Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Cassandra was in the water. She loved to swim, but even she had to admit with the sun setting it was getting a bit cool, so she reluctantly got out the water, pulling her wet hair back from her face. She quickly went to her tent, wriggling into dry clothes, she was soon out the tent again.

There was just something about being out here, in nature with friends that made her happy. She watched Riley light the fire, and smiled. Friends and chocolate. She approached, figuring the fire would be warm and her hair was wet. "Need some help?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Evan Whitman

Evan shyly smiled as the two "C/Kassy"s comforted him about the splinters and embarrassment. While it did hurt a little as Cass began to pull them out of his hand, he was incredibly grateful that all of it was over. "Thanks a lot. I'll make it up to you later," he said before she went off to go swimming.

He then turned to Kass. "Yeah, let's get in the water. It could be fun," he said which was oddly uncharacteristic of him. He wasn't too fond of swimming but she could be right about it being better for his hands. He went back to get his stuff and got changed where he was sure no one would be there to see it; not that anyone would want to watch him change anyways.

Then he joined the rest of the people who were in the water. The water was nice and cold against his skin but he did not stay in for long as the sun began to set.

He began to shiver as he left the lake, speedwalking as fast as he could to grab his towel. Drying himself off, he also put on his shirt and sat by the fire as well to get warm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the sun began to sink over the horizon, Kassey was reluctant to leave the cool water. Partly because she enjoyed swimming so much. The other half had to do with the fact that once she left the water and the breeze hit her, she would become a human popsicle. It wasn't a long walk back to the tents by any means, but when you're freezing to death and the goosebumps start a few meters can feel like a few miles.

She was the last to leave the water, but she followed the congo-line of friends back up to her tent with quick steps. It took her no time to find a towel to dry off before she rummaged through her bag and found some clothes. Kassey brushed her hair out really quickly and then exited her tent, making her way over to take a seat around the bonfire with the rest of the crew.

This was usually the part where they would begin to share stories and memories while munching on s'mores. Each year seemed like they were able to add on more to their story collection, which proved just how tight this group was. Kassey waited for the s'mores to be ready and for someone to start singing a campfire song. She was also anxious to get to the prank that Riley had pulled her and Cass into earlier. All in good time. For now, she enjoyed the warm glow and crackle of the fire as everyone settled in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 44 min ago

Billy watched the sunset from under that tree, thinking about how he was going to handle certain situations but as he drank, his worries slowly disappeared until he became drunk. He had finished a little over half of the bottle, and as he got up he had the urge to throw up but sucked it in. It was probably time to get back to the camp, so he started out quickly before tripping over himself and landing on the soft grass. He began laughing hysterically, as if what he had just done was a really funny joke. He got up and then half walked, half staggered back to the camp, the fire in the twilight was his marker.

It looked like the majority of his friends were already there when he shambled into the camp, drinking from the clear bottle. He began to say something but it only came out as gibberish before he burst out laughing again, he then pulled his chair over to the fire and sat down with a thump. His bloodshot eyes watched the fire, it was sure pretty. He then looked around and noticed people staring at him, Billy had to act!

With the straightest face he could possibly muster, he tried to act sober but as he spoke his words slurred, "Heeeeeey g-guuuys! Hoowss everybody?" He then smirked, before that turned into a smile, then laughed again. "I knoooow what you're a'thinking, and no, I'm not a'drunk." He then pointed at all of them with the bottle of Vodka still in his hand. "Sooo, where's the foood at?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Kade had arrived at his grandmother's home, he parked his motorcycle in the old garage, right next to the old truck. so many things he'd need to check on that alone, but right now, he climbed off his bike and unlatched his duffelbag from the back, and carried it inside. once that was done it was a matter of opening the windows to let the house air out, the stale air smell was wrecking his increased sense of smell. luckily the perishable foods had been taken out of the house, not so much was that he was starving and there was nothing there. he went into the old basement and finding the circuit breaker, he flipped the main one on, then one by one he flipped on the others and the house came to life in a sense. after that the matter of cleaning took up most of his time.

after the hours of making the house livable again, he pulled his phone from his pocket getting a text, he didnt know anyone knew his number except for some friends in the service and his grandmother, but apparently she'd given it to Sarah. smirking, he read it and texted back ~would love to, but im helping Vanessa go and give your daughter and her friends a little scare, and before you scowl, it was Riley's idea to Vanessa and i was dragged into it.. maybe after though~ sending that, he went to shower to get the scent of sweat off him, before he found all black in his duffel and dressed and headed out, driving his bike halfway, before he parked and walked the rest of the way, listening and sniffing around for Vanessa so he could hone in on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa cleaned the house, her mother and father had done all the changes already that she wanted. She refreshed herself after and putted on her Black / Dark blue outfit. She bound her hair in a ponytail and putted on her favorite beanie.

