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As Justine pondered about what could have happened while wandering around the lodge, she happened to notice Tenebra.
Justine winced, knowing the bloody past the two girls shared. But, after she saw how determined Tenebra was to duel her in Keijo, even to the point of winning against Penny, who she thought to be undefeatable in the arena, she decided to at least attempt to have a conversation with her. If she were to turn away and leave, she wouldn’t pursue the topic any longer. But at least it would give some kind of closure.

”Um...Hello," Justine greeted her, as she kept her eyes averted.
”Congratulations on your victory against Penny. Even if she conceded, it was still amazing to see you holding up against someone as powerful as her. I don’t think I could have beaten her myself, to be honest."

Tenebra had managed to reach the main party after leaving Dina to rest. Her eyes were gathered on Justine all the time. Did she just...congratulate her? Her eyes narrowed, before letting a small laugh… full of hatred.

“It was you, wasn’t it? You stole the mirror.” Tenebra said, almost half growling. “Because you saw your neck in peril.” She got up, getting ready to throw down, dimensional properties of no harm be damned. “You are either very gutsy or very stupid to even consider I would tolerate you breathing in my direction after what you have done.” Tenebra elaborated, her usual awkward self being smashed by the boiling rage from within.

Justine stepped back with surprise.
”Me? You really think I did it?" She bit the corner of her lip.
”I swear, I did not-"

”Maybe Alicia invited her here, and-Ah!"
That was when Lily and Alexander arrived as they conversed, having absentmindedly stepped into the lodge to follow after Justine once they noticed her to have slipped away.
”Justy! What’s happening here...Oh." She looked awkward as she realized who she was speaking to.
”Sorry, am I interrupting something here?" She asked.

Justine shook her head.
”Tenebra thinks I stole the Mirror. And admittedly for good reason, considering my past. But I didn’t do it."

Lily nodded, and then turned her eyes to Tenebra.
”Look, I know that Justine didn’t do it, Tenny B. We hung out a lot with her during all this, she couldn’t have stolen it."

That did not help a bit. “Figures, you colluded with Justine. Quite the hypocrite.” She said, “Do you even know what she did to me? No, you were busy switching sides and protecting Mariette.” Tenebra snapped at Lily back, gravity gathering around her. “She’s one of the ones who stands to gain the most from that thing. It’s like the one ring. Every single one of them was mouthwatering at the prospect of the mirror.” Tenebra snarled.

“Disgusting.” She paused. “I was better off dead with my two comrades, but noo you had to resurrect me for a FARCE.” She snapped.

Alexander stepped with a hand held up “Okay, let’s back up for a second. What does this fucking mirror even do anyway? Because as far as I can tell, it’s only real power is assisting in the creation of pocket worlds. Actually, that kind of makes the One Ring comparison fit a bit better now that I think about it; both items grant a useful but mostly harmless ability...yet people quickly become quickly consumed with the idea that the item in question will grant them unlimited power...or something

Tenebra's words pierced into Lily like daggers. "No, I just...It was complicated…" Lily was about to continue, but she felt that trying to justify her actions would only be seen as excuses by Tenebra. "And it is true that a lot of people want the mirror, but Justine's not one of them. At least, not any more, right?" She looked at Justine, who held her arm and looked away.

Alex brought up a good point, to which Justine nodded in thought.
"I'm not sure, but I think it is some kind of conduit to Mariette's Patron," she finally spoke, causing Lily to stop in her tracks.
"Horror artifacts are incredibly rare, but each one of them holds great power. Asengav's must be especially so, considering it's basic use is something impressive like that. I myself obtained it in a vain attempt at creating a perfect world for myself, but I never got it to work properly."
Lily scratched her head.
"Yikes…I didn't know it was something like that."

Tenebra snarled at Justine talking once more. “So you admit it.” She added, as the gravity began to wobble around her once more. “Actually, where’s your maid? She could’ve taken it. Answer or...else.”

Justine grit her teeth as she felt the subtle pull of Tenebra’s magic.
"I don’t know where Sonia is," she answered.
"And I don’t know if she stole the mirror. But I do know that whoever it was, they wouldn’t be able to fully utilize its power." However, as much as she tried to talk Tenebra down, she knew the half-baked magical girl wouldn’t listen to reason.
"Tenebra, I know that you feel angry and scorned, and you are justified to resent me for my past deeds. But fighting it out here is not going to solve anything."
That was when Lily came up with an idea.
"I know! What if you two had a Keijo duel? Now that the tournament’s cancelled, the arena pool is free for use."
Justine irked.
"I see...I suppose that is one way to settle grudges. What do you say to that, Tenebra?"

