Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vanessa had actually decided to skip out on the horrible little King's Game. Her father had told her what it'd be like, and judgng by the reactions of those leaving it, it was bad. She chuckled as she countinued to walk around reading her H.P Lovecraft Novel. This one was mainly based on Cthullu who was tormenting people's souls, just her kind of reading material.

Just as she finished it, she looked up to see a horrifying image. It seemed the boy she had dressed up for the beach olympics....was eating a pidgeon. Any other bird turned into a human would be terrified at this, but she was different. "Seven....please get your hands of that defensless bird...." She said walking towards him slowly glaring at him, shadows circling around her feet. "You really are pscyhotic aren;t you Seven? Or is this just primal instinct, I understand that though, mice are delicious meals!" She giggled and loomed over him. "Now let that poor little boy go."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seven gave a smile that was defiantly sadistic yet creepy, he liked his prey and was enjoying his meal. He licked the blood from his lips and gave a meow as it was a good meal. “Oh, why? I just smelled the scent and I took a chance! Maybe I am psychotic maybe not… its all what you think of me! Its instincts of course… when you have a chance…” He looked at her, like his cat eyes were seemingly glowing at the dark watching her, like prey. “Take it.” He said that, as the bird was still moving at his hands. Seven glanced on the bird and dropped the bird on to the floor and it giving sounds of pain. As much he wanted to finish it off he let it live...for this time. “Oh well…since you are so touchy with it I will not eat it… for now… well when you are not looking I guess.” He licked his hand, still tasting the metallic blood from his lips.

“I am still hungry so maybe I should hunt you? You do have that interesting bird scent I…very much like…” Seven walked towards her; nearly an inch near at her face, his smile so similar to a Cheshire cat but creepier but he instead flicked her nose in a kid like manner and flipped like an acrobat behind her. “ I’m kidding, that’s wouldn’t be fun wouldn’t it? Well maybe but nah!” He chuckled as he sat down on air, crossing his legs and still licking the blood of his lips. Seven watched her carefully, his maroon purple cat eyes carefully watching and not even looking away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vanessa grinned at the bloodied pidgeon maliciously. She never really liked pidgeons, they always stole her nests back with her family. In honesty, they were just simpletons of the birds, and Vanessa never really liked them. But watching one get devoured by a bakeneko? That was also amusing but considering the screams were annoying her, she'd have to step in and help...as much as she wanted to of course. This boy of course was amusing and interesting, she was about to ready her talons to rip out his throat but then he spoke again.

"Well then little Seven...." She said with a little giggle. "You really want to hunt me? Well that explains a lot. I don't blame you for being a psycho, these humans really get to you, don't they? Me too," She then continued to turn around and grin at him again. She was bout to warn him not to flick her nose again or she would cut off his. "If you want, I'll go huunting with you, just not any birds?" She glared back at him with her deep dark green eyes. She was currently she was wearing a long black dress and two black gloves, all she had to do was take them off....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The flashlight on her phone was flahing multiple times in the one minute they had to kiss. She wanted to get as much good pictures as possible to place them around school when they get back. The beautiful moment only seemed to last for a brief moment but it was still glorius. She placed her phone back into the pocket of her flower shorts and stood up to face Dani. He seemed different then before more lively why was he like that all of the sudden "O yea we were gonna eat something... together" dont people call these things dating when a boy and a girl go do something together and are all neatly dressed up with pretty dresses and stuff. Her face became a bit redder thinking about it "l-lets go" she grabbed Danis hand and just started dragging him along to find some sort of fun restaurant.


