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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 11 days ago


The graven quiet of the Imperial Palace's South Wing was broken by a terse rapping upon a heavy, wooden door. Zmeyj Vladis, Knight-Commander of the Imperial Fourth Legion (colloquially known as the Shadow of Vostoroy), stood uncomfortably outside the chamber which he had just knocked upon. Despite the late hour, the senior knight stood in his dress uniform, the traditional black and midnight blue of the Fourth Legion. As a respected veteran, Vladis had accomplished much in his years of service, both as a knight and commander of his legion. Reconnaissance, espionage and unconventional warfare were the Fourth's specialties, though their existence was something like a state secret. As far as the enemies of Imperia were aware, there was no Fourth Legion.

"Enter," sounded a resounding voice from the other side of the door.

Vladis swallowed, suddenly realizing that his throat had gone dry, and entered the chamber. The quarters were impressive; a large table for dining (though covered in plans and reports), a small library of scrolls and books, a private bath chamber, and countless trophies from innumerable battles and campaigns. Bright crimson and shining gold filled the room, in heraldry and drapery both. Not far from the door, near one of the south-facing windows, stood the man that Vladis had come to see. He stood a head taller than any man that Vladis had ever met, and his very form seemed to radiate power and magnificence. He was Lord-Commander of the Imperial Military, the legendary Angel of Death, the immortal and unconquerable Lucio Dante.

And here Vladis was, meeting him in his private chambers, while the man was dressed in his bedclothes. The two had met before, though it was in the presence of the Emperor and several other Knight-Commanders. Dante had presided over the meeting, merely a formality to discuss logistics and minor strategy, though for such a simple occasion he was dressed in the full, golden regalia for which he was widely known. Vladis had never seen the man outside of his armor, much less met him alone and in secrecy. He was clad in simple woolen bed-robes (dyed deep crimson, of course), barefoot and without any adornment. Dante turned from gazing solemnly out the window to face Vladis, allowing the Knight-Commander a good look at his superior. While rumor held that Dante was as old as the Empire itself, and sure enough neither Vladis nor any of his colleagues could remember a time before Dante's command, only now did he believe it. The man looked ancient, his hair white as snow, deep ravines etched into his face, and a distinctly tired look in his deep, red eyes. He did not look weak or frail, his body still mighty and strong, but never the less he looked to be a man that had seen more years and far more battles than the gods had intended for him.

"Lord-Commander." Vladis dropped his head and placed his fist over his heart in a salute as soon as Dante had turned his venerable gaze to him.

"Your report, Ser Vladis?" Dante asked in a voice that echoed richly from the walls. Vladis could not help it, but a shiver ran through him as he heard the Lord-Commander speak. It was a sound like war-drums, or metal being beaten upon an anvil.

Wasting no more time with formalities, Vladis retrieved the papers tucked under his arm, and glanced at them again before summarizing: "Yes, milord. The attack was carried through exactly as planned. The Seventh Legion's Tenth Auxiliary Company assaulted the invader's position at nightfall hours ago, under the command of Marquis Sigard. They were wiped out roughly an hour ago. My scouts returned to me within the hour. As expected, the invaders' military strength is staggering, but it is not insurmountable. They have no detectable mages among their number, and no defense against magic. Their defensive strategy relies heavily on fortified positions, though their infantry is highly mobile." Dante said nothing merely rubbing his chin thoughtfully as his eyes became distant. "I will leave the full report with you, milord."

"Very well." Dante gestured to his dining table, already overflowing with paperwork, and Vladis placed the documents on a mostly-clear space. "Excellent work, Ser Vladis. I will have greater need of you and your Legion in the future; stay vigilant."

"Ever vigilant, ever faithful." Vladis answered with the traditional motto of the Fourth Legion. Though many in his legion prescribed to a different code: "Always watching, never trusting."

Though his expression still seemed troubled, the Lord-Commander nodded at this, and made a motion somewhere between a salute and a dismissal. "Good. That will be all."

