Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After a bit of rest Cythlla was up to about 75% In the way of fighting prowess. She wasn't fully rested but by the time they got to the kest nest Cythlla would be able to fight again. She approached the group that was preparing to set off towards the Kest Nest. She was riding Henry of course. As she approached the stables Cythlla could hear and smell the horses. They didn't give off a pleasant smell that was for sure.

She could also hear Argus and Landeel near by. After dismounting from Henry she almost fell backwards by losing her balance. Her legs had fallen asleep from being on Henry for so long it seems. "I can't remember that last time I fought a Kest... I do remember having to kill a worker when I was small though." Cythlla said as she entered the room. She had no idea what the others were talking about but she did hear the word Kest a few times.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShaggyDoo0
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ShaggyDoo0 Mystery Inc. C.E.O. / Investigator extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

At his captain's orders he followed her outside. He tried to saddle up his mule but it did not want to be fooled with at the moment so Glodin gave up and clambered onto the back of Evelyn's steed, as he had left his armor near the forge he was working at he was far lighter than normal and not much of a hindrance. He was prepared for the worst, one hand on his hammer and the other on his Captain's shoulder to keep him steady. "I do hope the elven lass is alright."

As the scene played out at the cabin he stayed on the horse and just listened. He remained quiet for the ride back and while watching the small ritual to heal Ruinil. "Make me worry again like that lass and I'll thump ya in the back of your head. Captain, I'll go and finish repairing my pickaxe before we set out. Send someone to fetch me when everyone else is ready." He smiled and gave his friends and comrades a small wave before departing to the forge that he claimed as his own and began working on repairs for his gear.

He attempted scribing the rune from his dream on his pick as he heard a knock on the door. "You may enter."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He attempted scribing the rune from his dream on his pick as he heard a knock on the door. "You may enter."

Marcus entered Glodins forge with an air that spoke of strength and determination, but his eyes betrayed a rare sense of nervousness to the usually direct and confident Knight-Lieutenant. "Apologies for the drop in, Master Stonequarry." He approached with even steps and steady breathe, his hand fidgeting ever so slightly over his weapon as he fought his own inner demons on the issue now literally at hand. His sigh spoke volumes as he removed the weapon from its holster and placed it on a nearby work bench. The frame of the weapon was centuries old but had survived the years without any blemishes to speak of, the detail on it alone would have taken years to perfect after many trial and errors.
But it was the subtle rune carvings around and inside the weapon that caught the eye of those looking.
Marcus prided himself on his mastery of runework, he had been drawing them in his down time for years. His hands were still as stone or free as water when needed, tidy and controlled enough to make even the most miniscule of detail.
His most prized possession, the penned copy of the dwarven booklet he had found in the dusty cellar, was laid out lovingly beside the firearm, its pages opened to reveal two large wards Marcus had never been able to decipher. But the shape of them, the way they were put together, something about them spoke to his senses of power lost to time. No dwarf but Glodin had likely seen their like since first they'd been made all those years ago. Below each rune was written a jumble of text Marcus had diligently copied in painstaking detail, exactly as it had been written before, to assure no mistakes were made.
"This may be the last time I show that tome to anyone. A secret I found years ago when I was mercenary, and never able to read. I have been to the citadels and been cheated every time by your people, determined to take it from me. I do not surrender it to them, nor do I surrender it now to you. I want to know what is in this book that makes it so damn important." He pressed a small, almost invisible, marking on the guns handle and let the stone fall from it to his waiting hands. It was smoother than any gem, no edges at all save the carvings on its surface that throbbed with power. It was a little bigger than a grape but unmistakably powerful. "This is the stone that powers the weapon," He placed it down beside the gun back on the workbench. "I want to know how to make more." Marcus was prepared for dissapointment, theft, or even an outright attack as had happened before, but silently prayed that this time, one final time, he would finally learn its secrets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Upon hearing that both Bartuc and Ruinil would be joining the assault on the Hive, Evelyn's spirits were raised somewhat. One reason was because it meant they had more numbers and as a result a better chance at survival. The main reason was hearing Ruinil's response which suggested that her memories were returning to her. Satisfied with what she'd heard, the captain turned towards the direction of the stables only to see Karl standing behind her. Covering his eye, Evelyn initially thought he'd somehow managed to hurt himself and was about to send him to the healers. It was when the elf spoke that she understood the severity of the situation. It seemed that the dream had done more than give them visions. The familiar red pigmentation of Karl's eye began to send theories through Evelyn's mind as she tried to comprehend what could have caused such a thing to happen. "Could it be that Ruinil's demonic essence was so strong that night it infected Karl? If thats true, would it be that we are all infected? We all were present for her change, we may be the same", Evelyn thought things over for a moment as she looked over Karl's eye. At one point she thought to try and use her restoration magic on his eye but that seemed foolhardy as a demonic essence couldn't be removed with a simple healing spell. "Unfortunately I can't do anything to help you right now Karl, but I promise that once I am able I will do my best to help you. If you feel unfit for service I'll understand if you wish to remain at the keep".

