Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex Piratum
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Rex Piratum His Piratical Majesticness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It all seemed to happen almost at once for Mongo, over his comm a voice came on as he was watching the action, his hand immediatly rushed to his ear and turned down the volume, the little voice had told him where to meet and his drinking companion was already gone, what was that she had said before leaving? Oh well, bottom's up. The little beeping sound in his ear reminded him that he needed to go. FINE, just one sip, and so he took it, feeling more than a little woozy, The Gungan got up and headed for the hanger.

Upon reaching it he found that he had to blink his eyes a great deal of times to maintain focus, but he was pretty sure he got the gist of it, good money for a prison break, not something outside of his skill set, still not something he specialized in, but it would be an interesting challenge.

"Doesn't sound too hard. I can rip a stormtrooper's arms off without a second thought; I don't need a blaster. I do have a question or two, though. This, uh, thirty thousand you're going to be paying up front, and the hundred thousand after; that is each right? Also, do you know if the guards are going to have any guns that can get around the whole 'draining electronics' thing?"

"Gooda question" Mongo was beginning to like this team, not so much their employer, a little bargaining was almost traditional when it came to jobs but still, an employer who knew when he was and wasn't getting screwed out of more money than was necessary was an employer to be watched. Of course the money was good. he waited a moment to see what would happen with Serka's question as he could feel the alcohol beginning to take its hold over him, good, he had done some of his best work hopped up on the stuff.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sai folded her arms and pursed her lips, going over the plan in her head. She wasn't going to be too useful for the break-in itself, but from what she could gather, the entire mission rested upon a pilot's ability to fly into a relatively small and likely heavily defended area of space. And Sai knew from experience that "a pilot" was more often than not herself.

Stepping towards the hologram, Sai began to rattle off questions of her own. And for a job of this scale, Sai had a lot of questions. "How accurate is this schematic? Do we have flight patterns for these satellites? Nav data? Patrol routes? Crew counts? How aware are the sensors on these Star Destroyers?"

A deep breath. Slow down, girl. Sai continued on: "Where do transports arrive from? Is it possible to mask our signature as one of those transports? Do they have a secondary line of defense for if and when they realize they've been broken into? Range of radiation effectiveness for this material from the mines? Will they affect a docked ship from the mines?"

It might have been obvious to her so called teammates, but Sai wasn't exactly interested in her pay. She had what she needed from the galaxy; material wealth was not a goal for her. Instead, she was far more interested in the challenge this particular job posed. It had been a long time since a job had challenged her skill, and this one definitely caught her attention. She began to go over a list of modifications she would need to make to Drifter IV to get it into the atmosphere, including diverting power from weapons to engines, changing the ship's ID signature, and possibly a new paint job. Drifter IV had gone through several looks in its lifetime, so a new paint scheme would not be unfamiliar for the YV-560. Besides, the current one - an all black look for a night raid Sai had conducted - was growing old, and fast.

However, she was particularly concerned about this material from the mines. If it were to somehow make its way onto the ship, they would be as good as stranded and dead. Sai would have to be sure anyone that survived the excursion into the mines was completely clean.

The good news was that she would more than likely survive the job, should it prove successful. There were few pilots in the galaxy better than her, and none of them were here. (Sai knew all of them by name or reputation - including that blasted Corellian and his Wookie co-pilot, but blast it if the Corellian wasn't kriffing hot.) That said, the team would probably need Sai alive if they wanted to get off the prison world at all. That brought Sai some comfort, but also placed a tremendous amount of pressure on her. Mistakes on the approach or escape would most likely be her own doing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ubatrazi - Trazi

The hanger bay was a large area with little cover and many things that could explode if shot at. She was sure if such a thing happened that they would be sucked out into space, not unless they had a shield system that she didn't know about. She hung back from the group a bit, she wished to make a quick get away if things went sour. Dear stars! I'm paranoid. She thought to herself and she was. She constantly worried that someone would catch her and send her back to her master or simply enslave her for themselves. She wished she wasn't so paranoid but her paranoia did save her numerous times.

