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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:N/A

Whilst every other member of the team and more had at least roused themselves from slumber awhile ago, Cyne was busy not doing that. Beds were really nice, even cheapo inn beds and her body had decided to hold her hostage there, despite any desire she may have had to get anything of note done that day. It wasn't even as if she was having uncharacteristically pleasant dreams or anything of that sort.

However, even the deepest of hibernation trances could be interrupted. For instance, by the soft, but distinctive splash of a formerly quite full tipped-over chamberpot releasing its payload onto a disgruntled inn-owner. Or perhaps said inn owner yelling and retching as if possessed by a demon of illness.

Even with all the noise, consciousness did not come quickly. Nor was it welcome, for with awareness came the realization that it was cold, and one did not have the bulk of a bear to better bear its brunt. The noise outside didn't sound like the kind an attack of undead, beasts or orcs would unleash, so she would wrap her bedcloth around herself tighter. Another 5 minutes and she would get out of bed. For sure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: At the tavern!
Interacting With: Kyra, Nor, Thomas and INSANITY!

Nor also appeared to not want to look at the event that was taking part. Satilla could only wonder about his reasons, but her own was to simply not look at it. She had focused her eyes on the table, then on Skittles in her lap, following back to the table. The madness behind her back was continuing, judging by the sounds of it. She just closed her eyes for a moment, suppressing a certain reflex of her body as she heard Femnal yell. She shivered, just deciding to cut those mind images from her well mind.

β€œI...” She tried to reply to Kyra, but it was so... hard to ignore the sounds of Femnal, especially with her very good hearing. Loud noises often caused her head to hurt and frankly this was just irritating her, making her feel unwell also. Well Keystone as good as qualities he had as companion for traveling, he also seemed to have as many negative when it comes to social manners it seemed.' Just ignore...ignore...ignore... the sounds of throwing up...'

β€œI... think it depends on what's brought to the table... β€œ She finally said, with rational conclusion.” We need beneficial skills at the very least.”
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: Kyra, Satilla, Nor.

Oh thank Lord Boccob. The man had the sense to pull his trousers up when he turned, as readily as the lad turned away from the show. Thomas was not ready in the lightest to catch a flash of whatever Keystone was packing downstairs. After all, being the only other male in the entire group, and only half a man at that given his youth and inexperience. Either way, certainly neither were probably the idealized fantasy that women had, sure Keystone could cook and had his muscles, but surely the ladies would want a more cultured man? And Thomas, well boyish as he is, had still some room to mature despite and perhaps tame the three personas vying for control over him. As the group may or may not have picked up on the rather drastic changes the boy has had with his phases. Did Thomas remember to tell the group about them and how they work? He might have, although perhaps too academically and bored them all during his bookish explanation of how cosmic sorcery works. Though that was his asset, a few spells and formalized knowledge of the arcane arts that none in the group so far had presented.

And it looks like the poor innkeeper had another misfortunate run in, judging by the wretched sounds of retching, coming yonder once more. A familiarity from the evening prior. One would think Femnal would have kicked Keystone out by now for all the indignant things. But Thomas supposed it was rather difficult to turn away business in town being supposedly plagued by undead, especially of said business was supposed to be your blessed saviors. Thus no matter how much warm piss you'd have to drink, it was better than dealing with undead, or worse being an undead. Imagine having to taste your own rotting tongue, no wonder why most liches go insane and evil. Oh there's a good thought to research, perhaps if Thomas knew a few Liches he could interview to test out this theory and publish his first piece of academia?

"Hrm..." Thomas mused curling his index finger to his lips as yellow-gold eyes flicked at the dwarf in question. Kyra did pose an open vote, within earshot of the dwarf in question too. And also within earshot of Femnal's heaving and protests, which Thomas tuned out by focusing in on the dwarf as if to judge his character. On one hand, Thomas was also relatively new, so he had no right to truly bar the dwarf, extending the same openness the group had shown him. Though on the other hand, Thomas was a traveler on the road who was injured to an extend and offered assistance rather than attempting to join the group so openly. Thus his integration was more of a mutual understanding and appreciation that they didn't rob him and kill him upon encountering him. Then again, the dwarf mentioned he was a hairdresser of sorts? Or something like that, a skilled craftsman might be welcome to a degree, but they really had no need for merchants did they, after all didn't Cremwise or whatever his name was sell them out to the orcs? Who was this dwarf, and who did he work for if not himself?

