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@Majoras End
Those characters can join the squirt gun war and stage show events; they can be retconned as having been at the islands as well and hung out.
Zim charged north with the Active Cloak, having disappeared from his squad's radar as he pushed towards the eastern Cruxi Turtle; he was successful in avoiding the attention of the nearby Cruxi CWM who were preoccupied with Redeemer.
The Cruxi Turtle, even if equipped with sophisticated surveillance systems, also did not immediately notice Black Star as it was casing after Krieg with it's plasma gatlings. However once it did, it was too late to respond to the Wave Surger blast directly aimed at it. The nearby Cruxi mechs were alerted, and began shooting, their shots wide as they aimed for the decoy signals on reaction, only incurring 3% damage to the armor wings. The prolonged beam proved successful against the Cruxi Turtle's defensive systems, as the repair tentacles kept popping out only to be destroyed before they could fix any of the damage caused by the powerful weapon. As a result, the Turtle was heavily damaged, its armor melted and sparks flying out of the bio-mechanical innards of it. It responded by turning it's plasma gatlings and opening fire on Black Star: it also missed most of its shots due to the decoys. However, the sheer volume of green, firey death was enough to incure 15% damage to the armor, causing pieces of armor on the chests and arms to fall off.

Yeager also joined in blasting the Cruxi turtles, and after an evasive maneuver to the north opened fire on the central Cruxi Turtle; he was less successful in causing lasting damage despite the high output of armor-piercing rounds that peppered its shell: the tentacles managed to plug up the holes that appeared with frightening speed, their slender forms difficult to hit. However, there was a positive to the attack: instead of using its plasma gatlings to shoot at Yeager, the Turtle prepared for a new antimatter cannon shot, the Turtle's insides whirring and clicking as it calculated its priority targets, its big shell shaking.

Katya was quick to react to the worsening situations with Ojo and Neo Angel, and proceeded to initiate a high-speed repair maneuver. Caretaker's Eden drones launched out of the Framewerk's back, and in a coordinated operation restored functionality to Ojo's ankle servos even as Caretaker continued on its way to the next patient to treat, with no time to waste. Elizabeth also did her part in the rescue effort, having successfully calculated a safe trajectory and power to her next shot shot; when the drones were finished, they tucked themselves into spherical shape in Ojo's hands, and were launched using the Stargazer. In a single activation, the drones were hurled across the battlefield like thrown baseballs, reaching the crater where Neo Angel lied; one drone had a leg break off from the impact, but otherwise the drones successfully landed with rolling motions, immediately getting to work in carrying the torn arm and leg closer to Neo Angel's body for first-aid repairs.

Krista had Hou-Yi dig its four heels into the metallic dust of the crater as it was prepared for trench warfare, and launched a Plasma Cannon shot into E4's CWMs. Soon enough, small pieces of Cruxi technology rained over the Framewerk as she succeeded in destroying three CWMs in a single shot, two from E4 and one from F4 nearby; the Cruxi had made a wall to protect the Turtle behind them from Paladin.

Redeemer was in a bind, as the more agile CWM successfully held on with the embedded blade despite the pilot's attempts to throw it off with wild flailing. Redeemer's HUD blared with signals of damage; not only did the Cruxi take potshots with its Plasma Cannon, their combined weight also worked against Valéria, her leg servos gradually breaking down causing 50% damage to the legs and 40% damage to the back armor. However, she had a plan to escape. The Frame shot at the Cruxi before it with the Laser Repeater, easily shredding the machine with searing hot energy blasts. This also caused the Cruxi riding Redeemer to lean back in caution. At that moment, the massive weight of a juggernaut fell on top of it, causing a crunching noise as the high-gravity environment fully delivered on G-forces; the Cruxi was now flat as a pancake. Redeemer now has to spend all its movement to get back up in the straining circumstances.

Tayna dashed back to Neo Angel, Anastasia determined to protect the hapless pilot despite the complications her systems were going through. As she hit the edge of the crater, Tayna dug in its heels and phase shifted the environmental matter around it to form a protective barrier, ready as the Turtle Cruxi began charging. However, it seemed Tayna's sudden move caused a change; the cannon moved towards the south, where Paladin was advancing forward and shooting at the CWMS surrounding Krieg, blasting them to bits. The antimatter cannon roared, and despite Ojo's best efforts to deflect the blast, it caused a glancing hit on the mighty Framewerk; his Legion shield was shattered to bits, and the armor on gthe Framewerk's right side shattered, with a blackened exoskeleton exposed underneath. "Ariin, come in! What's your status?" Elise tried to contact her, but to no avail; the blast caused Ariin to recoil, causing him to hit his head and get knocked out. She opened up the squad channel. "Ariin's life signs are still positive, but Paladin has taken major damage, and his Synch rate has dropped to zero. We need those Turtles down right now!"

Krieg leapt back as Paladin's salvo hit the distracted Cruxi, scattering them to bits. "Roger. Moving south," Dietrich responded to Elise's order, and dashed south. However, on his way, he realized he had a chance to flank the enemy. "Scratch that, making a move on G6." Like a ninja, he launched himself towards the group of CWM soldiers; before they realized it, one of the mechs had the Helles Messer piercing out of their chest, followed by a quick slash that bisected the machine. Krieg then went for a downward swing, briefly caught by the opponent's meleec parry before he cut the entire arm at the shoulder. In response, the third Cruxi began shooting at Krieg, managing to hit the Frame's side. "Ngh! Damn," Dietrich cursed. "Could use some help over here."

A loud shot rang in the air, and one of the Cruxi assaulting Krieg fell down, it's head having blown up thanks to Sköll having made a shot. "You got orders, follow them!" Irina spoke with tranquil fury, and proceeded to dash north.
The remaining Cruxi near Caulder turned to open fire on him. However, Caulder didn't seem to care even as plasma shots landed on his Framewerk, dashing forward with shoulders cannons singing that took out CWM. The damaged third one was then kicked with enough power to punch a hole right through it, causing it to fall down as two pieces. Then, in a terrifying move, the Framewerk began to glow na intense red as he slashed his sword; it created a red shockwave that decimated an entire Cruxi unit, leaving them as a broken mess. "Is that all you got?" He taunted, laughing like crazy as he continued on his way with astonishing agility.

Watching Keijo was an...interesting experience. Very different from being in the ring itself, as Alicia had found. It was hard to tell if there was any real strategy to it, though Dan seemed to insist that there was. But she had stuck around to watch a few matches, and get the full experience before their time on the island came to an end.

That was why she was still around when Lily had her match. She was only an outside observer, but it seemed like things had gotten a little out of hand during the course of the match, and while she didn’t really know any of the combatants that well, the way Lily left was very different from how she had entered.

Rising from her seat, the Seraph moved to exit the stands and link up near where the contestants exited. Partially out of concern, and partially out of curiosity. After everything that had happened in Penrose, as well as their previous meeting, she wanted to get to know Lily a bit better. This was a decent opportunity for that.

Nearing the exit, she began looking around for Lily. Hopefully she had managed to get here before she could leave, or dash off with those speed powers of hers. Well, if not then she would just try to catch up to her later. It didn’t seem like they were going anywhere soon, after all.

Alicia saw Lily leaning against one of the statues at the entrance, looking sad. She had someone she needed to meet with, but right now she couldn’t find the heart in her to see them. She dreaded the outcome. So she had stopped, trying to sort her feelings out.
“Ugh, everyone saw that...” She whined, and hit the statue.
“What will they think? Probably that I’m a loser. I guess I am....”

Spotting Lily, it did not take an empath to figure out the thoughts inside of her head. Seemed that fight had been pretty rough for her after all. And definitely more in the mental than the physical sense.

She might not be an Aurelio, but Alicia decided to take the plunge anyway. It wasn’t like she could make the situation much worse than it was already. Waiting until she was closer, Alicia waved as she called out to the other girl. ”Hey Lily. Do you have a moment or two?”

Lily was startled, and turned towards Alicia; there were still remnants of her crying in the arena on her face.
“Alicia? Y-Yeah, I guess...I’d like to talk.” She looked around.
“Maybe we could go to the beach and collect shells?” She then bit her lip. “Or wait, maybe not. I guess you wouldn’t like that.”

There was an inward sigh of relief as Lily agreed to chat rather than fleeing the conversation, as that had been a doubt clouding her mind. ”It’d be more likely than you think,” she assured Lily, mind flashing back to when she had been doing just that before her own match. ”But actually I was thinking we could relax a bit, cool off and lose some of the steam from our matches. Maybe ice cream? I hear there’s even a restaurant on a cliff that rotates to give you a continually changing view somewhere around here.” She wasn’t sure on that part, it was just what she had heard. But it couldn’t hurt to look either, right?

“It is?” Lil happened to passingly ask, and smiled a bit; Alicia really did come at just the right time. “A restaurant? You mean that place, right?” She pointed up, and sure enough, there was a strange structure floating over the cliff face; it resembled a UFO, with a circular design and high windows.
“Let’s go check it out.” She began walking, looking a bit happier than before. “By the way, I only saw the end of your match, but it was super cool. You’re really talented,” she complimented her while they were on their way up towards the restaurant.

Glancing up, Alicia resisted the urge to facepalm as she caught sight of the UFO styled restaurant above their heads. ”Yeah, actually,” she confirmed. How fortuitous for it to be there at the moment they needed it. More of the islands magic, one would assume.

So they began walking, the Seraph keeping pace with Lily as they took the winding path up to the cliff. The praise earned a warm smile, though she did not let it simply pass by. ”Ah, I see you missed the part where I nearly got crushed by a shapeshifter then,” she observed, before shrugging. ”But thank you. Just an unintentional benefit of the training we do.”

Lily put a hand to her mouth in surprise.
“Oh wow, sounds intense. Shapeshifters are really broken in Keijo now that I think about it: they could make spikes on their butt and stuff. I guess Dan would rule that as attacking, but armor butts would still be bad...” She gradually began opening up to Alicia as they went on, her talkative nature coming apparent.

They reached the cliff just under the restaurant, but realized there were no stairs or even a ladder up to the floating building.
“Does Dan expect us to fly up there?” Lily mused, and yelped as a strange sound could be heard from the UFO-shape; a round, futuristic hatch opened up on the bottom, and an orange beam of light shot down over Lily; she began to float upwards, with her flailing around.
“Ahh! I was right! I’m being abducted!”

“That’s right!” A strange, modulated voice came from above, and Alicia was also beamed upwards. “I am Nad the Neptunian, and I will abduct you on a journey of tastes!” By the time they reached the restaurant, the two realized who the speaker was; it was Dan, except he was wearing a spacesuit and a goofy rubber mask resembling an alien. “Now, what experimental dish shall I test out with my new guinea pigs?” He asked, and guided them to a table by one of the tall windows. “Perhaps ‘Martian Brains’, or ‘Venusian Guts with Eyes’, hahaa!” Of course, the dishes he referred to were a bowl of strawberry icecream with cream on top, and spaghetti served with meatballs. The restaurant slowly turned in an axis, giving out a scenic view of the entire island.

It was good to see Lily opening up, now that she had something to distract her from what had happened during her own Keijo match. There were worse things to talk about. “Also tails,” she added with a nod as they just about reached their destination.

With no immediately apparent way up, the Seraph was prepared to act in a manner that was utmost in its practicality. “I could probably fly us up there,” she noted whilst looking at the UFO.Not that it was necessary, for in the end they were pulled up like they were being abducted by a beam of orange light. The culprit was soon revealed as well, and with it came the urge to facepalm again as she realized that it was just Dan spelling his name backwards.

Arriving in the slightly futuristic looking restaurant itself, Alicia let herself be guided to one of the tables by a window, giving them a gorgeous view of the island. At least that part was worth the trip. ”Ice cream would be good, if you have some kind of menu for that,” she confirmed. Best not to let the continued weirdness of their host distract from the reason for their visit.

“Coming right up!” Nad replied, and floated upstairs. Lily was flabbergasted.
“Whoah...He abandoned the bit fast.” But now that they could enjoy some peace and quiet, Lily looked outside the window, her eyes wide at the sight.
“I can see the entire island from here!” She exclaimed, and smiled at Alicia. “Thanks for bringing me here. I already feel so much better now after the fiasco at the arena, ha.” She averted her eyes.
“Anyway, what’s up? I heard you Beacon girls were making some kind of new coin. Is that true?”

With Nad quickly departing to carry out her request, Alicia shifted to look out the window as well. “That’s one of the nice things about being able to fly now. I can see a view like this back home whenever I want.”

Though Lily might have averted her gaze, the Seraph did no such thing as she relaxed in her seat. “Not much. I just wanted to get to know you a bit better, without Mister Grumpy around to spoil things.” Perhaps it was unfair to Alexander, but he really did himself no favors from what she had seen. “And yes, we are. It removes corruption, makes us much more resistant to mental control, and it’s a lot more practical than the old process.” It had been in the news, but with how the media was these days she couldn’t blame Lily for wanting to have it confirmed in person.

Lily pouted as Alicia badmouthed her boyfriend, gripping her knees with her hands.
“That’s mean, Alicia. Alex has gone through a lot, that’s why he’s grumpy. I’m sure if you got to know him better-I mean, uhh, forget it.” She sighed, and turned to see Nad arrive with the bowls of ice cream.
“Oh, thanks Dan!” Lily immediately scooped up a chunk, and devoured it, nodding at the Beacon girl’s words.
“Thht’ths ahmznhg!” She spoke with her mouth full, only to swallow and return back to speaking normally.
“All that with just one coin? You must have a lot of smart people in Beacon to come up with miracle inventions like that.”

The arrival of ice cream was enough to swing the conversation on to a different topic, which Alicia was grateful for. A hum escaped as she joined in sampling what they had been given, a light sigh escaping as it cooled her down from her recent exercise.

She did her best to maintain their chat even as she ate. ”We got a couple lucky breaks, but yeah. It’s pretty impressive. Though after the stuff that happened with Justine and the Bates, simply holding peace wasn’t going to work anymore. So something like this would have happened sooner or later.”

“Really? That’s interesting.” Lily took another spoonful, savoring the frosty treat.
“But I wonder; what would have happened if there were White Coins before Justine began causing trouble in Penrose?” She curled her lips.
“I wouldn't have met you, gotten to know Alex...Or anyone really. Wouldn’t that have been super weird?”

”I suppose,” Alicia admitted in between small bites of ice cream. ”Though I’m not really sure how the two of you met so I can’t say one way or another. But considering all the trouble she caused and the people she hurt in her plot, I’m not sure that would have necessarily been entirely a bad thing.”

Holding back a sigh, she instead settled for a shrug. ”Then again, I missed the entirety of that confrontation so I guess I’m not the best to say one way or another either.”

Lily nodded, and looked down towards the resort.
“Yeah...It was a confusing time for me too, since I woke up to the entire room we were in shifting back to our world. Alex was there, and Sue, Samantha...Oh, Eliza too.” She reminisced about the encounter.
“And of course, Justine had Janet under control.” She paused for a bit, and took a small bite of her ice cream.
“As for Justine herself, she was...Complicated. She talked a bunch about making the world pure while I was captured, but at the time...I could tell she was hesitating. She tried to, but she couldn’t fully commit to rejecting her love for her sister.” She sighed.
“She was crazy, I don’t deny that. But in the end, she was just another victim of a Horror.”

”You hate to see it happen,” Alicia agreed, nodding as Lily reached the end of her deduction. Just another result of the twisted machinations of some Horror? It was too commonplace to not be a very reasonable answer to what had inspired everything that had taken place at her hands.

Another bite of her ice cream followed, the magical girl using the opportunity to muse and think about what had happened back then. ”But you should have seen it. Practically the moment after the Penrose fight ends, Alexander starts whipping together a coalition to go and rescue you. I think it’s not unreasonable to say that if you hadn’t been here that whole Justine business would have turned out a lot differently.”

“Alex did?” Lily sounded surprised. She put a hand to her mouth.
“I knew he was part of the rescue team, but he actually got everyone together to save me? That’s...” She looked out towards the clouds in the sky.
“He’s grumpy, but underneath, he’s a sweetheart.” She took Alicia’s hand. “Thank you for helping. I bet it was difficult to get through all of Justine’s forces.”

Making no effort to stop Lily from taking her hand, the Seraph could only shrug. “We’re Beacon. That’s kind of what we do,” she noted aloud. Fighting villains, saving the world, that sort of thing. Despite what their detractors may say.

At least she was able to hold back the sigh that would have followed. “Truth be told we were planning on going after her anyway, but it would have been a lot more difficult if it had just been us. People weren’t exactly lining up to lend a hand after she blew up our branch in Penrose. So a lot more people were probably saved this way.”

“I’m glad nonetheless,” Lily replied, a bit taken aback by hearing about a bomb attack.
“Ever since I’ve moved in to Penrose, it’s been nutty; like a Sailor Moon manga.” She then bit on her spoon, once again letting her nerdiness slip.
“Anyway, I’m really glad we could talk like this, Alicia. If you ever want to hang out, just give me a call, and I-oh right.” She looked in her pocket, and sighed.
“I usually keep spare notes where I’ve written my number, but it looks like those didn’t transfer over.” She finished eating her ice cream, and dropped a coin to Nad as payment.

Alicia nodded at Lily’s comparison. Yeah, she could kind of see it. ”I am too. At the very least, someone who managed to bring the city together even for a little bit is probably worth knowing.”

That just left the issue of getting in contact again, with Lily explaining her dilemma. The Seraph nodded, rubbing her chin in thought. ”Well, either we find someone who can take a note for us, or we just choose somewhere to meet once we’re back in Penrose so we can exchange numbers. If the city is still standing when we get back, anyway.”