Trazi waited for the others to arrive, all the while watching the hooded man and his guards. A sick feeling rose in her gut as she wondered if the hooded figure was her old master, and he was just going to pay these people for putting on a good show for her. Maybe I shouldn't have taken this deal..... Oh stop worrying you nerf herder! She thought as she stood with her arms crossed over her chest. She didn't fear much in the galaxy, but who she did fear was still hunting her, and he loved a good hunt.

Once the others were all in the hanger bay, the man spoke, well the droid did but with a "human" voice. It didn't sound like Blokere but that didn't mean it wasn’t him. "He" apologized for taking the safety measures but Trazi could hardly blame him, as she would of done the same thing if she was in his position. But after taking that moment, he went straight to business telling them what they were brought here for. She watched the Holo while listening to what the droid said about what he wanted them to do. Sounded difficult but not too bad, since she wasn't one to use blasters. She was more of the knife in the back, poisoning your drink, suffocating you and strangling you to death kind of assassin. So her choice of weapons were less likely to make a mess, though she did like her pistol. So her pistol would be useless down there. Great! she thought before the droid motioned for one of his guards to open a box with some new gear. Most of that stuff was for the others who had better skills with blasters than her.

That was when the droid went on to tell them what they would be paid for this job. It was good money and would most likely help her find a place far from Blokere's reach. She couldn't pass up this job even if she wanted to. The assassin spoke up then and began to bargin with droid to raise the pay, which the droid accepted. This caused the giant lizard to speak up to make sure that the deal the assassin made wasn't just for the assassin. Trazi smiled, she was glad she didn't have to ask the question and that someone else was thinking the same thing.

She remained silent though while everyone asked a bunch of questions. She was glad that they were as she didn't have a much experience with all this breaking in and high stakes stuff. She was use seducing her targets or manipulating them to do what she wants them to. She has broken into people's places before, but It was nothing like this. Less guards and less people wanting to kill you, that's what her jobs were.

"While all these questions are really good questions and should be asked, I have one of my own." She paused for a moment to make sure he heard her over the others. "Is there extra pay if we make sure that those on the team live? Even if it's a hundred credits a head?" She asked as this group was made up of loners that liked to work on their own. She had little doubt in her mind that some would kill members of the team if they felt slowed down by them. She already had a sword pulled on her and she didn't want to be on chopping block again. If she was going to be on this team then she wanted to make sure that people were watching her back if she had to watch theirs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Employer kept his calm under fire, Tadia had to give him that. He listened to all the questions before replying. He then looked around and continued. "No, we don't have codes. But we have the best distraction you'll ever need and the location of the shield control centre for when it's time to leave. We aren't sure if the Imperials have these devices as they were bought off the black market. It is entirely possible that the Empire have them but like our designs they'll likely run dry with continued use so use them sparingly. In answer to your questions Sai the two star destroyers have a regular crew compliment of several thousand. On the planet, likely many more spread throughout its surface. The satellites themselves are just in geo-sync orbit and the Star Destroyers won't be your problem we'll keep it distracted. In terms of punching through the weak point in the shield, all shuttlecraft is automated to and from the planet. Mainly so that no stowaways can bribe themselves on board and they can just vape any with lifesigns in it. It controls the shield array in the weak spot-"

The weak spot in the hologram lit up again. "We have it's schedule so can jump in and jam it's commline so it will think it is still an all clear and open the shield. Then you go through. Piece of cake. In terms of how effective it is, the nearest deposits are fifty metres below the ground so as long as you don't fly over the open topped mines you'll be fine."

He turned to the Twi'lek, who suggested that they may be killing eachother. "You will need every person on this team to succeed. That is why I chose this team. However you all get paid individually, I will compensate you for the additional work if one of you does die however if it is by the hands of one of the other team members your services will not be required again and I have many interesting propositions for you all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was refreshing to have a job where the pay was individual. Shared pay always ended up making things more complicated than they needed to be. Sirka certainly liked her credits, but she wasn't stupid. Going through a mission looking for ways to betray one's allies was a good way to get killed. As for the mission itself, it was different, but definitely interesting. Fighting in caves, in tight quarters, and without blasters, seemed like it would push things far in her favor. She wasn't really concerned with how they were getting the planet, as that wasn't her job. Her stills were in ground combat, or boarding if it was needed, but someone else could handle the piloting.

