static), “I was always told that words have power.” I smile confidently, also having been told that power can be wielded in a variety of ways. I don’t think I was using Disarming Voice, so it shouldn’t have done any actual damage... Maybe I should explore this idea more later; I think I’m on to something magnificent...

“Oh yeah,” I say to the Goomy (whose name I don't think I ever caught), “We’re Team Crescendo; perfect to the last beat! Actually, that’s a really good slogan, considering we haven’t failed a mission so far...” Of course, I leave out the fact that we haven’t actually gone on any missions yet, but it’s still technically true. I probably should have told that to Team Frontline, too. That would’ve taken some of the wind out of their sails.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

One look away, and the issue quickly went into a full stop when Chip jumped in and did a Sand Attack; the Nidoran ran off, and Levita sighed. Probably not the best way to deal with things, but it was a way nonetheless. She returned her smile and pulled on her bags. "I'm pretty certain two-thirds of our team aren't guys, Anth," she commented. "And yeah...good luck on your mission. Speaking of such...we haven't picked one yet!"

Soon after, Rebecca made a quick introduction to their team, and Levita grinned widely in response. The slogan sounded even more witty when they made an entrance - maybe they should shout it out in front of some outlaws. Oh...the possibilities were exciting her! The merry Drifloon floated towards the bulletin board to pick out a mission...before an icy arm blocked her way and took out one first. "Ahem," the Vanillite muttered, scribbling his name on the mission sheet, which read: "Accepted by: Sherbet."

Levita frowned and stared down at "Sherbet". Ugh...him again... she thought to herself, before noticing something curious; several of the mission sheets were scribbled with names or team names. That was pretty smart, organizing the missions like that instead of just pulling it off the wall, but right now, Levita was more concerned with the rude behavior of the icicle Pokémon. "Hey! That was our mission!" she exclaimed.

Sherbet glanced back at her and twirled the marker (no fingers?) around his hand. "Oh? Well, one, I don't see your name on it, and two, I'm assuming you're a new team, which means you have zero missions accomplished and are not allowed to pick a three-star mission. Unfortunately, I've been here for several weeks and have a passing mission record, so start at the basics or don't start at all," he replied, copying down the mission on the board on a small notepad and sliding away.

Levita muttered to herself as he left; all the Vanillite seemed to do was appear, then disappear. But...he did make a point. They were a new team, and they needed to start small. Most of the missions were taken, however. "Oh...here's one!" she declared to Chip and Rebecca. "Dropped some papers around the plains. Help me pick up some for reward of 200 Poké. -de la Passant."

She glanced at the two before writing the team name down on the paper. "Strange name there. You two ready for a mission?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I didn't quite remember correctly, but I did certainly follow Kamina out of our room and to where Spruce was. The place was wide and had many plates of berries, and in fact it was the same place I had my dinner before going to bed. It didn't have too many people this time, except of course a few tables had groups of Pokemon just enjoying their late breakfast.

I didn't feel like saying anything, 'cause I didn't really have anything to talk about. Maybe the colour of my pupil, but someone would've noticed by now. I yawned (or rather made a yawning noise), still groggy and not entirely vitalised. Kamina told me to actually talk instead of feeling like a brick, before leaning in and whisper something to everyone. I didn't need to know. "Oh, hey. I haven't seen you for days." The problem was, I had no idea what had happened beforehand. Spruce was chatting to Josh, seemingly like buddies talking about life in general. I could however tell my greeting probably didn't match the general mood around here. At least Celes felt confident and talkative with Spruce, though I did notice her space out for a bit.