Just then a templar courier came up to the knight-captain holding what seemed to be a scroll and an accompanying letter. Taking it from the courier she read the letter which was signed by Lieutenant Marcus. Apparently they were directions for how to use the scroll and such reminded Evelyn of the task at hand. "I'm afraid I must be off now, if you feel able then join us at the stables", Evelyn dismissed Karl and headed off towards the stables with the scroll in one hand and her helmet in the other.

Arriving at the stables she stood before the group to explain the plan. "As you are all aware, we are leaving to destroy the Kest Hive. While it is unknown how old this hive is, we can assume from the dream that it has existed for quite some time. Due to the high risk of this attack, strength alone will not protect us, this requires strategy and teamwork. There will be three groups: the vanguard, the rear, and the center. Argus, Bartuc, and Landeel will serve in the vanguard. Argus, your dwarven eyes will have to alert us to forward danger. Bartuc and Landeel, you two will aid in pushing forward through the enemy ranks. The center will be myself and Kaathe who will use a combination of our magic and weapons to maintain control of the masses of Kest we will surely encounter. Lastly will be Ruinil, Cyhtlla, and Henry, you three will be responsible for providing cover from the rear. Ruinil, use your bows on either Kest far ahead or those attempting to flank from the rear. Cyhthlla, there will be a good number of dead Kest shortly after entering the Hive, make them your thralls. Henry, you'll have to protect our rear along with Ruinil, don't let the Kest surround us", Evelyn was confident the group could handle the coming battle. Even if things don't go according to plan, the group was adaptable, as it is they've survived worse. Putting on her helmet she mounted her horse beforr looking back to her comrades, "Remember, work together and stay close. If our formation is broken they will take us down one by one", Evelyn had here horse trot towards the castle gates before waiting for the others to fall into formation. Once everyone had climbed onto their mounts they began the journey to the Hive.

It was not long of a journey as the group rode at breakneck speed to the Hive entrance. Upon arrival they were greeted with a not so friendly sight. The entrance wad a rather large cave mouth, about the size of the castle gates, and it's walls were coated with some mucus-like substance. The smells eminating from the cave were a mix of rotting flesh and Kest breeding pods. Evelyn stared into the dark cavern to see nothing but darkness, this was going to be a hard fight. "Make formation", the captain ordered to her fellow Templars before casting a simple magelight spell. A ball of pale white light hovered over her head as she awaited the others to prepare for entry into the foul abyss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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"Of course I'll be joining you Captain, and thank you." Karl does a back flip off the wall landing out side the fort running off into the woods Karl rides up to the front gate sitting upon a majestic full grown male Elk. Joining the formation as the others leave the fort, Karl trails slightly behind the others, having created an eyepatch that now covers his left eye. Many thoughts race through his head, but only one of them stays,"Why is my eye still red?" Then an idea formed,"I know why its red. It's a reminder of how I snapped back in the dream. That's the only explanation, it can't be demonic or the priests in the fort would have felt it." Catching up with the others Karl ends up next to Kaathe, looking over at the dark elf Karl gets an idea,"Hey Kaathe, how about you and me have a little friendly challenge. I bet that I'll kill more Kest than you can. Mostly because you're just a backstabbing Dark Elf, but other than that it's just because I am more inclined to be in the front line." Karl's challenge was set, this was not jut a challenge of skill but also one of pride and honor for one's race. The Wood Elves are a proud race, and Karl was a shining example of a not just a Templar but also that of a Wood Elven ranger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Mood: http://youtu.be/SxThZpslbhE

