Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Klyix
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Klyix Cyber Dolce Vita

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With no need to participate Kat remained where she sat, idly stretching as she contemplated what she should do. She would keep an eye on the progress of those fighting, yes, but she still remained at a loss with what to do with the rest of her attention. Playing with the ring on her finger she looked at Kaden and briefly wondered what it was he was doing. Then again if it was important she would find out so she abandoned that train of thought. Her mind was full of racing thoughts she had no desire to chase but was unable to ignore; sometimes she could understand how some envied others their simple lives.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood leaned forward as Mimic announced the new teams. 'How exciting.' He watched Lee walk in and smiled at him. There was the clear message that he got the job done in his eyes. He then got back to watching the fight whenever it started that is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Pheobe sighed softly, watching Nicholas go wondering what she could do, to get Nicholas to participate. She pondered it for a moment, "I could...form a chlorofiend, that could move him, so he could use his powers without having to use his arms to move" she said, pondering that.

Who was Kaden? Connor wondered briefly, figuring them for a new student. Well, he supposed he would find out soon. He didn't expect to fight today, unless the first team got through it pretty quickly. He was glad they didn't have to fight each other, and it would be good to work in a team to take mimic down.

Still, he had never worked with Flood or Jack before, and the only time he had had a chance to work with Ben had been in that first Sim, when that haze or whatever it had been had taken him over.

He didn't like thinking on that Sim.

He sighed softlt, nevertheless making sure that his suit was near and ready in case they did figjt today
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood looked at Connor and walked towards him. "Made any strategies yet Mr Stark? Don't bother. No plan survives contact with the enemy, no rule holds truer when talking about copycats. The only advice that really matters is to focus. Something which you seem to be having trouble with right now." Flood smirked. "But don't listen to me. I'm crazy as everyone knows, so giving advice is pretty hypocritical of me." Flood's smile quickly faded and he sat down next to Connor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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But she did. She frowned, shook her head as she looked away, unaware that she had been staring for a time. She sighed, and rose, joining her team. She hadn't planned on speaking, but as Estella 'Spoke', she sighed softly "Mimic could just use your telepathy himself and figure out what we are thinking, I think"


It wasn't a detail that Estalla had really thought about. Though she somewhat doubted that Mimic could get into her mind if the other telepaths couldn't, but he could potentially read everyone elses. In the end it would probably be a moot point to even use it that way. "I see. You're probably right. I hope my being here doesn't make this harder." She looked at her other teammates as they entered the room. She still had little idea what they were capable of over all. "I can use various elements by the way."


Stepping off to the side he crosses his arm and looks over the group. It was a pretty good mix of new and old students. He had fought most of them before but this would be a test to see how well they work as a team. Waiting for them to get situated a slight grin worked its way across his face. "I'm ready when you are." Since this was just a fight there wasn't need for any prep work. As soon as they made their move he would jump into action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

John glances from side to side at his teammates and sighs, "What, no one else wants the first shot? Fine then." John takes a running leap towards Mimic and powers up midair. As he hurtles toward his teacher, John cocks his fist back and forms a spike on the end of it, intending to impale Mimic's throat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda nodded, "If I could get close to Mimic, I could probably take him down with emotions. I'd rather not do that, as my empathic abilities have been...wonky lately. So lets try and take him down quickly" She said, sighing as John jumped into action.

She doubted the attack would land, and didn't watched to see if it did. She disappeared into the shadows. She did not doubt that Mimic could do the same as she did.

She pursed her lips. Gathered her power, waiting to do anything to see what Mimic would do, moving through the shadows


Connor shook his head at flood. "While your arguements have premis Flood, the fact that Mimic can copy powers is pointless on me, isn't it? I have a unique advantage with Mimic. I can attack him with my abilities, without him copying them, as it is doubtful his has access or the ability to control a suit quite like mine. Of course, I have to be wary of the abilities he copies off others. But if you can anticipate what he will use, then you are able to formulate a counter attack. Besides, there is always a plan. You just have to be able to think clearly and quickly in any given situation"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Flood shrugged and looked at John. "So the opposite of what he's doing then. Is that idiot really charging him?" He asked out loud.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Nicholas let out a childish whine tugging on Pheobe's shirt to get her attention,He quickly wrote something on his notepade handing it to her."Well i could use my vines to wrap around my legs and use my vines to be temporary legs?" It said Nicholas looking around to see that Reinhardt was looking at him giving him a wave that sent chills down Nicholas spine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Phoebe thought on that. She supposed it could work, but she was worried that maybe Nocholas would end up getting hurt. "Well, it's a good idea. Are you sure you're okay for it?" She asked with concern


Connor gave a short chuckle "it worked when I first battled Mimic. John doesn't stop to consider things but rather just acts. He's probsbly drawing mimics attention to him, so the others can attack"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hidden Lilly
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Hidden Lilly Tea.Books. / Cats.Music

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Makoto picked up bits of what Phoebe was saying to Nicholas. She looked over seeing the note but not being able to read it. Maybe they had found a way that he could participate too. She allowed her lips to curl into a slight smile, hoping that was the case. Resting her cheek on the palm of her hand she leaned forward, watching Mimic more than her classmates. The more she watched maybe she would be able to implement some of what her classmates do. Makoto's skin buzzed while she watched Mimic, anticipating the conversation she wanted to have with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Nicholas nodded and placing his hands on his legs moving his upper body around,Vines slowly came out of his hands wrapping around his hand and legs letting the vines act as braces.Once that was done he put his hand on the arms of the wheelchair slowly getting up.He pushed himself up on his feet slowly walking a few steps.