Tenebra just stared at Justine. “A duel it is. But not of Keijo. A proper duel.” She snarled.

“No no no!” Dan popped in with crossed fins. “I won’t accept real fighting here, no matter how mad you may be. If you want to duke it out, you gotta do it by Keijo rules.”

Tenebra had enough. The physicality of the avatar could still be affected, as her ire kept being stoked with the denials. She just made a simple gesture.

“Gravity guillotine.” Tenebra up to this point she had been downright playing nice, but no longer. Dan was teleported in two halves, separated a couple of meters from each other. “Your dimension deserves to burn, for sustaining this farce.” She would go on. “The only thing It had going for was a nice looker like Elroy, but now he’s gone too. A proper duel. You choose the place.” She added, glaring at Justine.

Like a paper doll, Dan was split into two halves of one cartoonish dolphin, with his inside resembling an amusing slice of steak. They were not amused, and squeaked in unison:
“Waah! Hey, that wasn’t nice! If you keep acting up like this I oughta-”

“It’s fine,” Justine interrupted. "If You want to settle this with proper combat, then I won’t refuse you. We’ll hold it outside Dan’s dimension if we must."
With that said, she headed towards the portal.
"I know of an empty area in the Overcity. We will meet there."

Lily grabbed hold of Justine’s hand.
"Justy, are you sure of this?"
Justine looked away.
"Like Tenebra, I was also once obsessed with revenge. At that point, it is the only way we can settle this."

Is it really?” Alexander snarked “Because I don’t understand how you two going at it fixes anything, regardless of who wins. This just feels like an opportunity for you both to vent some stress. How can one fight fix all the bad blood between you two? Because it feels like it’ll just make more.

Tenebra eyed Alexander, before facing face to face, a few centimeters away. "I don't know, maybe if Justine gets violated to every corner of her being and turned into a zombie, then killed off like a bug I will be happy. She is a heinous being, more than I at my lowest ever was, and she only deserves this at most."

Justine stopped one step short from the portal once she heard Tenebra’s spiteful words. However, she didn’t say anything, and stepped through, disappearing from sight. Tenebra then disappeared soon after, having warped away.

"Justy..." Lily took hold of Alex’ hand and looked at him.
"Can we...Go and watch, Alex? I know this is Justy’s battle, but..." She bit her lip, looking anxious.

If...if it’ll make you feel better” Alexander answered “This still feels stupid and pointless...but it’s clear that I can’t do anything to stop this without making things even worse” he sighed, as he gave Lily’s hand a light squeeze.

Lily nodded, and the two began heading towards the portal. However, the portal began to rapidly shrink.

Lily gasped, and reached out with her free hand, only to be met by Justine’s sorrowful smile as she looked back at them.
"Goodbye, Lily."

The portal closed, causing Lily to look away, still holding Alex’ hand.

Fro a time, she simply stood in the middle of the lodge, the warmth of the place having seemingly left her as she slightly shivered.
"I…I guess I ruined this Christmas…For everybody…"
Then, she buried her face in Alex’ chest, suppressing her tears.

“Oh, have you now?” Rachel crossed her arms as she looked Finn past her glasses like an insect caught on a car’s windshield. How convenient of you to have been this fast to the scene of the crime…” She added, not hiding her suspicious tone of voice, before she dismissed the two of them in favor listening to Sally.

After the confession was granted and confirmed as honest by Alicia, Rachel nodded, seemingly deep in thought, and then signalled to Violette. “Call in a security team. I want a full sweep of this building and the premises, followed by setting up a base of operations. FanFan, inform the Cardinal personally with a report of the incident. Sally, you’re with me. We’re going to this suspicious spot. And Alicia…” She turned towards her. “Thank you for your assistance. Now, go file a report and…” She hesitated, and cleared her throat. “I mean, could you file a report? That would be all.”
Lastly, she glanced back to Penny and MDP, and nodded. “The M.O. fits them, but it’s still too early of a conclusion to make without any substantial evidence. Anyway, Beacon thanks you for your collaboration. Now then goodbye.”
She briskly turned and left the feast hall, following after Oliver’s clones.

Dan slowly descended down to sit on the present box, now having been flipped sideways away from the crime scene. He made a squeaky sigh, and summoned his megaphone.
With a low voice, he made one last announcement to the dimension.
“I suppose…This is the end of the Christmas party. You may stay if you’d like, but…There won’t be much of an afterparty. Thank you for coming and have a nice day.”