"Something catch your eye, Celes?" Sure enough, she ran off before I could finish my sentence. Call me paranoid, but I did think she had a dark past - something that was beginning to catch up to her. Then again, everyone in this little team had some ridiculous back-story or past events which happened to them, hence why Spruce made this group. I mean, for goodness sake, we had to fight Spruce's brother, we got introduced to Celes' apologetic parents, and... Kamina is Kamina. I didn't want to know about Kamina's past. My past? Involves hiding out with Davis from something. Now that I think about it anyway. "Spruce, that little adventure of ours happened just a few days ago. Man is this roleplay slow. Wanna go stalk Celes? She's awfully jumpy as of lately."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After the situation deescalated, Rebecca said something quite clever. "Yes! Perfect to last beat! Wait, what is 'beat'?" I asked, waiting for an answer. Levita soon headed off to the mission boards and I decided to follow her, hearing a vanillite sass her. I decided that this guild didn't need any more fights, so I let them talk, and I scuttled over and looked at the mission that Rebecca had picked. "Hm... Yes! Chip like to eat paper. Not as good as chips, though. Chip is hungry. Team should leave right now!" I say, running around in circles, excited to leave this rude place of mean pokemon and fights.
When our team got to the mansion, we saw the owner: a persian, who looked less than happy to see uninvited guests. I saw Bonnie eat a quick seed and run away as fast as possible, and Tini boldly grabbed onto the persian's tail, with Eralion using a failed karate chop, only to take a quick seed and run. I looked at Tini, and ate a quick seed, also picking up Bonnie's bag. I couldn't do anything to save Tini now, he put himself in too dangerous of a situation, and if I tried anything and got too close, I'd be that persian's lunch. I ran downstairs to search for Bidoof, since the other team members ran upstairs, and I shut the door behind me, looking around... man, did it stink down here. I used transform to become a Lampent, perfect to light up a large area around me without having an exposed flame to set this mansion ablaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


The closet was cold, dark, and cramped, as for some reason, it seemed to be full. I continued to cower there, as the very thought that my father might know where I was right now practically paralyzed me. Thankfully, he seemed to at least ignore the rest of my team, as I could hear him saying things like "Come on, Bonnie... I just want to see my daughter again," what was weird was that he'd also say something like "You're a failure as a daughter, and as a member of your species, now, get out here and take your punishment for failure!" I supposed he was saying the nicer things just to lure me out, but I wasn't going to believe him, not after what I've witnessed. A few doors later, I hear him shout "Aha! I've found you! There's no escape now!" I panicked, and the moment he opened the door to this closet, I stunned him with a jump kick right to the face, and I even managed to use his face as a platform, jumping off of it, and away from him. He was stunned, but not from whatever pathetic damage I did to him, no he was just surprised to see me attack at all, let alone with a super-effective move... even if it didn't do much. I then run off, passing by Eralion, and Tini, who was wrapped around my father's tail for some reason, and gesture for Eralion to follow. "Come on, he won't stay stunned for very long," I say to Eralion as I start heading downstairs, to the ground level. Once there, I try to find another closet to hide in, but opening the first closet door I could find turned out to be a mistake. A skeleton, no, my mother's skeleton was hung up in there, facing the door... of course, the main reason I could tell that this was a Lopunny's skeleton, and thus, most likely my mother's was the fact that he kept the ears... that being said, the ears were subject to rot and probably smaller creatures feeding off of it. Obviously it didn't smell too great, either. I ended up just standing there, out in the open, my mouth agape, too scared to move. That was just about when I heard footsteps approaching me again... this might not end well.


Rebecca introduced her entire team as 'Team Crescendo', with the motto 'perfect to the last beat'. I held in my laughter, and noticed that Chip didn't seem to know what they were talking about. I started thinking about how I could best explain it, but, eventually, I gave up, and eventually just left it to the rest of his team, who would probably be able to describe that better than I could. Levita floated over to the mission board, and I figured I'd follow her, though, none of the missions that weren't taken were to my liking. I then hear something, in my head, as if someone was speaking telepathically to me. ..ve us, pl..se, we n..d h.lp! Kiera is ...th us! We need help! I then get directions to where this message came from. To the north, far to the north. I felt compelled to tell Josh and Matt about this, but, since Xeno was already here, I tried my best to explain "Xeno, I think I just got someone's SOS message, erm, at least, the telepathic version of one. We're heading to the north if you want to come," I then rush upstairs to the mess hall, where I assumed Josh would be if he wasn't with us at the mission board, and, I was right. He was with that Snivy, and his team, but he was there, alright. "Josh! I just received an SOS message from somewhere kinda far away. They said they're in danger, and the name Kiera came up. I don't who that is, but it sounds like they're in serious trouble... uh... whoops, sorry if I interrupted something," I then realize that he could have, and, actually was talking with the other team, and the Snivy seemed to burst out in laughter for a little bit before saying "Well, I guess I might as well help, if anything, to prove that you've gone crazy, whoever-you-are," I mumble a bit, saying "I'm Anthony, remember?" However, as if he was ignoring me, the Snivy got up from his seat, and shouted to someone else.