Then of course on the other other hand, at which Thomas was probably turning into Hextor at this point with all the hands he was having, the dwarf was another able body, which at best could be a nice... Meatshield for the lack of a better term? Frankly if he didn't mind being the one getting all the attention from the next round of exploding skeletons, why not let him be the party's designated... Meatshield and spare Keystone a few stitches. Then again, on the other other other hand, Thomas' personal interactions with the dwarf didn't go so well given how it went last night. Which admittedly perhaps Thomas was bit harsh on him, yet given everything that happened, the dwarf should have kept to himself. And it is that sort of ignorance that, the party didn't really need any more of, Thomas was plenty of that sort of ignorance.

"I side with Satilla on this one, I don't know what the man can do." Thomas ruminated, "Everyone in the group has a niche, but I guess we could use another um, Pain-Sponge? Or if he happens to the type, my old group had a rogue of sorts who'd pick the locks, check for traps and all that, if he's that sort of dwarf, y'know good with traps and stuff? But then again, it was that rogue who- nevermind, I agree with Satilla, let's see what the man- err I mean Dwarf brings to the table. But I trust your, Sana's and Keystone's verdict if you all collective decide we need another able body for Reasons."

And Thomas was never known for one to be so laconic.
Hence a simple yea or nay could digress into something of a didactic.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: Sana, Femnal, & The Group

"Bloody shame 'bout that." said Keystone in response to Sana's missing appetite. "Promised you decent breakfast, I did (oh, watch that step there, Miss), and I was thinkin' on makin' us a bit of Scramby Eggs and Shire Pudding. Maybe some - " Keystone stopped abruptly, calling to the proprietor, who was apparently still pursuing a previous engagement involving dry and/or wet heaving just out front. "Oi, Femnal! Usin' your kitchens. You gots any autumn cabbages back there? Like, big'uns? Eh..." and then immediately back to Sana, "Yeah, maybe some seared cabbage, what d'ya say?"

The broad man righted the overturned chamberpot with the toe of his boot, lest further movement cause what little remained to desecrate the balcony floor. "You go on ahead. It's be frightful impolite to get started half barearsed." he offered, referring to the fact that he was still shirtless. The time honored morning ritual of getting dressed was interrupted by events unfolding, and he meant to at least throw on a shirt before he advanced his morning. Ducking back into his room, Keystone located fresh clothing, not the least of which being a dark grey, woolen shirt that with three buttons fastening vertically near the collar, allowing for ease of slipping over one's head without the bother of laces. He also grabbed his masterfully constructed hide-and-leather coat. It was a respectable piece of personal protection, but needed a little repair after their tussle out in the woods. He pushed the sleeves of his shirt above his elbows, practical if we were indeed about to do a little kitchen work, but it also showed off his set of ornately etched bracers of masterful Dwarven craftsmanship.

Carrying his coat with him, Keystone carefully made his way downstairs and tossed his coat over the back of a chair at the group's table. Trying to ignore the sounds from outside and the various facial expressions of those gathered, he asked, "Right then, ah, who hasn't had breakfast yet?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: Satilla, Nor, Thomas, Keystone

The sound of alabaster chunky chum hitting the wood outside of the tavern echoed through the place. Too bad it wasn't later int eh day when the sounds of the regular tavern goers and entertainment would have drowned it out but no luck in that department. It just splatted against the wooden surface and Kyra had to take a long breath to keep from cringing outwardly. She could nearly picture it in her mind, each droplet hitting the deck and bouncing from the puddle; splattering against the poor tavern owner and the walls, and the seats, and the stairs. There would need to be a hell of a clean up just to walk out the front door at this rate. Maybe this place had a back door. If anything to pretend that she and maybe a few others didn't know Keystone.

Sana eyed Keystone and let out a half exasperated chuckle. "You can make it up to me later," she said before she started to make her way down the stairs. She felt much better today, maybe not on full yet but a dozen times more able than she did the night before. Navigating the stairs carefully but with ease she stepped downstairs and made sure to avoid the mess as she headed over to the table with the others. Sitting down she had no intention of eating just yet. Maybe something, outside, across town - you know where the smell of urine wasn't soaking into the walls and the porch covered by last nights meal.

Shaking her head a bit she pushed the thought out of her mind and tried to keep her attention focused on the task at hand. "Good point Satilla, why don't you fill them in on your credentials," she said as she glanced over towards Nor. Nodding to Thomas, she had to admit the boy was thinking more on a tactical level at this point. It was something. Didn't make up for nearly killing her childhood friend but he was trying. At least he hadn't sent the tavern owner to pray to the chamber pot gods twice in less than a fortnight. "At this point we do need help. If what we have coming to us is anything like what we have dealt with before we need skilled numbers," she said, keeping her words vague enough not to exactly let on anything. There were others in the tavern but their attention seemed to be on Femnal, for now.

