Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Fio Mal-Rai

The summer night was warm. It wasn't entirely unpleasant, of course, unlike the rather oppressive day heat(not that Fio would let such a thing bother her!) The trick here was a simple one, to stick to populated areas and ensure there was some distance between herself and her Servant in Spirit form. The logic was simple. Caster would be present but difficult to detect, and if he was detected then it would be difficult to link him to her. Or to attack him, for that matter. Oh, sure, she wasn't going to care that much about subtlety, except what was needed to keep the Grail War hidden from the public, but on the first night, when scouting, it seemed like it might be a good idea to avoid combat until Caster got a good idea of their battlefield. That was one of the things with the Caster class, wasn't it? Keep themselves informed so they could set up their magecraft and all that kind of stuff?

Gloved hands in her pockets, Fio strolled down the sidewalk. There were quite a few shops still open for this time of the night, and some people still out. Redrock didn't exactly have a thriving nightlife, but it had one that was, perhaps, limping slowly along to bigger and more active things.

As she walked, Fio contemplated her strategy. To be honest, why should she even bother keeping her identity a secret? She was certain she'd win, anyway. The stupid thing would be to just tell everyone where she was staying. Though even still, she'd gotten some defenses in place and if a Master was dumb enough to try and directly assault her, well...

A Magus Hunter is a Magus Hunter, aren't they?


Saber quietly regarded her Master for a moment. Indeed, yes, an investigation of the area seemed like the most apt strategic decision as of this moment. With knowledge of her surroundings she could capably counter classes such as Archer or Caster, as well as make guesses as to where would be likely arenas of combat in this town. And, pleasingly, her Master seemed to agree with such a course of action, briefly disappearing out of the room and leaving the black-haired Servant to herself for a moment. Now simply standing outside the circle, Saber considered her Master. She was young, but to be truthful, Saber had not been that much older when she first entered active combat. The Grail summoned Servants in their prime, and as such Saber found herself in a body that reflected her appearance in her twenties. Youth was not of concern to her. Her concern was properly serving her Master. Keeping her safe. Earning victory.

When her Master returned, clutching a light jacket and mentioning an... ice cream shop? For a few moments Saber stared blankly at her Master, before averting her gaze and looking firmly to the side.

"A childish Master with childish priorities is still my Master," she said flatly, with no attempt to disguise her comment. It was, naturally, plain to her that this was the case. Saber turned to face her Master once more. "I have no idea how ice cream would provide us a tactical advantage, Kishinami-dono, but scouting the town is necessary."

With that, she turned to begin walking towards the door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

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Jonathan Clairmont - Master

He looked around the basement as he stared at his feet the circle of blood that he had prepared, along with a Catalyst capable of summoning a Lancer of considerable skill, having a spear tied with the hair of the mane of a horse. It wasn't the most detailed of Catalysts but the specimen of the horse's hair was difficult to find as the breed of horses were uncommonly breed in the West. So the summoning of the servant was localized more thanks to it and the rest would have to be done with luck and what ever else comes after that. Raising his hand forth, he could feel the tug and flow of prana in his body, coursing and igniting in him. His magic circuits were a encumbered with of the amount activity. The experience of summoning a servant, unique, the sensation of summoning a servant, terribly painful.

Breathing heavily, he continued on the ritual. Feeling the strain on his body and the silent, still mana around the property being disturbed, ebbing and flowing due to the spiritual pressure of the ritual. He continued the quite painful ritual and improvising quite a bit after the scorching experience of pain.

"He who rules the field of battle, the commander who sought none for your vanity and selfishness blinded your fate from true triumph. I give you another chance to grasp victory in battle of the Holy War of the Grail. Come forth if you wish to destroy those who believe to be better than you in the gruesome art of war, show them your true power and accept my contract and be loyal only to me and only me!"

At this moment now, the pain had subsided but it still was greatly uncomfortable as Jonathan sweated heavily as he extended his hand once again grunting the words to finish the ritual. This part he managed to say correctly unlike before, which he improvised to cut to the chase.

