Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Claire seemed to have the most strange habit of accidentally flirting with people when she was not doing anything like it in reality, Artemis noted this for future reference. It also seemed Claire was good at making friends as both Artemis and Sam had quickly agreed with the girl and Sam had even given her a jacket to cover up with. It was a nice jacket. Artemis nodded at the suggestion to go outside and quickly made her way through police questioning like everyone else and exited to rejoin the small group. To her slight surprise Sam was already in a conversation with the distortion man's friend. Claire and the server were still inside, doubtless working through the police questions as well before coming out.

However it also seemed Sam was displeased with the man talking to her. "Excuse me," Artemis began polity behind the man. "Sam is this man bothering you, I'm sure he'd go away if you asked nicely." She said cordially inspecting the man who'd handed out cards to herself and several others in a halfway discreet method. The man oddly like a protagonist and she wouldn't surprised if he acted the part as well. Either a dunderhead who was strong and liked to eat, or perhaps simply an average person with muscles. Both descriptions looked as though they would fit well but only time would tell the accuracy of them. So caught up was she in her analysis that she ended up staring somewhat creepily at the man and totally missing the musical sorrow playing from the top of the building.


Alex made his way out of the cafe, having been questioned briefly before thankfully being released. He looked at the card again somewhat skeptically. Who was this guy anyway? Going to his house would probably be a stupid idea. Really stupid. Could be all kinds of nefarious things. On the other hand, his day had been going rotten so far, so he might as well get it all out. Who knows, maybe if he burnt all his bad luck today, the rest of the week would be better. His thoughts were interrupted by what sounded like a whale bellowing mournfully, that is if a whale could make music, and could fit on the roof of the cafe. The hell? Alex climbed onto the dumpster and leapt from there to the roof of the building, all while still wearing his roller-blades mind you, and saw the guy that'd ran into him earlier.

Also he had hundreds of small glowing things around. It only took Alex a moment to realize that those were meeps. So the next logical conclusion was that.... well fuck that conclusion wasn't logical at all. Bard? Really? Alex thought back to his hand, it'd been mangled, then it'd been fine. And the guy had chimed at him instead of talking. As far as he knew Bard couldn't talk at all. "Uh, hey, you doing alright up here?" Alex asked somewhat nervously. He had no idea what to say here. It wasn't like he could get close and pat the guy on the back even if he wanted to, he would crush the meeps trying to get close. Probably, assuming meeps could be touched, or anyone other than the bard dude could touch them. At a guess Alex assumed he was torn up about the guy's death. Dangit he'd never been any good at this touchy feely stuff.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Arthur glanced up at the sound of someone else talking, only recognizing the meeps now that he had to try and stare through them. A sigh escaped his lips as the dancing creatures returned to wherever they had come from, leaving only Arthur, Alex, and the one stray meep that danced on Arthurs shoulder hypnotically.
A second one poofed into existence above Alex, content to float silently above him.

Arthur began to speak but quickly shut his mouth as yet more brass horn sounds escaped him. Humiliation plain as day etched on his face. How could he explain with no words to do so? If only he could write it down or... That's it! He thought, reaching into his pocket for his personal cell phone.
Arthur opened a notepad app inside and frantically tapped away, standing up now with a small smile across his face.

(message: Yes i am fine. Thank you. My name is Arthur. Sorry for hurting you earlier. I couldn't control my powers and was shocked. From the way the Meep follows you, I'm guessing you have powers to. Crazy day..)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Alex gave her a thumbs up as she spoke, nodding when she mentioned that she didn’t want to be seen as a leech. “Hey, stay as long as you want, yo.” He had already walked over to the pantry and was digging around for a snack, eventually locating his precious bag of potato chips and tearing it open, popping a handful into his mouth. Still crunching it, mouth full, he addressed Erick, who was sitting on a stool at the counter. “She’s probably right, y’know. Might as well call ‘em. I know you like to be in charge, but maybe this is time to take a step back.” Erick’s hand raised, like it had in the cafe, and Alex was again cut short.

