Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


Before Zento knew it, both him and Koyo were both in the human world. They stood atop a tall building, over looking the bustling streets of the city. His first time in the human world, he had to admit that it was not what he was expecting. This place was very different compared to the Soul Society. Zento made sure to take in the scenery, he would look into it when he got back home. The door to the Society closed behind him as he relaxed and stretched. He glanced down and Koyo and a noticed that she was a bit tense. It was logical that she would be a bit apprehensive, Hollows were everywhere in the human world, they would have to be careful and watchful. Zento had waited till they got to the human world to answer her question, "Most likely, just keep your cool and you'll be fine." He said placing his hands in his pocket, make an attempt to calm her down a bit.

Zento ignored Koyo's other questions and pulled out his Denreishinki. Quickly tapping the screen he accessed the GPS, he located a Hollow, to the east of them, about a mile away from them. "There is a hollow, to the east of us, we might find them there, but we're gonna have to fight it anyway, let's go." he said as he pocketed his Denreishinki. He then jumped of the building and Shunpo'ed towards the target, he left out one thing though, the hollow was an Adjuchas. He did not want her worrying to much about what she would be fighting before she got their, maybe he was babying her to much, but she remindind him of someone he knew, at least he thought so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike the raging monster

@Phobos (Warning Ima say the f word a lottttttttttttt. Shoske you have to read it)

"Go fuck yourself!" Ike said pointing at his zanpakuto spirit who was in his human form for once laughing at what Ike just told him. they were both on a wide open island with no trees, just the grass and sky... oh and the sea of lava below. Ike glared at his spirit who wiped his eye which was shedding tears of joy. "Hey now. You'd think you would know by now that the fire is automatic." The spirit said which caused Ike to growled at him. "You came out by yourself you piece of fucking shit! I can control the fire but not when you decide to pop up when I'm doing a handshake! Mostly when I'm leaving the academy you dick! Do you know how hot your own flames are!?!" Ike shouted at the spirit who snickered as he jumped off the island but resurfaced into the sky as the Leviathan, his animal form. Ike looked up at him who was hovering looking down at Ike. "You fucking cheat. Screw this I don't want to talk to you anymore I'm going to go do squad..... Oh fuck that's right I have to go join squad ten." Ike said, as he flipped his spirit off and awoke in the Seireitei with a yellow bird pecking him. Ike was going to yell but it then chirped adorably at him. ".... I'll call you Pimpy Y." Ike said standing up with the bird flapping in the air landing on his shoulder, while pecking at his hair.

Ike walked for minutes not really giving a fuck and arrived at the squad ten barracks where a horde of people were, most of which were sparrign with each other while a couple were by the captain. Shrugging he walked over tot he captain and handed him the papers with his information on it. He did stand out slightly due to different color uniform but at least he wore a uniform. "Sorry I'm late, I got..... distracted by a fucking cheating piece of shit man." Ike said glancing at his gauntlets before looking at the captain again. "Oh yeah. I'm Ike Tsugi, you could read my name on the paper but I'm told to have manners so now people cant say I didn't introduce myself. So what are you doing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Disclaimer: I think it's clear by now that Nairin swears a hell of a lot sooo yeeeaaaaah.

Nairin couldn't give a damn about Shinzo or the pipsqueak at this moment in time as she was too busy slicing the multiple arms off of one of the bigger hollows that challenged her. Smirking while chulcking darlky as if she was playing a game, Nairin sliced each arm one-by-one, dodging the attacks from any of the remaining arms as she watched the hollow grow furious."Heh, IS THAT ALL YOU GOT PUSSY?!" Since this hollow was rather big, it was quite slow which made it easier for Nairin to evade it's attempts to grab her. With the last arm severed, the hollow bellowed before charging like a bul toward the woman. Again with the smirking, Nairin jump up into the air once it was inches from her body, causing the hollow to look up. However before it had a chance to jump, Nairin came crashing down, blade-first, onto it's head, slicing straight through it's mask.

As the beast dissolved, Shinzo's comments reached her ears.'Where the fuck did he come from?' Nairin hadn't been paying much attention to her surroundings as she was too focused on her enemies. "Hey! If it fucking challenges me, I'll kill it! Weak or strong, I don't give a fuck!" As long as Nairin had fun fighting her enemies, she truly didn't give a fuck what their power-level was. This way of thinking had gotten her beaten up pretty damn badly in the past but she never learned, only kept training and fighting anyone who deared to challenge her no matter who they were. Finally taking a look around her, Nairin noticed quite a lack of hollows in this are-"The fuck?" A loud cluster of bellows suddenly filled the air, seemingly coming from behind a large group of trees in front of her. Shunpo'ing straight up to look over the trees, Nairin's jaw visibly dropped."Hoooly FUCK! That's a lot of hollows, it looks like were near the nest then" A sudden grin shot across her face at the mass amount of targets ripe for killing, all convinely placed in a huge group.

