Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


For the most part; Gyrados' evolve while very angry. Being the the world's punching bag, they mostly evolve while getting the fluids beaten out of them. Because of this, their anger during evolution tends to color their personality as a Gyrados, making them naturally angry. However Kamina wasn't like the rest of his kind. Unlike his kin, he didn't evolve during a moment of intense anger and hatred. No, he evolved while fighting off intruders on the home of a friend of his (granted, he was angry at them. But being angry at someone for what they did to someone else is much different then being angry at someone for what they did to you). This led to absolutely no change to him mentally.

So when Celes asked him to carry the Goomy named Anthony, his response wasn't to roar at her and attack. No, he actually thought about it. Granted he wasn't going to turn down such an easy request made by a friend of his...but something about the Goomy just seemed strange, so he thought about it...and that's when he noticed it; the hat. "...yes..." he whispered to himself, not as a response to Celes, but rather to some unasked question. The Goomy had a hat. If Kamina put the Goomy on his head, then he would have a hat. A hat wearing a hat. Something about this spoke to Kamina in ways he had never been spoken to before.

Moving quickly, he slithered over to Anthony and scooped him up with his fin and plopped him onto his head "...yes!" He cried out triumphantly "a living hat wearing a hat! So simple...yet brilliant! With such power at our disposal, how could failure even be a conceivable concept!?" Catching sight of M, he then said "M! Quickly, get on top of my hat-hat. With you added to it, it'll become a hat-hat-hat. Can you imagine the possibilities!?"


*Cue Benny Hills*

Some people would say that you must have done a lot wrong if a murderous, child beating Persian was chasing you. For Tini, it meant that he was doing a lot right. Strange huh? As he slithered at maximum speed throughout the house, he eventually realized that he would need to keep the flames of his anger stoked. So he did this by mustering up every crude and morally depraved insult his mind could conjurer "you...you...you...you look like a fart!" This being Tini however, his best attempts were pretty pathetic. One really useful trait of his, was that Tini was full of energy. After having been bedridden for so long, the very act of 'running' proved to be really exciting. So he 'ran' a lot. Because of this, he was used to 'running' for a long time, and thus had yet to break so much a single drop of sweat.

As he was running however, he somehow realized a major problem; he had no way of contacting Bonnie to coordinate the trap he knew she was setting up. That's when he remembered something 'wait...the badge! They have magic powers! Maybe it will let me talk to her.' Without slowing down, he used his chin to fiddle with the badge right beneath his head "Bonnie, hello Bonnie? Are you there?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Spruce and Anthony didn't seem to get along. "Hey, do we really need his help with this? He's kinda getting on my nerves," Anthony said to Josh, quietly enough so Spruce couldn't hear him.
"You'll have to deal with him for now." Josh said. "We have no idea what we'll be fighting once we get there. We need all the help we can get."

Celes suggested that Anthony ride on Kamina's back, and Josh nodded. "That'll help us get there faster."
As they all began to head north, Josh couldn't help but wonder who had sent the telepathic message, and why they sent it to Anthony instead of him. Anthony didn't even know Kiera, so it didn't make much sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Having finally settled into her surroundings in Treasure Town, Thassa had decided to find her way to the nearby Allure Town which she'd heard so much about in the last day or so. And what a town! Of course, the young ekans still marveled at civilization; at the way these strange pokèmon from all over came together and... built this place. It warmed her inside, and at the same time, was a little intimidating - she was easily underfoot around some of the bigger pokèmon, despite her size, and she quickly learned to stick to the grass and stay off the beaten path. She was... hungry, of course, as she found herself more and more often nowadays as she continued to grow. Her first encounter had been with Bob and Ed - a zweilous whom she immediately decided were both handsome and charming. They reminded her of her father, and of herself - the scruffy fur on her neck matched his own, after all! Though perhaps more adept than most in the handling of a two-headed conversation, she was unable to haggle him out of even a few berries to ease her hunger.

She lay coiled now in the shade of a great magnolia outside of Arnold's Guild, watching the coming and going of so many new and alien pokèmon, but her thoughts were elsewhere - dwelling on the taste of Ed and Bob's scent, whom still clung to the roof of her mouth like a musk. And in time the gnawing hunger returned, and she thought of the strange chikorita she'd met earlier that day on the road to Allure. She couldn't quite recall his name, nor did she know where he'd gone. He'd only wet her appetite, giving her an apple, and now she craved REAL food - but she knew she would have to wait, and resigned herself to so doing. Perhaps on the way back to Treasure Town, she would take a detour...

Pokè. She'd quickly learned that she couldn't get anywhere in this town without it - Treasure Town, either. She'd never handled a coin in her entire life; the concept, the value of money, was a little slippery for the young ekans. She'd lived in the plains, after all, isolated and kept on a pretty short leash. But now, she would have to learn. This was her line of thought as she slowly began to fall asleep...