Josh started talking about how they were trying to find something known as the 'Orbs of Balance' or whatever, all the while I was getting my fill of the food here. He then asked if I've seen any of them, and I try to think back, though, I didn't have to think back too far, as it was yesterday, that mission with John the ungrateful jolteon. I remember seeing something vaguely orblike, and the nidoqueen who guarded the place seemed to put it at a fairly high value, calling it her 'treasure'. I then start to say "Actually, I think I-" and as if on cue, a familiar goomy barges in, and starts saying how he got some sort of telepathic SOS message from somewhere far away. I couldn't help but laugh, and say "Well, I guess I might as well help, if anything, to prove that you've gone crazy, whoever-you-are," the goomy mumbles something, and all I caught of that was "Anthony," which must have been his name. I then get up from my seat, and head to where Celes ran off to, and shout "Hey, Celes! I found something for us to do! We're helping another team with some important task, or whatever, come on!" Anthony didn't seem all too happy about this, however, and continued to mumble, though, I couldn't make out what he was saying, and something told me that he couldn't tell what he was saying either. The bidoof actually stopped eating at that point, and said "Wow... a mission with two teams helping eachother out. Can I come?" I didn't know this bidoof, but it wasn't really my decision, though, honestly, I'd rather this bidoof stay right where he was, if I remember, I outranked HIM even before I took on my first mission.


I waited there, in that room, ready to surprise that team with, er, myself, I guess, but they never seemed to come. I couldn't wait all day, and I didn't want to be left out of their next mission, 'cause it would be their first mission with me as a member. Tired of waiting, I jumped off of the floor, and ran towards the boards again, hoping that they didn't go too far, yet. I pass by Anthony again, and head downstairs where I meet up with Chip, Rebecca, and Levita again. "WAIT!" I shout to them before they leave, soon after adding "You're not going to leave without your newest member, are you?" I then remember that I didn't actually introduce myself, and say "Oh, er, right, I'm Nina... and yes, this isn't the real orb of light," Chip certainly seemed excited to go, running around the team a few times just to show how excited he was, though, I guess I was pretty excited, too. There was an oddly cold air around the boards, but, then again, this guild probably had some ice types in it, so that was almost to be expected, by now. I then take a look at the mission that said Taken by: Team Crescendo. Apparently someone dropped a bunch of papers in the nearby plains, and, come to think of it, I DID see some flying around when I passed by said plains to get here, I just didn't think too much of them at the time, I mean, they were just papers, why would I? Unfortunately, they were, in fact, flying around when I saw them, so they might not be as easy to locate this time around. A thought crossed my mind that I might have wanted to ask if they'd even want me on their team, first, but I'm sure if they didn't, they'd tell me now, and I'd just have to start my own team, with some other pokemon, and achieve greatness with that team, instead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Eralion listened to what Bonnie said, before nodding and fallowing, and then seeing the inside of the closet, and staring, his stomach just wanting to barf there. He then closes the door.
"Wrong door Bonnie.... I know its hard but.... we need to move!" he says, helping Bonnie move right here and now. If only... if only he had something like a focus sash right now. Or something to be able to take a hit. That way, if her father would attack, he could use counter and hit him back hard enough to probably stun him or damage him so that they could run away faster. Though even then, it probably might not do enough damage. He continued to run, actually helping Bonnie move. They had to get away from here quickly.
"Guys come on!" he says. Lucky for those quick seeds... but a warp seed could have just finish the problem at the source for now. Where the heck was the hostage...
Celes didn't go back to see Spruce just yet.
"One second!" she says as she continue to run, before seeing at a distance 2 silhouette, one that looked like a large round shape, and the other a fox like creature. She wanted to chase, but then she lost view of them. Celes looked down. If that was her mother... she had been chased all this time? She breath deeply. She then walked back listening to what Spruce said, and stares a bit.
"So... uhm.. sorry... what is the mission... I... kinda saw something outside, but it was gone before I got a good look at it." she then says, looking down a bit. She breath deeply. One day she would go and try to see about helping her real mother.... when they can actually stand up to... whatever is chasing her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Just when Spruce was about to speak, Anthony came barging into the room, saying something about an SOS message he'd received telepathically. He then mentioned Kiera's name, which he wouldn't have known, since Josh never mentioned her to him. She was probably in danger at the moment, and it could end badly if they didn't get there quickly.