As Keystone came over Sana palmed her face. The man could have eaten a meal in the middle of hell's colon and not be phased by it. His constitution must have been miles better than hers. Kyra just looked up at the man and gave him a bit of a stare. "This is becoming a habit with you isn't it? Do you have a bet with someone that you can make Femnal lose the contents of his stomach every time you are around?" she asked. One couldn't tell if she was joking or dead serious.

Sana however took it as a joke and laughed a bit. "Ten to one odds, I bet he can."

"Don't encourage him!" Kyra snapped and shot Sana an eat shit and die look; which only made Sana laugh harder.

"Fine, twenty to one!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago


Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Kyra & the Gang

Nor listened to the concerns of the wee laddies without comment. They were perfectly understandable concerns, and frankly they were a bit better thought out than he'd thought they'd be considering they had to be shouted at to shut up about vital information not 12 hours ago. There wasn't much point in trying to conceal his skillset since that was his whole bargaining chip for getting in with the group anyways.

"I've been in active combat situations probably since afore any o' yer grand parents were a twinkle in their parents' eyes. I've got me own gear," Nor idly picked up one of the unused knives off of the table "and if'n yer keen for a demonstration, I could show off how good with a knife I really am." Nor felt the edge of the knife's blade. It was sharp enough for any demonstration he may or may not have to perform, personally he'd have liked it to be a bit more so, but take what you can get. That's when the big bloke and the princess made their proper entrance into the scene proper.

"I've not eaten yet, but I've not felt all that peckish yet, either." That said, he wasn't going to say no to free food if it was offered to him, especially if it was of a much higher quality than the standard fare he had seen around. Nor cracked a grin when Sana mentioned the bet. Silently, he plopped his coin purse onto the tabletop, letting the heft of the coins do the talking for him.

"I'll take ye up on that bet, lass. How much are ye willing tae put down?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: At the tavern!
Interacting With: Nor, The Group and INSANITY!

Things were going Thomas expressed nice logical thinking which was fine and of course Keystone came down now. At his question, Satilla simply softly shook her head.” I'm fine, I just ate mine.” She said with a smile, nodding towards the leftovers from her bland meal. She wasn't feeling hungry anymore too, that was for sure. She had enough for the moment, besides too full stomach also wasn't a good thing.

Then Sana started setting things for this ridiculous bet. It was insane! Satilla only blinked a few times in disbelieve and then sighed, thinking things through about what Nor said. She chose to remain neutral on the betting side. What Nor was saying was quite good overall. What she couldn't understand was why knives actually. Well if he was good with that knife it was still good.” If you are indeed good with those knives, I do think you could be of great help...” She said, throwing a look at Kyra again.” I too agree that we need skilled help on the melee fighting side.” She agreed, stroking Skittles fur. She herself was pretty much failing at melee fighting with barely any skills in it, Thomas was a magic user also so he too wasn't a front liner. They really needed more people who can beat enemies with good old physical prowess.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: Ye Olde Mystery Inc, & Nor.

Knives? So the dwarf took a stab at it, showing off whatever gave him the edge, pointing out his experiences and if his skills were a sharp as he claimed, maybe he'll make the cut. But if the dwarf was nothing but a hack, if he turned out to be more of a slash and burn, or he nicked something that wasn't his, Thomas was certain Kyra would have no qualms with giving the barber quite the haircut. It was probably better not to trust a man who's claim to fame was his knife skills. Sure a knife in the hands of a dwarf sometimes looked like a rather short shortsword, but Thomas would have rather preferred the dwarf be skilled at engineering and handicraft. Someone who could take a look at his broken astrodynamus and fix it, but the group did need another melee combatant. They were short on those, they had archers, spellcasters, but only one man who could take a beating. Should Keystone be seriously injured or worse, they'd surely not last very long. So really they didn't have quite a choice in the matter? help was help.

"I'm fine for now Keystone, thanks, but I'd say give it a few and I'm sure we'll find our appetites again. Kyra, Sana?" A reply to Keystone's question. Well if Keystone was cooking, the eggs would surely be better and by Wee Jas those runny looking eggs were comparably appealing as to the stuff spewing out of the poor innkeeper. Either way, Thomas took it that the dwarf was in now, but still waited for Kyra to give the proper approval, despite only two out of the five present here giving the green light with Thomas's neutral stance. A knife was a dirty weapon. Easily concealed, seemingly innocent, deceptively dangerous in the right hands. And if you believed the sort of thing, you can tell a lot about a man given his choice of friends, enemies, and weapons. Seeing how the dwarf was alone, he had no friends, and enemies? Well, we all had enemies didn't we? So why did he seem so intent on joining up their little investigation?

