Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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The blue planet rushed towards her from below. Her speed was impossible, one of the few abilities she retained was the rapid transit between her home and the planet below. Earth. It would be... well, the time left until the impending cataclysm could be measured in... what, days now? Maybe weeks? But she would not stand idly by. No, even after the loss of so much of her strength... there were still things she could do. If she could not defeat this terrible fate, she would give others the gift that would allow them to do so.

The small girl broke through the cloud layer. There was already one she had gifted this power... but the girl had failed to fully understand her. She sighed as she fell through the clouds. It was her mistake, really... she had been harmed, and was forced to return home in order to heal herself, cutting any explanation she could have given short. But it was a start, regardless of anything it had begun. But one single schoolgirl was not enough... she needed to find others. More she could gift with the ability to fight back this darkness.

There was a light clack as her shoes landed on the roof of the school building. It was called Himawari.

Tsukuyomi had arrived.

The school day was at its end. Even the clubs were finishing up around now, students filtering out of the school. Naturally, a certain girl felt this was the absolute best time. If she stood by the exit of the schoolgrounds, no-one would be able to pass her up!

She drove her sign skywards. On it, written in very large katakana, was possibly the best name for a club ever(at least in her opinion):

'The Super Action Weather Fight Club!'

Beneath it, in smaller kanji, was written a simple sentence:

'Come join! It's the best!'

And further below that was a series of arrows, pointing directly down at the girl herself. Hanako had many, many plans in terms of advertising her club, and this she felt was one of the best. After all, she was an attractive girl, wasn't she? So what better way to advertise the best club in the school then by using that as an asset! Hanako stood with her legs spread, flashing v-signs and pointing at random students as they left the school, calling to them to get their attention. Of course, this was just part of her whole plan, for she was certain the real attention-grabber was the fact that she was wearing a black bunnysuit. No-one would be able to resist with that look, right?! Behind her was a tiny girl(though she was the same age as Hanako), clad in a white version of the same outfit... and sitting in a metal chair and reading a book.

"Come on, Rei-chan! Show off your sign! You're adorable, you'll help!" declared Hanako, with gusto. The girl did not reply. Hanako sighed. Jeez, she really had to do everything herself! Run the club, advertise the club(and try and avoid the teachers. Thinking this was inappropriate!? Hmph!), fighting off the horrible monsters at night... It had only been about four days since she had been told to keep her gaining something called an Archetype a secret. By some weird miko girl in a frilly kimono thingy no less. She had no problem with fighting monsters, but keeping it a secret sucked hard! ... Speaking of kimono girls, where was that one quiet girl? She always wore a kimono, even to school, even in PE. She hadn't been to school in a while...

Hanako had tried to get her to join the club once. It hadn't gone well.

Regardless, she was going to advertise! ... And hopefully get warned if there were teachers coming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyswimsky
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A big yawn escaped the ambitious genius as she finally finished her afternoon nap on top of the school roof, with one quick jump she was on her foot again. Great leaders, like she was, rarely had time to rest, and thus one of her favourite phrases 'We can rest when are are dead.' didn't count in this particular case, then again, no one actually saw her. Casually swinging her shinai over her shoulder she slowly made her way towards the school exit, the day wasn't over after all...
The Super Action Weather Fight Club!
Come join! It's the best!

Kyouko knew every club in school, or so she liked to think, but was pretty sure she never stumbled across such a bizarre one, and what was with the get-up the girl wore? Furthermore, what was a "Super Action Weather Fight Club" doing anyways? Fighting under a mysterious weather condition? Heck, maybe it was some kind of secret plan to disturb her reign? Trying to think harder about this Kyouko yelled annoyingly out. "Geez whatever." Thinking about this would bring her nowhere thus she simply walked towards the girl.

Closing the distance the Uncrowned King finally stopped 2 meters away, pointing her finger towards Hanako. "Yo Playbunny, what's this bout?" Only now she also realized there was another girl in the same suit, just white, behind the advertising one, but didn't bother to pay more attention for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Nadeshiko Kazamatsuri, Super High School Level Pervert Nerd

As the school day came to an end, a tiny girl trailed out of her clubroom, clutching her sketchbook tightly to her chest and trying her best to avoid catching anyone's eye. It was rather strange that such a shy girl had even joined a club, but the doujin club was a good place to practice her drawing her peace, and most of the other members didn't have too much of a problem with what she drew. Even then, she didn't exactly speak to them much. Of course, on the rare occasions that she actually spoke at length she mostly just got weird looks from everyone else, so maybe it was for the best.