No. I'm not taking orders from anyone, especially not on this matter. We'll text them, and escort our friend there if that what she would like, but we will not be following them.” Erick explained, eliciting a nod from Alex. Looking over at Aelia, he spoke again. “Sorry if that sounds a little harsh, but I've never been one to follow; and whomever gave us our powers realizes that. I'm here to lead.” With that, he took the business card, and pulled out his phone, punching in the number and a simple text:
From the cafe. Do you have a meeting place, or something like that?

After the message had sent, he turned his attention back to Aelia, clearing his throat and offering her a slight smile. “Of course, you're welcome to come back here after this meeting or whatever it turns out to be. You can seriously stay as long as you wish. If you're worried about being a leech, you can tidy the living room up, that'll make it up to him.

This got a thumb high in the air from Alexander.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Creepy?" Liam's brow furrowed in slight annoyance at the thought. He opened his mouth to protest before falling silent, and merely merely shaking his head. "Whatever," his tone slightly annoyed, "Guess my subtly was wasted. Anyways," At this point, his frown shifted to an obvious grin as his disposition evened out, "You never answered my question- though it seems I struck a nerve." With that, he settled back onto the bench, lifting his gaze just in time to see another woman stepping forward. This one looked a little milder and more reserved, but seemed to know of the woman to his left.

"As much as I'd like to just go home and forget today ever happened, we-" he says as he motions his head to the female sitting beside him, "Both of us know that's not possible." Realizing his words could easily be misconstrued, he continued as he lifted his empty hands, "I'm not trying to start anything or hurt anyone. Believe me, we don't want to recreate anything like 'that'." At this point, the blonde male motioned towards the cafe, glancing back to Sam shortly afterwards, "But it's for that reason we're searching for people like you. Matt's extended an invitation to his apartment. If you don't show, that's fine," At this point, Liam stood from his seat, bowing his head in respect to the women. As he began to turn, he'd pause for a moment, "Just be careful. Power can go to people's heads." And with that, he'd begin his trek away from the store.



With a heavy sigh, Matt would continue to move his furniture around in what every semblance of a circle he could make... Which is hard to do with a couch, two recliners, and six bar-stools. "Why do I even have this much furniture?" He stated, looking over the remainder of his abode. It was then that his phone vibrated in his pocket, earning the man's attention as he reached into his pocket and withdrew the vessel.

'From the cafe. Do you have a meeting place, or something like that?' A message from a number he didn't know.

"Got a bite," He muttered to himself, absent mindedly as he began to type his reply.

'Meet me at my apartment. Top floor of the address provided.' He added after typing out his address. He waited a moment before sending the message, hoping to catch others responding so he wouldn't have to type this out another time. Still, he'd hit the button to send the message, pocketing his phone and returning to the rearrangement of his abode.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Alex was puzzled for a moment before he saw that the message the man had typed out. He read it quickly then said, "I'm Alex, don't worry about the hand, whatever you did fixed it real quick." Alex glanced at the meep on his shoulders, "Yeah guess I've got powers, not sure who. Only thing I can do is control blades." He demonstrated by hurling his pocket knife away and having it boomerang back. Though the blade was moving fast Alex was utterly confident it wouldn't cut him. "Which is cool but kinda vague unlike yours. You got a plan to deal bardman? Seems like going back to normal life might be pretty hard with your powers and... difficulty speaking?" He wasn't sure why he was asking. Sure Alex could offer him a place to stay but that was a short term solution, then he his hands rummaging through his pockets idly touched the card he'd swiped. "If you don't have any better ideas you can try looking here. The guy handing out these asked for people to come to the address." Alex offered. It seemed like the best idea right now for the unfortunate mute.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago


Having composed himself, John decided it was time to go home. With a murder like this, all his plans for the day were scrapped (and he was having more trouble then he should have remembering them anyway). Getting out of he seat, he grabbed his bag and went out the door. When he got out, he opened up his bag to find his phone. As he rummaged around inside of it, he felt something soft and furry "Oh no...not now" with a sigh, John pulled out the offending object to find it was his pet Danny "Danny...how many times have I told you not to do this? I'm still not even sure why you keep on hiding in my bag." Danny (who was used to being handled my humans like this, and thus totally fine with John holding him like this) simply stared at John, as he was unable to reply. However, his attention was quickly grabbed by something behind John. Noticing this, John turned around to find...