"Very well, milord." Vladis saluted again and departed Dante's chamber, shutting the heavy door behind him.

Dante paced about his chamber, deep in thought. He idly glanced back to his windows, and noted that the grey light of dawn was beginning to creep over the horizon. In a motion that had become routine to him, Dante drew heavy, red curtains down over his windoes, leaving only the dim light of his few lanterns that glittered against his many gilded trophies and artworks. Feeling slightly overwhelmed, Dante stopped his pacing to stand before the shrine to the gods in the corner of his chamber. Dropping to his knees in a stance of piety, Dante prostrated himself before the gods in prayer. He prayed for guidance in these troubled times, and he prayed for strength. Strength for himself, and strength for Imperia.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nikolas Maxwell

Earlier that day

It was crowed in the grand plaza, people tightly packed in all here to hear the emperors speech. The feelings of worry and concern hung heavy in the air. The news of these invaders had a lot of people of worked up which was understandable. But in his years of life and unlife had lead him to think there was more to it then people simply invading, an army simply doesn't invade for the sake of it. But whatever the reason it wasn't Nikolas concern was a fat short old man standing next to him was all that mattered him right now.

For that fat old man was paying Nikolas to protect him. The old man being some minor noble, locked in some feud with some other minor noble. Nikolas's charge worried his rival would send assassins to deal with him. Nikolas didn't really care either way, the noble was willing to meet his price and paid on time and in full each week. Not to mention the noble provided with Nikolas with food and board. Not that he really needed them food these days food had no flavour. Although the drink he provided was good enough to get him drunk after several dozen mugs. As to how it got him drunk Nikolas had no idea. Maybe it was the god of death cutting him a little slack and giving something he could enjoy like he had in life.

Whatever it was he had to be careful while drinking given if he got to drunk he might let it slip he was not alive and was only still in the world thought powerful magic. That the god of death incarnates had placed on him. The living always seemed to fixate on the fact he undead and looked like a zombie. The fact his mind was still his and he didn't mindlessly attack people and eat their flesh.

So here he stood in the plaza surrounded in by the living, dressed in his armour his hand resting on the hilt of his sword as he watched for threats to his charge. A task if he wasn't being paid for he rather be anywhere else. Whatever the emperor had to say didn't interest Nikolas given this wasn't the first time he had heard an emperor make a speech. Still given he have no choice but to listen he paid it some attention.

Once it was over Nikolas noticed a lot of little arguments break out along with a few small fights. Sadly for Nikolas his charge got into an argument with a group of young men next to him. An argument Nikolas quickly had to step in the middle of with his sword out and raised.
"Back off you lot, that's your only warning." Nikolas stated in a threatening tone. Stepping in front of his charge. The young men looking Nikolas over once before backing down seemingly unwilling to pick a fight with someone was was armed and armoured. Or maybe it was the guards that already began to move into the crowd to break up any fights.

Sheathing his blade Nikolas heard his charge tell him he was headed to the inn they where staying at Nikolas nodding once as he turned to follow the minor lord. Unaware that he and his charge where being followed by a group several well armed assassins and a pair of magic user What would happen next would leave Nikolas out of job.

Later that night

The rest of the day had been a real mess for Nikolas, as he now sat in the inn, jobless staring at his 3rd cup of cheap ale. The old minor lord had been kicked by a barge of ice spikes, while several assassins kept Nikolas distracted in melee combat. Even as he cut down a couple of the assassins he couldn't stop the magic users form killing the lord. Once the lord was dead the assassin back off while the magic users distracted Nikolas before retreating as well. Leaving the undead warrior alone with with his now dead charge.