Shuffling through the halls, she eventually reached the front door. Not long after leaving the main building, she leapt in fright as she heard someone suddenly yelling something about... A weather club? What was that abo-

"...Ah... Ahahah, um... Eheh..." She almost had to wipe the drool from her lips when she caught a glimpse of just where the shouting was coming from. It was that crazy Hanako girl. Of course she'd know her name; she was a cute girl, after all, and it was Nadeshiko Kazamatsuri's prerogative to remember the names of all the cute girls in the school. And she was wearing... She was wearing...

...Oh god, just look at what she's wearing! Trancelike, Nadeshiko found herself drifting closer to Hanako and Rei. She's so... So sexy, eheheh~ Is this a dream? It's just like something from an anime, eheheh~

Soon enough, Nadeshiko had drawn close to the two girls, peeking at their backs from behind a nearby tree. It was a shame she couldn't see the front of Hanako from her vantage point, but... Her backside had merits all of its own, too. As long as Hanako and Rei didn't notice her, she could ogle their leotard-clad bottoms as much as she wanted.

"Eheheh, th-this is... Is awesome eheheh~" she murmured, but then another girl showed up, one just as pretty as Hanako but... Kyouko scared her, or at least more than most people scared her. Maybe it was just her supreme overconfidence, or the fact that she was a delinquent... Even if that had it's appeal too. She had a kind of Ryuko Matoi charm to her, aside from the fact that she unfortunately didn't run about in a skimpy outfit most of the time. But still, even if she was cute, Nadeshiko couldn't help but hide herself behind the tree more than she already was doing... Even if she still couldn't help but peek out to look at Hanako's butt some more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Rin Takanashi was glad to be finally going home.

As always, he hung around the staff room after the final bell, organising his student's work from that day and marking assignments. Sure, he could do all this stuff from home, but his home was, well... home. Why drag work into his RPG haven? That was a silly thing to do. Besides, Rin was well aware that his need to min-max his party for the next obstacle would win over the need to get his notes and comments written for tomorrow. The sooner his students received feedack, the quicker they could work on refining their strengths, after all.

Still, all that monotonous typing could wear one's patience down a bit, so he was glad to have gotten as much done as he did. With his files tucked under one arm, Rin was already fishing for his sunglasses resting within his breast pocket, equipping them with a flourish when he walked through the building's entrance. Then stopped walking, tipped his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and peeed at the sight ahead.

...Well, he wasn't wearing weird trick-glasses or anything. That was most definitely a couple of bunny girls lingering at the school gates. And... he definitely recognised the one wearing black.

Now, Rin felt he was a fair teacher. He wasn't a draconian enforcer of the rules, he recognised that, sometimes, kids and teenagers needed a bit of leeway. Bending the rules a little wasn't going to hurt anyone, after all, and he was certainly willing to turn a blind eye to minor, insignificant things. Unfortunately for these girls, this was a tad difficult to ignore. It was just too wildly inappropriate! As a teacher, he simply couldn't allow this kind of behaviour!

With his cheeks redening very slightly from the bizarre scenario, Rin approached the campaigning girls (well, Hanako. Her associate seemed much less proactive about this) with as stern an exression as he could muster. It was pretty difficult really, he was far too used to a lax approach to teaching. This might just be beyond his capabilities to properly deal with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 23 min ago

It was a wonderful day full of new discoveries for the school's only robotic pupil, and she was humming cheerily as she left the school building. It was rather easy for a day to meet those criteria for someone less than a year old, which did a lot to explain her generally upbeat demeanour despite doing an awful lot of high-powered fighting at night, and her programming had never thought to include all the many types of food, or TV show--just enough to get by on a day to day basis without sticking out too much.

In fact, 'not sticking out' was why she had received a new instruction just this morning, to help her blend in with normal school life more: Akira had been instructed to devote some of her free time and energy to joining a club. Which club was entirely up to the girl herself and she had made plans to come back when clubs were ending and ask people as they left, whilst also having had something to eat and changed into her normal clothes. She'd been hearing all these wonderful things about egg-fried rice and really wanted to try it.

