Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Many heroes lost their lives on the fatal day when the Watchtower lost power and fell to Earth. Founding members Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, and the Flash were all killed when the Watchtower fell. Several additional members (The Ray, Mr. Miracle , etc) were also thought to be dead. This left Earth's defenses almost crippled, with only a few heroes standing strong to fight the good fight. While Batman is more of a lone wolf, he is also part of the JLU. The team is still strong and capable but with the dwindling numbers it became increasingly hard to fight crime. The future Batman, Terry McGinnis, was offered a position by Superman, but he decided he wasn't ready just yet. Eventually, he did join the team.


*Superman - An Elder Superman.
*Warhawk - Who is the son of Shayera Al-Hol and Green Lantern John Stewart.
*Aquagirl - Who is the daughter of Aquaman and Mera.
Kai-Ro (Green Lantern) - A Green Lantern in the future GLC.
*Big Barda - An older version of Big Barda, who remains still the same.
Micron - A Member who became injured, which prompted Terry to join.
*Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
*Static - The former Milestone character [much older, early to mid 40's], who used to live in Dakota in the past.
Danica Williams (The Flash) - A young girl who with the help of her predecessor and speed force, becomes The Flash in the Beyond Universe of the DCU.
*Mr. Miracle - An older version of Scott Free, who remains still the same and joins his wife and Justice League after the events in of Konstriction: Hell on Earth & The Mortal Coil.
*Starfire - An older version, who still remains the same.
*Martian Manhunter - An older version wearing a cloak, who still remains the same.

But shortly before the game begins, the League has been compromised by Brainiac 3.7. Superman, Batman, Barda, Aquagirl, Static, and Warhawk, Starfire, Martian Manhunter, and Mr. Miracle, as well as several dozen civilians in Metropolis have been infected with a techno virus.

1.) No back-to-back posting.


3.) Make sense. If we can't make heads or tails of your posts they're likely to get skipped over.

4.) Get permission before using another player's character in your posts if it involves changing the scene or making actions. Everybody will take beatings in this game in battle however, so don't get pissed if you get punched or blasted into a wall by the bad guys!

5.) Problems with the game or players should be sent directly to me through PM's. I don't want a bunch of bickering in the OOC.

6.) Abandoned characters will be used as NPC's or killed off within the context of the story.

7.) “I was waiting for [insert player/character] to make a move” is not an excuse to not post.

8.) My word is law.

9.) In the event that I'm offline for any period of time, the deputy GM (not yet selected) will take control and [b]HIS/HER[b] word will then be law.
Two days had gone by since the new Brainiac made himself known in Metropolis. The year was 2040, the Justice League Watchtower on the northeast end of the city. The majority of the League was taken over by the alien thinking machine, Superman and the others flew around the city with Brainiac's tech implanted in their heads controlling their actions and powered by the energies of Green Lantern Kai Ro's ring. The controlled League gathered electronic components of various shapes and sizes for the newest model of Brainiac as dozens of civilians stood guard outside of the Watchtower. The newest Flash, a ringless Kai Ro, and the size altering Micron were the only Leaguers left.

"We have to initiate the Unlimited Protocol..." Kai Ro said to both Micron and the Flash.

"Where was the signal located, under the old Daily Planet building, right?" Micron asked.

Danica Williams didn't know what was going on. She had only been a member of the JL for a few weeks and hadn't been briefed on the Unlimited Protocol. For a few moments she remained silent, then for a few moments she did a grounds sweep as the League was in an underground location. In a few seconds she returned, nothing new to report.

"What's the Unlimited Protocol?" she asked the two founders.

"The Unlimited Protocol is a signal designed to contact nearby metahumans within a five hundred mile radius of the signal. Designed to seek out former metahuman heroes and reformed criminals as well as their children, the Protocol was created after the last attack of the Starros." Kai Ro began explaining.

"If not for Batman helping the League and later joining, and Static taking down a mothership over NYC... the League would have been defeated. Now that we need backup to take back Metropolis and the Watchtower, this is our only option." Micron continued, "How fast can you get to the old Daily Planet building, Danica?" he asked after pausing for a moment.

Hours later....