Upon arriving at the nest, Ruinil was met with a disturbing odor causing her eyes to water. She coughed and gagged slightly as she dismounted her horse. "Good gods...! What hell are we to face in there...?!" She whispered quietly as she peered inside. Unlike the rest of the party, Ruinil's demonic eyes could see clearly in the darkness.

Ruinil followed the party into the cave, her sword drawn. The air was still and everything was quiet. Too quiet in fact. It was only until the group was a decent distance into the nest when the silence was broken. Not very far behind the rear of the group, Ruinil heard a few rocks clatter from the side of the nest.

Ruinil whipped around and faced true horror. Several insect like beast was closing in on the party from behind. One of the beasts lunged at her. However, she did not hesitate, her body knew what to do, thus giving in to her instincts as she plunged her blade into the beasts skull. "We have company!!!" She roared urgently.

It was then when the hoard of kests charged at the party. Memories of battle flooded Ruinil's mind, making her movements change. She was no longer just charging carelessly into battle, each step she took was quick and light, almost as if she was walking on air. She constantly was rotating, constantly changing direction; she looked as if she were almost... Dancing. However, though her movements appeared dainty and graceful, they were powerful and deadly. Her expression seemed cold, serious, and showed murderous intent. There was no kindness, no warmth, and no gentleness in her eyes, just that of a killer as her eyes were glazed over. She had quickly lost count of the amount of beasts she had killed in such a short period of time, yet she did not for one moment, break formation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShaggyDoo0
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ShaggyDoo0 Mystery Inc. C.E.O. / Investigator extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glodin turned to his guest to see Marcus, a man he had heard many tales of. Most of the tales deal with his magical cannon that fits in the palm of his hand. He listened to the man as he spoke but his eyes grew wide at the sight of near perfect copies of ancient dwarven script. "This book here, it is not dwarven handwriting but it is the best copy I have seen outside of Uldgorin. There is no denying you took effort to make this legible." Glodin took the book in his hands amd began to skim. "If you lend me the copy I can translate everything you have written into the common tongue, but it will take time, for we have words that do not translate well into common. As for that stone, I can easily make you another if you procure the materials used to make that. It is a magika stone. The only way to make a stable one is with a storm elemental's core and stomach acid from a kest queen." Glodin placed the book back on the work bench before tossing his entire pick into the smelter, and watched as his precious weapon melted down in a rainbow of magical auras. "I thank you for showing me this and asking my help lad. I understand if you don't trust me to keep your copy of an old tome to translate, but I am going to test to see if those runes prove true in that book. Bring me a fresh copy of the first rune in that book and we will see together if I can compete with my ancestors." Glodin turned back to Marcus with a smile and offered his hand to shake. "I'll help you make a sister for your hand cannon and I shall translate the entire book, if you let me study and master those runes. Oh and you can call upon my talents as a craftsmen any time you wish, free of charge."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