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hakuno Kishinami

Saber's comment had left the smiling and hopeful Master frozen as she processed the rather blunt comment. Had this been an animated scene, it might have been an appropriate time to have all of her colour drain away to oblivion.
Ch-childish...? was she really childish? It was just a suggestion! It wasn't like she was in any danger anyway, right? Saber was invincible!
With her disapproving Servant leaving, Hakuno slowly followed, worrying that, by the end of the day, her own Servant was going to defeat her with simple commentary, long before any other Servant could target them.


As was typical of a Servant summoning, the magic circle was practically exploding with light and power, as a figure slowly emerged from the centre. The tall, imposing hero seemed to rise towards the skies, and when he was fully formed, the Servant known as Lancer turned his cold gaze towards the mage before him.

The large man, adorned with armour of gold and blue, and wielding a halberd sharp enough to rend the heavens themselves, was silent for a moment. His scowl indicated that he was already disapproving of his summoner, finding no sign of strength in the youth. Was he really to be chained to a master like this?

"...I am Lancer," he finally spoke with a grunt, "tell me, runt, do you believe you're worthy enough to be my Master?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Saber proceeded wordlessly towards the door. She almost reached the handle, before pausing for a moment. Something was amiss, was it not? After a few moments of silence, she turned away from the doorway to face her Master. While she preferred not to make such requests, it was necessary and one of her Master's duties was to provide her with supplies. This was much the same as supplying her with prana, although it was for a sharply different purpose.

"Kishinami-dono," Saber began, quietly raising her arms to gesture to herself as she spoke, "I do not know if it is wise to pass in public clad in my armor. My understanding is that the Grail War is intended to be secret."

One could wonder why consideration to spirit form was not even mentioned or contemplated, but the explanation behind that was a simple one. The entire reason she was summoned was to serve her Master. Saber had no intention of hiding herself away while doing such a thing, unless it was absolutely necessary. Quite simply she did not find it absolutely necessary in this circumstance.

"I require alternative clothing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hakuno came to a stop behind Saber, not given much time to wonder why she had paused at the door before she was being addressed. Reflexively, Hakuno stood as straight as she could, arms pinned to her sides in an attempt to stand at attention and seem more responsible to her Servant. The request had been unexpected, however, even if it did make sense.

"...Um, right. Uh..." Hakuno hadn't taken this into consideration at all. Of course, she'd brought plenty of clothes over with her, but given the... entirely different physique of the two girls, it was unlikely she had anything that Saber could wear, "yeah, um... I dunno if I have anything your size... besides, can't you go invisible or something?"

Hakuno had figured it would be a wise idea not to jokingly suggest that Saber masquerade as a cosplayer. Given her usual responses, Hakuno would probably confine herself to a corner and mope at the inevitable, disapproving comment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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Regarding her Master for a moment, Saber firmly shook her head. Yes, spirit form was accessible, if absolutely necessary. However, there was no desire within her to use it. If she had to, for her Master's sake in order to conserve prana, she would. However, there were no extenuating circumstances that would make such a move necessary at this time. Indeed, she was receiving prana and her Master did not seem harmed by this fact. Saber absolutely did not want to utilize spirit form, because then she would be hiding away from her Master. Even if most people had no idea of her nature(as required by the parameters of the Grail War), she wanted her service of the girl to be clear. It was the entire reason she had been summoned.

"No," the black-haired swordswoman said, folding her arms across her chest as she stood in front of her Master, "I will not utilize spirit form unless absolutely necessary in the event that you must recover a large amount of prana. I do not wish to hide myself while in your service. Even if I must be disguised, that is still better than being invisible."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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Jonathan Clairmont

Ignoring Lancer's question for a second before checking himself first before looking at Lancer he sighed. 'Am I really that small? Or is it that he's really big...' He thought with a silent scorn for himself before looking back at Lancer deciding to answer his question.

"Hmmmm, Im not sure but you will probably know when we win this war, Lancer. When that happens you can tell me whether or not I was worthy enough to be your master. Until then this discussion will be on hiatus" He said to Lancer with a smile, before walking to the stairs to go up to the next floor. "If you wish to see the house and garden where you will be staying, come up."