“Well, I usually patrol the fire station’s rooftop at 7 on Thursdays. You can find me there then.” Lily smiled, taking one more look out of the restaurant.
“Yeah, I hope so too.” She replied before the two left the restaurant; the two returned back to the surface, after Nad conveniently switched the tractor beam to slow-descent mode. As they reached the resort, Lily hugged Alicia.
“This was a lot of fun, Alicia. Until next time!” She then waved, and walked away, glad to have found a new friend on the island.

Rising to her feet, Alicia nodded as Lily provided a possible option. ”That sounds good to me.” The descent back to the surface was slow, and would have been a tad more unsettling than it was were she not used to flying. At the very least they landed gracefully, just in time for her to be hugged.

”Yeah, it was,” she agreed, returning the embrace and waving goodbye as Lily departed. She then turned and walked off as well. There were still plenty to see and do on the island, so why sit and dawdle here by her lonesome?

“...Alright, everything seems to be in order.” Dan was reading through the application Amaryllis had written in the arena’s lobby, a pair of goofy spectacles precariously fitted over his bottlenose. “You are now signed in to the Keijo tournament. Now, for the first round, I will matchmake you with a randomized oppo-”

Suddenly, the front doors were slammed open, and a certain girl, one whom Amaryllis recognized, stormed in.

"Wait just a second!" Lily pointed right towards the taller girl, her other hand on her hip. She looked down her figure, and took a step back, as if intimidated by the sight. Nonetheless, she took a deep breath, and continued.
"Amaryllis Evenings! I’m not letting you show off any more! You may be sexy and strong, but that doesn’t give you the right to boast about it!" She walked right up to her, looking up at her with a scowl, her hands fisted and pushing against her sides, her chest puffed up...And biting the corner of her lip.
"As my sworn rival, I must defeat you, and prove myself to all that I’m better than you!" Dan was shocked, his flippers having dropped the application.
"That’s why...I challenge you to a Keijo match!"

Dan shook his head. “I’m sorry, but Amaryllis has signed in to a team match. She is partnered with Tetrad.”

Lily’s cheeks puffed, and she turned away. "Aww, dangit! And I thought I finally had a chance settling this!"

“Giving up that soon? And I thought the girl who killed me would be more determined than that.”

Lily gasped upon hearing the voice, and watched as a pair of girls entered the lobby; Su, and Helga, who were holding hands. “But that gave me an idea!” She nudged Su’s shoulder. “Hey Su, I think I’ll join up with Lily for the tourney. After all, we can’t team up anyway, and I think she would make a decent fighting partner considering her track record of doing me in, hah.”

Su nodded. ”I figured you’d want to join this at some point..” She let go of Helga’s hand. ”Well, I’ll be watching from the grandstands then.” She gave a bow to everyone present before departing.

Lily was a bit taken aback by the nonchalant way the sharp-toothed girl went about the team up. "Helga? Wait, are you sure about this? I mean, you don’t carry a grudge or anything, since...I..."

Helga slapped Lily hard on her back, causing her to yelp. “Forgettaboutit!” She retorted with a fake Brooklyn accent. “They were different times, when I was going down a bad path. But thanks to that intervention, I got to turn a new leaf, and now I couldn’t be happier.” She took her hand, and gave it a frisky handshake, causing Lily to stumble a bit. “I’d be glad to be your fightin’ buddy!” Lily on the other hand still looked unsure.


“Uh…” Amaryllis was at a loss for words during that entire display, less afraid and more confused about what had just occurred before her. Where had all this animosity come from? She turned her head slightly, tilting it. Hadn’t Lily and herself gotten along during the whole ghost attack incident? What brought this on? Heck, all things considered…

“Aren’t you like, uh...already better than me? You got more friends and all…” There was nothing particularly bitter about the statement. To Amaryllis, it simply made sense that Lily had a better life than herself. Heck, the lightning girl probably didn’t even have a Patron that communicated via stabbings.

Lily’s earlier confidence seemed to gradually melt away, and she held her arm, looking aside.
"Well, I guess I do have some friends, more than usual...But..."
Helga observed from the side, her lips curled in a non-impressed duck face as she realized Lily would be swayed by the buxom beauty’s social pressuring. So, she decided to do something about it. “Really, Lily? Are you going to let her walk all over you?” Lily froze, and glanced back at Helga, who now smirked devilishly. “If you back down now, can you live with that fact? What would the angry bo-I mean, Alex think?”

Lily breathed heavily, as her thoughts went to Alex. With a trembling body she lifted a fist up.
"You’re right, Helga! I can’t stop now! Prepare for trouble!" She pulled out a paper, quickly scribbled her information on it, and threw it at Dan so hard the dolphin flew around in circles while hanging on to the paper. “And make it double~” Helga added afterwards, having made her application into a paper plane that she casually threw, before walking right up to Amaryllis. “Now where’s your partner? Tetrad, was it? She was also pretty stacked, huh? I bet Dan’s gonna have a field day about this when announcing the match, hah.”

”I’m, like, right here dude.” Tetrad was leaning up against a pillar, smacking her lips as she ate from a can of beans. She was drawing circles in the air with her spoon as she finished chewing. ”Anyway, I do see why Lily is kinda upset with you.” She pointed at Amaryllis with her spoon. ”I mean you look good, but so do ninety-nine percent of magical girls. But unlike most of them, you willingly choose to be solitary and standoffish.” Tetrad took another mouthful of beans before going on. ”Like *chew* even when I *chew* invited you to come to this contest with me, *munch* You avoided me for the rest of the day.” She swallowed. ”I don’t really care, but Lily has crippling body image issues and low self esteem. I bet she’s one of those people who has a huge hole in her heart that love will never fill, so she instead fills it with collectible anime figurines. Ignoring someone like that can be downright cold!” Tetrad walked away from the pillar and stood next to Amaryllis. She dropped her spoon in the bean can and reached an arm around her, like they were posing for a photo. ”Well, don’t worry about it. After the tournament, I’m going to host a beach party. You can make up with Lily then. Also, I’m hoping some of the guys show up. I’m pretty sure Alexander will be there.” Tetrad giggled.

Standoffish? Solitary, Amaryllis could understand, because she was wholly self-aware of her own wallflower tendencies, but to be standoffish, didn’t that mean she had to standoff? And all things considered...what did she even do with Lily? It was still bizarre, even now, and she more or less had no idea what even inspired the lightning girl’s jealousy and anger. Maybe it was just a case of mistaken identity. Not like a buxom, raven-haired girl was all THAT uncommon in Penrose. Whatever. She’ll just...not think about it. This was why she didn’t do social stuff, huh?

What was she even supposed to apologize for, honestly? Amaryllis narrowed her eyes. She hardly knew Lily.


It was making her a little more mad than she thought.


“I’m not going to worry about it,” Amaryllis replied, sucking in a deep breath. “I don’t have anything to apologize for. Let’s just...go, Tetrad. God, Horrors are one thing, but who knew other girls could be just as alien.”

”That’s the spirit!” Tetrad gave Amaryllis a light squeeze before departing for the arena.

Lily was upset with the insult Tetrad gave her. "It’s not a collection! My mom just happened to buy me a Sailor Moon action figure!" She shouted after her, and sighed as the other girl had already left. Helga patted her on the shoulder. “It’s okay, Li’l Li. She’s the real nerd for trying so hard to act cool. I mean, did you see those tacky shades? How ridiculous!”
After Amaryllis also left with scathing words, Lily stuck her tongue out at her.
"I knew it, those two are after Alex," she mumbled to herself as she walked towards the portal. Then she stopped.
"They’re just like those bullies in high school..." She began talking, causing Helga to blink in surprise. “Huh?”
"The ones who wrote a fake invitation to one of their parties. I thought it was from this boy I had a crush on, but when I went there..." She shivered.
"It’s fine. I just gotta beat them. That’s all that matters. Let’s go Helga."
Helga shrugged. “Oookay then, Li’l Li, but I think you’re projecting too much.”
And with that, the two also traversed through the portal.

In familiar fashion, the contestants appeared on two separate platforms that floated slight, one for each team. Between the platforms was a walkway thin enough to only fit one person to cross over it, spanning about 10 meters in its length. Lily looked around her, and looked shy; she realized their match was spectated by familiar faces, including Kimble, Alex and Su. Lily put up a brave face, and waved to her boyfriend with a smile, while Helga blew a flying kiss to Su.
“I’ll get right over there after I’ve won to smooch ya!” She yelled.

Dan, now wearing an Elvis outfit for some reason, made his familiar bombastic entry.
“Ladies and gentleman,it’s time for twice the knockouts, and twice the Keijo; it’s a quadruple-bypass-beatdown! And now, introducing our brave contestants who have entered the ring of glory.” She pointed towards Lily and Helga. “In the southwest, there is the Slim team; a duo of dainty-looking dames who can nonetheless dish out some serious dirt!” A spotlight appeared on them.
“First, we have a bright young girl who will leave you the most shocked and awed in The World! With an amazing two Specializations, this speedster can outpace even Kimble in pure agility, and leave her opponents to Bite The Dust! It’s the one, the only, LIIGHTNIIING LILYYY!”
Lily made a single hop and made a pose with her V-sign fingers, causing Helga right next to her to stumble and grimace.

“Next up, we have the former elite of Justine von Visceral, brutal in strength, loud in temper, and vicious in her attacks! She claws out scratches that leave you in stitches! She is the DJ of Dread, the Bass Cannon, HEEEL-GAAA!”
Helga extended her claws out, and made a beckoning gesture with both of them at the audience, causing Kimble in particular to scream loudly in hype.

“Opposing them is the Bounce team, two beautiful badasses who can bring in the pain!” Now the spotlight shone on the other two. “Starting off, we have a real gambler scrambling the deck! She knows how to play the game, and plays it like a Killer Queen! It’s the Girl of Gambits, the Ace of Spades, TEET-RAAAD!” Crimson Cradle cheered for her, while a certain girl in the audience booed at her, causing Dan to roll his eyes and continue.
“And working as her partner in crime, we have the Flowering Swordswoman who mystifies minds with her enthralling looks, and cuts the rest into fine, flowing ribbons. She is a true mistress of the blade, her true might impossible to ignore! It’s the Midsummer Flower, AAA-MARYLLIS!”

Dan waited for the noise to settle down, and lifted his tiny mic. “Now, I am not one to tell you which side is superior. Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the beholder. But today, these four girls will clash, to see who is the best! Now, on your marks,” he called first. “Get set...COME ON AND SLAM!” He launched up, as was now tradition, and the match began.

“Jump on my palms, Lily!” Helga called out for Lily before she ran off, and the green-haired girl blinked.
"But why?"

“Just trust me on this! Hurry, they’re already coming!”

A breath. That was all Amaryllis needed to recalibrate herself. Was this a game? Was this a fight? No matter what it was, it certainly wasn’t a social situation. Clear objectives, no feelings to consider. “Tetrad, I’m launching you forward. Pick up speed and run them down while they’re busy.”

Ten meters was an impossible distance for a human being, but for a magical girl, it was nothing.

”I think-” Dropping her hips low, the Midsummer Flower rotated once, before slamming her butt into the Ace of Spades, a boom that sounded suspiciously like a broken sound barrier roaring out at the impact, before the twintailed girl was sent flying towards Helga.

While Amaryllis was one of the stronger girls in the arena, Tetrad was not gifted with that kind of power. Keijo was a sport that favored the physically strong and those who had a defensive kit for their magic. Tetrad had neither of those things. While this was not a problem when it came to fighting monsters or other magical girls, it didn’t make her very good for Keijo. Maybe she had a trick or three up her sleeve, but it wasn’t becoming a human projectile on short notice. On the up side, she didn’t have to worry about running because her feet weren’t going to touch the floor.

Just as Tetrad was launched, and flew over the thin platform, Lily had jumped on Helga’s opened palms.
"Ready for launch!"
Helga smiled widely, her sharp teeth gleaming menacingly. “Here we go! Hi-Flying Raver!” She pointed her palms forwards, and just as Lily kicked off, she was blasted by a localized burst of high-frequency sound, launching her at high speed towards Tetrad.

"This is for trying to steal Alex! Ha-YAH!" She swerved over Tetrad mid-flight, and in that fraction of a second, accelerated her reflexes to perform a twirl of her body, hitting her butt down in a rotating fashion on Tetrad before continuing on her way.

Helga was too far away to contribute, but instead clapped her hands together and extended her claws out, snarling. “I may not be able to use these...But they get me in the mood for some proper ass-kicking!”

Lily dropped down in a roll on the opposite platform, and took a high-knee fighting pose.
"You’re my real opponent! Now, don’t hold back!" Her green hair crackled with lightning as she let energy course through her limbs, enhancing her speed and agility. She then charged forwards with gymnastic jumps, intending on landing a rolling butt slam right on top of Amaryllis’ head.

Dan was right after all; Lily was a speed buffer, the lightning coursing through her veins a sign of just how monstrously fast she was. But midair combat put that all to waste, and at the final sequence of the lightning girl’s acrobatics, Amaryllis jumped up, absorbing the blow. The air around them rippled at the impact, Lily’s bony butt blocked by Amaryllis’s buxom boobs, the impact wholly nullified.

But how? With nothing to brace her feet against, how could she withstand such a lightning fast blow?

It was her chains. Silvered ivies stretched down from her feet to the land below, anchoring her like a ship in a storm. With that momentum stopped, the two of them fell, Amaryllis landing first, Lily landing...never. Constrained with her feet off the ground, Lily felt two firm objects pressed on either side of her buttocks, pinning her like a vice and raising her beyond what her feet could reach. No fanciful movements, no extraneous flips. Only brute force grappling, taking advantage of Amaryllis’s natural strength.

And, holding Lily, Amaryllis began to walk towards the edge of the platform, fully intent on just dunking the girl into the waters below.

“Coming in live, it’s Dan the Dolphin and Dolly!”
Dan spoke, floating over the match in what looked like a round red stage. It was set with two chairs, a wide desk, and two microphones. “The match has just started and Lily’s already in trouble, eh Dolly?”
Dolly, meanwhile, observed the battle commencing before her with a calm air, her posture perfect as she watched the proceedings. “Trouble follows those who advance recklessly, after all,” was her judgment. “Despite its classification as a combat sport, Keijo, with its intense limitations on viable contact areas, is one of the most intellectually tasking sports. It comes to no surprise to me that Lily found herself in such trouble this early. The Double Arm Boob Lock was a technique designed specifically to counter such thoughtless butt thrusts.”

For some reason, the gothic girl pushed two fingers up the bridge of her nose, almost as if she were adjusting a pair of glasses that were not there. “It’ll certainly take some extra effort to get out of a sticky situation, but luckily for Lily and Helga, it seems as if there’s no cohesiveness at all between Amaryllis and Tetrad.”

“Still, both teams quickly overcame the limitations of the arena via some high-impact assistance! Say, I wonder if Helga’s palm cannons are also able to broadcast music? I’m always up for some technobeat rave, myself!”

Getting smacked around by people’s behinds was not something Tetrad found very pleasant. That was something evident to anyone who noticed the color of Tetrad’s face change colors. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t eaten moments before entering the ring, but that was not the case. She was thrown into the walkway, only to bounce back into the air behind Lily. She still had enough forward momentum to continue flying towards Helga. She held her fingers over her lips, and her eyes rolled back into her head. ”Nnnnggggghhhh!” She soared directly over Hega’s head and landed in the water. She was out of the match.

Helga smiled, ready for a real fight. “Alright, this is going to be awesome! I got so many cool moves invented for this dumb sport, and I’m totally going to-NO, WAIT!” She was nonplussed as Tetrad took a splash. “Ah crap, just my luck...” She sighed, her shoulders sagging and her smile having turned into a disappointed frown.

Lily was also not having a good time, but for the opposite reasons. She could not believe her own attack had proven futile before Amaryllis’ ironclad defenses, their power difference clear as day. Not only that, but she was trapped by her incredibly strong boobs. Normally, she would be able to discharge a burst of electricity and stun her grappler, but the rules forbade her from direct magical attacks.
"Oh no! This is bad! I gotta get out! Think, Lily...Aha!"
Then, Lily began moving her hips, gradually turning faster and faster.

“Oh wow, look at that, Dolly! I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” The dolphin created a magical screen that zoomed in on Lily and Amaryllis. “It looks like Lily is attempting to create enough friction with super-speed rubbing to set fire to Amaryllis’ clothes!”

“Hm, an interesting choice, but far too late,” Dolly responded, silver eyes flashing bright for a moment. “The magical girl Burning Caldera Magica Eliaz utilized this technique as well in the Semi Finals of the North American Keijo Round of Queens to great effect, but she had both the advantage of a specially made swimsuit as well as being able to employ the rotational force of her entire body. In this particular case, rather than use the Hundred Demon Wildtwist, Lily would stand a better of freeing herself by…” Dolly continued, with Dan nodding and adding in some trivia of his own.

Lily could only manage a small sizzle of steam before the edge of the water was near.
Lily grimaced, knowing she was making a hopeless struggle...But just as Amaryllis was about to throw Lily out, Helga performed a palm cannon-propelled hip swing at her shoulder, dislocating it and causing her to release Lily right at the very edge of the pool. The green-haired girl gasped, but then expended a large charge of magic to flash step away from the edge. However, this left Helga in an awkward position, right next to the powerhouse.
Helga smiled, and straightened her back, ready to defend herself in vain from the coming knockout. “Fight, Lily. I believe in ya!”

It came as a whipping blow. Stinging like a bee with the sharpest point of her bosom, Amaryllis crouched low and struck Helga in the liver, sending the redhead into a watery grave before immediately whipping back towards Lily. “Alright Tetrad,” she called, “2v1, let’s fin-”

Wait, where was Tetrad?