"So uh, Sir Dwarf, Apologizes for telling you off the other night, but you must understand the circumstances. But I do have one question to ask, if I recall you were a barber, that was your claim yes? Do tell, where does a barber learn to fight with a knife?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: The Group

It wasn't the first time people had placed bets on him. Once upon a time, it was a commonplace event. He was younger, almost as broad as he was now, and people chanted his name, exchanged money and gave each other congratulatory slaps on the back as a blood streaked Keystone roared in self-adulating, territorial victory. Yet another opponent lay broken and bloody on the ground, soon to be dragged from the scene by the same people that would have carted away his worthless ass, were he the one who took the beating. In a couple of weeks Yeah, people loved to put money down on what might or might not be able to inflict on others.

No matter what the others did with their money, he wasn't going to partake in the festivities this time. Whatever happened, happened. But if he was able to make Femnal vent his porridge across the landscape every time they spent an appreciable time with one another, it would be effort well spent in very unsubtle retaliation for helping that piss-poor, double dealing merchant Cremwise recruit him for a suicidal fool's errand.

Right at that moment, he had other plans. Those plans involved preparing a more than decent repast cobbled together out of whatever they had left in the kitchen and larders. He took a step from the table, pausing in his retreat to food production when he caught Thomas's last question to the newcomer Dwarf. "Same place the group's cook learns a small blade, I imagine." he responded, words colored by his omnipresent urban underclass accent. "Same reason, too. You'd be wise to get in some stabby-stabby practice y'self, Tommy ol' boy. Never know. And you..." he switched gears over to Nor, "Barber, yeah? Let's talk rates after, then. I've got a tiny piece o' coin and a week of face neglect needs attendin'. Wait, 'old on..." He could still hear Femnal retching, and wondered how long he was going to be out there. Opportunity!

With a grin, Keystone poked his head into the kitchen. There was that same, dumpy guy there as last night. Understaffed still. Must be. "Oi! Oi you there! Master Femnal needs you on cleanup! Some festerin' wanksplat kicked over a bloody chamberpot on the balcony. Don't you worry 'bout the kitchen, I'll cover ya."

"C'mon then! 'aven't got all mornin'!"

...breakfast time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: Satilla, Nor, Thomas, Keystone

Kyra couldn't believe this. People were making bets on whether or not Keystone could make Femnal loose his last meal every time they ran into each other? She just sat there staring and trying to push the sounds of Femnal retching still out of her mind. This was the band of fighters that was going to stop this undead onslaught? God, whatever one might be out there, help them...

Sana on the other hand was having a good time and put down ten silver for the bet. "Ten silver says that Keystone can make him retch at least once a day when he is around Femnal. Bet lasts the extent we are in town. Can't count today since he already did. So tomorrow if we are still in town he has to be bed time or you win. If we leave mid day bet is off until we are back in town."

Kyra just grumbled under her breath. Taking a breath she looked at Thomas and Satilla, who at least seemed to try to be staying on topic. "So it sounds like you two are in agreement for Nor to join. That makes three of us. Keystone still needs to tell us, and Sana as well. And well any other that might still be around," she said before getting a sideways glance from Sana.

"Yeah, I don't care. More people is always good. Either they help or are meat shields, either way I'm good," she said and Kyra rolled her eyes. So that was four. Seemed like it didn't matter what others might remain, it was a majority.

"Right... Okay, Nor, welcome aboard. I will be in my room. Once everyone is done eating come up for some information. Rather do it up there than out here," she said before rising and gathering her things. "Keystone, hurry your arse up. We haven't got all day for a damn five star breakfast. We actually have shit to do!," she yelled as she went up the stairs. Kyra was getting impatient at this point. She didn't want to waste another hour while people sat with their thumbs up their asses. She wanted to get this done and over with.

Sana sighed a bit and stood up. "Gonna get my things and head on over. Rather eat on the road than listening to that," she said as she heard Femnal groaning.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
Avatar of Dragoknighte


Member Seen 6 days ago

Cyne & Nor

Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:The party that collectively needed a new name.

Well looked like he was in the group. That was more painless than he was expecting it to be. Then again, they were very short-handed and they probably figured having another meat shield was just what they required at the minute, with at least one of them were willing to admit that up front. But if it came down to it, he wasn't going to get abandoned to a horde of the living dead if he could help it. But at the same time, if these people were dumb enough to take on an undead infestation of unknown origin and size for free, they probably wouldn't just leave a teammate for dead. Probably.