Walking upstairs without hearing Lancer's reply, he looked at the ground floor of the house sighing, it had no personality but it would work for the meanwhile. Maybe Lancer could help decorate it, but he dismissed the thought and went into the kitchen to make something for himself. Summoning a Servant was no easy task and he was famished, taking some of the ingredients out of the fridge and began fixing something up, a little more if Lancer wanted some. Meanwhile doing that he silently wondered if he had anything to put on Lancer, for the most part he looked like a bodyguard or a real buff butler. Well if anything at least Jonathan himself was reassured that he could play the spoiled little rich kid card pretty good if needed.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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Hakuno was quite surprised at Saber's refusal to disappear. With how well things had gone for her so far, the novice mage had figured that her Servant wouldn't want to be seen with her. But the armour-clad woman, despite her criticisms and comments, was still content to walk around in public with her! Trying to suppress another embarrassed grin, Hakuno turned her head to the side.

"I-I see... well, like I said, my clothes probably won't fit. But, you can take a look if you want..."

Hakuno lead her Servant to her bedroom. There wasn't much to it, just a small sleeping space that also happened to house most of her electronic gadgets. The portable ones, at least.
"They're in the drawers here," Hakuno stated, pointing at said drawers, "Just, uh... see what I have?"



Lancer had not expected such a reply, and simply glared at his Master with a small frown, assessing him. Did this fool even know who he had summoned? Or was he just that highly confident in his abilities? Certainly, a runt like that didn't look like much. At the very best, he'd serve as nothing more than a strategist that hid from the front lines. Perhaps his master had a little backbone?

With a small grunt, Lancer followed after Jonathan, his halberd dissipating from view. Arriving in the kitchen, he simply watched his master make something to eat for a short while, before finally clearing his throat, "Tell me, Master, what do you plan to do now?"
The large servant was already itching for a good fight, and was prepared to crush the other Servants immediately. After all, there was no one stronger than himself in the entire world, so why drag things out, when the worthless weaklings could be dealt with, and the grail won?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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With her Master's prompting, Saber immediately set about emptying the drawers. Each outfit was examined, neatly folded, and placed upon the bed in turn. For the black-haired had no intention of making a decision for herself. While certainly, she was not lacking in independence, this particular matter was tied to her desire to be of service. One who serves a Master must be presented in a way that is of benefit to that Master. Her manner of dress would reflect on her Master, would it not? Certainly, her nature would not be exposed in public, but at the same time she was still serving her Master and therefore it was only appropriate for her to be dressed in a way that was under her Master's consideration. This was, Saber felt, a basic portion of her services.

So, once every single drawer was completely, totally empty, and all the clothing was neatly laid out and folded on the bed, Saber turned towards her Master.

"Kishinami-dono," she began, "While in most circumstances my clothing would be determined by my own decisions, it is important that I reflect well upon you. Please, select my manner of dress."

Fio Mal-Rai

Well, this was uneventful. It seemed most of the Masters had guessed that engagement on the first night was not the best idea, at least where they could potentially be seen. Fio couldn't really complain, she had figured all of this into her plan. The entire reason she took these routes was because they were covered. But still, she could have at least seen something fishy on the way to the bookstore. Some kind of lead towards the other Masters. But no, aside from sparse civilians, there was nothing in particular that seemed out of the mundane, ordinary-...


Fio stood rigid for moment, then slowly turned towards her right. There, in the darkness of the alleyway, there was the faintest of glows, a barely-present light that was perceptible only to a magus. There. That was her lead. Without hesitation, she sprinted into the alleyway, coming to a halt only when she drew close enough to identify the glow. It was a sigil, a circle encoding the processes of some form of thaumaturgy inscribed on the brick wall. Narrowing her eyes, Fio knelt down beside it. Certainly, no-one would place such a thing without some sort of intent behind it, and it was unlikely any magus but one of the Masters here would attempt such a thing. However... what kind of magecraft was this? Her attempts at analysis ended in failure. Something about this sigil was strange, strange in a way that Fio did not like.

"... Caster, can you identify this? There's something strange about it, I can't determine what the magus who inscribed it was attempting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Archer regarded the stones for a moment as his Master held them out. "An interesting bit of magecraft I suppose. I'll set to work placing them immediately while performing my own reconnaissance." With that Archer snatched up the stones and hurriedly exited the abandoned house, using his superior agility to leap quickly to the roof and then maneuver his way across the area from the high ground while being as unobtrusive and stealthy as possible, though he doubted the ordinary humans of this age would have the sense to look up and see him at the speed at which he was moving. As he did he both laid out marked stones at what appeared to him to be inconspicuous spots that offered an overall accurate view of different sections of the city and examined the area for himself.