Oh no. Oh god, why? Amaryllis’s expression twisted just as she realized what she had done. Of course she shouldn’t have done that! Why did she just randomly expect that Tetrad was also massively physically fit? First, she dodged the girl for an entire day, and now when they do play together, she kicks it off by instantly smacking her into the waters as if her plan had been to backstab her all along? Ugh, stupid, stupid, stupid! While Amaryllis mentally berated herself, her facial features growing darker and darker by the second, Lily was granted at least some time to catch her breath.

A precious few seconds, if nothing else.

Lily breathed heavily as she was one knee down, consciously trying to settle the state of panic she was in moments ago now that she was given time to recollect her thoughts. Electricity crackled out of her fingertips as she stretched them to the side.
Helga knew she couldn’t escape on time...I gotta finish this, for her sake too!
She then saw Amaryllis’ eyes focus on her, and she squinted back, now back to standing. She knew that if she tried to go in for another attack, she could counter her again.
"That’s right, you’re pretty, talented, intelligent...But I’m not going to let you gloat over beating me!" She shouted in an attempt to taunt her, ready to perform evasive actions; she needed to figure out her fighting style, and any weaknesses in it.

Oh boy, here we go again. Lily’s provocations pulled Amaryllis out of her thoughts, once again making the (swords)woman wonder who she was even talking about. It wasn’t talent if all she had to flaunt was given to her when she became a magical girl. It wasn’t intelligent, that she straight up just dunked her own ally into the water. And like Tetrad said, her prettiness was only average, maybe even below average in the grand circle of magical girls.

Amaryllis clicked her tongue. “You...don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

Whatever. Her mind was made. She’ll win this game, then every other game, and apologize to Tetrad for her blunder by placing first in this whole tournament! Lifting her foot up high into the air, Amaryllis slammed it down onto the edge of the platform with meteoric force. The land was never all that light, after all, and the nature of the buoyancy made it so…

"NO! What is this!?"

“This? Ah yes, the Vajrasavana of the West Indies employed this tactical maneuver back during the Amazoness Butt Slam Jam in the opening stages of the Round of Flats to…

...The whole thing rose up onto its side, peaking high into the air.

Lily’s body swayed as she focused on keeping her footing, followed by her accelerating her speed and running up the vertical wall of the platform, skidding so much that water sprayed from her heels.

Immediately, she leapt upwards, landing gracefully up onto the upraised side of the platform. Would Lily match her? Or would the girl tumble down into the waters below, her balance insufficient to meet such a challenge?


Lily managed to reach the top of the platform, now on the other side, and gritted her teeth in anger.
"I’m talking about the way you act! You’re just waiting to humiliate me and other lesser magical girls! You’re nothing but a big bully! You and your gang of bitches!" It seemed that Lily was beginning to lose control of rational thought, as deep resentment and grief began welling out of her, taking the form of equine characteristics to her body.
"You mock and laugh all over me, and blame me for everything!" A jagged horn extended from her forehead, as electricity began intensifying around her body, extending into a mane-like shape on her back.
"AND YOU RUINED EVERYTHING WITH CHAD! EVERYTHING!" Like a boom of thunder, Lily screamed, and disappeared in a flash. The next second, she dashed behind Amaryllis and delivered a low sweep of her butt aimed at her ankles, followed by flash-stepping again and hip-swinging from above her, intentionally avoiding her chest as she turned to face her. The attacks were now coming at the same speed as Kimble’s Butt Gatling, except she was fast enough to perform the slams in a sphere around Amaryllis.

Amaryllis kept moving as well, her steps gaining a dance-like rhythm as she absorbed the endless onslaught of Lily’s strikes while keeping the platform balanced on its side. It wobbled back and forth, waves pushing out after each step, each furious blow, and soon, the waters beneath frothed white like a stormy sea. But the Midsummer Rose held on. Was it tenacity, spawning from the steel within her body? Was it responsibility, anchoring her to the platform? Was it ambition, driving her to defeat a metamorphosed girl without shifting herself?

No. It was anger. Hot and furious, stoked by unjust accusations and boiling at the irrationality of all this. It was personal for Lily. But for Amaryllis, it was insulting.

“Well this took an extreme turn!” Dan interjected, having decided to take some distance from the battle and focus on the magical screen. “It seems that Amaryllis’ words have seemed to trigger some kind of trauma within Lily that caused her to metamorphose! What are your thoughts, Dolly?”

“Monstrous metamorphosis indeed,” Dolly replied, her black locks bouncing back and forth as she nodded. “She seems to be in control of her attacks still though, certainly impressive when lesser magical girls will be driven to rampant madness and unrestrained brutality upon such a shift. It reminds me almost of the Advance that Tokita utilized in the Finals of the Keijo Asura Annihilation Tournament, where, by only utilizing a percentage of the transformation, they were able to boost their physical abilities while still retaining enough rationality to utilize their techniques.”

Dan nodded. “A great observation, Dolly! And worry not, ladies and gentlemen: I am prepared to intervene in case Lily completely loses control. Just stay tuned for more!”

Gradually, Amaryllis began to meet the horned girl head on, their weapons of choice clashing more and more often. The speed of movement changed, but the speed of thought didn’t, simple patterns employed to maintain the hurricane of pain delivered unto the one in the center. Could she finish this? No, she was going to drag it out.

“Who are you even talking to?!” Amaryllis roared out, midnight blue eyes blazing as she locked breasts with Lily, finally clashing with her face to face. “Look me in the eyes! I haven’t even seen you in school! The only times we met was to save lives! Where the hell have I done you wrong?”

The lock tightened, their faces millimeters apart.

“Are you even having fun?”

Lily’s blows were easily deterred despite her increased aggressiveness, and she managed to avoid counter attacks that would knock her flying, seemingly moving on instinct more than tactical acumen. Upon seeing a chest job coming at her, she was left with no choice but to stand and take it with her own; there were sparks flying out of the mane as she kept pushing her body to its very limits. She made an electronic whinny as she heard Amaryllis demand answers, her eyes seemingly blank as they gazed upon a different scene; one from her past.

At that moment, Lily began glowing, and Amaryllis alone saw that their surroundings began to flicker, and electricity began arcing in a cage around the two. She saw that certain images began to form between the arcs, mere glimpses at a time; they showed Lily in her previous life. She barely resembled her current self, with brown hair, pimples on her face, and heavy bags over her eyes. The images showed her life in high school, her struggles with the popular girls, the ways they had mistreated her, and the times she spent eating alone in the cafeteria.
Most shockingly, Amaryllis noticed that the leading bully, Heather, had an uncanny resemblance to Amaryllis; while younger than her, she had the same style of hair, the same piercing look in her eyes, and even carried herself in a similarly standoffish manner. However, her personality was cruel, snapping shots of a tripped Lily on her smartphone, and laughing with her gang.
The next scene was about to show Lily entering a party at a rich person’s backyard; she was looking at a boy with his back to her, talking with Heather. However, as the boy was about to turn, the images then stopped; the electric tendrils disappeared as Lily seemingly lost her strength, and fell on her butt, her head hanging low. The horn on her head turned into pure electrical energy that flowed down her cheeks as blue, jagged streaks.
"No...That wasn’t fun, Heather...You ruined my life..." Amaryllis could hear her sob; she no longer had the will to fight. Amaryllis now had the chance to grasp victory from the grief-stricken girl.

Amaryllis did not move.

The platform swayed, rocked, yet remained impeccably balanced.

Who was she, to deny the tears of a girl? Who was she, to look down upon the trauma of another? Who was she, to not reach a hand out to those lost and broken? There was a long, deep sigh, as Amaryllis released the vestiges of her frustrations towards Lily. It was weak of her, wasn’t it, to so easily swap her enmity for empathy, to show mercy and forgiveness merely because the lightning girl was crying. But if that was weakness, so what? They were magical warriors, not soldiers puppeteered by an unfeeling nation, not insurgents following an unknown deity.

The Knight of Rose knelt down, searching for Lily’s eyes. Her countenance was still severe, her gaze as piercing as always, but where Heather’s shone with a cruel glimmer, hers was filled with just light, the radiance of jewel-steel.

“The love of the moon, the grace of the petals. Underneath the glory of the heavens, I gather them all and present myself. Amaryllis Evenings, Knight of the Rose. The flower of your heart has been reflected in my Silverlight, and found just as beautiful as any other.”

Rusted petals fell from the sky, drifting softly into the tranquil waters below.

“Take heart, Lily Hanson, Child Beloved by the Storm, for what you have now shines with a radiance that Heather can not hope to stifle. True comrades stand behind you, and a kind God watches over you. Shed the chains of your past. No bottle exists that can capture lightning, except for one of your mind’s making.”

Lily’s tears were stifled as she heard a voice that differed from those that haunted her memories. She looked up, expecting to see a countenance of malice; instead, it was one of a magical girl who had seen into her heart through her chronomancy, and offered solace. Like a stormy grey cloud that shifted back to pure white, her countenance returned, free from metamorphosis. With a wobbly step, she stood up slowly, her breath uneven and hitched from the outburst of emotion.
"Amaryllis...Thank you."
She sighed, and looked up towards the floating announcer podium. She bit her lip, and then lifted a hand.
"I..forfeit the match."

Dan gasped in sheer surprise. “What? Well then, the match is over. The winners are Amaryllis Evenings and Tetrad of the Beauty team! Congratulations! You are qualified to enter the next round!”

Lily hopped off the vertical platform, having landed on hard ground, and waited for Amaryllis. As the audience began to scatter, Lily held her hands together, and meekly spoke:
"I’m sorry for acting...Well, like a mega bitch. The resemblance was so bad, and with how we were forced to live together like this, it made me lose it. And without Ixion guiding me, I took it all out on you. But I hope...You won’t hate me for quitting."

“Fight me for real next time,” Amaryllis replied, landing in front of Lily. “A knight without her sword is just a woman, and an archer without her bow is much the same. Let’s have some fun, neh?”

Lily noticed how Dan seemed to wave at them to return back to the entrance hall.
"Looks like the others are waiting. We’d better head back."

“Ah, yeah...I’ll need to bolt too, huh…” Amaryllis trailed off, her eyes searching for Tetrad as well. In the background, one of the commentators were noting how she had ‘technically’ 1v3’d a 2v2 match, and the buxom girl basically wanted to die all over again. With a step like the wind, she shot off in search of her partner, ready to kowtow if she must for her massive ineptitude as a partner.

At the far edge of the Pool, Tetrad crawled out of the water. Her hair had come loose and fell over her face, which she promptly pushed out of the way. With a groan, she rolled her head and got a crick out of her neck, and spit a few beans out of her mouth. ”cool, we won.” Tetrad didn’t turn around, and marched away. ”Gonna take a break.” was all she said before departing the arena.

Helga was waiting for the others back at the entrance hall, a towel draped around her shoulders; she offered a spare to Lily. “Geez, Li’l you dropped the ball there,” she spoke with a patronizing tone, holding her shoulder. “I told ya not to project too much, and keep focused.” Lily nodded, frowning. But then, Helga lifted her chin up. “But hey, looks like you settled your grudge for now. Also, those moves you made up there? Legit cool. Keep working on them, and I think you could even reach nationals.”
Lily smiled faintly, glad that Helga didn’t carry further resentment.
"Thanks, Helga. You were a good teammate." She then bit her lip, and waved to Amaryllis before beginning to walk away.
"Anyway, good luck on your next match. I need to see someone." She then left in the same vein as Tetrad, a pit in her stomach as she realized she had some explaining to do.
Some time earlier that morning...

In the morning, at exactly 7.00 AM, a breakfast table appeared in the central square: set close to the cottages, it was filled with freshly baked bread, fried bacon and eggs, and jugs of orange juice. Lily was there first, chomping down on the goods without a second thought, and was joined a couple of minutes later by some of Beacon's members, including Sylvia and Kimble. While Kimble seemed to be in a good mood, Sylvia sulked, poking at the egg with her fork and sighing. To nobody's surprise, Dan was also at the table; he was eating a prepared mackerel. However, he stopped eating half-way through the fish. "Hmm...This isn't right. This is supposed to be a fun vacation, yet already we had some trouble on the first day," he pondered to himself. Lily blinked, and looked around at the others present. "Huh? Did he mean that 'accident' with Sally?" Sylvia shook her head. "No...I just happened to meet with a certain dark magical girl...It didn't go that well."

Dan nodded. "It sure didn't. You girls need to vent some steam so you get to do some proper relaxing. But what could help?" The dolphin thought hard, until he lifted a fin. "That's it! Wait just a second, I have an announcement to make!" He summoned a megaphone to hold with his cartoonishy dextrous fin, and jumped on top of the statue to broadcast his message to the entire island. "Good morning, everybody! Let's kick things off with a Keijo tournament! Whether it's as a solo player, or a team of two or more, I bid thee to test your might, and enter unmortal kombat! And, to motivate, the grand prize will be a Gold Coin! That's right; you can not only earn one Gold coin from participating, you also get another if you come on top to be the champion!" Kimble gasped, and bit her lip. "A Coin...I think I could buy something with that...Bye everyone, nyah!" She left the table, and headed for the cafe. Lily waved her off, and also stood up.
"So it has come to this...Very well. I will prove myself to all...Especially to her!" And with that she also left, seemingly intent on antagonizing someone. A sweat-drop appeared on Dan's head. "Uhh...Don't get too excited though, girls...It's all in good fun." Sylvia shrugged. "I hope."

Some time later, as the double date crew waited for Sally outside one of the cottages, they were confronted by a pair of Aurelios. “Boss, done with the walk through,” One clone would say before moving to clap the original on the back and vanishing in a puff of smoke on contact.

The original Aurelio would take a moment to disseminate the new influx of information before nodding his head. “Seems they have surfboarding rentals down at the beach, not far from a place to eat. So what do you say to fooling around learning to surf?” He would offer as the next activity for them to partake in.

Alexander simply shrugged before looking over at Lily ‘Well...she’s a crazy enough driver that she might find it fun. Actually, how would magic change surfing? I mean, I could probably make my own surfboard and fasten my feet to it, and Lily could probably use Time magic to get some insane air time...or something.

“That sounds like a great idea!” Lily enthusiastically answered, and took Alex’ hand.
“I’ve never tried surfing, but I’ve seen it on TV, and it looks super thrilling! You’re also gonna try it with me, right Alex?”

Uh...sure” Alexander blandly responded, the feeling of Lily’s hand holding his slowing down his mental processing power.

“Did someone say surfing?” The three of them (plus a clone) heard a familiar voice, and turned to see Sally in her proudly patriotic bikini:

“What do you think? Isn’t it awesome?” She giggled, and made a turn as she let Lily gasp in awe.
“Wow! The American flag look really suits you...But...Uh...” She bit her lip, looking like she was hesitating.
“Aren’t you part-Irish? Sorry, I know I shouldn’t assume-”

Sally came over and took Lily’s hands, smiling kindly. “None taken. My grandparents on my mother’s side were Irish, and they moved to America before I was born. So in that sense, your guess turned lucky, tee hee! Anyway, let’s go surfing already!” She took Aurelio’s hand. “I still wanna go for juices at the cafe before the sun sets down!”

The solitary clone of the group let out a soft wolf whistle at Sally’s new look, before he got clapped in the back of his head by the real Aurelio “Be nice” he would say, reprimanding himself.

The clone would just shake his head take one look between his real self and Sally. “Lucky SOB” he would mutter, before stepping away “I’ll just return to scouting” he would say before wandering off.

“As the lady wishes” Aurelio would reply as he was pulled back into the conversation at large. “And as I told them the cafe isn’t too far from the rental hut” he would explain to Sally with a wide smile as he lead the way down to the surfboard rental shop near the beachfront.

Alexander sighed “I still don’t get why girls actually seem to like those things.” He said while looking at Sally’s new swimsuit “I mean, it looks so flimsy that it could just suddenly break with the slightest pull. I mean, I’m not wearing it, and I’m getting a little stressed out just looking at it. But then again, this is the girl who bought a malfunctioning swimsuit...so maybe it’s just her.

Lily nudged Alex’ side with her elbow, pouting. “Don’t just say that...” She mumbled. Sally on the other hand laughed. “Flimsy? Hey now, no need for calling each other names, you know. Now come on, let’s go-AH!” The moment she pointed with her thumb towards the rental shop, the strings keeping her top in place came loose, and the top began peeling off, like a flower in spring. “Kyaaaah!” Lily screamed, blushing as she held her cheeks.

However, before anything indecent could be seen, a palm leaf carried by a strong breeze suddenly hit Sally, covering up her chest. She giggled in response, the bikini top bundled in her arms. “Whoops. Looks like I didn’t pay enough attention to the knot, so it came loose. I sure got lucky with this leaf though!”

Lily shook her head.
“No, Sally. It’s because of the curse-,” she began explaining, but didn’t manage to continue before Sally had already began walking towards the cottage. “You guys go on ahead, I’ll catch up to you in a moment.”
Lily sighed, and looked at the boys.
“Well, I guess we can go already. Geez, that girl is so carefree,” she muttered as she went.

Alexander sighed “See, that’s exactly what I was talking about. Damn near gave me a heart attack...” He grumbled the last sentence

Aurelio for his part just stood by with a bemused look on his face. Sally’s emotions were still on the up and up, but there were hints that he was picking up that had him starting to think he had misunderstood things.

Later at the rental, Lily was looking through the surfboards stacked on a rack.
“Hey Alex, I think I’d like this one with the lightning bolt...But is that too cliche? Maybe I should just go for a cute sparkly one like this?” She compared the two boards, her head swinging from left to right and back again.
“What kind of surfboards do boys like?” She then noticed that there were surfboards in the magical item section, and bounced over there.
“Do you have Ultimate Surfboards in different designs? I’d like one that’s bright yellow and cute, please.”