The food was every bit as good as Akira had imagined, and she returned with both coat and hat, as well as her weaponry-related paraphernalia.

That was when she saw it: an advertisement for the most amazing-sounding club! She was too late to join on a the normal recruitment day but that didn't seem to matter as someone was here, advertising! The small girl sprung into action at this, smoothing her skirt down, then getting down, into the right position...

... and breaking into a sprint.

A small, ponytailed robot slammed into Hanako's chest, leaning at a precarious angle due to slipping as she braked at the last minute, and cheerfully announcing her intention to join the club. It was rather muffled by the taller girl's chest, however.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

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~Himura Akio, Super Duper No Life Puzzler~
School was over, but the day wasn't over yet for most students. The sky was still a cerulean blue, clouds drifting by. It wasn't a windy day, and thankfully, it also wasn't a very hot one. Most people were just joining up with their clubs, ready to say 'hi' to their friends or stretch for some sports activities. Others were just milling about, taking their time going home and chatting in the hallways.

Then there was Akio, whose plans revolved around visiting the hospital for the third time that week, visiting that comatose hero of his. His parents should probably be worried about what he was doing with his 'free' time, but they never said anything, and he never said anything. Home was a silent place, and the hospital, at least, had a clean, sterile feel to it. God knows how long its been since anyone vacuumed that three bedroom apartment suite. His mom definitely didn't have the time, and Akio didn't have the motivation.

Anyways, there were vending machines and cafes in the hospital, which was a bit better than the convenience store bentos that he'd been reheating at home recently. Also wi fi and electric outlets. All the essentials for camping out.

Yawning from the aftereffects of staying up late at night to argue with a 2channer who thought that he was a god or something, Akio walked out the doors of the school and flipped open his cellphone. No messages. Of course there wouldn't be any messages. Doctors weren't miracle-workers. His friend wasn't going to wake up any time soon. Heck, it'd be optimistic if she'd wake up while he was still her kouhai. In a year, they'd be equals. In two, their positions would be reversed.

That is, if her insurance could cover the fees for that long.

Akio looked up at the skies and sighed, wondering how he'd be able to monetize his skills. Too young and untrained to be a detective. Social skills are too terrible to be a private investigator. Not enough specialized skills to join a Quiz Bowl or whatever. The boy with the dull blue eyes sighed once more, and started making his way to the school gates.

Then he saw a girl, no, Hanako who was in the same homeroom class as himself, dressed in a bunny suit, advertising a club while some other weird girl was nuzzling her bosom.

There was no no nosebleed, blush, or boner from the boy as he pulled up the camera function of his cellphone and took a picture. Maybe he could anonymously sell this to a gravure magazine or something. That could help a bit.

He wondered who the other girl was, sitting down on a chair whilst reading a book. Then, he closed his cellphone.

Akio doubted that magazine editors would be interested in pictures of washboards. And he didn't want to associate himself with those creepy lolicon magazine things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Oh hey! It was that delinquent girl, the one who rode around on the crazy pink thing! Kyouko! That's right, her name was Kyouko. As she approached, Hanako pointed sharply at her and opened her mouth to speak... when Kyouko beat her to the punch almost immediately. Well. She had questions, and naturally Hanako had all of the answers! ... She'd like to think she had all the answers to every question, but in this case she definitely did! Thrusting her sign skywards, Hanako held her finger directly towards Kyouko and began to declare the all-important responses.

"I'm only advertising the best club in the school!" she said, cheerfully... before pausing and glancing back at Rei. Since she wasn't helping, she'd have to explain why Rei was there too... Reaching back, Hanako grabbed smaller girl's arm with one hand and pulled her out of the chair. No sound came from the grey-haired girl, but her eyes did widen in surprise as Hanako bent her forward and messed about with her hands.

"V-signs Rei-chan, V-signs!" ordered Hanako, managing to get Rei's hands into the appropriate position. She draped one arm over the tiny girl's shoulder, and resumed holding up her sign.

"And what better way to advertise the best club in the school then with a hot girl and an adorable one?!"

Finally prompted to speak, Rei said a single, solitary word in a soft, barely-audible voice.

"... Join..."