Things certainly had changed since his day, even if this was a foreign land. As far as he knew this city was considered relatively small compared to some of the bustling metropolises of the modern age, yet towards the main streets and what appeared to be the center and lower portion especially the buildings rose to a height that dwarfed anything constructed by mortal hands during his own lifetime. He supposed that if he were inclined to care he might even feel some pride in these obvious signs of humanity's progress, but those days were long past. The thought filled him with a certain bitter longing, so atop the roof of one of the taller buildings he paused for a moment to look up to the moon wondering at what might have been.

But only for a moment. Once the stones had been placed in what seemed like a satisfactory surveillance network and he had scoped out much of the area there was only one thing left to do. He dropped down into what seemed like a small shopping district and slipped inside a clothing store easily evading the so-called 'security' systems in place. Once inside he stripped some clothing from one of the fake men, then visited a few more and repeated the process. When he was done he had acquired a fine long red and gold coat with serviceable fringes of fur, high platformed riding shoes as befitted a member of the noble warrior class and a broad-brimmed feathered hat to keep sun and wind from his face as he shot. With his own personal jewelry atop it he deemed himself properly dressed for the modern age.

Mamoru Hayashi

Finally, Mamoru was ready. It had taken ages longer than it should have to prepare the summoning ritual for the grail war, but with Galatea acting as his hands in properly preparing it even while he personally oversaw each step he couldn't be too careful. Everything had to be precisely placed, and with hands other than his own doing much of the work the young man had had to take what seemed to him like an eternity. One mistake would cost him incredibly dearly after all. This was Mamoru's one chance to prove himself to his family that, despite his physical difficulties, despite his young age he could still be of use to them. From the wheeled chair in which he sat in his rather comfortable hotel room he allowed himself a small smile as his more-than unusual maid Galatea ensured that the last preparations were completed and he began the chant. Hopefully the Servant he planned to summon would be enough, not just to do all of that but to prevent this new Grail from falling into evil hands that would misuse its' power. But regardless, now was the time!

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!"

Yes, finally, Mamoru Hayashi, discarded and pitied son of his family, was ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

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As if on cue, Caster took form next to Fio, bowing towards her before turning to the sigil she had been examining just moments earlier. True, he didn't have to transition out of his spirit form as he did, but retaining a physical form helped him process his thoughts better. Subconsciously fanning himself, Caster looked at the circle from multiple angles before sighing and shaking his head.

"I have a vague idea of what the circle is used for- a bounded field, clearly- but without any further circles to compare it to, I cannot ascertain its strength or region of origin. I would, however, recommend we not tamper with it; it's very likely that the creator of such a thing had the insight to set up traps, and we might be in trouble if any of those go off." he stated simply before glancing at the books Fio had in hand.

"On that note, though, I would also like to prepare our own base of operations; should we continue without a suitable location for defense and recovery, this war becomes infinitely more difficult."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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As Mamoru finished the chant, a blinding red light shone from the center of the circle. Spurs jingled as a man in a long duster appeared, walking over to the chair in the corner of the room. From one of his pockets, he took rolling paper and tobacco, rolling up a smoke. Wordlessly, he struck a match on his thumb, bringing it up to his cigarette and taking a long drag. Finally, he tipped his hat to look Mamoru over, and spoke in a thick southern drawl:

"Awright, kiddo, let's get this over with. What makes you think I should accept you for my Master? What're you plannin' to do with the Grail?"

Erasmus Tormod

Tormod Manor. A sprawling home of a line of maguses dating back to the age of Vikings. Runes served as deterrents against other magi, which was fortunate- he was preparing to summon a Servant for the upcoming Grail War. The house's butler, a tremendous man in a custom-tailored suit, stood behind Erasmus as he finished the ritual, chanting in old Germanic tongues.

"You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Sister Phoebe Miriam - Church convent

Sister Phoebe's sense of unease dissapated more as the dark mist surrounding her Servant disappeared, and she couldn't help but blush faintly as he removed his helmet. If he was who they had intended to summon, then of course he would've had to be handsome, but still...