"Ey, Shinzo, looks like I've hit a jackpot heh heh. I wonder where the fuck that other bitch has gone? She better not have found the source of the nest without us!" Sounding quite pissed off with the fact that the supposed 'leader' wasn't acting as a part of the team, Nairin looked back at Shinzo, just now noticing his chiseled topless figure. Her slightly annoyed expression was instantly replaced with a smirk at the Shinigami's choice of removing his top. "You know what, good idea" Nairin spoke before tearing her own top open and ripping it off the bottom half of her uniform."It was getting fucking hot under there!" Skilly wrapped bandages across her bust were the only piece of clothing covering her top half. Looking down, Nairin noticed the tip of the Captain's cloth poking out from between her breasts, so she pushed it down a little until it couldn't be seen. Tossing her top aside, Nairin bent her knees before shunpo'ing into the clusterfuck of hollows, sheaving her Zanpakuto.

Landing, she immediately got into a stance with both hands clenched into fists. "Show me what you've got assholes" She spoke calmly but loud enough to alert a few hollows within the vicinity, in which she strengthened her stance while hosting a grin tinited with excitment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(May be some swearing...cause hell it seems to be popular)

Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo listened as Nairin spoke and then chuckled before speaking "Okay then...Well you do things your way then." Shinzo then turned and slashed up cutting a hollows mask in two as he then thought to himself "The numbers seem to have dropped...and they also seem weaker than before. Are they retreating?" That was when Shinzo heard Nairin's comment about the nest, he then turned to look at her as she started doing something with her top. Unlike most guys he didn't even show a care for the fact that she basically stripped, instead he walked towards her and spoke "I don't care where she is...She's meant to be the leader. Aint my job to look after her ass." Shinzo then watched as Nairain shunpoed off towards the nest, Shinzo following right after as he landed in the midst of quite a few hollows.

"Well shit...looks like we got ourselves into a bit of a sticky situation..." Shinzo looked at the hollows around him then thought to himself "It'd be handy if I had a damn Shikai right now but that can't be helped...guess I'm still fighting this battle alone" Shinzo closed his eyes as he looked up the sky and took a deep breath, his body becoming seemingly loose and less tense. He then focused on his hearing as he listened to the foot steps closing in on him, that was when his eyes shot open as his head dropped as he then began to use simple side steps to evade most of the on coming attacks of the hollows, his body moved smoothly and seemingly flowed as he combined this with slashes to the hollows mid-sections. If there was one thing Shinzo had on his side it was a decent amount of skill...it paid off to have your parents be former Shinigami...the very movements he used now were the ones his father taught him. Although they were basic for his father, they were advanced for Shinzo.

However just as Shinzo was doing so well his body suddenly froze solid which caused his eyes to widen "W-What the fuck!? Why did my body just stop!? What the hell is hap-So you can do this alone huh? Heheheh...don't make me laugh...you don't have the energy to keep up...you can feel it can't you? your body is loosing energy and loosing it fast." Shinzo tried to clench his fists as he grit his teeth, watching the hollows swarm around him "What the fuck do you want!? I know who you are but you choose to show up now of all times? What's your problem!? you trying to get us both killed!?You need my help...that's why I decided to speak to you now...you can put a brave face on for your girlfriends but that shit wont fool me. If you want my help...you'll have to pay the price...Just cut to the damn chase! what's the price!? Just tell me...do you accept? we can talk about the price later... " Shinzo watched as the hollows closed in around him...this bastard chose his fucking moments to show up and offer his help and it seemed as if he was waiting for a time like this so he knew Shinzo couldn't refuse...fuck! "Fine then!"

As Shinzo said this his spiritual energy rose by quite a margin and rapidly enough to release a small shockwave that pushed the oncoming hollows back. Shinzo looked down at his body as he felt the power surge through him...it was amazing...it felt incredible!! Shinzo watched as his Zanpakuto changed before his eyes as his Zanpakuto spirit spoke one last time "You'll be able to call upon some of my powers now...just call my name...Tetsu Ketsueki Senshi...and I shall lend you a hand in battle...at a price" The last part was spoke so that Shinzo would fail to hear it...yet Tetsu knew exactly what he was doing. He explained the abilities to Shinzo...and right now Shinzo couldn't stop grinning...his power had increased dramatically which truly excited him! Shinzo looked at the oncoming hollows and gripped his new Shikai tightly "Now this just got a shit ton more exciting!" Shinzo then pulled his Zanpakuto to his left as wind began to gather around the blade, suddenly shards of iron began to infuse with the wind as Shinzo's eyes glew brightly.

