Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The voting did not take long, as soon as the debate portion was over the SPriggans inputted their votes immediately, the whole voting prcoess took a good few minutes. Once all the votes were in it immediately appeared before everyone that stood around the stage. To Kei's surprise the results were in favor for him. At that moment the fanfare by the system commenced, horns that signified victory and virtual confetti spilled out all around the stage and around the players disappearing into small blue polygonal bursts as they hit the ground, it was not long before the congratulatory system announcement and Kei stepped up to address all the Spriggans before him.「Fellow Spriggans I thank you in giving me the honor to be your leader, I promise to keep on my word and give the Spriggans a presence in this world without a doubt.」He bowed to the crowd before him and upon raising his head, he drew one of his swords raising it into the air with great vigor.「For the Spriggan race, I dedicate my life!」The crowd let out a loud roar of applause soon after. That marked the end of the elections for the Spriggan Race
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Feera al' Naja

Where : Cait Sith Capital City <<Freelia>>

Who : @Jasonhero Agni Ormr / All Racial Leaders

It had been a few days since the election and things were beginning to wind down in Freelia as everyone settled back into their daily routines after the excitement of the elections. For Feera the days after being vested with the power of her race proved troublesome as she was immediately assaulted on all sides by people looking for favors and advantages. For the most part her focus had remained internal, carefully handling and managing the unique and delicate political situation she'd placed herself in. However, as reports of the new Puca-Gnome-Leprechaun alliance began to filter in it was becoming apparent that Feera was going to have to start directing more of her energy towards foreign policy.

For the Cait Sith's the announcement of such an alliance was highly unnerving for a number of reasons, not the least of which was that they bordered one end of this triple-threat. There was strength in numbers and although these races were perhaps not the most militaristic it was almost certain that together they could field a force which was more than a match for any Cait Sith defenses. Being a neutral nation Feera had not yet engendered the hatred of any of the other leaders and as it stood she aimed to create policy to keep it that way.

Turning to a nearby assistant Feera intoned her request quickly. "Bring me nine scribes and nine men of the messenger corp from the city militia." With a quick bow the assistant turned away to hurriedly complete the task. As things stood Feera did not necessarily wish to forge any unnecessarily alliances which might weight her down later. No, her idea was much simpler and more ingenious than that.

Dear Racial Leader,

I, Feera 'al Naja of the Cait Sith, extend to you my warmest greetings and congratulations on your appointment to your office. Although you may be excited to begin exercising your new authority I would like to humbly request that you first consider the offer that is contained within this letter. In three weeks time in the Cait Sith capital of Freelia I plan on holding a Leader's Summit to address the issues and concerns of those living within the world of Alfheim. We would happily invite you to come in person though, if that is not possible, we ask that you please send an ambassador with the authority to verify and confirm the decisions of the summit. I look forward to greeting you all in person.

With well tidings,
-- Feera 'al Naja First Grand Conveyor of the Cait Sith

Feera's plan was simple. If the events of the summit went as planned and enough business was hashed out then it would become viable to declare their country a neutral zone where international politics could be discussed and resolved without the threat of outside influence. Further still their neutrality would become a shining boon for so long as they remained unbiased and non-aggressive in their actions it would be to the advantages of the other races to keep them around.

As Feera finished the letter and propagated a number of copies the scribes and messengers arrived. It took only a minute or so of instruction to these men and women before they departed again, each in turn gathering supplies and provisions for their long and most probably secret journies across the world of Alfheim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Agni Ormr

Where: Cait Sith Capital City <<Freelia>>

Who: @Izaka Sazaka Feera al' Naja

Agni stepped into the hall in front of each of the messengers, and they stopped on sight to salute him. The boy quickly returned the salute and looked each of them in the eye. "I want all of you to do me a personal favor... Come back home alive. Understand?" He said to them, and was pleased when a solid "Yes, Sir!" came from the group assembled before him. Agni knew the messengers would be in danger during their runs, scouts reported that there were still some PKing guilds running amok out there. The young fairy knew that he would not want any of his men or women to get killed in battle. That was part of the reason the boy was popular among his troops, they knew he cared about them; he had learned every single name of every person in the military. He talked to them, knew how things were with each of the troops and he even had taken most of them out to get drinks. Simply because that was something he did. He smiled and nodded at each of the braved soldiers as they rushed off to complete their tasks... and admittedly sent a prayer to whatever deity was out there (if there was one) asking for their safe return home. Once every messenger had filed out of the hall to head out on their journey, Agni watched the doors close before turning to head inside Feera's office. He signaled to the two guards in the room to stand outside, mostly because that was there post and they needed to be outside the doors. Agni made a mental note to speak to them later about this, he wouldn't allow Feera's personal guard to abandon post like that again.