"So they probably won't have blasters either, at least not reliable ones? Good, that'll make my job real simple. They could be carrying slugthrowers or something; it's what I would do if I were them. Still, it would only make it a little harder. Anyway, you can count me in for this job. The pay's good, and I can do what you're asking from me." Sirka commented before glancing to a few of the others. Some of them didn't seem like they were going to be great in open combat, so she wasn't sure if all of them would be so willing to step foot on an Imperial prison colony, but she supposed they all had some sort of skills for this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Assassin looked at the scene with a quizzical look. Before Scourge could kill anyone, the silent one of the three quickly switched with the annoyance before the maniac could do any damage to the team. He quickly went into his room and got all of his stuff, he was now comfortably in his weathered clone trooper armour, blaster resistant cloak and weapons. His sabre was attached to his hip, his assault rifle stuck on his back with magnets while his shotgun was held casually in his arms. Since the switch, Assassin hadn't said a word and it appeared that "Hidan" got a change in personality.

The Silent One pondered on the fact that he would be dropped on an Imperial Prison Colony. He himself has never been on one of them, nor did the others. They had always stuck around the Outer Rim, only making the odd job in the Middle Rim. The centre of the Galaxy gave him to many memories of the old days.

It was certainly a tough job, something that they weren't used to. Hidan chuckled in his head 'Remember the time you parachuted out of a plane, crashed into a window and jump kicked the target. The targets head went backwards. Ahh, that was horrifying to watch. But funny.' Assassin shook his head at Hidan's reminiscing of the old.

He came back to the conversation, looking at his reptilian team member. He weed for her to stop watching before stepping into the limelight. "Don't you dare **** this up Assassin." Assassin rolled his eyes while taking off his helmet, revealing his tattooed face. His face was absolutely blank, no emotions etched on face at all, no twitch and no movement.

Assassin took out a cigarette and lit it up, putting it in his mouth and taking a deep drag. He blew it away into the wall, making sure no smoke would reach the others. "I am in. The pay is good and I have no problem with killing some Imperials. But I have one question to ask the employer. Have you told them about my little "problem" yet?" He looked at the man with a piercing gaze.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Raresk quickly walked through the corridors of the Providence class dreadnaught and mentally cursed himself out for arriving late for the meeting. Still, it wasn't often one was asked to hunt down and capture a new sub-species of Gundark. Raresk had researched what little was known of this new sub-species and had been impressed by how large and bulky they were and how quickly they were able to move when they hunted. Not to mention that the things had claws that could most likely cut through durasteel given enough time.

But Raresk prided himself on the hunt and he had succeeded in capturing both a male and female and had delivered the to the client and had been paid for his efforts. Credits were a necessity that helped maintain his equipment and helped him travel to new hunting grounds, but what he hoped was that the Scorekeeper had awarded him his points and that he had gained greater prestige in her eyes.

Scorekeeper watch over me.

He had been offered an opportunity shortly before arriving on the Dreadnaught, in fact it was the reason he was here. A chance to earn credits and hopefully a chance to hunt new and even more dangerous beasts. He did have to stifle a soft hissing laugh as he thought of how nervous the shuttle pilot had been transporting him here and how relieved he had been once the hulking Trandoshan had left the shuttle without causing any trouble.

He picked up the pace and a few minutes later he arrived at the designated coordinates and listened in as best he could as he tried to get a feel for the others in the room. He nodded politely as he heard the amount of credits that would be given after the completion of the mission and he smiled slightly. It would keep his equipment in top shape for years to come depending on what creatures he fought.

A new unknown planet...new, unknown hunting ground.