Kimble pouted as Rachel walked away, looking confused.
”Huh, Rachel was…Not as mean as usual,” she mumbled, and looked at Alicia.
”Sad to hear this party’s over though. So, what now, Alicia?”

Behind the lodge building, Oliver’s clones found the lone tree Sally mentioned in her story.
Rachel arrived shortly after, and began inspecting the scene.
“Someone’s definitely been here…And they covered their tracks.”
The snow around the tree was upheaved and scrambled, as if someone had kicked snow over the area. As a result, there were no discernible footprints. However, one of Oliver’s duplicates spotted an unusually clean mound of snow, like an island in a sea of chaos. Based on the position of a bare branch above it, it may have been a pile of snow that had fallen down from the tree.
Rachel examined the mound. “Hmm…Ring any bells?” She asked him.
Mariette’s pursuit squad had arrived at the Overcity downtown at about the center of the coordinates, and saw something spectacular; it was a bustling metropolis, with every building reaching up to cloud-piercing heights, and the streets packed with magical residents going about their day, flowing in and out of the underground metro like a tide. Magical auras and enchantments floated everywhere like a thick cloud of smoke, obscuring magical attempts of locating something specific. In comparison, Penrose seemed like a quiet little town even in its heyday. Even with all of them splitting the area up, it would take weeks if not even months to search through it.

”That would be bad,” Kimble agreed with a nod as she walked with Alicia.
”But maybe she’ll decide to pity Dan and leave it alone? That’s what we should hope for.”

They arrived at the feast lodge, where Mariette had already begun inspecting the scene of the crime.
”Mariette’s already here...Do you think she could have done it, Alicia?” She quietly asked her.

”Hmmph hm hm," Lily attempted answering Ronja’s question, sounding more surprised than frightened by her predicament. As terrifying as the situation could have been for anyone else, having been ensnared by an arachnid monster girl, Lily knew she wouldn’t be hurt. For one, she believed that Mariette wouldn’t allow any harm to come to her without good reason. She also knew that Dan would intervene should such a reason come up, having seen him intercept conflicts in the past.

She looked happy as Alexander demanded her to be released, glad that he had followed her, followed by blinking as she heard Ronja whisper to her ear.
”Hmm?!" She mumbled, sounding shocked. As if right on cue, Dan’s announcement confirmed that the Mirror had indeed disappeared. Sally gasped, and Rachel grunted. Lily’s eyes then lighted up, having realized Ronja wasn’t aiming to capture her, but Sally. But would Sally really do something like that? Lily didn’t have much time to ponder before Ronja split the strands and set her free with a playful shove, causing her to stumble right into Alexander’s arms.

Rachel stepped up to Ronja; she lowered her fists, but kept them clenched with a pained expression.
“So the Mirror was stolen…” She glanced back to Sally, who looked startled by the sudden attention the Inquisitor gave her. “What is the meaning of this, Shamrock Sally?”

Sally’s rabbit ear-headband swayed frantically as she fidgeted in place. “Uhh, well, how should I put this...”

At that moment, ronja suggested performing a mind reading on Sally, which Rachel immediately rejected with a sweep of her arm.

“No! This is a Beacon matter! Besides, I wouldn’t let you devils touch her even if it wasn’t!” She grit her teeth into a snarl. “And if you try-!”

As if by another stroke of Sally’s luck, the tense situation was resolved by the sudden opening of a portal that led to the feast hall, with Mariette, Finn, and Justine on the other side.
However, as Finn attempted stepping through, he was shoved back by Rachel striding in with the power of an elephant on the march, with Sally following behind with an unsure look.
“Out of my way! The Beacon shall now begin their investigation.”

”Geez...Well, better go and confirm it as well, Alex," Lily spoke softly.
followed suit, and as they did they changed back into Christmas gear upon entering the winter island again.

They arrived at the sight of Dan bonking the guardsman Dan repeatedly with a toy mallet.
“Ouch! Hey! What’s the big idea?” The clone interjected, followed by an angry squeak from prime!Dan. “You tell me! What were you doing, flirting with hot dolphin babes in your local area? You were supposed to be guarding the Mirror!”
“You got distracted too with the Penny versus Tenebra match, especially when Dina fell into the pool!”
“Urgh!” Main Dan made a frog-like croak, and with a poof caused the clone to disappear.
“Well, at least this can’t get any wors-” He turned to see Rachel, her arms crossed with an angry glare.


Rachel stomped right up to him, and grabbed the Lesser Force by its bottle nose.
“You let the Mirror be taken, knowing how important it was! You absolute imbecile!” She shouted.

“I-I’m sorry, miss Inquisitor,” Dan apologized, even as his nose was twisted.