A random Bidoof then approached them, saying he wanted to come with them. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." Josh said. He was in too much of a hurry to care if the Bidoof came with them or not. "Come on, Matt. Let's go!"
Matt picked up Josh's bucket and exited the guild, waiting near the door for a while. "Some of our teammates can't move as fast as we can, Josh. Anthony in particular." Matt said.
"So get him to move faster, or carry him if you have to. Wherever Kiera is, we need to get there as soon as possible." Josh said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 5 mos ago

“Well,” I say to Chip, closing my eyes for a moment as I try to think of how to explain the concept. “A beat is kind of the framework of music. You know when you’re listening to a song and you’re instinctively tapping your foot or nodding your head to it? Then you’ve found the beat.” I hope he knows what music is, though. If he didn’t, I don’t know what I’d do. We’d have to sing songs and introduce it to him as soon as possible. I watch as Levita tries to pick a mission, realizing that I was grinding my teeth after that Vanillite leaves.

“Actually,” I say to Levita, taking a deep breath. “I think you were right. That guy’s kind of a dou-… dirtbag. But yeah, this sounds like a great first mission! Doesn’t seem like he said how many papers there were, though. Either way, they shouldn’t be too hard to catch, considering you can fly and I’m psychic. And maybe Chip could follow his appetite and sniff them out! Don’t eat them, though, Chip, we probably won’t get any money if you do…”

De la Passant? I wonder, trying decipher what that could mean. Of the from? I shake my head; other languages are really hard to retain, if you ask me. Maybe I could just ask this pokemon what the name means when we finish the mission. Or maybe it’s an alias, and those papers are really super important documents for a super secret mission! We should totally take a peek at them if we find them, we could get even more money out of it if we-

“Called it!” I say after Nina reveals the secret of her necklace, spontaneously twirling around and giving her a thumbs up. “Yeah, you can be on the team; you seem pretty neat, and with all of us put together, we’ll be the cutest team in the guild! Plus, we can learn more about those mysterious orbs later, if you’re up for it. For now, though, let’s tackle that mission. We’re being called onstage, and Team Crescendo never misses a cue!♪” Even though our mission probably isn’t that important, I’m feeling really hyped up for it: It’s our first mission, so it’s special no matter what it involves! It’s going to be our stepping stone to fame and fortune! I begin to head down to the entrance on the first floor, feeling really ready to find some paper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Everything was just kinda murmurs to me, with some sort of weird music beating in the background. At least until I could pick out several points of dialogue, which would then be finely tuned to my ears. While floating and trying not to look like an idiot, I picked out several words of the guy's dialogue. "Oh, shit." I whispered to myself. I wanted to just take that thing and try to pawn it, but apparently it was another one of those possibly doomsday devices left behind by the dead world. Who the fuck would name those things 'orbs of balance'? People obsessed with a girl's show? That's gotta mean something horrible, like... I dunno, a marking beacon for an orbital strike? Davis would occasionally tell me about stories of pillars of light striking in the distance during his duty, caused by those marking beacons. Then again, they'd usually be... more cubical and practical-looking. Actually, just disregard what I've said so far and read ahead.

