Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snaketicus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Or do we?" Jackson would ask with a stupid grin plastered on his face in response to "Sandy's" statement on travel. "I mean, for all you know I could have hit my head and lost my memory the last time you sent me out on one of your "errands."" He said with the smirk still firmly in place upon his devious face.
A moment later "Jackson" would chuckle to himself softly, laughing at his humor before melting into the floor like a high speed black ice statue. He would rise out of the floor but a moment later on the stair case to the basement wherein he would motion for the others to enter. "Après vous!"
The man in black walked down the steps a second after his stupid joke. He let yet another vile chuckle out as he descended to the portal. Now of course "Jackson" could simply just teleport to the portal like he had all those other times, but if he could inconvenience those he hated even a little bit than any action was worth it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 40 min ago

Mytchell nodded once in response to Salare's order, drifting over to where Kit stood. Kneeling next to her, he put a hand on her head and smiled to her.
"Keep a close eye on Sandy for me, okay?" he asked, glancing to his friend over his shoulder. Then, he made a show of whispering, "He's not too good at it himself..." Ruffling her hair, he stood once again and drifted over to the staircase (he never walked anywhere in his native form, hell, he barely ever had legs) passing straight through Arguis as he did so, and followed his partner down.
The portal was largely unnecessary, especially for him. While the other spirits would almost never need to travel to the human realm, Mytch had his own way down; and intended to use it as an alternative. Still, he'd gather here, and drift over to a lump of shadows known as 'Jackson'.

"I hope you realize how important this is." He stated flatly, bringing out his watch and checking it again, rotating through the five different clock faces, "The humans are our first priority, even yours, even Beast's." He eyed his partner, sighing. "Basically, what I'm saying is don't screw up, okay?" Hopefully putting it in laymen's terms would get the point across more clearly.

Eyeing the other spirit of the night, Mytchell thoughtfully palmed the watch, fingers dissolving into tendrils of smoke and settling in every crevice of the ancient thing. He'd created it to help Salare with his job, to ease the burden. he could only hope that what information it gave him would still be valid.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kit's fox ears perked once again when she heard that Sandman wanted to go with her. She was happy to go with him because she felt more comfortable with him then she was with Arguis. However, a small part of her couldn't help but make her think that he may just be going with her because she was the youngest of the spirits and needed a chaperone. She pushed that small dark thought to the back of her mind when Mytchell came up to her and placed his hand on her head gently and, with what Kit could tell, kindness. She smiled at him when he asked her to keep an eye on Sandy, and she couldn't help but let out a laugh before trying to stifle it again, and she answered him happily and confidently, "I will! That's a promise,"

After Mytchell left to go with Jackson, she walked up to Sandman and she said to him, "I'm ready when you are!" Kit was excited, and she was quite curious to see what exactly had happened in the human world. As much as she wanted to go on ahead of Sandman, she knew better, especially considering that she just promised Mytchell to keep an eye on Sandy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sandman nodded as Kit made her way to his side, and he walked closer to the portal - It was bright, and gave off lights which shimmered in different hues of the spectrum, bathing the room in a blinding light as the swirled in circles around the room, orbiting the door to the other realm. 'Sandy' squinted his eyes as he walked closer to it. Such a pointless portal and yet it glimmered with the light of all the stars in the dark sky of the night. Finally making his way to it, he stood in front of the large portal. He pointed to it, gesturing for the others to do the same as him. He walked in, shutting his eyes as he did and suddenly the light was gone instantly. The process to shift from world to world was too quick for even a spirit to follow, and when he opened his eyes, he stood in the middle of a road in an eerily silent town.

"Be careful," He whispered to his arriving companions, shifting into his human form of a plain teenager, with pink hair and less tired eyes. When he was sure everyone was ready and appeared normal at the very least, he turned. "I shall go right with Kit. You four can split into pairs and go down the left road or middle road, but we'll meet back here on...um..." He struggled to read the street sign. "Somerset Terrace. Right. That's where we are, this is where we meet up," He then quickly turned and strolled down the empty streets, the light in the lamps flickering and fading at best.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Arguis would have grabbed the puppy dog phantom for its disrespect, but he let it go, if he killed the trash, what would Sandman do without his rubbish friend. Arguis walked inside the portal after Sandman did. With a swirl of light and nausea, he appeared in the human world. They all stood in the middle of an empty road, he hated this world. Arguis immediately left the group, having already heard the rules before.