“You think an apology is enough to fix this problem?” Rachel asked with a snarl, and released Dan.
He straightened the nose with a goofy sound, and looked flabbergasted.

“I-I guess me and Penny broke our promise, since we couldn’t fully play out the tournament.” He summoned a white flag, and waved it.
“Alright then , I surrender. You can proceed with destroying this place then. Just, please let me say goodbye to it first.”

Rachel had turned away, her glasses cast in shadow from her head’s downward angle.


“...Not yet.”

Dan blinked. “E-Excuse me?”

She adjusted her glasses. “I need to preserve the crime scene. Erasing this dimension would only hinder the Beacon’s investigation with the loss of vital clues.” She sighed, and looked at Sally. “Also, the crime was committed while a member of Beacon was present, and for that, I will take full responsibility. It seems I had failed in training the Penrose branch to respond in a timely manner to such an incident.” She glanced at Penny, who at that point had been angle to listen in on the conversation.
“And Penny...It was a valiant effort, and I wish to see that determination first-hand in the arena as well.” Her lips momentarily twitched to something resembling a smile, followed by a grimace as she shook her fist.
“But don’t misunderstand, I will wipe out this wretched haven of indecency and indolence at some point. However, right now...it is in Beacon’s best interests to secure the area.”

”Did I hear that right?" Lily whispered to Alex once Rachel concluded her speaking.
”Did we actually manage to save this place?" While she knew she couldn’t burst out cheering at the spot, her puffed up cheeks told of her desire to scream and shout in joy.

“With that said, let’s begin the investigation,” Rachel spoke. “Paladin Seraph, we will need your assistance,” she gestured over to Alicia, and then questioned Sally. “Now, tell me everything you know about this incident; what you were doing, what you saw, anything that comes to mind.”

Sally twiddled her thumbs, looking sheepish. “Well, I decided to go on a little stroll around the island after the first round matches,” she began explaining. “I went around to the back of the lodge, where I saw what looked like, uh, something moved near a tree. I went over to look, and found some snow stomped flat, as well as a coin. I thought someone dropped it, and went over to talk with Guardsman Dan. Then, well...I guess you know the rest.”

While everyone else was investigating, Justine was on the sidelines, her arms crossed as she contemplated what had happened so far. She remembered the Penny versus Tenebra match, and managed a small smile.

”So, Tenebra managed to win..."
”I wonder what would have happened...If we could have been able to duel..."
As Jelena became aware that something had happened at the scene based on Lea’s quick orders, she had come to realize that there was something strange about the coin that Sally had accidentally dropped; she could not tell exactly what it was, but she had a suspicion there was magic involved. But there wasn’t time to ruminate on the discovery, as the team quickly shifted to the Overcity. There, the anonymous girl’s eyes tightened on the monitor; the tracker’s signal had come back. However, there was nothing in the team’s vicinity that warranted suspicion, suggesting that Overcity Shift was not utilized.

Meanwhile at the feast hall, the Dan duplicate flipped a page when he heard a sultry voice from around the corner.
“Huh?” He lifted his head, and squeaked loudly at the sight of the alluring member of the Artiodactyla order. “M-Madam?” He stuttered, his face having turned red as he shied away from the disguised Suzette, before flashing a nervous smile at the apparently cetacean charmer.
“Well, I suppose I could be...” He managed to answer, ignorant of Mariette having portalled inside the present box.

Using the light of the stadium to illuminate the area, the eyepatched girl confirmed her suspicions; the Black Mirror was gone, frame and all. However, that was when Mariette’s Awareness kicked in, and she immediately discovered something unusual on the floor; a wooden splinter, and a somewhat round, very thin scratch mark on the floor.
She also noticed a tiny bit of water dripping from outside the present box under it, and discovered two tiny puddles of water outside the present box, strangely symmetrical in a way that seemed familiar.

Back at the Overcity, the anonymous girl had just managed to collect enough data to form coordinates when the signal disappeared again. She couldn’t help but sigh as she realized where the coordinates pointed to; the downtown area of the Overcity capital. Due to the electronic interference from the city, she could only manage to form an approximate location in a 500-meter radius in the area, but at least it was a clue she managed to secure before it was lost.

Elsewhere, the capture task force tracked Sally down to the lounge near the stadium, where she grabbed a drink and was about to head out. It was the perfect moment to grab Sally, with no apparent eyewitnesses. However, just as Ronja shot out her ensnaring web, the dice managed to roll in Sally’s favor despite Josefin’s attempt to manipulate fate; Lily came running in fast at the worst moment.