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He didn't reveal his excitement but in his heart he was as close to losing control as he had ever come, desperate to remain calm as the dwarf showed true character and asked for little in return. Marcus already knew what payment he wanted. "You can have the book, I can't read it. Nor do I want it translated. Humans cannot handle such power, of this I am all too aware, and the elves would destroy it. No. You will learn every page, every line, until you can recite every word from memory. This can be your greatest achievement not mine.." The hunter had no need for recognition beyond those who knew fear in his presence. The dwarf agreed to help, and knew how to make the precious stone, but obviously he was incapable of replicating the runes and wards carved upon its surface. That was Marcus' specialty, steady hands helped with meticulous detail work.
With a nod, he took a seat and opened his journal to a blank page, the first rune in the dwarven text was an unknown to him but he had written it hundreds of times making sure he had gotten it right before converting it to the new text. Pencil in hand he began, one glance was all he needed to memorize every subtle twist and curve, his hand floated across the page with ease as it made the rune in moments. Satisfied, he slid the paper to the Smith. "If you want, I can likely cut that into something. But what rune is it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ShaggyDoo0
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ShaggyDoo0 Mystery Inc. C.E.O. / Investigator extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glodin prepped the forge to remake his pick, he knew it would take a while to hammer it into perfection but he needed to do it. He wanted, no, needed to test the rune. "Well, that rune particular translates roughly to Ignore earth, rip flesh, shatter bone, it is a powerful rune that's why if you look closely it seems to be broken into parts. As for you helping me with the rune lad, not this time. If it wasn't for my own personal pick I would let you. But only I can enhance my pick. Its a family tradition; my father had his hammer, his father had a helm, his father had an axe. This is my project." He spoke as he started pouring the molten metal into a mold to get the rough shape and he began to hammer it into shape. "Aye, a little tip for you as you like rune crafting, if you forge the metal with the rune etched in before the metal can cool, it can take more of a beating." He quickly grabbed the paper with the rune and placed it on the work bench. He used it as reference as he finished his pick, occasionally placing it back into the fire to heat the metal and finish the rune. Glodin then took the pick and cooled it in the tub of oil nearby. Sweat dripping from the dwarf's brow he made his way over to the grindstone and sharpened the pick to lethal points. After all was said and done he placed the pick before Marcus, showing him the near perfect rune. The dwarf dug through a drawer and grabbed a tiny detailing chisel and the small wooden mallet that accompanies it.

Glodin's face seemed troubled before he handed the chisel and mallet over to Marcus. "Here lad. Give it the finishing touches. I would prefer it done right this time so I can perfect my carvings later, and what could I say? You know that rune like the back of your hand."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

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"You honor me, Master Stonequarry, to allow me a chance to help you with your families tradition." With a nod he took up the chisel and mallet with steady hands and began to work. Unlike writing with a pencil this was much more difficult, but he knew detail work almost as well and took to the craft with relish, the tiniest of indentations that barely scratched the surface were his first order of business, easily brushed off as if they had not existed. When he was satisfied with what was on the pick, he took care to follow his lines perfectly. Each one brought power to the rune further and further until it was practically aglow with ambient magical power. A true rune.. not just a similar form, but the true work of a master. Made by two different people into one. He stepped back and let the dwarf admire the work they had both done. "When you are ready, Master Stonequarry, we can be at the hive in moments."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

battle music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_lbaJOvNK4

It was bug hunting season and Argus was ready to hunt. As they aproached the cve he could smell the stench that was within. This made him even more nervous since how worse r the stench was the bigger the hive would be. And this smell was pretty bad. So is Argus guessed correctly this was a hive that had been here for at least a year and a few months. So if they where lucky they would pull it of. If not then they would be used as husk to lay eggs in. Which was a really bad experience. They then started to form there formation and head in. They where inside the cave for at least 5 minuets when Argus heard buzzing. It echoed through the cave. Then He could hear runil scream as the attacked from the behind. Not even a moment later he saw groups of scout approach them. It looked like a never endless stream of wings and claws. The scout's really did not look that scary expect for there weird mouths which had needles sticking out of them ready to suck the blood out of them. But there was one thing that these things where weak against. Something that had made Argus even traverse other hives in the past. They where like butter to his hammer.