Alexander shrugged “No clue. I’ve never even been to a beach before, so if there’s some kind of standard operating procedure for guys at the beach, then I don’t know it” He glanced over at the magical items section “I’m thinking that I’ll just make one with my magic.” He explained as he took in the size and shape of the surfboards “Not only is it cheaper, but it’ll be easier for me to stay on.

‘Oh, sure! Just let me have one!’ Brittany replied to Lily happily as she skipped away off to the boards, grabbing one of them and taking it back to the counter. She grinned happily as she took something out of her pocket, lifting it up and placing it against the board. The board was suddenly overcome by indescribable fluid, coating over it while shimmering in all the colours of the rainbow, until eventually it shifted back into the stone it had come from. This left the board a bright yellow, with little cute blue depictions of Dan the Dolphin here and there on it. ‘There! A piece of cake for my Colour Stone!’ Brittany said, happily. ‘… Which there’s only one of, and it’s mine!’ Brittany quickly said, stuffing the stone back into her pocket!

“CUUUTE!” Lily was impressed by the colorful transformation, and slammed the Bronze coin on the counter.
”I’ll take it! Thank you very much, miss Brittany!” She now remembered the shopkeep’s name as she had become a returning customer, and hugged her surfboard like a toy. ”I’m going to name him George, and give him lots of hugs!”

Alexander stood there silent for a few seconds as he took in what he just heard “you...gave it a name?” He sighed and shook his head “I’m not sure what to make of that. I might be getting too used to you’re weirdness. Clearly, whatever you have is starting to infect me.

Lily pouted her cheeks. ”Of course I did. George will keep me afloat in the ocean when I can’t.” She carried the surfboard outside, and hopped on it.
”Whoah! It’s hard to stay on top of George!” She exclaimed as she wobbled...On the flat, unmoving board. “Oh Lily, you’re now being silly.” Sally couldn’t help but laugh at the sight as she took a normal surfboard, colored blue with red streaks. She also set her surfboard down, and took a wide stance. “You need to lower your balancing point, like this. And then you lean back and forth.” Lily followed along, smiling as she got the hang of it.
“Oh, it’s like riding a skateboard! Thank you so much, Sally!” She turned to look back at Alex and Aurelio.
“Did you boys pick your boards yet?”

Perhaps it was due to his nature as an Empathy mage but Aurelio vastly enjoyed just sitting back and watching Alex and Lily interact. They were such a wellspring of positivity that he was reluctant to do include himself more often.

“Got mine” He would answer the question posed to him as he hoisted up his choice, a white board with a rainbow stripe running diagonally down the length of it. It was a just a standard board, he had never been surfing before and wanted to learn the normal way.

Alexander shrugged “I was just planning on doing this;” he created a surfboard shaped barrier in front of him and grabbed it “I feel more comfortable riding one made of my magic. It feels like I have more control...or something.

“I guess you don’t trust Brittany’s selection, huh?” Sally would ask as she observed the barrier from under Alex’ feet. “Well, even if it turns out defective, I can trust in my luck to keep me safe. So Lily, ready to-” She turned to look at Lily, but the green-haired girl was already running down the beach, the surfboard lifted above her head in excited glee.

“Last one at the sea is a Slowy Sam!” She would yell with a giggle as she jumped, using the board to slide on the water. Sally laughed too, and looked back at the boys. “And that’s gonna be one of you guys, haha!” She also began running, the surfboard tucked in one of her armpits.

Alexander scoffed, but unbeknownst to him, he had a small smile on his face “Well, at least she’s having fun.” He then began to leaserly jog after them, not at all concerned with this impromptu race.

“And at the end of the day, that's all that matters” Aurelio would agree, immensely pleased with how well his decision had been going, before breaking out in a wide grin and bolting towards the water “But your still a slow poke!”

”Now let’s see...According to the shopkeep, I should be able to propel this...”
Lily would wonder as she stood up on the board, and concentrated her magic. Slowly, bubbles and foam began forming around the board. Sally swam up to her using the board. “Try imagining you’re moving at high speed. Maybe that does the trick?”
Lily nodded, and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath, and hummed a theme tune of some kind. Then, the surfboard dimly glowed, and began moving forward, gradually picking up speed. “Whaaaaaa!” Lily would scream out of sheer thrill. She saw a tall wave forming, and attempted to ride it...Only to immediately wipe out. Sally rode the wave with no trouble, and went over to check up on the other girl, now floating by holding onto the surfboard.
”This is hard...But I’ll try again!”

Alexander cupped his hands around his mouth “Be careful not to drown!” he yelled at Lily, and heard her shout back in confirmation...or because she wiped out again. “Alright now...time to fail miserably at a thing.” He mumbled to himself as he began to paddle his way out to the water on top of his homemade board, making sure to put large flat barriers on his hands to give him some more push. When he got far enough out, he reached a wave and quickly got onto his feet “Whoaaaaaaaaa!” He fumbled around a little bit before quickly fastening his feet to his board with barriers. That helped a lot, but he was still a little wobbly “Okay! Okay. I...think I’ve got this.

Aurelio was doing passable in the water, able to keep his balance and manage small turns well enough to make it look natural with the small waves that were all over the place, but kept getting caught up in the larger wave and wiping out. “They make this look a lot easier on TV!” he would complain good naturedly as he clambered up onto his board again.

”You can say that again!” Lily could be heard yelling as she made yet another attempt; she failed again, but this time managed to stay up a bit longer than before.
Eventually, she managed to ride a small wave with some wobbling, and screamed in joy.
”YAHOO! This is so much fun!” She saw as Alex used his Reinforcement magic to create a board of his own, and let out a giggle as she saw his expression in the midst of nearly tripping. ”You’re already so much better than me, Alex! That’s not fair!” She laughed, and got up on her own board, continuing to brave the ever-changing waves. Getting to spend time with friends like this was something Lily had always dreamed of. She had been an introvert in her mundane life, looking on as other girls and their boyfriends went out to parties and other wild gatherings. But now she felt like it was all in the past. The warm waters of the sea reminded her of the turbulence of life, and how you shouldn't let yourself be swept away, but instead let it carry you to new heights.

A couple of hours passed by as everyone had fun. Lily had managed to fully master the Ultimate Surfboard’s magical nature, and skillfully launched herself up and around the waves, even performing a simple jumping trick that ended in a wipeout. Sally’s performance wasn’t as flashy, but she gracefully rode the waves as if she had years worth of experience, all thanks to her luck.
She gave a pleased wink at Aurelio upon seeing him ride next to her. “Wow Aurelio, you’re quite skilled with that board. Or are you just lucky-Kyah!” As she was travelling down a tunnel of water formed by a collapsing wave, the ties of her top turned loose. Sally tripped on her board and disappeared into the water, causing Lily to scream out.
”You can say that again!”
The green-haired girl jumped into the water, attempting to carry her up, but soon popped out of the water, looking worried.
”I can’t find her...Wait, she washed up on the beach!”
She swam up to where Sally was lying face down on the sandy shore. She turned her around, and gasped at the sight; her chest was once again miraculously covered, this time by a couple of seashells that were stuck to her skin. Lily had to hold in a laugh as she performed a few CPR pushes, after which Sally immediately revived, shooting out water in a thin, fountain-like stream from her mouth.
“Th-thanks, Lily,” Sally would speak after coughing a bit, and looked down at her chest with a look of befuddlement, poking at one of the seashells. “Well, now I know how Ariel feels, hah. This seashell ‘bra’ is a lot less comfy than you’d think.” She stood up, and stretched her arm. “Geez, once again I didn’t tie my top right. Seems the salt air is making me a bit ditzy, tee hee~” Lily groaned in frustration.

“But it’s the cursed bikini, Sally! You need to change out of it!” Sally stood up, smirking. “Curses, shmurses. I’m just a bit careless, that’s all. Or...Maybe you’d like me to wear something less fabulous?” She suggested, and quickly whispered as the boys approached them. “Don’t worry; Alex likes your look. He doesn’t seem the type to actually care, to be honest.” Lily blushed a bit, looking aside. The bouncier girl waved to the boys, signalling that she was alright as she picked up her top and dusted it of wet sand. “I think I’m gonna hold off on the surfing and soak in a bit of sun. Hopefully that’s alright with you boys~”

Alexander took one look at Sally’s new…’swimsuit’, and groaned “Ughhh. Seashells, really? You have problems woman. Whatever, she’s your problem, not mine” He said that last part while looking at Aurelio before turning to Lily “So what now?

”I’d like to do a few more waves,” Lily pondered, a finger at her lip.
”How about we switch boards? Your magic-made board looks gnarly, hehe.”
She gave her board to Alex, and then ran off towards the sea, laughing and having fun with the flat Reinforcement barrier.

Alexander looked at the new board in his hands and sighed “This can only end in pain.” So he took the board that he had less control over out to surf some more.

...He didn’t do as good as before.

Lily on the other hand seemed to instantly master the magically constructed board, making jumping tricks like an expert.

While Aurelio had been worried when Sally took an unexpected dive, the lack of Panic coming from her helped him keep his composure. Didn’t stop him from surfing directly to Sally and Lily once the latter had pointed out the former.

His smile easily returned as he overheard the whispered advice that Sally gave however, mainly because he knew it to be fact. “You say that like it’s a bad thing” Aurelio would reply to Alex as the other boy turned towards Lily.

Plopping down his board the Magician would ruffle his hair for a moment, his Eternal style kicking in and leaving him dry in an instant, before plopping down next to Sally. “Hope you don’t mind if I join you in taking a break from the waves for a bit?” he would ask grinning as he watched the other two interact.

Sally lazily waved her hand, having put on a pair of sunglasses. “Ever the gentleman, ain’t you Aurelio?” She smiled sweetly, and turned towards him, leaning on her arm. “This has been a wonderful double date. Sorry for ruining it with my airheadedness, haa.”

The sun began to lower down on the horizon, and Lily returned back, her hair a bit frazzled, but smiling widely.
”This was a tubular double date! Totally radical!” She laughed, and went over to Alex, taking her board back.
”So you had trouble with the board too? You looked kind of cute as you fell, heh...” She added, blushing a bit as she took his hand in her own.
Sally stood up, and took a breath of fresh air as she began walking, facing away from the group.
“Alright, let’s go have juices at the cafe, every-”AAAAAHHH!”

Lily made a bloodcurdling scream, and lifted her hands to cover the eyes of both boys. Sally’s luck saved her one last time from embarrassment: her behind had become exposed due to her bikini bottoms having nefariously lowered. Sally froze, and with shaky hands lifted her bottoms back up. Afterwards she turned slowly; she had a shocked expression on her face, as she realized that Lily had been right all along. She couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh.

“...Well, at least nobody got hurt, so that’s lucky, right?” Lily lifted her hands, slowly shook her head in a knowing sigh.
”Even good luck has its limits.”
She then proceeded to get metaphorically wasted on mugs and mugs of juice. It was a good time.

Mariette stood leaning against the edge of a building a bit of a distance from the beach and everyone else, having got up from the pool when Dan had appeared and then consequently stood there and listened to it all. She’d then promptly sent off Eli to inform the others under a cloak of Darkness magic that they should attempt to win as many of those coins as possible. Who knows? It might be an edge they’d need, eventually. However… Mariette herself was not particularly physically capable. She looked over the girls in the distance. Yeah, it served no purpose for her to involve herself, she’d only needlessly be seen by Beacon and then they’d see how well that no-fighting rule was enforced…

She was going to do this. She was definitely going to do this. There were no Patrons here. That included Mariette’s own Patron. So she was definitely going to do this. Right here. Right now! Amaryllis locked onto the young girl from 50 meters away, her long strides carrying her as if she were a homing missile. In an instant, she was upon Mariette, and, with a boldness unbecoming of a delicate flower like Amaryllis, the girl grabbed her by the hands.

Mariette turned her head, her visible eye widening a bit in alarm when Amaryllis came running. First instinct was that she was in danger, but, Amaryllis was an ally last time? Someone might have told her something that changed her mind. But, there was a no-fighting rule that Dan had-!? Mariette's hands were clasped before she had time to decide on an action.

Drawing in a breath, Amaryllis said, perhaps a bit too loudly, “Mariette, we need another member for equal teams! JOIN US.”

‘O-okay,’ Mariette stated silently and abruptly, without proper consequence-analysis, eye still wide.

Amaryllis grinned, before pulling Mariette with her to the court. Still feeling the adrenaline rush of successfully inviting the girl to a game, the Midsummer Rose waved at the others. “Penny, Rina! I found our fourth! Let’s get started!”

Mariette was just wide-eyed and forced to sprint, until they finally arrived and she could stand mildly panting, looking on somewhat stunned at those she’d been led to.

“Eh, that's our fourth?” Rina looked over Mariette with an incredulous look. Something about her felt...off, but more than anything she didn't look like she'd be any good in a sport like Volleyball. Well, whatever. As long as they could start.

Penny, who had been fooling around with keeping the volleyball in the air, did a double take on who the fourth person ended up being “I’m calling dibs on being on Mariette’s team” she would say suddenly, catching the ball as she did.

Cindy walked forward with grace befitting a self-proclaimed queen, a confident smile on her lips. “I suppose I can try out this game of yours. However, I won’t accept anything less than the very best you have.”

“C-Can I join too, nya?” Kimble asked as she slowly creeped closer, her ears twitching from nervousness; her eyes were focused on Mariette especially, only to meep as the girl’s one eye looked back.

“Yeah I’m definitely on Mariette’s team if we’re going all out.” Penny would reply with a chuckle, easily placing her enmity for all people involved off to the side. They had been placed on enforced vacation, might as well make the most of it.

“You’re welcome to join in as well Kimble” She would add directly addressing the catgirl before turning to the group at large “So how are we playing this? Rules wise and team wise”

Amaryllis blinked curiously at Cindy. She didn’t recognize the girl at all, but all things considered, it was quite uncanny how similar the two looked. She shook herself out of the weirdness soon enough though, glad that there were more people in the game. More the merrier, and less burdens on herself. “I guess,” she said, “It’ll be like normal volleyball? Except, uh, don’t use magic to hit the ball, and don’t destroy the ball by hitting it too hard? So basically, yeah…”

Mariette stood silent watching the others for a bit, then walked to the side of the court, and gently placed down the bunny she’d been carrying so that he sat up as an audience for the game. ‘Stay here, okay, Bunny? You’ll be fine. I’ll be back,’ she told the bunny, and then stood up to face the others again. ‘Okay, um. I’m Mariette,’ because not all present had ever seen her. ‘Let’s… have a good game, then.’ She was incredibly out of her element here, but, hey, she could give it a try. She nodded in appreciation to Penny. Having her as an ally would certainly make things easier, given Mariette’s less-than-optimal physical capabilities. She then stayed silent as rules were being discussed.

Cindy raised a knowing eyebrow as Mariette greeted the group, and gave a single nod; she recognized her as the mysterious voice who wished to form an alliance with her. “I’m Cindy. Welcome to playing with us. Now then, I shall play with the weaker team,” she announced. “Then this will be a fair game.”

Kimble on the other hand was less enthused, and averted her eyes to look at Penny; her ears drooped a bit as the two seemed to be on the same team. “Hi, I’m Kimble. C-Can I joinnyah your team?” She asked Amaryllis and Rina.

“I’m just going to toss out that since magic use is on the Table, that Mariette is the strongest person here,” Penny would say absently as she tried to sorting the group in her head in different ways. She didn’t want Kimble to feel left out, or be forced to team up with people who would make her uncomfortable. “Portals are kinda broken like that.”

“We could have it be Cindy, Amaryllis, and Mariette on one team. With Me, Kimble, and Rina on the other.” Penny would offer up after a moment “Me and Cindy would have to be careful about not hitting it too hard. Rina and Amaryllis are roughly equal when it comes to skill and Kimble and Mariette can both pull magic shenanigans within the rules“ She would explain looking to the gathered girls in case they had anything they wanted to add.

Cindy whipped her hair-resembling appendage back, causing it to sparkle from electron discharges. “I accept. I am curious to see how well Mariette plays with others,” she would comment, giving a wink at the gothic lolita girl before she took her spot on the field after having passed by Amaryllis. A couple of seconds later, she blinked, and looked back at the shapely woman. “You and I look very similar. As a reward for beating these opponents, I shall ask for your name as payment.”

Kimble smiled as Penny suggested the teams, and went over to give her a hug. “Yay! Thanks, Pennyah! I promise I’ll do my best!”

“No problem” Penny would reply as she returned the hug one-armed before quickly ending it. She was willing to give Kimble plenty of slack when it came to physical contact, but she still wasn’t going to let it last very long.

“Uh...huh?” Amaryllis paused slightly, surprised that everything was getting set up super fast, before quickly turning to her teammates. “Just to confirm, but you all, like, know how volleyball works, yeah? Like, general setups and all?”

“Works for me.” Rina said, confirming the teams. She glanced over to Kimble, resisting a strong urge to pet the catgirl. “I know how it works, but I haven't played in awhile.” She inhaled, doing a light stretch as she glanced over to the cat girl. “Kimble, right? Don't think we've met, but if Penny says your good I'll take her word for it.”

“Yup, she’s another probationary member of Beacon” Penny would supply for Rina “Alicia’s the one who gave her the chance, after we ran into her on a mission.”

“Based on the name of the sport, the goal is to unleash a volley of that ball, correct?” Cindy asked, pointing to the ball Penny was holding. “Which means sending it to the opponent’s side successfully, while preventing the same to our side. Am I wrong?”

Kimble nodded. “Yep yep! We can only use our hands to hit the ball, and the side who failed will start the next round.” The monster girl crawled in a cat-like manner over to Rina, and looked up at her with a wide smile and gleaming eyes. “Hello, Big Sis Rina! Please take care of me!” She then nudged her head against her leg while slightly purring like a cat seeking attention.