Night was falling in Metropolis. The underground HQ of the League was just outside of the city limits and as far away from the Watchtower as it needed to be keeping the distance between the Brainiac'ed League and civilians. A few blocks away from the Watchtower the civilians didn't seem as affected as the ones in the general area. The latest avatar of the Red and current Animal Man heir simply called "Animal" used the speed of a cheetah to dash by the people of Metropolis. The Flash met up with the young hero near an abandoned subway station above ground.

"Are you the animal guy?" Danica asked.

"I'm the animal guy..." he repeated smiling and following her down to the entrance of the hidden HQ.

A few heroes had already gathered.

"What have I got myself into?" Kade thought.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 17 min ago

Ystina didn't know the technical terms. She didn't care for all this modern terminology. It was clear to her that the Justice League had been possessed by evil spirits. They must be fought, and warded off. This...Braniac. He must be the warlock responsible. As the last knight of Camelot, and wielder of Excalibur, it was her honor-bound duty to fight this evil, but she knew that alone, she'd be no match for a force that could control Gods from the heavens.

The buildings had gotten taller and taller over the years. Riding her Pegasus used to be straightforward, but now she has to dodge and weave between great behemoths of steel and glass. Guns were another thing she despised. At least her armor could withstand them now she had visited a blacksmith. Well, they were called 'engineers' now. From what she understood, her armor contained diamond, which she did not understand the importance of. T'was only a decorative jewel. The armor had also been lined with some kind of enchanted cloth called 'kevlar.'

She set Vanguard, her Pegasus, down outside a pet store, and purchased some hay for it, taking it into the alley so it could eat in peace. She sat down opposite it.

"What is even more remarkable than how much has changed," she spoke out loud, "is how much has stayed the same."

After the horse had finished eating, they rode again, on the lookout for anything that would require them. It was at that point when the signal went out, and Vanguard shifted course, it being able to sense the signal. "Woah, boy!" says Ystina, somewhat alarmed by this development, "What has gotten into you?" The Pegasus set down near an abandoned subway station, and she dismounted. "Are you alright, Vanguard?" She said, stroking the Pegasus. "You wanted to bring me here, didn't you? Well, alright. You go off and hide somewhere. That's a good boy." She patted him and she cantered over to a nearby alley. Ystine descended the subway stairs, curious as to what she'd find.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Sorry this is so long and hopefully it's alright as a post.)

Very few people ever bothered to question The Answer. They all just took life as it was without even attempting to think at all about how wrong everything is, how wrong everything had been for such a long time now. That was why by the time the call for The Answer went out, the consciousness of those in Metropolis infected by foolish, blind obedience was dangling by a precarious thread even while The Answer was standing right in front of them, staring them in the face in the blank way only the truth could.

That last part wasn't in the least bit metaphorical. The faceless detective known as The Answer had actually been suspending a few tied up former civilians who had become infected by Brainiac's technovirus from a rope over the ledge of a rather high skyscraper's viewing balcony in hopes of dragging some information out of them when the League sent out its' call. The Answer didn't usually bother with carrying a mobile phone or other such device, they were too easily tracked. But he'd been expecting that sort of call for some time now and had picked up an old disposable phone with that exact call in mind.

To some it might seem like lunacy, buying a phone for a call that might never come, answering that phone with one hand in the middle of suspending a brainwashed office drone from a skyscraper's viewing balcony with the other, taking time to leave exact change for the admission price for using the balcony before the interrogation, but to The Answer it all made sense.

The various robberies of technical equipment over the past few days, the lack of any response from the League as Superman and others flew through the skies and rained terror down unopposed, the messy two-day-old mustard stains on this office worker's shirt that looked just a little bit like a bunny rabbit now that he was hanging upside-down and refusing to divulge any information all pointed to the Justice League's emergency phone call. As for the rest, the Answer was confident in his upper body strength and once this was all over it would've been rude to use the balcony without paying.

So The Answer found himself walking through an abandoned subway and into the Justice League's hidden HQ. It would've been rude to pretend he couldn't find his way there, too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Come to Metropolis they said. It'll be fun they said."

Crypt mocked himself for thinking it would be as easy as knocking on the front door. Considering he had never thought about where the front door was. It was one thing after another once he got there, he had opted to go without his suit. He had never thought himself the hero type but when a crisis knocked upon the door, he felt morally obligated to try something.