The fight had drawn in the guards who questioned Nikolas for several hours before he was able to convince them he wasn't the guilty party. Only letting him go, when the assassins where discovered to part of guild that had been causing trouble in the empire for sometime. A guild Nikolas had tangled with a few times so learning that wasn't surprised they had let him live, well as close as he could get.
Still it didn't help him now, as he needed work again at some point. The coin he had earned of the minor lord wouldn't last for ever.
"So back to square one. Been a while since I've in the Imperial city without work. Hopefully my what little reputation I've maintained as reached here. Oh well I've got a few day's that lord paid for a room and I plan on using it. No point on letting go to waste. At least the innkeeper didn't mind me staying in the room." he thought downing another mug ale which was a little hard as he was still in his armour. So he split some of it down the front of it, but at this point he didn't care.
"Another drink!" he told a passing barmaid the undead soldier words slurred oh so slightly, his plan was to drink the night away while he worked out what he'd do with himself. He knew there was work out there it was just a matter of finding it. But Nikolas hoped it just fall into his lap and save him the trouble of looking.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Skepic
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Skepic Spookbuster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

SMSgt. Helena "Hellcat" Vortzeria

“Unfortunately dear, you just missed her, she went to her bunker for some rest and I also was about to do the same.” the man said, with a seemingly friendly tone. Helena huffed in frustration. She'd hope to size up her new squad leader, but alas she was supposedly... tired. "Actually... what the hell.... 'she'? I was under the impression the leader was a dude... Well, it is Fuso, so who the hell knows what those crazy guys are up too...." Helena thought as she sized up her squadmate. He seemed decent enough, but Helena never trusted a smile from a Terran. Not after Operation Glorious Decent when she got the chillingly same friendly smile from a Terran officer that assured her they would be backed up by Terra's finest. As it turned out, "backing up" turned into, "You're our meat shield".

“Yeah, it's quite an atrocious sight isn't it, my name's Donovan, by the way. Yours?” he said, regarding the scene before them. Helena's helmet retracted, revealing her icy blue gaze, staring straight through the soldier of Terra before her. Sighing, she got out a pack of cigarettes and flicked one out, placing it in her mouth, before turning away from Donovan to look out over the massacre again.

"'Atrocious' wouldn't be the word I'd used to describe this, Pretty Boy, and I would start getting used to scenes like this." She paused and lit the cigarette, taking a puff before continuing. "Seems like our new enemy is using nothing but ancient weapons and strange powers to face us. Crazy bastards probably can't even comprehend the hell they've just released upon themselves." she paused, inhaling the relaxing smoke, blowing through her nose. "I'm Senior Master Sergeant Vortzeria, or just Sergeant Vortzeria if ya want. Of the 909th originally. You?" She asked, not particularly interested, but it seemed Helena had nothing better to do. On the inside, she couldn't help but smile a bit. "Well, besides the now present stench, I'd say this is starting to feel more like leave than a deployment. I actually have nothing better to do.... Huh..." she thought to herself, feeling for the first time in awhile, a little hopeful.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cpl. Donovan “The Friendly” Valentine

Growing ever fatigued and annoyed as the seconds ticked by. Feeling like minutes to him by how little he wanted to be around. Donovan struggled to not just leave them both immediately, without responding. But he convinced himself, someone with such high class would converse even with the insignificant ones. He had to keep up his appearances, continuing to have a genuine smile and act interested in what this women had to say. Being able to fake sincerity better than anyone he knew. Realizing what he must of said previously, his rather embarrassing slip of the tongue was because this women was making him think of that girl. Only confirming how much he desperately needed a drink and to escape. Donovan cleared his throat a bit as he scratched his nose briefly taking a moment to regain his composure, just keeping his screw up to himself for the moment. Just letting her continue to talk while smoking her cigarettes.