And then came a booming voice; an eager and excited titan out front of the Guild. She was greeted with a summarily bizarre scene when she wormed her way free of the magnolia. Overcome by curiosity, forgetting her prior worries, Thassa slithered down the hill - showing herself to the group, although she kept a distance of several yards in case of hostile reception. There, in front of the combined group, the somewhat unusual ekans stood (for lack of a better word)... watching them with bright red eyes, slipping a quiet and uncertain hiss of curiosity.
"...Why is that one in a bucket?" Her first question is a simple one, as her gaze comes to rest on Josh.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stale Pizza
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Stale Pizza pikemanz

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Levita chuckled with the exchanges from her team; Nina's introduction to the team had been relatively smooth, which was a good sign for the next days to come. She was pulled into deep thought again, thinking how the team would all play out. Already they had four members, but the possible increase of member count might make internal affairs a bit unstable, and she was considering separating teams. Maybe Rebecca and she can run two of them together.

The mission area wasn't too far, and within a few minutes in, they had found their first "CONFIDENTIAL" paper. Levita quickly snapped out of her daydreaming and grinned; she felt that the mission wasn't going to be too hard, but it was something as least, and they should at least get a bit of Poke for their troubles. "Hey...what do you think the papers have? The content on it, that is," the Drifloon suddenly asked, levitating higher to cover more ground. "If this Pokemon is attempting to hide his...or her name and the paper contents, surely there's something secret going on!"

The idea excited her as well. Maybe they're going to fight some massive crime syndicate, or beat down some baddies! Then they'll go back to the guild with stories of their awesome exploits...then Levita suddenly saw something else rustle in the tall grass...and a similar "CONFIDENTIAL" paper disappear with it. "Hey!" she exclaimed, moving down near the surface. She quickly assumed it to be a wild Pokemon, though it was hard to identify it. "There's something taking the papers!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pearion_Rehtyer
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Pearion_Rehtyer The Hug Dragon

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Falvev walked into Allure town, a small satchel slung over the Chikorita's shoulder as he passed the store. He waved to the Zweilous and continued reading from the book he was holding out on his forepaw. Or at least he would be reading from it, if he knew what it said. He continued the charade though stopping to bow to a passing Buizel. He checked his pouch to make sure the fish he had captured hadn't fallen on the way there. He stopped upon hearing a bit of a commotion outside of the guild. He blinked and put the book away, sprinting up ahead to see what was the cause of all the ruckus.

The first thing he saw was of course, Thassa, and he skidded to a halt upon this. He more tentatively approached, appearing cautious of the Ekans and said, a bit quietly, "I got some fish..." Then turning his attention to the guild entrance and walking towards it. He grinned and stated, "Wow! So this is it! An actual guild! And why does that Gyarados have-what?" He spun to look at the Gyarados that seemed to be wearing a Goomy on its head? Is this how exploration teams are supposed to act?" He seemed to be avoiding Thassa for now, and since it seemed like they were all a bit involved in what they were doing, he looked over at Thassa and then took a deep breath before calling out, "HELLO!!!" To try to draw their attention to himself and Thassa. "What's going on? And why do you have...anyways first off what's going on?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Xeno felt overstimulated. First all this talk of another mission to do, something that Xeno was begining to learn would be common, and now all these new pokemon with one big enough to crush the rest of them. Seeking some sort of comfort, the sableye quickly found his way to Matt and Josh's side as he anxiously observed each new individual. The majority of the pokemon seemed approachable, the two grey pokemon even being the same size as Xeno, and the one trailing ribbons though large didn't look intimidating. The massive serpent now wearing Anthony on his head however caused Xeno's gut to twist.

Even that didn't seem to be the end of it though, as yet more pokemon approached and sought to interact. Another serpent, a small pokemon with a leaf on it's head- were they coming to the North too? "Matt," Xeno asked, reaching up to tug on the Reuniclus' arm, "are all of them coming to North with us?" Not wanting to be clingy, Xeno made sure to let go of Matt as soon as he had his attention. From nervous habit, the sableye needed something to do with his arms so he began scratching at the gem in his chest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 5 mos ago


I spent most of the time on the way there singing old songs and trying to explain music to Chip. It’s mostly stuff from the “Seventies” era, which was probably the best period of old world music if you ask me. There’s an awful lot to choose from, though… I’ll probably need to listen to more of it before I make a final decision, or maybe even listen to it all over again.

“Oh,” I say, trying to look the paper over once Nina shows it to me. “Good job, Nina!” I lift my hair out of my eyes and try to read the paper, which is still pretty hard with all the stuff written on it, but unfortunately Nina puts it away before I can get a really good look at it. I guess it really won’t make too much sense without any of the others, though. I’m getting the feeling that all of this snooping is kind of unethical, but I don’t think it’ll matter too much as long as we don’t tell anyone else.