Shinzo then slammed his right foot down as he slashed horizontally from left to right releasing a massive arc of silver wind filled with iron shards that cut through a large amount of the hollows infront of him. At this point Shinzo couldn't stop grinning...this power was incredible and his blood began to really start pumping. Shinzo then put the hilt of his Zanpakuto in his mouth as iron scales began to form over his body, he noticed instantly that the weight on his body had increased dramatically but soon this downside showed it's positive as a hollow tried to bite Shinzo's right arm, it's teeth shattering as it did causing it to scream. Shinzo then turned to the hollow and smashed his left fist into it's mask and pulled it close to him as he gripped it's throat with his right hand and tore it out, blood spraying over him. At this point Shinzo couldn't stop himself from getting lost in the moment...he was getting drunk on this new power...and why not? this was the most exciting day of his fucking life!

(Will add unlocked Zanpakuto abilities to CS as well as Shikai form)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Only three huh? It's not like many can gain a shikai during their academy years, but there should've been at least more than three people who had unlocked their shikai. At least Zheng wasn't the only one in the crowd with a shikai. A person that looked like he got beaten by a bear on daily basis stood there like a squirrel panicking when someone bigger walks up to them. Poor bastard, it's a wonder how long that guy will last if he continues to act like this.

At being asked to introduce themselves along with their zanpukto's, Zheng seemed to be the first of the three to do so. "My name is Rui Aizheng though I prefer Zheng. As for my zanpukto well..." The golden bangles around his wrists began to glow faintly in response to being mentioned. Zheng held his arms up to give everyone a good view as he gave a demonstration of his shikai.
"Along this road
goes no one
this autumn's eve."
The two bangles dissipated into a golden light and hovered around his body before they seeped into his skin. Other than that there was no change in his appearance nor did he gain a weapon. "My zanpukto doesn't create a weapon, such as a sword or spear. It becomes apart of my body. In other words, my body is the weapon." While it wasn't the most impressive looking of zanpuktos it was his own weapon and one that he took pride in.

Kamon just stood back silently, not wanting to make a big show out of it like his master had. He just simply held his right hand out and muttered, "The World." The space around his hand seemed to rip open, revealing a distorted void of colors meshing against each other. From that void a large, green sword floated out of it and Kamon gripped the handle and then stabbed the ground with it. "The World...is the name of my shikai. I manipulate the nothingness and I can create within it. The nature of it however doesn't allow it to be sealed." The sword soon vanished just as soon as it appeared, becoming nothing but dust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Aya laughed with joy as she ran behind her balls that shredded the hollows before her. "Man Bouncy and Shinzo are missing out. They should have followed the leader like good teammates, but noooo they went off by themselves. Oh well, I cant be blamed I charged in first like a good leader they were just disobedient." Aya said to herself when she just realized she walked literally into the middle of the nest of Hollows. "Oh.... oooh.... ohhhh fuck." Aya said as they all charged at her which made her yelp as she held out her arms beside her. "Bakudo number twelve, Fushibi!" Aya shouted which caused the net to appear around her in which the hollows charged right into it. However once they cluttered it the other hollow just began to climb the others to drop down on her which made her skin crawl as she went to the first stage of her demon form. "I love having natural defense! Hado number thirty one, Shakkaho!" She spoke holding her left arm at the net then firing of the kido. What resulted was what Aya had her steel skin prepared for. A giant explosin went off around her and a bit of the area she was in, sending a smoke cloud off in the air.

When the dust settled she was standing there slightly burned with her back in her human form as she dusted herself off and frowned. "The pain doesn't count when I do it!" She felt some energy nearby which made her grin. "So they are here. Sittin buddy showing off some power. Im so sparring with him when this is done, and bouncy is..." Aya said only to hear some vulgar words from a female voice come out. "Sounds like fu- Gah!!' Aya shouted when something actually pretty painful hit her in the back and sent her flying through the hollws at a good enough momentum to tear through them, and she came flopping in front of Shinzo and Nairin. Yet she jumped back up and rubbed her back with a demonic grin as her power went up again. "Ohhh I think I got hit by the big boy. Fucker lucky I didn't see him." Aya spoke as she looked at Shinzo and Nairin. "Ah so you two stripped too huh? Careful Bouncy, Sitting boy is kind of a pervert. He is very sexual." Aya said with a laugh as she shunpoed back into the horde wondering where her balls went only to remember she blew them up.

While airborn she pointed her fingers at the ground and fired off byakurai's at random striking down Hollows from above. She then pulled her sword out of its giant sheath and held it above her head as an aura went off around her raising her power slightly. "Hereeeeees Aya!!!" She shouted as she descended to the ground swinging her sword at one hollow cutting it straight down in half. Yet the power of her sword hitting the ground sent off a shockwave around her sending the hollows around her flying back and into the air.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

@phobos @hatakekuro

Taito couldn't help but be nervous, his body tense as he waited to see what the captain would ask of them. Hearing that they might spar and gulped at the thought, but soon heard that it wasn't allowed to spar with zanpakuto's anymore and was a bit relieved for it.