However, calling him 'Pretty Boy' again crossed Donovan's patience threshold and something about her words just pissed him off. Assuming he hadn't already became indifferent to violence was certainly insulting his experience in the field and abruptly spoke up before she could say another sentence. “I'm very sorry but I'll have to continue our conversation some other date. I'm quite exhausted from the day and I was meant to have a discussion with my teammates earlier and I promised to speak to them eventually. So I'm afraid I must be going...” Donovan turned away from them both started to leave. “Very nice to meet you both.” Donovan quickly added, with his back turned as his face couldn't be any different from his pleasant sounding tone. Donovan quickly left and headed back into his semi-private room where he could finally be alone. As his parent's money had some lovely perks, being secluded away from the people he could hardly stand was his paradise.

Donovan sat down in his chair with a long frustrated growl and pulled out some of his fancy wine. Opening it and started to chug it straight from the bottle. When he was in this kind of mood and by himself he couldn't care less how uncivilized this behavior would be considered. Spending the next several minutes silently drinking, polishing off a half a bottle of highly alcoholic wine before putting the top back on and laying down in his bed rubbing his forehead. “Daft wench.” Donovan cursed under his breath, slamming his fist down into his bed.

“God dammit. What do I have to do to prove that I'm superior?” He exclaimed still keeping his voice down enough to likely not be overheard unless someone was right outside. “What the hell do I have to do, before I get back to where I'm supposed to be. No one should have authority over me beside my parents, everyone else is incompetent, thin-skinned or simply less worthy than me. Especially those cowards hiding in their ranks, hoping that by lessening my power I'm somehow forced to become subservient to those egotistical fools. Well their dead wrong...” Donovan ranted aloud to himself venting his anger. It felt cathartic to do so, just smiling afterward as he got under his covers and relaxed.“Well tomorrow’s another day...” He thought to himself, letting out a small chuckle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cpt. Saiyako

As the light flitered through the fluffy clouds of dawn, the captain awoke from his "bed" and rubbed his eyes before running it through his hair, he could feel how dead and dirty it was as his arm stumbled around for his helmet. As the sun bounced into his irises, he sat up and stretched his neck, turns out that sacks full of whatever wasn't ideal for his body. Who would have thought?

Saiyako called out for Oni, no response. Another call, no robot came. Cursing as he stood up and stretched, he looked down on to his datapad and sighed. Causality counting time was always fun. From a preliminary look, about 4 people had been taken out last night, oh how much fun it would be later on when he had to write up the paperwork. Stretching once more and looking into the sky, he couldn't help but smile at the sun; the air was so fresh, so clean, there was no smoky oder or lingering chemical scents that he had gotten so accustom to back on Fuso, not even the parks had air this natural.

Turning his head, the Fusan gazed once more around before opening up communications, his voice crackling through the radio, "Erm.. attention all member of the First Recon, line up at the front of our barracks for line up or something..."

The man noted two things as he stood up: one, his radio must have gotten damaged some how, it didn't crackle that much normally and two, it seemed that his horrible sleep was affecting his ability to captain-ing right. Not that he ever really did that all too well.

Fumbling with his directions for another minute before just sort of stumbling down the paths and trenches as other dashed to and fro in a flurry of uniforms and bandages, Saiyako tried to find his way. It seemed that many soldiers had the same idea as him and where passed out on the sideline in varying stages of being awake. Pot holes and craters still smoldering from what he presumed to be stray fireballs as the sound of vehicle recovery crews pulling back a metal husk of a Thorgrim broke the morning winds.

Turning the corner, he found his soldier already standing in front of their barracks in two rows. Seems like they do a better job than he once did when he was at their level. Yawning as he began to sleepily sound off names, he let his mind wander about all sorts of trivialities that would no doubt get him a mouth full should anyone know. "Alright all of you gents, and ladies." Saiyako loudly mumbled (seemed like his throat was still asleep or something), "Your orders are to remain in that boxy-thingy until I get some more orders or something... I need some coffee..."