Raresk cleared his throat and attempted to get someone's attention. "This one has a question: What sort of creatures will this one and the others be fighting on Belona while attempting the rescue? Anything worth mentioning?" He asked in his hissing language as the droid module around his neck translated what he said into basic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Creatures? Stormtroopers typically. Though with the lack of tech I wouldn't put it past them using beasts." There was a beep coming from one of the Houk. Tadias stance changed, was this a bomb? A ploy? Though then the droid looked at him then back. "Well something else requires my attention." He looked around, then pointed at the Sai ((@baskets. "The pilots in charge, it is her ship. She can delegate anyone else to be in charge on the ground but until then she's in charge." The Houk and Weequay started filing out of the hanger, the droid remained. "The ships preparing to jump to hyperspace. We're only a half hours jump away, an alarm will sound just before we drop out of hyperspace so you can get into the ship and get ready. It's up to you all now." With that the droids lights changed to a light yellow, looking at the beings in the room it just walked out of the room. Kindly excusing itself.

Tadia just clapped her hands and walked over and picked up six of the little devices. "Alright, boss what's the plan?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sai was lost in her own thoughts, staring blankly at the hologram before her as her questions were answered and more were asked. From what it sounded like, everything had been accounted for beforehand, making the entry as easy as possible. They would no doubt blow their cover on the surface, however, so the exit was going to be a little more dodgy. Nothing Sai was too worried about.

However, she was caught off guard by being put in charge of the "team." Sai was never one to play well with others, going so far as to heavily modify Drifter IV so that it would be able to be piloted by a single pilot, rather than the standard two pilot system most Corellian ships featured. In any case, Sai needed to get to know this team, and quick.

She took a silent, deep breath, repressing a cringe at being called "boss." Sai nodded slightly to herself. "The plan seems to be laid out before us fairly clearly. Getting on the surface looks like the easiest part; all I have to do is fly is in and land. Once there, we can play off each of our own strengths in order to get what we need. It would probably be best to try and keep things quiet and nonviolent for as long as we can," Sai glanced at the more lethal-looking members of the team as if to hammer in the point, "or at least until we get our hands on either the prisoner or those datapads. Speaking of our strengths, however, I think some introductions are in order before we really nail this plan together. I still don't know anybody's names here, or what we're all good at.

"That said, my name is Sai. As you probably figured, I'm a pilot, smuggler, and I'm also pretty good at being a con artist. Who's next?" Sai grinned cheekily at the team members, waiting for the next person to make their introduction. She started a mental list of names and skills so she would know how she should plan for the mission - and possible missions - ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SgtEasy
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SgtEasy S'algood bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Assassin looked at our supposed leader, politely nodding in her direction. The Silent One switched with Hidan, he wasn't really comfortable with talking. From the outside, it seemed like Hidan's posture became more casual and his face less serious."I guess I'm next. Hello, I'm Hidan of the former Yakamura Clan. I am what people would say I am a Jack of All Trades. I'm a pretty good diplomat, an Assassin and I'm pretty good at close combat."

"I like quiet places, slugthrowers, being shirtless" Hidan smiled at Trazi "and reading. I dislike assholes, violent people, people who dismiss slugthrowers, and killers of innocents. I guess I have no dreams or anything, just to be me." He paused, looked around the room, embarrassed smile on his face with his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, sorry about that. I talk a lot sometimes. I'm guessing we weren't supposed do that thing that I just did." His face became suddenly serious though and looked at everyone in the room.

"But please do not take me lightly. I am not called the Hutt Scourge and the Silent Assassin for no reason. Many have mistaken me for a weakling but I take my job seriously. I am underestimated because of my armour, my weapons and my looks. None of them are alive today. If you do, I will kill you." He paused, his face lightening up while looking lost for some reason and smiled. "Next person!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"You know, I'm almost positive that I've already introduced myself at least once. Eh, whatever, I tend to forget these things. Name's Sirka'ith. If you haven't figured out what I'm good at already, well, then I'd get your eyes and ears checked." She said with a chuckle before glancing to the human, Hildan. "You use slugthrowers? Well, it'll be useful down in the caves, at least. They don't need electronics to work. I'll keep dismissing them everywhere else, though. I suppose they can be useful, it's just...they don't hit as hard, their shots fall off target instead of flying straight, their ammo is way more expensive than blaster packs...but like I said, I guess they have their place." She said in at least a mostly teasing fashion.