As The first scouts attacked him he simply stuck his hammer out like he wanted them to grab it. Which they of course did like stupid beast. But that was a bad mistake because as soon as they touched it there claws started to melt away. The screeched in pain as green blood oozed out of his wounds. Then Argus struck swinging his hammer through the bugs burning of body parts and wings. they looked like little fire flies as the flew into each other panicking. There Green blood going everywhere acros the room. But they just kept coming. Argus swung and swung. The insects flying around him trying to somehow grab him but because of his small size and his big hammer it proved to be difficult. And through all of this he hadn't even broken formation once just swinging away without a care in the world laughing all the way." i HAD FORGOTTEN HOW STUPID THESE THINGS ARE!" He said while burrowing his hammer into one of the scouts faces. He then looked at the captain and screamed." CAPTAIN WE SHOULD START TO PUSH THROUGH BEFORE THEY TIRE US OUT. BECAUSE AS FUN AS THIS ALL IS I CAN'T KEEP THIS UP FOR..." A scout crashed into him sending him through the ground. It tried to stab Him in the neck but Argus drew his knife and stabbed it through his neck. It screamed a horrible scream sending shivers through him spine. He kicked the best of of him grabbed him hammer and swung just in time sending a scout flying. This had pissed Argus of and his hammer started to glow even more its runes already in blue flame." COME ON THEN YOU BUGGERS. ILL RIP YOUR HEADS OF AND USE IT AS ROOM DECOR !!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Bartuc did not enjoy the quiet ride to the hive, his whole life he had been solitary but now it felt almost criminal to be so close to someone and still be so far away. There wasn't much he could do about it though since the Knight-Captain had given him explicit orders to be part of the Vanguard, where normally he would enjoy being given the enemy was numerous. His bloodlust demanded attantion as they entered the burrow but his mind returned to the present and protecting Ruinil as he had promised. His sloppiness nearly cost him his own life as the tunnel erupted in Kest Scouts, swarming them from every direction.
One large claw barely missed skewering him then and there, another hit him in the back of the head sending him stumbling as he tried to get to Ruinils side. The sheer numbers blocked every route and left the three further from the group but still in formation. "I trust you, my love. Fight well." He whispered, lunging forward and tackling a scout into the dirt thrashing and biting, Bartucs fist erupted in a fireball of crimson death, launching the nearest insects back against their kin. A moment of respite was all he needed to prepare.
His axe and mace in hand he began the assault with Argus. The plan for them had been simple; Kill or cripple. Argus and Bartuc were hands down one of the better choices for destruction en masse, while Landeel was a calm efficient killer with his greatsword. Bartuc worked in unison with the two, charging back and forth to disrupt enemy lines with his particular style of combat. He didn't aim for heads often, focusing on cleaving through legs with savage glee, his hammer cracked their exoskeleton to dust as his arms pumped furiosly in an almost unending cascade of violence. For every scratch he took Bartuc gave another bug a ticket to deaths embrace. Covered in gore, flames burning the putrid blood and body parts that stuck to him, he gave chase.
Throwing himself at the biggest patches of the filthy creatures he struck with the fury of a giant, bashing Kest left and right or cleaving limbs. Argus proved just as efficient, his molten hammer playing a crucial part of crippling the bugs. Whenever Argus found himself becoming surrounded he found Bartuc ramming his way in, a fiery beacon in the darkness. Landeel was likely not far behind either, putting an end to any creature that tried to retreat or go for 'easier prey'.
"Form up!" He roared, "Clear a path for the others." All three formed a small wedge and drove through in a whirlwind of molten steel and death. Superficial wounds were the best a scout could do, at least against this group, but Bartuc felt deep down that the fight had only truly begun with the weakest of Kest. The blood and gore would attract bigger foes in time.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

To say that the ride to the hive was unpleasant for Kaathe would be lying. For how could one feel unpleasant on a ride, when there was no ride to be on? The day had not been kind to the dark elf. First he awakes from a rather annoying dream, then he starts wandering about and trying to suppress thoughts of idiocy, then he's suddenly called to action, with no time to retrieve his armor, meaning that he was in clothes not meant to protect his body from any sort of physical blow. Lastly, by the time he had even joined the others, there was not a mount left available, forcing him to turn to a rather annoying and taxing option: running.