Now lost in the corrupted and what was already intimidating streets of a city the size of metropolis Crypt found himself struggling to stay the correct density. The urge to ghost through the cold streets or hide in a statue was in every social paranoia induced thought.

"Come on dude, keep your cool or they will notice,,*coughs*.."

The cough makes him neglect to watch where he was walking, or walking through.....Honestly who puts those benches every fifty feet anyway! He stops half way through it looking down....

"Well that's not conspicuous."

Just as people go to take notice he sprints to a subway pulling his hoodie up over his head.

"That's it next time I wanna' help I'm going to donate a dollar to kids without laptops!"

Once again he mistakenly becomes intangible making him fall down...err...through the steps. A master of secret powers this one. He pulls himself outta the floor as more and more people begin to notice his Disturbing antics. He sprints towards the rails trying to get out of site as fast as possible. After all its not like he had to worry about being hit by the train.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Damita had gone through all kinds of tests and tribulations since being taken away from her parents. Growing up she always knew she was adopted and had a secret yearning to know what her real parents were like but now it seemed like a wish she never wanted granted. Three months ago she was just an average farm girl with not so average powers. Don't get her wrong, Damita was loving and this all made her feel more useful, and proud of her abilities but could she really handle the crisis? Could she handle Superman knowing she was nothing but a clone? She didn't resent Amanda for it though, she wouldn't be here without her and besides...for all intents and purposes that was her mother... Still there wasn't a warmth there. It was more of a replacement feeling that Damita didn't quite get.

Day in and day out were exercises to test her limits. Her strength, coordination, focus, flight... the list goes on. Sometimes she'd fare well, and other times she would take a beating in that practice field. Outside of that secluded farmhouse was a dangerous world. She didn't mind the preparation but did they have to scratch her face and pull her hair? Just thinking about it in her room gave her a migraine. Today she wasn't called down to eat with Amanda (should she say mom now...?) or to practice. She just sat in her room, suited up in her Supergirl costume with the neon blue streaks, but now with an odd agitation. She was antsy for events she knew were inevitable. When Amanda finally entered, it was with news that made Damita nod and smirk.
After settling down on the concrete (her hair blowing in the wind), Damita glanced left and right before running down the stairs. All sorts of weird faces...and in ones case, not one at all...began to show themselves. Inside, it made Damita's excitement well up. Obviously, this wasn't a game, and they'd be up against one hell of a fight but knowing other people would be her partners in this and learning their abilities was enough for the curious Supergirl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Beck had gotten the info a few months back from a certain caped crusader, but never really gave it much thought since he played alone, but he knew what it meant. That being said he never really expected them to call seeing as they are the big leagues and they normally handled, well, the big stuff. Crooks, gangs, thugs, and generally all types of Dregs were more his game, not super villains that planned on taking out the entire universe. To be perfectly honest he didn’t want to get that call at all since he knew that if it came he’d answer it and would go do the right thing. “God, why is doing the right thing so hard to do?” He asked no one in particular as he eyed the station from an alley.

He was still new to the whole hero thing, well the more traditional, costume and costume hero thing, but he’d been surrounded by shady types for most of his life growing up in a bad area so he knew some trade secrets and things that he should do. Sure he found the methods in by learning about them from the bad guys, but it was still valuable information. The two sides were basically the same in his opinion, one side was just more favorable to the public crowd. If anything they were two sides of the same coin. This whole scenario was a great example of that. Meeting inside an old building to discuss something dangerous though was something that mostly bad guys tended to do, but nonetheless he entered the subway station.

Metropolis wasn’t his playground, but he’d heard something was going on from his intel. It was the rough kind given that it came from some scumbag’s mouth. That being said info that came from lazy gang member’s lounging around in their rat holes was good information. He had a rough idea of what was happening, but didn’t bother with the details since he was too busy encasing them in ice.

The old station was far from pristine, no duh, but he could tell it was a good-looking place back in the day. He didn’t know much about it given that History classes focused more on modern events and trivial pop culture stuff rather than actual History. The only place where anyone could really learn about history was in the great libraries, emphasis on the difference between great libraries and libraries since the latter was just a place for wannabe writers to hang out and drink overpriced coffee, apparently in any age coffee was overpriced. Speaking of coffee Beck reminded himself to get a new bag since he was running low at home.