...a Meep? "Is...that what I think it is?" John asked himself, clearly not believing what he was seeing. Taking note of them, the Meep flew over to John and Danny, stopping right in front of the ferret. The two then proceeded to stare at each other "well if I am crazy, the poor Danny here clearly is too. Don't worry little buddy, it's just a Meep, he won't hurt you." 'unless Bard throws him at you' went unsaid "but if there's a Meep here, then that must mean..." he quickly thought back to the shield "...someone like me must be too. I'm not the only one with the powers of a character from a video game" Then John looked at the card "could this be why I was given this; because someone could tell what I was? So does that mean that people did see the shield?" John thought about this sudden revelation for a little bit "Clearly, there must be more people like me. The question is; do I want to find them? Oh who am I kidding, there's no way I'll be able to avoid this forever. I might as well jump into whatever this is that I've found myself in. But how would I find others like me, without drawing the attention of the un-involved?" The first answer that came to mind was the card, however something else also popped into his head "...The shield. Braum's shield should serve as a beacon to others like me, while others would simply write me off as a cosplayer." he had seen enough people walking the streets in bizarre outfits for that to make sense. Having made his decision, he quickly checked for anyone nearby. When he was sure that he was clear, he summoned the shield to his side. trying to lift it up, he found it heavy, but not too heavy to lift "well at least I should be able to lug this around without much trouble. I just have to hope that I don't get into a fight"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aelia Stark

At least the two were friendly. A small smile began to creep its way back onto her lips as they spoke, saying that she could stay as long as she wanted and she could even help tidy up the place if she so wished. While Aelia wasn't really that good at cleaning or cooking or whatever else they would like for her to do, she could certainly try. She was the kind of person to leap at the thought of helping someone, no matter what-- even at the cost of something precious to her.

Erick appeared like he was a person that knew what he was doing-- the other male, Alex, seemed like a fun person to be around. It was a wonderful balance; the atmosphere in the living room was neither too solemn nor too light-hearted in this situation. Aelia's lips only curled further once she noted that the brunette had sent the text message to the number on the business card. Hopefully, this whole "power" business would be solved soon.

"I really do appreciate all the help," Aelia repeated herself, leaning back into the couch as she spoke. "But I feel like I should be getting some rest. I feel exhausted from everything that happened in that cafe..."

The brunette fell onto her side, leaning her head against the soft cushions of the couch. She closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into the soft material, her face considerably more relaxed than it had been before. Maybe she should just take a cat nap; perhaps things would be much clearer than it was when she woke up once more.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Erick watched as Aelia snuggled into the couch and disappeared into the hall momentarily, reappearing with a soft fleece blanket pulled from one of the spare beds in the apartment, and tossed it over Aelia as she got comfortable. “That’ll be better, I think. Blankets are almost always better than no blankets.” He offered, smiling at her as he walked over to Alexander, sitting down behind the other man, who was firing up his computer. “Now, seriously?” Alex looked over his shoulder, smiling at his friend and nodding as he double clicked the client, pulling up League of Legends.

Yes, now, man. No time like the present, besides it clears my mind. Plus, I’m making the push for Diamond, I want to get it before the end of the season. I can do it, I think.” As he spoke, the call sign of his favorite champion: Ezreal, filled the room: Time for a true display of skill!All my dreams will come true if I just believe. The man on the TV said so, and he never lies.

I’m going to watch you play and make snide remarks about every mistake you make, baddie.

Wouldn’t have it any other way…” Alex muttered, as Erick looked down at his phone, reading the text message that he’d received in turn. Thinking for a second, he nodded after a moment of careful consideration.