‘… May I confirm, I’m allowed to use magic? Do I have a range limit, like up to two meters from my body? My side only?’ Mariette asked and suggested, as her team had apparently gathered. Because, yes, Penny was right, portals are broken in this. How well she played with others, Cindy wanted to know… Mariette was curious, too. To Amaryllis question… ‘The purpose of volleyball is to hit the ball so it impacts the ground on the opposite side of the net. However, I’m not as educated on the details. Is there a limited amount of times you can touch the ball? Rules of who starts?’ Mariette asked Amaryllis, first time the portal girl ever played volleyball, definitely.

“Hm?” Amaryllis blinked, tilting her head to the side. “I think it’s fine to use portals as long as it doesn’t touch the ball, if that makes sense? Oh, I guess only on our side too. Don’t think it’d be fair if you made people fall into space or something if they stepped into the portal, yeah…same goes for all the other magic, mayhaps?” As everything went on towards the rules of the game, however, the ponytailed girl found herself in her element, and was suddenly possessed to push up her non-existent glasses. Earnest as she was, Amaryllis was one of the few girls who used to actually listen to her teacher when they went over the rules of whatever sport they played, even if she had been total trash at them.

“Right, onto the basic rules of volleyball then! Essentially, you have three hits to make it over to the other side of the net. Usually, the plan of action is like...receive, set, and then spike. Which works out pretty well cause both sides have three people. Unlike what most people believe, you’re actually allowed to use any part of your body to touch the ball, as long as you don’t hold the ball. So, uh…” Amaryllis demonstrated with a bicycle kick that transitioned into a backflip. “Kicking it is ok as well. You just don’t see it often because people usually can’t, uh...jump that high...oh, also, there’s rules for blocking too. Basically, you need to be starting in the front half of the court when the serve begins to be allowed to block, and blocking only doesn’t count as one of your three hits if your hands are above the net when you block the ball. So...yeah. Oh, right. You can’t block serves, and your hands can’t go past the net when you’re blocking. And also...huh?”

It was only then that Amaryllis noticed Kimble molesting Rina’s leg with her face. That was certainly...weird.

“Right, uh...we can just decide who goes first with a coin flip or something?”

“....Eh?!” Rina stared down at Kimble as she was rubbing her face against her leg. What was with that adorable cat-like behavior?! Well, she was a catgirl so it was to be expected, she guessed, but still! Rina quickly reached a hand down and gave the catgirl a headpat. “Tch, okay, okay!” She blushed hard enough to make her usual magical girl attire seem dull in comparison. “I'll, uh, look after you. Just stop with whatever that is.” She refrained from saying 'you adorable creature'.

“Right, coin!” Pulling herself away from the cat girl, Rina entered herself back in the conversation. “Uh, we'll be heads you'll be tails then?”

Amaryllis didn’t see any reason why tails would be worse than heads, so she nodded. “Yeah, go ahead. Whoever gets it can choose, like, whether they wanna serve first or receive first?”

“Okay!” Kimble answered cheerfully, and then purred, slightly waving her head back in forth as she basked in the headpat her cat-eared noggin had received. She then looked on as the coin was pulled out. “Yay, we’re tails!” She spoke out, and took her place.

Cindy giggled a bit upon seeing Rina’s reaction, and smiled pleasantly. “Mm...I might get to enjoy myself after all.”

‘May use magic, but not on the ball, only on our side,’ Mariette confirmed. She swallowed a little. That meant that she’d probably have the best mobility on the field… but she’d actually have to hit those balls herself. It’d be difficult to warn her companions that they’d be going through a portal, but if they were about to miss… Mariette reaffirmed her strategies. ‘Okay, I’m ready.’.

Penny just shook her head, while she grinned at the antics that were going on. “I’ll cover the front” she would offer to her teammates as they awaited the results of the coin flip.

“Alriiight.” She pulled a coin from her pockets, placing it on top of her thumb. “Annnnd-” She caught it mid air, slamming the coin back onto her wrist. “...Tails! Alright, you guys decide.”

“Then, uh, we’ll serve,” Amaryllis said, picking up the volleyball and tossing it in the air. Lighter than how it was when she was still normal, but maybe that’s just because she was stronger now. She closed her eyes briefly, listening to the wind, before turning to Mariette. “Hey, wanna give serving a go?”

Mariette blinked a bit as she was asked to serve. It took a moment, before she figured there was no harm to it. ‘Sure. … How does one typically serve?’ Mariette said, walking to the back to serve.

Amaryllis demonstrated quickly, extending one hand out while swinging the other hand back. Emphasizing the heel of the hand, she kept her arm straight as she swung it to meet the forwards-extending hand. “Basically like that,” the buxom youth said, “Overhand serves are more common in competitive play, but underhand is easier to pull off. It’s all good as long as you send it over the net. Questions?”

‘M-hm, Mariette nodded attentively. That did look practical. ‘I’ll learn from watching from here on. Thank you,’ she said, collecting the volleyball and then walking to where she was directed to. ‘So, is everyone ready?’

“And waiting” would be Penny’s reply as she cracked her knuckles.

“Ready, nyah!” Kimble shouted out, her tails having sprung up as a sign of alertness.

“Let us begin,” Cindy also responded, having taken a ready stance.

‘Alright. Here I go, then,’ Mariette took a deep breath, created numerous of her tiny portals from her eyepatched eye to the sides and above the battlefie- volleyball court so that she may keep a perfect track of everything going on at all times, boosted by her Awareness, as she directed her arm back and held ball forward, and swung! … She only messed up once, hitting it somewhat sideways but quickly created a portal which took the ball right back to her! … And so, she tried again without even acknowledging the failure.

The second time, she let go of the ball a bit earlier, swung, and got a good hit, the volleyball flying in a simple arc over the net. The game was on.

Penny hopped up and lightly, for her, smacked the ball back across the net. She was sticking to normal human limits for now and was planning to slowly ramp up as the game went on.

Cindy seemed to flow through the air with unnatural grace as she cupped her hands and bounced the ball up. “Go for it, beautiful stranger!” She shouted to Amaryllis.

It was a bit of a shame that Cindy immediately transitioned into setting. Delicate touches like that seemed like something that’d fit Mariette. But Amaryllis responded regardless, running up to the net from the wing before kicking off the ground. Sand burst underneath and she sailed into the air, her back arched as she prepared to snap out a spike, ready to smash through Penny’s block.

In the last moment, however, her swing slowed to a halt, simply grazing the volleyball instead. Contacting a single knuckle, the volleyball fell off gently, bounced off the top of the net, and dropped down onto the opposing team’s side.

“Oh no you don't!” Rina slid under the ball, using her superior agility to position herself close to the ball. She couldn't send it back over, but she could at least stop it from hitting the ground. “Oi, Kimble, your up!” She shouted as she smacked the ball high into the air.

“N-NYAH!?” Kimble’s posture straightened in her crouching pose, like an agitated cat, and she leapt up, having coated herself in magical green winds. “CAT POUNCE!” She screamed with sharp teeth showing in her mouth, and swung her pawed hand; it hit the ball with surprising ferocity, causing Cindy to fail in the block as it hit the sand. In that short moment, her nature as a monster girl had showed itself, before she returned back to her regular adorable self. “This is exciting, nyah!”

Amaryllis landed and picked the ball back up, tossing it over to the other side to serve. “Nice effort, Cindy. Good serve too, Mariette.” Easy, automatic words of encouragement came out as the Spiker of Rose readied herself again, setting herself up in the back row with the portal girl.

Mariette was making motions with her arms, trying to copy the movements she’d just seen others do in order to knock the ball over to the other side. Cupped hands like Cindy just did, or smacking it like Penny or Amaryllis, trying to get used to the movements with a determined frown on her face. Little nod of acknowledgement to Amaryllis, otherwise.

“Nice spike, Kimble,” Penny would praise her as she caught the ball from Amaryllis while moving back to serve. “I’ll serve to start then we rotate?” she offered to her team as she waited for them to get set up.

“Thanks Pennyah!” Kimble responded, bouncing on her spot in the sand.

Penny spun the ball lightly on her off hand a time or two as she focused, a few steps outside the court line. Once she was sure everyone was ready she would toss the ball high into the air towards the net before taking a step forward and jumping after it and striking it towards the back half of the opposing court.

The second rally had begun.

Cindy countered with flexibility beyond human physiology, her movements fast yet graceful. Now she passed the ball to Mariette. “Your turn, Mariette! Show me your power!”

Mariette blinked a bit as the ball flew above her to fall straight down at her. She could see the exact angle it’d take. However, her muscles were not trained enough to know how exactly to move in order to actually receive the ball. So instead… she darted forward creating a portal in front of her that she stuck her joined arms into. Then, behind her, she instead moved a portal with her arms sticking out of it so that it struck the ball, sending it flying high above the net to fall down on the other side.

‘T-tsk,’ Mariette made a noise as she stumbled back a bit, extracting her arms from the portal, which then vanished. Hitting the ball with her arms like that hurt a bit…

As the other team was preparing to serve, Cindy suddenly came up to Mariette, and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Good work, Mariette. That was a clever use of your magic. But you seem to rely on it a bit too much.” She smiled a bit. “Learn to also use your empowered body to its full potential,” she would say as she returned back to her spot.

Mariette blinked a little to being touched on the shoulder by lightning-girl here. Partly because she expected to be electrified on the contact, but then she was a bit shocked by the words themselves. Not rely on magic? “Empowered body”? Did this woman not know how fragile Mariette was? … Probably not, but still.

Kimble hissed as she picked the ball, her fangs showing; the catgirl’s aggressiveness has begun manifesting more and more as the volleyball match continued. “Let’s beat them, nyah!” She served a hard ball, launching it high into the air.

Amaryllis squinted. That...was going to go out, wasn’t it? She shuffled back a couple of steps, before volleying it back into play. “Mariette, set,” she said, before immediately heading off to one side of the court, hoping for Cindy to take the other side. A coordinated attack, with one being the feint. Hopefully she’d get the message.

Mariette had to wonder, what did “set” even mean? She’d heard the word during preparation, but. Still, with how Amaryllis was moving… Mariette skipped into the air, and created a portal to bridge the distance which she wasn’t able to jump so that her hands reached the high-flying ball, her hands gently bopping into the ball so it would skip lightly back towards the net on this side so that her allies could catch it on the descent.

Cindy simply nodded at Mariette’s question, and went on to receive Mariette’s set with a spike of her own that was caught by Kimble, who had by now become a hissing monster. The rest of the game played in a similar fashion, with Mariette setting up using her portals, and Amaryllis or Cindy delivering spikes. On the opposite team, Kimble began playing more aggressively; however, Penny and Rina continued co-operating well despite this change. In the end, the lack of experience on Mariette’s and Cindy’s part caused them to barely lose against the other team. “WE WONNYAH!” Kimble celebrated, hugging Rina and pressing her cheek against hers affectionately.

“Bweh?!” Rina recoiled as Kimble pressed their faces together. On one hand, this was nice. Kimble was adorable and having a cat girl give you hugs was probably a way to world peace. On the other hand, this was embarrassing, damn it.

Amaryllis sucked in a breath, her hands on her hips as she recovered from the rather intense round of volleyball. It was a bit of a shame that she couldn’t just power through and make sure Mariette’s first game was a win, but, well...it was also just a game. “Nice work,” she said, raising hands up for high-fives, “We’ll get ‘em next time. Shame ‘bout the name though. Arms feeling alright, Mariette?”

‘… Stinging. They can really shoot…’ Mariette told, breathing out. One primary reason for their loss was most likely Mariette’s ordinary-human level strength, even if she could reach a spike in time with portals nothing told her arms could deliver enough force to repel the ball. Still… ‘… Sure. Next time,’ Mariette agreed, recognizing the gesture for high-five and giving a light slap in reply to it.

“We may have lost this match, but we will win the next time,” Cindy proudly proclaimed, a hand on her hip as she leaned her eyes down at Mariette. “You exceeded my expectations, Mariette. I would like you to join me for a round of juice; I would like to talk to you, from one magical girl to another.” She then walked away confidently, as if she had left the sandy court a winner.

“Got to admit, wasn’t expecting Kimble to be a warrior,” Penny would say to herself as she did a bit of light stretching to help cool down. Not that she needed it, she was almost the direct opposite of Mariette as her physical dominance was likely a contributing factor to her team’s victory. Yet it was a long ingrained habit to downplay her own capability.

“Good game girls” Penny would callout as she approached Mariette and Amaryllis to shake hands on the match. She’d be giving Kimble and Rina congratulations on the win, after they got done hugging it out. She’d filled her quote of close contact already.

Mariette looked a bit in surprise at Cindy’s call to drink juice with her and have a conversation. … Hm. It was probably for THAT, now, wasn’t it…? ‘… Hm. Very well, Cindy Ford. I accept,’ she said. Then, well, Penny came over to shake hands. Mariette politely lifted a hand to shake hers in turn, nodding to her. ‘Good game. It was… entertaining. Thank you.’ Mariette said, both to Penny and to Amaryllis.

While Penny and the others congratulated each other on a good game, Rina was still trying to contain this ball of adorable cat energy. “H-hey!” Rina's face quickly turned a shade of red. “I get it, I get it! We won!” She tried to disentangle herself from Kimble, only to lose her footing in the process and end up falling over, pulling Kimble over on top of her.

“...I am okay with this.”

Sylvia had watched the volleyball games from the shade of the cafe, sipping on a coconut drink and reminiscing about her talks with both Shannon and Alicia. “Hmm...If I address the issue using straight facts, they couldn’t possibly deny the claims. Then again, maybe relating the experiences of our chapter would help better relay the issue...”

“Hmm....” Hovering a few feet away from Sylvia, Chloe tapped a few settings on her phone. Upon the screen was the picture of her 'no-hands challenge', just herself. Didn't want Veronica in the picture, after all. If Penny didn't like the other dark magical girl, then it'd be kind of silly to include her in it. That was the entire reason for her to take a solo one before hand, after all.

After applying a cutesy filter, she hand wrote the text 'Feeling cute, may steal your heart later, lol' on it before sending it to Penny.

“Heh, perfect.” Chloe chuckled, putting away her phone. Well, then, who to bother with next? Ah...was that...? She was part of Beacon, wasn't she? Chloe weighed her options, and quickly decided she'd have a bit of fun.

Her orb spun in the air, summoning a small, fast spirit. It swiped the coconut drink Sylvia was drinking and brought it to Chloe.

Sylvia was looking elsewhere as she reached for the drink, only to swipe empty air. She blinked, surprised, only to frown as she saw Chloe floating nearby. “You really should thank Dan when you get the chance,” she coldly spoke, fingers tapping the table on the spot her drink was taken from. “Because otherwise you would be burning at the stake right about now, witch.”

“My, how rude.” Chloe giggled impishly. “And from such a cute girl, too. It doesn't suit you.” She took a long sip of the drink, before scrunching her nose and licking her lips. Yuck. “Eugh, you have about as terrible taste in drinks as you do people.” Chloe huffed. “What did I ever do to you, anyways, huh? Not Like I've bothered Beacon, hm? I even helped out at the graveyard. You should be thanking me, if anything.” She grinned, chuckling as she held a hand over her mouth. “Or is it that you're just jealous that a Dark Magical girl like myself does a better job at fighting 'evil' than you beacon people do?”

Sylvia, tapping hand tightened into a fist. “You slaughtered innocent people in the middle of the street.” She stood up, pointing at Chloe with anger in her eyes. “You have no right to speak of gratitude!” Her other hand glimmered in silvery light, only to end it as she took a deep sigh. “And of course, now that you don’t have to fear for retaliation thanks to the rules set in place, you’re bothering others and trying to draw attention to yourself like an imageboard poster living in their mother’s basement. I really shouldn’t be falling for this kind of low-level bait.” She scoffed mockingly as she turned to leave the cafe. “So if all you’re here to do is be a thot, then fine. See if I care.”

“Ouch. Your words are about as painful as that swimsuit you're wearing. Ever tried actually being cute for once?” She chuckled, landing next to Sylvia with a grin. “If I’m a thot, I’m a pretty popular one.” She followed after Sylvia with a giggle, still holding onto her coconut drink. “Not that you’d know what being popular or having friends meant.” Meaning, people she could boss around that were pretty expendable once they ran their use, but details, details.

Sylvia blinked, taken aback by Chloe’s statement. “I didn’t choose to wear this! And I wouldn’t have if given the chance either!” She retorted, and kept walking at a slightly faster pace. “And...And I’m popular. All of Beacon is my family, and we are also friends, with deep bonds.” She was now at the beach. “A witch like you could ever understand. Now stop pestering me!”

“Heh.” Chloe matched pace with Sylvia, walking behind her. “But you're so cute when you're flustered.” She slurped loudly on the drink. “Mhm, you know the more I drink this the more I like it. Got any more?”

“No!” Sylvia stopped at the edge of the roiling waves, her hands clenched into fists as she began losing her temper. Eventually she would lash out and try to kill the girl, which she wanted to avoid until she knew more about Dan’s power. She took a deep breath, and turned to face the dark magical girl. “Okay, obviously there’s something you want to talk about so Beckoner-damned much that you’re willing to follow me around like this.” She stepped towards Chloe with her fists pressing against her sides, “Still want to boast about being better than us? How you have a better taste in drinks, or that you’re cuter? Huh?” She would not stop approaching Chloe until the other girl took a step back.

“Oh, you're approaching me?” Chloe grinned confidently, holding out her arms. Unfortunately for Sylvia, Chloe had no intention of stepping back. “I'm not boasting, I only tell the truth. Unlike you beacon girls, I understand the true meaning of beauty and purity.”