Nor looked blankly at Thomas and his idiotic question. The lad must have heard Nor introduce himself at least 3 different times over the last 12 hours, yet he still called him Sir Dwarf? And where did he learn to fight? The same places that every-sodding-body would learn to fight. There aren't many places that a body learns to handle a blade in active combat. And even then it didn't matter one lick where he learned to fight and was none of the kid's business.

Thankfully he was saved from having to give out a tongue-lashing by the big bloke who seemed to be the group's cook. And at the same time he got another prospective customer. Bad first impressions aside, this guy didn't seem like such a bad bloke after all. But all there was to do now was wait for food. To serve this goal, Nor found an empty chair and climbed up into it. There was no way he'd be able to reach anything with the tables so high, and he wasn't going to eat on the floor like some savage.

As much as Cyne wanted to just stay in this bed forever and not have to get up, she knew that she'd have to leave sooner rather than later. Inns did have a check out time, and the group was probably having an important discussion on how to proceed next. Or something like that. And all that aside, she still needed to get all her shopping done that she wasn't able to do the day before because of cemetery and exhaustion.

Too bad she couldn't be a bear right now. Bears didn't need to get out of bed to go shopping.

The druid rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor below face first. After she got up and did a few morning waking up stretches, she put on most of the clothes she had shed before retiring the night previous. That is all the clothes but her mantle, which she opted to simply throw over her shoulder for the time being. She'd put it on before going outside, but it was a bit premature to don it while still indoors. It wasn't that cold after all.

Stifling a yawn, Cyneburg stumbled her way into the common room, on the way passing Kyra as she went somewhere. She gave the irritable ranger a wave, but didn't try to talk to her or stop her. She was the type that got involved in whatever they were doing, and always found something to be doing. Trying to chat would lead nowhere fast. Once in the room she found everyone else minus Ntaj at the same table plus one dwarf from last night.

"Good morning, did I miss anything?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: At the tavern!
Interacting With: The Group and INSANITY! Then Kyra!

Satilla heard Thomas's question and it raised a 'strange' flag in her mind. It wasn't that unusual for barbers to know how to use knives … right? After all she herself usually cut her hair with knives... Maybe that was the reason why she had to go to barbers afterwards for them to even it out. Hmmm or maybe it was a shaving thing, but... dwarves didn't have the fame of being big on shaving. This was quite the conundrum indeed.

Keystone's comment was quite spot on also. Satilla herself kept a knife... now two at hand since Kyra gifted her one. She was going to keep good care of that one for a long time, but yeah. She had a knife and was ready to stab things if need's be, but she couldn't call herself proficient at fighting with a knife though. Still with Keystone moving away for breakfast preparation, it allowed her to close her eyes for a moment and just focus on something else, like Skittles in her lap.

β€œI understand, I will be over in a little.” Satilla said finally to Kyra, stroking the fur on the cat's back. It seems the little thing had found himself a comfortable spot and she didn't want to move it right away. As Cyneburg joined them, the witch smiled and nodded.” Good morning, to you as well.” She greeted with a nod.” Kyra said to go up to her room when we are done eating to do some planning.” Satilla explained and after stroking the animal's fur for just a little more, she stood up, allowing Skittles to hop on the ground.

β€œIf you excuse me, I will head upstairs now as well.” She said, slowly heading up the stairs and towards the room where Kyra was. She softly knocked on the door.” Kyra, I need to ask you something about our medical supplies distribution.” She said, waiting for reply. The woman had said to meet up later after everyone had eaten, but the witch already did and it could be a while before the rest were done. She wanted to consult with the ranger if they should divide the medical supplies between the members, just in case something happens. Her bag was already quite full right now, so she might have to leave behind stuff like her spare thinner dress, just to make sure there's enough space in the bag when they start traveling again. Moving the fragile medical bottles while they are too pressed together was bad... She had nothing against leaving that dress and something else, but better consult.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
Avatar of The Grey Dust

The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: Keystone, Kyra, Cyneburg.

There was a difference in using a knife, and a using a knife. The former, Thomas could do, common stuff where knives were needed, like slice apples into wedges, bleeding juices from stems of alchemical plants, the small stuff. But combat with a knife? That's a completely different story, and as Keystone suggested maybe it might do the boy good to learn a few ways to stab someone. There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man and bring him to the ground. You can beat him, you can cheat him,you can treat him bad and leave him when he's down."Right, I guess, I meant like, I mean, I haven't used a knife to y'know, harm someone. And I didn't expect that to be a hairdresser's use of a knife." Keystone's answer was pretty obvious and his advice well warranted. Yes, Thomas kept a knife for purposes of preparing ingredients and other non-killing things. Although certainly there was one time where Master Wolfgang nearly had Thomas ritualistically kill a poor innocent offering for a ritual, but fortunately the crazy old mage called it off after finding his missing sock, no longer requiring him to send Thomas to consort with fiendish extraplanar entities much to both the boy and his victim's relief.