After a little bit of walking in the near darkness he finally found himself in the JL’s underground base. Inside he found a couple of people with various types of facial features and expressions, and one guy without a face. It could have been called surreal or it could have been called just weird, but In Beck’s opinion it was just annoying. He knew that after entering this place things would get more annoying and more complicated than ever. At this point, he seriously regretted ever answering that call. The thing he hated the most was that he figured this would happen eventually the moment he felt pride in taking down his first bad guy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Ever since Brainiac 3.7 had been taking people over with the spread of the techno virus which took over many civilians and leaguers a like which included her mother Koriand'r or more commonly known as Starfire, Dariand'r had took it upon herself to learn more about the leaguers other than what her mother had told her who was influential in learning her powers and combat techniques from and early age such is the custom of the Tamarean culture. Of course she was not fully Tamarean but a hybrid, A result of her mother screwing with a random human guy that interested her and her needs, The daughter did keep in contact but their relations where strained at best.

Either way Dariand'r had taken up a hero name and costume if such a day where she was called in to provide extra help should Starfire not be able to, She is known by her Alias name of Darkstar but times where getting dangerous and despite her human side of loving to use modern day technology such as phones and etcetera, The young golden skin beauty pretty much refused to use it now in fear of being infected with the techno virus that took her mother but remembered what Starfire had told her. "Stay within 500 miles of the leaguers and keep a method of communication so they could contact you if we ever need help"

And that is what she did, Darkstar did what she could to get by in the city without drawing the attention of the infected, keeping her distance wear possible and blending when needed, hell even that was a mission in its self for a young teenager, She also feared what has become of those infected, are they aware of what happened, Can they feel any pain or suffering? It made Darkstar out silly teenage impulse to go out there find this Brainiac and kick his butt all over the city, It was a big urge to fight but alas she was at least a little bit wise as her mother or possibly her father and did not pursue such a silly action for it would only end one way and that wouldn't help the people that were infected. Night had fallen upon metropolis and as antsy as one could get finally her phone went of, At first she was a bit sceptical about answering it but eventually gave in to the rings to answer it and to her relief it was the call she had been impatiently waiting for the Justice league was calling out for any meta-humans to come and assist them and had gotten a description of where to go.

Darkstar set of to work immediately getting herself ready in her apartment, The golden skinned hybrid cleaned herself up and pulled out her outfit, getting undressed from her civilian clothes and then putting on her suit putting the straps over her shoulder and zipping up the front and adjusting her self to get comfortable, Soon after she set about putting on her boots and belt before adding in the finishing touches of putting on her head band around her head and under her long black hair and the the gloves and then she was complete,

Donning the complete dark blue outfit of Darkstar which had a pink star on the midsection of her suit and a smaller one at the front centre of her head piece. After this she smiled as she walked over to her window and opened up the window to stand out on the balcony looking down at the city below, If her mother caught her doing this before she considered her daughter ready then she would no doubt kill her what she was about to do but the smile was taken away when there was a bang at door as several infected men broke in and ran through over to the balcony do find nothing there. A moment later Darkstar came hovering down the tips of her black hair all fiery from her taking flight. "Better luck next time boys" She winked noticing the motionless faces of the infected men, It was only a matter of time before Brainiac came after her after catching her mother, It only made her wonder why it took so long.

After this she took of in flight leaving a small fiery trail behind her from her hair as she flew through the night to where she was told to meet up, Darkstar arrived around the block from the meeting point of the old Daily planet building, She walked around cautiously making sure not to bring any attention to herself to make sure it was clear as she approached the building, She remembered being told it was a underground HQ not far from the watchtower, Her childhood memories reminded her that her mother once took her to the Leagues HQ once when she was little but never had she knew of this underground one and backed up her fears of a dire situation indeed, just how many were left and just how many answered the call.