“Well,” I say to Levita. “I think it’s either going to be reports of some massive conspiracy, or it’s going to be some sort of boring profit margins report thing.” I think it’s probably the former, but it makes me wonder how this sort of thing would come about. It seems like anyone can post a job request, but do they have any sort of screening process? Are the requests ever evaluated? Is there a blacklist for conspirators who drop their papers everywhere? I guess I can just figure it out later...

“What?!” I say to Levita after she reports the stolen paper. “After them! Team Crescendo steals the show, not the other way around!” I teleport to the edge of the tall grass and try to divine the thief’s location before attempting to follow the mysterious thief.


“Are you sure she’s in this town?” the first pokemon asked, twirling around jovially.

“Sure enough,” the second pokemon responded, his voice cold and almost lifeless. “She would most likely be working in one of the two guilds in the area.”

“Sir!” The third pokemon reported, feeling more than slightly confused. “I do believe that she would logically be in a more low-profile ar-”

“Logically,” the second pokemon interrupted, a slight hint of annoyance slipping through into his voice. “Anyone in her situation would. But the way my sister tends to act... is in no way logical.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kick knew that he had to start off his great journey with a glorious fight as his parents wouldn't have had it any other way. He just needed to find something that seemed that would be impossible to defeat and then defeat it! It needed to be something huge, powerful, and have to look like they would be prepared for a fight at anytime. Finding this type of Pokemon would be troublesome, indeed it would, as Kick had a very distinctive eye when it came to looking powerful. Kick disregard any Pokemon that was shorter than him as his feet of furry would punt them into another land and also would accept his terms in a fight without any hesitation. He has met several people that looked the part, but hesitated when asked the question to prove their worth and left them without saying another word, leaving quickly as he had come. It would only be a matter of time before he would finally meet a worthy opponent of his skill to fight, and the fight of his life it would be.

Kick continued along the beaten path that many have already taken with only a sack full of scavenged food, sleeping mat, and his parents notes about the world beyond the dojo. To be honest, Kick was interested in all the shapes and sizes these Pokemon could come, but he also understood why his family would only take pure fighting types in their family name as it would a sad day when a family member couldn't break a log with only their strength. The Hitmonlee grew more determined to finally meet his worthy foe in this vast land and started to increase his speed to find this allusive opponent.

Several days have passed since then, Kick had become irked that he hadn't found his glorious fight yet and he had been searching tirelessly to find such a Pokemon. He continued on with his search until he had arrived in the town of Allure, a peaceful town from what he could see, obviously a place where he wouldn't meet his match. The only places where he would think of finding the toughest and strongest opponent was to search the places of extreme places such as the hot desert, snowy mountains, and even underground where there is no light to be found. He was going to make his leave before in the corner of his eye, he had found another challenger that met his standards. It was a great water beast! Several times bigger than Kick himself and the first Pokemon that his father ever fought in his journey. It was said that they could topple an entire building with a single roar, at least that was what his father had spoken about it. Kick knew what he had to do.

The Hitmonlee ran towards the Gyrados with great speed, there were others surrounding the great water beast, but that didn't matter, they would be spectators of this great fight. Upon closer inspection, this Gyrados was bright red! A variation of such a mighty beast, obviously to show how stronger this one would be. Even upon closer inspection, there was something on its head, another Pokemon? Wearing a hat? Kick looked confused and on some weird way, Kick knew that this one was stronger than before with the hat-hat on. It took only a few more seconds before he was only a couple feet away from the mighty water beast, his eyes narrowed and he pointed at Kamina. "You! I have searched far for someone of your stature! So, I challenge you to a fight to measure our strength! Do you accept!?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZombieMagikarp
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ZombieMagikarp rude and not ginger

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Weather’s not that bad out, for once. Not nearly as foggy as the town usually is, and the temperature mixed in with a pleasant breeze makes for a lovely afternoon. Breen Torrents, taking full advantage of the perfect day like today, just relaxes. Arms crossed behind his back, legs crossed in front of him - the world is carefree and easy on a day like this. Drink in one hand, map in the other; nothing can go wrong on such a serene afternoon, speed picking up as he plummets to the ground.

Oh yeah.


“Uh-huh, let’s see...if my calculations are correct, I’ve hit terminal velocity at this exact point, so I can’t possibly be going any faster within the conundrums of mathematical equations.” He flips his 3-D glasses back down, taking a sip from his soda. “Whatever the fuck that means…”.
Despite the countless amounts of times he had been scolded by his girlfriend to never, ever, ever, under any circumstances take any more missions involving Magnetons with the temper tolerance of a little kid with a firecracker, Breen decided, “What the hell, how bad could it be.”

Pretty bad, Breen. Pretty fuckin’ bad.