Still, he was reluctant to go showing off his shikai around those he didn't know when one of the other two stepped forward; zheng was his name after introducing himself. No idea of what kind of zanpakuto the two would have and was amazed to find that Zheng's zanpakuto didn't become a weapon, but became a part of himself instead and the other introducing himself as Kamon before demonstrating his as well.

One who's zanpakuto who was basically his body and the other who could create things within a void; the large sword pulled from it was proof of that. He felt his was lame compared to theirs as he noticed the others looking at him now and gulped.'Um..my name is Taito Akinawa.'He laughed nervously before gripping the hilt of his sword with his right hand then shakily unsheathed it a little.

'Bite all in your grasp and assimilate Sebone Taberu'

Saying the release command cause his body to let out a small burst of bleached white reiastu as the sword dissipated then reformed over his wrist.

A sharp pincer like blade rested at the tip of the gauntlet.'My..zanpakuto is a uh..a spine whip that can switch between sword and whip mode.'As he said it, the spine whip extended out to show small, sharp blades on each end of the spine slots as he then pointed to the eyes.'And..with this I can control and manipulate bone.'He gave a nervous nod before extending his arm out as the eyes started to glow an eerie green causing the spine whip to move and twist about without moving his arm. Once finished with the demonstration he retracted it with a sigh of relief that he did it without messing up, though there was the poison as well, but didn't think he needed to mention it at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo looked a little bit offended by that, giving off a small childish pout to the mention that she had to keep her cool "I am always cool, I am not worried" Oh yes she was, between the new feeling of being in the human world and the sword at her side she was pretty worried about what was going to happen. It showed as well, since despite her pout and prideful stance there was a slight shakiness to her that she was trying to stop. After a deep breath she was focusing, trying to convince herself that it was not going to be a insane fight on her first time in the human world, and it was working as well until...

"There is a hollow, to the east of us, we might find them there, but we're gonna have to fight it anyway, let's go."

That! Koyo opened her eyes and looked around her, almost expecting the hollow to be right beside her but as Konto leaped onto a building she snaped into action. "Hey wait for me!" She stumbled a little as she stepped forwards in panic, but soon enough she had leaped up onto the building and started to Shunpo right behind Konto.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento had assumed he was babying the girl to much, apparently, he was not wrong. Zento smiled at her expression when he had answered her question. "I'm sure you are." He said finally after traveling for a few seconds throughout the city. He glanced back at her, she was clumsy, small, and a bit childish. Zento was starting to doubt her fighting ability every second he spent with her. No matter how hard he tried to stop, he just could not see her doing anything against a level two Hollow. He may have to keep his guard up for her, and himself.

Zento landed on the roof of a small home the looked out onto the open street. Unusually, the street was empty, is was a suburban area, large walls on each wall. Prowling around in the middle of the street was there target, the hollow. It was about 13 feet tall, it had long, hairy, green like arms, and the rest if his body was black. His body was skiny, and his head large, giving him a bit of a comical look. He had and overbite, but he teeth were fangs. "So this is what we are going to deal with, I'll attack, distract it, you attack when you see an opening." He mumbled to her. This plan would ensure that she could handle the situation just fine, and would help her calm down in the long run.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo swayed a little as she landed on the edge of the roof with Kento, thankfully keeping her balance and kneeling low so she was not spotted by the Hollow. "That is a hollow?" It made her sound like she had truly never seen one before, but it was just not one of this size or funny disposition before. Watching it closely she also listened to the plan that Kento had come up with in dealing with it, though she was fine with it something in her mind told her this plan had another purpose.

"I see, ok then, I guess I can land the killing blow" She smiled at that little fact, but she was a little sad that she wouldn't be directly attacking the thing with him. "Are you sure you don't want me to support with some kido? Or I can circle around it and attack from behind, it shouldn't notice me" Grabbing her sword sheath she removed it from her side, holding it tightly within her left hand, before placing it in front of herself to await confirmation on what she was going to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pie Flavor
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Pie Flavor No ordinary Pie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Yuuki Hiwatari

Yuuki listen to Nishi and Nene as they explained what their shikas were, and it was interesting to learn what they were as they seemed very unique like all zanpakutos. Nishi's shika was a unique pair which allowed one of her blades to heal while another to inflict grievous wounds but apparently she still had trouble with her shika just like him. Nene's on the other hand was perhaps the most interesting Shika he had seen, as it was basically a game which increased or decreased her powers depending on if she won or loss and had various difficulties as well. After listening to the two, he stood in silence whether it was awkward silence or not was up to them to decide but he was growing bored but the visit to the garden was a nice experience. At least he knew where to rest if he was tired.