Sirka paused a moment and started looking around the hanger bay. There were times in which she could be patient, but right now, she wanted to be set and ready for the job. Of course, the dreadnaught wasn't going to arrive any quicker if she rushed, but she at least wanted to be on the right ship when it was time to get moving. "Introductions are all well and good, but can we walk and talk? Which one of these is your ship, or is it in a different bay?" Sirka asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ubatrazi - Trazi

The droid person thing answered everyone's questions with ease, as if he knew what they were going to ask. Before leaving and placed the woman who tried to calm things down earlier in charge. Apparently she was a pilot of the craft that they were going to be taking planet side. She looked at the woman and raised an eye brow, she looked like she could hold her own.

But she suddenly wondered who she would pick as "leader" planet side. She hoped it wouldn't be her, she wasn't leader material. She worked alone and never had to be part of a team, other than that one time but that was for something....... personal.

She was drew out of her thinking when Sai spoke up and introduced herself to the group and explained what she did. Seriously? We have to do this? What is some of these people know about the bounty on my head? She thought feeling a little uneasy.

But her uneasiness was suddenly turned into curiosity when the once shirtless man spoke up telling everyone his name. Hidan went through what he liked before coming to the shirtless part and smiling at her. Trazi narrowed her eyes slightly as not that long ago he held a sword to her throat. Was he really going to try the whole charm thing again? She really hoped not, but then she noticed how he left out the part about his mental health issues. Crap, I'm going to have to ask him about that later. She thought knowing that she was currently the only one who knew of his condition.

Shaking her head she looked at the giant lizard as she spoke. She wondered if Sirka would let her ride on her back? She was after all the smallest and lightest of the group and most likely weighed less than what the lizard was wearing now. But she thought better of it and didn't bother asking.

"Ubatrazi or just Trazi, I have 'diplomatic' skills and assassination skills. I'm more of your behind the scenes kind of person." She said softly as she looked at the group, her muscles tightening slightly as she wasn't sure who would know of her. She really hoped that if they did know, that the credits they would get from this job would be better than the ones they would get for bringing her back to her old master.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Introductions, more introductions and one who (Interestingly) had a bounty on her head if she remembered correctly. However that wasn't overly important, the money was trivial compared to the job at hand. So she merely shrugged it off, though she was keeping an eye on the shirtless ones. He seemed to change every now and then, and not just tone but his entire stature would change. That was even more interesting, this team currently was more like a circus. She wouldn't be surprised if the whole fight was simulated and recorded for someone to enjoy later. She pointed at the ship to the reptile. "I presume that there is our ride, why else would we be meeting in this hanger? I mean if it was our employers ship I doubt he'd leave it with us. With some of our records."

"On that note I am Tadia Omi-Ren. I am an ifiltrator and assassin. I break in, and bring someone out or make sure they never cause trouble again. Those are my skills, next."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Raresk took note that the group he would be traveling with might be fighting Imperials who used tamed beasts in their fights. He listened as the others in the group introduced themselves and he noted that many of them seemed to be used to working on their own rather then in a group. He smiled a toothy smile as he prepared to introduce himself only to have the lights on his translation module go dark for a moment.

Raresk smacked it with an open palm and the lights flickered back on.

"Apologies, the translation module needs to be repaired or replaced sometime soon." The Trandoshan said as he politely smiled at the others. "This one's name is Raresk, and he is happy to travel with you all. He looks forward to hopefully hunting down both Imperials and new beasts while we complete our task. Raresk is good at hunting and has survival training if it is needed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sai assigned names to faces and faces to names, keeping track of each member of the team in her head. She nodded as the Trandoshan, Raresk, finished introducing himself, and began walking towards Drifter IV. She motioned for the rest of the team to follow. "Yeah, this baby right here is mine. Drifter IV, a Corellian Engineering YV-560 light freighter. I won't bore you with all the details, but if we squeeze in tight enough, we'll all get to where we need to go." Sai pulled out a small device from a pocket, pressing a button to lower the boarding ramp. "Feel free to get comfortable somewhere. If my hunch is right, we'll be spending a lot of time together on this little freighter of mine."

