Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

You can remove the part about time distortion, as that shouldn't be a factor. His claws also don't need to be listed as equipment, cause they're part of him.

Apart from those (which are just details), he looks acceptable. Only LeeRoy or Schradinger can definitively accept him though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

LeeRoy said
I'll need a range on that lightning bolt there, Notdeadyet. In fact, I'll need a range on everything.Sol is accepted, Eklispe.Once you get his Physical and Psychological, as well as the History your Demon Wolf is accepted Vordak.You already know my review, Green. Finish the sheet and he's accepted.All vehicles are allowed, however, the pilots of those vehicles require character sheets of their own.Though there is no official limitation on the level of the characters themselves. I might want to work on some sort of regulation for that.

Sol has been accepted just want to point that out
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ordinarily, I wouldn't accept a character with peak speed AND above normal strength, senses, and durability, but since he can only use it for five posts in a single fight and it leaves him vulnerable afterwards, Claws is accepted.

As far as the agility comparison, Olympic athletes are a good way to go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

^ I thought the durability was a tad questionable too, but i think it'll be fine. I didn't deem the strength to be a problem, because it's rather low for a tier 4. If you look at LeeRoy's extremes, they all have the max in one stat and still some minor upgrades in others, so that's allowed.

As for my commentary on Tharraleos:
As Schradinger already said, there are no concrete levels of his abilities stated. I understand that they’re variable, so I propose this is how you fix it: state the lowest possible level of each ability, how it is when he feel particularly prideless, and state the highest level currently available (seeing as you limited him to tier 4). The things that you need to specify this way are:
- Strength, speed and durability
- The size, speed, fire rate and accuracy of his razor wind attack
- The range and power of his breath attack
- The power of his ground slam (in terms of what effect it has on people)
- The speed at which he travels through the ground

Two more minor things:
- You should probably put a range limit on telekinesis. Otherwise his telescope eyes allow him to use it from miles away. Then again, that probably won’t come up in this arena, so I can overlook it if you insist.
- You mention the razor wind attack can cut metal, but metal is far too general of a term to be of use. Steel is probably what you mean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm going to skip Raiu until Notdeadyet addresses LeeRoy's initial concerns, so next up is Jin.

First: The man himself is fine. No problems there. Though the time it would take for a target to develop the symptoms of radiation sickness would be of no use during a fight. Just keep that in mind.

Second: What is the targeting method for the high power precision shot? Is there a laser that Jin has to paint the target with? I would also recommend switching to a particle rifle instead of an actual bullet, that was the power level of the shot could remain within tier 3. If Lalliman's math (and my own) is correct, the bullet would be traveling at mach 234.6, which would blow through any defenses anyone in the arena possesses. By switching to a particle rifle, you can maintain the 2 second travel time while also reducing the power of the shot to acceptable levels.

Third: The mech is going to need a lot more detail, and as it stands now would be a tier 5 summon. In addition to what Lalliman said about speed and the power of the photon lasers (which are already iffy due to being as fast as light and requiring no charge time), we'll also need to know how much ammo it carries for the autocannons, how durable it is, and if it increases his strength at all (and if so, by how much). Anything you can add about its sensor and targeting systems would also be good. Regarding the photon beam cannon, as long as you don't consider the "and armor" portion of the damage description to be gospel, it should be fine. If the "and armor" part is taken literally, it would give him the ability to utterly destroy even tier 7 armor in one hit, which is not okay. Since LeeRoy already has a character with particle weapons that travel at near the speed of light (and require charging time), I don't see an issue with this one as long as the charging is visible.

