Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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Many heroes lost their lives on the fatal day when the Watchtower lost power and fell to Earth. Founding members Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and the Flash were all killed when the Watchtower fell. Several additional members (The Ray, Mr. Miracle , etc) were also thought to be dead. This left Earth's defenses almost crippled, with only a few heroes standing strong to fight the good fight. While Batman is more of a lone wolf, he is also part of the JLU. The team is still strong and capable but with the dwindling numbers it became increasingly hard to fight crime. The future Batman, Terry McGinnis, was offered a position by Superman, but he decided he wasn't ready just yet. Eventually, he did join the team.


*Superman - An Elder Superman.
*Warhawk - Who is the son of Shayera Al-Hol and Green Lantern John Stewart.
*Aquagirl - Who is the daughter of Aquaman and Mera.
Kai-Ro (Green Lantern) - A Green Lantern in the future GLC.
*Big Barda - An older version of Big Barda, who remains still the same.
Micron - A Member who became injured, which prompted Terry to join.
*Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
*Static - The former Milestone character [much older, early to mid 40's], who used to live in Dakota in the past.
Danica Williams (The Flash) - A young girl who with the help of her predecessor and speed force, becomes The Flash in the Beyond Universe of the DCU.
*Mr. Miracle - An older version of Scott Free, who remains still the same and joins his wife and Justice League after the events in of Konstriction: Hell on Earth & The Mortal Coil.
*Starfire - An older version, who still remains the same.
*Martian Manhunter - An older version wearing a cloak, who still remains the same.

But shortly before the game begins, the League has been compromised by Brainiac 3.7. Superman, Batman, Barda, Aquagirl, Static, and Warhawk, Starfire, Martian Manhunter, and Mr. Miracle, as well as several dozen civilians in Metropolis have been infected with a techno virus. Brainiac 3.7...

The young Lantern [who's ring was taken by Brainiac'ed Superman to power his mechanical devices], the shrinking Micron, and the new Flash were the only remaining Leaguers left to activate the Unlimited Protocol. Several new meta-humans, super powered descendants of older heroes, as well as the older heroes themselves were contacted and offered a position in the Justice League Unlimited. You can be an elder version of a modern hero [currently Starfire is being shown in the Beyond/Unlimited universe], a legacy hero, an original, etc... the year is roughly 2040 and everything is as it was in the Batman Beyond cartoon. Bigger cities, huge corporations around every corner, flying cars, and the older Superman without a cape flying around with a Brainiac symbol on his head.

If you're interested and just joining the boards again hit me up. PM's, VM's, or whatever passes for them!

CS's should include but are not limited to:

Name -
Alias -
Powers -
Age -
Weaknesses -
Appearance - [description or image]
Notes -
Accepted characters/players:

Me - Animal
Endrance - Supergirl
Silver Carrot- Shining Knight
Dblade26 - the Answer
FiroIV - Iceburn
Damo021 - Nightstar
Kalamadea - Kalamadea [needs a code-name]
Venom - Crypt

Repost your CS if you've been accepted!!!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Name - Jonathan Kade
Alias - the Animal
Powers - can mimic the abilities of animals and bugs and sometimes the traits of them as well if under a lot of pressure [for example he could give himself the hide of a rhino to make his skin tough, or he could actually make his skin look like rhino's hide and rip out of his clothes]
Age - 20
Weaknesses - the same weaknesses that kill any man or animal, big guns or knives, explosions, etc... depends on the power set
BRIEF Bio - Buddy Baker's daughter was growing into a role she was destined among the Parliament of Limbs and a new champion was chosen to protect the world; enter Jonathan Kade. One year ago he was approached by a much more animal looking humanoid Maxine Baker who was becoming a member of the Parliament of Limbs physically as one of the elders had passed on. Kade was a good kid who volunteered at the Midway City Zoo who had met Animal Man once when Buddy was helping Hawkman defeat some zombie looking half animal half human creature sometime around 2030 [both heroes would've looked mid to late 40's]. It was before he'd got the volunteer gig but it had an impac on what he wanted to be when he grew up. Not a superhero, but an animal vet. But being a superhero is just too fun.
Appearance -
Notes - When tapping into the Red [the source connecting all life on Earth that isn't plant based], Kade's eyes turn black and red. He's only been a hero for a year and still makes mistakes when choosing animal's abilities and traits to borrow from the animal kingdom.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name - Damita Waller
Alias - Supergirl
Powers - TK [telekinetic] based strength, speed, flight, and small TK fields
Age - 17
Weaknesses - Mental attacks, advanced tech
BRIEF Bio - Around the same time Amanda Waller decided to make another Batman, she decided that a Superman she could control would be even more beneficial in the longrun. Instead of finding donor parents, Waller and Cadmus used Waller's DNA along with Superman's to create the Girl of Tomorrow. Like with the Batman of tomorrow having parents similar to the Waynes, Amanda found parents for "Damita" like Superman's in a pair of 40-something farmers out in an area not covered in huge buildings with flying cars everywhere. Elderly and almost crazy, Amanda watches the news to see her handy work in action having called her Damita after her murdered daughter.
Appearance -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Kalamadea