As the ramp touched the floor, Sai made her way up, stopping at the top for the others to follow her in. "Once you all get settled in, I guess we could work out the details of our plan of attack for Belona. So get yourselves acquainted with her, get comfortable, and we can all sit down and have a nice little chat!" Sai flashed a grin, spinning around on one heel for the helm of the ship. Hopefully she'd get a second to breathe - this leadership thing was already getting to be a little overwhelming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As soon as the loading ramp touched the bay's floor, Sirka headed inside to get a feel for the vessel. Like most ships, especially freighters, it felt annoyingly cramped. The ceiling was barely above her head, and she had to duck through doorways. However, that was nothing she was not used to. More important was that it seemed to be in acceptable condition and would get them safely to their destination, as long as their pilot was as good as she was supposed to be.

For the moment, Sirka took some time to look around the ship and get a feel for its layout. It wasn't a particularly large vessel, nor was its layout particularly unusual, so it was not a long process. She dropped off her heavy repeater in the cargo hold so she would not be forced to lug it around, at least for a few minutes. Another detail she noticed was that there were two less rooms than there were crew members. If it ended up that they actually were going to be running more missions together, that was something they might have to figure out.

Eventually, Sirka wandered up to the cockpit where their apparent leader had gone. Sirka did not really care who she was taking orders from, as long as those orders made some kind of sense. Sirka was not a leader and did not pretend to be, so she had no sort of issue with pride that would prevent her from listening...while on the job, at least. Outside of the mission, when relaxed and on her own time, she she did not respond well to being bossed around; it was one of the largest reasons that she would be ill-suited for any sort of military. If this Sai turned out to be that sort of leader, she would be in for a definite surprise.

Sirka leaned up against the wall at the entrance to the cockpit. "So, I take it you think we'll still be working together after this job?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sai had to hesitate before she answered that question, and she knew it would be apparent to Sirka. But she knew herself, and she knew that before long she'd grow tired of this job. Or if it wasn't the job, it would be the team, or the area of space, or... something. There was always an excuse, some reason Sai would get herself out of it. It always happened.

She spun around in the pilot's chair, leaning forward and resting her weight on her knees. Her second to breathe was up, and it was time to play the leader once more. "If we live, yeah, I think we'll be stuck together for a little bit. I'm not one for commitments, though, and I'm an even less likely leader, I think, so this entire job so far has been a surprise," Sai explained. "You seem like a pretty grounded person. But we might as well sign ourselves off now if we think that we're going to operate well as a team immediately. I'm not used to playing well with others, and I get the feeling more than a few of us don't like playing with others. Belona's going to be an exercise in teamwork, that's for sure."

Sai leaned back in her chair, becoming more relaxed as she talked on and on. "What's your view on this? Do you think we're gonna last very long?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sirka shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know anything about the others. All I know is what my job is and how to do it, but that I know really well. Whichever one of us takes charge once we hit the ground, I'll follow their orders, as long as they're somewhat reasonable. If they try to tell me to do something stupid, well, then I'll just have to improvise. It wouldn't be the first time I've had to do that, and it definitely won't be the last. If all of us survive this, that's great. If some of them die, it won't be any scales off my hide. If anyone does die, though, it'll probably be their own fault. We apparently have some skilled fighters here, so as long as everyone sticks together and no one does anything stupid, we should be fine. If all else fails, you can just hide behind me, literally. Obviously, I attract a lot of attention, but it takes more than a blaster bolt or a slug to put me down. A lot more."