"Ah... Saber..." Confirmation of his class helped alleviate her fears, as... Well, there was only one class he could possibly be summoned into, wasn't there? It seemed like the summoning had gone off without any problems, and so the white nun breathed as sigh of relief. However, this was soon replaced with a puzzled expression as the knight claimed that he could not use his sword just yet, and required a replacement. "I apologise, Sir Saber, but we are but simple, peaceful nuns and thus have no-"

A loud clank echoed through the room as Sister Alicia dropped what looked like a sword handle on the floor. Another followed, as Sister Lucia retrieved a spiked mace from her robes, and yet another as Sister Katherine threw out several hatchets. With a look of shock on her face, Phoebe turned to Sister Silvana, who somewhat sheepishly disarmed herself of two handguns, an automatic rifle, about ten grenades and a machete.

"Um... Well, um... I s-suppose we, um, we do have... Um... Anyway, we should, um, probably go see the, uh, the overseer and make this... Official, and, um..." Noticing the sour look on a few of her fellow nuns' faces when she mentioned the overseer, she felt it was probably better to leave them behind and just go with Saber. After all, Lucia and Silvana especially didn't seem overly fond of the overseer for some reason. "Come, Saber, um... Um, let us make, um, haste." Sighing once more, she turned and left the room, heading towards the woman the church had chosen to act as adjudicator for this grail war...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hakuno wasn't quite sure what to make of this scene. At first, she figured Saber was just looking for a colour she liked, given that the magus' clothing tended towards the bland, single-coloured variety. The most stylish clothing she owned either had stripes, or cartoonish designs that, of all people, Hakuno wasn't sure she wanted Saber to be looking at. By the time all of her clothes were now refolded and sitting on her bed, Hakuno had a look of bemusement on her face.

"...Er, well... I don't think you need to reflect me or anything?" Hakuno replied, "I mean, it's not like I look all that good in the first place."

Choosing a shirt at random, she unfolded the solid, light-blue garment and lifted it eye-level, "I don't think you need my help to choose stuff like this, anyway. We can always buy you something cuter, right?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Bridget Carran

With Archer off placing her surveillance rocks, Bridget turned her attention back to her current living quarters and preparing for the war in general. It was unlikely anyone that wasn't a magus would even notice the house; she'd set up a bounded field to deter people from paying it any heed before even preparing to summon a Servant. Her current task, then, was to make sure that if it came to it, she could abandon the place in one go and hopefully deal with any intruders.

In practice, this meant that all it would take was a little bit of energy to one of the symbols laced into the whole thing, and an inferno would consume the building and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught in it. Bridget had no plans for that to be her, since those particular runes were by the doors.

The Other Saber

The Servant displayed no visible reaction to the disarmament of the supposedly 'peaceful' nuns. The church bearing arms was far from a strange thought, stranger that his Master's entourage were armed and she had no awareness of the fact. An added layer of protection for his Master was not unwelcome. This, then, lead him to take weaponry only from the most heavily armed of the sisters, grasping the rifle and the machete before catching up to Phoebe, falling in line by her shoulder.

The modernity of the weapons would, Saber presumed, shroud his identity from the others even further than his abilities already did. Even his class could hardly be determined with the two unusual weapons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Fio Mal-Rai

Fio straightened as her servant explained everything he could. Well, that was frustrating. Not even Caster could discern what the circle actually did. Well, he could tell it was a bounded field, but beyond that there wasn't much else he could say. And at the moment, Fio had to agree with him. She couldn't disable it, not without knowing more about it, and attempting to do so now could very well lead to the activation of some kind of trap. Needless to say, it wasn't the kind of risk she liked taking. She'd work up a bit more knowledge and then tear the thing down, whatever it was. When Caster brought up the desire for some kind of base, well, that made plenty of sense, right? Caster wasn't exactly the direct combat kind of class.

"Yeah, sounds like a pretty good idea to me," she said, turning to face him. "Anyone who summons the Caster class would have to be an idiot not to let them build up their workshop, right? Regardless of what some people say, I'm no idiot and I'm going to win this Grail War."