Agni looked up at Feera, and his usually 'I'm a big professional military guy' attitude dropped. He smiled like the boy he was, dropping to say hello to his friend. As if this whole death game thing wasn't happening outside. "You know Miss Strazka out there practically worships you. She's one of the messengers you sent out today, sweet girl. You're like her idol. Pushing that aside for now, I have some actual work reports to give you, it'll be great." He said before swiping to open up his menu. The boy then went and made the screen visible so that Feera could see it. "Since we are beast tamers and all that, I decided to give each of our patrol units a heavy beast in case they come across some Pkers or a particularly powerful monster. The Scouts will be taming some of the smaller and more agile beasts to assist them. As you can see here I have four of our scouts who went on trial for taming their beasts. Complete success because I'm awesome and all that and you love me for being so cool. Kidding about the second part. Anyways, only one of our patrol units has a heavy beast. I had to step in and help on that one... but we managed to tame... well its a big ass snake that can fly apparently. It really likes Corporal Mtruzi. Anyways, with these enhancements we will be able to hold off bigger attacks from monsters or players should they come. I'm going to organize more beast taming as we go. I also think it would be wise to build up our offensive capabilities, so we can strike for the World Tree whenever the time comes. But that's just me being Mr. Macho." The boy said with a small shrug. Throughout his report, the screen had been showing the specs of the monsters they had managed to tame over the last few days. Agni had manged to get all this work done by running more than one taming at the same time.

Work finished Agni took a step back and looked over Feera. "How are you handling things Feera? I want the answer from my friend by the way, not my boss. I know being a leader is probably stressful. Anyways, I was wondering is you wanted to go get a drink or something whenever you're off today?" The boy asked, then his entire face turned bright red (thank you over exaggeration of the expressions in virtual world!) as he got embarrassed for a second. "N-not as a date! I meant friends, sorry I should have been more clear because like I've made an idiot of myself now and... I'm gonna go ahead and shut up" He said, looking down for a second. He was worried Feera would take his offer as him trying to make a move on her and get annoyed by it. (He wasn't trying to hit on her, he just wanted to hang out with his friend!). He figured normally she wouldn't be bothered by it... but as was the nature of a massive amount of people being in close proximity to each other... rumors started. Agni of course had heard the one that he had a secret relationship with Feera (of course the evidence used was that he talked to her alot. But that kinda comes with the job of military commander, and being her friend.).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Izaka Sazaka
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Izaka Sazaka Carai an Caldazar! Carai an Ellisande!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Feera al' Naja

Where : Cait Sith Capital City <<Freelia>>

Who : @Jasonhero Agni Ormr / All Racial Leaders

As it stood Feera had been in the process of busily filling out this and that report as Agni stepped into the room. At first she didn't look up, instead continuing to scrawl away on yet another piece of parchment to yet another guild leader on the topic of yet another problem. "You can put the reports on that pile over there." With a wave of her arm Feera motioned towards the far edge of her desk, this particular side being occupied by a number of very large paper stacks. "And could you bring me some water when you come--" When Feera finally looked up and noticed Agni's presence her quill stopped. There was an awkward moment of silence before Feera let out an embarrassed laugh, to consumed in her paperwork to realize who'd come to see her. "Oh, sorry Agni. I've been pretty busy as of late." Pushing aside whatever parchment she was working on Feera allowed her second in command to give his report, nodding every now and again at the details.

The progress of their military development was moving along at a steady pace. The sooner the militias were armed with something more than just raw steel the better, especially with their precarious political position. While Feera did indeed intend to strike towards the diplomatic route it never hurt to have a little insurance, though she doubted she'd be able to hold out long against any determined military aggression, at least not yet.

"How are you handling things Feera? I want the answer from my friend by the way, not my boss. I know being a leader is probably stressful."

With a heavy sigh Feera placed her hands gently on the edge of her massive desk, pushing back her chair so that she could stand fully. Turning away from Agni she stepped over towards the nearby window, one hand pressed against the cool glass as she peered outside. "I'll be honest, it's tough. Everyone seems to aways be wanting something and I never had enough of anything to give the people what they ask for. I've had to settle for giving them just what they need, at least for now. We're only a week or so old as a government, we don't have a lot of money to spend right now and what we do have is going towards arming our militias. I think that once we give it a little time things should level out." Lowering her hand, Feera turned back to face Agni again as he uttered his second question.

"I was wondering is you wanted to go get a drink or something whenever you're off today?"