”Oh hi Sally, whatcha doing-" Lily managed to say before the web wrapped around her mouth and body, and she was pulled right into Ronja’s bosom. Of course, this caused Sally to scream in surprise.

“What’s going on over here!?” Rachel was the first to arrive, her glasses shining as she held a fist up, ready to pummel the kidnappers. “Unhand that girl at once!”

This snapped the prime Dan back to attention, who teleported to the feast hall. “Okay, what is going on here?” He lifted the present box up, and gasped.

“OH NOOO! It’s been stolen!” He brought up a microphone, and announced to everyone in the dimension:

“Attention, everyone! The tournament has been placed into an indefinite hiatus. The reason is...The Black Mirror has disappeared,” he finally managed to say, sounding miserable as his nose drooped.

Justine gasped upon hearing the news, and immediately went to seek Maura.
”Mistress Maura! The Mirror’s stolen! What do we do now?"

Kimble was also concerned, and she held Alicia’s arm tightly.
”We should go to the feast hall, Alicia!”
While the tournament was undergoing the second bracket of matches, Mariette had set up a plan behind the scenes. After a lengthy argument with Lea, she had decided to not steal the Black Mirror. Instead, she would place the cursed artifact under surveillance, and ensure nobody else would be able to steal the Mirror. Three people were selected as the security task force: Lea, Jelena, and someone who was enshrouded in the shadows of their hiding spot, their identity unknown.

The three arrived in place and saw from a distance that the Black Mirror had not moved from its spot in the back of the winter lodge's dining hall based on the large present box and the Dan clone sitting before it on a chair; the duplicate was wearing a guard uniform, black sunglasses, and was reading a magazine of sorts. However, the three could observe that despite his lax appearance, the clone kept vigilant watch, and wouldn't let anyone approach the present box.

The three had decided on a plan to insert an electronic tracker equipped with a miniature cloaking device on the Mirror, allowing them to follow its movements. However, based on the way Dan's aura resonated, he was capable of detecting anyone using stealth magic. As the three pondered their options, they had a stroke of good fortune: Shamrock Sally approached the Dan clone.
"Hey Dan, do you happen to know about this coin? I found it outside the lodge. Do you know who owns it?" She asked.
Guardsman Dan flipped his sunglasses up and grumbled. "I don't know, and I don't care! Now, move along. I'm not letting anyone come close to this, you know!"

While Dan was distracted by Sally, the task force realized this was their chance: they snuck close enough, and then, using Mariette's portal magic, Lea entered inside the present box silently, aided by stealth magic to hide her tracks. Mariette herself obfuscated her involvement with the scheme by having her comrades surround herself in the audience seating, blocking line of sight to her use of magic.
Thus, Lea successfully planted the invisible tracker on the wooden frame of the Black Mirror, seemingly placed by Dan himself.

"Nope, I haven't seen this before," the stoic Dan duplicate answered once he took a casual look at the coin Sally handed to him.
Sally sighed. "Alright, but...Oh, I know! I'll flip the coin: if it's heads, I can keep it, and if tails, I'll give it away to someone lucky~"

Lea portaled out back to the rest of the task force members, and the anonymous member took out a handheld device with a screen on it; she saw that the tracker was operational, and providing a signal.

"Alright, here goes!" Sally announced, and flipped the coin, launching it into the air. But then, instead of catching it, the coin bounced on the roll, and rolled away to behind the present box.

"Whoops!" Sally exclaimed. "I guess I got clumsy...?" and Dan pouted in irritation. "Alright, hold it right there. I'll get the coin back for you." Dan floated over to behind the present box, and then returned back to Sally holding the coin on his flipper. "Be careful with this thing; you were lucky it didn't roll under the present box."

"Sorry about that, tee hee~ I promise to be more careful."

Sally then began walking away, and Dan sighed. "Alright, what page was I on again..." The clone mumbled as he returned back to his seat.

In the aftermath of the scene, the anonymous girl's expression tightened, and her eyes widened in shock: the signal from the tracker had disappeared.

After her talk with Dina, Justine spent her time resting at the lounge, and returned back to the spectator seats, only to see the aftermath of what became Penny and Sam's duel. Neito was singing on the stage, though Justine didn't get much of a chance to listen before Lily was shaking her shoulders.

"Oh, Justy! You won't believe what just happened! Penny and Sam both injured themselves in the match!"

"Wait, what?" She grit her teeth, as her hand balled up into a fist.
"I didn't think it was possible...So what now? Has Dan called it off?"

Lily shook her head.
"No, I don't think so...But it also looks like Betty's withdrawn."