Sylvia eventually ended up pushing defiantly against Chloe’s body, their chests smushed together. Her eyes were sharpened and lips curled as she looked at the dark magical girl straight in the eye. “Then how about you enlighten us ignorant,” she spitefully spoke. “What is the true meaning of beauty and purity? Is it being a pain in my ass? Because you’re doing a fantastic job at that.”

At that moment, Sally happened to pass by, and her mouth opened in surprise. “What’s happening here? Do you need help, boss?” Sylvia glanced at Sally, and scoffed. “This witch here thinks she knows about purity more than us.”
“Uhh...” Sally scratched the side of her head, looking confused. “Well, I don’t know about that, but she is admittedly cute. Too bad she is a heartless psychopath.”

“Wow, rude!” Chloe scoffed, pressing her body harder against Sylvia's. “I'm not heartless. I care deeply for my girls...” She chuckled, flashing Sally a smile. “At least you're not calling me a witch. Words hurt, you know. You're a cute girl, though, so maybe you won't be as insufferable as this one since you haven't threatened to kill me just for existing.” She still hadn't removed her chest from Sylvia's. In fact she was pressing against it harder.

“...by the way I'm totally enjoying this, so thanks for the Fanservice~” She flashed a rather suggestive grin at Sylvia.

Sylvia could not believe the sheer audacity that Chloe had; not only did she stand her ground when she tried to intimidate her to the point the two were literally bust-to-bust, she even seemed to enjoy it. And, as much as she hated to even think of the possibility, the sensation was not one she loathed. As a result, she was the one who backed off because of it, having crossed her arms. “...Don’t mention it,” she responded with a tinge of frustration, and sighed. “This is not going anywhere. Any suggestions, Sally?” The bouncy magical girl went right up to Chloe, her knockers blocking most of the dark magical girl’s view as she leaned down to look at her. “Maybe I should also try the boob-wrestle? It could be good practise for Keijo.”

Sylvia facepalmed. But then, she blinked, having reached an epiphany.

“...You know, there is a good side to this. If we’re keeping an eye on her, she can’t cause any real trouble around the islands.” She took Chloe by one hand. “Come on Chloe, let’s spend some quality time…” She grinned in a most evil fashion.

“...With me preaching about the good values of Beacon.” Sally took her other hand. “When Sylvia starts one of her lecturing sessions, she tends to go on for hours and hours, heh. So you can kiss goodbye to any other plans you might have.”

“Oh my, two girls holding my hands. You beacon girls are awfully lewd.” Chloe chuckled. Well, this seemed like a wholly unfun time, but if they were wanting her to run off at the thought of being 'lectured' she wasn't about to give up so easily. “You'll also be losing any other plans you have, you know...plus, besides, I wouldn't say I'm not wholly uninterested in beacon, heh.”

“That’s fine,” Sylvia responded, and led her to a couple of beach chairs. “I’ve been lazing off enough for today. Now it’s time I get to work.” She sat down on the beach chair while Sally wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist and also sat down on a lounging chair, keeping the dark magical girl on her lap like a child being scolded. “Now, it all began in 495 BC, when Saint Alessia received a vision beckoning her to spread the good of light and purity across the world...” What followed was indeed a history lesson that would bore even the most attentive of listeners. And it went on...and on...and on...

Chloe, much to their surprise, was at least appearing attentive, if not overly completely interested in the complete history of Beacon. She'd even ask a few questions...but eventually she would get bored. She wasn't here for a history lesson, after all, even if it was mildly interesting. It didn't matter in the end anyways.

“Hmm...so this Saint Alessia seems like saint.” Chloe held a hand to her chin. “I'd love to have met her, heh. Ask her what she thinks of beacon murdering innocent magical girls in this day and age~”

Sally hugged Chloe a bit tighter, pushing her breasts up. “Question time is later, Chloe~”
Sylvia on the other hand nodded. “Our mission to spread light and protect humanity is the very same as that of Saint Alessia’s, only we have the knowledge to know how to do so best. And it is purifying corrupted ones such as yourself. Now, where was I?” She put a finger to her chin. “Ah, yes, next came Saint Rosabeth of 367 BC, who...”

Rolling her eyes, Chloe tossed the coconut drink at Sylvia.

“Oi, you, if you don't let people ask questions to clarify you're a terrible teacher, you know. Besides, I take offense to being called 'corrupted'. If anything, I'm far more human and pure than you holier than thou types ever will be.”

Sylvia caught the drink with uncanny finesse, not spilling a drop of it as the contents sloshed in the cup. She had a cocky smile to her as she took a sip. Sally looked miffed at the continuing insults from Chloe, but Sylvia did not seem fazed; in fact, she seemed to revel in Chloe’s boredom and growing frustration. “I will answer any questions you have after I have finished my lecture, Chloe. Now, Saint Rosabeth had arrived in the city of Memphis, where...”

Chloe simply gave Sylvia a fairly unimpressed look. Well fine, if they wanted to play tough then.

“...You know, I made a new friend recently.” Chloe began slowly. “A rather lovely, honest monster girl. I’d love to introduce you, but she’s terrified of you beacon types. Shame, really. She’s such a good girl, but you beaconers would probably kill her.” She idly looked at one of her nails. “I think her name was Divina?”

“And so Rosabeth started a new moveme-” Sylvia was prattling on when she suddenly stopped, her mouth frozen mid-sentence. Her eyes widened, and she slowly turned her head to look at Chloe. “What...Did you...Say?” She glanced up at Sally, and with cold eyes, gave her a nod. Sally immediately understood; before Chloe realized what was happening, her head was violently pushed down, barely avoiding her head being slammed into the chair as it now drooped mid-air, the rest of her body pinned down and unable to move by Sally’s massive frame.
“What was that about Divina? What did you do to her?” She asked, barely holding her composure. “You turned her into a monster, didn’t you? You damn bitch!” She slapped Chloe’s cheek, leaving a red mark.

“Ow...” Well, that was expected. “I kind of deserve that, but really! Be nicer to a girl.” She looked at her assailants with her usual smug grin. “Now that I have your attention though...how about you let me go and we can discuss this like civil adults instead of someone being a cranky child?”

Chloe was slapped again, this time with enough power cause her to bleed from the corner of her lip. “You shut it!” Sylvia was absolutely fuming. “You stole Divina from us, you homewrecking skank! I’ve now had it with you...” She took a step back, and held her hands before her. Sally did not seem to expect that move. “Sylvia?”
Her magical girl weapon was summoned to her: it was a gatling gun that shone brilliantly against the warm sun thanks to its chrome plating, every part of it custom-made with state-of-the art parts. “I’m not letting you abuse another victim any more...” She turned a valve, and the weapon’s nozzle turned into a flamethrower. “Wait, Sylvia!” Sally shouted, but Sylvia aimed down at Chloe, a furious grimace on her face.

“Of all the – you don't listen to anyone, do you?” Chloe seemed utterly unimpressed by Sylvia's show. She gave the other magical girl a deadpan look as she summoned her Gatling gun. Well, Dan was probably going to do something. If not....well. Chloe's Orb shimmered a bright blue color. Lucy could use a few playmates anyways.

“Not so fast, girls!” Dan had appeared, looking more menacing than before:

“You broke the rules, and I’m not going to allow that. You need to be punished.” He aimed a muscular finger towards her, and shot her with a blue beam, causing her to drop her weapon and fall back into the sand. The two then saw what happened to her: her skin was covered in purple spots. “That curse is because of your contagious anger: it will go worse every time you hurt others until you apologize to Chloe.” Next, he shot a beam at Sally and Chloe, and they both felt the impact of powerful magic on them; Sally’s hair grew super long, to the point it was dragging down in the sand. “That’s for not thinking for yourself and getting involved in this. You also need to apologize to Chloe, and until then will grow every time you do something without thinking..” And finally, Chloe’s nose extended, making her resemble Pinocchio. “And that’s for saying hurtful things to others. You need to apologize to Sylvia before your nose turns shorter, otherwise it will grow longer with every mean word coming out of your mouth.” When he was done applying the curses, he crossed his arms, looking disappointed. “You girls need to learn to not harass each other. Otherwise there’s even worse curses coming.”

“....What the hell you creepo dolphin?” Chloe narrowed her eyes at Dan, and her nose magically extended a couple of inches due to the curse. “I didn't say anything mean. If those two can't handle some mild teasing, they're really out of touch.” She grunted, folding her arms. “They're the ones who decided not to listen to anything I say or take me seriously, automatically assuming I'm some evil witch hell bent on world domination – which I'm not by the way. I’ll admit that I’m not the nicest person, but you ask any girl I’ve helped they’ll tell you I do look after them.” She lightly touched her elongated nose. Ugh, this was annoying. “If they want to apologize first, by all means then, I'll apologize for the teasing. If they don't, then I think I've proved my point.”

Dan shook his head, not looking convinced. “That was not a genuine apology. I can tell.” Chloe’s nose turned crooked, and grew a wart. “Lying will get you nowhere. How about you, Sally?”

“That's because I hadn't even apologized yet though?!” Chloe shouted, feeling her nose grow again.

Sally was sitting in the sand, holding her mass of hair with a sad look. “...Yeah, I shouldn’t have gotten involved. This is supposed to be a fun vacation, right? So...Sylvia, maybe we should leave it be, at least until we get back to Penrose. So, I...I’m sorry, Chloe.” Dan nodded, and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, glowing light enveloped Sally’s hair: the next moment, her hair was short again. “Good. Sylvia?”

Sylvia stood back up, looking horrified over her new state. “Wh-What is this? A sickness? I don’t feel sick at least.” She glanced at Sally, and grit her teeth as the other girl was turned back to normal. “I’m sorry, okay? Now turn me back!”

Dan shook his head again, and Sylvia’s body was now also covered in sickly green triangles in addition to the purple spots. “Not good enough; you need to apologize straight from your heart, or this won’t mean anything.” Sylvia clenched her fists, and averted her eyes. “This is really freaking annoying...” She grumbled. Dan turned to Chloe. “You two may share a different worldview, but that doesn’t mean anything on these islands. So for now, you need to put aside your differences, and make up.”

After about a minute, Sylvia finally made a heavy sigh. She grumbled something incomprehensible as she slowly stepped before Chloe, and held her hand out. “...I’m sorry for hitting you, and calling you a skank, and almost immolating you. I should have been more patient with you.”

“Maybe if these two didn't jump to con-” Chloe stopped herself mid sentence. No, that wouldn't get her anywhere. Watching Sylvia apologize, she seemed genuine at least. Chloe let out a breath, smiling a bit as she waved a hand dismissively. “Right, right, I shouldn't have teased you quite so much. Sorry for calling you unpopular or saying you have terrible taste in people.” She took Sylvia's hand. “And look, I'm always up for talking and not fighting. Fighting is not something I like doing, you know.”

Sylvia hesitantly shook the hand, clearly still upset over what Chloe had spoke, but willing to ignore it. “Alright. A temporary truce.” Dan sighed again. “I didn’t want to intervene like this, but it couldn’t be helped: you two are like water and oil. But, you did apologize, so I’ll let you off easy this time.” He snapped his fingers, and the two returned to normal: Sylvia’s skin was once again pure white, and Chloe’s nose returned to its adorable look. Dan then stepped between the two, and flexed his abs before he turned back to the smaller form in a puff of steam. “But next time you won’t get off with a mere apology. So no more bullying, whether it is physical,” he pointed a fin at Sylvia, and then Chloe. “Or verbal. Goodbye!” He then teleported away, leaving the three girls alone.

Sally came over, and took Sylvia’s hand. “So, uh...I guess we should head back now.” Sylvia nodded; she held her arm as she looked out at the ocean. Time passed, as the wind flew past. “What is it that you really want, Chloe?” Sylvia then asked, still gazing into the horizon.
“You went to a lot of effort to make Divina your ally, corruption and all. Are you like Justine and want to accomplish some sort of ritual?”

Chloe gave the two a smirk.

“...You think I can casually tell two people of Beacon what I want?” She chuckled, her magic orb floating over to her. “I'm many things, girls. I can be violent. I love watching other people fail miserably and I certainly love it when I make them squirm. Watching someones life die by my own hands is absolutely, ah, ahem, thrilling, to put mildly.” She flashed toothy grin and a playful wink to Sylvia. “And I certainly don't trust nor like people very much.” She admitted with a dismissive shrug. “Most are pathetic beings that need to be led around like cattle to accomplish anything of note, but you get more flies with honey and all that so I try to control myself with little acts of impertinence here and there and treat people as fairly as I can.” Chloe frowned, glancing towards the horizon. “But I'm not stupid...as much as I would prefer us magical girls getting along, you Beacon types wouldn't like what I'm doing. Sylvia proved that much just now. Just know that In the end, I'll be saving saving the poor girls you have ignored, murdered, and abused for far too long...because I love every single one of them, heheh.” She finished with a light giggle.
“As for Divina...I saw a girl being affected by some mind control magic, so I helped her. Unfortunately I was...testing something, so the chaotic magic went slightly out of control and turned her into a monster girl. I admittedly didn't have completely altruistic intentions behind it since I need some...manpower, so to speak, but that's as much as I feel comfortable saying.” Really, she was probably saying too much as it was. But that was fine. She's given them plenty of chances. Even if they don't take it, it would just prove her point even more. If they did take the bait, it was still a win for her. “...I suppose if you agree to further non-hostilities, Divina may feel more comfortable potentially meeting the two of you once we get off this island.”
Sally bit her lip, looking upset, but Sylvia’s face didn’t budge; both of them could tell Chloe was now speaking the truth. “That’s...” Sally attempted speaking, but couldn’t find the words. Sylvia only shook her head. “There is no need for that. Like I said, this is a temporary truce.” She turned away. “Once we’re back in Penrose, we’re coming to rescue Divina. And you will pay for your crimes, one way or another.” She made one final glance back at her.
”Enjoy your vacation while it still lasts.” And with that, she finally began walking away, with Sally following her.

“So stubborn.” Chloe watched as they left. Well, that was fine. She had already gave Divina the option of returning to beacon if she wanted. The moth girl was adamant about her position now...so they would be sorely disappointed, even if they succeeded.

Tossing the orb into the air, Chloe launched herself after it. More ammo to use against beacon was always a good thing, heh.

They'll regret it sooner, rather than later.


.:⋮One last Ride⋮:.

Penny was strolling along the beach at a leisurely pace, her mood having been significantly buoyed due to playing around in the sand, making sand castles with Chloe and then tearing them down. Even if she didn’t need it anymore there was still something about breaking things apart that was incredibly satisfying.

She was heading towards the growing commotion on the Beach, she had overheard people talking about the volleyball areas finally getting set up and was interested in joining in on one of the games, but wasn’t in any rush to get there.

“Hey! You there!” Penny heard a voice, and turned to see nobody. Then, when she turned back, she was face to face with Helga; she looked serious, with hands on her hips. “So you’re Penny, right? I’ve heard a lot of things about you, like that you were some horrible metal monster.” She circled around he, examining her carefully before stopping in front of her again, nodding to herself with a hand holding her chin. “You’re far too pretty to be that, though. However, another rumor I heard is that you have a ship. Is that rumor true?”

Penny took a step back at suddenly finding herself face to face with another person and it took her a moment to understand what was being said to her. “The first depends a lot on who’s talking” Penny would reply cautiously. Something about the girl seemed familiar to Penny, she was just having issues placing why.

Regardless she didn’t have any reason to obscure the fact she had Earth Bastion, the PI likely had photos of it from the Stadium incident so it wasn’t much of a secret. “The part about having a ship is true though.” Penny would confirm folding her arms as she examined Helga closely “Why do you ask?”

Helga pursed her lips, having crossed her arms. “I need to see it,” she answered. “I need to see the ship...That belonged to Amber. The ship that you stole.”

Penny just tilted her head to the side as realization sunk in.“I remember you now, Helga right?” she asked as she turned to face the ocean “You were there when The SkyBastion was reforged.” The ghostly silhouette of the titanic ship flickered into Penny’s view resting not more then ten feet away from the two of them.

“Kinda annoyed that everyone keeps saying I stole it. As I have no idea why it became mine, but it is mine. It carried across abandoning one Patron and gaining another.” She would explain casting one a glance over at the other Monstergirl. “But I’m guessing that Amber meant a lot to you.” She would add as thunderheads appeared in the sky above them “So I hope this helps bring you some measure of peace.” There was a roar of thunder as the sky split open and a massive bolt of lightning struck the waters edge, and in the wake of that lightning strike appeared EarthBastion in all her glory.

Helga held herself, and bit her lip. “I was...The Sky Bastion was Amber’s pride and joy. It was what made her the great pirate she was.” She averted her eyes, looking down to the ocean. “She...did mean a lot to me. It was only later that I heard that it was taken by somebody; ever since that day, I’ve been searching for it, hoping to find the thief. It was the least I could do, to honor her memory.”

When Penny ended her last sentence, she waited, only to gasp as the mighty vessel landed, splashing the two girls with water. “I...I can’t believe it.” She applied a tiny rumble of Sound magic to air-dry herself, and put her hands to her cheeks as she came to terms with seeing the ship; two tears began to form in her eyes.

“It’s Amber’s ship...And..." She slowly turned to Penny.

"...It looks so cool.” Tears were flowing down her cheeks, and she took her hand. “I thought I should kill the thief who took it, but now I understand...Thank you for taking care of her all this time.”

Penny would smile softly as she looked up at her ship “Of course I’d take care of her,” she’d explain walking up to the hull and laying a hand on it. “She’s saved me twice now. It’s only fair I return the favor where I can.” A rumble would emanate from deep within the massive vehicle and soon after rampways would unfurl from the deck far above and come crashing down on the beach not far from the two of them. “You want to take a look around inside as well?”

