Avatar of Archangel89


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9 yrs ago
Alright status update: I have started a new job and am currently in the process of getting used to said job. To all the games I'm currently in I will starting work on responses this weekend
9 yrs ago
Due to a misplacement of my laptop I will unlikely be able to post until Friday or there abouts. My apologies for those waiting on me.


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As an odd question but do the characters have to be teens or would it be possible to make someone older say in the 40+?
It has been far too long since we've heard Father's voice. Something has changed in the world and we can no longer sit and wait. The time to act is now….

-Musings of Bahdu

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Tal'Dorei -Surkesh Jungle | INTERACTION:

The view from the top of the the temple was spectacular and could not be disputed. As the sun rose over the canopy of the distant jungle the song of the birds was already in full swing as Bahdu gazed upon the empire his Father left him. It had been too long since His voice had been heard by the Glint-Scales and the concern of his people was growing. As if on cue the high priest came giving his report,

”Lord Bahdu, it has been twenty cycles and we still have heard nothing from the Creator. The warriors and hunters are becoming restless and whispers of a revolution are about.”

Quietly contemplating turned to face his priest. SInce his birth there hasn't been a time that Iarus has not spoken in some form to him and with this fundamental shift in the world it was time to move upon the dream his Father spoke on.

”Siddiq, do you think we have become lax? Father used to speak of building a great army and conquering the rest of the world. Yet we stay here and cultivate our society...have we become too soft?”

The mage stood quiet, unable to truly answer his king. Through the deafening silence Bahdu began descending the steps of his temple palace mind already made up.

”Siddiq, I am going away for a while it is time that I make a pilgrimage.”

”Alright, I will gather our best war…”


TIME: Present | LOCATION: Terratoria | INTERACTION: @Lmpkio

The creatures indifference towards the God of the Sun was of slight irritation to him but upon reading the message upon the parchment Apolios quickly understood as to why the it acted as it did. Almost as if on que Hyperion returned from his march in the mortal realm,

”Brother Hyperion, it appears the Lord of Flies and the White Star have joined forces and are calling for meeting of the gods within the Library. Gammaton I can understand but the Illuminator has me concerned as to his involvement. We should proceed with caution but make an appearance as a show of unity".
I should have a post up either today or tomorrow w/ a reaction to the Library and the start of the Sagu saga
I'm trying to think of a something that my Sagu people can do. At this point they're basically like the native people from the Disney movie Road to ElDorado except they are planning sneaky stuff lol. Any thoughts?
And initial post of Apolois has begun. I think a series of the Sagu will come next there is so much I need to catch them up on lol.
As surely as the Sun shines so must we be a light unto others. Even though the my midst of darkness always shine in brilliance.

-The Book of Radiance:
canticle 1: verse 1

TIME: Present | LOCATION: Elysium - within Terratoria | INTERACTION: @Rune_Alchemist

One would think that running the administration of the Kingdom of Light wouldn't be as dull as it was. Even with Hyperion's campaign into the mortal realm to deal with the darkness growing there most of Apolios’ duties were ran by angels flying to and fro. So, as he was one to do, Apolios allowed his mind to wander back to it's source. The sun. Ever burning, ever spinning, ever floating through the vastness of the Great Void.

In the ever growing mortal realm praises kept being offered to the great burning orb but was it truly the Sun they praised? Was it not the light which it gave to brighten the world, nor the heat which drove the winter back to it's own realm? Then what was the purpose of such magnificent fire and by extension the God of the Sun. Why should he exist for something that has always been and might well burn long after if something should happen to him.

A sudden and violent psychic screech brought him back to Elysium where an angel was approaching to tell him something that he already knew.

”My Lord, a creature is flying around the base of the Palace!”

”I am already aware. Worry not, this is something I will handle personally.”

Before the angel had the chance to protest Apolios had already teleported himself to this creature. Judging from the hideously unsightliness this creature came from either his sister of devils or the God of Knowledge.

”You have just summoned the God of the Sun from the duties said title entails, I hope for your sake CREATURE that whoever sent you has something important to say.”

As he and the creature hovered in mid-air the Light which radiated from Apolios grew brighter as a show of this patience was already wearing thin and whatever it had to say/do it needed to be done as swiftly as possible.
Added a few to my sheet including updated Iarus as God of Fear and a new creation (it's hidden in the Sagu Brood set)
In Terratoria, I'll react in time
And posted. Sorry it took so long but I wanna make sure I got the feeling right for the change of domains. I couldn't remember all the gods that were there so whoever is assembled please feel free to interact with him.
The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.

-H.P. Lovecraft

TIME: Present | LOCATION: The Spire | INTERACTION: Any at the Spire

The overwhelming presence of fear filled Iarus with such an awesome inspiring sense of power, he could feel the very earth beneath him tremble. The fear of all life became connected within him and if his will had been any weaker he may have been consumed by such a connection. As the God of Deception he was always lurking in shadows conspiring against those who dwelled in the light but now...now he was the shadows. The unknown thing that even the gods feared, as if all his deepest desires for power had come true. It was then that he noticed the other gods around the Spire.

He could feel the spite of Anu'varr, the righteous indignation of Hyperion, and the sweet delicious fear of Oao. It was Oao that he saw clearer than any, her fears projected across distances to show him the manifistation of her fears beyond the veil of shadows. As he was in studious awe of what his eldest sister's fears looked like his awe was cut short by the appearance of the stone atop The Spire. The structure was coming down, a most unfortunate thing.

Then as if a ghost of the past he saw himself standing before him in the light of the Spire. The gold expressionless mask that once covered his true essence gazed back at him and there was almost a sense of begging from behind it.

'You realize that this will make you an enemy of ALL your brothers and sisters. You will become the antithesis of every living thing.’

Feeling his face where his own cold mask rested, for the first time Iarus felt the need to remove it. As he removed the mask from his face and hung it at his side the new visage of the God of Fear took shape. The features of his face were sharp and angular but somehow smooth and enticing, no hair graced his head but the addition of ears which took a drastic and knife-like shape jutted from the side of his head. It was the eyes however; blank and seemingly soulless which stared back at Deception that really set the tone for Fear,

”We we're already their enemies dear brother, I simply am embracing the title that you skulked around and hid from. We had always planned on taking what was rightfully ours... you were too weak to obtain it on your own.”

And with that last affirmation Deception faded away from existence. Feeling his Divine Cord washed of all traces of Deception the new God of Fear stepped back from the Spire and turned to see the world at large. His cloak which once hung loose and made it easy to conceal himself became tighter leather look the flowing coattails now hanging just below his knees. The clasps on his chest shone with an unnatural red and looked as if eyes rested in them always searching around. Around his right shoulder hung black unknown fur which lead into a layered metal gauntlet which reached from fingertips to shoulder.

As he gazed around and saw the assembled gods and goddesses a small and terrifying grin crossed his face,

”Greetings dear brothers and sisters, allow me to introduce myself... I am Iarus, the God of Fear…

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