Lazily saluting them, Saiyako once again wondered away, waddling a bit duck-footed as he went off his merry way. Wandering about the camp toward the general direction of the his quarters, wondering where the fuck Oni was once again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Cpl. Donovan “The Friendly” Valentine

Donovan didn't wake up from the morning's light peering through the barracks neither did the ghastly nightmares that caused him to alter the position he was sleeping, every couple of minutes throughout that entire night. Most importantly, he didn't wake up on his own. Donovan arose and quickly tried to dress and make himself decent, feeling his hair standing up. As he completely aware someone was on the other side of the door, and frankly it better of been Captain Saiyako or they needed a really good reason they woke him up early. Despite him despising being awoken by someone else, he got himself ready in about a minute. Luckily unlike most, he rarely got hangovers anymore. Despite that specific wine bottle having an alcoholic content level closer to fifty percent and the amount he guzzled down would of probably knocked some unconscious.

Fabricating the best indiscernible and counterfeit smile he could muster, he popped his head outside taking a moment to clear his throat and change his tone to sound pleasant seeing it was just another solider on their team, and no one actually significant. “Yes? Did you have something to discuss with yours truly?” Donovan asked even trying to sound playful, believing he sounded very charming. Though his smug demeanor wasn't hard to spot at the moment, though by how cautious the individual looked it was safe to assume he already knew about Donovan's performance quite well. It took him slightly longer than it should of to actually respond, the solider not looking directly at him. Donovan glaring eyes could easily tell the solider felt like he was about to learn what shooting the messenger meant, but it made him even more impatient waiting for a proper reply since it was clearly had to be something important to wake him up.

Donovan exhaled some calmly finding that being respected had some disadvantages. “What did you need solider? You had something important to tell me right?” Donovan asked again not bothering to recall their name, stepping fully outside his room. The man nodded swiftly in response. “Sorry for waking you, I was told that you have a call on hold for you right now.” The solider answered. “Thank you.” Donovan replied sounding polite but couldn't help but think. “Idiot, it shouldn't of taken you so long to tell me, I don't want to keep someone waiting for me.” Donovan walked away from the solider towards where his call would be.

But before Donovan could even arrive, the speakers blared out as he could hear the Captain explaining that all members needed to stand at attention. Frustrated but also knowing he couldn't miss an order regardless how lazily vocalized as it sounded. Rubbing his eyes some as he quickly headed where all the other soldiers starting to gather and stand lined up. He stood up straight looking professional looking around able to tell by the grim expression on some of their faces, there were some casualties but he didn't really notice anyone missing. “Dying that quickly in war, your families should hang their heads in shame...” He thought to himself looking at Saiyako, still prepared to ask him some questions but from how exhausted he looked, he wondered if he'd even get any valid explanations.

Waiting and watching the Captain wandering away giving his orders, that he essentially he no actual orders. Donovan didn't waste any more time standing around with all the others. Walking back to his phone call, finding that at least no one else was there picking up the phone. “Hello?” Donovan greeted as he heard the sweet cheery feminine voice as his eyes brighten up as a genuine smile appeared on his face. “Mother, how wonderful it is to hear from you. I've missed talking to you...” Donovan spoke sounding pleased listening to her words. Before he took a small pause before questioning back, “What do you mean by bad news mother?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gin
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Gin Unbreakable Father

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eko Donpare
Maion Isensjäl


Softly Maion heard her own breath together with the evening birds and with the dense sound from the lively citadel. Golden rays with a flaming red and pink light blessed the peaceful yet tense atmoshpere that surrounded this awe stunning place.
The guards looked at the women as she dropped to her knees before them, there was a stirring amongst the men as they heard her name. Word from travelers spoke of a woman from the House of Wayfinder who was said to be behind many a uprisings and such in their lands. Under their breaths, the guards spoke in hushed whispers with mouths hidden behind hands until their captain parted them and they stood at attention as he approached the woman before them.

"So..." the big bodied man crossed his arms, "State your business here Wayfinder, what trouble do you conspire to spark in Imperia?"