The game ended with a big bang and Zivon seemed to leave as soon as it finished "Yea le..." she was already cut of from her hologram the minute he moved away "t's go" he couldnt hear her anymore because of the broken microfoon. Save could see her hologram fade away from the seat as they left. It didnt last long as he fell down onto the ground it could have been guessed that this person is really clumsy. The phone fell from Zivons hand and everything seemed to slow down. She could see two girls one with white hair and one with blonde hair. A boy was sitting in between them that looked pretty beat up from the kiss from just now with the other boy. The phone dropped down on the ground leaving a crack in the camera making it almost unable to see what was happening. Save popped out of the phone sitting next to Zivon "Zivon you okay" she was almost screaming to him even tough it didnt seem to be that bad. Save started to float next to him as he got up staring at the other three people. She floated towards the back of Zivon to hide behind him for the other three.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

Mercy put a hand to her mouth to hide her amused smile as she watched Ryuu practically fly across the room towards Darwin. She did feel a little guilty for finding it so amusing when she noticed how terrified the unicorn looked...up until the point their lips met, Mercy averted her gaze, threading her fingers through her long hair. She lifted her other hand to inspect the faint pink varnish that resided on her nails, deciding Darwin and Ryuu were being stared at by enough people, she noticed Drow lean over to her and offer her some skittles. She smiled warmly at the girl reaching over to take some, she could only assume Darwin had been offering out his endless reserves again. “Thank you” She murmured to the girl popping a skittle into her mouth. “I don’t think we’ve met...I’m Mercy, you are?” She asked.

However before she could grab an answer from Drow she was distracted by a boy tripping over his shoelace in front of her, she lurched forward to catch him but missed she gasped as she heard him smack against the floor. “Oh my! Are you okay?” She asked almost instantly, shifting to the edge of her chair she leant forward trying to see the boys face as he bowed in front of her. “Hey...you’re shaking. It’s okay, I can help you out if you’re hurt...let me see?” Mercy murmured very gently to the boy, unsure whether he was shivering from nerves of if he had really hurt himself.

She glanced sideways at Darwin as he slumped into the chair beside her looking utterly deflated, she was momentarily stunned by it. The unicorn had always been so bubbly and happy when she had seen him, she waited for an answer from the nervous boy in front of her before she turned to reached over to rub Darwin’s arm. “Cheer up honey...it wasn’t that bad was it?” She attempted, offering up a warm smile holding out the few skittles she had in her hand for him to take. “Skittles?” She asked, she found it strangely amusing that she was the one offering him skittles. She glanced back at the other boy making sure he had her equal attention, after all she felt responsible for what happened to him her reaction time had been shockingly bad...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 3 mos ago

- Lily -

She smiled when she both felt and heard Matt coming closer. She turned to smile at him as he asked them what was up. "Well, soon, we'll be up. You can fly, can't you?" Lily asked, tilting her head slightly.

She turned when Carmen answered her and turned into... something? A bird? But... it looked weird and... oddly pretty.

"I don't assume anyone here is human." Lily replied, chuckling. She smiled when Carmen complimented her wings. The smile faded however when she commented on how it didn't match the dress. "S-Sorry..." Lily stammered, her head hung low now. She'd disappointed Carmen... Though, she didn't really know how she could fix it. It wasn't like she could just change the color of her glow. Though... she could...

She closed her eyes and focused, pulling in the glow so that it was neigh invisible. Her wings now looked much whiter. "How's that?" She asked, looking back up at Carmen, hoping for a good review.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Driving Park
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Driving Park Community Ninetales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Carmen smiled at Lily's apology. "Oh, relax, it's hardly your fault," she replied. "I picked the dress, after all." Yet, Lily still made an effort to change for the dress, and the much whiter wings were a big improvement matching-wise. "That'll do fine," she reviewed, smiling. "We'll just have to be cognizant of your wings the next time we dress you up, hmm?" she said, fluttering her wings a little. It was nice to be off the ground for the first time in a while, though she wondered what the spectacle of a big gaseous bird giving fashion opinions was like.

Turning to see the same guy that Lily had dragged with her to the shooting range earlier, she smiled at him. Its visibility was probably negligible at best in her bird form, but she had never talked to him to her recollection (or even knew his name) so she hardly had much to say.

Turning back to Lily, she said "I'm ready when you are," eager to stretch her wings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 3 days ago

- Matt -
"Well, soon, we'll be up. You can fly, can't you?" Lily asked.
"I can fly, but I can't speak while doing so," Matt replied, then raised an eyebrow, confused. Last time they had met, he couldn't turn into his Phoenix form. What made her think he could now? Very few people just assume that someone will be different the next time they meet.
"How did you know?" Matt asked, curiously.