She took her car and drove towards the forest, she was a little late and it helped as she saw Kade's motorcycle standing halfway. She parked a meter away from it and started to walk the rest of the way. When she saw Kade walking and sniffing around she made a soft growling sounds and then suddenly howled like a wolf, she used her experience from the full moon nights and giggled when she saw him turn around, completely on edge.

''Easy wolf boy, its me'' she said and walked up to him. She laid her hand on his shoulder and smiled. ''Come, we need to get to the lake'' she said and took of her ballerina's. ''I can run better on bare feet'' she said and shrugged.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Stark

Riley looked over her shoulder at Cassie and smiled softly towards her and nodded. "Sure I'd love to have some help." Riley said softly as she added a bit more wood to the fire and leaned back looking up at the sky just as the sun started to set and soon the night sky was upon them and the lake along with the rest of the town. It felt incredibly relaxing. "This is nice I enjoy having the time here every year with you guys." She turned to look over to see Billy with a bottle of vodka in his hand and hearing him slurring his words. "I uh think you had enough to drink man." Riley said as she stood up and gently took the bottle away from him and set it inside the RV and tossed him the bag of gram crackers, marshmallows and chocolate.

She looked down at her phone and smiled hoping that Vanessa would be coming over soon the sun was already down now and that was the perfect time to set up their little prank on some of her friends, at least for the ones who are in on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Kade walked slowly, carefully through the woods, when he slowed even more, hearing something before the howl came from behind him, making him spin around quick, growling before he saw who it was and he willed his body to relax. "that wasnt cute or funny you know wolf girl" he said, as she put her hand on his shoulder. "for that, someone's going into the lake after all this is done" figuring they could have some nightly fun after scaring some kiddies.

"lake is that way" pointing, before he noticed her taking her shoes off. "fair enough point, leave them here and we'll come back for them." he said. "keep up wolf girl" before he took off sprinting, leaping and dodging through the trees quick as he headed toward the lake. knowing she'd be following him and fast. he'd never gotten to run with another like himself before, it felt more right then being alone did, thats for sure as he tossed his own head back and gave a wolf howl into the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Cassie happily began making smores, enjoying the process of doing it. it was perhaps one of the more happier memories she recalled of her parents, sitting around a fire in the cold, making smores when she was just a wee child. So making them generally made her feel happy.

She hummed as she worked, looking up as riley spoke to Billy, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah dude, don't have too much fun all at once! Eat some crackers!" she said, with amusement, shoving a marshmellow in her own mouth, making a few more smores as well.

She leaned back, simply enjoying the night.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kassey was about to help assemble the s'mores and start handing them out when Billy stumbled into the campsite. She only remembered seeing him sitting a little ways from the water while they were all swimming, which wasn't unusual for him since he couldn't swim. Kass was thankful that Riley quickly removed the vodka bottle from his hand, like taking a sippy cup from a toddler. The last thing they needed was a nice little pyrotechnics show from an alcohol bottle.

Kassey redirected her attention to the cooler and grabbed a bottle of water, walking over and handing it to Billy opposite of the crackers that got shoved in his other hand. "Come on Billy, it's not so fun if you get so hammered that you don't remember anything." She said with a small, reassuring smile. "Hydrate and get some of those crackers in you to soak up all that vodka, you'll thank us in the morning when you can actually get out of your tent." She patted him on the shoulder before returning to her place around the fire.

Kassey was all for having a little fun and drinking, but getting trashed and waking up with a raging hangover wasn't part of the camping trip fun. As far as she knew, Billy hadn't ever acted out like that before. She wondered what was up with him, but asking him now probably wouldn't result in any concrete answers.

Her head turned when a pair of howls came echoing through the woods towards them. "Sounds like another pack is on the prowl tonight too," she said with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wolf girl? Vanessa thought of it as a nickname and liked it. She giggled at his attempt to tell her she was going to get thrown into the lake but shook her head. ''I won't be the only one and I doubt that I'l be the first'' she said. Then Kade started to run towards the lake and Vanessa laughed. She gave him a twenty seconds start up, then she started to run too.

When he howled she laughed, she had ran before with 'her own kind' but this was way more fun. She howled once more, also to let him know she was close as she was a pretty silent runner. When she was close enough that he could even hear her when she talked she said: ''Kade, Do you hear the difference between our howls too?''. She thought of it as pretty funny and chuckled some.