To my surprise, just a few days in and 'ey, Anthony. The guy we helped out, at that odd beach cave with those... oh. The memories of nearly killing everyone flooded back to me, and not in a good way. "Oh hey! Now I recognise you guys." It felt strange greeting these people, now that I knew them. They didn't know of what I did yesterday, and certainly knew what happened when I first helped them out. A dark cloud still loomed over me because of that - I mean, it was just a day since that bloody (pun not intended) incident happened. Those people were idiots, perhaps even criminals, but they were juvenile idiot-criminals; they didn't deserve to have their friend's head bashed countless times. Thankfully, my smile didn't go away as I looked to my past, and in fact it felt as if my thoughts lasted just a few seconds. I shuddered slightly but otherwise I was quite confident with myself. Meanwhile, Celes had returned, albeit as if she had seen ghosts... wait. "Celes, you alright?" I asked, wondering what was up. That simple sentence didn't suffic-

Soon enough, Spruce blurted out loudly that we were going to help Anthony's team again. A decent surprise, and a good one at that... Spruce didn't seem too fazed, almost deaf to what Anthony had to say. I didn't even care about Celes at that point, preferring to listen to what everyone had to say.

So, we had Anthony talk about some weird voice in his head. I think the helmet had got to him. Then again, this was the world of Pokemon - we had a motherfucking race die out, countless evil Pokemon (some with a rogue super-soldier serum), a bloody god, eliminated some implied hierarchy I think... it didn't make sense to simply disregard someone's thoughts, right?

"You too, you alright there?" I sounded as if I didn't really care, repeating the same message I had asked to Celes. I was a bit annoyed with myself for my sudden U-turn, trying to keep a straight face - despite having to keep up with everything, from escaping criminals to crazy people. I see I didn't really live through any of that, especially those unfortunate events... "Ergh, anyway, I'm sure you know me as M. We're helping you out; something about a doomsda- er, location of an orb we know of. It's probably gonna get loud, so don't bother dressing up for stealth."

Press [F] to start the heist
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Orbs of balance huh? They sound like some kind of ancient artifacts that hold the fate of the world in their non-existent hands...FINALLY!!! I've been waiting for a quest that's outcome was linked to this world's future. So if Spruce says that we're giving you a hand, then I'll do just that with as much gusto as I can muster...but first, food." Kamina added that last part when he realized that he hadn't eaten at all today. While he was used to going days without anything resembling a proper meal, that didn't mean that it was a smart thing to do if he could avoid it "come M, lets fill our stomachs before our next big adventure" he said as he gently nudged his Magnimite friend in the direction of the Food


Despite his grip, Tini fell off when Bonnie kick the heretic in the face. As he flew off of the heretic, his little head smashed into the wall, and then things got weird...

When Tini awoke, he found himself in an identical room without the heretic. Also, the walls also were every color and no color at once, the painting on the wall kept yelling at 'those kids' to get off of 'his lawn,' and there were tons of sandwiches floating around and randomly exploding. But yeah, other then those small details, it was exactly the same. "Oh great, you're here" Oh yeah, there was also that other Dratini in here that looked just like him

"Hi new friend! What is this place and who are you?" Tini greeted and asked the other Dratini

"Okay first off; I'm not your friend, I hate your guts. Second; we're in your mind. Third; I'm the microscopic part of your brain even remotely capable of rational thought and using logic" Logic Tini explained

Tini took a few seconds to digest that "...you seem grumpy. I know; I'll call you Grumpy"

"Wait, what? No! That is not my name!" Grumpy argued "Ah fuck! You just changed it! I hope you're happy asshole!"

"Yep!" Tini chirped

"...Right, forgot who I was talking to for a second. Anyway, we have more important things to discuss" Grumpy said "I'm going to be stuck with that name, aren't I?"

"We do? Is it about cookies?" Tini asked

"No! It isn't about fucking cookies!" Grumpy yelled with his eye twitching a second later. "Okay, I'm going to need to to follow me on this; do you remember Eralion attacking Bonnie's dad with a Karate Chop?" Tini nodded "Good. Now, do you remember what happened after Eralion's attack?"

"Um...nothing?" Tini tried

"Yes!" Grumpy cried out in triumph with his eye twitching a second later "now I'm going to speed this up a little bit. If you remember; Karate Chop is a Fighting Type move, and Persians are Normal Types." Tini nodded "which means that it should do extra damage to him...but it didn't even phase him, and that's..."


"Alright! we're making progress. Now, since he was able to just shake off a move that was super effective on him, that means that you don't have a move in your arsenal that could take him down. If the two of you had a straight out battle, he'd destroy you, understand?" Tini nodded "however, you're not here alone. You have your friends, one of whom knows this place really well. So that means you should...what?"