Making sure it was clear again Darkstar made her way down into the abandoned subway to the entrance of this hidden underground HQ, She saw some others there to which was a relief, looks like they would be partners in crime.. Well partners fighting crime and evil. But to say the least this was an interesting bunch and one thing came out of this that was for sure, The call from the league just saved her from being taken and infected by Brainiacs techno virus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Seven new heroes gathered around the makeshift meeting table along with Micron, the Flash, and the ringless Lantern. The Animal, Darkstar, Shining Knight [with horse in tow], Iceburn, a new Supergirl, the Answer, and a young man calling himself Crypt were all circled around the table that was basically a few large metallic crates pushed together. Kai Ro and Micron continued talking quietly about something before sitting down after the Flash did another run through to check the perimeter.

"We're all good, GL." Danica said pulling her Flash mask down and wiping sweat from her brow.

"Thank you all for coming here. I wish that the circumstances were not so dire. The Justice League has been compromised by a new Brainiac who's taken control of three square blocks of Metropolis as well as the Watchtower in two days." the ringless Lantern begins.

Danica can see that a couple of the new recruits are separated from the bunch somewhat. So she puts it all in easier terms.

"Superman and the League are screwed if we don't do something to stop Brainiac. The three of us were no match against a techno-virus controlled Superman and Batman... when the others were taken over we didn't stand a chance..." the Flash said recalling the events of a few days ago.

"And that's where we come in, is that right?" the Animal asked with a smirk.

"As of now you're all the Justice League. We have to take down Brainiac and free the minds of the hundred or so of the civilians infected with the techno-virus as well as the League." Micron stated.

"Brainiac is powering some of his machinations with my ring, if we can locate it we may cripple his attack strategy and free the others. It has to be somewhere within the walls of the Watchtower. But reports say that Superman and the infected League have been scrapping the city for large mechanical components which may be used to draw power from a different energy source. We need to act fast." Kai Ro explained.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Sorry for the horrible post. I'm in a hurry.))

From further back in the shadows, another figure approached. As he came into a lighter part of the area, they saw that he looked like a wingless dragon. He had a Brainiac logo on his head, but he ripped it off and kept hold of it. "I got the signal. Looks like Brainiac bit off more than he could chew when he tried to take over a dragon. Doesn't he realize dragons are all immune to mind control?" He listened to the more veteran members of the League, though he himself had worked with the League before. When Kai Ro mentioned a need to take his ring back, Kalama knew it was a good idea to spare the logo he held. "I could help with that. Brainiac likely thinks he has hold of my mind, so I can use this to infiltrate and find out just where the ring is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He was regretting this more and more each time someone opened their mouth. He wasn’t familiar with a lot of the people in the room. The Flash, The Green Lantern and Micron were an exception since they were members of the Justice League. He knew Supergirl, Shining Knight and Darkstar by reputation only seeing as flying women tend to make it to the news a lot. The other guys, well he had no idea who they were. Iceburn was sure that was about to change though seeing as he was sure there was no way he could live with himself if he backed out of this, not that he could find a reasonable excuse anyway.

The whole Braniac thing wasn’t exactly brand new. History’s been honest enough t point out that Braniac was both a mind wiping creep and villain. The super intelligent organism has issues with superman. The way Braniac acts is entirely human, which makes the whole super intelligent robot organism background questionable.

The way things were set up there was no way that they could win against the Justice League, sure they didn’t have their speedster, incredible shrinking man, and a ringless green lantern, but they still had superman. Superman alone could beat all of them if he really wanted to. “It sounds easy when you say it" He said eyeing the man referring to himself as a dragon. "but I doubt the ring would just be left alone like that.”

“If you’re saying the ring’s important” Iceburn was referring to Kair Ro the green lantern. “then we have to take out whoever’s guarding it, and assuming it’s really important then chances are Superman’s guarding it.” He didn’t need to mention what would happen next, but everyone should have an idea on how strong the old man is, he was probably in his eighties, but the fact that he remains to be one of the strongest people in the entire universe. “Assuming it isn’t guarded then chances are were still bound to fight someone.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well I'm ready." Supergirl said hovering a bit over the ground. "Just tell me exactly what i should do, distraction? reconnaissance? Let's do this!" She really wanted to see what she was capable of, but there were doubts at the back of her mind. She'd have to focus and make it into a training exercise to shake off the nerves. And Still there was a group of them, it's not like she was going this alone... If she would have heard about all this a month ago though, man! She put her hands behind her head, and landed halfway on her tip toes. The more they waited, the more accomplished brainiac was getting. Kinda sucked that the green lantern was basically useless. What she'd heard about his powers was actually cool. Also, why couldn't Danica just do a quick sweep and locate the ring? Damita was about to open her mouth again until she thought or did she have limits? She furrowed her brow a bit and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 17 min ago