After that game we gotta go. I hope it’s quick. I’d much rather just make sense of this on our own, but...” He trailed off, shrugging as he punched out another text to the number:
We’ll be there in about an hour. I don’t plan on staying for long, but I’ll be dropping off a girl you gave the business card to.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 7 days ago

"You're right." Leon mumbled almost absentmindedly as he dumped the bloodstained clothes into the laundry bag after he was thoroughly questioned by the police. Of course, it was sensible. They just saw a guy holding bloodstained clothes, and immediately primed him as the suspect. Good thing, though, that some of the clients were able to vouch for him, and convince the police that he was the one who tried to save the man, but his efforts failed him. "Let's go outside." the lad shambled out, his right hand gripping the hem of his sleeve-less shirt quite tightly. One of the women's words really kept replaying in his mind: 'maybe you're one of us' or something like that. No, it wasn't a big, fat maybe. He, indeed, was really one of them. He had already awakened a few weeks back, and had tried his best to live a normal life. If there was something that Leon knew in his life, it was that bringing yourself to unnecessary spotlight is like waltzing towards a flame-- you will get burned. Leon had little intention to show his own capabilities, but the idea of being in a group that understood his dilemma was nigh on impossible to ignore.

He wanted company; he wanted friends who shared his sorrow. But, he had his past to look forward to.

As he sat down outside with the blue-eyed maiden, the barista leaned back on the wall, stretching his arms until his hands rested comfortably behind his head. His lavender eyes looked at the graying skies, a grim reminder of how quickly a day can turn into a nightmare. Then, he turned his gaze to the blue-eyed maiden, unable to tear his gaze from her for a few seconds. "It's crazy, really. And, my classes don't even start until three in the afternoon." Leon sighed, releasing some of his pent-up tension. "And, I have little reason to go and attend it."

His eyes went back to the muffin-witch, observing her interaction with one of the smokers. It seemed that everyone who had openly showed their powers, whether accidental or purposely, were given a card. A card which he had no idea what was written on it. And, the blue-eyed maiden had one of those cards. For all he knew, they were being recruited into an organization or a private army where their powers will be used to take over the world or something. After all, he didn't see how mere human means could fend off an ice lady or a woman who could survive near-searing heat. "Would you really go with them? Things would become complicated, in my opinion. But, I guess," Leon looked at her again, now crossing his arms over his chest. "That that is your choice. It must have been hard, huh? Waking up to sudden powers that are beyond our wildest dreams..."

Still, what the man said had a point. Leon hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help listening to a weird conversation. Power can get through one's head, and it certainly did at one point in Leon's awakening. However, he managed to control such urges... for now. After all, what was there to gain by destroying buildings without prior cause? A waste of his time, and other people's time. However, as he tried to process everything so far, he heard a sudden noise-- almost like a horn-- that reverberated through the air, but it vanished as quickly as it resounded. Leon's eyes searched left and right for the source of the noise, but hesitated otherwise to act in case that this was one of this smoker's schemes to cause him to use his ability. Leon didn't know much about life, but he knew that if he played his cards right, he'd win the jackpot of never ever being bothered by card-wielding vagabonds ever again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Artemis came up behind her and seemed to be backing her up. Even though they had just met, it was clear that Artemis was up for standing up for Sam. It was nice! She couldn't remember the last time she had anyone who would do that for her. Most of her friends were coworkers from the club she worked at (as a bartender), some regulars at said club, and some people she knew back in her wild years (not that she wasn't still wild) who had not really been great friends anyway. Sam wasn't really one for getting out there and socializing on her own, one for having such a bad temper and two for the fact that she could sometimes be awkward. With this, Sam looked up at Artemis with a faint look of gratitude and then swiveled her head back to the creepy man with a more pressing, challenging expression.

The man's next words seemed to show he was annoyed by how she had reacted, firstly for being called creepy (which, yeah, he was for weirdly going up to people and giving them cryptic messages and a card!) and secondly for not answering the question. She supposed he was right. It was commonly known that one wasn't ever supposed to answer a question with another question. It was considered rude. However, when did Sam ever give a single fuck about niceties? Never. Still, it made her annoyed at how slippery his words came out as if what he was saying was disarming the attack that she had sent. He was probably the kind of guy who thought he was oh so clever. She hated people who thought they were smarter than her.