It wasn't a tough option, to be honest. Years of experience in the Dawn Covenant and the training from his younger years in his homelands had made mundane actions such as running trivial. That's not to say that the action didn't take away from him, of course. One could not be expected to keep up with a horse and still be completely fine at the end. If they somehow did, then that person would have to be a complete idiot, too stupid to realize how tired their body was. Kaathe was not that person.

Although the lighter attire was less of a burden to his body, Kaathe still had to expend much energy to keep up his stamina and follow the group. It had gotten to the point that he had to release control of his arms and lean forward to focus on running. When they reached their destination, he had to take a knee. He pondered on whether or not fate wanted him to die today, but then shut off the thought in favor of focusing on catching his breath. It helped a little that the scent of the place reminded him of that small island he was thrown onto as a child.

Captain Evelynn went over her plan back at Thanermere, and the formation that they were to take up when facing the hive. He was fortunate enough to be in the middle to support and fight mainly with magic. It meant his body would bear less of a burden, and recover more quickly for when the stronger waves of Kest arrived.

Then Karl went up to him.

The Wood Elf had challenged him. Which of them would be able to kill more Kest during the mission. Obviously, Kaathe could have cared less about it, even more so to the blatant insult to his race. However, a bit of a challenge wasn't a bad thing. Yes, it definitely lowered the chances of survival, as the focus would be shifted to completing the challenge, but Kaathe's odds couldn't get much worse at that point.

"Very well, wood elf. Just be sure that you make a decision that you'd regret."

Kaathe chuckled softly as he took up position near Evelyn. They entered the cave, and prepared to fight the overgrown insects. Kaathe thought on the challenge. It wouldn't be too difficult. Though he may or may not be limited to how many bolts he had on him at the moment. As long as the formation held, though, he figured he'd still have plenty of chances to kill more than Karl.

Then the Kest showed up.

Kaathe found himself placing his hand on his face. Not two seconds after they find the monsters the formation had been broken. Only slightly, of course, but still immediately broken. Ruinil, who was specifically told to be at the rear to shoot arrows at the Kest, had charged at them with her sword. Yes, she was killing a lot of them, but now it might be that others would deviate, and everything would just become a chaotic mess.

Still, Kaathe decided to let it go. If the girl wanted to increase the likelihood that she'd be overwhelmed by the sheer number and variability of strength of the Kest, let her. It was no concern of his. Besides, they came from behind. It wasn't really her fault anyway.

He simply took a bolt, and a moment to focus a bit more of an unstable Cryomancy enchantment onto it, and then loaded it into his crossbow. He jumped high into the air, and shot it into the bunch of Kest that were further away from those who were fighting up close. The instability of the enchantment broke upon the impact between bolt and its target, and the creature erupted with large, sharp spikes of ice made up of its frozen blood and innards.

Kaathe counted before he landed on his feet again.

"Seven, huh..."
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Doc Doctor
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Doc Doctor The Fight Doctor

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amidst the melee stood Gonad, proud and tall. A vast pile of kest had already begun accumulating behind him. He had figured out a very effective way if dealing with the blighters. Let them run up, grab them, and kill them. It was so simple that it defied logic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of flames01
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Ace of flames01 The Returned

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Ruinil felt a slight chill go down her spine, then felt a burning sensation in her chest. Her soul, though it was for a brief, yet what felt like an eternity of a moment, had synchronized with Bartuc's. During that moment, she could hear Bartuc's thoughts, and feel everything. His breathing, his heart beat, his emotions, even every single muscle that moved; she felt a sudden electric, jolt - like, pulse. The throbbing pain in her head ensued as a few fragments of memories of Bartuc flashed in her mind. They were smaller memories that contained a brief first meeting, a few fond words......... And a promise made between the two of them.