Arguis climbed onto a roof and jumped form building to building, getting a feel for the area. He had not seen any of the trash spirits follow him, so he assumed he could enjoy the silence of his own thought while the other pieces of trash mingled among each other. Arguis stopped on top of a large home, it was far away from the group, but it was close enough for anyone in the group to still spot him. Arguis noticed some movement still aways away, if he could find a route that would get him close without getting spotted, that would be perfect.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 9 days ago

Following along with the rest of the group, mainly behind the Sandman himself, the beast stepped out into the human world in her human form. Brows knitted and face unreadable for a moment, the beast crossed her arms passively listened to Sandman repeat himself once more, watching the enforcer run off. Thinking himself a lone wolf, and looking very much the fool. Throwing her thumb over in the direction where he took off, and cupping her hand to the side of her mouth, she called over to Sandman just as he was leaving, "There's something ironic about having the backstabbed keeping an eye on the enforcer...!"

With a running start, the beast jumped and kicked her bare feet off of the nearest wall of a building, propelling herself up to catch onto a gap in the bricks with her dirty fingers. The beast scaled the wall in mere seconds. Flipping onto and crouching on the edge of the roof, she straightened herself up and didn't take her time catching up to the enforcer, though the distance that made a gap between them left her unnoticed for a duration of time.

She was one building away when she noticed that he had stopped. It was apparent to the beast that he was trying to plan out how to go about his mission at this point, having spotted something of interest. At present, she had two choices...yell out and wave at him, screwing with his chances and focus, and potentially getting herself harmed in turn. Alternatively, the beast could actually do what she was here to do. Stepping back from the edge of the building a few, the beast ran and launched herself over...not enough to catch the end of the house, actually...but enough the catch the ledge of a window on the side of it, kicking the side of it with a dull thud.

Pulling herself up enough for a moment to peek, she caught sight of a hall interior before letting herself hang for a bit more as she considered what she could do. The window was locked, and that was a problem. Letting go of the ledge, the beast dropped down into a rose bush, "?!" With little to no problems...? Well, one thing was certain...the Sandman did not object to her desire to sit on one of the humans whilst in her true form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

As he calmed down, it became pretty clear that he wasn’t the only person around. When he stopped moving and his ears weren’t filled with the hammering of his heart, Gavin could just barely hear another person’s voice and footsteps as they walked over grass. Opening his eyes, he also noticed the ambient light coming from a few houses down the street. While a small part, the one that remembered the horror movies he’d watched, told him to ignore the light, the need to know he wasn’t alone made Gavin step forward.

Leaving the immediate area in front of his house, the eeriness of the situation struck Gavin once more. Without the flashlight he didn’t know if he would have been able to see more than a few feet in front of him; if the stars were out then they were certainly being obscured by thick clouds. Swinging the beam of light side to side, he couldn’t help but shiver a bit at what was revealed. An empty car sat in the middle of the road, idling in silence somehow, waiting for a driver that’d disappeared. A door halfway open to a house, with its curtains fully drawn, he walked by. Odd things that simply didn’t fit in.

He didn’t want to risk calling out in such an odd situation; using the flashlight probably attracted enough attention as was. So to compensate as he didn’t really want to sneak up on anyone and surprise them given the situation, Gavin moved bobbed his flashlight around. Apparently he’d caught the person’s attention, getting a flashlight beam to the face when he turned around the corner. Turning away slightly as he shielded his eyes with the hand holding the wrench, he aimed his flashlight down at his feet and away from the other person.
“Dude, be quiet. Are you trying to attract attention?.”