Fourth: If "extremely durable" means what I think it does, that trait alone puts both droids at tier 3. That, combined with the near-perfect accuracy and armor piercing assault rifles of the XC1 and 2, would likely bump them up to tier 4. If they only had average human accuracy, rather than the accuracy of an infallible machine, they'd still be tier 3. The axe wielded by the XR1 is definitely at least a tier 4 weapon though. Titanium melts at around 3,000 degrees fahrenheit, but in order to cut it like butter the axe would have to be considerably hotter than that (and this is without taking into account the fact that you mention alloy, which changes the equation depending on what it's alloyed with). His reaction speed should also be more clearly defined, since there are a lot of things that are faster than a human can blink. I really like his backstory though. It gives him a really cool dynamic right off the bat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HaltingBlooper
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HaltingBlooper Mudkips. I herd u liek dem.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I changed claws speed to 100-200 blurred mph because I thought it was more fitting
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Vallayuel Naradeohs
Age: 220
Height: 23'2'' (Comparison example image)
Weight: 4.2 tons

Physical Description: She's a giantess of epic proportions able to dwarf most other races; moderately tall human males (6 feet tall) reaching about knee height. Each of her feet is 3'4'' long, more than half the height of what most humans would be. Her body has the same proportions of what a normal human woman would have despite it seeming to be physically impossible for a human to be that large and still be able to move around like normal.

She has skin tanned a slight golden color and a well toned body. She has three pale blue eyes, the third one in the middle of her forehead, which can move independently of the other two. She has rugged looking hair of similar color to her skin (pale gold, but more golden than her skin) that reaches down to her lower back. She doesn't have bangs anywhere that would get into her forehead eye, therefore only having bangs on the sides of her face. She doesn't have an eyebrow above her third eye. Her facial features look wide, sturdy, and rough, as if she's seen her share of battles. Small scars are on various points on her body, but compared to how large she is they seem insignificant. The largest scar is on her left palm, running across most of it.

Psychological Description: She's overconfident in her abilities, viewing most others as beneath her and not worth her time. She enjoys toying with her prey, showing how much better she is than them before tossing them aside, not carrying if they live or die, although she may make a point to crush someone to death if they annoy her too much. Although she does show anger, when she's fighting them she looks more happy than anything as she destroys them. It goes without saying that she's very courageous and would rather die than run away from a fight like a coward. If someone is able to prove their worth to her then she becomes surprisingly friendly with them, even serving them, because she believes those with power such as herself deserve it. The more powerful you are the more you deserve. Her loyalty can change hands, so if her current leader is proven to no longer be the best then she can switch sides without a second thought.

Tier: 5


Physical Abilities- Her lifting weight is 44 tons and her running speed is 35 miles per hour, a speed appropriate for one of her size. Her level of training more relies on brute force so she's not very skillful. Her bones are nearly immune to high caliber rounds, requiring multiple hits to the same bone to chip it more and more until it finally shatters. The flesh parts of her body, due to their increased size, are more durable and can take far more punishment than much smaller humans, meaning that if you don't strike a fatal area she can be shredded with numerous bullets and wouldn't appear to be effected all that much unless multiple hits (or an extremely powerful attack) occurs to the same muscle to damage that muscle's capabilities. Luckily for her enemies, moderately high power bullets could still get through her skin, so even if it might not do too much she could still be hit with a lot of damage over time rather than simply repelling all attacks not of a high enough power. Her endurance can keep up with her higher level of physical abilities.

Skill Set- She's experienced the most in hammer combat, able to use it for all of the basic maneuvers without hurting herself with it. She can also fire her hand cannon decently. She's a good blacksmith able to forge things out of various metals (given that she has the proper equipment available to her).

Earth Storm- If she's able to strike the ground with enough force to cause it to break then this break spreads out for a range of 30 feet across the surface of the ground, causing enough disruption to fling the ground's material through the air and severely disrupt the footing of anyone standing on the ground as it gives way. Earth storm doesn't transfer over to materials of higher durability than what she can break or to materials that cannot break such as water, which would simply turn into waves and her attack would then loose steam. Rather than a horizontal spread she can cause things to break in a 30 foot straight line that can be angled in any desired direction into the ground.