Suddenly, Tini had an epiphany "I get it now! I understand what I have to do"

"Finally" Grumpy breathed out a sigh of relief before his eye twitched a second later

"I have to keep this meany distracted to buy Bonnie and the others time!"

"Ye...wait, what!? No!!! That's a terrible idea!" Grumpy cried out in protest before his eye twitched a second later

"Thanks for everything Grumpy! I need to go back now and help my other friends" Tini said as he began to fade away

"No, no, no, no, no! You're going to get yourself killed, and me too as a result!" Grumpy cried out before his eye twitched a second later

"See you later Grumpy" Tini said goodbye to his new friend as he vanished

"That's not my name!!!" Grumpy shouted before his eye twitched a second later
When Tini awoke, he noticed that nothing seemed to have changed despite how long he had been talking with Grumpy. 'Maybe...I time traveled' he wondered to himself for a few moments before he remembered that he had a job to do. 'Okay, so I need to distract this big meany distracted...but how?' Tini pondered this for little bit before he came up with his answer

When Bonnie's dad snapped out of his stunned state, Tini hawked a lugi at him and then shot a Fairy Wind in his eyes "hey you big...stinky head! You...you...you...smell bad!" With his masterfully crafted insult delivered, he ran, fully expecting the Persian to chase after him
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xeno hadn't been sure how to react to Anthony suddenly changing the subject, giving the goomy an odd look as the sluggish pokemon moved away as quickly as he could. "I'll be down here for when you're ready," the sableye called out after a short while, watching patiently until Anthony was out of sight. An Esso-wes message. That sounds important, Xeno began to ponder, clued in more by Anthony's tone than anything. It was difficult to feel like there was a hurry after watching the goomy 'rush off' however, so Xeno opted to take a seat on the ground and retrieve his one possession aside from his badge; the map. Still the piece of paper sat behind his ear, folded up neatly and covered in coal dust after having been handled so much during his venture to the mountain.

The thought of food crossed Xeno's mind and he frowned, knowing he'd eventually need to return to the mountain. It wasn't uncommon to go a day or two without eating though, such was life when you had to blindly claw through rock to find rock you could eat. It wasn't a concern now however, and Xeno unfolded the map to examine the little circle covered in scribbles. "North," he muttered, remembering what the Quagsire had said about the 'N' shape on the top of the map compass. Using his finger to follow the arrow the 'N' was on, Xeno traced a path upwards until he hit the edge of the paper. So that's far north, Xeno thought, noting how far his finger had traveled.

Eventually Xeno was greeted with the sight of Josh and Matt, the later carrying the former as usual. They seemed rushed, more so than Anthony had been, and so Xeno folded up his map and made his way over to them as they exited the guild. "Matt, Josh- Anthony I think wanted to find you. Something about an Esso-wes message," the sableye called to them, wedging his map behind his right ear, opposite the ear he kept his badge behind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Soon after my transformation, the place lit up, revealing skeletons, and rotting food. The skeletons appeared to have bite marks riddling them, and the food looked at least a month old. The food didn't really scare me too much, however, those skeletons did. Run. Get out of here. Your life is worth more than this. I keep thinking as I continue forwards. The place itself was completely bland, other than the skeletons, all there was, really, was the stone grey walls and floor, and that one iron door that I slowly approached, with that thought repeating itself in my mind. Run I honestly wish I could, Get out of here. If only it was that easy, Your life is worth more than this. Yet, I couldn't stop myself from continuing onwards, towards that door. I hesitate to open it, and once I did, he door creaked loudly, obviously alerting whomever might be in there, and one good look told me that it was that gallade, again. What's he doing here?! I ask myself before he noticed me, and ran, full speed, at me. Before he could get to me, a trio of vaguely familiar pokemon drop down unexpectedly. It was that snivy, the mudkip, and the bulbasaur, they dropped down really close to one another, and landed in some sort of stupid-looking pose with the snivy in the middle, the mudkip to the left, and the bulbasaur to the right of him. They were about to say something, but I interrupted with "Look out!" They started to laugh, however, the gallade got to them before they could even make a sound, and attacked with a close combat, somehow launching them up and out of the basement. After getting over my initial shock, I tried to use will-o-wisp on the gallade while he was still trying to figure out what just happened. It might not be enough for me to beat him, but it might just even things out a bit.