Folding her arms across her chest, she contemplated what she knew about the city's layout. "We've got a few pretty good options. The obvious one's to go for the biggest concentrations of leylines in the town. Those are the places the Grail might descend. It's either going to be on the outskirts of the forest just outside Redrock, in the burnt out mansion, or on the site of the original town hall."


Saber paused for a moment, and turned entirely to face her Master. The lacquered armor rattled as she did, her gaze fixing on the girl before she approached quietly, walking closer and closer until she was directly in front of her Master. She looked up, slightly. The difference in their heights was not huge, but Saber was definitely the shorter of two in stature. This mattered little to the black-haired Servant in any case. What was truly important was that they settled this matter quickly and proceeded on to scouting the area and familiarizing her with the battlefield they would be conducting war in.

"This matter is a part of my service to you," she began, fixing her gaze directly into her Master's eyes, her expression set to convey the stern and serious nature of this matter, "Kishinami-dono, even if you are somehow incapable of seeing the importance of this, I must reflect well upon you. Especially as you have not reflected well upon yourself. Please select my outfit so that we may proceed."

Her decision made, Saber would remain standing there until her Master agreed.

The Overseer

The overseer looked up from her seat. She was still plenty hungry, but she focused on what she was doing for the moment. The blue-haired girl was actually quite an interesting selection for the overseer of this Grail War, but undeniably a logical one given her unique capabilities. Her blue eyes traveled over the nun and her Servant for a moment as she sat back. So this was a Servant...? He was different from the entities she had previously encountered, though there was one she knew of that he seemed to bear some kind of vague similarity to...

"So, you're registering?" she asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by GummyCat
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GummyCat The Cutest of the Chewiest

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Jonathan Clairmont

Jonathan took notice at the attempt of Lancer trying to get his attention, it amused him briefly wondering what happened if he ignored the servant and smiled mischievously. However, deciding against it he looked at Saber seeing how anxious he was, he spent some time checking him out from head to toe before sighing. "First of all, we need to make you blend in before we can go check out the area. Luckily I bought some clothes before hand before hand but I doubt they will fit you at all. Give me some time, I can probably make do with them until we get something better for you." He said with a sigh as he went into a room, picking up a large paper bag and brought it into the room with him before closing it behind him.

"Go enjoy the garden for the meanwhile, let me finish this first. And also while your at it, make sure to not fall into the pond!" He said inside the room, and if Lancer placed his ear against the door could hear the sniping sound of scissors and the noise of a sewing machine. It would take some time for the adjustments to be done, and it was probably in the best interest for Lancer to go outside to avoid boredom. If Lancer did leave to go outside, he would find himself in a magnificent garden with a variety of flowers and multiple ponds of fishes. The garden was large enough for him to get lost if he wanted to explore the place. However, when Jonathan was done modifying the clothes he gave them to Lancer.

"These are the only ones that were big enough, a bit too formal but better than what your wearing right now" Jonathan said handing over the folded clothes over to the Servant. The whole entire outfit was a light grey button-up shirt tucking into a pair of grey pants, while having a darker vest over the button-up. Having a pair of black flats as his shoes and having a black tie as an accessory to make it look nice. However, the adjustments made it big enough to fit Lancer in however, his muscles would be fairly shown whether intentionally or accidental who will ever know?

"Hopefully your satisfied with that, my mother used to make me sew a lot so I have some experience working with clothes" He said with a sigh, looking at Lancer waiting for him to try the clothes. "After your done, we'll be on our way to go looking for the others." He said with a cheerful tone, as he left to go change for the trip to the town. The trip wouldn't take long but a car would be needed and he didn't mind driving, but right now he was in his pajamas, so he needed to get into something more suitable.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Please don't yell at me, Hakuno found herself mentally begging the approaching Servant, her diminutive stature doing little to suppress just how intimidating she seemed at the moment. It was a miracle that Hakuno wasn't already shaking at the moment, and she braced for a rather stern lecture. But instead, she got... well...

As if dazed, Hakuno blankly stared at the disapproving Saber. That was both... anti-climactic and devastating, though it took her a moment to figure out why. Silently, Hakuno stared at her clothes currently being worn. Yeah, she wasn't much for making an effort, but... did she really look that bad?
Saber was still giving her that look, and the chances of the matter being dropped were less than zero by now, so Hakuno simply nodded meekly and shuffled to the pile of clothes. Normally, she'd just grab random garments and be done with the matter, but... the novice magus doubted her ability to survive another comment.

