Avatar of Alisdragon911


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4 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
10 mos ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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@Bloodwolf 2

You missed out on the Lucario arch and Shiranui Ninja battle. We can come back to that later, we left the IOA, did the Fire Gym battle, encounter Team Rocket, Liam and Shiranui level up in a World confrence, Chuck is missing.
Do you play male Ocs?
“I ha very not sense Chuck nor Selina for awhile, I hope they are not in any trouble.” J@Usernameen said as she pets Aura as Aura is thinking those two wanted to have some alone time together.
Jen nods as she blush Aura is wondering if Jen have a love intrest in Liam or Shiranui.
Jen and Aura watch their friends battle, “congrats to both to you.”
Jen agreed and recalled her pokemon. The Galaian Ponytail look at the door than back Jen annd Aura, he ask if he could come with her. Jen heard him in her her head and throws it at the Ponytail. Thre Ponytail enters the Great and pings shut, Jen change out a Pokémon to fit Ponyta into her party.

“I agree too, poor pokemon.” Jen said as she felt sorry for that pokemon.
Jen was listening and nods as it seem a bit crazy to her.
Jen and Aura checked on the Ponyta before going to btrakfast. The Ponyta open the gate and follows Jen to breakfast. The Ponyta plays with Jen’s Pokémon as Jen joins her friends at a table as she drinks some juice.
Jen and Aura agree to turn in for the night.
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