Then Carmen transferred into a magnificent bird. Matt took a step back, astonished.
"Wait, you can turn into a bird?" he asked. It had never crossed his mind that there would be other birds with human forms here.
- Dani -
"O yea we were gonna eat something... together" Liam replied, then blushed slightly. "l-lets go"
Before Dani could think about why, Liam grabbed his hand and half pulled half dragged him out of the lounge.

While Liam hurriedly lead him towards a restaurant, Dani tripped. He had been moving too fast to keep up with Liam, that he wasn't exactly paying attention where he was going.
"Aack!" he exclaimed, as he fell onto the ground. He slid for a couple of feet before friction took hold.
"Ow..." he mumbled as he sat up and rubbed his head. His face was scraped, and so where his arms and knees. He wasn't really bleeding, though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

- Alistair -

Alistair saw how she blushed and got embarrassed. he looked away, happy it was dark and she wouldn't see him get so red.
"thank you" he muttered. he then cleared his throat and nodded "yes, i can cook, i've lived by myself for a long time so i've learned to get by, i can make lots of things with the plants indigenous to the area, but mostly the one's deep in the forest as that's where i spent most of my time" he looked at the hut and thought 'i wonder why she's alone' then he looked back over "tomorrow i can gather ingredients and cook something for you, if that's alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zivon could barely looked at the woman who he nearly tripped on; it was pretty embarrassing and felt like he couldn’t escape from the situation. That made him be afraid even more and panic, his shivering was very much visible. Zivon looked up quietly and very slowly at her, he was still bowing as his dad always thought him to bow when apologizing. The woman was gentle at him; not saying anything harsh or scary, which surprised only because the many mean and horrible people he met in, is childhood. He noticed Save was floated behind him as to probably hide from the others. Zivon felt guilty for making Save deal with his own trauma, he would gladly do anything to make up with her…if its possible since she is a computer program.

Zivon then stopped bowing and touched his nose, it still stung from his hitting the floor… this was not a good day, his nose was hurting, his ankle was sprained and he was hungry as ever. He then ended up covering his face, as he was still feeling embarrassed as what he had done and started to stutter. “I-I….s-s…o-or…rry…” That all he could say as he was so scared so messing up or making the person angry, his voice was so weak, a bit cracking and probably in audible if you are far way…it was really hard to hear him. He couldn’t handle the situation as he started to cry a bit, but making sure that his face wasn’t showing. As soon he started crying it would be incredibly hard for him to stop, tears were pretty much running down his face as he was scared to the spot. “S-s-so…o-o…r…r..r…r-y-y….”


Seven looked Vanessa with her offer and smiled like a maniac, he shrugged his shoulders and licked his hand… not removing his sight from her. “That would be fun, but no birds? Hhmmm you must be attached to those winged snacks… I don’t blame you…You are one of them” He told her as he gave out another sadistic smile, he all know well that Vanessa was crow that can turn human… it made him think of fun things to do with her but decided to delay the plans he had. “Maybe I am a psycho… they let us do…fun things at the circus and they wouldn’t stop us… in any manner… it was fun and gave me a thrill, they never want us to stop.” Seven scratched his cat ears with his foot and as he finished he stepped on the ground, his cat eyes not looking away.

“Well then lets go, I am sure there would be some tasty mice running free… that would be delicious” Seven spoke as he started to remove his clothing until he was naked, he didn’t bother about Vanessa seeing his nude body like he said before, they were all born nude. As he was naked he slowly turned into his bakeneko form and licked his paw, giving out a small meow. “Well then Vanessa lets have some fun.”


Cyber smiled at Alistair, living alone and learning how to cook, Alistair was… quite interesting and still made him warm inside. “I will be glad if you do that Alistair, thank you. ” Cyber said as he turned the knob of the house and turned on the lights. It was an okay place, nothing much in it but still was very much okay. He looked around and noticed his luggage was there, from video games to many clothing and make up he had. “Well here it is… not much but hey live what you have am I right?” Cyber giggled as he opened the door towards the bathroom and looked at the shower. “Mind if I take a bath? Its been along day and a bath seems quite nice.” He asked as Alistair was still a guest at him house.