Soon the lake was in sight and Vanessa started to lower speed before she would actually run into the lake. She took her phone when she had stopped running and texted Riley: 'We are here for the prank' X V. She then looked at Kade who also had stopped running and smiled. ''Hey Wolf boy, are you alright?'' she asked and walked up to him. She patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Stark

Riley smiled and giggled looking over at Kassey and the Cassie as well as Billy who was drunk, she started making her own smores that's when she felt her phone vibrate and smiled seeing that it was a text from Vanessa. 'Awesome! I'll meet you now.' Riley hit send and looked between Kassey and Cassandra. "Hey would you guys come with me for a second?" Riley asked as she stood up and started to head towards the woods, when they were a reasonable good distance from the camp Riley could see two figures in the woods.

She quickly approached them and hugged the closest one knowing that it was Vanessa. "V! I missed you so much, how have you been?!" Riley asked sounding exteremly happy with a large smile across her face she was excited for the little prank she had in mind for her friends. She looked over towards Kade who she never recognized and never seen him before. "So Vanessa you got yourself a boyfriend?" Riley asked playfully.

@BeautifulSnow@The Kraken@Caits@Lord Zee@karamonnom
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Twilights Curse
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Twilights Curse

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Kade nodded as she caught up and mentioned the howl differences, he lept over a fallen tree. "yes, i hear it" he said, looking over at her as they ran. he'd never ran with another before or met another like him before, the one that had bitten him and left him for dead was never found, though they did find a body two days later, peppered with automatic rifle rounds. Kade slowed once they arrived at the lake and he sniffed the air, looking around as he heard her fingers on her phone, texting riley no doubt. rolling his eyes at the wolf boy again he nodded "im fine, just havnt ran with another before" feeling her hand pat his shoulder he looked at her, smirking.

it wasnt long before he and Vanessa would catch the sound of people coming, Kade counted three, and sure enough, there were three. when one that he assumed was Riley got close enough she ran and pounced Vanessa. Kade nodded to the other two before he smirked hearing the boyfriend comment. "im Kade, i went to school around here myself, just got back today and got invited along to help scare, i know your mom as well" looking to Vanessa, smirking. "well answer the girl, did you get yourself a boyfriend there Nessie?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vanessa smiled and when Riley arrived with the other two girls she hugged her best friend. While hugging Vanessa picked Riley up from the ground, something a normal human female with Vanessa's body type wouldn't be able too do and so she putted the girl back on the ground after she did with a smile. ''You got bigger Riri'' she said, using the nickname she had given Riley when she was still a little girl.

When Riley asked if she had gotten herself a boyfriend she felt her cheeks starting to burn and she knew Kade would notice the slight difference in the beating of her heart. ''Boyfriend? Riri come one! You know I am a women alone and will always be that.. Boys or man's are only a burden'' she said and grinned. ''Tell me.. Ehm.. Us about the prank honey-bee'' she then said and redid her hair even while it was good. She knew Kade was totally noticing the change in her heartbeat and voice, her always steady voice had sounded the same to Riley and her friend but to him it would have sounded a little higher.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Cassandra nodded and popped another marshmellow in her mouth, happily chewing it as she rose, setting the smores she had made aside on, after a quick rummage, a plate so they wouldn't get dirty, and followed after Riley. Feeling a little...like a third wheel, Cassandra stayed back as Riley appeared to reunite with a friend. She didn't wish to intrude, so she merely waited.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 44 min ago

Billy smiled foolishly as his liquor was taken away. He looked at the contents in his hands, completely forgetting what to do with the smore stuff and taking a drink of the water Kassey had brought him. What a nice person she was. He lulled about food, crackers sounded nice, so did smores but then that quickly changed into him feeling like he was going to throw up. He took another drink of water but it didn't really help.

"Uhhh... I'll be... b-back!" he stammered, quickly getting up from his seat and briskly jogging away from everyone else. That was the last thing he needed people to see, him getting sick. He couldn't think straight, damn Vodka and he blindly found himself running into the woods opposite of everyone else. He tripped on a branch and sprawled forward, his face smacked the ground with a dull thump.

Feeling even more dizzy he got on all fours and then emptied his already empty stomach. It was not a good feeling.

When that was done he sat back, realizing that he had no idea where he was and it was dark. He was afraid. There was not a noise under those foreboding trees but a snap of a branch made him reel around, face to face with nothing. Was his mind playing tricks on him? Billy stood up, and rubbed his ankle. It hurt really bad and when he tried to walk, pain jolted up his leg.