"That means I win by default and move on to round three...Probably against Freya."

"Are you scared, Justy?" Justine shook her head.

"No...Even if I lose, it won't matter. What I'm more concerned about-" she glanced up at the spectator stands. The glint of her glasses could not be mistaken.

"...Is her."

"Here are the reports of the matches as you've requested, Inquisitor," Violette bowed as she handed the documents to Rachel, who was sitting in the audience seats. She was still miffed by the earlier encounter with Finn.
"That bastard...If I wasn't currently occupied with this...compromising activity, I would have caved his ribs in right then and there."
Violette sighed.
"It's unfortunate how a Sinner has appeared in Penrose now of all times."
"You mean two Sinners, correct?"
Rachel adjusted her glasses from beyond the papers. Violette blinked.
"Huh? What do you mean, there's two? Justine was confirmed to have been purified and having lost her influence. Sinner of Lust no longer applies as a title to her...Or was it Pride?"

"If it was Pride, Justine wouldn't have been as easily defeated as she was," Rachel corrected. "A Sinner of Lust may appear fearsome, but their objectives and aspirations are shallow and limited, and they are short-sighted in accomplishing it. Even a disorganized band of magical girls can take one down, as happened with Justine. That is why we consider them the lowest in the Sinner ranking."

Violette frowned. "I-I see. But, if it is not her, who is the second Sinner?"

Rachel's answer was concise. "The Sinner of Sloth...Mariette Pedersen.

FanFan gasped. "Her? But what about the previous one?"

"The previous Sinner of Sloth has been neutralized. She was found in northern Europe, hosting some kind of killing game between magical girls. As her title suggested, she preferred having her 'contestants' kill each other instead of involving herself directly. It was a gruesome affair, but we managed to rescue some survivors."

Violette and FanFan both grimaced, followed by Violette asking: "But why is Mariette designated that title?"

"I had my suspicions for a while, but I was finally able to confirm it from seeing how she is involved." She took a look at the report.
"Mariette is an expert at manipulating others, and making them do her bidding. This shows from how she presents herself as vulnerable and endearing with a redundant eyepatch and a toy she carries around at all times. She has a considerable following of underlings, and was behind the kidnapping incident in Penrose, leaving no evidence behind. Her unique magic allows her to extend her influence to a vast distance without moving a single inch, and she has the intelligence to utilize it as well, as evident by her duel with Justine. She is a risk which Beacon must prepare for."

FanFan nodded. "I understand. I'll report this to Elora."

"While you do, I'd also like for you to add in a report on the person Penny dueled against." She flipped through the pages.
"...Samantha. A member of Crimson Cradle, and a reputed assassin with deadly skills. I have fought her once...And back then, she did not show half as much as she did just now. Have her assigned under 'Major risk'."

Both FanFan and Violette saluted, and Rachel looked back at the arena.

"This community is abnormal, yet..."

Rachel found herself slightly smiling, before snapping back to attention.
"...Pah. What a waste of time. The operation shall continue."

.:⋮Penny & Sam: Rematch!⋮:.

Shortly before the match was to be called the battle field for this match would rise out of the water. In the center was a large flat platform, around it were eight smaller platforms. Each was just big enough for two people, but only if they didn’t care about personal space. And even further out was a raised fence of scaffolding with a thin strip of terrain on top.

An intimidating area to be sure, but that was before the quirks of this stage came into play. The center stage was only barely above the water, one wrong step and there was no room to recover before you hit the deep blue below.

The eight smaller platforms had more forgiveness in that regard, as each was a good few feet above the water line. But they themselves were only loosely tethered to the pool floor, and had a dome shaped underside, making them unstable ground that would rock with the lightest of movement on them or from the wave of the pool.

The Fence had the longest drop, nearly ten feet in total, but that was it’s only forgiving feature. The walkway on it was only about three inches across so an expert balance was mandatory. Then there was the fact that once the match started the entirety of the fence would start moving, making landing on the thing even more difficult.

It was looking to be a battle of speed, reflexes, and balance.

“It’s KEIJOO LIIVEE!” Dan enthusiastically announced. “With your hosts Dan the Dolphin and Pac-to-the-A-to-the-fist!”

”My name actually comes from Vectorman 2. You see, when you beat a level without shooting it gives you a ‘pacifist bonus.’ But since you can still damage enemies with your boost jump, my brother thought it was called-”

“And now, please welcome our contestants! Coming up first is the Queen of Steel, the Builder of Pain...PENNYYY!”