She can build up the power to cause an earth storm within the events of a single post, power that can move to any of her body parts or anything she has contact with. If it leaves contact of her, such as throwing a boulder, it will loose it's power. This power has a cool down period of 5 posts before she can use it again.

Third Eye- Although her race has special powers relating to their third eye, she has no such powers, only used on occasion to keep track of one object while her other eyes are looking somewhere else. It's more detrimental to her than anything, being another weak-spot to exploit. Damage to her third eye causes blinding pain (pun intended) coursing through her entire body, incapacitating her for a good 5 seconds (the events of the opponent's next post).


Armor- She wears steel plate armor that weights 1 and a half tons in total (to keep it handy, that brings her total weight while wearing armor up to 5.7 tons). The armor is as thick to her relative to how thick normal steel plate armor is to a smaller human, meaning that her armor ends up being much thicker, akin to what can be found on a tank. Due to the increased size of the armor the weak spots are all the more visible and larger targets. These weak spots are made up of thinner overlapping plates that are found over the joints. The armor is also thinner overall on the limbs than the torso, at it's thinnest (excluding the joints) at the calves, feet, forearms, and hands. This makes attacks to her torso much harder to penetrate than anywhere else, requiring multiple explosions to break through while the other areas might only take half as much punishment. Her helmet is about in between her torso and extremity armor in toughness, but with her skull doing additional protection she doesn't worry too much. The visor on her helmet is as thin as the extremity armor and has openings for her two normal eyes. The upper eye can have a sliding opening independent of the other eyes and is usually left shut.

The armor fends off magical attacks no better than normal armor besides the fact that some magic can still be blocked by the extra thickness.

The armor can be looted as individual pieces, but keep in mind that they will be very heavy even individually and too large to wear unless you do something to fix this problem such as melting it down for the materials to create another set of armor. If an armor piece is looted then she can come back to life with a leather armor piece instead over the missing armor rather than being completely bare. She'll have to find materials later to forge a better replacement.

Leather belt- Strapped around her armor and featuring places to contain her weapons. Despite only being made out of leather, the increased size still makes it far more durable, but obviously still not as durable as her armor. The belt can be looted.

Undercloth- Simple, tattered cloth worn under her armor to cover her torso and underwear underneath it. This has no defensive value. It cannot be looted.

Battle-hammer- An unnamed steel hammer (she finds it silly to name weapons) strapped to the left side of her belt that's commonly wielded with one hand but has just enough room for two. It looks like this and weighs a third of a ton. Pressing forward on a lever near the head of the hammer causes it to vapidly vibrate like a jackhammer. It cannot be looted.

Hand-cannon- Found on the right side of her belt, it's statistics are like the 10 Pound Parrott Rifle, although it's designed to look and be held more like a musket. Like the cannon it can only fire a single shot at a time. It can be looted (but if you do I may end up trying to kill your character off at the first opportunity).

Cannonballs- Used as ammunition for her hand-cannon. They are 10 pound balls as seen on the statistics of the hand-cannon. She has 6 of these balls in a sack attached to her belt to the side of the hand-cannon. One of them is loaded to begin with. Due to her strength she can throw a cannonball and have it easily be lethal to many mere mortals. A single cannonball can be looted at a time.

Cannon Sack- A tan colored cloth sack made out of multiple thick threads strong enough to withstand the weight of the cannonballs inside but can be cut open with relative ease. It cannot be looted and is just a large sack anyways.

History: She's from a rare race of giants (commonly named Garhandus after their planet) on their massive homeworld of Garhus, the conditions just right to allow for massive lifeforms to exist, of which her race isn't even the largest, with that honor going to dinosaur-like monsters. They needed to grow bigger and stronger to combat this menace once their backs were to the wall and they could no longer run away. They developed the largest weapons that they could get their hands on and smashed some dinosaur brains in so well that the Garhandus became the top of the food chain in only a couple hundred years, the small and weaker among them picked off in the meantime so that only the best and largest survived.