He spent some more time observing the garden before finally deciding to see more of the squad and how it worked, he asked either of the two girls who obviously had more experience than him, "Hey, so what do you guys want to do now? I mean we don't have much to do here, but I don't just want to sit down and do nothing waiting for something to happen. So, do you guys want to ask if there are any missions or perhaps other places that are in need of any kind of help? I don't really know what to do around here, but at least I'll try to be of use to people." Yuuki said to the other two, looking at his clothes deeming it was dry enough for them to go anywhere without the water leaving a trail but they were still slightly damp. Nishi's clothes were the same as they were damp looking but at least it wasn't dripping with water either which was good. Besides their clothes, Yuuki stretched as he waited as he silently pondered, with such a squad did they even go anywhere? It seemed like the squad mostly stayed at the infirmary unless help was needed else where and it was an emergency.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Disclaimer: Swearing as usual, necessary swearing of course.

A group of hollows charged for Nairin as she stood strong in her stance. "Yeah that's right, run to your deaths dumbasses!" Anchoring both fists back, she sprung her left one forward to knock one of the hollows nearing her off their feet and back a rather large distance. Springing her right fist upwards, she knocked back a hollow attempting to sneak up on her from behind. The remaining small group of hollow then surrounded her, taking every direction in which she jumped and kicked two of them in the face, knocking them back also but that didn't stop the others from launching for her. After delivering quite a few punches and kicks, Nairin found torn skin above her left hip from where a hollow had scratched her. Turning towards that direction, Nairin grit her teeth as she grabbed that hollow by the throat with her right hand and smashed it into the ground, causing the smashed rocks to raise under the pressure. Holding her left fist back, it took two more hard punches to the mask before it cracked and the hollow dissolved.

Nairin truly believed she had the upper hand, she was dominating these hollows one-by-one, however she only manage to kill a small fraction of those that attacked her. Amidst her battle, Nairin eyed the largest hollow she had faced so far that decided to join the fun. Gritting her teeth, the woman left out a short snarky chuckle. 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall!!' Choosing her target to be the strongest looking hollow, Nairin broke into a sprint, running before jumping a couple of inches away from it's body. She did a flip before wrapping her legs around it's waist, bending her body backwards to place her hands onto the floor before pushing her legs forward in an attempt to bring the hollow up, over and head-first into the ground... but wait-'The fuck?' She tried and tried again to force the hollow's body forward... but it wouldn't budge... she had made a critical miscalculation. The moment she lift her body up, still attached to the hollow, the beast sent it's head straight into Nairin's, knocking her backwards and causing her to grunt. As she fell back, the hollow grabbed her right arm and hoisted her towards him before sinking it's teeth into the flesh under her elbow. "SHITTT!!" Nairin yelled out in sudden pain before screwing her face into a livid expressed, placing her left hand at the hollow's stomach as a magma-coloured orb appeared in front of her left palm, charging and slowly growing bigger. "Ever tasted a fucking SHAKKAHO!!" She seethed through her teeth before yelling loudly again as the hollow attempted to take another bite out of her, drawing it's attention to her for a spilt second before placing the fully charged ball into it's mouth and firing.

The blast completely obliterated the hollow's head, causing it to disintegrate immediately while Nairin was cast back, flying into a tree behind her and breaking straight through it before crashing into another one. Dust wafted into the air around her position on the ground as she panted, singed and coughing quite abit from accidentally inhaling the dust particles. Sliding her back up the tree, Nairin clutched onto her right arm, above the wound that spurted out blood which slipped down the rest of her arm and dripped onto the floor. She was bleeding quite abit, considering quite a big-ish chuck was taken from her arm. Despite the searing pain, Nairin took a step forward, her expression showing just how furious she was from being bitten, which was quite a fucking lot! "That fucker just got lucky... I'll KILL YOU ALL!" With her anger overriding the pain she felt, Nairin burst forward, charging straight back into the group, completely neglecting using her Zanpakuto. She didn't need help from anyone or anything! Atleast so she thought.

Nairin angled her right shoulder downwards, both her hands clasping together as she used her momentum to shoulder-barge one of the shorter hollow's mask, along with a couple of hollows gathered behind it, resulting in the shorter hollow disintegrating and the others crashing backwards into a bigger group of hollows behind them. Immediately the action kicked off once again with each hollow around her surrounding her and launching for her. Nairin managed to punch and kick a few of them, flinging them backwards also, but soon the ambush over-threw her. Two of the hollows held her still, trying to stop Nairin from squirming as they prepared to take a bite, whereas one of the shorter hollows had decided to be first, clamping it's teeth into her left calf while tearing the clothing around it. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUCK!!!!!" Nairin nearly screamed with a slight panicked toned, more in pain than anything else. A few more hollows around her began clawing at her body as she tried to shake off the two attempting to feast on her arm. "NNG AHHHHHHHHHH!" She briskly yelled, her silvery/dark orchid spiritual energy bursting off of her body, managing to cause a force of wind around her to blow away the hollows within her immediate vicinity, but this only caused more of them to set their sights on her, finding her increasing energy delectable.

