Avatar of Alisdragon911


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6 mos ago
Current Looking for male partner to do a Assassin/Spy Rp.
12 mos ago
Looking for male partner to rp a Batman Rp.


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“I sense a odd energy on the top of the cliffs mayn’t a reserchs base is up there.” Jen said as she feels the ground move.
“Thanks,” Jen said as she puts the fossil in her bag. Aura is wondering what kind of bird pokemon will be restore.
I’m interest in bird Pokémon,” Jen said but to her it be cool to find another aura user pokemon.
“They were expecting that call or it was part of the plan,” Jen said as she examines the fossils.
Aura follow behind Jen and friends slip from their climb.
Jen made some change some things for the climbs ahead of them.
“If we are careful and the help of our pokemon we can make it to the gymm,” Jen said as Auea nods in agree with her trainer
Should we continue without him? I hope he is ok.

I am intrest in your superhero idea.
Jen agree to coontinue with out Chuck but she Knowles she will see him soon.
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