Penny chose to make her entrance flashy when her name was called. From a standing start back at the doors to the locker room, she would leap high into the air. At the top of her arc thin streams of electricity would begin to ribbon off her giving her an unmissable trail as she came rocketing down to the platform.

The hard crash of her landing would cause a larger splash of water to surge up from the area around the platform as well, but rather than simply sloshing back to the pool below the droplets of water would stay hanging in the air as the long ribbons of lightning arced across them surrounding Penny in a formidable show. At least until she sliced the air in front of her with her hand banishing the lightning and blasting the water around her away.

While her entrance might have looked impressive, any lightning spec, or gravity spec could tell it was little more than cantrips being used. All flash, no sizzle

The Queen stood ready and waiting for her opponent.

“Facing Penny today is an old rival with a thirst for revenge! The Unseen Menace, Super Sleek-Styling Shadow-Dancer, SAMANTHAAA!”

For the sake of all spectating, that was hopefully enough of a spectacle to make up for the next competitor, whose entrance lacked that same vigor. With a hop that could only impress a normal human and a slow, methodical walk up to the center of the stage, there were no theatrics to join her. A few might notice how her steps did not seem to disturb the water beneath even where they should, but anyone not particularly attentive would miss that.

That might not have stopped those of a more perverse nature from admiring how her swimsuit accentuated features most often hidden behind her conservative apparel. But, even in that case, they weren't even given the satisfaction of the cheeks flushed with embarrassment at being on display in such clothing that usually accompanied Sam into this dimension.

Samantha gave one glance around the arena they were to fight on, then faced Penny, speaking before the match could be started. "Quite a show you are putting on. I don't suppose, after that sort of entrance, you'd be willing to toss yourself over the edge, now, would you?"

“Not this time,” Penny would state with a shake of her head. “I have a bit too much riding on this now to have a repeat of my last match.” As much as she was grinning, it was easy to tell that it was still mainly for show as the joy didn’t reach her eyes. They were far too focused and a bit too flat for Penny to actually be enjoying herself. Even if no one else noticed the oddities of Sam’s gait, Penny had.

“I’m not going to insult you by asking the same.” Penny knew Sam better than that, even for how little the two had interacted. “But would you mind me asking what it was that drove you to join this tourney?”

Penny's question would draw Samantha's gaze towards Rachel, who watched the match from the stands, if only for a moment. But the Ascendancy's gaze appeared more focused on Penny rather than the competitor glaring at her; she received the most fleeting glance back from beyond the rims of the stern girl’s glasses before she turned her attention to to speak with her companion. Samantha kept the ire this drew hidden.

"It's a petty, immature reason, really," she finally answered in a self-deprecating tone, her gaze once more settling on Penny. "One that deserves scorn and contempt from even those who joined on a whim. Nevertheless!" Samantha's body snapped into a lower stance, and hostile intent became very clear as she stopped casting a shadow on the ground. "I'll endure what I must to see it achieved."

Dan rung the bell. “And begin!”

Penny would give an interested hum at Sam's answer. “To each their own I suppose.” She would reply with a nod as her left eye would suddenly and noticeably dim. “But I do hope you won’t hold it against me too badly when I win." She would go on to say, her smile shifting more towards a smirk. “Because I am going to win.” And the moment Sam settled into her stance Penny would go on the offensive with a powerful hop into an attempt to booty smack Sam away.

Samantha's low stance assisted in her effort to avoid the first strike of the match, which was her intention, to begin with. Her movements were swift and precise, her figure suddenly darting to the side with surprising speed that seemed quick even for her. And on top of this, Sam didn't stay still and suddenly teleported off the center stage and onto a smaller one. It wobbled in response but Samantha was able to keep her balance. It appeared she wished to lure Penny away from the center platform, for whatever reason.

"You don't mess around," Sam noted. "I'm afraid I don't have what it takes to meet a charge like that head-on. Too much momentum and I can't exactly use my hands." She threw her arms out to the side.

Generally, Time magic doesn't have a visual flair unless willed. One needs to keep an eye out for its influence. In this case, Penny would most probably notice that Sam's arms had pointed towards two of the smaller platforms, one on each side of her. A keen eye might notice these two began to bob on the water faster than the others, perhaps indicating something was influencing them. Did she intend to use them to flee? It was impossible to say until likely, Penny made her next move.

“And Sam dodges the very first blow from Penny!” Dan commented, seemingly ignorant of Sam’s subtle magic.
“And she follows up by retreating to another platform! What is her strategy? Let’s see!”

"You make a lot of fuss wherever you go, you know? Is that intentional? Or do troublesome situations fall in your lap by chance?"