"Exactly!" cried Hanako, "You should join, too! We do all kinds of awesome things! I bet that girl behind the tree-"

Hanako gestured with the sign. She'd spotted the black-haired girl when she was going to grab Rei, though she hadn't gotten a chance to mention it then. She was... Nadeshiko, right? Hanako had seen her sketching once! It was obvious that she needed to join the club too. They needed an artist! "-is going to join after seeing all this!"

And it was about then that Hanako noticed the approach of... Takanashi-sensei. Oh, hell, a teacher had spotted them? Damn it! Releasing Rei, who seemed more confused then anything, she prepared her defense. "Takanashi-sensei, this is the only way to advertise the best club in the school! You can't ju-"

... And then she felt something run right into her chest. The brown-haired girl paused for a moment, and looked down. There was a short girl. With her face in her chest. Making muffled sounds. Blushing faintly, Hanako looked back up.

"See?! See how much she wants to join?! You can't just stop me!"

Oh look, there was more evidence that this was the best advertising stunt ever! That guy was taking pictures!

"And that guy's taking pictures, he's going to spread the awesome word of the best club in this entire school!"
Tsukuyomi sighed. She knew that the girl had been fighting at night... but this was ridiculous. Still, the display had gathered plenty of attention... potential candidates... of course, now was not the time to approach them. She would have to wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What was all of the commotion?

Izumi glanced up as she passed by, pausing her footsteps for a brief moment. She turned her cold gaze upon the crowd, mentally scoffing at their exuberance. It was getting a tad bit explicit, mashing one's face in another's bosom was definitely a little too much. What do people do in their free time anyway? If this was what they did, Izumi was extremely grateful that she didn't associate with any of her fellow students.

Seriously, a bunny suit? Didn't Suzuki-san realize that showing a lot of skin would only attract the wrong crowds, and not the ones she would like for her... Super Action Weather Fight Club? What? Izumi didn't have any idea what that club would even be, and frankly, she didn't really care either. It was simply another crazy antic by an attention-hungry teenager. In Izumi's opinion, she would've been at tiny bit more interested--let's be clear, the interest would be minuscule at best--if Suzuki-san had approached her with an intellectual conversation about this.

Were teenagers really incapable of doing such a simple task?

Seems like it.

Izumi felt slight irritation as she approached the crowd. They were blocking her way to leave the school grounds, but she considered it too much work to speak up and ask them to move away. It would probably get her a lot of unwanted attention anyway. She let out a soft sigh. Izumi was tired from a long session at the Archery Club, she wanted nothing more than to go home and get on the computer. She didn't really have the time to be dealing with hyped up high school students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Boredom. It was stifling and uncomfortable, clinging to one's skin in such a way that they felt weighed down. The once colorful world was now dulled and any and all energy that could be mustered was not to be seen anywhere. That was how Natsu felt at the moment, like she had somehow phased a bit out of reality and was watching the world through a foggy lens whilst moving underwater. Everything was... dingy and the world had lost its appeal.

At least for the moment.

Natsu Asakura was so starved for entertainment that she had begun monologuing in her head her life as though it was a visual novel with one of those characters who had a bit of an addiction to purple prose. That had perked her up at first as she made fun of those longwinded protagonists, but now that she got used to it, she felt lethargic and displeased again.

Step. Step. Step. She walked out the doors of the academia, wishing that some club member had injured herself so that she at least had something to do this day since all her friends were occupied. Then she mentally rebuked herself for that weakness. 'No, never think that. Even as a joke.' Then she'd be no better than a glory hound or even worse, a stereotypical jock. She drew a line, having known how admiration could change people.

Her thoughts on the matter then ground to a halt as she came upon a surreal scene, like something out of an anime. Big old sign, bunny girls, embarrassment, and even the advertisement of some obscure club. Chuckling to herself at the scene, Natsu felt much lightened as the world became interesting once again. Her thought to join the gathering throng of people was put on hold when she saw that someone was hiding behind a tree, also peeking on the group from afar. Judging from her sketchbook, she looked like she was associated with an art club of some sort.