He went on to talk about how tenuous the situation was and Sam knew what he was saying was true, though she didn't want to admit it. Still, the way he kept on saying 'we' and 'us'. The whole speech was so dripping with ethos she couldn't help but feel like she was being manipulated. The way he spoke was how politicians spoke. In the end, she knew what he was saying was true, but the way he said it made her even more suspicious than before. He said that they could come if they wanted or not, and left. She was half tempted to call after him and try to get him to explain himself, particularly what 'we' was supposed to mean, but she just glared after the man until he was out of sight.

Sam finally turned back to Artemis and, to her surprise, Leo. Leo echoed her thoughts in her skepticism of the situation. He made the point that it would make things complicated, but concluded it was there decision. Leo finished it with acknowledging the struggle of the situation. Sam nodded, "Honestly, I'm not sure about them either. I mean, what did he mean by 'we'?" She looked at the two of them as if hoping for an exclamation. "For all we know, he could be part of the FBI. If they get us they could imprison us, or worse; maybe even try to dissect us or something." She sighed, still hoping for answers. "I'm not scared or whatever. Maybe we should go. But if we do, we should do it together so if they pull something we'll be stronger in numbers."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Claire glanced at him, her words stuck on her tongue while she was in thought. Something had ravaged the dead man's body earlier, what if it was still out there? The picture of the body and the thought of danger lurking around made her sick to her stomach.
Sticking together made sense, but even with their numbers, some of them didn't have full grasp over their powers yet. How would they defend themselves when something or someone came after them? She feared the sensation of hideous talons raking and tearing at her skin or lying in a pool of her own blood, unable to breathe because her throat had been slashed open. Claire felt weak and was thankful for the fact that she was sitting rather than standing. She took a breath and cleared her hyperactive mind.

"I think sticking together would help us and I don't think we should be isolated either...I'd feel more comfortable with sticking with them than being alone actually." Claire briefly pointed to Artemis and Sam. "Wherever they happen to go, then I'll come along with them. I just don't really want to be left in the dark when I'm curious to find out why this happened." Claire said to Leo.

"The man giving out the cards must've been happy to discover people who're affected like himself. I saw him and his friend enter the cafe, they were looking around at people and at us like they were searching for something. They obviously found what they were searching for judging from the way he was giving out the cards earlier. He found it in us...now he wants us to take this leap of faith and contact him. Matthew," She read the name from the card, "isn't forcing us, so you don't have to contact him if you don't want to, but I want to think that the people openly displaying their powers or reaching out to us don't want to be alone in this dilemma and want to find others like them. I feel that way as well."

Claire paused and looked around, "There were a couple others at the cafe I wanted to talk to, especially a guy with Braum's shield. I don't think he's around anymore but I know I'll bump into him again soon..."
A thought crossed her mind and she pulled out a smartphone from her pocket.
"I already have a coffee buddy, sorry Leo, Artemis beat you to the punch to that...Maybe you can just be our supplier supplying our addiciton since you happen to work here. Er, I can call you Leo right? It's on your nametag..." She rambled while pulling her phone number on display, "But in any case, here's my number and my name is Claire! Oh, you guys too! My number! Look Artemis, he's our supplier for our caffeine addiction!" Claire waved to Artemis and Sam, and then gestured to Leo as well with an excited look on her face.

A faint blue flash appeared in her peripheral and her attention was drawn to that direction. Clare remembered the light from the gentleman from earlier with Braum's shield. "He's probably still hanging around..." She muttered under her breath. Claire would get their info first and then check out the area where she had seen the shield. Hopefully the guy wouldn't get too far before she could.

@Kiroue @Cubix @Eklispe @Card Captor
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Aelia Stark

~ The next day ~

It wasn't like she had a peaceful sleep. It also wasn't like she had a bad one. It was more like she was tossed into a confusing dream wracked with turmoil and chaos. There was no blood shed and no innocent lives taken; it was similar to being tossed in a pit and spending the whole entirety of her dream falling into the abyss. And so, it was somewhat of a relief for Aelia to be ripped from her sleep. The light filtering into the living room disturbed her greatly, along with something soft brushing up against her bare leg.