Ruinil's head jerked around and saw Bartuc in a blazing inferno of crimson hell fire. Kests surrounded him and there was no immediate route between the them. Ruinil grit her teeth, revealing a pair of fangs in the place of her canines. "Don't you dare die, Bartuc! You promised to protect me did you not?! If you die I will never forgive you!" She roared to him.

With that said, Ruinil blocked then counterattacked an oncoming kest with her sword. Ruinil returned to the offensive. She knew that her orders were to attack with her bow, but it could no longer be helpful. The kests were closing in too quickly; if she were to take out her bow now, she would be eaten alive.

The bloodbath continued.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ShaggyDoo0
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ShaggyDoo0 Mystery Inc. C.E.O. / Investigator extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glodin put out the flames of the forge then donned his armor. He grabbed his hammer and pick, placing the hammer on his belt and his pick on his back. "Alright lad, lets set out. I'd like to see your magic cannon there in action before the day is through." He adjusted his gauntlets and belt before motioning for Marcus to take the lead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marcus opened his jacket and produced a replica scroll to the one he had given Knight-Captain Evelyn, unraveling it to reveal one final rune he had not shown the Dwarf. It looked like a whirlpool but with glyphs outlining the circular inward flow. Placing it on the wall, the magic took effect quickly and began to coalesce into a real whirlpool confined entirely on the wall as it stretched outwards until it was tall enough for a person to walk through standing up. It only took a few minutes for the scroll to fully bring the portal to reality, a gateway between two identical runes. It sucked in anything that got to close, pulling at Marcus' clothes and nearly taking his hat off. "You go first, Glodin. When I pass through it will close." The dwarf hesitated a moment, likely interested in the creation of such magic, but then went through. Marcus was in soon after.

The portal had been connected to a tree a short distance from the hive tunnels and already the sounds of battle could be heard over the screams of the insect creatures. "Go find glory, Master Stonequarry, I will be in shortly." Marcus readied his pistol and grabbed the faltering portal scroll, rolling it back up and storing it in his jacket next to a few other scrolls.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cuccoruler
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Cuccoruler The Banana Chicken

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

On the trip to the Kest hive Cythlla looked at Kaathe a few times, however she turned away with a blush on her face. ~I should hate him, what is happening?~ Cythlla thought to herself. Henry could tell, and as he was overprotective he growled at Kaathe to keep his distance from Cythlla.

Once the battle started Cythlla dug her shovel into the ground. The dead Kest had started to move again, She made it that the bodies glowed an eerie green. This way they would be able to tell the difference from her kest and the other kest. Although a few of the ones she had brought back seemed to fall down and die again immediately due to some of them not having enough limbs for them to move around with. "Leave more unmutilated! I can't rise the ones without enough limbs to move!" Cythlla yelled at the others. Henry meanwhile was working on protecting Cythlla from any of the rear attackers.

Cythlla started to look a bit worn out now. She had plenty of magic in her reserve for now, but after the healing ritual she was a bit drained. The dream last night didn't exactly leave her feeling rested either. Cythlla continued to rise the Kest regardless. They were currently being used to keep the rest of the hive back making the number of kest the group had to fight manageable for now.

A Kest that wasn't hers however had slipped through. It attack her by only managed scratch her. Cythlla bit her lip in pleasure. Now the adrenaline would start to pump. "Oh... Now it's getting started." Cythlla said with a crazed look in her eyes. She shoved her shovel into the ground. A few of the dead kest near by suddenly ripped apart then the parts shot at Henry turning into morbid looking bear armor. Henry gave a roar "LETS RUMBLE!" Henry cried before taking out a rather large group of Kest in front of Ruinil by ramming into the middle of them and swiping them away. They didn't do much damage to him thanks to the armor now granted to him by Cythlla.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheDarkTemplar
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TheDarkTemplar Knight-Captain