This was when the pipsqueak suddenly showed herself and spoke to her, but Nairin's anger had drowned out all voices as her focus and furiosity was directed towards the hollows that had tried to eat her. With blood leaking from her left calf soaking into her clothes and dribbling down to the tip of her shoe while her right arm continued to loose more blood with each movement, not to mention the vast amount of scratch wounds that had covered her body, Nairin shoved both palms forward facing them towards the enemies. Her vision began to blur while her mind found it hard to hold onto any thought, but this was insignificant compared to the task of destroying the source of her fury. "You... will all.... die... if it's... the last thing... I DO!!!" Her words were spaced out with pants, sounding quiet before she pushed her lungs to yell the last two words. In front of both hands, a blue orb began to build, while which Nairin audible panted, feeling all of her energy getting sucked into this ball. This was not a good sign, being able to feel the energy drain from her being meant that she was literally putting all that she had into this attack.... As it continued to charge, Nairin was still standing in the air but her body began to drop as she couldn't even hold herself up, that was when she crashed, near the same area she had crashed before. A large blanket of dust covered the area she was in, but a faint blue glow became visible behind the dust cloud before growing brighter as the dust cleared; she had managed to hold her attack as she dropped. Soon the dust split in two, revealing Nairin's noticeably grit teeth and rage-filled eyes. "HADO THIRTYTHREE...huh hu.... SOKATSUI!!! She took a couple of breaths as she spoke, feeling incredible tired all of a sudden, but once she had shouted her last word, a rather large torrent of bright blue energy pierced though the air and a part of the ground before incinerating a large portion of the overall amount of hollow within that area... but at what cost?

"U-uh..... s-sh-i....t"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


(You know by now...it's just in case)

Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo had gone into a complete battle mode, his focus was at the highest it had ever been and yet he was still managing to perform brutal acts of violence on these hollow. However despite how many the group as a whole had taken out they were seriously outnumbered...yet Shinzo didn't let this affect him and that was because he hadn't realised just how many there were. As Shinzo continued to fight he came face to face with yet another hollow, he dodged it's strong right punch and stepped in close as he rammed both his hands into it's stomach and began tearing it open. This left a large gaping hole in it's body as it fell back onto the floor as other hollows charged forwards. Shinzo cocked his head back a bit as his eyes still glew brightly...the look in his eyes was one that sent chills down the spines of those that looked into them and this only made him grin and laugh as he then finally took his Shikai out his mouth to speak "You're all just as fucking stupid as the last! I'm really enjoying tearing you all apart!"

Shinzo had gotten so into his own zone that he had failed to notice Aya's appearance or even what was happening to Nairin and so he could only keep fighting and shedding more blood. Yet Shinzo was far from invincible...using a Shikai his body was hardly capable of handling was taking it's toll on him and without a single input from him, his Shikai reverted to it's Sealed state. Seeing this caused him to grit his teeth as he gripped the hilt of his sealed Zanpakuto tightly "I've used that much huh?...Guess I only accelerated the use of my own spiritual energy...was this the price you were talking about?" Shinzo shook these thoughts from his head as he cut down a few hollows coming towards him, he then turned to see how the other two were doing. Once again Aya wasn't in fucking sight...what a useful damn leader...yet as Shinzo's eyes set on Nairin they widened seeing her poor state "Fuck! I turn my back for a few minutes and this shit happens!?" Shinzo then looked behind him to see the army of hollows closing in...there was no way they could do this...not a chance in hell. Were they this foolish to think that at their current power level that this task was possible!?

Shinzo grit his teeth as he clenched his left hand into a fist "Fucking Captain! He better have a good fucking reason for sending us here cause this mission is suicidal!" Despite Shinzo wanting to keep fighting he knew he couldn't...his energy was getting low and Nairin was going to die here if they stayed any longer. Shinzo had his pride...but he wouldn't let someone become hollow food because he was to arrogant to give up. "FUCK!" Shinzo then shunpoed towards Nairain's location, cutting down the few hollow that did stand in his way...he had to try minimize confrontations however and so the ones he could avoid he did so. Arriving next to Nairain he spoke "We're falling back..." Shinzo without another word threw Nairin over his left shoulder as he shunpoed up into a tree and looked for Aya...yet it was hard to see swarms of hollow...so instead he had only once choice. "AYA! WE'RE FALLING BACK! LIKE IT OR NOT IT'S WHAT WE'RE DOING! I CAN'T FORCE YOU BACK AND I HAVEN'T GOT THE TIME TO ARGUE SO USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN AND LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY OR DIE HERE..." Shinzo then turned and spoke again, this time more to himself "Either way...I don't care..."