"I'll be up shortly Kyra, breakfast's a meal I'd rather not skip. Even if the innkeep's having some issues keeping his down." And Cyneburg appeared, not quite the orc Thomas was looking for, or had hoped had somehow remained, but the druid was okay, they hadn't talked too much with each other, but they fought together so the lad trusted her a bit more than the newcomer dwarf. "Morning Cyneburg, Uh, not much, we got a newcomer to our group, a dwarven knife-fighting barber. Nor wasn't it Sir Dwarf? Just a formality, although Thomas still found it odd a barber went around stabbing people. It was like someone out of a twisted musical, a demon barber, who shaved the faces of gentlemen who never thereafter where heard from again... "Oh and there's a betting pool going around about getting Keystone to make the innkeeper here throw up twice a day or something. And Keystone's making breakfast, not while making Femnal upchuck, oh and Kyra wanted us up when we're done eating to discuss... Things.

Thomas's recap for the druidic orc was hopefully all complete. Minus the chamberpot incident.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: Satilla & Each Other

Kyra headed up to the room she barely used the night before and left it unlocked as she sat down at the table. Ash padding his way over and curling up at her feet with a large yawn. Rubbing her temples she wondered just what she was getting herself into at this point in time. It was a rag tag team that was put together and it seemed like everything that could go wrong was. If this kept up, they all were going to be dead - either by some foe or they were going to end up killing each other.

Looking up as she heard the door being pushed open she glanced up to see Sana carrying her stuff. "Figured that I would just go ahead and finish getting ready in here," she said as she plopped down on the bed and started lacing her bracers up. Kyra kept watching Sana with this look of what the fuck on her face. "What?"

"I'm the one that should be asking you that," Kyra said as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.

Cocking a brow, Sana tilted her head to the side in question. "What do you mean by that?"


Glancing down Sana tied off the lace on one of her bracers and started working on the other one. "What about him?"

"Oh don't even pull that with me. You know exactly what I am talking about," Kyra said in a bit of a huff as Sana tied off the other bracer and started putting her leather corset on over her tunic. Sana let out a sigh of relief as Satilla came into the room, it meant she didn't have to answer the question she was obviously avoiding.

Kyra shook her head slightly, she wasn't going to let this go. She wanted to know what was up but it seemed that it would have to wait. Looking over towards Satilla she motioned for the girl to go ahead and have a seat. "Like who gets what? I say a few healing and such get passed around but the majority of it stays with you. You are the healer, you are going to know better than the rest of us what is what and how to best use it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
Avatar of Sigil

Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Location: Crossed Swords Inn & Tavern
Interacting With: The Group

"Yeah, yeah. I 'eard ya on shit needs doin'..." grumbled Keystone, disappearing into the kitchen after Kyra and Sana finished their brief conversation that basically ended with him being given an unsubtle verbal kick in the pants to hurry up so they could all talk business. It wasn't a big deal for him; quite the opposite, in fact. This was a struggle against the Undead, including a couple of types he hadn't been exposed to previously.

If it came to it, deep down he was probably the most serious of their group about this endeavor. Not in the commanding manner of Kyra, certainly. That role in the group was filled. The big man could take or leave the concept of leadership. No, his usual role was the one he accepted with this group, the Muscle. His training aside, including his ability to roast the perfect larded pork haunch (complete with Fatty Endpiece), his worth came in his ability to put serious hurt on people and/or things, living or dead, armed or unarmed, human or otherwise. When it came down to it, that was really the lion's share of what he brought to the table. The ability to fight and more experience at it than most veterans or duelists many years his senior, particularly against the Undead.

But back to his skill set: He was being called upon to use it quickly and simply in his role as a culinarian, then move upstairs for frank and earnest discussion about how to best go about laying hurt upon their enemies. Keystone was very okay with this. So breakfast plans would have to change from Shire Pudding and Cabbages to something much simpler that took a fraction of the time. He summoned his obscure martial prowess to assist in the speed and coordination of his meal preparation, glad that no uninitiated eyes bore witness to the spiffiness with which he seamlessly melded his flawless body conditioning and his capacity to prepare simple food miraculously well.