He got a white and gray stripe tank top and a frilly-layered skirt; he looked at Alistair and at the kitchen. “Well… I have not much to say really… first time having people well pa person at my place so excuse me for being a bad host.” Cyber gave another giggle but it was bubblier as he was pretty much feeling happy and warm as to have a friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Theobromine
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Kathy

Watching the two boys kiss, Kathy had a look of sympathy on her face but was thinking once more, ‘Thank goodness that wasn’t me.’ She snuck another glance over in Crash’s direction. ‘Or him.’ It was a little odd to see how silent Darwin seemed after the kiss, collapsing back into his chair. She associated Darwin with rainbows, skittles, and a bounce of seemingly-unstoppable energy. Watching him in… Shock? Was quite unexpected. Though perhaps it was to be expected after such a dare. She knew she would have probably been curled up on the floor unable to move without even having actually executed the dare, let alone actually going through with it. Then hearing Crash comment on the latest dare she told him with a small laugh, “The ‘King’ did specify it. Remember? He said on the lips and for at least one minute.” She knew she wasn’t quoting word for word, but thought that would probably be enough to jog his memory if he hadn’t been distracted at the time. She breathed out another sigh of relief when Maria called an end to the game. It was good to know that there wouldn’t be any more embarrassing or awkward moments in front of a crowd anymore.

Though Kathy hadn’t been sure how to really interact with the ‘older’ version of Alex, she gladly warmed up to him again when he became pixie-size once more. A smile appeared on her face as she felt as though the blue-haired boy might’ve forgiven her for abandoning him earlier. She still intended to do something to make up for it, however, she felt happy to know that he was really giving her the chance to do something about it. Gently leaning her cheek into his adorable hug she replied, “Let’s see…” She hadn’t really thought about where to go after the game, not having even expected to participate in one in the first place. Bringing her hand up to Alex, she gave him an affectionate brush on his cheek with her fingertips as she tried to think of some suggestions.

Before she could think of any, Crash also joined in on the conversation. “Of course you can come.” Her smile grew as she looked back at him. ‘And I’d never get tired of being around you.’ She thought, keeping that thought to herself. What she didn’t have control over, however, was the faint blush making its way back to her cheeks. “Why don’t we go up there?” She asked, directing he question about both of the boys as she pointed up towards one of the taller areas of the island visible from the resort. It was something a bit too small to really call it a mountain, but too big to be refer to it as a simple hill. “Since we’re away from all the cities, I bet we’ll have a really great view of the stars.”

Turning to look at Carmen and Lily, she was thinking of extending the invitation to them as well when she noticed that they seemed to be occupied with their own conversation. And… ‘Is that Carmen?!’ The gaseous bird seemed to be Carmen from the fact the ‘bird’ was standing close to where the musician had been sitting with Lily still beside her, but she had taken on a form that Kathy had never seen before. Matt was also engaging in conversation with the two girls, and she decided not to interrupt them. ‘I’ll ask her about that form later.’ She decided, making a mental note to ask Carmen about it when she saw her again.

Getting up, she returned her attention back to Crash and Alex. “What do you both think? I don’t mind if either of you want to do something else.” She added, not quite sure how they would feel about a potential night-time hike. Alex could just stay on her shoulder but… Would Crash mind? She couldn’t be certain. Slowly getting up from her seat so as to make it easy for Alex to stay close by, she glanced between him and Crash as she waited to hear back from them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vanessa watched the boy with her usual suspicious eyes. There was something off about him, yes he was most likely a psychopath, but in some ways she was too. She sighed when she realised he knew she was a crow. "Looks like the cat's out of the bag" She said not meaning the pun, but then she let herself giggle at it after she had said it. "A circus you say? You grew up in a circus? Hehe I don't blame you anymore, I was brought up by an old man who lived in a graveyard.... But I must say the way you caught that bird was pretty skilled, you must've learned that from your little circus?"