"Damnit! Billy you idiot. Why'd you drink the vodka?" He took another step, the pain was still there but he managed to half limp, half walk. The real question was, how was he going to get out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kassey tried to conceal her grin when Riley asked that she and Cassandra follow her for a bit. She knew this probably had to do with the prank that they had talked about pulling earlier, so she didn't want to seem to excited and give away anything to anyone else who was sitting around the bonfire. "Sure, Ri. Right behind ya."

She followed along with Cassie until they were making their way into the woods. It was all getting a little creepy, especially after two more shadows appeared a little ways ahead of them between the trees. Riley kept approaching, though, so Kassey followed along. She assumed this must be someone she knew, and when they got close enough and the reunion started happening she found out she was right. Watching patiently, she let the pleasantries take place while she waited to find out what all their prank would entail and who would be doing what. Away from the fire, the woods held a bit of a chill as the breeze swept between the limbs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Evan Whitman

Evan watched as everyone was leaving the campfire for some reason. The girls seemed to be plotting something and Evan didn't want to intrude. But at the same time, he didn't want to be left alone in the woods. After a few moments of silently listening to the fire crackle, Evan decided to go look for Billy. He seemed awfully drunk and shouldn't have wandered off on his own.

Evan began to head towards the general direction that Billy had went after going back to get his flashlight. He turned on the flashlight and walked into the thick of the forest. "Billy? Are you out here?" he called out as loud as he could. He shivered, despite already wearing his jacket. It was really, really cold all of a sudden. It was starting to get windy too.

"Billy? Billy? Billy?" he continued to call out in search of his friend.

Evan did not know how long he was out there, but all of the trees were starting to look the same. Was he lost as well? "Billy...? Anyone...?" he whimpered dejectedly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Riley Stark

Riley yelped loudly in surprise when she felt her friend Vanessa, she wasn't expecting her friend to even have the strength to lift her up the way she did. But she didn't think anything much of it Vanessa must have been working out or something while she was gone exploring the world or something. Riley turned to look over at Kade and smiled slightly towards him, she remembered her mother mentioning about him but nothing more other then that. "Well it's really nice to meet you, my mom mentioned you a little bit." Riley giggled slightly and looked over her shoulder at Kassey and Cassandra her two friends that would agree to be in on the little prank that she had in mind.

"These two are Kassey and Cassandra they are going to help us out with our little prank. What I was thinking, I brought some fake blood with me and a creepy costume as well." Riley said looking over at Kade and smiled at him once more. "I think he would play a really awesome and creepy killer, and Vanessa you can play his assistant if you can." Riley looked over at her two friends again. "And we will be the 'victims' and we head into camp all bloodied and stuff."

As Evan and Billy were separated into the woods there was a rather low growling sound, there was something stalking the two boys in the woods now with them.

@BeautifulSnow@karamonnom@The Kraken@Lord Zee@Caits@Twilights Curse@Damo021
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 44 min ago

Shivering now, Billy tensed up as he began to hear noises within the dark. The wind seemed to be moaning with each new step he took and he could even have sworn he heard his name being shouted but couldn't tell for sure. It was more like a whisper, a nervous glance over his shoulder only heightened his suspicions. Did he see something moving back there? It looked large but perhaps it was just the shifting of a branch in the steady wind.

Then it happened. A low growl off to his right made him stop dead in his tracks. It was incredibly deep and bestial with a hint of malice. He broke out in a cold sweat, whatever drunken stupor he was in, was quickly being replaced by adrenaline as the urge to run became overwhelming. A twig snapped, and he ran as fast as his gimpy leg could handle. He bit his lip to try and dull the pain that was shooting up his leg, to no avail.

He kept running and without even realizing it, he was getting deeper into the forest. A deep depression in the land sent him falling down, he hit many branches and rocks as he fell, crippling himself even more. When he finally landed at the bottom, his hand was in something wet and cool. Opening his eyes, he was in a ravine with a little stream in the middle. He was instantly aware that something was broken as he tried to stand up but couldn't. His right frame in his glasses was also broken, and it distorted his vision.

Billy began to panic as he realized that no one knew where he was. He was now trapped in a ravine in the middle of the god damn woods without a means of escape. He sat up, touched his right leg, the one he had already tripped on previously. Gliding down his hole riddled pants, he came to the ankle, the slightest touch hurt like hell. It was defiantly broken now.

Billy screamed, "HELP ME! OH GOD! RILEY! KASSEY! EVAN! ANYONE... PLEASE!" He began to cry, the situation was becoming all to clear to him. He was going to die alone and lost. Just like his sister.
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