Even if the explosion of the Magneton only left a few scars and bruises here and there, the impact of falling to his doom might cause his death. But oh, look. The guild! It’s getting awfully bigger and bigger the more time passes…

...oh Arceus.

The Marshtomp plummets through the roof, effectively knocking over spare buckets and mops on his way down through the attic (one such bucket toppling over his head, acting as a helmet. For added protection, who else to save his fall than Archie! His feathery ‘lil body acting as the perfect cushion for a pretty lightweight Pokemon falling to his impending doom - saved! In front of every. Single. Pokemon in the guild. Ouch.
Still residing in the same position as before, he tilts the bucket upwards, adjusting his ballcap in the process, looking around at the destruction in front of him. He slides his glasses back up, tossing the bucket behind him.
He smiles awkwardly, holding up a small bag of coins. “Uh-heh. Yeah, uh...mission’s all set and done, Archie, buddy! You won’t be hearing from that evil Magneton anymore!” He takes off his cap, dusting it off - a few bits and pieces of scrap metal and screws falling out of it. “...mostly because nobody will be hearing from that Magneton anymore, uh, whoops…
“Uh, Archie...you, uh? You...you’re not alright...okay, uh… well.” He looks around at the surrounding crowd, quickly flipping the Archen over onto his back, using the bucket for support. He crosses Archie’s arms behind his head and ever so slowly places a pair of sunglasses on him. “Well, hey! With this new sun-roof ya got installed, uh… it works...yeah, yeah…” He looks left. Right. And runs away, hiding in the Supply Closet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I didn't get much a response. Did I say anything? Eh, it was time to help out another team.

"Well, alright then." I responded, hoping this wasn't going to be another one of those adventures. "You sure Anthony isn't crazy though?" As I tried to point to Anthony, I realised both Spruce and Anthony had left. "Classic." I said, glumly and turning to everyone else. Sure enough, Celes brushed past me, following Spruce outdoors and mumbling with him. I decided to leave as well, preferring to leave the lobby which was starting to get crowded with different groups. Kamina slithered past me, somehow fitting through the entrance to the outside with me. I pretended I didn't take notice, instead preferring to scan the outside world for anything dangerous.

Honestly though, it was kind of a normal day for Allure Town, save for the few clouds gathering in clumps in the sky. You had the market set up selling all sorts of weird items on the plaza, whereas there were a few Pokemon who were looking up at the ominous clouds. Reactions were mixed; fire Pokemon seemed quite annoyed and disturbed, whereas water and grass Pokemon just continued on with their day, albeit with a smile. I was somewhat peeved considering that electricity and water didn't mix too well, at least according to physics and NOT laws of Pokemon strengths and weaknesses.

To be honest, I still wasn't too intent on following Anthony. Sure, we were going somewhere and I was actually pretty enthusiastic at first. Problem was, we were going on a hunch. A telepathic message, apparently. Who's to say that Pokemon was still alive? "So, how's everyone doing?" I asked, though I wasn't sure if I was going to get a response. Anthony picked up the pace by having Kamina pluck him onto his head, surprising me. It wasn't the fact he surprised me by having Anthony on him, but rather his sudden spasm of speaking just kinda came out of nowhere. "Uh, NO." I tensely dismissed him, preferring to just continue forwards without much to think about. I was kinda free in a way, now that Davis didn't want me anymore. No need to worry about him anymore.

Problem was, we suddenly had company. And we didn't even leave the town yet. Some boxing Pokemon who somehow never missed leg day showed up, blocking everyone. Noticeably me and Kamina, and I was trying to get away from him before. I couldn't help but start snickering. "I hate to inform you, but we don't exactly spar and prove our strengths to one-another in this day and age. What are we, Pokemon trainers?" I didn't know whether to be annoyed or just continue snickering, but I certainly wanted to continue on with this adventure. A little warm-up before the fight was actually not a bad idea, but (apparently) time was of the essence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Y-yeah... bookcases..." I echo Eralion, still wondering just how long it would be before my father tires of eating Tini and runs after us, again. I then, to my surprise, notice someone call me from my badge. I never used that feature before, so it was completely alien to me, that is, until I pressed a button on it, and heard Tini ask "Bonnie, hello Bonnie? Are you there?" my first thought after that was He's alive! Somehow, Tini's still alive! I then answer with "Yeah, I'm here," followed with "First of all, how are you doing this, and second, why are you doing this?" I then eagerly await his response, almost forgetting for a second where I was, and who I was facing off with. I get tired of waiting, and say "So... Eralion and I were planning to do something with these bookcases, um, maybe you could lure my father down here, and I could try to have the bookcases land on him?" I then add "After trapping him, we could hide in the attic, he probably won't look there, you know, unless he's hearing this," with Tini alive, and apparently being chased by my father, still, we somehow had a chance to escape... maybe we could even get out of range, or something, and the badge could let us get away without losing anything, that would be nice. My thought was interrupted by a trio of pokemon busting out of the floor in front of me, and through the wall, as if they were launched with significant force. "What the HECK was that!?" I then shout to Eralion and, I guess, Tini.