There was nowhere in the room Sirka could actually sit, so she had to be content where she was standing. She started to chuckle slightly before she continued. "Really, you should feel extra safe. If everything goes wrong on the ground and I have to save my own tail, you'll be the first one I carry with me. You're the pilot, after all; you're the one that can get me off of that rock."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by my Lalia
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my Lalia The Master of Hugs

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ubatrazi - Trazi

The ship was impressive with all its up grades and customizations, obviously Sai took pride in her ship. Though she knew this meant that Sai was the most "prized" member of the team as she was the only one that knew how to fly. Everyone else were heavy hitters, she wasn't. Sweet Stars, I hope they will need someone with my skills. She thought as she followed their "leader" onto the ship.

It was a little cramped inside considering how many there were of them. But she was small so any little space would be fine. She was use to small places as she use hide in them when Blokere was in a rage. Seeing that Sai basically gave them free rein on the ship, Trazi quickly took the time to find every room and small space. She also took the time to study some of the components of the ship, not that she knew much. She just knew which wires to pull if she needed to.

Once her little tour was done she went and sat in the engineering bay, she figured not many would bug her there. That and she would be out of their way. As she sat on the ground she crossed her legs and meditated for a moment, allowing her mind to drift.

She could feel the spice running through her veins very time she landed a hit on the person she was pitted against. But the small doses were never enough, she needed more...... The fight was nearly over and she could feel the life draining from the person she was killing. But what she felt most was the pleasurable high she was getting from the spice being released into her system....... She dropped the dead body, panting as more spice flowed into her blood stream. It was an overwhelmingly pleasurable, but she could feel something added to the spice. She looked over to see a smug smile on Blokere's lips, she knew what that meant. She didn't want to, but soon she wouldn't care. Heck she might even enjoy it this time, she just had to let the spice do its work.

Trazi opened eyes and wrinkled her nose, she hated that memory as she could still "feel" the same sensations as if the drugs were still in her system. Shaking her head she stood up and decided to see if anyone wanted to talk. If no one did however, she might find Hidan and see if he wanted to take her up on her offer she made earlier. She figured it would be a good way to easy her tension, as she needed a way to release all her pent up anxiety about working on a team. She could careless if his tension was high.

But if he said no, she wasn't afraid to ask the others. Though she was sure the females of the group would flat out say no, they didn’t seem like the type to give into their physical desires. Probably have kept their legs crossed for so long, that they don't even realize they have the parts. She chuckled at her own joke as she went to find someone to talk to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sai smirked. Sirka was refreshingly straightfoward. "I'm not entirely useless in a firefight. I'm no lethal weapon, but I'm a pretty decent shot with a sniper rifle, and I can hold my own up close. If it gets too hot I might take you up on that offer for cover though," Sai grinned, getting up from her seat. She stretched for a second before moving to leave the cockpit.

"If memory serves, I don't have enough beds set up to accommodate everyone. I've got two spare beds back in the cargo hold - it's no luxury liner, but it'll have to do, right?" Sai managed to squeeze herself past Sirka and into the corridor, making her way to the main cargo hold behind weapons control. She raised her voice to be loud enough so that everyone on the ship could hear, "As you guys will notice, we're a little lacking on space in here. I'm propping up two beds in the cargo hold, which is mainly empty, so a couple of you can try to fit yourselves in there. Maybe the pretty little one here, hm Trazi?" Sai flashed her typical - almost iconic, at this point - grin at the small Twi'lek.

"Watch where you step; I've got hidden holes all over this damn ship. Some of the paneling is bound to come loose, so mind yourself you don't end up falling into one of them like a womp rat trap," Sai warned Trazi. Sai owned the blasted ship and she fell into the holes every so often. It was just embarrassing. Fortunately, nobody had been around to see those blunders, but falling into one now would surely shorten her lifespan with this team significantly.

Sai reverted to her raised voice to finish off her announcement to the team, "Give yourselves a few more minutes to settle in while I get these beds set up and we can hold a meeting in weapons control to figure out this plan of ours, yeah?" With that, she moved through weapons control and into the main cargo hold, where she had two beds propped up and strapped into the wall. She removed the straps, placing the beds so that upon entering the hold, there was one in the back left corner and one in the back right. Nodding at her interior decorating ability, Sai spun around and took a seat at one of her targeting computers, waiting for the rest of the team to get comfortable and meet her.
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