Thinking that she could join the group a tad later, Natsu walked forward to greet the shy girl and give her a bit of company. She might even need a little boost to get her to come out in the open. "Are you interested in this crazy new club too?" The athlete asked with a slight smile on her face, seeing just how petite and adorable the girl really was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyswimsky
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Skyswimsky nou

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Best club in the school? What? Was this girl delusional or something? If Kyouko herself wasn't in the club then it could hardly be THE BEST club, easy as that. Well, whatever the case may be, it was strict against her rules to join any club as that would mean following another's lead, which was unacceptable. However, rather than the outfit Kyouko was way more attracted by the girls personality, she liked that.

Giving herself an encouraging nod the delinquent pointed her Shinai demonstratively in the air. "Alright, listen bunnygirl! It's not like I wanna join your club or anything. For now, I, The Uncrowned King, will simply tag along IF..." pointing the weapon towards the way more shy girl. "...your partner in crime can show me the same burning passion that you have!" Maybe one would call Rei's behaviour cute, but that was not the case for Kyouko, for her, she was nearly the same as that weakling behind the tree.

Obviously, now that Kyouko was here, more people kept popping up, in fact there was even a photo-taking creep now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 23 min ago

Disentangling herself from the available bust, Akira swiftly brushed herself down and slipped through the gathering crowd to pick up her case and cane. The first was locked--apparently by key, in reality by an electric system where the codes to open it were only present back with Angeltech and inside her mind--but it would arouse suspicion if someone picked it up and found out just how heavy it was. Squeezing more ammunition into the case than it could normally hold did little for its weight. With her goods retrieved, the hat bobbed its way back to the front of the group.

"I'll join!" she said, raising her hand to make sure that she got noticed; not that it was all that hard: she was the only student here not in uniform, which was rather a poor idea on its own simply for the sake of blending in but also due to how fancily the robot girl was dressed. It gave her the benefit of a few more inches of height and clothing that wouldn't promptly get destroyed if some of the [INSERT NAME HERE] showed up and had to be fought off.

A school uniform might be hard-wearing, but it wasn't that durable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

"...No, no! No joining!" Rin tried to firmly establish his presence. It was quite difficult to do, considering the hand placed over his eyes in an attempt to not watch his students glomping each other while wearing such outfits.
Well, he was going to have to look eventually. Hesitantly, he removed his hand, and tried to give her a stern glare, "...S-Suzuki-san, this is... not at all a proper way to advertise your club! Come on, get inside, we're going to the teacher's off..."


"Who's taking pictures?" the teacher yelped, frantically searching the crowd for some sort of peeper. It was difficult to pinpoint exactly who it would be, with the growing crowd.
My job class isn't suited for this! The despairing teacherlamented. Well, he had to try and exert his authoirty somehow. And protect the decency of his students!

"O-okay! Suzuki-san! You and your friend, teacher's office! Now!" he commanded, "...Actually, on second thought, please change into your uniforms first, then go there. We'll discuss this inside!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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"... Rei-chan! You know what to do!"

The girl behind the tree had run off... and so now, Hanako was pointing swiftly to Rei. A new member of the club? She would take that chance every time she got it! And it was a delinquent... They were some of the most awesome of the boring people! Well, the ones who weren't tremendous jerks, at least. However... Rei simply gave her a confused, plaintive stare. Hanako frowned.

"Rei-chaaan, seriously! You saw me do it, you can do it for sure!" Hanako grabbed a hold of the smaller girl and shook her gently, which did little more then produce an expression of worry. Rei clearly had no idea what to do. Hanako sighed. "... It might take a minute!"

And then she heard another voice, calling out and saying that they would join... it was the fancy clothes girl who had run into her chest! Surely she was someone weird and unusual, with such fancy clothing all the time, even at school! And that briefcase, that cane... yeah, she had to be different and cool! "Come here! You can help us advertise, too!"

... And then there was Takanashi-sensei, complaining about the whole thing still. Damn it, she advertised around now to avoid this kind of thing, and yet here he was, trying to make people not join her amazing and super-awesome club!

"... What, you want us to change clothes here?" Hanako's remark was mostly out of annoyance. She knew it wasn't the case, but it was hard to help making the comment. "Besides, how else am I supposed to advertise the best club ever?!"
The sun was already setting... Tsukuyomi sighed. It would not be much longer now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Nadeshiko Kazamatsuri, Super High School Level Pervert Nerd

Nadeshiko panted in exhaustion. She wasn't exactly the atheletic type, after all, and... Well, when someone with her social confidence is brought to the attention of others... Not to mention the sporty girl actually getting so close to her, there was really only one thing she could do.