The gallade was standing there, slightly weakened from his own attack, and normally, I'd launch one of my own, however, I knew how strong he was, even if his defenses were lowered, he'd still shrug off an attack from me. I did the only other thing I could think of doing, I ate another quick seed from the bag, and floated off as quickly as I could, searching for a bidoof in this place, while still trying to keep my distance from that gallade. The pokemon in this area were trapped in something resembling jail cells, and I checked every single one for a possibly beaten up and crying biddof. The first one had a beat up charizard, the one next to that had a rhydon who, for some reason was in a wedding dress, next to that one was an aggron who almost looked dead, and after that was a dragonite, who looked as if he hadn't eaten in weeks, and looked as though he was recently beaten up, as well. Oddly, there were a few coins sitting in the drops of blood on the floor. What could this mean? I ask myself as I continue to look for the bidoof, as well as some way of releasing all of these captives, some of whom pleaded for mercy when I floated past them for some reason. The gallade was still keeping up with me, even with the quick seed, but thankfully, he wasn't able to hit me with any of his attacks, at least, I don't think he was. I kept floating away, passing a few empty cells, and finally, I find the bidoof, who was beat up, tied up, and barely alive, but, it was him. I pass through the iron bars of the jail cell, and use my badge to teleport the bidoof to safety, though, for some reason, I couldn't leave just yet.


Rebecca and the others started yelling about another pokemon trying to steal the papers, but, I wasn't worried about that, I was going to get them first, and eat them all! finish the mission, even if I have to beat some other pokemon up, first. Rebecca started making some strange noises, which I assumed was a part of this 'music' thing that we were talking about back at the guild, and was apparently not a building. I follow my senses to something thin... possibly tasty... and with a big stamp on it. It had to have been a paper of some sort, and probably one of the ones we were looking for. I picked it up with my mouth, and carried it back to Rebecca, saying "Chip find a paper... too bad Chip isn't hungry right now," I then hand her the paper because she probably wouldn't trust me with one after seeing it in my mouth. I then scuttle off in search of more paper, though, I couldn't find any more unfortunately. I hear someone talking in a weird way, but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Whatever he was saying, he sounded sad... or maybe worried... or maybe something else.


Some other pokemon thought it would be funny to try to steal these papers, and Rebecca says something about us stealing the show, not the other way around. "Yeah! Let's get them, Rebecca!" I shout as I try to run after the mystery pokemon who was trying to steal the papers from us. I was mostly just following Levita at this point because I had no idea where this pokemon might have run off to. Chip came by with a paper in his mouth, which he instantly just gives to Rebecca before wandering off again, possibly in search of more of them. Chip also commented on how he wasn't hungry, and how that was supposedly a bad thing. I chuckled at the thought of paper being someone's preferred food, but I made sure Chip was out of earshot before I did so. I then noticed some clouds forming, and, oddly enough, some rain started to fall. I wonder... will this make Chip retreat, or something? I mean, he is a ground type... maybe he'll hide underground for a while. Great, we're going to have to go digging to find him when we're done with this, aren't we? I think as I notice more and more rain until it's... well, just about average, maybe below average if you're used to the rain. Thankfully, I wasn't too effected by it, but, then again, I wasn't a fire or ground type, at least, not yet.


Kamina asked M if he wanted to join in his hat-wearing shenanigans, and M was very opposed to the idea. I decided against saying something, that is, until a few new, and almost random pokemon appeared, one of whom was an Ekans who seemed almost obsessed with Kamina, another one, a hitmonlee, seemed equally obsessed, however, his obsession was more of fighting him rather than getting to know him. The third was a chikorita who I didn't even notice until he shouted at us, and asked what was going on. "Um... let's see... how do I best explain this...?" I start to ramble until the ekans asks something completely out of the blue with "Why is that one in a bucket?" I then answer with "That's an easy one, he's in the bucket because he's an ocean pokemon, and unlike Kamina, over here..." I then gesture towards Kamina, and then continue with "he has no real way to move on land other than, well, this way," M then says something about us not wanting to fight, and greeting by fighting was something a 'pokemon trainer' did, whatever that was. I then ask M "What's a pokemon trainer?" as he sure seemed to know something I didn't. Maybe they were pokemon who were specialized to teach, or train other pokemon? Would that make pokemon who were capable of teaching other pokemon moves pokemon trainers? I then remembered that I never answered that chikorita's question, and finally decide to answer that "We're two different teams cooperating on some sort of exploration, apparently Anthony got some sort of psychic message, or whatever that told him to come this way," I then whisper to him "I think he might be a little, well... crazy, but whatever," I then start to notice some clouds, and some rain. It wasn't much, just a few drops here and there, but it certainly was rain.