She closed her eyes for a second as she realised he was taking off all his clothes, in front of everyone. She laughed when she noticed he didn't care what anyone thought of him, like she did but she did it in a more darker way. Slowly, she began craning her neck, before she shrunk in size and disappeared under her dress. Soon, a crow poked it's head out of the dress. "Let the hunt begin" She said in a malicious tone. She hadn't eaten mice in ages.

Darwin and the Kiss of Doom

Darwin sat back in his chair staring right into space. It was like his brain had just done a 360 njo scope flip, and someone had then punched him in the stomach. He didn't know what the feling was he was having. It was like an awesome feeling...but different... He totally ignored the boy tripping in front of them, and absent mindedly took some skittles from Mercy. "T-thanks....." He said struggling to find words. He popped the skittles into his mouth, and then they entered his stomach. And then the sugar kicked in.

"Yeah Mercy, I'm fine, totally fine. It just...felt weird, I mean Ive never kissed anyone before and was it supposed to ceeel weird I dunno? But you know Im fine now, Ryuu was xcoool, and all that. Thanks for the skittles by the way, where'd you get them?" He finally stopped and tried to grin, but found he couldn't. What the hell was hapopening to him!?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seven tilted his head as Vanessa turned into a crow, which made him lick his lips due to his hunger is still at large. He took a few steps forward with his tail waving back and forth. “Yes little crow I lived at the circus these skills are learned a bit at the Circus but mostly by instincts… living with lions and a mutant dragon man was quite fun for a young age. They thought me the easy way to snack a rabbits neck! You lived at a graveyard how interesting Vanessa.” Seven licked his paw as he walked towards the crow and smiled so cheerfully. Even though his form is a small kitty he was much stronger than what the eyes see. His ears picked up, he heard something rustling at the bushes.

Seven then turned towards the sound as he crept quietly, concentrating on the noise the thing was making. He couldn’t stop smiling at the little creature as his hunger was driving him to do it…or maybe he just like killing innocent creatures. Like a predator he leapt towards the sound and bit something, it was a small mouse and a bunch of other small rodents ran out of the bush. Seven gulped the small mouse instantly with the tail out of his mouth hanging. “Well Vanessa I have opened the appetizers, enjoy!” Seven gulped everything down and looked at the fleeing creatures… hoping they wouldn’t die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vanessa glared at him in her crow form, it seemed now they were the same size, but he was a litle cute purple kitten, she was a small black crow. Her beak was pointed at his little face, it'd be so easy to swipe forward and stab him in the neck and rip out his throat. "A mutant lizard man? That sounds very interesting little kitty, I was taught magic, now that....that was interesting. Sometimes I found zombies in the graveyard, but your special little circus sounds soooooooo fascinating," She said in her usual sarcastic tone, in truth he amused her.

Then she heard a rustling in the bushes as well. She leapt into the air, her wings flappng like crazy. The hunt had began. She swooped towards the bushes, a small caw escaping her sharp deadly beak. She entered the bushes, ignoring the sticks and leaves hitting her feathers, she spotted the mouse being eaten by Seven, of course he was quicker. She quickly grabbed the rodents in her talons, carrying them out of the bushes where she began to peck them to death and rip them apart. After they were all stunned and dead, she began to feast on them. She had missed this, this used to be so much fun, and now the fun had re-entered her life and she loved it! The blood, the guts.....the feast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seven couldn’t help to laugh as Vanessa said his circus was so fascinating… in a sarcastic tone, he was very much enjoying his time with the dark minded, sarcastic Vanessa. “Zombies? That is defiantly something fun to see, I had seen some zombies at my age of a kitten. He watched her as she ripped out the guts of the rodent and eating them, he licked the blood from his lips and looked around to find a raccoon… way larger than him but still…it had entice him to hunt much more. “Raccoon…I see you!” Seven gave a very loud feral snarl, he ran and he leapt on the raccoon, biting hard on the neck, it had scratched his leg trying to get away from his grasp but he bit deeper into the neck. He shook the raccoon until it was exhausted and landed the final blow…making it sure that his meal was finally dead.