And that was to turn and run. Even if the view was so wonderful, she couldn't cope with the crowd that was steadily growing around it. Of course, her short legs didn't really carry her far, just enough to get out of sight before she collapsed to her sore knees and began panting. For a moment, she sat there, trying her best to calm down... But it didn't take long for her to start panicking again. In her rush to get away, she'd left something very important behind at the tree...

"...M-my... My sketchbook!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Natsu was rather bemused that the girl's reaction was to actively get up and bolt out of her hiding place like a frantic rabbit attempting to escape from a hunting hawk. She didn't look that scary, did she? Tsking in dissatisfaction, the pinkette turned about to join the large group and then stopped as she realized something was dropped. It was the little girl's sketchpad and it had dropped when the girl fled. It was also open too, meaning there was no way for the athlete to not see what was inside.

"..." The tomboy stared in morbid fascination at the inner workings of the collection, her face slowly gaining a bright coloration that was approaching her hair color even as her hands began to twitch. "My god, she's just like my mom..." Taking a deep breath and punching the tree that had sheltered the girl a few times to dislodge her mind from the gutter. Leaving said arboreal plant with a small indent in its bark, Natsu clenched her stinging hand and grabbed the materials with her undamaged one.

Like a shot, she was off. Her sprinting frame ate up the distance between her and Nadeshiko and in just under ten seconds found the girl again. "You dropped this." The girl said, trying to school her features. Unfortunately, there was no masking the blush on her face, even if she had an otherwise perfect poker face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Rin's bright red face was breaking out in a nervous sweat, quite a departure from his usual calm, cool demeanour. He really was not used to things like this, especially remarks that made him sound so... so... indecent!

"N-no, of course not!" the flustered teacher hurriedly tried to clear himself of any suspicion, "I-I just meant that- okay, can everyone start going home now?! - I meant to do it inside! Inside!"

Come on man, you're a teacher! Get your act together and take charge Rin scolded himself. What did he have to act all shy for, anyway?! He just had to deal with this like a responsile adult and resolve things in a calm and suitable manner. How hard could that really be?
Clearing his throat, Rin raised his voice, "Okay everyone! No more gawking! You two," he pointed at the pair of bunny girls, "I want you to get changed - in the changing room, obviously - and meet me in the faculty room in five minutes! The rest of you, pretend you saw nothing, okay? Please?"

Feeling confident that he was doing his job well, Rin gradually began to look less and less flustered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Gorai Isamu- Super High School Level Goofball Airhead Photojournalist

"Poor, poor Sensei, all flustered like that. But I suppose it's allllll~ inevitable against the power that is bunny girls. Now his dignity's become another casualty to their fuzzy ears and fluffy tails."

Isamu nodded to himself as he half-walked half-danced his way toward the students who had gathered to view the spectacle that was the two girls advertising their "Best Club in the School" as it was. There had certainly been a lot of commotion surrounding it for the short period Isamu had heard of it, so if nothing else it was certainly worth keeping an eye on for- Wait a minute, did someone just take a picture?

Isamu slid into a rather goofy-looking yet surprisingly quiet moonwalk until he was right next to Akio, the expression on his face equal parts cheery and strangely cold, despite the fact that his voice remained bright and goofy as ever.

"If you're really burning with desire to take pictures like this, you could always join the photography club, or maybe the Journalism Club, capturing this sort of thing and spreading the news is our job after all. Unless of course you were considering selling that picture to smutty magazines or for some weird voyeuristic reason, in which case...you really should be using a better camera!" Suddenly Isamu took a lecturing tone with an expression full of pity. "A cellphone camera could never get the sort of detail and quality you want, y'know! If you want to use a camera's power so immorally, you should at least do it well!~" He purposefully said this last part loudly enough so that everyone could hear while also doing a dramatic dance spin that turned him to face the two girls.