Her cerulean eyes snapped open as she pulled her leg away from the foreign object. Perhaps it had been a bug, or some lint that had fallen onto her. But the more she moved, the more the object kept touching her. It prodded her back and brushed up against the back of her head, even going so far as to tickle her nose. Aelia jolted upright, darting her eyes towards the location of the bothersome thing. What she saw, however, brought forth a piercing shriek of both horror and confusion. Nine snow white tails curled forth from her lower back, waving and curling in the air. While they were rather pretty, she did not want to be seen with almost a dozen extra appendages growing out of her.

Aelia's hand went up to run a hand through her hair in confusion only for her fingers to press up against the pair of fox-like ears that sprouted from the top of her head. Her heart began to race; what exactly was she supposed to do with these things? Would they just go away by themselves? She let out a groan, furrowing her brow and rubbing the ridge or her nose as her ears flattened against her head. Did people just expect her to go to school like this? What were the guys going to say? She was getting fur all over the couch, after all.

Her wobbly feet touched the ground as she lifted herself from the couch. ""Erick? Alexander?" Aelia called into the home, reaching up to play with her ears again. They felt really weird... ""I really think we should see that man, now..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


The Prior Day

Artemis walked the man with the cards leave carefully. He seemed he was finished here, for some reason or another. She turned back to Sam. "We most likely means those of us with powers. I agree we should go, but perhaps it would be best to wait a while to let this information digest. If anyone needs a place to stay my... house, has more than enough room." More of a mansion really. Artemis quickly memorized Claire's number just in case."Tomorrow we should meet at that address, early in the morning. If needed we can call each other but if contact can't be made be sure to be there as soon as possible." Artemis finished, hopefully satisfying those involved. Someone out there had powers and they weren't playing nice. Those two men seemed to know more about the situation than any of them leaving them little choice in the matter. While Artemis would've preferred to go immediately a good nights rest would conform that she was thinking straight and leave her in tip top shape. Of course she didn't seem to tire as easily but sleep should still be of a great benefit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Arthur shook his head at the offer to crash at Alex's place. It wasn't anything personal but as an owner of his own business it stood to reason that Arthurs apartment would be much more comfortable given he had the funds available to furnish it. Not that any of that crossed his mind at the moment. The only thing crossing his mind at the moment was to get home and learn what he could, check out anything online involving bard, and maybe see what Alex's league persona would be. Had something to do with blades flying out and returning at will like... Talon? That sounded reasonable to his thinking given that the ultimate was described exactly the same, with blades flying out and resting before returning to the assassin. Maybe he could do all the other stuff?

Arthur took his phone back and hastily wrote down another long message before passing it to Alex again.

(The message reads; I run a small business not far from here, and my apartment is even closer. I've got a guest bedroom and a spare laptop if you want some company till this mess gets figured out. Maybe we can see what league character you are. Least I can do after injuring you earlier.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“Agghhhhh!!!” Clarice made a pained sound as she slowly rose from the bed. Her small home was a mess. Yesterday was a seriously strange thing that happened with the strange power that she suddenly came in possession of. The armor, the abilities and even the weapon… all those were totally Garen’s items and abilities from Leage of Legends. Good thing yesterday was her day off so she stayed home all day until the initial shock of everything passed over. She threw a glance at the nearby wall, where now was a hole from a hit she gave it with her first ability use.

Taking a few shaky steps, she finally sighed in relieve as she realized her laptop was still in working order. Last night she nearly bashed it with the sword when it appeared suddenly in her arms. She had no idea why this was happening or how to stop it, but at least managed to take some control of it and make the sword and armor disappear.

“Ohhh damn, I’m going to be late for work!” She suddenly panicked as she saw the time on her laptop and threw a glance at her clock next to her bed. It was smashed to pieces! No wonder it didn’t wake her up! This was going to be her first time being late! Quickly going through the morning routine of washing up, choosing a nice set of clothing to wear and making a coffee, she then left home, running towards her workplace. She barely even noticed that every now and then as she stepped, her feet would get covered by armor for a moment. For all that it mattered, it looked like her boots had lights in them that lit up with every step.