Maion gazed the man before her with a intensive stare.
"I do not wish to bring upon you any darkness, if you will sir, I would like to give you the truth of what has happened in Gallogoth along with my services and my men." She was trying her outmost to appear as humble as she wish she felt. It is not as if this is how she had imagined herself appear before the empire, neither did she wish to remain so submissive. Though for once in Maions life she had to prove to her men what it truly ment to be of noble descent. If the captain was thinking of keeping the attitude up and not meeting Maion at her lowest she would probably have to go on her offense.

Your move... she thought as she kept her eyes on him.

"Is that a threat?" The captain sneered as stared down the Wayfinder, "Under Imperial Law code I am placing you under arrest for the threatening of an Imperial officer!"

The man chuckled to himself as the guards restrained the woman and two began to frog march her into the city towards the jails no doubt. His words, while slightly twisted, where true to an extent; anyone who threatens an Imperial political or governmental official and cannot show proof of identification as a noble or such otherwise is normally jailed. Skipping some steps and altering some words technically would make it legal for him to do this and the woman wouldn't know any better. Hardly anyone knew the law code well enough even within the army so his soldiers would take it at face value too. Hell, if this woman was the Wayfinder she claimed to be, he might get a promotion from all of this.

"Guards!" the captain turned around with a hearty laugh, "Make sure she gets the extra strong chains-"

Heads turned as the captain's words were suddenly interrupted and a piercing pain shot through his body. Looking down, the man saw nothing but red and steel emerging from his chest. Putting a shaky hand on the wound, he let his hand marinate in the blood pumping out of his new cavity. B-b-blood...? he thought to himself before the blade was swiftly pulled from his chest and he slumped to his knees.

"Greetings Miss Isensjäl, and farewell gentlemen." a female figure rose from behind the previously alive captain, now adding all his comrades to the God of Death's to-do-list with a few quick strokes from a bloodied blade, "You've just been granted a change of fate."

Maion was stunned by the captains action but before she could melt what had just happened down and counter act she was held down by guards and restrained, quickly nodding to her guards to remain passive. So evil truly is anywhere where humans prosper... she thought, the captain disregarding her noble banner in hand, the guards swiping it away with their feet, trampling on her pride.
Biting it together as she started to get escorted to wherever they had in mind, her guards following without resistance.
Maion felt the rage build up inside of her and just as she was about to lose it the captain suddenly halted in whatever obnoxious words he had on his tounge, struggled in pain and fell to the ground. Before her stood an astonishing woman with godlike silvery hair, more gracious than the ice and eyes so attractive that Maion wished her bath was filled with water just as clear.

"Art thou okay?" Eko chuckled as she swung her blade hard and fast to clean it, the blood drops forming a perfect half-moon around her, "Can you stand up?"

The Incarnate examined the woman closely. There was a certain level of elegance which she gave off even if she was on the ground, Eko's suspicions about her being a noble woman were proven once she saw the banner. House Wayfinder of the Gallogoth Commonwealth, seems like Tenzayn was right once again, not that he never wasn't.

"Lord Tenzayn has offered you a change of fate," Eko swung her blade out at a perfect 90 degree angle and bowed, "I am his Incarnate, Eko Donparre. What might bring someone such as you here?"
Maion rose slowly, "Yes I am Miss Eko...", it would take a moment before she could grasp her own situation.
"It seems fate has prolonged my excistence for yet a moment longer and I do not wish to be ungrateful, but I think you saving my ass might have blown my chances of ever getting an asylum in the empire for myself and my men... We have been running from the Gallogoth Commonwealth authorities, we are merely refugees and targets for greedy and unspeakable foes from back home." Maion stated regaining her composure, "Milady, unless you can help me further you should leave this place, I will take responsability for your actions and stay where I am, after all it would be pointless to try and run." Maion said and looked at her own weapon, picking it up and nodded to her men to close in on her and get free, wether she would fight or talk was now up to the Empires approach.