A brief matter of a few minutes had Keystone emerging with a series of toasted bread bowls filled with scrambled eggs and crumbled cheese sprinkled atop them. It was a simple matter of cutting a smallish loaf in half and manually digging out much of the interior while a heap of partially beaten eggs firmed up over moderate heat. A little salt and he was done. It wasn't everything he wanted to accomplish, but Kyra was right. Their timetable for this was finite, as was their lifespan. Keystone had no desire to see either of them run out.

Anyone who was left at the table got a Bowl O' Eggs, but there was more than enough of everyone who expressed even a passing interest in a proper breakfast. The man himself picked up one of the simple but heavenly creations and began to consume it as quickly as the heat of the eggs would allow. "Eat up, then. Save a couple for the ladyfolk, if ya would. We gots an appointment what needs bein' kept."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Cyne & Nor

Location: Crossed Swords Tavern
Interacting with:Keystone & Thomas

Cyne looked over the dwarf who was apparently the new party of their little crew. He looked like a dwarf all right. Aside from this one aspect, she couldn't determine much about the newcomer. Maybe it was her brain taking awhile to truly start up, but she had no idea how helpful he would end up being. But at least it would be more than nothing given how many people had taken to mysteriously vanishing. This group was less like a snowball rolling downhill so much as a tumbleweed that picked up new materials from the ground as quickly as it lost parts of its former make up.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Cyneburg. I guess you could call me the resident druid of the group."

"Nor Dunadkar. Pleasure tae meet ye." And then neither of them spoke a word to the other for the rest of the wait until food arrived. It's not like they disliked each other. There was just nothing to say for the time being. When food arrived, Nor ate heartily, but measured. After all, he wasn't all that famished. Cyne on the other hand devoured her egg-filled bread bowl in the span of a couple of minutes.

"So Thomas," the druid asked as she wiped off remnant egg bits from her mouth, "did you happen to do anything interesting yesterday? I was off with others the whole of yesterday and didn't get to see much of the 'main' group's doing."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: At the tavern!
Interacting With: Then Kyra and Sana.

β€œI understand.” Satilla replied to Kyra with a smile and nod, quickly running some mental calculations on the amount of potions they had and the ingredients they possessed. Well if nothing else they now had more supplies, but the fact that there was not enough time to brew all the potions she could, limited the possibilities a little. Still raw medicine herbs could be used as compresses for wounds that still provide drastic healing so it was all good as long as one knew how to handle it. Moving to the seat she was offered, the witch quickly pulled her bag and opened it, carefully examining the many new small bottles now arranged in it.

β€œWell our group isn't really small at all, so with the premade potions we got yesterday and the ones before I should be able to give out a potion to each and be left with a couple on myself still.” She nodded half to herself half in second confirmation to Kyra's suggestion. Following that, she quickly rearranged her bag with the newly found space inside it. Now it could close easily and all remaining potions were nicely tucked around with cloth for maximum protection just in case.” Here are the ones for you two.” Satilla said, picking two of the separated potions to hand over to Kyra and Sana to put in their possessions.

"While we are waiting for the others, I will take to prepare some herbs for use later." The witch added. Some of hte herbs they bought were already dried up, only requiring to be ground into powder so brewed into potions like that. Though fresh herbs brewed in a bigger pot basically proved aid for more people while concentrated powder would be more effective... so many different possibilities depending on the situation and the avaible herbs!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Thomas Richard Harrison

Location: The Crossed Swords.
Interacting with: Keystone, Cyneburg, the Ladies (not that Cyneburg isn't a lady...)

Manna from the Sky. Like fish in a bowl, being fed flakes of former fish friends, Keystone produced a heavenly bounty of breakfast foodstuffs. Breads carved into bowls by the dagger of Kas, having been baked in the fires of Baator, fill with the eggs of ancient red dragons surely whipped into a golden fluffiness by the rod of seven parts and slowly cooked over the drawn dragon breath of its captured sire, and topped with the finest cheese: Gorgonzola, made from the acids and milk of a gorgon! What a fantastic feast! Or at least something far better than those runny eggs Thomas was glad he passed up on. Yes a few bites of the breadbowls was enough, not quite inhaling his food as quickly as possible, but rather enjoying the moment. A word of thanks before partaking in each burst of cheesy eggy carbs, in appreciating their talented cook. The last group Thomas was in survived on mediocre tavern food, as no one could cook a damn, so tasteless dry pack rations were a thing too. "Honestly Keystone, --- I've got to learn --- How to cook like this." A few broken bits between eating, not quite the most polite thing to do, but they were in a sense pressed for time.