Shinzo then shunpoed off, trying to make his way back to the Seireitei as soon as possible...his first stop was Squad 4, there was no time to report to the Captain...Nairain needed medical attention now. He just couldn't believe how bad of a shape she had gotten herself into...he thought this mission would be straight forward but clearly not, they were way out of the depth on this one...it just made Shinzo realise how much work was needed if he ever wanted to make something of himself...but also this taught him something else...sometimes he had to give in and take a loss if it meant keeping his life...some would call it the cowards way out but right now Shinzo was more focused on getting Nairin healed and keeping himself alive so he could complete his dream. After a short while Shinzo arrived within the Seireitei and after really using everything he had he arrived at Squad 4 with Nairin, taking her in has he panted "Someone heal this damn woman!"

Thankfully people were quick to react and soon they were able to get Nairin in a room where she would be healed and bandaged up. Although Shinzo had to wait outside while they did this he sat on the ground, his back against the wall as he thought about the situation they were in "What the fuck was that? Did the Captain set the up as some sick joke? I thought it'd be a few hollow...not a fucking army of them! He better hope his intel was wrong...I swear if that bastard sent us in there knowing full well we would be outnumbered and outmatched..." Shinzo clenched his hands into fists as he thought about what he wanted to do to the bastard if that was the case..
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 11 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento could tell that she was not happy to know that she would not be the one attacking directly. He may have been doubting her ability a bit to much, but it was the most logical thing to do to ensure everyone's safety, his and hers. Zento removed Kazuma from its sheath and took a deep breath, reading his mind for the fight. "I'm not to worried about what us use to kill him, just make sure your ready. I have faith in your ability." He said despondently, trying to focus himself on the Hollow.

Suddenly he Shunpo'ed towards the Hollow. Jumping about five times to end up in front of the Hollow. Suddenly appearing in front of the monster, his he aimed to cut at the Hollows leg, to bring him down to size. He unfortunately, did not expect the Hollow to be alert enough to throw a punch at Zento. He immediately had to change his form, bringing his Zanpakuto up to block the punch. The attack connected, and his brain rattled in his skull from the sheer strength. Zento was thrown back, bounced on the ground a few times before regaining his balance and sliding on his feet. He wasted no time using Shunpo to close the gap between him and the hollow, feinting left, the Hollow fell for the trick, and Zento appeared on the other side of his arm. He immediacy brought the blade down, cutting it's arm off, but it wouldn't take long for it to regenerate. "Now!" he yelled, directing it towards Koyo.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima watched the first shikai, a male by the name of Zheng. His shikai was different, becoming part of his body instead of transforming. THe effects most likely had to deal with enhancing his physical capabilities for Hakuda. Then came the next man, simple, didn't say extra things and just displayed his shikai. Yakima didn't know him, but he liked him already. However, his shikai wasn't as simple. If you could call it shikai. He watched, observing and studying it No...thats not shikai He would question Zheng later, watching Taito's shikai. Despite his horrible nature, his shikai seemed impressive nonetheless. But suddenly, everything stopped. It was as if time was standing still, a powerful shiver going down his spine. He turned, seeing a new recruit slapping his papers onto his hands. why do i have such a bad feeling about him Yaima shook his head and turned to the man "I assume that is your shikai? Would you mind telling me its abilities?" He asked, trying to get out as fast as possible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ike raised an eyebrow and frowned. "No this is my sealed state dum- sir. My shikai is gauntlets that.... Oh fuck it I'll just show. Feel my rage, Shōmetsu no rivu~aiasan!!" Ike stated with his gauntlets changing to more lethal looking ones that were on fire. "Fire attacks, wide spread range one and an up close one. It also can give me power boosts when I need it. And that's all there is to it. So its fire and energy pretty much if you want it simple.... Oh and be careful when holding my sealed state.... my spirit likes to be an assface and randomly go into shikai on its own. You can imagine how a handshake can go." With that Ike sealed his shikai and crossed his arms as he looked at the captain. "So seriously what are we doing?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 8 days ago

With his demonstration over, he resealed his zanpakuto seeing that there was no reason to keep it out any longer. It was then the newcomer appeared and saw how the guy was brash, speaking in such a rude manner towards the captain. Probably thinking the captain wouldn't do anything to him, but that kind of thought was both wrong and foolish, especially after the threat given to him during his interview. One thing they were told and warned about at the academy was to always show respect to the captains and superiors; moreso when the captain was in a rather foul mood like Yakima was currently.