“I’m sorry, I’m late!” She stated as she stepped through the doorway of her workplace.” My alarm didn’t ring!” She quickly explained to the rest of her colleagues and she quickly ran to the back where the change room was located. After changing into her waitress attire she quickly moved to start taking and delivering orders. At first many of her colleagues were giving her the confused eyes for she towered over them, but now most were used to it. Even the regular customers. She still kept an eye out on one of her colleagues though - a quiet stormy black-haired co-worker boy. For some reason she just couldn’t help, but be irked for some reason. Not in a bad way… just… hmmm… maybe she just felt attracted to him? She shrugged, not sure herself what the answer was.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Artemis woke up moments before the sun rose. She quickly ran through her morning routine, shower, dry, clothes, food. Then she checked the card again to make sure of the address. Time to see if they could figure out what was going on. Artemis was tempted to bring her Diana cosplay with her but decided against it. Too many ways it might be poorly received. Regardless upon donning a comfortable pair of gray sweatpants, a black shirt, and a sweatshirt that matched her pants, Artemis made her way outside slowly walking to the address on the card. She looked at the building somewhat skeptically, it seemed she was the first one here. Odd, well not really but still. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently for something to happen.


Alex looked around with blurry eyes and stumbled his way into his clothes and looked at the laptop next to him, mildly confused. It took him a minute or two to remember what had happened. He'd followed Arthur to his apartment, much nicer than Alex's own, and bunked for the night, the two of them had managed to figure out that he seemed to be have Talon's powers. It explained the glowing blood he'd seen and the whole blade thing, though Alex wasn't sure how to access any other powers, if he even had any. Alex booted up the computer and started a custom game versus bots with Talon while he waited for Arthur to wake up. Maybe if he played Talon more he would get a better idea of how to use these powers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

~the previous day~

Claire had agreed to what she had been saying, but she said it much better than Sam had. She made it sound more logical, straight forward, and important. Everyone seemed to agree with what she had to say, knowing the dire nature of the situation. The woman concluded by giving everyone her phone number, and Sam eagerly and happily received it. The moment she had been given it, she had begun punching it into her phone. It was as she was doing this, that Artemis began finishing up, explaining the game plan. She even offered people to stay at her place. As much as a super power sleepover sounded amazing, she wasn't quite sure how much she wanted to have to socialize. Sam wasn't sure how close she wanted to get with these people and she just was a bit weird with people being in her personal bubble like that. "A rad sleepover sounds pretty awesome, but I'm gonna have to pass. Got work." Sam said, ending by sticking her tongue out and throwing her eyes upward to show a comical disgusted expression. Also, it was entirely true. There was no rest for the wicked as a club bartender and that meant that sleepovers (which were obviously at night) conflicted with her job schedule.

"Anyway," she continued, "I'mma catch you cool cats tomorrow." She said, dejecting herself from the conversation swinging her leg around to make her way to her beat up Jeep she named "The White Supremacy" (Whitey or Supreme for short) for its faded and chipped, white paint job. She had asked a friend of her's what she should name it while he was high and he had given the odd name that had stuck. She flung herself in, turned the key, and made her way home to chill before work.

~the next day~

Samantha strutted across the cracked concrete knowing she looked like a 10. Knowing she was going to have to socialize, the woman had committed herself to looking nice. Now, this didn't mean subjecting herself to a dress or any variety of bright pastels; oh no, she had her own style. The shiny, leather (slightly) heeled combat boots clunked along the way. The footwear fed up into some black lace with a scull and rose design, stretching over her legs which led up into a skirt. This skirt was short, white, and flowy with black, upside down crosses on it. Sam also wore a black, crop top bustier with small straps which were covered by a black, leather jacket that hugged snuggly against her. Not to mention her extravagant, black and white makeup was on point. The artistry made her eyes look piercing and her contouring made her sharp facial features even sharper.

She was determined to make an impression on this potential League of Legends and she wanted to make it known that she was not someone to be messed with or overlooked. However, if she was being honest, she just wanted to look sexy today for no real reason. The attire provided her with a boost of confidence she needed in confronting this somewhat sketchy situation of seeing that creepy guy who was hoping to gather them all together.