"As a member of the school's official paper and a photographer extraordinaire, I'll join the school's newest club and make sure it gets a full report! You won't even need any more publicity stunts once I'm done! Isn't that right Sensei?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

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Ah, man, the atmosphere was getting suffocating. Unlike that dirty-minded old lech in a schoolgirl uniform, who seemed to have an acute fear of people physically approaching her, Akio was simply overwhelmed with how painfully...awkward everything was. Sure, the school had its collection of weirdoes, just like any other typical Japanese high school, but to have all these archetypes placed in one location...it made his head hurt, really. There was the pervert-nerd-eccentric who was now hiding by a tree, the hapless, hopeless teacher, a bunny girl advertising a club that probably had nothing to do with weather, and the local gang leader of justice, who was making up some stupid requirement for herself to join.

Actually, all things considered, he was surprised that more guys weren't joining, considering the whole allure of bunny suits was meant to attract the opposite gender.

Life worked in weird ways, it appeared. Maybe the sheer insanity of pulling such a student made it too embarrassing for any males to approach, because they'd be instantly branded as a male pervert, which was apparently worse than a female one. Must be because a female pervert was 'kinky' while a male one was a 'depraved middle-aged virgin loser with no future prospects'.

Well, it took time for Taka-sensei to get his act together, but by then, the deed was already done. By the time one of the male students confronted him regarding his picture-taking, all Akio did was shut his cellphone off. Another weirdo.

More specifically, a photographer weirdo, and the first male to announce his eagerness to join the club. Part of the student newspaper, apparently. Akio could have probably gone off on a long tangent to explain the reasons behind his actions, or perhaps he could even just hatch a quick lie, but ultimately, he saw no point in talking. He didn't exactly want to associate himself those sideshow attractions of students.

Not that he was any better.

No, he was probably worse.

If they were attractions, he was a freak.

And fuck, he hated thinking these thoughts.

Reminding himself of his original goal once more, Akio turned around, deciding that camera-enthusiast would have switched to attention-whore mode by now and forgot the fact that Akio existed. And then, he slipped away.

Back to the hospital I go.

Might as well say 'tadaima' when he got there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 23 min ago


Akira blinked as she was pointed to, being demanded to advertise. The teacher was saying that she shouldn't join the club, though... who was she supposed to listen to? This was the only club that was looking for people and her instructions from her creators were to join a club. It was inappropriate to ignore a teacher, however, and this was causing quite a conundrum. In the end, it was resolved through the simple expedient of going for the highest source of instructions in her life: when there was a conflict between social obligations, and her mission, then the mission took precedence.

This meant that the robot stepped forwards to go and stand by the bunnygirl. How was she supposed to advertise? It seemed to be by showing a lot of skin, if the example Rei and Hanako were setting was accurate, and this left her only one option: without any fuss, Akira divested herself of coat and hat, already baring the entirety of her arms. Then, the girl sat on the table and began to take off shoes and her rather confusing socks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Hanako frowned. They were getting all this attention and Takanashi-sensei just wanted them to drop it all?! But this was clearly the best way to advertise... He wass being stupid! It's not like she was forced to do this or anything, she was dressed up like this of her own free will! Well... Rei was... sort of forced into it(she squirmed when Hanako was trying to put the leotard and the ears on her, but not enough to stop her!), but she didn't actually protest or anything and calmly went out to help advertise. So there was nothing wrong here at all!

"How am I supposed to advertise if I have to change?!" Hanako cried, throwing her hands up into the air, "This is the best way for the best club!"

And just then... someone else approached and wanted to join! It was... Gorai, right? He did all kinds of stuff with photograph, he'd definitely be pretty useful to her club.

"See?! This gives me the most exposure!" she declared, "You're not really going to make me go, right?"

Hanako was really, really intent on not having to go and change. That'd just su-speaking of changing what was the white-haired girl doing.

"Whoa whoa whoa you don't have to change here!" distracted from her attempts to protect her planned advertising, Hanako swiftly turned and grabbed at the girl's wrists, in an attempt to quickly make her stop.

Rei... was still attempting to muster up enough force to be hotblood. Slowly, she pumped one fist in the air, and expression unchanging, declared...

"Super Action Weather Fight Cluuuuub."

Her tone of voice hadn't changed. But at least she put some effort into it, right?
One was leaving. Another simply in the crowd, nearly chosen at random...

Tonight... find me here. There is much to discuss.

The message was relayed. In these conditions, Tsukuyomi could contact only two at a time... she would have to work to get the others she had selected.
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