Alias: James Furlow (pseudonym used as the name of his human form). A hero name can be created IC by the other Leaguers, though.

Pyromancy: Kalama has total control of fire in every aspect, as well as being able to conjure and manipulate three types of fire at his current level of ascension (this is from before he became the essence of fire, as he is merely a fire god at the moment). These are traditional fire, blue fire, and holy fire.

Hard Fire Constructs: Kalama can craft constructs from fire, granting him an ability similar to that of the Power Rings the Green Lantern Corps uses. They are, like the Power Rings, dependent on the user's power level for the durability of the constructs, making Kalama's very durable due to his high pyromantic ability. The most common use of this ability is conjuring armor, swords, bows, and barriers, but he has been known to craft firearms with this ability when they were absolutely necessary. The flames can repel magic, making them very useful as armor.

Volcanic Affinity: Kalama is immune to anything to do with the element of fire, meaning all forms of heat damage are useless against him. This includes resistance to lava. Fire magic is the only type of magic he is immune to because of this.

Ascension: While his current level of ascension is far from perfect, it still gives him a distinct advantage. He can assume a "divine form" that is made of pure pyromantic energy, which often manifests as a writhing mass of flame. This true form is really only used for crossing dimensional barriers and to travel quickly, giving the illusion of teleportation.

Draconic Physiology: He is practically immune to mundane attacks. The attacks will still injure him, but he can instantly heal from mundane attacks. He is also weak against magic instead of magic just affecting him normally, with pyromancy being an exception. He takes a bit more damage from magical attacks than most would purely because of the fact that he's a dragon. Additionally, he is immune to mind control, but hormone control can still work on him, though it would take a very powerful hormone changing agent to affect his mind due to his age. Because he's a dragon, age brings more willpower, making him resistant to hormone control's affects, but not the actual hormone control. He also possesses superhuman strength and running speed, but his agility is equal to that of a very fit human. He can lift up to 100 tons easily, and can reach speeds of about 250 mph. He is also superhumanly intelligent.

Multiform: He has three forms: a human form, an anthro form, and a feral form. His feral form is far less agile than his anthro and human forms, but is also many times stronger. If this form had hands, he could easily lift thousands of tons. It also has a greater straight-line speed than his anthro form, able to reach up to 1000 mph.

Age: 5000 (a tenth of the age I usually play him at)

Weaknesses: While in his divine form, he cannot directly harm anything. The writhing mass of flame that most see is merely the brain's attempts to put an appearance to his nature, so it isn't actually real. Those with experience with gods (yes, he is a god, but he's a mortal god, much like how Superman is a mortal god) of his nature will see nothing, but they will feel him so well that they may as well see him there. They'll see him appearing as he normally does in his physical form, only made of fire instead of flesh and bone.

He is weak against magic and takes extra damage from all forms of magic except pyromancy.

Constructs are weaker against magic than against mundane attack. They also draw on his body's energy rather than an external source such as a Lantern. As such, using them too much leaves him weary.

Human form lacks the draconic physiology abilities, with the exception of the mental immunities and resistances.

BRIEF Bio: Kalama only vaguely remembers his early life. He was born in another dimension, on a planet called Aenaea. He was a member of a race known as Drakoniid, whose common name is "Draconic Shifter", or simply "Shifter". Kalama himself left this race behind and became a full dragon as he became more powerful, as he reached a point at which Shifters could not become more powerful. His climb in power level was merely a hobby of sorts, a purely educational venture, but he reached a point where he couldn't stop gaining power. Even now, he's on a steady climb in power level. Recently, he's had to ascend to be able to handle this power, which he detests. He hates his vast power and wishes he never decided to learn what it feels like.