Feera couldn't help but laugh for a second time, green eyes flashing a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "So that's the best you could do huh?" Feera needled her friend a little, teasing him in an obviously joking manner. "I mean, maybe if you were a bit stronger, had more money, were famous. . ." Her voice faded out as if in consideration, though she was sure Agni would realize she was just teasing. "All joking aside I'd love too, though perhaps it'd be best to set the date for another time. I've got a lot of work to do and I'm sure you're equally pre-occupied." Returning to her desk, Feera took her seat and began settling into her papers once again. "How about this? If the peace summit goes well I'll give you a shot." The girl concluded this agreement with a wink.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animus
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Animus I live in Singapore.

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Where : Cait Sith Border
Who : Cait Sith Messenger

The Cait Sith carefully landed into the trees below, making sure not one of his comrades had caught sight of him. He had worked hard to achieve his current position in the messenger corps and it would have been a huge waste if got expelled from it if he got caught or worse; exiled from the Cait Sith lands. It's okay, nothing will go wrong. He wasn't leaking confidential information anyway, news of Feera's invitation to the other racial leaders would soon spread, he was simply letting this guy know ahead of the rest for a tidy sum.

After running for a bit, he caught sight of his client, a rather tall Imp dressed in a suit that felt out of place in the fantasy world they were trapped in.

"Here's the letter Feera personally instructed us to send," he said as digital code collected around his hand, forming into an envelope. The Imp calmly took the envelope and read through it's contents.

"That's all right?" continued the Caith Sith. The Imp responded without words, merely handing him back the letter and sending a gift mail attached with 20,000 yurudo.

"Yeah, that's all I wanted to know." And with those words, the Imp vanished into the shadows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Who: @1Charak2

Now that the elections were over Kashin had no good reason to remain in the capital. That was for this moment since he had nothing productive he could accomplish here. The people of Sylvain were relatively happy because they now had a leader whom they could blame there troubles and it is true he did not believe that he could stop that. However there was a good amount of verbal conflicts and jostles within the capital the day after the election. In truth what he did was show everyone that freedom of speech does exist even if they did not have a face to put on the avatar that spoke those words. And in the end the players will realize they have more rights preventing the government from raising a large army without protest.

However if the players were smart enough to make the connection that Kashin wanted them to make was up for debate. Either way it as what's-her-name's problem now and he had better getting back to his regular duties. Kashin exited the city and took off from the ground at full speed. Near the end of his last hunt his long sword broke forcing him to finish off the Black Bear-looking creature with his <Wind Barrage>. Well it was him and only him to blame for not watching the durability of his weapon before bringing it into combat. Maybe it was time for him to change weapons because he had been using that particular weapon since he upgraded from his starting sword. In truth it was the basic One-Handed Longsword that the NPC vendors sold. He did make a pretty decent use out of it but nothing lasted forever. Kashin had to man up and find a good replacement for his torn up weapon. That is why the Sylph made his way to Domnann, the Leprechaun capital. A friend of his recommended a decent black smith who made relatively quality weapons. In that case Kashin would pay them a visit for a new longsword.

That was when he received an email. Kashin kept his alert on because he was too lazy to turn it off. Even though if this notification wet off during a fight then the second distraction could be life or death in this game. He scouted for a safe wooded area to land and check the message.


Lately I've heard that you are making your name known as a popular PKer. Lately I've been having trouble solo PKing so I was wondering if you would be interested in forming a PK party.


"Hahahahah. It might not be a good thing if I'm getting fan mail." Kashin stated to himself out loud as he took off into the sky. It was pretty ridiculous that people on this game teamed up to kill each other but Kashin didn't really kill the people he was PKing so it wasn't the type of crowd he would want to be around. The kind of PKing Kashin the threat of killing so that his prey would give up all their loot. Who knows aybe the psychological damage he is doing is worse than a true PKer but at least he didn't kill people......or no one has made him kill yet. Who knows if they refuse to to drop their money then one day he might just have to take their life. After all survival at the fittest was a principle of life.

Soon Kashin could see Domnann after a couple of days of traveling. He was excited he made it but he soon had to hide away in his cloak because he was too popular as a PKer to just show his face in an someone else's safe zone. He did wear the cloak he did for the Sylvain election but a raggedy old brown cloak would due for this kind of stealth. Upon landing he soon made his way toward the merchant part of town. After some asking around he located the vendor of a Leprechaun named Smithy. Kashin could not real his identity to this person but the orange cursor probably made it obvious he was some kind of PKer. Either way he needed a good blade.

