Spam was always proud of its independence. Other nations were swallowed up by empires, brought under the heel of foreign rulers, but Spam remained free and happy in their freedom, until a few months ago. A military force calling itself the Peacemakers came and started enforcing their own law in Spam, claiming they were there to bring order and civility to their barbaric nation. In truth they were the forerunners to the Rolpia Empire, the grand conquerors who ruled most of the known world, and their arrival meant that the empire had finally turned its sights on Spam. It is up to the few brave and powerful Spammers left, those who have avoided death or banishment, to fight for their home and drive the Peacemakers out, but do they stand a chance against the powerful invaders? Only time will tell.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This is a map of the world, courtesy of Sora/Alex. Credit for all the fancy work and ~1/2 of the names go to him.
This is a Spam story, where you guys (or at least my interpretation of you in a high fantasy world) are the characters in a story of my creation. It was inspired in large part by rpg101's Spam Sector, though I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while. Read the stuff, comment on if if you feel like it (highlight text in the Google Document, right click, Comment), chat about it here in the thread if you want, bitch about your character or your lack of presence if you think that'll change anything (it won't), so on and so forth, and hopefully it'll be fun for everyone.
June 29th Edit: It is done. Chapter 11 is the final chapter of Resistance. Thanks for reading along, nerds.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This is a map of the world, courtesy of Sora/Alex. Credit for all the fancy work and ~1/2 of the names go to him.
This is a Spam story, where you guys (or at least my interpretation of you in a high fantasy world) are the characters in a story of my creation. It was inspired in large part by rpg101's Spam Sector, though I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while. Read the stuff, comment on if if you feel like it (highlight text in the Google Document, right click, Comment), chat about it here in the thread if you want, bitch about your character or your lack of presence if you think that'll change anything (it won't), so on and so forth, and hopefully it'll be fun for everyone.
June 29th Edit: It is done. Chapter 11 is the final chapter of Resistance. Thanks for reading along, nerds.