He entered this dimension when he asked the lord of the void, Darque, for a chance to see another universe. Since he is a friend of Darque's, the void god happily obliged and sent him to the DC universe, where his vast power was not something unique. This pleased Kalama, as he was glad to see there were others that are far more powerful than he, such as Darkseid. He worked with the original Justice League of America for a while, but as the members who could age began to deteriorate, he knew, just as Superman did, that they had to find younger heroes to succeed the current League. He stayed with this new Justice League, serving to guide them and help them get accustomed to the bigger responsibility they now had.

Appearance: His physical form, which he prefers, is, throughout all the times its had to be reformed, 6'3" tall, and weighs 250 lbs. Unlike a lot of animals, the muscle is not quite as dense as a lot, making his build a bit on the bulky side instead of being slim and packed. His musculature is not toned at all, it's just big and bulky. His shoulders are very broad and his torso is barrel-chested. Every scale on his body, including the front of his torso, is a fiery red, unlike a lot of dragons who have different colored front halves of their torsos compared to the rest of their body.

He has an average-length snout compared to most dragons, with a similar shape as well. He's also completely wingless. He stands on digitigrade legs, similar in shape to the hind legs of a feral dragon. He has four toes on each foot. He also has a thick tail, as with most dragons. Unlike a lot of dragons seen within the furry fandom, he hasn't a single strand of hair on his body, lacking all forms of fluff. He also has deep green eyes, a common eye color with reptilian creatures, and the standard vertical slit pupils that most reptiles have. He also has a total of twelve horns on his body, which, like with most dragons, serve as channeling rods for the magic that allows them to breathe fire. He has two mid-sized ones on the back of his head, two smallish ones on his elbows, two large ones on his back where the wings would normally be, and six tiny ones on his lower jaw.

Notes: I took away his shapeshifting since it would make him a bit too powerful, even for DC. That, and he never uses the ability, anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name - I'm not sure he even remembers

Alias - The Answer

Powers - A highly skilled martial artist and general hand-to-hand combatant, The Answer is also a skilled actor and mimic and combined with his costume and flesh-mask's ability to change appearance he has become something very like a master of disguise.

Age - Probably somewhere in his 20s

Weaknesses -Though he himself views it as a strength, the Answer is incredibly paranoid, to the point where everyone including perhaps The Answer himself will often have trouble keeping track which of his cases and bits of information are real and which are the fabrications of his delusional mind. Of course, the Answer maintains that he's not paranoid at all, simply more informed than the common person. Given the nature of the vast and sinister web of lies and manipulations The Answer insists we're all caught in, this would be terrifying if true. Other than that, his main 'weakness' is that he's just human and employs no gadgets of his own besides his costume.

BRIEF Bio - The Answer has done an admirable job erasing himself from as many records as possible, including a few only he would insist are real. That said he says he was found and trained by The Question at a young age, educated in the way the world really is and charged by his mentor to find 'The Answer' that would unravel the net of conspiracies strangling the world.

Appearance - On the occasions when he's not in disguise he dresses in a red and black variant of ] The Question's traditional outfit along with a white tie.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name – Beck Bradbury

Alias – White Shiv/Iceburn (I can’t decide which)

Powers – He has the ability to create, shape and manipulate the ice around him. His ability stems from a metahuman gene that scientist have traced back to an unknown relative. His abilities root in the basic ability to extend the cold particles inside him to make his surrounding cooler to the point where the water molecules in the air turn into ice, and from there he can manipulate the ice freely. Naturally, he is immune to the cold weather and by extension hot weather as well, but only to a certain degree.

Age - 20

Weaknesses – His abilities lie in his mental focus, physical stamina and the environment he’s in. His mind and body need to be in tiptop condition for him to access his abilities perfectly. He needs immense amounts of focus for him to create something like a pillar of ice, but for something, as simple as making the air cold he can do that easily. If the environment he is in has little to no moisture in the air, his abilities are severely weakened and it’ll take a lot of time for him to even coat his hands in ice. His biggest weakness this far is that for his ability to work in a functional level he needs lots of water in his body to act as generator for his abilities to even work, if in the event that he hasn’t had any water for more than a few hours then his control on his abilities swill begin to lessen.