Ystina was quiet and said nothing. Danica seemed to be the head of this round table. She was the closest thing to a leader they currently had. She saw the dragon, and didn't overreact though it clearly got her attention. She's seen stranger things, but didn't think she'd ever be fully used to that. An army was better than a single person, but though she had the sword of the King of England, this wasn't England. She wasn't fit to lead these people, most of whom were both smarter and stronger than she was. She would go along with any plans that were made, but castle siege strategies from 10,000 years ago wouldn't be very helpful in this situation, and she knew it. After all, the only way to beat a witch was with a wizar-

"Wait, we have a Kryptonian! She may not be as strong as Superman but she can certainly keep him occupied for long enough."

She pointed to Supergirl as she said this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Thank goodness that he was not a thinker. Because right now. All he could foresee is failure, or massive casualties....Oh and failure. Did he mention the we are all going to die? Probably not going to say that out loud. Right right. Lets smile and nod. Yeah.

"Well at least only one of us dies with that plan....Erg I mean there is likely a better solution. Sparring with a guy who can move the stars above is likely bad for ones health. Even worse is betting on someone to slow him down."

He glances over to supergirl and shrugs, with an apologetic look.

"Er...No offense."

He holds up his hand a single finger lifted to illustrate his point.

"Oh and lets not forget the blind search part, and the super computer brain that spends who knows how many hours thinking and rethinking scenarios in which he is devising ways to counter.....In short. We can assume he thought of everything we are thinking. Lets not think! How about We do the stupid blind offense thing? Hit like the books on finals week!"


"I promise I will never make any more suggestions after this one really really bad but might work one."

He smiles expecting a tongue lashing and or a literal one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Darkstar simply listened upon what seemed to be everyone's arrival or for at least the only one's for now. She crossed her arms and listened carefully to everyone's input and strategies, For now she was contempt to just keep it quiet and listen. It appeared they are what's left of the Justice League now, Darkstar had no idea that things were this bad let alone finding out that original heroes of the league simply got beaten into the ground and that it came to these new members to draw the line in the sand and fight back, what was stopping them from getting infected? and how quickly could it spread within the body? was some of the questions running around in the hybrids head.

Everyone was thinking of possible scenarios, fights and counter objectives from the enemy, truth be told however there was no simple way of finding where this ring was and how to get it, Sure the Justice League would of course know the layout of the watchtower, But what they did not know was how many enemies are in there and who might also be there guarding the ring, It didn't have to be just superman, it could be Batman or hell it could even be her own mother Starfire for all they know! That particular thought frightened Darkstar though, She didn't want to fight her mother but she would do anything to get her back.

when everyone rant and debating paused for a moment it was Darstar's moment to raise an issue and her thoughts. She glided over and closer to the table before softly landing her feet on the ground. " First of I suggest you add another two blocks of the city have been take over, or at least the start of it there" She paused for a moment looking at the others. "I think Brainiac knows what we are up to, I was in that and he some to come and capture me, He must of been hoping to catch me by surprise using the knowledge of those infected." She hypothesized at the end.

"Also I know how important it is to get the Lantern ring back, that much is clear from your discussions, But Brainiac will know this also. Our plan of attack should be one that is quick and efficient as possible without drawing to much attention.. I might add that while many of us might know the layout of the tower really well we must remember so does brainiac now, And given his knowledge of the importance of the ring I expect it to be well guarded and not a simple task." She paused theorizing the possibilities herself.