Despite his tone, Gavin was actually fairly happy to have found another living soul. Granted the other person sounded panicked, so whether it was actually a good thing or not Gavin wasn’t sure, but it was something at the least. “Can you get that out of my face?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snaketicus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Jackson" would smile curtly as he stepped through the overly glossy portal to the human realm. It had been a little while since the last time he'd been to that side of the universe so it took the man of darkness a few moments to adjust before he transformed fully into his "Human" form.
At this point, I, your continually employed narrator must mention a few things you might not notice unless you were a creature akin to "Jackson". The first is that the spirit world and Human world have somewhat different gravitational rules. On Earth gravity is a constant that must be obeyed, whereas in the spirit realm it is but a guideline you can choose to follow if you so choose too. This has lead to some awkward moments such as the last time "Jackson" visited Earth, wherein he left the portal, took a step forward, and fell straight onto his face. The second is that there is a different sort of atmospheric feel to the Human realm which is likely caused by the relative lack of magic. (Continued in second post)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Snaketicus
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This can have strange effects on energy sensing spirits, causing them to feel somewhat empty when journeying to the human realm (That is, of course, until they find a wall socket and stick their fingers into it).
The third and final difference is only really detectable by "Jackson". The reason for this is that the Darkness itself in the Human world is a tad bit different from the Darkness in the Spirit Realm, and 'Jackson" once insulted Human world darkness, it doesn't like him anymore and refuses to even speak to him at the annual Darkness dinner party and mixer.
Jackson sighed as he walked forward and awaited Mytch's arrival, taking a long breathe and filling his lungs with Human air. He almost wanted to hold his breathe after doing so, for the taste of smog and gasoline that filled the impure Earthen air was enough to disgust even a creature of pollution.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kit squinted her eyes from the bright light as she went through the portal with the other spirits and Sandman. As soon as she appeared in the human world, she dismissed the fox ears and nine tails so she looked normal just as Sandy did. She looked around her surroundings while Sandman whispered his warning, not only out of curiosity but to take note of any landmarks around this area. At first she didn't notice Sandman had headed off until she caught a glimpse of him walking away (when she did, she promptly jogged after him until she caught up to him). She didn't mind the harsh black pavement underneath her bare dainty feet as she hurried after him.

As they walked on, her ears started to ring from the silence. She thought they were taking a very long time just to find the humans. She somewhat distracted herself from the boredom that came from her impatience by thinking up some harmless pranks. Soon an idea came to her mind, and asked Sandman, "Hey, Sandy? Why don't we make a loud noise or something like that? The humans could come running to us if we do," Kit still kept her eyes and ears opened for any slight noise or sight of the humans.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Well no, that wouldn't quite work, Kit. If we can pin point where these five are, that's good enough - According to their clocks, they all live in this town, so finding them shouldn't be of too much trouble. The issue at hand is what happened to all the other humans...This place is more quiet than it should be," Sandman answered, still walking along at a slow pace - He could feign the illusion of being awake, but he was exhausted and casting the spell earlier to freeze time had cost more energy than he would of imagine. As well as that, there was the disguising spell to make him human. That probably wasn't helping either.

"Either way, our first priority is to see what happened to those five humans. The rest...Well...I have a feeling they aren't here anymore. Look how dead it is, how empty the world is right now. It could just feel that way cause of the time freeze - But something tells me that there's more to it than that," He answered, before looking down. Because he knew, in the bottom of his heart, that this was his fault for casting the spell. If only he hadn't listened and carried on being selfless, rather than being selfish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 8 days ago

Arguis could make of the forms of 2 humans in the distance. He had a plan in mind, but he was torn, should he make direct confrontation, or should he study the from afar. If he was to confront them, he would most likely end up killing them of shock, and were would that get them. He could watch them from afar, but he would have to get closer to get a very good look at them, and be able to hear then. He could have requested help, but he was not in the mood to run back to other pieces of trash and call to them.

Arguis was about to get a closer look at the humans, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the crunching and thud of a bush and a body. He walked over to the edge of the building and looked over it. In the bush was the Beast, obviously dazed. Arguis sighed, well, she was here anyway, he could uses her services at the moment. "Trash, come up here, ima need you to do something for me." he said angrily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Simon wandered down the street, his steps quite fast pacing like he was used to. Still speaking aloud, thought he wasnt as loud as before. Why? He started feeling bored.

''No one no where...this would be a interesting game concept. But I would place some unsettling clues...like on that wall.'' He stopped in track turned around and pointed to a wall he passed by. It was a plain wall no unsettling message appeared in the few moments he had his back turned away. With a disappointing sigh he kept on walking, kicking a can he saw laying lonely.

His mind somewhat sleepy and the boredom of being all alone wanst helping. No one was in any house he peek in while passing, no light existed beside the street lights. No dogs or birds to be seen far and wide. Not even..he barely dared to think it...not even cats....

It was no wonder Simon started to create a story while walking, day dreaming about a fitting scenario for the situation. Mostly to amuse himself. Deciding on a zombie apocalypse even there was a noticeable lack of trash and broken things, for a zombie scenario. But his imagination was quick to fill it in, for the day dream. He was a small boy scavenger breaking into houses and gathering everything usefully. Even if Simon himself would probably have a hard time breaking into a house. Especially if they look just so perfectly empty. Awaiting someone to use them.

No... something was wrong...with the zombies, there was a need for more. The zombies were appearing not because of the typical stuff of illness and such...but ..