Helga smiled, and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I would love that.” She walked aboard, and looked around with a nostalgic euphoria; she reminisced about the times she has sailed on this vessel with the pirate girl she used to know. “Could we...Go on a short trip around the islands?” She finally asked. “One last voyage...In memory of Amber.”

“Sure” Penny would answer as she walked also climbed aboard, “Would give me a chance to actually see how fast she can go” a short look of concentration later and Earth bastion would smoothly slip backwards into the ocean waters, the loading ramps having already retracted.

“Anywhere in particular you want to go or we just making a circuit?” Penny would ask gently while Earth bastion started to sail towards the nearest island that could be seen.

“Anywhere you want to,” Helga answered, having leaned against the railing as she saw the waves pass by. “The sea isn’t a path; you can go anywhere you want to. That’s what Amber told me.” She closed her eyes, feeling the salty wind tousling her hair. “You know, I think Amber would have wanted someone like you to inherit her ship; she had a knack for recognizing what other people were like. And…” She hesitated. “Amber would have seen your conviction.” She turned around, and noticed how her feet had melded with the ship. Still, she went closer, and placed a hand on her shoulder, giving a bittersweet smile. “I’m sure she will be at peace...Now that you’re the one to carry on her will for adventure, Penny.” And for the rest of the trip, she simply enjoyed the cruise. All the ties that bound her to the past have been severed, and her heart was finally ready for the future.

Sally was excited to go shopping with Aurelio. Now holding the magical boy’s hand, she boisterously stepped through the front entrance, her eyes shining upon seeing the various items. “Ahhh, there’s so much cute stuff!” She went over and looked at a green beach ball, twirling it on her fingertip like a professional basketball player. “We could totally play volleyball with this, Aurelio!”

Lily decided to mentally prepare herself for the stage show by gathering her courage. And nothing helped her get into a socially challenging task like hanging out with Alex.
“Let’s go to the shop, Alex: Dan mentioned that they’re selling magical items. Also also, Sally and Aurelio are going to be there, so we can start the double date there!” As a result, Lily and Alex also arrived in the Boutique, with the former leading the latter in.
“Ooh, what is that? Wait, what’s that? And THAT?” Lily vocalized her reactions to seeing the strange relics and artifacts that littered the shelves. “Oh, hi Lily and Alex!” Sally greeted them with a bouncy wave of her hand. “Weren’t you going to perform at the stage?” She asked with a blink. Lily looked a bit sheepish, and held her arm.
“Yeah, I just...Want to prep for it first, hehe.”

When Sally and Aurelio came into the boutique, the little witch at the cash register stood up smiling excitedly.

‘Welcome to Brittany’s Bewitched Beach Boutique! How may I be of serv-?’ Brittany happily called out as someone entered her shop, then her eyes widened. ‘M-multiple customers! I-I'm a real shop now!’ the witch said in wonder.

Just what is most of this stuff?” Alexander mumbled to himself as looked at a ring with far too many gems on it “This place just screams ‘tourist trap’” he shook his head and turned back to Lily ‘I wonder...should I make some more enchanted items for Lily? I mean, you’re supposed to give your girlfriend jewelry and stuff...right? Plus, I’d feel safer if Lily was decked out in power boosting gear. Although...she did kind of freak out when I gave her a ring...so maybe not those. Earings, a necklace, bracelets, maybe some bangles. But that sounds a lot harder than a simple metal ring. Plus, I have to make them look…’cute’, I think. Dammit, this is way more complex than it should be. Maybe if I just use a lot of colors? Hummmm, I wonder if I can find something her to help me make accessories?

He was so lost in thought, that it was only a few seconds later that he noticed the new girl ‘crap! When did she get there!? Wait, isn’t she that girl who dragged away emotion boy? So does that mean she’s going to be part of our-’ he paused with a grimace ‘-double date. I still don’t understand why Lily wants to invite other people on what should be something private between us...but I have a really hard time saying no to her.

Aurelio was content to allow himself to be dragged around by Sally. He had a few Clones of his wandering around as well taking a more in depth look at anything that caught their eye. The boutique had plenty of things to draw the gaze. “Ooooh shiny” not that he had much of an idea what most of the things did. Granted with all the Curiosity floating around he could learn if he wanted to, but why ruin all the fun?”

“Hey you two,” He would greet warmly. “Prep work is always a vital step to success when it comes to putting on a performance,” he would agree sagely with a nodded. “In fact, I’ve got a Clone off taking a look at the stage so I can get some idea of how much room I have to display my talents as a magician.” he would explain, picking up an interesting looking bobble as he did.

“You planning on putting on a show yourself Alex?”

Alexander shrugged “Wouldn’t even know what to do. I’m not really an entertainer, so unless beating something up counts, then I don’t have a show to put on

“Hi Doctor Love!” Lily would greet Aurelio with a big grin on her face.
“You look dapper, tehe~” She would comment, still holding on to Alex’ hand as he was browsing through the various items.
“Are you going to put on a magic show? I can volunteer to be your assistant for it!” She raised her hand, only to immediately shriek.
“But no cutting me in half with a saw! Or throwing daggers at me! You can pull me out of your hat though, that’s fine.”

Alexander’s eyes widened “I second the no sharp object things very strongly

“Relax, relax” Aurelio would say waving aside the worry about sharp and pointy things that happen during a magic show “As much as you’d make a great assistant, not sure that would be very fair to you. Assistants do a lot more of the work then most people are aware of.” He’d stop and tilted his head to the side for a moment before continuing on “I am going to need to find another rabbit to pull from my hat though. Can’t get incontact with my current one”

Sally nodded as she listened to the others talk, having withdrawn to the swimsuit section of the store. There, she made a grand discovery, and held out a skimpy but colorful bikini out. “This swimsuit is super cute, and cheap too! How lucky! I’m going to buy it.” Lily’s eyebrow raised as she saw it.
“Yeah, it’s cute, but isn’t that-”

“Oh, no buts! ” Sally grabbed Lily with a single arm, pushing the lithe girl’s cheek against her ample bosom. “This is absolutely perfect, and it would be a shame if I left it here.”
“Uhhh...Sure.” Lily looked unconvinced, but decided to leave it at that.
“Do you have anything suitable for a date or double date, miss shopkeep?”

Alexander raised an eyebrow “Why would you need another swimsuit when you already have a magic one? These aren’t like normal clothes; you don’t have to worry about them getting dirty

“Don’t worry about me, I’ve got my own outfit situation covered” Aurelio would say in regards to the clothes shopping before wandering off to look at some more of the interesting things in the shop for a moment. As much as he could appreciate physical beauty, how people felt inside was much more important to the emotional mage.

‘Keh-heh, for a date, eh?’ Brittany made an amused smile as she considered. ‘Well, there’s the Eternal Ice Cream, an ice cream that’ll never run out, that you could share with each other for as long as you like! There’s the Dolphin Flute, that’ll let you control nearby aquatic life, which could make for quite a show. Otherwise, there’s the Ultimate Surfboard, Windsurfer’s Sail or the Super Jet Ski if you want some speed on the waters…’

‘If you’re confident you’re a match, then confirm it with the Greaser’s Sunglasses, which’ll tell you your chances of romantic success with this person by meeting their eyes~! Oh, and we have a BUNCH of Quick Change swimsuits if you want to show off different looking swimsuits to your boyfriends, keh-heh~! Or, if you’re really bold, then-’ Brittany’s eyes fell on the swimsuit Sally held. ‘Oh. You’re really bold, huh,’ Brittany said with a mild blush. Then smirked. ‘We also have a whole ARSENAL of water guns of different shapes and sizes if you want to get each other wet in a shootout~!’

Alexander’s attention was grasped by the mention of the Eternal Ice Cream “Endless ice cream!?...What flavor?

Lily also perked up at the mention of the ice cream, having noted Alex’ reaction to it.
”Is there banana flavor? That’s my favorite. Oh, and strawberry too! And raspberry, blueberry...” She counted the flavors with her fingers. ”But chocolate is tasty too...” Her eyes noted the Dolphin Flute, and she bit her lip. ”I would love to swim with a whale...” Then the Quick Change artifact was mentioned and she blushed.
”Then I would get to wear something really cute instead of this...But will I have enough for ice cream...Probably not.” She pulled out her magical coins, and began counting them on her hand.

Alexander raised an eyebrow “Are...are you actually thinking about choosing clothes over unlimited ice cream? I mean, the one you have on right now looks perfectly functional.” He sighed “Girls really make no sense at all.

A coin dropped from Lily’s hand upon hearing Alex’ compliment, and she immediately crouched down to both pick up the coin and hide her blush. ”You think so? Well, I guess I have a unique look like this...”

‘Keh-heh, magical ice cream has most imaginable tastes, depends on what I sell it as!’ Brittany says with a wide smile. ‘The things unique to this resort are pretty cheap, though. The Eternal Ice Cream is 1 bronze coin, the Quick Change swimsuit is two! Buy as many as you like~!’ Brittany told excitedly.

That’s...suspiciously cheap.” Alexander said “unlimited ice cream for only one bronze coin? There has to be some kind of catch. Does it have an expiration date or something?

‘Well. You can’t bring it along back to Penrose? I would have sold it for more if it wasn’t for that!’ Brittany replied.

Alexander nodded “Yeah, that makes sense. I’m guessing that whatever magic is in the ice cream is sustained by this place...or something like that.

Lily went over to the counter and placed four bronze coins, having made her decision. ”Two Eternal Ice Creams, strawberry flavor please.”

Huh?” Alexander said surprised “Why do you need two?

Brittany smiled, before jumping back and producing two cones from a box. Then over to where the ice cream was stored, scooping up two already round ice-cream spheres of strawberry flavour and put on each cone. Then back to Lily and handing them over. ‘Yupp! Here you go!’

”Thanks a lot, miss!” Lily would respond with a big smile, and took the ice creams. She held one out for Alex, having averted her eyes as her cheeks reddened.
”H-Here...My treat.”

Alexander’s eyes widened and he waited a few seconds before reaching out to grab the offered ice cream. His fingers brushed against hers as he gripped it and brought it to his mouth for his first bite, a strange wetness forming around his eyes ‘That’s weird; I thought I didn’t like strawberry.

“Hey Lily!” Aurelio would callout as he emerged from further back in the store with a bemused smile on his face and a pair of plushies in his hands “Did you know that you were famous already?” He would ask holding up one of the plushies, revealing that it was in fact a plush of Lily herself. “They have a few other types back there as well, but I think Alicia would get a kick out of this one” He would add holding up the other plush, which happened to be one of the Seraph herself.

Aurelio would then note the ice cream “Ooo Ice cream, how much?”

‘One bronze, sir~!’ Brittany replied.

”F-Famous!?” Lily looked dumbfounded as Aurelio pointed out the plushie; it was her in her new dancer uniform, complete with tiny soft balls and buttons for jewels.
”EEEEEHHH? This is...Is this allowed? This is illegal, right?”
She took the plushie, and held it out at the shopkeep with a pout.
”I deserve royalties for sales of this, you know.”

Broken out of his daze by the plushy, he looked at the plushy and said “That...is extremely creepy. I’d ask how you already have plushies of her made, but I get the feeling that the answer is just ‘magic’

Brittany smiled widely as the subject of the plushie came up. ‘Keh-heh, I did figure it was you. Nope, sorry, can’t give you any royalties. We don’t exactly have a magic government managing our magic funds, anyway~!’ Brittany called, exceedingly unconcerned about any such matters.

Alexander flinched “Seriously? That sounds ripe for abuse. I mean, I have an issue with authority, and even I know you need someone to set some kind of ground rules. Otherwise things break down into chaos.

“That's what Beacon is working towards” Aurelio would chime in “Sadly not everyone agrees with having someone to monitor things”

Lily sighed, and put the doll back. ”It’s fine, Alex. It’s not like anyone would want to buy it. Besides, we got our ice creams, and that’s enough for now.” Meanwhile, Sally set the money down at the counter, and held the peculiar bikini with a wide smile. “I want to change to this as soon as possible. Dan said the cottages were free to use, right? I’m gonna make a quick trip~” She turned as soon as the transaction was made, and walked out of the Boutique. “Why don’t you lovebirds decide where we go next. Maybe the stageshow; if Lily’s not ready to sing to us, maybe I could give it a try, and act out a scene~”
As she went, Lily looked on with pure bewilderment.
”Oh, there’s no need to, Sally.”
As she passed by the boys, out the front entrance, they saw the business receipt fall from her hand:

“Swimsuit of Guaranteed Wardrobe Malfunction: 1 Gold.”

Lily once again shook her head, and took a lick of her ice cream.
”You’re...Going to cause a scene anyway...”

Alexander took a few moments to think about the name of the item he had seen on the receipt “...1 gold for a faulty swimsuit? Thats...that’s insane! What kind of idiot came up with that!? Why would you...why would anyone want to buy that!? Hell, you could probably set up a normal swimsuit to do that for free!

Aurelio just gave the receipt a long look before he gave out a sigh. “Some people enjoy the thrill of it, some people want an excuse to get into a compromising situation with someone else” He would answer Alex “And I get the feeling I might have placed myself directly in the line of fire for a very interesting Vacation.”

‘I didn't think anyone would buy that for themselves,’ Brittany stated, having followed the boys just partly out the door, standing dumbfounded with a little blush and gold coin in hand. Then, she shrugged and smiled widely to the still present boys.

‘Well, thank you for using my store! I'll have my shop open in Penrose when you come back, and then I'll have my battle equipment to sell again! So please, do swing by, I'd love to see you again~!’ So she said, and skipped back into the shop.
You are now free to make collabs and socialize. In the case you want to do events and earn participation magical coins, you can collab those too. I'll check in occasionally to see everything goes smoothly.

"I-I guess it would be, yeah..." Lily sounded a bit defeated upon hearing Shade echo her very own thoughts, only for her to blink at the compliment she afterwards gave. The truth was, Lily did have a pop star for an older sister in her previous life. Because someone shy like her lived for so long in someone else's shadow, and unable to rise up to the expectations set by her sibling's example, was doomed to obscurity. However, Shade's following comment helped snap her out of her traumatic experiences.

"You really think so?" Even though Lily still felt sheepish about Shade's enthusiasm, she nonetheless felt a bit better, even if her hopes were dashed afterwards.
"Oh wow. That's kind of harsh."
She felt Alex's arm taking hold of her, and she gasped as she was pulled closer, looking surprised at the promise he made. Despite the strange reason for it, she blushed, finding her heart aflutter at the promise.
"I-I'm counting on you, Alex. And uhh...If you start doing weird stuff, I'll fry you with a million volts." She winked.
"If you're the Alex I know, you'll walk it off~" She giggled afterwards, showing that she wasn't actually serious.
Whenever she was with Alex, all her worries and anxiety seemed to melt away like ice cream...

"I want a popsicle."

"AHHHHH! It's so beautiful! Oooh, what's that? And that! Wow, a flying pirate ship!"
Upon arriving at the resort, Lily vocalized her wonder while running around the place, no longer holding Alex' arm. Instead, she dragged him by his hand with a half-run down a snaking path, causing him to nearly fall into a pool at a sudden sharp turn.
"Whoops, sorry! I got distracted by all this shiny! Oh, look Alex! There's other girls down there! AHH, is that Shannon!? OH MY IXION! HIII!" She released him to run right up to Shannon; the girl had just managed to turn before she was glomped by her enthusiastic friend.
"It's great to see you, Shannon! This is the goal, right? Did you get here first? You look really cute by the way!" She had once again entered rapid-fire words mode. She turned to greet the others, only for hr eyes to widen in shock.

"Hi, I'm-AAAH!"

Helga knew the risk involved in taking a boogie board and flying it over the sea like a rocket, yet the true implications only hit her once she had to close her eyes from the sheer speed of the wind, not to mention the fact they were starting to lose altitude; they were going to crash, and hard. Even though the both of them were magical girls and could take some punishment, the speed they were going at would deal serious damage. However, Mika seemed to be prepared, and at that moment, she would trust in her; after all, she was the one who could navigate the board.

"Get behind me, Mika!" Still holding onto her, she turned the both of them around, and took the first barrier with her back; just like she had assumed, her bikini provided as much protection as her regular uniform, and the durable girl afterwards turned to face the barriers head on, still holding on to Mika's side behind her with one hand. "Here we goooo!" She turned her hand into a claw, complete with the palm-mounted sound cannon, charging it up. She measured the distance based on the creaking sound of the ghost ship, and after the very last barrier blasted forward with the cannon, contributing to breaking their fall by a bit before the two hit the sails of the ship.

Mika managed to bounce off the sail, spinning a bit before she landed feet and hands first in the sand like a cat. Meanwhile, Helga ripped straight through the sail, and with a loud crack of wood, hit the deck of the ship. As the dust settled, the others could only see her legs and butt wiggling up from the hole she had created, yelling with a muffled sound. Fortunately Su arrived son after, and helped pull her back up; she looked frightened, and held her shoulders with a shudder.
"That place...It was spooky. And I've seen spooky."

Helga was the most quiet out of their entire group as they arrived at the resort, still unnerved by what she saw inside the ghost ship. But even so, she looked awestruck at the beauty and splendor. She nodded. "You're right, Su; this place looks way too good to be true. So what's the catch, we're forced into a killing game? Sounds trashy enough to happen. Lots of other girls though: probably came from other islands." But then, she saw something absurd happening at the central fountain.
"Oh. You've gotta be kidding me."

Sylvia smiled as Regina greeted them, and glanced at the others, looking a bit disappointed with the somewhat cold treatment the others showed her, including Sally who looked a bit awkward before walking past them, and even Kimble who quietly followed after Alicia. "I know it may sound facetious, but I am sincerely glad you're here, Regina. We don't know what may face us in there, but we will face it together. We are meant to trust in each other, and so I will trust in you." And with that, she continued walking, hoping to show a good example to the others.