"Alrighty," Eko sheathed her sword and began to circle around the noble, "But first we're going to make some changes to you. You're way to conspicuous!"

Walking behind the Maion, she placed a hand on her left shoulder, slowly pacing behind her field of view. By the time Eko had reached her right shoulder, the hand was larger and his voice deeper as he playfully transformed behind her. Gently patting her head, Eko walked over to her fallen banner and picked it up. Decent bit of workmanship, nothing outstanding in his eyes but not too bad, for a family like the Wayfinders any who. He had a right to be critical it, hundreds of years of staring at the damn things must account to something surely.

"For example, this is too much, you'll never be able to hid." Eko suddenly kneel down and broke the banner in two over his knee, both of them turning to ash in his hands, not even being set on fire first, "Next is your clothing; you want to be hidden then look like the masses!"

Eko boldly proclaimed before realizing a flaw in his plans, nervously chuckling as he faced Maion once more, "Erm... do you happen to have a spare set?"
Maion stared angered at Eko, "What the hell do you think you are doing!?" she blurted as she suddenly noticed that circling her she had become an he, "Mind telling me what is going through your head just now? Why did you break my banner and what are you suggesting that I should do!" Maion noticed the Empire guards that was still alive looking at them intruiged and perhaps a bit scared of that Eko person.

"You need more soldiers and the like no?" Eko began to walk down the long path, turning to Maion but continued moving, "But with limited resources, you can't exactly hire all the mercenaries you want right? Fear not, I already have an idea."


The sun waned as Eko finally lead Maion to a small ledge over looking a valley. From some distance away he could spot the smoke of a war camp, then on the other was several large, grey-ish cubes and other strange looking buildings that Eko could only make out with magic-assisted vision; some of them didn't even look like buildings but instead just tubes on boxy things in holes on a cross. Beyond their lines of trenches and towers, there was a field full of wired coils and odd metal X's; what strangest they bring.

Turning around, the Incarnate produced a blanket of sort and threw it towards Maion who wasn't far behind, "Put that on, I fear that tonight might be a bit cold. Also, if you would, could you please help gather some dry wood? For a fire of course."

Nodding she accepted Eko's offer, "So, mind telling me why we are doing this again?" Maion replied and tightened her cloak a bit before wrapping herself in the blanket that she just got handed to her. Making the count of her own men to make sure non had been left behind, before counting the other imperials that Eko had forcefully recruited on the day they met, the day that Eko saved Maion.
Since she had learned that Eko was quite the hot shot. It appears as Eko is a some kind of human looking wonder that is either blessed or cursed with powers, both felt as possible truths and though what he or she was had yet to be explained to Maion. So far this was based on her own observations of Eko. Maion and her personal men was wearing cloth and cloaks over their armor so to cover from where they came, the only clue if one had proper knowledge of Gallogoth commonwealth houses was Maion's rapier which was garned and skillfully crafted making it unique among rapiers. The view from which they stood revealed many wonderous things, strange to her eyes and while the Imperial Citadel was awe striking, what Maion now soaked in was with her green eyes was structures of which the likes she had never seen before.

Eko smiled as he began to pile on wood on an eventual fire pit, "Enjoying the view?"

The Incarnate chuckled he felt the flow of magic change ever so slightly; most would never notice unless they were a grand master of magic or something like that... or an Incarnate. There was no doubting it, this slight shift had been felt by all of the gods and their respective Incarnates. Eko shuttered in his place. Funny, such a small wind, even smaller than that of a breeze was able to unnerve him when nothing has managed to do it for centuries. Such could only be possible by an entire change in the system of magics as otherwise the only thing he would have felt was a spark of euphoria of which never came.

"I advise you get some sleep now," Eko walked up behind the Wayfinder, shortening himself as he turned once more into his female form, "We're going to have a long night tomorrow. I also advise you keep that blanket handy, it does more than to keep you warm you know."
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