Magic had some hand in enhancing their bodies so that they could avoid extinction in time with their unnatural growth, all thanks to a warrior goddess named Vururia who had wished to preserve their life, finding them worthy of carrying some of her magic with them. They also gained third eyes during this time, allowing them foresight and special vision such as seeing through the insanely tough skeletons of these dinosaurs so that they might break through the weakpoints.

The Garhandii Tribes thrived in their power,yet still never attained that high of a population, preferring to keep their bands of warriors on a smaller scale. Beings from another world arrived on their planet and said that they could send one representative of their people into some sort of an arena, which they quickly accepted, although settling the matter of who would go was a long, somewhat brutal affair with many fights breaking out to prove who's the most worthy among them.

Vallayuel, the best warrior of the Lutelghan tribe despite being relatively small for a Garhandus, beheaded 5 Garhandus chieftains in battle (in separate 1 on 1 fights), including the chieftain of her tribe who was her first victim. The Grand Chieftain challenged her to battle his greatest warrior to see if she was really the best among the Garhandus, and he got his answer when that warrior, too, was beheaded. With that victory the Grand Chieftain had no choice but to label Vallayuel as the one worthy to be sent to the arena.

She went with the purpose of becoming the ultimate champion so that everyone would submit to her. Either that or she would finally meet someone worthy of her abilities so that she could at last feel like she could devote herself to someone else, which she could never experience such feelings for those weaker than her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

shit if you had posted that sooner I would have stacked Adrian up against her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

You can get her next battle.

Edited: I edited the sheet to say her hand cannon is in the right side (which was only inferred before) and said her sack isn't loot able.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by drallinix
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Actually Adrian is probably getting an enormous power boost after this battle, but I may hold it off until he fights her cuz even at tier 3 he has some tuff she would be weak to so it'd be pretty even.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Okay. So it appears the only thing I need to do is specify the lowest and highest potential of a few abilities. Simple enough. I shall edit the profile when I can, perhaps during my time off of work tomorrow
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vallayuel is accepted. I think her size and consequential inability to dodge easily counteracts her having such high strength and durability together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

drallinix said
Actually Adrian is probably getting an enormous power boost after this battle, but I may hold it off until he fights her cuz even at tier 3 he has some tuff she would be weak to so it'd be pretty even.

Who says you're getting a buff?

Nobody said that. That's not happening until Tiers 8 - 10 are revealed, and that's not happening for a while.

If I let anyone buff after any battle, that would be unfair to the opposing competitor.

If they won against them:
They might not be able to win again.

If they lost against them:
They would never be able to win against them.

Also, Schradinger. Can you send me a list of all the accepted characters?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Just Claws and Vallayuel i believe.

Ethel, Sol and Ido were accepted earlier but aren't on the list yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

Lalliman said
As for my commentary on Tharraleos:As Schradinger already said, there are no concrete levels of his abilities stated. I understand that they’re variable, so I propose this is how you fix it: state the lowest possible level of each ability, how it is when he feel particularly prideless, and state the highest level currently available (seeing as you limited him to tier 4). The things that you need to specify this way are:- Strength, speed and durability- The size, speed, fire rate and accuracy of his razor wind attack- The range and power of his breath attack- The power of his ground slam (in terms of what effect it has on people)- The speed at which he travels through the groundTwo more minor things:- You should probably put a range limit on telekinesis. Otherwise his telescope eyes allow him to use it from miles away. Then again, that probably won’t come up in this arena, so I can overlook it if you insist.- You mention the razor wind attack can cut metal, but metal is far too general of a term to be of use. Steel is probably what you mean.

Alrighty, I was going to edit the actual profile, but things are rather tedious with a mobile device. As such, could I simply list these prerequisites separately?

Maximum strength and speed are already accounted for with the tier 4, being 10 tons of force maximum (which can potentially tie in with durability as well) with mach 1 being the top speed. Minimum I'll say 500 pounds and 150 mph.