Still, even with that brash act, the guy's flashing showing of his zanpakuto was impressive as it seemed uncontrollable like its owner. This was one person he would try to avoid if possible and kept his gaze averted to the training grounds while they waited to see what task the captain would give them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo watched as Kento charged the hollow from the front, prompting her to Shunpo to the side and start running around the buildings so that she could get behind the hulking monster. She resisted opening fire with kido, worried that she may end up hitting her fellow shinigami, however as she was heading around she noticed the abnormal reaction that the Hollow seemed to have. A small smile crept across her lips as she had decided on what to use against the Hollow, her worry melting away as a plan came together.


The tiles of the roof cracked under Koyo's feet as she leaped off and into the alleyway, Shunpoing as soon as her feet touched the ground to charge the Hollow. Her sword was still sheathed and the tip pointed down towards the ground, a unorthodox stance to say the least. However even as it screamed in pain its sharp senses inside of that overly large head caught onto Koyo's charge, its scream coming to a sudden stop as it turned around to punch towards the small shinigami! The attack struck something hard from Kento's point of view, dust and concrete flying into the air as the hollows fist came to a sudden stop.

Suddenly Koyo burst from above the dust towards the Hollows face with incredible speed behind her, her palm arched back just before preforming a Tessho at the dead center of the snow white mask. Chips of white and the echoing sound of the monsters mask breaking under the sheer force of the attack was followed up by Koyo's final push, sending the beast reeling onto the ground! Landing back next to her sword she grinned away as her plan came full circle. The sheaths tip was embedded into the concrete below, having been used as a lever against the hollows attack to send her flying up to stun the beast before the final attacks were dealt.

"Finish it off" She mentioned to Konto as she reached back behind her to draw her own blade to slice the hollow in half in combo with her fellow Shinigami. Though she may have been weaker physically and clumsy, her greatest weapon was her mind but even so if Kento had not allowed her to see the hollows moves before hand she may have died in her charge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well that was one rude bastard. Who in their right mind talks to a captain like that? Especially an unseated squadless shinigami fresh out of the academy. That's just a one way ticket to a world of pain, more so with a captain that hated his job. Zheng just stood there silently and observed this guy's zanpukto. Gauntlets huh? Looked like he wasn't the only one with a hakuda enhancing zanpukto. He wondered if he was going to be forced to fight this guy as a part of the test or not. It was a shame that they weren't allowed to use their zanpukto's in spars anymore. Hopefully this guy doesn't care and let them do it anyway. "Heh, he's a go getter eh Kamon? Huh, Kamon?" He turned to Kamon and saw that the mod soul was watching a butterfly with great interest. "...God dammit Kamon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Hahaha, die! die!!" Aya shouted swinging her sword left to right, up to down, and all around. Hacking away at the hollows that got near her. Since her sword was big enough she had a little circle to keep them at bay. Of course the hole was gradually shrinking with the oncoming hollows, yet she did her best to drive them back. It wasn't until one spiritual energy suddenly plummeted that she stopped her assault and looked in the direction it came from. "Bouncy?" Aya mumbled before she heard Shinzo yell, but he was too far away to hear clearly. She caught traces of die and run, then his spiritual energy vanished as well. "Run? I can't run sittin buddy. This nest thing is too big to run from. What would happen if they decided to come after us and attacked a district? I'd feel like it'd be all my fault." Aya said looking at the hollows closing around her, before a hollow with a slightly higher energy than the rest came bursting out and punching her across the face and sent her flying further into the horde of hollows. From above, she could see just how vast the amount was, it really sucked she didn't know that technique from the captain yet.

As she crash landed, she jumped to her feet only to feel something sharp pierce her stomach. She look but only saw beady eyes that hid among the couple of hollows that both smacked her in the face. blood shot out of her mouth a she stumbled back with that beady eyed hollow's arm pulling out of her. Blood trailed down her stomach and leaked onto the ground. She raised her sword and swung where those eyes last were, but all she did was slay common hollows. She then felt something slash at her lower back which left a slightly deep cut about five inches big, that bleed out too. She grit her teeth, as she swung her sword in a circle cutting hollow after hollow in half, but not that beady eye one that seemed to stalk her. "Come one fucker, just you and me! Its how I tried to plan this anyway. Get here before the other two so only I had to be at risk. But I wasn't fucking fast enough and now Bouncy and Sitting buddy are probably in dire conditions! I don't care if I bite the bullet, but I'm making sure you come with me!" Aya shouted which resulted in not her being attacked by the hollow, but a hollow being thrown at her. It wouldn't be such a bad thing, it it wasn't three times her size. So It squashed her like a bug, and she hacked up blood while blood sprayed a bit from the wound to her stomach. While her power went up it was almost laughable, power increase was usually a good thing, but in Aya's case it wasn't. Mostly since it meant she was losing badly. Yet she stood back up and held up her sword as she motioned for all of them to bring it.
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