Things started to go much faster with Kamina just sort of wearing me as a hat, something which he seemed more than happy to do. The whole thing stopped, however, when three strange pokemon approached us. An ekans, a hitmonlee, and a chikorita, all of whom were curious about our not-so-little group. The ekans asked why Josh was in a bucket, and I was about to answer when Spruce just blurted it out for me, instead. The chikorita asked what, exactly was going on, and I laughed as Spruce stuttered and 'Um'ed his way through the question, eventually just forgetting about it. "Come on, Spruce, it's not that complicated, but, then again, you ARE the guy who gets his north and south mixed up," Spruce glared at me for a moment, and then whispered to the chikorita, which I had to assume was something about me. Does he think I'm crazy, or something? If he thinks I'm crazy, then why is he following us? I ask myself as he chuckles to himself about something that I didn't hear. And then, rain, glorious, wonderful rain... sure, it was only a few drops, but I was starting to feel a little dehydrated with it being sunny all the time, and me being sort of, well, liquid-based. For a while, I thought I was going to start evaporating if this didn't happen. That magnemite that decided to follow us seemed a little annoyed by something, maybe he was annoyed by the rain, but maybe he was annoyed by me... why? What have I done to him?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZombieMagikarp
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ZombieMagikarp rude and not ginger

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Hiding in the closet didn't necessarily serve much of good thing to Breen, really. Peaking through a small crack, he noticed the crowd dispersed; Archie slowly coming to his senses - only to faint once more at the immediate sight of the guild's newfound sunroof. Classy.

He secures a mop-bucket back on his head, slowly walking out of the closet...inching...ever...so...slightly...and quietly...mop held in a weapon-like state, in case anyone or anything questions him or his antics.

Yeah. Because holding a mop and having a bucket on your head just screams subtly.
He books it through the crowd, heading straight for the guild entrance! Freedom from Archie's yelling and scolding! No more having to be punished for today if he wasn't at the scene of the crime! Carefree, careless, and stairing.
Wait, stairing?

Breen continues his way down the stairs - landing perfectly in front of a group of Pokemon. What a nice way to introduce yourself - with a bucket on your head and a broken mop in your arms.
"Uh, pfft. Gack!" He spits out dirt, brushing himself off as he stands up, removing the bucket and fixing his cap and classes and bowtie. "Uh. Hi. Yeah, hiya! Geez, and to think this all just happen just because I came outta the closet..."

He blinks for a moment. "Uh, phrasing. Crud. I meant, I came out of the closet, because I had to hide there because...aw, fuck it. Where you guys heading?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes breath deeply as she listened to everything, looking at the new pokemons that just arrived, and the rambling that fallow afterwards. She breath deeply. Kamina was happy having anthony as a hat on his head.... but then she heard what he asked to M and grin slightly, before looking at the whole group.
"Uhm... maybe we should just move. If there is someone that does need help... he or she would not want to wait... although be on your guard in case its a trap." she then says. Seriously though... if it ends up with it being a trap against something, she will never fallow Anthony's team again. And they probably are not expecting a very strong team to accompany him... She breath deeply and then started to move north, her ribbons flowing around in the wind. She didn't really feel like talking too much right now.

Eralion looked at Bonnie and frowned a bit, before breathing deeply.
"Lets hope hes still not with your father... and we need a good possition for this... Somewhere we can move the bookcases quickly." he says, thinking and looking at Bonnie.
"If this was your home before... remember any good places to do the trap..." he says. before thinking a bit.
"And any hiding place that the bidoof might be hidding... he might be running from your dad also at the moment or..." he says, before breathing deeply.
"Lets just move and try to do this." he ends up saying, before the group of 3 pokemons were sent flying.
"What the heck... I... think we migth want to move and find that bidoof quick... cause.... ya... that does not seem alright."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 21 hrs ago


Well this was an unexpected but very much welcome surprise; Kamina had never been challenged to a dual before. He was about to respond, when M beat him to the punch by saying something rather strange "silly M! Why wouldn't we test our strength against one another? You'll have to excuse him; M is a grumpy little Magnamite. As for your challenge; I' afraid now's not a really good time. You see, we're about to embark on a quest that may or may not have the fate of the world riding on the outcome, and I don't want to keep the others waiting on me. I should be free when we get back though, so I'd be happy to engage in violent combat with you then" he answered, making extra effort to be polite to offset M's rudeness. He decided to let the other talk with the Chikarita and Ekans that has also just arrived, since he was already in a conversation