As for his air related abilities; the size and fire rate of the razor wind will stay consistent, in which they're 2 feet wide and can launch these once per 15 seconds. The speed can range from 200 mph minimum to 600 mph maximum. The range of the breath can range from a minimum of 15 feet to 150 feet maximum. The force of it can range from 50 pounds of force, to 200.

Onto the earth related abilities. The tremor has the same effect on people no matter what power level he's at. It always serves as a means to cause imbalance. That's not to say it can't destroy the area around him, but what happens then varies on the location. The speed at which he travels through the ground I'll make simple and simply state he travels at half the speed as normal.

Since putting a range on the Telekinesis doesn't seem to be mandatory, I'll leave it as is. I'll be sure not to overuse that ability nor overly exploit it.

And finally, yes, I did indeed mean steel instead of metal.

With all that, I believe it's everything. If any problems or concerns arise, feel free to let me know
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

I submitted a double post by mistake. I'm not even sure how it happened
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 28 days ago

Maximum strength, speed and durability are unacceptable, as you can only achive the maximum listed output of one given stat for a given tier by completely sacrificing the rest of a characters abilities. Even with his Pride ability, that is an absolute no-no.

Everything else would seem just about fine, but only for a magic focused character. If you try to tie in those abilities of yours with high end physical stats, then im afraid that once again, you exceed tier 4 limits.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vordak


Member Seen 28 days ago

Just take a look at the rest of the tier 4 characters. Tharraleos should be only slighty more powerful than them with full Pride and be a little weaker without any at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Schradinger
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There's also this part:

Tharraleos Polemistis said
By placing a majority of the strength in his legs, he can leap far and high distances. Furthermore, he can fight for prolonged amounts of time before succumbing to exhaustion. Even so, he can function on low amounts of power, allowing him to operate for an extended amount of time and remain calm through stressful or painful situations. Tharraleos has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to. The extent of this is so great that in Tharraleos' perspective, the world around him appears to flow at a much slower pace then normal. He has an extremely well developed sense of balance and can n precisely control his movements and muscles, making him unable to be uncoordinated. He can only fall over when physically uprooted or pushed, though most times he can land on his feet. Through much practice, Tharraleos can stand upright on even the most unstable of surfaces and can fight at seemingly impossible angles and positions. Also with ample training, he has learned to bend and twist his body far beyond the normal limits of physiology, although still only from the joints. His joints, muscles, tendons and physiology in general is modified to allow him to perform near-boneless looking contortions without stress or damage and stay in any position he chooses as long he needs to without effort or strain. He's quite acrobatic as well, being able to fluently preform a wide variety of flips and somersaults. He has immense memory and other mental capacities, allowing thinking on several different levels at once and while multitasking. He can remember great volumes of information and can recall a vast majority of the details of his experiences. Because he has existed for countless years, he possesses great wisdom: deep understanding and realization of concepts, people, things, events or situations, resulting in the ability to apply perceptions, judgments and actions in keeping with this understanding. It often requires control of his emotional reactions so that universal principles, reason and knowledge prevail to determine one's actions.

Which, due to lack of clarification regarding jump height and distance, reaction speed, the stuff he knows, the limits of his contortionism, and perpetually perfect coordination might put him at tier 4 on its own. Kind of like how Solomon's physical stats are well below the tier 4 max's, but his knowledge and experience bumps him all the way up to tier 7.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Griffintaur


Member Seen 12 mos ago

I seem to have been mistaken then. I presumed the strength and speed displayed in the respective tiers were a character's full potential. Since speed is not a large part of Tharraleos' abilities, I can reduce that down to a consistent 300 mph regardless of pride power. If the remaining abilities continue to present an issue, I can simply remove them no problem


With all that's been said, perhaps it would be a better and more sensible idea to put Tharraleos at tier 7. I'm aware he is overpowered to certain extents and I make all attempts to balance him out. I'll continue to do so even with him at tier 7, so I'll make that tiny adjustment to his profile.
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