“Well…Dinner is served!” Seven couldn’t help to laugh, like a mad man; he turned to Vanessa as he ate some of the very fresh meat from the dead raccoon. His eyes were defiantly shining with madness as he dragged the raccoon towards Vanessa and started to munch on the delicious meal. He was having so much fun, so much fun… just like at the circus… they let him do anything he wanted… “Poor guy… maybe you shouldn’t have been here then you could have lived!” He spoke in a dark tone while eating it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vanessa continued to snack upon the dead rodents, having a great time about it. The blood was all over her feathers and beak, every last drop of blood was like a cure to her boredom since she had come to the Academy, This was her favourite part, Not the hunt, but the kill and the meal, oh the glorious meal. She looked up at Seven with a little menacing look in her dark green eyes. Now the boy was seeming better than he had before when she had dressed him up. Watching him fight the raccoon was quite a treat, and now he was sharing his kill.

She leaped over to him, admiring the skill in which the bakeneko had taken down the raccoon and prepared it for it's eventual purpose. To feed them. "My my Seven, what ahunter you are!" She said with her menacing look and she began to eat the last of the fresh meat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seven ate much of the meat until he was full he sat on the floor and licked his paw and stretched his body. “Thank you Vanessa and you yourself is quite a great hunter. “ Seven complimented her as she ate; he noticed the carnage of mess and corpses around… Seven decided to clean up… so they won’t be told out for following their instincts and killing and eating innocent creatures. He grabbed most of the bodies in his mouth and hid them in the bush; he did this until there wasn’t a pile of death everywhere. He went towards his clothes and tried to wipe the blood as well from the floor… for being a crazy psychopathic bakeneko… he was defiantly a clean freak.

As the place looked sort of normal he gave out a small burped and curled himself up into a ball… still watching Vanessa eat. He wanted to jump right in and have much more fun but with all the witnesses happening… he didn’t want anyone to see the carnage he would make…well much more messier than the hunt. “I think I am done for now… that seagull I ate earlier must be getting me… anyway that was fun Vanessa… we should defiantly do this again! Maybe we should plan something tomorrow? Hhmmm like a date as the humans say.” Seven didn’t stop watching as he once again licked his paw.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As Seven cleaned up the bodies, the crow watched him with fascination in her suspicous ever watching eyes. Why did this cat interest her so much, so much ferocity in one little cat. She began to finish up her meal and she backed away from the raccoon, what a lovely carcasse it had. "Why tank you, I like to think so too." she said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Oh, full already, well you do have such a small little kitten stomach. A date you say?" She tilted her bird head in amusement, this cat was so full of surprises, time for some more fun it seemed. "Yes, I would like that too Seven." She grinned. "Another hunt, or an actual 'human' date?" She said with distaste on saying the H word. It always despised her to say human...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Seven picked up the raccoon carcass and hid it as well in the bushes, He looked at Vanessa… something about her made him click… maybe something they are related with…powers?...taste? or something darker? He just liked her for some reason… “Well… I do not want to get flabby… still have to have a good body to hunt you know!” Seven smirked as he picked up clothes with his paws and sniffed it… defiantly smelled of blood. “Hhmm I had seen a human date before but I think more of our hunt, it was fun... grabbing and eating… “ Seven smirked…human date… he never been at a date before…what do they do anyway…humans…interesting little buggers.

He slowly turned human, he stood up naked as he picked up the shirt and put on his shirt first and offer a hand towards Vanessa. “Whatever you want Vanessa, I am sure… we will defiantly have fun.” Seven smirked liked a child, maybe a human date would be fun yet…hunting seemed much more fun…catching and eating innocent creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The dark crow continued to stare at the boy in disbelief. She never thought it'd be possible to find a boyqwho liked the rip apart helpless animals like she did, her father had told her to believe in fate... The boy seemed innocent and nice enough, and had a dark twosted mind like hers and that was always a plus side. He dressed lightly, nulike her who dressed darkly, but she could ignore that.

"Another hunt? Tomorrow? Sure." She said as walked back over to her clothes, slowly changing back into her human form. When the transformation was complete, she began to put on her clothes. She pulled her dress on and noticed him approaching. She sighed and shook his hand. "Yes...it will be fun. A hunt and feast is never not fun!"
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