"Okay! That sounds like a plan" he responded to Bonnie, his brain not processing that her scream on the other side might be a bad thing. Quickly checking behind him, he saw that Bonnie's dad was still frothing mad, and didn't seem to hear a word he had said to Bonnie. Coming across some stairs, he jumped all the way down them. While in mid air though...something amazing happened; his entire body was engulfed in a white glow as it began to get bigger and longer. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as his mid air change was occurring. As he landed at the bottom of the stairs, the glow faded from his body, reveling his new body, his Dragonair body. Upon realizing what had just occurred to him, Tini's response was simply "neat!" Getting his badge out again, he used it's map function to find Bonnie and Eralion's location and ran there
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kick saw that one of the bystanders of the fight had begun heckling him for the duel that he had declared to the bright red gyarados, but he was fine with that. They would soon know the true power of his strength and fast feet and Kick expected a boisterous scream of rage to agree to his terms and begin the fight. However, this dream of his didn't meet to his terms as the gyarados was in fact very nice. Kick was told they were supposed to be the most ferocious creatures of all time! He looked confused and started to stand up straight, getting out of his battle stance. He started to scratch his head trying to figure things out and angled his body so their faces would be meeting each other due to the huge size difference. "So, you won't fight me?" Kick sounded sad, his body slumped as his first true fight had ended as his opponent wouldn't even fight him.

Kick continued to mope for a couple of seconds before a renewal of vigor surged through the boy, his eyes burning with a passion as inside his mind, his parents in his imagination was giving him the pep talk of his life! He looked at the gyarados with fire in his eyes and looked at Kamina directly in the eye. "If I can't fight you, then I must join you on this dangerous quest! I can't have my opponent going on some wild adventure while I'm training until you come back, it would be unequal training! I must fight you like we had just met! So what else but join you and your group and gain strength in an equal manner!" Kick nodded his head to his own plan and looked at everyone, "Allow me on this quest of yours. I have been training since I was a kid for a match like this and I can't have the universe short hand me. My skills are formidable and I swear on my ancestors that I will not hinder your journey."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Several more Pokemon approached the group - an Ekans, a Chikorita, and a Hitmonlee. Xeno went over to Matt, and tugged on his arm to get his attention. He then asked if all of the other Pokemon were coming with them. He seemed to be pretty nervous.
"I'm not entirely sure about the Ekans, the Chikorita, or the Hitmonlee, but yes, the rest of them are coming with us." Matt said. "You don't need to worry about them. They're all friendly."

The Hitmonlee seemed to want to challenge Kamina to a fight, and the other two newcomers seemed to be curious about their group. Then, a Mudkip came tumbling down the steps that led to the guild.
"We don't have time for this." Josh said. "Anybody who wants to come north with us, go right ahead, but we need to leave now. Come on, Matt."
Matt and Josh then headed to the north exit of Allure Town, hoping that they wouldn't run into any more distractions along the way.


The familiar creaking of his cell doors woke Dexter from his sleep. He sat up, letting out a yawn as he did so. He then turned to the Pawniard guard entering his cell, and growled at him. "What do you want?"
"Your sentence is over." The Pawniard replied. "Judging by your behavior I think you'll be back here in a few weeks, but for now, you're free to go."
Dexter stood up. "About time you let me out of here." He said, following the guard outside.

He expected to see the sun once he went outside, but that wasn't the case. Instead, he was greeted by a massive raincloud looming above them.
"Oh, for fuck's sake." he muttered to himself. He wasn't exactly fond of the rain. It wasn't just because he was a Fire-type. His fur always started to smell when it got wet. Thankfully it wasn't raining too hard at the moment. Judging from the appearance of the sky, though, that probably wouldn't last long.

Right now, he had two goals: get out of the rain, and get as far away as possible from the assholes who kept him locked up in a cell for several years. As much as he hated the rain, the latter was his top priority. He'd heard that there was another town right next to this one, known as Treasure Town. Thankfully, there was a sign nearby that pointed him in the right direction, otherwise he wouldn't know where to go. He began to head along the road to Treasure Town, trying to move as quickly as possible so he could get there before it started raining too badly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by bobbananaville

bobbananaville The Nonexistent

Member Seen 9 yrs ago


One day, a Wurmple had decided to find the world of the outsiders. It wasn’t a spontaneous decision; he’s spent almost a year watching any and every outsider that came into the forest (that he could find anyway). He’d spent many hours learning what he could of their language and their attitudes, such that he could eventually learn to emulate them. He’d even come up with a syllable by which he would be identifies, as they often did - Bob.

He’d spent months imagining what life would be like with someone watching his back - ensuring he’d have help in exchange for loyalty on his part. He spent weeks contemplating what a large group of Pokemon with such exchanges would be like. Just before leaving, he’d gathered berries and other knick-knacks that he might be able to trade for passage into whatever abode they may have. He had placed them in a net of leaves tied with string. Ten minutes ago, he finally moved in a random direction.

Bob was now lost. He was not very surprised - it was a dungeon, after all. The dungeon shifts, often without its inhabitants noticing, and the only way to realize this is to notice one’s nest or food cache disappear. Still, being completely and utterly lost and without any direction was rather disheartening. He could only hope that an outsider would come by, so that he might follow them back. Perhaps he could even form a bond, as he’d seen in many outsiders.