BRIEF Bio – Beck grew up in the streets. He was an orphan who was raised by nuns instilling in him a sense of morality that most street kids do not have, which didn’t turn out well, but he survived. A big part of what kept him alive was because of his abilities, which I true because for the most part if his life he’s been using his abilities to survive. On the surface, he kept to himself and strived to get out of the slums, but on the side he uses his abilities to do more than just survive.

Appearance - Beck is a rather tall, somewhat skinny looking man, but is surprisingly muscular. He has blue eyes hidden under a pair of thick-rimmed glasses he doesn't really need, and short blonde hair that he sweeps backwards. Many people say he's good looking, but it would be a lot better if he smiled more. His superhero costume is less of a costume and more of a color coordinated street civvies plus a mask. Normally he wears a sleeveless hoodie he personally modified to include a bulletproof vest he found, a long sleeved shirt, pants, and army boots. His color schemes, to coincide with his frosty powers are white, black and some blue.

Notes – One of his favorite ways of utilizing his abilities is by creating a shiv made of ice almost instantly that way he always has a weapon handy. He changed his name from Mathew Peter to Beck Bradbury as homage to one of his old time musicians and author, two people that he knew because of a really cool, old, and non-conservative nun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

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Can we post in the IC already?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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I don't really want an alien, but I think we have too many non-powered members for me to use Black Canary.

After a bit of reseraching, I have decided I will be using Shining Knight. The Ystina version, who was granted eternal youth by the cauldron of rebirth. She drank from the Holy Grail too, which I think grants immortality. I think that's a bit OP so I'm ommiting it. No fun in an immortal character anyway.

Name - Ystina
Alias - Shining Knight
Powers - Skilled swordswoman and hand to hand fighter. Wields Excalibur, which is literally unbreakable. Was granted eternal youth by the cauldron of Rebirth. Owns a Pegasus called Vanguard. Has a good mind for leadership and tactics.
Age - Unkown. Eternally in her late teens/early twenties physically.
Weaknesses - Is bound to a code of honor. Will not attack an opponent with their back turned, will not attack an opponent while they are down. Will rarely ever make the first strike.
BRIEF Bio - Born in Wales in 8,000 B.C, but came to the present via a time portal. (I'm missing some details out. Here: http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Ystina_(New_Earth)) Ystina spent most of her time in between being a superhero learning about all that has changed between her time and the present, which was made harder as the world was constantly changing around her. She slowly became more current and streetwise as time went on, but never, ever gave up her old ways. Her code, and her armor were important for her to keep constant. She would see to it that the things she believed in would never die as long as she was alive. But she also knew she couldn't fight all this evil alone...
Appearance -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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So, is the signal on, or...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

yeah he said we can post in the IC, just intros though, and you can elaborate on the info he gave in the beginning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Name - Dariand'r
Alias - Darkstar
Powers - Tamaranean/Human Physiology
- Energy Absorption
- Energy Projection
- Enhanced Strength
- Flight
- Hand-to-Hand Combat
Age - 19
Weaknesses - Needs to absorb solar energy on the regular to keep powers. Keep her caged and underground and she'd be completely powerless in just a couple of days.
BRIEF Bio - The Daughter of Koriand'r also known as Starfire. And a human male called Blake Conner who her mother met and had a fling with him because he interested her and didn't bore the Tamaran, Dariand'r was the end result and a Tamaranian/Human hybrid that was pretty much born into heroism. She had come to have the same powers/abilities as her mother but thanks to her human side there were some distinct differences.

While she kept the golden skin from her mothers side, Dariand'r had black and normal human eyes instead of the green Normally associated with Tamaranians other than that she has every bit of her mother within her. Dariand'r would often spend most of her time with her mother sharing a strong relationship bond while her relationship with her father was somewhat strained as he wanted to try and have more influence in her life. Dariand'r took up the name of Darkstar upon learning more about the leaguers and when Starfire became infected with a techno virus from Brainiac 3.7.

Appearance -

Notes -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Why did she take the alias of her mom's enemy?

EDIT: Nevermind. I was thinking of Blackfire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

mine will be up tomorrow night!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Anybody? Aaaaaaaanybody? I'm up for a bit if anybody's around...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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What does the signal look/sound like? Also, is it on right now?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Yeah, I tried to imply the Flash could do it in seconds and Animal answered it hours later. I would imagine it'd be advanced enough to find everyone's cell phones, media devices, etc...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Shining Knight doesn't even have a Nokia brick. How're you going to find her?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 7 days ago

Old school sonics originally used by Superman? It gets to the horse...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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That would work.
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