"Oh just the usual, meditation for spellcasting, and made a fool of myself." A bit of self-deprecating humor peppered in to go with salinity of his meal, not that it needed more flavours. "Did you go off with Ntaj? I was wondering where he went off too. I sorta took a liking to him. I mean he's the only one that... A bit of a embarrassed red streaked across the boy's cheek. "Err, well anyway we should get up there with the rest of the ladies." Finishing his meal the young sorcerer wandered his way up into where Kyra was waiting, talking to Sana of things surely, and maybe Satilla too. And Thomas ought to remember to pick up his pack from its storage place before they left.

Knocking at the doorframe for politeness' sake, hopefully not to interrupt anything going on, Thomas entreated some entry into this realm of women. "I've uh, prepared some close-ranged fighter friendly spells today, but they'll leave me temporarily blinded for a about a minute or so, just uh thought I'd tell the people not in direct fray."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kyra & Sana

Location: Cross Swords Tavern
Interacting With: Satilla, Thomas & Each Other

Kyra nodded towards Satilla. "Thanks, this should do," she said as she took the potions and handed half over to Sana. Sana finished tying her corset in place and slipped her share into her leather pouch she kept on her belt. Works for me," Sana added as she took a seat once again and shuffled through her pack to see how her supplies were running. It was okay, at least for while they were in town. If Kyra wanted them trekking out and about she would need to make a few stops herself.

"Okay Satilla, if you can create anything that can give light I think we will need that," she said as she picked up the scrolls she had been looking at earlier. Sana quirked a brow but Kyra shook her head. She wasn't about to go into it just yet. There were still members of the group having breakfast that hadn't made their way up to the room and she didn't want to have to go over everything with half of them and just repeat it again for the other half. It could wait a few more minutes but a few more minutes was all she was going to wait. The look on her face said everything.

"Oh here," she said to Sana before reaching over to her own pack and pulling out a bundle. Sana watched her old friend as she undid the bundle and a stack of arrows was within it. "Don't know how useful these will be but figured after the last fight we needed to restock," she admitted and Sana nodded in agreement. Taking enough from the stack to fill her quivers and Kyra taking the rest. They weren't silver, just standard but they would have to do. Sana got the feeling though they would be doing a lot more close quarters combat than distance though if Kyra was saying she didn't know how useful they would be and asking Satilla about making potions that could create light.

As Thomas came in Kyra looked over to him and motioned for him to go ahead and take a seat at the table. "Alright, well if that is the case, make sure to stay in the back of the group and near someone when you cast. You and Satilla should probably stick together. If anything she can be your eyes and we won't have someone better suited for fighting leading you around."

"Going to finally tell us what you found out?"

"Giving the rest of the group a few more minutes, after that though, just gonna proceed without them. I want to get a move on. I don't want to be out after dark," she said as she adjusted her quiver to get a few more arrows into it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Satilla Valen

Location: At the tavern!
Interacting With: Kyra, Sana and Thomas.

β€œLight, huh?” Satilla made a pondering expression as she was preparing the herb mixes for potions later on. She had chosen a lot of herbs that could serve in healing potions and antidotes and other remedies of the like, but light was something...” I can brew one with the ingredients I have in hand.” She stated, throwing a look at Kyra who seemed really sure she wanted it.” Well in this case I can prepare the mixtures for those... will do so. May need to spend a few minutes in the kitchen later to brew them though. The herb mixture is pretty similar to a healing one I know in fact it's a healing potion that glows...” She warned, quickly starting to pull the herbs she was going to need. It was going to expend some of the medical ones since well herbs could be used in variety of ways, but she did suppose light's important for what was coming.” It won't be usable for more than a couple of hours after it's are completed though... I will leave the last reagent to be added later so we can activate it when we need.” She explained. There was a slight difference between master herbalist/alchemist and Satilla though. She knew herb mixtures for healing and remedy potions, since she was taught them along with her general medicine skills. Sadly she lacked the proficiency to make anything else that was too fancy.

β€œHere's a thought, I have some oil...” She started as Kyra was pulling arrows for Sana.” If we mix it with some healing potion and silver dist, it should prove a good way to give weapons good effect over creatures of undead nature?” She made a proposal as she was separating the herb mixtures. Once this adventure was over, she had a plan for the future and that was to study and learn more of herbalism or alchemy. The simple potion mixtures she knew just weren't going to cut it for proper adventuring. She needed to improve!

β€œI have nothing against that plan. I will take care for him while he's blinded.” Satilla nodded in agreement. That way wouldn't have to be away from the other person in their group that was in the same degree of fragility as her. Besides his magic would prove very useful in case the enemy goes for the casters first.
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