It took several minutes of fretting over which colours matched (dark green and midnight black were good colours together, right?! What about blood red and boredom-festering grey?!) before Hakuno nervously presented Saber with what she considered safe clothing; an old school uniform of hers that was hopefully to Saber's tastes.

...Which was highly doubtful, but Hakuno was not much of an expert on style.



Blend in? Lancer affixed Jonathon with his usual glare as he left the room, wondering why he would need clothes to do that. After all, he could hide his presence as necessary from the general public, and wearing this country's clothes would do little to prevent another Servant from recognising his true nature. Simply a waste of effort, to do the work of a... well, servant.

As much as it bugged Lancer, he decided to put up with it for now. In the best case scenario, his master was simply eccentric, and would prove to be someone worthy of fighting under. With nothing else to do at the moment, Lancer explored the rest of the building, giving the rooms and doors nothing more than quick glances before moving on. Eventually, he found himself in the surprisingly-expansive gardens. He couldn't say they quite compared to the castle grounds he was used to, but it was a pleasant enough surprise to discover.

Eventually, his Master re-appeared, handing over the modified clothes. He did little to hide his disdain, evidently not a fan of modern clothing. As his Master went back inside to change, Lancer growled and followed. He prayed for an opponent to show up now. He needed something to vent with now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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For a few moments, the black-haired Servant quietly regarded her Master, until the somewhat taller girl proceeded over to her bed and began to look through her clothing. Good. To be honest, Saber had little faith in her Master's ability to dress well after seeing how she dressed herself, but perhaps with her prompting an excellent outfit would be selected that would surely make a fine impression upon those whom they encountered. And indeed, her Master seemed more discerning as she searched through the various outfits, before at last locating something she deemed appropriate to wear and handing it over. Saber's dark green eyes fixed on the outfit as she held it in her hands. It was some form of formal wear, lacking in color but certainly appearing to adhere to modern standards of respectable attire insofar as the Servant could guess. This, indeed, would do. Perhaps her Master was not entirely helpless in this respect.

A green light shimmered from the center of Saber's chest, and with a flash and a small shower of green sparks the armor and fabric she had been wearing beneath it was entirely long, leaving her fair skin bare.

"Thank you, Kishinami-dono," she began, holding the outfit and directing her eyes back once more to her Master, "I shall now put it on so that we may leave."

With that, the black-haired girl swiftly donned the uniform. And indeed, thought her Master was somewhat taller it fit decently... for the most part. There were some locations in which it felt rather restrictive and tight, much to Saber's disapproval, but perhaps replacement clothing could be located. For now that was not a priority.

"While this outfit is uncomfortable in some locations, that matter can be addressed at a later time. I am ready."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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With his tasks complete and new clothes fitting for the age he found himself in acquired Archer returned to the hideout his Master had first summoned him in so that he could report the results of his mission.

"Master, the surveillance stones have been placed so that their line of sight should form a reliable network of fields-of-vision throughout each area of this city. In addition I took the liberty of acquiring new clothing for the modern age which is quite fitting if I say so myself." With his mission thus complete he settled in with a look of relaxed smugness. Soon the Grail War would commence, he would win it and get it over with and he could fade away once more.

Mamoru Hayashi

Well, pretty sure there goes any secrecy or subtlety about who my Servant is so I guess I'll have to hope he's strong. But more importantly...

What did Mamoru want the Grail for, what were his motivations? These were definitely important questions and apparently if he didn't answer them right his Servant might refuse to comply with his orders or work with him properly and that would be completely disastrous. He considered lying and going with what his family would expect him to say about gaining power or infinite knowledge or glory forever or something like that but...

"Honestly? I just want to keep the Grail and all that power away from anyone who might use it for evil purposes. But if I had to have a wish...I'd wish to have enough power to help the world and be a Hero of Justice!" He actually found himself striking his best sort of dramatic pose as he shouted his true intentions, much to his embarrassment a split second later. It was probably better to get the truth out now than be found out later and if that sort of answer wasn't acceptable well at least he'd tried.
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