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The formation was holding, at least for the moment. As the battle raged on Evelyn began to realize something. The sheer number of Kest surging through the tunnels for this amount of time hinted at the sheer enormity of this Hive. These were only the Scouts that they were fighting, to reach the queen and end this hive the group have to fight through practically an underground city of Kest. Even with this being the case, Evelyn knew they had no choice but to press on. If this Hive became subservient to Sar'than, chaos would spread across eastern Miras. As Evelyn fought on, using her electromancy to stun the Kest long enough for her fellow warriors to cut them down, she noticed a strange pattern to their movements. Some scouts traveled along the ceiling, headed towards specific points along the tunnel walls. As she continued to repel the insectoid abominations she noticed that those special scouts were digging at support pillars in the tunnel. If those pillars were to fall, the tunnel would collapse on top of everyone. Evelyn focused her electromancy at those key points in the hopes of deterring the Kest from moving to complete their mission. Unfortunately she could not hold them all back and after some time the bugs managed to collapse the pillars. Instead of the ceiling collapsing, the floor to the tunnel gave way, revealing an interminable pit of darkness through which they all fell. Evelyn prepared for what she assumed to be certain death but was relieved when she realized this was an emergency diversion chute. As the group slid down the mucus lined tubes they were seperated along the way.

Evelyn, Kaathe, Cythlla, Gonad, and Argus had fallen into a chamber which was horrid even for Kest standards. What made this place so terrible was not simply the appearance but what was present in that chamber. From the looks of it a laboratory had been built here, scattered about were tables and supply chests. Some tables had alchemical devices and ingredients resting atop them while others carried the remains of an abomination. Man, elf, dwarf, bodies of all the races lay strewn across the tables, their corpses mangled and melded with Kest chitin to make a hybrid of species. For a moment Evelyn dared not approach for fear of awakening these poor souls, but upon realizing the greater threat should they remain idle she quickly spoke up. "Search the room. Before we destroy this we need to make sure it can't be repeated", she ordered as she walked past the numerous operating tables. One table in particular had a notebook resting beside jars of human and Kest flesh. Another notebook lay beside an alchemy set and yet another by a corpse built better than the rest.

As for Ruinil, Karl, Bartuc, Landeel, and Henry, they ended up in a pit similar to the other in the sense that it too was used for experimentation. However, instead of creating hybrids, this lab seemed to focus on necromancy or possibly blood magic. Dead Kest warriors and scouts hung from chains along the walls of laid out atop ritual circles. Some looked strange, clad in dark armor styled to imitate The Dead God in some way. Like the other room, notebooks lay scattered across it's space. One by a ritual circle, another by a dead Kest warrior, and another by a small library containing books on necromancy and it's various branches.

As for Marcus and Glodin, the two met a similar fate as surprisingly another hole opened up at the mouth of the cave which they stood at. Just like the others they fell into a tunnel lined with slime and sludge only to end up in a room which looked to be a dungeon. There were a number of dead bodies within the cells but if the two templars listened carefully a low moan and whimper could be heard from amongst the corpses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Landeel was a bit solemn during the ride to the nest, it was a reminder of the team he'd lost on the way to the nest just the day before, hopefully this time things went differently. There was no mistaking when they were getting close to the nest, the smell was enough to tell of that. Dismounting and getting to his point in the formation, he went in with the rest of the party. They only made it a short distance before being ambushed, the rear of their formation getting hit first, it disrupted them for a moment before they regained some of their composure. Soon Landeel was fighting alongside Bartuc and Argus, his blade's reach kept most of the kest away from him and it let him take out any that tried to get around the warriors. All he could do was focus on his part and trust the other to take care of theirs. He didn't notice the kest that were after the supports until they had successfully taken the floor out from under them and sent them all down into the tunnels.

When Landeel finally landed in some sort of chamber he sat up, groaning out "ugh, blighters" and looking around to see who else had landed with him. He then got up to his feet and looked about the room at all the corpses. He walked up to the dead kest warrior, prodding it experimentally with his shortsword a few times before putting it away and picking up the notebook lying near it. As he dusted it off he suddenly realized that his greatsword was not on him. He quickly turned around and looked at where they had fallen but he didn't see it there "Damned!" it must have fallen wherever the others were!
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