The woman went up to the house of the address and found Artemis there, ringing the doorbell. Sam lengthened her stride and waved at Artemis. "Hey, looks like we both got here at the same time!" Sam paused, looking at the door challengingly, "You ready for this?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hey Im Jordan
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Hey Im Jordan Surpass Your Limits!

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Erick was in his room, thinking, by the time that Aelia woke up and called out for them. Similarly, Alexander was in his room, but he was more than asleep, and he didn’t want to be bothered. The sound of Aelia’s voice flowing through the room had two effects: one, it almost roused Alexander from his sleep, but with a grunt of dissatisfaction and a roll to the otherside, he was back in dream-land, where he felt he belonged then. Erick, though, was up on his feet almost instantly, worried that something had happened. As he let himself out of the room, and came face to face with Aelia, with the fox tails and the soft looking ears, he frowned.

Yes. I think you’re right. Are you… alright? Do you feel okay? Pain? Anything like that?” He asked he turned around, going to Alex’s room and throwing the door open. There were sounds of protests, and maybe a bit of a scuffle, but after about thirty seconds, Alex was dragged out of his room, his eyes dead and his movements sluggish as he looked at Aelia. “See?” Alex stared at her for a few seconds before he stumbled over to her, a dope smile on his face.

Look, it’s Ahri. Must be having that dream again… I’onno why Erick is here…” With the dumb smile on his face, he reached out and stroked one of Aelia’s ears, smiling dumbly. Erick, watching this exchange, shook his head and sighed, but left Aelia to react to it on her own.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Hello?" An elderly voice rang through the small intercom outside the doors. The building was multiple stories tall, looming over the smaller strips of buildings that flanked it on either sides of the street. Though this wasn't the only apartment complex in town, it was definitely one of the largest. However, despite it's size, this building was not the most well kept structure. Some of the windows were broken, and the exterior brick was littered with graffiti and other markings.

Still, as the women waited outside, the voice came once again, "Hello? What can I do for you two?" The intercom was starting to crackle with static as he wait just for a moment for an answer.

"They're here for us, Roger. We invited them over." A somewhat familiar voice chimed in.

"Oh? Matt has guests? ... Well, I guess there's a first time for everything. I'll let them through." At this point, a loud buzz rang out, causing both doors to swing inwards as the interior came into view. Almost instantly, the girls would notice the condition of the lounge. As the building had seemed somewhat run down,the interior was kept in a much better state. Still, the colors were rather bland- the entire lobby was painted a bland cream color, the wooden reception desk at the back a stark contrast with it's darker hue. Behind the counter was an elderly man, balding and seeming to be in the latter years of his life. He bored a soft smile as he waved at both girl, "Welcome to my apartments! Please enjoy your stay."

"By the way, Matt's expecting others as well. They should have his business card," A familiar voice spoke from the side, the blonde male from the day before standing beside what seemed to be an elevator. Bowing his head slightly, he bore his signature grin as he waved to the duo as well, "Glad to see you could make it. Hopefully you won't be the only ones."

"If you're throwing a party, please be mindful of those downstairs." Roger added, his friendly demeanor hardening slightly.

"Of course, Roger." Liam spoke, motioning with his head to the elevator as his gaze fell upon the women once more, "Matt's waiting."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Artemis smiled, "You look nice today Samathna, I believe the correct term is 'smoking hot'. As for the upcoming encounter I believe I'm ready as I'll ever be" she said pleasantly. It was true. If Artemis cared for such things she might have felt lesser, Sam's dress and makeup were quite impressive. Then to her surprise someone began talking over an intercom to them, given the state of the building she wouldn't have expected someone to care enough to use it. Upon the door opening automatically Artemis obligingly stepped in. Well the place could've been worse, albeit not by much. "Ah Liam I believe, care to give us a rough overview on what the meeting is about or do we have to wait?" Artemis asked curiously as she entered the elevator. To be honest his lines sounded much like those of a supervillan's henchmen from a very cliche movie.
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