''...something really old, old as life it self, The Essence. Yes the Essence it was called. It was captured long ago, no one knew by who and how? But when they found it they free it and in return it eat all life. First the micro, bacteria and even viruses were not safe. No one noticed it at that time, the one who did were way to confused by their finds to react. Then the insects were next, moving up and up to eat even humans. The essence 'eat' by ripping the life on a atomic level, but first it broke up the bigger pieces, breaking body parts up, Controlling the brain as it rip the controls and neurons one by one this stage is recognized as zombie stage. Slowly working until it breaks the cells into molecules and molecules into atoms. Rearranging the atoms to its liking but mostly staying on a level of microbes....''

He day dreamed aloud enjoying himself fully his voice becoming a deeper more dreamy voice as he imagined the world of his story so similar to the one he walked now. It was no wonder that he kicked the can hitting a man who just come out around a corner. The motion breaking him out his day dream and he fall completely silent.

Staring at the man in the leather jacket it was a long moment before he made a apologetic gesture. ''I am sorry, I..Didnt await anyone to come around there...actually...You are the first person I see after the power cut.''
Simon stand there awkwardly a bit stiff he was really into the day dream he came up with. His brain trying hard to retell it on the fast so he wouldnt forget it for later to pick it up. But at the same time trying not to be rude to this person, just now picking up that the man was actually around the same age as him. And had a really cool leather jacket.
''Have you by any chance saw a Older woman with short black hair with a young girl? Blond hair?'' He questioned him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 17 days ago

A short while after leaving his house, Kai was already starting to feel the cold. His chest wasn't too cold because of his thick jacket, but unfortunately his pants were only jeans and so his legs were chilled to the bone.

His quietly thought motivation to keep on searching houses was: There'll be people in the next couple houses, there'll be people in the next couple houses. But so far he struck out-every place big or small had no lights on and after the tenth such place he went up to the door anyway and rapped on it as hard as he could with his knuckles. Even with his would be rude and unexpected noise at stranger's doors, Kai was left unanswered.

With this lack of success, frustration and worry began to build. Why is nobody up? Why will no one come to the door? Are they all deaf? Or are they afraid to answer their door in the middle of the night to a complete stranger?

His fist not holding the flashlight clenched in response to his stress and he decided to take a turn around the next corner-to go and try a few more houses before heading back home and trying to start his motorcycle.

He just got a clear view of the road around the corner when a can hit him in the chest.

He quickly turned to who must of been the dude behind it. His eyes narrowed as they met a man's of about his own age and who was wearing glasses. He was a little angry with his failure earlier and now this. His mouth went tight lipped for a second before he burst out, "Hey!, Who do you think you-" He managed to get out before he heard, "I am sorry."

It took him a few moments to chill, but after a couple deep breaths he was calm and then smiled in relief at hearing that apparently it was only a failure in the powerlines that was the reason why the lights went off and not vandalism. This made him think though, if his house was not the only one to lose power and the fact this guy didn't see anyone else tonight, could this town be a ghost town overnight?

What he said though, with a smile was, "I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one wandering the streets tonight." Then he remembered the question he must of somehow forgotten, "Old lady and a girl? Nope. Just like you, I haven't seen anybody else since my place's lights went down." Then he shivered, "Hey uh, do you happen to know a place close, that we could warm up in and then talk? I mean I don't mind meeting new friends but I'd rather not be out here with jack frost freezing my buns off."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

He moved the flashlight from out of the boy's face and over his shoulder, illuminating him without blinding the youth. It never hurt to be cautious, for all he knew this guy was in cahoots with whatever or whoever had taken his family. Just some alien in disguise waiting to get him. Well it wouldn't work.

I won't be taken by surprise! He'll have to convince me.

Atlas remained in his spot, his body feeling oddly frozen without the sensation of the wind or heat. It was like being trapped in some dream. And like all his dreams, it was like some living nightmare that he could only hope to wake from soon. His hand trembling a bit, he stuttered. “There I did it. But can you prove it? Prove to me that you're human!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombehs
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Zombehs One clown circus

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Glad he didn’t have to keep shielding his eyes, Gavin murmured, “Thank you,” before sizing up the other teenager. Brown hair, fairly thin, unremarkable for the most part really. He didn’t really want to move closer given how the other teenager had reacted, but the awkward silence that was starting to drag out between the two of them wasn’t really productive either.

“There I did it. But can you prove it? Prove to me that you're human!”