"Hello, Mr. Smithy. I've been told you make quality weapons so could I have come to purchase your best One-handed longsword." Kashin stated trying to sound polite.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Agni Ormr

Where: Cait Sith Capital City <<Freelia>>

Who: @Izaka Sazaka Feera al' Naja

Agni stood there with his mouth slightly open and stupid grin on his face. He probably said something real smooth like "Uh.... Duh" before blinking a few times and gaining his composure back. "Well, M'lady, let us hope that the summit goes well, yes? I look forward to our date." He says then thinks about something briefly and opens his menu, he selected a few things and suddenly a vase of flowers developed on Feera's desk. "I saw these back when we were just starting out, I remember something about you said they were pretty. However, I think we both remember the extreme price... So I saved up. A gift from the boy you managed to steal the heart away from. Do me a favor and look at them when you're feeling stressed, let them remind you I'm always here. If you need me then you know how to reach me..." He said then trailed off as he realized how cheesy that was sounding. He quickly became flustered again "I'm sorry, that was cheesy. What it comes down to is this, I like you... I was just waiting for the right time to ask" He said and looked down towards his feet slightly, not sure at all if he had played this correctly. The boy waited for a while before he began to back up towards the door. "I'll let you get back to work then M'lady." Agni said simply as he got ready to go. Of course, Feera could always stop him to add any comments that she needed before he left.

*After Feera says whatever it is she says to him before he leaves (If Feera does say anything to him)*

Agni left the room and looked the two who had been standing guard. He gestured for both of the young Cait Sith to come over to him. The boy looked each one in the eye for a few brief moments before he finally began to speak."Do you know why I chose each of your to be on her personal guard?" He says and when he gets no response from either as they realized what kind of conversation this was. "It was because YOU were the most promising among the militia, YOU took orders and followed them to the letter, I could trust YOU. Now do each of your care to explain to me why I was able to mosey on into her office without being challenged? Both of you were inside the office, not outside. Any Cait Sith wanting to make money from another race could have easily walked right in there and attacked her. Without either of you having any time to react. That means we would have to rely on Feera not being distracted and able to react in time to spare her life. That IS NOT a risk I'm willing to take. Do either of you understand why you are given spears? So you can block the doors easily and use your range to stop a potential attacker before they reach the door. Something you CAN NOT DO INSIDE THE DOOR. You will sty at your posts or I will bust you back to border patrol. Do I make myself clear?" The boy said as he stared each of them down, both Cait Sith understood his reasoning and nodded quickly. "Crystal Clear, Sir! It won't happen again" They said in unison. Agni smiled and looked at them again, pleased to see they understood. Then he went to do his routine patrols to check on his troops.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Where: Domnann
Who: @GrandzHelios

Smithy had only just gotten over his loss of the sandwich when he remembered that the day was wasting. Standing up he shook his head over his overreaction to the loss of expensive food. Honestly it was a bit bad for business if people saw that. Sighing heavily Smithy opened his menu. His eyes looking over at some of the other race members that was in the Capital. Smithy was struck with some inspiration for a new batch of weapons.

Sure most of his weapons where made through the preset Smithing perimeters set by the System. basically input materials Smack it a few times and if your levels high enough receive output. Honestly though the basic method was no fun. Custom forging however was on a much higher degree of complexity as such most Smiths haven't started it yet preferring to master their basic forging first. It also had a larger failure rate for items. As such Smithy just usually only made Daggers this way to keep his skills honed in case somebody wanted a custom order. He also made his own weapons this way. As it gave them more sentimental value other then just as a tool used to beat somethings head in.

Firstly he had already brought some materials but he was gonna need more, so it was back to mining on the outskirts of the capital, not to far however, his combat skill wasn't high enough for him to risk a further venture, That and the fact their could be some player killers waiting for when people ventured too far. It was a real risk that Smithy didn't feel like taking.
Never the less a few hours of mining and material gathering resulted in a nice amount of materials for forging. Now all he had to do is forge it up in a Smithery somewhere and he would be done.

A few days later

Smithy was back on the market again to sell his next batch of weapons which he had forged during the last few days. He was aiming for profit this time like any other time. He had already sold a few of his Items mainly the armor to a couple of Gnomes whom had come to the Territory since the Triple <<Alliance>> had formed between the two races.