"It is likely to have infected civilians in the to try and test our morales along with some better training individuals. In the high chance of an infected leaguer there however is a different story, it is no guarantee it would be superman but it does not matter who it is for as strong as we may be as individuals, we are stronger as a team and should outnumber the leaguer opponent. We should look at what we know before heading into the tower or guess a distraction away from the tower, I believe it may be our best chance to secure the ring." Darkstar finished her rant, weather good or bad she would not know but the facts needed to be laid out somewhat and be realistic. She knew brainiac was onto them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Kai Ro, Micron, and the new Flash were in awe that the gathered rookie heroes were so willing to listen to each other. After smiling for a few moments, the Lantern snapped back to attention and laid out a plan of action. Barda and her husband Mister Miracle are overseeing what looks like a large generator type of device being constructed by infected civilians...

"We'll need a small team to go take out whatever it is the infected are building for Brainiac. Remember Barda is almost as strong as Superman and her husband is about as agile as an acrobat, if possible we need to try and remove the infected areas in the center of their foreheads to try and snap them out of it." Kai Ro continued explaining.

"I'll take a team into the Watchtower with me, microscopic style. We can get their attention and neutralize the bulk of Brainiac's techno-zombie army and give Lantern a decent shot at finding his ring." Micron added.

The Flash just stood there. Nobody said anything about saving all of the infected civilians. Of course it would probably be protocol after the threat is neutralized, but it just didn't seem like her priorities were straight. Danica cleared her throat and spoke up getting the attention of everyone, Animal giving her the eye like a wolf in some old Warner Bros. cartoon from the 1960's.

"If it's alright, I'll take any help I can get with the infected civilians. I can get them cleared out of the area but I can't get in close to tear the infection out of their foreheads without possibly vibrating my hand through their skulls or risk getting infected myself. The infected aren't lightning fast... but they're fast enough to give me a headache when there's two or three dozen of them." the Flash said, hoping the rookie wouldn't all just immediately sign up to fight somebody or break something.

"Did somebody forget about the big B?" Animal asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Not at all," Kai Ro replied, "When the central conscience of Brainiac makes itself known we can all converge on it's location and attack it on all fronts. If we can manage to free Superman sooner than later, maybe he'll know what to do." the ringless Lantern concluded.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Supergirl looked over at Crypt and gave him her signature, "Really, dude?" Look, before turning back and listening to the senior members. "Well if you're too afraid..."She rolled her eyes at him. She knew early on she wasn't going to get on well with him. Something about spotted hair.

After Darkstar's pep talk and Danica's ask for help, she nodded and said "Alright, I'll help with the infected citizens too!" In Damita's haste, she forgot all about helping them and decided it'd be the better thing to do instead of showing off. Besides, what would her parents think? They'd always taught her humbleness to the point where she rarely if ever got to try out her abilities. She smiled at Danica who in turn smiled a bit as they both turned, waiting for the rest of the members to figure out which task they'd align themselves with doing before heading off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Superman aside the rest of the League was going to be a problem. And now The Flash had to mention the civilians. Sure their job was to save, but they were harmless at this point and Beck didn’t really consider them much of a problem. If he mentioned that part out loud he would probably given judgmental stares, but then again he wasn’t really type to care, nor was he the type of hero like superman. He was more like Batman, minus the gadgets, and the whole dark vibe he’s got going on.

“I’d better go to the Watchtower. It’s bad t use my full power on normal people. I don’t want to cause anyone severe frostbite.” Beck said, but really it was just sort of an excise. He did want to help which was real. He was however unaware of the other benefit to him joining the team that would go to the Watchtower is that since he’s been relatively small time and new to the business the League member’s should know how his fighting style, and by extension Braniac should as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crypt continued to look on with a worried smile.

"I am terrified, but I seem to be a bit of a masochist. Jumping into this head first and all.'

Her words as noted, came at about the suggested connotation. Frosty opting for Watch tower kinda knocked him off balance. But SG passing up the chance to trash stuff to help out a few old ladies cross the street....The worry fades as he thinks over the periodic table, because in that world it makes sense.
Since this world seems to have fallen down the rabbit hole he might as well jump in right after.
"I can be part of the strike team. My abilities make it easy to infiltrate as well as remove key targets. Not to mention I would very much like to see just how wrong I can be. Frankly, I hate it when I am right."
A wheeze escapes his mask, as if adding a underline to his last statement.
"Unless you guys feel someone else is better equipped."
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