"But... Chip is hungry," I state obviously to my teammates. Apparently that nidoran from that loud, shouting chase earlier wanted to join the team, and Rebecca just let her. I wished Rebecca didn't do that, due to the fact that the first thing she did on the team was shout even more "Alright! Let's go!" That nidoran shouted. Rebecca then tries to explain to me what a 'beat' was, having something to do with 'music', but I didn't have any idea what that was. "Frame-werk? Are music buildings?" I ask to Rebecca. The nidoran shakes her head, saying "No... but, you don't have to go hungry, here," she then takes out an apple from her bag, and puts it on the floor. Apples were okay, but I still preferred chips, or paper. I ate the apple anyways, and the apple filled me up, which of course meant that I was too full to eat the paper. They all started leaving, after that, and the nidoran came back and said "Come on, Chip, we're heading to our mission," I almost forgot, the 'mission', the place with all the paper. I scuttled off, following my teammates, who were already heading to the tasty paper, though, I still didn't feel like eating it right now. Maybe Chip will save paper for later-eating when Chip gets hungry again. I think as I start looking around for any paper in the area. I couldn't find any at the moment, though.


The footsteps grew louder as something came closer, until they finally stopped. I screamed, and turned to see Eralion instead of my father. "Oh, sorry, you kind of scared me back there," I say to him. I then turn back towards the skeleton, and add "That... she... used to be my mother. I've never told anyone, but, I actually saw him kill her and eat her... I was told to keep my mouth shut, or THIS would happen to me next," Eralion then suggests that we stay on the move, and I couldn't agree more. I reach for the bag of quick seeds, only to remember that I dropped them on the floor. No... this can't be... I just had to klutz out NOW of all times. I just couldn't keep a hold of those seeds, and now I'm dead. I think as I swallow some of my saliva. "I... may have dropped the bag of quick seeds, earlier," I then admit to Eralion, who hopefully wouldn't be mad enough at me for that to karate chop me. I heard a hissing noise from upstairs, and wondered just where Tini slithered off to. He was probably somewhere exceedingly safe, in his own imaginary land of milk and cookies, or something. Well, either that, or he could be having a little chat with Xerneas, his deity of choice. Then again, thinking back, I remembered something pink wrapped around my father's tail, and Father was never one to wear something like that. It was official, from that hiss, Tini's absence, and me remembering him wrapped around my father's tail... Tini was dead. There was no saving him, my father was unstoppable, and nothing I could do would change that... right? Maybe, just maybe... if we had one more quick seed, maybe I could get Tini out of there, maybe I could even escape afterwards. An odd thought showed itself. Bravery? When my father was involved? Whose thoughts were these?


Josh had Matt basically rush him out of the guild, and Celes was confused as to what the mission was. I looked over towards Kamina, who was stuffing his face with food for a bit before explaining "We're helping Josh, Matt, and Anthony out with this SOS message that they got via telepathy, or something. I'm not actually sure if that's even really possible, though, but we don't really have anything better to do, so we're helping them," I then headed off, passing by a very slow Anthony on the way, and eventually finding Matt, and the bucket that contained Josh. "Hey, has Anthony always been THIS slow?" I ask them, somewhat ready to get going, though, since Anthony was probably the only one that knew about the mission, it would be best to wait for him, right? The entire team was assembled before Anthony finally made it, breathing heavily as if he was sprinting the entire way over here. "Alright, can we go, now?" I ask impatiently. My patience wore thin pretty quickly sue to how relatively fast our own missions started. Yeesh, at this pace, it'll be night before this guy leaves the town... I think as Anthony finally speaks "Yeah... we're ready. Sorry, I ran because I figured you didn't want to wait too long for me," I nodded, saying "Well, you got that part right, at least," he looked at me funny for a moment, but may have decided that what I said wasn't worth fighting me over, as he just sighed and murmured something to Matt. I then head off, only to have Anthony laugh, and point me in the right direction. I was going to say something, and even opened my mouth to speak, but decided to hold my tongue, instead, not saying a word while I followed Anthony to... wherever we were heading.