Smithy looked out towards the crowd for anyone else coming towards his vendor. He noticed a cloaked figure. Awfully suspicious really. The person probably had something to hide, maybe they were being hunted or they were hunting someone else. Smithy then noticed the orange marker above the persons head and his face turned sour. The cloaked figure then politely asked for a sword, probably thinking Smithy would just do a transaction and leave it like that. Yet the orange cursor made Smithy unwilling to let it be simple. Lowering his voice he spoke to the cloaked person. "Why would you like a sword? Perhaps you are going to use it to kill others. So tell me why did you come to me if your a criminal. Because I don't want any part in any shady business." Smithy said pausing to lean over. "Now tell me who you are before I call the guards, believe me when I say they are itching for action." Smithy threatened. His eyes where narrowed in thought, His face on the other hand looked a little cynical. The cloaked figure better put up a good explanation. Maybe if the Cloaked figure knew that selling weapons to player killers was kinda outlawed in Leprechaun territory after the government passed a charter. Then Smithy wouldn't have to bother with this foolish idiot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GrandzHelios
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GrandzHelios The Sword

Member Seen 2 yrs ago



Kashin heard this players response and it was one that he would expect it to be. It was no surprise to him that most players avoided those with orange cursors and if he was not used to ducking guards then he probably would have been assaulted by one and thrown in prison for have such a cursor on him. In fact he better finish this up before one does come over here. The the merchant had the audacity to threaten the Player-killer with the city guards who would no doubt turn against him. Well it is not like they would catch him since there were few players who could chase him in the air and keep up with him. Therefore he did not need to fear such threats as long as Kashin minded his surroundings.

Still his goal was not to come into Leprechaun territory and escape with a weapon. It was to build a good relationship with a talented smith. "Mr. Smithy, although it is true that no smith wants their children to be used for combat and my cursor does indicate I will do such thing. But I use my weapons no differently than one does in a duel. Everyday I see merchants sell to those who would use them in a duel so I see no reason why not to sell to me." Kashin paused to lean forward and reveal his face to the merchant. "It is true I have been popular but I have never taken another life in this game. In truth any PVP I do is to help those who cannot fend for themselves and I do come into conflict with the law sometimes. " He took another pause to pull his head away from the merchant and stand up tall. "I am willing to offer you 12,000 Yurudo for the best one-handed long sword you are willing to make." He said presenting his offer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It was not long after Kei settled into the office designated to the leader of the Spriggans, that a messenger had approached him quiet formally. it was obviously a Cait Sith messenger and as such Kei immediately figured this was from someone important in the Cait Sith Territory. He kindly accepted the letter and right away the messenger left without much conversation. Kei Shrugged to himself quietly and went and sat down in the chair that sat in front of a half circle desk. Once he was comfortable he manipulated the menu before him and opened up the letter he was given. He gave it a read and inside was a invitation to a conference with all the racial leaders to discuss the current situation all the players in ALO were in. He closed the menu before him and thought to himself for a few seconds. He decided that this would be a good meeting for two reasons. One, he could actually see what the other leaders were thinking of, and two, to gauge the other leaders and figure out if any of them would become possible threats to the Spriggans.

Since he decided that he would be taking part he figured he would need some extra hands since the trip to the Cait Sith Territory is a long ways away and tackling it alone would be a task that would result in death, even for a player of his caliber. With that in mind he opened up his messaging menu and sent out a message to all the Spriggans.

To all Spriggans,

In a few weeks time I will be heading out for a leaders conference in the Cait Sith territory, now before anyone says anything the meeting is not about alliances or any of that sort it is only to discuss what will happen from this point on since all of us are trapped in this game after all. I have one goal, though, and that is to gauge whether or not any of the other leaders will be a future threat to us. Now on to my main point, as many of you know the Cait Sith Territory is on the opposite end of this continent and a journey of that caliber is not an easy journey in any way regardless of who takes it on, as such I am looking for a group of strong and brave Spriggans willing to come along and allow for this journey to be a safe journey. I promise you will be payed accordingly if anyone does choose to volunteer for this. If anyone is willing, send me a reply at any time.

Best of Regards --
Kei, Spriggan Leader

With that all set and down he cleared his Heads Up Display of the message window and opened up some statistics of the current situation of the Spriggans to see if there was anything needed to be done.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Another monster turned into light and pixels, quickly followed by the distinctive noise that indicated a received message. No monsters would spawn here for a good five more minutes so he had some time. AEagaorn quickly scanned the message, the last part in particular grabbing his interest. You could never have too much, besides, it wouldn't do to have their leader killed. He quickly typed up a response and sent it, focusing once more and the area around him.

To Kei, Spriggan Leader,

This offers interests me for several reasons. Simply inform me where I need to be and when.

Short and sweet, now then, the next monster spawned in about 10 seconds. Aeagaorn nocked an arrow and waited for his next victim. After this next mob was cleared he would have a respite in which he could gather some herbs safely, he intended to bring an adequate potion stock on his trip, it wouldn't due to be unprepared. Of course, he was never unprepared.
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