He spotted a pidgey in the corner of his eye - it was watching him. It looked like he’d been targeted by a predator - a situation made even worse by the enticing net of berries on his back.
If he knew any expletives, he'd doubtless be using them now. Instead, he carefully walked away, hoping that it didn't realize he'd noticed it. Or that he was mistaken.

((EDIT: Changed the tense to past))
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Anlu
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Anlu Only A Little Crazy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After only a few brief seconds of this, the fur on Thassa's neck was beginning to stand up on end. She couldn't swallow the opinion that fish belonged in the sea, and here stood not one - not two - but three. For a few long seconds her piercing gaze fell on Josh in his bucket; regarding him halfway between food and a piteous creature that she wasn't sure she wanted anything to do with. The real question wasn't about the bucket. The real question was why he chose the bucket over, say, the nearest river. But that saw no evident answer, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know. And so, about the time Kick showed up, Thassa turned to leave. She nips very sharply on the Chikorita's shoulder and leads him away. The message, unspoken, was clear nonetheless: You're coming with me.

Assuming he followed her, she would stop a few feet further down the road - and quietly, so that the others could not hear without deliberately listening in, she hissed. "We're going back to Treasure Town. You will join my team. We'll find somebody else there who isn't insane or stupid." And then she would move on, down the road to the ...east? She ignored the welted clouds looming ominously overhead; although she wasn't especially fond of the rain, she didn't like the idea of holing up in this unfamiliar town for an indeterminate span of time. She had no fur to ruin and in all honesty mud was easier to slide through, sometimes.

To a degree, though, the scent of water in the air triggered a certain awareness. The snake moved with her head a little lower to the ground; her eyes were a little more focused. She would frequently pause to taste the air as they left town, her tongue flickering. When she looked back at Favlev, to see that he was following her, she held his gaze for perhaps too long...
But! They were on their way and honestly she kind of liked the little guy. He was... cute. So she slowed a little bit, making sure he caught up, and spoke quietly. "...You mentioned fish..?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pearion_Rehtyer
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Pearion_Rehtyer The Hug Dragon

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Falvev thought perhaps the fate of the world was a bit of a tall order to get involved with as his first mission, he just wanted to join a team after all! It should be something simple like exploring a forest and saving someone in it. Or what he had thought his first job was way back then.

When Kicks appeared, he stared at the Hitmonlee approaching and eventually grinned, "Umm...well you seem enthusiastic maybe-AH!" He winced a bit as Thassa's jaws closed around his shoulder and led him off. Though he was quite interested in the guild, he was aware that an Ekans could very easily be able to poison him if he upset it so he allowed Thassa to drag him off, waving nervously with his leaf to those he was leaving.

Once they were on their way and Thassa released him and explained, he tilted his head, "We're not looking to save the fate of the world right off the bat are we?" He asked with a small grin before stating, "Also I know you don't really have hands, but your mouth makes me nervous...poison and all. We're heading back to Treasure Town though? Maybe you can show me that burrow you were talking about."

He blinks as she looks back at him with a slightly telling glare, and backs away nervously about to suggest that maybe he should go back to Allure town and see what was going on at the guild now. He noticed she was slowing too and once he caught up with her he looked ahead, not wanting to meet her glare again, nervous as it made him. Then when she asked he turned to her, flopping his leaf to the side curiously and stating, "Uh....yeah I did. You said you liked them so I went fishing before I headed to Allure." He opened his little pouch he brought, it contained...mostly fish actually, only a few berries and a side pouch for the book. As a result the inside of the bag, and the berries, were a bit slimey.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The rain was showing no signs of stopping. In fact, it was starting to rain harder. Dexter ran to Treasure Town as fast as he could, hoping to get there before he got too wet. It only took him a few minutes, but he was still soaked by the time he got there. He instantly ran up a flight of stairs to one of the buildings. This one was more of a tent, but it still looked like it would provide shelter from the rain.

As he went up to the guild entrance, he stepped on a grate in front of it. Almost as soon as he did so, he heard someone shouting down below. "Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!"
"What the hell?" Dexter said.
"Whose footprint? Whose footprint? The footprint is Growlithe's! The footprint is Growlithe's!"
The gate then opened, allowing him to enter. He ran inside, glad to finally be out of the rain.

What seemed to be a tiny little tent happened to be an underground headquarters of some sort. There was a lot of Pokemon in here. If Dexter had known it would be this crowded, he would've chosen a different building. He didn't feel like going back out into the rain, though, so he'd have to deal with it for now. After taking a moment to catch his breath, he tried to dry himself off a little by shaking some of the water out of his fur. This got water all over anyone who happened to be nearby, which earned him a few dirty looks.
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