Raising an eyebrow, Gavin’s looked at the boy quizzically at the shaky statement. “Oka~y then.” Murmuring that mostly to himself, he reevaluated his opinion on the teen. ‘Definitely panicky.’ Now granted the situation was highly strange and inexplicable, but he didn’t really think jumping straight to aliens or demons was necessarily the right direction to go.

Rubbing the back of his head with the hand that held the wrench, Gavin tapped his feet while in thought for a moment before simply just asking,
“Um… ok then? And I should go about that how?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 9 days ago

The beast paid no attention to the enforcer for several moments, taking time to fix herself after her face, checking to see if she had gained any injuries of note. Besides a few small thorn cuts here and there, and light bruising...all this healing easily...there was little of note. Finally, though she's have loved to just ignore him and leave to the direction he'd been ogling for a while, she called back up to him in a low snarl, "You do it. I am already on the ground, we'll cover more ground if we keep our current positions and proceed from here."

Not waiting for a response, she dove into a non rose bush, crouching low and stalked the grounds. Thinking herself badass, lurking in the darkness, hidden under layer and layer of leaf....actually looking quite ridiculous under those bushes, and a disgusting amount of dirt caking her feet. Proceeding forth to the location the enforcer was paying much attention to, staying in the shadow of a tree for a moment...she jumped up and grabbed a lower hanging branch, quickly climbing and hiding in leaves once more. From where she sat, the beast peered around from her vantage point. The humans were much closer than she expected...she had to hand it to the enforcer, he had eyes. In her human form, she had four less than usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kyrianei


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Eventually, after minutes of walking, Sandman stopped, glancing out. He could see at least two humans on the street before him - One with a flash light who was asking another human to prove he was a human. Salare couldn't help but chuckle somewhat, as paranoid humans were the best, but he composed himself rather quickly as he remembered it was Kit he was with - He had to set a decent example. Returning to his stoic expression, he leaned down and whispered quietly in her ear, so as to not be heard or spotted.

"Follow my lead. Just do as I do. Think of it as a prank...A little white lie," He murmured before standing up and approaching the humans.

"H-Hello?" He called out, feigning a frightened voice as he moved closer, taking Kit's hand as he walked towards both Gavin and Atlas. "Me...Me and my little sister are looking for someone....We...We have a problem..." He stopped in front of them, his hazel eyes reflecting terror. "Please... We've been looking for somebody for so long...It feels like it's been hours but my watch has stopped working...D-Do you know what's happening?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 40 min ago

Mytch, disliking the feeling of disorientation and nausea that came with going through the basement portal, decided to go a different way. Holding his watch out by its chain, he swung it like a pendulum in a complete circle. Where the watch trailed, a smoke ring appeared, leading into a foggy haze inside. His own little portal. Albert a second, his body dissipated and went through the portal, being sucked in like smoke drawn into a breeze.

He surfaced in the human realm, next to his peers, taking human form as he arrived, looking like a body was being formed from the feet up. This form looked much like his natural one, in face and height that is. He appeared as a teenage boy of 6'6, with ragged black hair and grey eyes. He wore a grey hoodie, hood up, and darker grey pants, keeping in tandem with his usual monochrome. His watch stayed in his hoodie pocket, the lack of ticking still unsettling. Not only that, but the feeling of a heartbeat inside his chest, as opposed to a ticking watch, would take some getting used to.

He glanced over at his partner as 'Jackson' adjusted to the human realm. It was different to Mytch as well, no doubt, but it didn't bother him so much. His largest impediment would be remembering that he could no longer pass through solid objects at will.
Mitch joined Jackson, smirking at the man's displeasure toward the air. "Careful now," he chuckled, "You actually need air now."

Growing serious for a moment, Mytch did take on a straight face, crossing his arms. "Seriously though, don't get any ideas."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The boy in front of him looked smart, logical even. So it was hard to come up with a way for him to prove to him that he was human. Atlas re-gripped the flashlight, his green eyes scanning the area around him. “Hell, I don't know,” he stammered out, incapable of issuing an order but unwilling to just trust the guy. “We're both alone and this situation just screams demons or evil. Just...”

He could feel his heart racing, the panic in his blood frying his brain. It was always like this. This was why he had his mother with him. She always had a way of calming him down. “J-Just st-stay ten feet away from me. God this is bullsh*t- ”

Sensing another, a flicker in his peripheral, Atlas swizzled the flashlight around on the others. A man and a girl. The man appeared frightened which sent Atlas even further down the rabbit hole. Taking a few steps back from the three, Atlas laid eyes on the girl. “What happened to you two? What's wrong?”
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