He let out a child like giggle using the vines as feet to support him now walking slowly around Phoebe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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As John approached Mimic took a step back to avoid his initial attack. Spreading his wings he used them in conjunction with the alien girl's powers to create a whirlwind right on top of his opponent and toward the remainder of the team. Noticing that Kalinda was not with the others he glanced at the shadows nearby. Her powers may hid her normally but they also revealed her to others with the same ability. Not sitting still he took to the air to stay off the ground. He recalled a tactic that was used against Sue once and while it wouldn't stop him he would rather not get struck by a bolt of lightning so early in the game.


The others were moving and Estella was a little lost on what to do. Deciding the best option would be to follow them she headed toward Mimic. Seeing him effortlessly generate a whirlwind though she could only assume he used her powers in that instance. Nearly getting caught up in the torrent she spun around in the opposite direction and at least managed to slow it down. "Okay, so how do we beat him exactly if he can do everything we can?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

John grunts as the whirlwind slams him to the ground. He then goes to a crouching position and growls to Estella, "Do your best to cointerest him when he uses your powers. That way everyone else can try to get in some hits. He can't use all of our powers at once!" "I might as well try that little trick I've been working on." John quickly thinks before once again launching himself at Mimic. While midair, John shoots a few blasts of web at Mimic's wings. Simultaneously, he makes use of his body morphing ability and completely flattens his body, planning on covering Mimic's body completely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda snorted with amusement when Mimic saw her in the shadows. It didn't bother her that he could see her, using her own abilities. She took a deep breath, using her flight ability to be in the air. And then she used her telekensis abilities to push at mimic from all sides, to keep him where he was.

Now it would be a battle of strengths, she knew. unless Mimic used another power, one of the others. Kalinda would just have to hope the rest of the team would be able to defend against that.

She grimaced, and allowed herself to draw on emotions to strengthen her own abilities. After all, emotions were how she could make then catastrophic.


Phoebe smiled at Nicholas, watching as he made the vines and then walked towards her. "Well done!" She said brightly, "You're gonna have to make sure that Mimic doesn't try to take control of them. Remember the training I did with you? You need to be stronger then him, and keep control of your own vines"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Nicholas nodded quickly "Walking" over to his wheelchair writing something down hand it to his half sister,"Can you tell Mimic that i am ready to fight?Thank you i will keep that in mind" It said on the notepad with Nicholas getting use to the vine legs walking around.He was mostly worried that he would be beaten by Mimic in this state since he wanted to show Mimic that he was much stronger then the teacher.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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The shots of web that John fired would be a piece of cake. Shifting slightly the instructor prepared to again force John back when he was suddenly constricted by Kalinda's TK. Not one to be outdone he glanced down at the other participants. With a haughty smile he leaned his head back and lifted Lee off the ground with TK. He flung the boy into John before he began to push back against Kalinda's efforts to hold him with strength alone.

Having been regulated to defending against her own abilities the girl was unsure what to do for a moment. Lee's sudden flight through the air looked unwieldy and she wasn't sure if it was something he did or the teachers doing. Even so it did seem to give an opening. "Hold him just a little longer." At this distance she only really had one option that could reach him effectively. Holding up an arm it sparked and cracked before releasing a bolt of lightning at her target. Mimic was close to getting enough wiggle room to avoid it though.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Kalinda had expected something like that, and with barely a thought, let alone a movement, she stopped Lee from hitting John, but let him fall, not wishing to concentrate on keeping him up as well as keeping the Telekenesis box on mimic.

Drawing on the emotions, her own, as well as others, she let them filter through, and fuel her power, seeming, outwardly, to hold her own with ease, and only someone who knew her well would be able to see the strain, the slight grimace, and squinting of her eyes, as a drop of sweat rolled along her spine, pushing back against Mimic.

"Okay. I can hold him" She said in reply to Estella. Just please, hurry she thought, not knowing how long she could withstand the flow of emotions. She was actually proud of herself for not flinching as the bolt of lightening was flung towards Mimic.

She waited to see if it would land.


Phoebe looked to the battle between the team, and MImic. It seemed like the tema was holding its own, but she couldn't be too sure. She looked back to Nicholas, "I think you could probably join the next team"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by knight125


Banned Seen 6 yrs ago

John chuckles as Lee is flung at him, then when Kalinda pauses Lee's flight, John dives toward him. Grabbing Lee before he hits the ground, John wraps into a ball around Lee, flips forward, and uses the momentum to fling Lee right back at Mimic. John shoots a multitude of small white spikes in Mimic's direction, making sure their direction of flight doesn't intersect Lee's.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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Kijani woke with a sudden startle, in a cold sweat. Another nightmare, perhaps, but one she couldn't quite grasp. Once she got her bearings, she realized what had woken her.

"The emails." She made a choked noise. "Oh, god no." Hastily, she pushed herself out of bed, looking for her things, her phone, something. Gray spots danced in her vision and she nearly fell flat on the floor, managing to sit at the last moment.


There was nothing she could do. They would know the truth that was supposed to die with her.
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