"Nya-nya! So many colors." Kimble's eyes seemed to sparkle as she watched the lanterns floating about, seeming to gather around the ghost ship that loomed above it. "Well this is a tourist trap!" Sally exclaimed, and pulled Aurelio in with one arm, causing his cheek to press up against her round torso.
"Now where's the casino? I'm feeling like a rabbit's foot!"
"...That's not how the saying goes," Sylvia replied, before she noticed the strange happening at the fountain.
"Huh? Is that a...Plushie?"

"Hello there! How can I help you?" A high-pitched, cartoony voice suddenly came out from the desk. Tabitha wake up with a gasp, and looked around, wriggling her towel-wrapped body like a caterpillar. "H-Huh? What was that noise?" Then, as if on cue, sparkles appeared, and a strange creature suddenly sat on the desk.

"Uhh..." Lily was not sure what she was looking at: it resembled a Puchuu, but it clearly wasn't one. Anyone with Third Eye would see that the creature possessed a vast amount of magic.

"Oh, I haven't introduced myself, right? I'm Dan, your vacation organizer!"

"Vacation...Organizer?" Helga approached the creature. "Is this some kind of joke?"

The tiny dolphin shook his head. "No sirree, ma'm! Even though I love to tell jokes, I really am your vacation organizer. Whether it's parties, festivals or jamborees, I'm your guy!"

"Dan? Like Dan the Dolphin?" Kimble asked, to which Dan nodded enthusiastically.
Sylvia's eye seemed to twitch. "This isn't a vacation. You trapped us here, didn't you? Did you really think you could get away with kidnapping members of Beacon?" Tabitha managed to pull herself out of the towels, only to blush and immediately wrap her upper body with it. "N-Not to mention putting us in these s-shameful swimsuits! You lecherous, perverted mammal!" Sally summoned a Shamrock Shooter, and aimed at the dolphin with a surprisingly wicked smirk. "You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do you, punk?"

The dolphin shook his head wildly, and a big sweat drop appeared on his forehead. "No no no! I didn't do any of that, I swear! I'm just here to make sure everyone has a fun vacation!" The dolphin stood up on its tail, and began strumming a little song with his miniature flute. "That's my job, after all. Also, I'm here to make sure nobody breaks the rules."

Helga's teeth turned sharp as she gritted them. "I knew it! You're gonna make us kill each other! Just like in Battle Royale!" Lily gasped, and went behind Alex. Once again the dolphin shook his head. "What!? Why would I do something so trashy? I swear, you kids have been playing too much Fortnite! It's a bad influence." He made a big sigh, and hopped down from the desk. "Okay, okay...okay. I know this is strange, but you should relax, and not worry. The first rule is no fighting. We can't have a fun vacation if everybody starts running around swinging swords and shooting guns, or breaking stuff. Being a bully is a big no-no. However, if you realy need to vent some steam, you can do so at the Arena." Sally squinted, but upon glancing at Sylvia nodding sharply, she un-summoned her weapon. "The second rule is to not discriminate. Some of you may not like each other, but you need to face those differences and see past them. The third rule is-"

"How can we get out of here?" Lily suddenly interjected, looking a bit defiant as she stepped next to Alex.
"I'm still confused about that. It really seems like I'm trapped."

The dolphin nodded understandingly. "Yes, I was about to get to that. You should just relax and take it easy, okay? It was my boss' idea to have you girls stay here for a little bit."

"And how much is 'a little bit'?" Sylvia crossed her arms. Dan sighed, and seemed to perk up. "Just enough that you'll feel nice and refreshed once you get back." He looked at the others, who were clearly not convinced, and seemed to accept it with a smile. "Alright, time for me to announce the winners, who are..." He took out a small envelope from seemingly nowhere. "...Everyone present! Well, except for Taihei and Freya. It was a good effort though, so everyone applause for them." He clapped with his tiny fins, and his face scrunched up as only Lily joined him, making a few awkward claps before stopping. "...Okay. Well then, your reward for beating the challenge is...Tadah! You can get non-magical items such as sunblock, sunglasses, parasols, and more, completely free! Yay!" Lily gasped in surprise, and hugged Alex enthusiastically, while Helga bumped fists with Mika and Sylvia nodded with her hands on her hips. "The items are given out at the Beach Boutique, right over there." He pointed towards the building. "You can also rent vehicles like jet-skis and buy magical items. For more details, please ask the shopkeeper." Sally seemed to be excited, and looked at Aurelio with a glint in her eye.

Dan clapped his fins. "Now then, time to start the tour! Everyone, follow me!" And with that, Dan began flopping down the paved road...He was small, so he didn't make much headway. "Hey, I know!" Dan then hopped up into Tabitha's arms, causing her to shriek and drop him. "Ahh, don't come near me!" Dan ended up face down on the ground. "Ouch...I guess I'm not as huggable as my boss said. Being rejected by a cute girl...This is sad." Helga groaned and picked her up. "Alright, squeaky toy. Now lead the way; I'm tired of listening to your grating voice." Dan squeaked like a dolphin. "Alright, let's go!"

Dan first showed off the beach, where a big volleyball net was strung up. "Here at Isla Paradiso, we give out a participation reward for entering any of our local events and competitions without forfeiting. And for winners, there's a smaller prize, too. For sports events like volleyball, football and surfing, the participation reward is a Bronze coin." Next, he showed the stage. "Here, you can earn a silver for participating in a stageshow. Whether it's a poem recital, a magic show, or even an idol performance, everyone can be in the spotlight." Lily leaned her head with a concerned look.
"But, what about all the other stuff like lighting and costumes? And...I'd need to practice a lot." Dan smiled. "Not to worry! As long as you have a song you want to perform in your heart, the magic of the stage handles the rest: you can get the perfect lighting, costumes, and an illusory background, and even magical cue cards invisible to the audience, so you can sing any line with perfect timing."
Lily was stunned into silence, and looked at Alex.
"Alex...Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Then Dan went over to show one of the cottages. "The cottages have air conditioning and magically regenerating catering and room service, so you can relax as much as you please. Oh, here's the main attraction!" He led the girls to the domed building: there were two statues of girls in competitive swimsuits swinging their hips at each other. "This is the Arena, where you can compete in various unique events." The lobby was a strange one, with seating facing multiple television screens, and stone archways set against the walls filled with swirling mist and light: anybody familiar with Crash Bandicoot would notice it resembled a warp room. "For example, you can equip yourselves with water guns, and enter a squirt gun war in a closed environment, where being soaked means getting owned!" Nobody, even Kimble who hissed a tiny bit, seemed to like the 'radical' line he spoke.

"Okay, fine. Squirt gun war is a silver in participation reward. But, for the ultimate reward of a gold coin, you can participate in the most glorious sport..." Dan's eyes seemed to slightly water. "...Keijo."
Helga scratched her head. "What's Keijo?" Dan crossed his fins, and stood up on his tail. "Keijo is a glorious art from the far east, where two or more combatants are placed on a Land, a platform floating in a pool of water. The goal is to either knock your opponent into the pool, or pin them down for a three-count. HOWEVER," he dramatically paused. "There is one important rule: you can only touch your opponent with your chest," he demonstrated by placing his fins on his front, "Or your rear." Then he placed his fins behind him. Tabitha had to fan her face as she blushed hard, and Sylvia simply shook her head. "Hips can make non-prolonged contact, but otherwise any other bodypart can't be used to touch the opponent. Oh, and another rule: you can't use magic to directly attack or hinder your opponent. However, applying magic on yourself is fine. Almost forgot the final rule: to encourage getting to make new friends, you are only allowed to form teams with people who started on other islands. Participating alone is not affected by this rule. Now then, enjoy yourselves, and have fun!"

Lily looked flabbergasted, but then nodded, looking determined as she took Alex' hand.
"I think...I'm going to try and sing." Helga placed a hand on her hip, clearly deep in thought as she looked at the still images of Dan performing butt tackles and hip swings on the screen. Sylvia on the other hand scoffed. "Well, I suppose we are not in imminent danger after all. This is our chance to take a break and recover, so we're prepared for a possible change in the situation. We'll meet at the fountain by sundown. Dismissed." Sally took Aurelio, and began dragging him away. "I want to visit the shop, Aurelio. You'll take me there, right? And then we'll go on our double date, right Lily?" Lily nodded, feeling like she could make some wonderful memories here. The stage was now set...A vacation unlike any other.

Lily, despite her outward personality of inexorable sunshine and energy, felt a bit wary about Tetrad at first. It was not because she felt that she would outright attack her or Alex; she seemed to be friends with Veronica and Samantha, and they seemed nice enough people in that regard, if a bit distant. However, she turned out to be more than meets the eye, giving out a surprisingly profound statement.
"Umm...Yeah. I'll keep that in mind..." She dug one foot into the sand, unsure how to feel about her just yet. In contrast, Chloe seemed to really like her compliments, which made the green-haired girl happy and hopeful that they could become good friends. She giggled at her demand, finding it funny.
"I sure will, Chloe!"
Betty also seemed sociable and fun to be around with; Lily would definitely want to spend more time with her as well, if possible. And so, for their short trip, she traipsed around, splashing her feet as they met the small waves on the shore, in awe of the stylish way Veronica traversed as well as ignorant of the fact that Samantha had disappeared into the jungle.

Lily frowned as she was witness to what Tetrad did to one of Alex' magical constructs, not amused by her antics. Fortunately, it was a clone, but it still hurt her heart to see such a beautiful girl flirt with someone identical to Alex. She knew she was being very stereotypical with her feelings of jealousy, and she hated herself even more for it. Even Tetrad's swift departure soon afterwards didn't help, as she only proved herself to be even better than her with powers of flight. But in that moment, as Alex admitted to not feeling anything, she looked befuddled. And then, a clone approached her.

When the clone patted her head, Lily trembled, steam spilling from her ears like a whistle, and discharged an electric shock that knocked the clone back. She felt really embarrassed...But she also forgot her self-esteem
issues. The cherry on top was the sparkling barrier walkway that Alex conjured: upon reaction, she jumped up in excitement grinning from ear to ear.
"Yay! You did it, Alex! Now we can all cross to the island...Wait." She put her hand to her forehead, using it to block out the shade as she peered behind them.

"Where's Samantha? I thought she was with us." And then, she saw them; she recognized Samantha, but the other girl...Lily froze. She was hot, with luscious long locks of well-kept hair, smooth skin that seemed to sparkle in the sun, and the worst pair of offenders she had ever seen, bouncing in a bikini top too small for them. She greeted the excited girl back with a smile of her own, though she failed to match the energy: she was genuinely afraid now.
"H-Hi! I'm Lily. Are you Samantha's twin? You look nearly identical to her but...Huh."
She noticed that Samantha seemed slightly more timid than before. Of course, she understood the feeling well, being overshadowed by your super hot idol sister. She also had one in her older life.
"So you spotted her in the woods, huh. That was super lucky. You're really pretty." She then went over to Alex, and held his arm with alarming force: not enough to hurt, but close.
"A-Anyway, let's cross the island already, so Alex can save up on mana."
And so, with Lily and Alex leading the way, the party crossed the sea on a glimmering road.

Julia seemed unaffected by Hilaria's womanly charms, her emotionless expression fitting the spectral girl. In contrast, Jillian blinked, her pale face having gained a slight shade of red as her eyes dipped down to the bigger girl's stunning stance, transfixed.
"I-I see...You really love food, huh..." The ogling girl was promptly slapped in the back of her head by Julia, her cheeks puffed up like an irritated child.
"Staring is rude too."
"Whoops, haha! Sorry."
Jillian was then dragged away by Julia, the former looking embarrassed the rest of their trip.

Helga turned to wave a hand at the few girls who caught up to them. She gave a thumbs up to Nina and Alice, flashing them a happy smile.
"That's great to hear! We could use any help we can get." She stifled a laugh as Lupa went over to bug the stoic girl, only to purse her lips as Su reprimanded her idea.
"I do have better control of it than before, though..." She tried to excuse herself, but quickly gave up as Mika's limits were brought up. She sighed, and twirled the tip of her drill while leaning on one leg. At that moment, Hilaria was convinced by Mika, and set the board down.
"Heck yeah!" Helga cheered, and jumped to the board, placing Mika on it and keeping her in place by her hips like an attentive big sister. "Remember to bend your knees a bit, Mika. Eyes straight ahead, and keep your balance centred," she advised her, and gave a confident nod to Hilaria behind them. "Ready for liftoff, captain!"

"Jillian..." Julia pointed towards the other girls, and the ghostly twin nodded.
"Hey, Su and the spirit girl. We can help boost your magic, so the rest of us can float over to the other side-"


Hilaria kicked the board off, launching the three girls grouped up high into the air with an explosive lift.

"HOOOLYYYY CRAAAP! THIIS IIS AAAWESOOOOOOOOOME!" Helga screamed, holding on to Mika as they accelerated like a rocket. Soon after, Su and Nina, assisted by the twins channelling mental might to them to carry three each, lifted the rest of the girls with winds and spirits alike, carrying Joanna, Speedwagon, Alice, and themselves over the foaming waves of the sea.

Kimble blushed upon receiving the compliment from Alicia, and her tails wrapped around her legs as she slightly rocked back and forth, following her mistress' every movement once they set off in the direction of the central island.
"Mistress...Alicia..." She would whisper in a quiet voice that would only be heard by the sharpest ears, while occasionally drawing hearts in the sand.

While Sylvia was a little concerned, deep in her heart she knew not to have any doubts; her fellow sisters of battle banded together for the sake of completing the challenge. She managed to smile as even the timid newcomer to the organization, Serenity, spoke up.
"Very god, Serenity. We'll count on you as backup." She looked on as Alicia was surrounded by the girls, each of them looking up or at least respecting her suggestions on executable strategy.
I'm reminded of myself, back when I started... She would think to herself, before her attention was brought to Penny's answer. She raised an eyebrow at first, only for the other to raise as well in slight surprise; it seemed she bought the excuse.
"That is true: if something of that size is summoned next to us, there would be a risk of collateral damage."
She then nodded as Penny began floating off the ground, both hands on her hips.
"Excellent. If Penny takes Kimble, you can focus all of your magic on lifting two more, right?" She asked the catgirl, who stood up, glanced at Alicia, and saluted, having found new courage thanks to the Seraph's emboldening presence.
"Yes ma'm! I can carry Lady Sylvia and Mister Aurelio nyah problem!"

Sally giggled at Aurelio's remark, and took another sip. "You can save it, Wonder Boy~". She also saluted with her can-carrying arm, causing the liquid inside it to slightly spill up in the air...Only to end up right back in the can, down to the last drop.
"And I'll put my Wheel of Fortune magic to use so no accidents will happen in my vicinity...But that means someone's gotta carry me." She went over to Penny, and leaned in her direction, gazing at her body. She then poked her bicep.
"Looks sturdy enough. You can carry a motorcycle, right?" She picked up Kimble, who made an adorable flustered meow, and placed her to ride on Penny's shoulders. Then, she pushed herself against the monster girl in an unabashed manner. "Carry me, my knight in shining armor...Or a girl in glimmering bikini, tee hee~"

Sylvia sighed, and shook her head.
"Hmm...Maybe this wont work after all. Penny still needs to carry Tabitha, adding Sally to it would break even a metallic-ally reinforced spine." Sally then puffed her cheeks.
"You're implying I'm fat, aren't you Sylvs? I'm just big boned!" To that, Sylvia had no comment.
It was at that moment that a shimmering pathway unfolded before them, cast by the combined effort of the twins.
"Ah, Janet! Jenna! So you made a safe route for us! Excellent!" She faced the entire group, and lifted her fist into the air.

"Alright! Operation: Radiant Road shall now commence! Follow me, to the central island!"


And with that, the girls began crossing the sea.
"I knew Reinforcement magic was versatile, but to do something like this..." Sally commented out loud, now walking on her own with a big swing to her body: Summer had to actively avoid her swinging chest, lest she get knocked right off the golden bridge. "You girls are really something else!"
"Careful everyone," Sylvia ordered, as their feet soon met dry sand on the other side.
"The thicket ahead can easily hide an ambush. Be prepared for anything."
As the beacon girls got closer to the junfle, they would notice the brush up ahead started to shift. Instinctively, everyone prepared for the potential threat that lingered in the foliage. The leaves shook more and more, until Regina stumbled out.

"And on this side, we have even more water!" She looked out at the beacon girls and squinted her eyes. "And a few other familiar faces." She waved to them. "Hey guys! Reinforcement magic is pretty nifty huh?"

Thanks to Shannon providing a stairway, the rest of the girls successfully boarded the Ghost Ship, it's eerie sails at full mast as it swiftly sailed across the thin expanse of sea between the islands. In fact, the ride was so short that one could call it disappointing. On the flipside, they were the first to arrive on the island, and thus able to reach the very center before the others.
As the different groups ventured beyond the protective shade of the palm trees and foliage, they could not believe their eyes:

They found themselves in a tropical vacation resort unlike any other: there were pools and yacuzzis sprinkled around along waving paths that snaked around in whimsical fashion, surrounded by lush palm trees and lighted by multicolored lanterns. There were seven fancy cottages in a circle, each of them looking like they could comfortably fit five occupants at once. There were also attractions like a volleyball field on the beach, a big stage set in front of rows of benches, something resembling a shop, and even a mysterious-looking domed building, with statues siding the doors. However, the most eye-catching part of the resort was the central yard, where a big fountain was set. Before the fountain, the girls saw their objective: a simple wooden desk, the front of it helpfully plated "Help Desk." There didn't seem to be anything noteworthy about the desk at first except for a small counter bell.
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