I started to rush to get to the guild's entrance, as Matt ran off with Josh almost as soon as I told them that this 'Kiera' girl. Every other participating member of this mission passed by me, even though I was running as fast as I could, thinking Just who IS Kiera, anyways? Josh's mother? His sister? I guess either way, she's very important to Josh, so, I guess it's a good thing I mentioned her by name I then make it to the group, with a very impatient snivy looking at me as if this was all my fault "Alright, can we go, now?" He asks Josh, in a somewhat annoyed tone of voice. I tried to figure out what to say, until I eventually settle on "Yeah... we're ready. Sorry, I ran because I figured you didn't want to wait too long for me," the snivy nodded at that, and added his own two cents with "Well, you got that part right, at least," I glared at him for a bit, but then decided that if he was going to help me, it wouldn't be in my best interest to fight him, no matter how the fight would actually go. I then whisper "Hey, do we really need his help with this? He's kinda getting on my nerves," to Josh. Spruce, ever impatient, tries to run off, specifically, to the south for whatever reason. I burst out in laughter, and point him in the right direction... seriously, why would he head south if I specifically said north? Eventually, we all get moving towards our big mission to save Josh's... whoever she was to him, with The Odd Ones Out providing support.


Team Crescendo seemed to instantly accept me as their newest member, even if I accidentally caused some sort of issue with them earlier. Rebecca says something about never missing a cue, and I end up accidentally shouting "Alright! Let's go!" To which, Chip flinched for a bit before asking if music was some sort of building. I shook my head, and said "No... but, you don't have to go hungry, here," I then dig an apple out of my bag, and drop it on the floor next to Chip, who seemed to enjoy the apple. I then left with the rest of my team, only to notice that we were one team member short. I rush back to the guild, and say "Come on, Chip, we're heading to our mission," Chip then eagerly follows us to our mission, and, as soon as we get there, starts trying to sniff out some papers. I try to retrace my steps, and end up finding one already. One marked '[CONFIDENTIAL]' for some reason. I didn't care, but I did put that paper in my bag, and tried to remember where that other piece of paper flew off to. Levita was being oddly quiet for some reason, but I didn't pay any attention to that, heck, maybe she was being oddly loud when we were in that argument with the pichu, and is usually very quiet, and reserved. I couldn't find that other paper, and the one I did find might have been that exact piece, so I rushed back to our leader, Rebecca. Chip didn't seem very successful in finding anything, so I showed the paper I found kinda nearby, for some reason, to Rebecca, saying "Found one already... too bad I don't know where the rest of these might be," I then continue my search for more of these 'CONFIDENTIAL' papers, not even really caring what information they contained at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes walked by Spruce as the whole conversation between him and Anthony happened, and saw him go and run off at the wrong direction. She shakes her head and sighed. Sure.... Anthony was slow... but it was not his fault he didn't have legs. She though a bit before going near Spruce.
"I don't think it is his fault if he is slow. If you didn't have legs and no way to actually run real quickly, I do think people would not like it either. Anyway..." she says before nuzzling Spruce a bit.
"I think someone should carry him maybe." she says before looking at the group, and then having a slight... idea.
"Hey Kamina.... just so we don't have problems waiting all the time.... maybe you could help Anthony out and give him a ride while we get to the mission?" she then asks, knowing full well that Anthony would not be too heavy for the big Kamina, and it might be better that way so that they don't wait till night time to get to the next mission and such. And seriously, a goomy on top of a gyrados head.... with a helmet on top of it... that just seems.... funny and epic at the same time.


Eralion shook his head and breath deeply.
"Mistakes happen to everyone... if we don't have quick seeds.... maybe... we could use the furniture to actually get some traps for your father while we try to get that bidoof out. Falling bookcases and such when he passes by, and things like that...." he then says, looking around the place.
"It might slow him down more then anything that way, and permit us to get more time to do this mission and get the heck out of here!" he says seriously, confident but scared a bit... Why did she need to drop those quick seeds? Though it was not her fault.... She was in shock... seeing her own mother like this after what she told him... He might have done the same mistake if it was him.
"Let's just move and hope that your father doesn't go and use one of those quick seeds if he finds them to catch up..." he says.
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