“Bit of both really,” Penny would reply as she turned to face Sam and not even a moment after she would be racing towards the assassin. “I have a hard time being idle, and Penrose is just one of those places where things always seem to happen.” Penny’s speed was also above what one would expect from her and in a near instant she was once again airborne and heading towards Sam.

Rather than aim for another butt attack this time it seemed that Penny was planning on using her ample chest to bash Sam. In addition to that, four soft clicks could be heard from Penny, at the same time that her legs would suddenly be awash in softly glowing rainbow circuit lines that resembled stylized wings.

“Penny charges forth with a ramming maneuver!” Dan shouted. “Using her full figure to it’s most lethal potential! But wow, look at those lights!”

"Penrose exacerbates it, I'm sur-!" Penny's immediate response was presumably faster than Sam would've liked, as she couldn't finish speaking and did not attempt to jump away or avoid it. Yet, curious as it was, she instead chose to meet Penny's assault head-on, puffing her chest out as she traced the shape of her hip and thigh with a finger and stomped her foot down in one swift motion, the platform conspicuously unflinching atop the ripples in the water below it.

“And Sam meets her head on! Pure insanity!” He took hold of Paca’s sleeve, seemingly out of fear. “Oh no!”

The collision would surely result in pain, as Penny may as well have been a child attempting to shoulder charge a tank. Samantha took Penny's charge without so much as a nudge -- this was no display of strength, as even if she could physically stop Penny, she wouldn't do so without so much as grit teeth or a grunt. But Samantha wasn't that strong, so then that could only mean something else was in play.

The answer was quite obvious that she placed herself in Stasis, and therefore was quite literally incapable of being moved. Strength, in this case, could only work against Penny. She would slam into the unmovable Sam and recoil off, Sam hurriedly removing the Stasis on herself in order to follow up with a quick whip of her bottom to Penny's chin.

”Oh! Samantha is a technical fighter!” Pac-a-fist placed her hand beside her head. ”She’s frozen her body and turned Penny’s might against her! How will Penny respond?”

Encountering something that would not yield was always a novel situation for Penny. And each time the reason behind that was always magic. There was a split second in which Penny had room to react, and so devoted already to her offense there was little she could do. But she was at least partially able to pull her attack so she didn’t suffer the total recoil she could have. That was still a mighty strike that she suffered from, just not everything.

“And she hits Stasis! She’s shaking like a tuning fork!”

Her grin however didn’t speak of her annoyance, it spoke of her satisfaction. For as Sam lashed out her counterattack Penny would simply stand to face it much as Sam did before. But a moment before Sam’s butt landed Penny would lock into place. Immovable as Sam had been for her attack.

It was stasis once again. But this time it was from Penny, not Sam. But the results were much the same either way. Once more Penny would mimic Sam and drop her self imposed stasis during her opponents recoil and retaliate with a booty strike of her own, aimed towards Sam’s mid section. Yet she was sped a step more than earlier.

“And Penny counters with a Stasis too! Incredible!” Dan, his beak wide open in amazement.

”With the exact same move? Penny must have really liked that move I guess.””

“You have trouble taking and fighting at the same time?” Penny would ask during this exchange as well, smirk plainly visible. “Seems like your skills could use some work if that is the case. Don’t want to get left behind in the first round do you?”

The counter had about the same effect in total, as Samantha only just managed to avoid shattering her ass on Penny's chin, which was something she was thankful for. How embarrassing would it have been to lose in that way?

"My sincerest apologies. I was so caught off by your sudden speed that I fumbled." And speaking of fumbling, to anyone watching the match from Penny's back, it might've seemed like she did some fumbling as well, as her attack veered off course as a result of a second, pitch-black, hidden bottom briefly appearing from Sam's chest to parry the cushion collision. It disappeared into Sam's chest again once its job was supposedly done and Sam took this split second opening to once again flee, this time to one of the small platforms she had influenced before.

Even if Penny had been completely oblivious to the platform until now, the sheer speed in which Samantha was able to turn around the moment she got to it betrayed that it had been touched by Sam's Time magic in some way. Her words carried a feeling to them as she spoke. It seemed like she was emphasizing them in some way. "Can't help but think if you were this quick you could've just stopped Oros before she puckered up, let alone stole a kiss earlier. Guess you couldn't be bothered for her sake, but this tournament is different?" she speculated, a shadowy blob fell from Sam's person and slithered its way onto another platform where it rested for the time being.

“And Sam deflects, using sneaky magic!” His cheeks then puffed as he held back his laughter from Samantha’s remark. “Ouch!”

Penny’s smirk would lose some of its life at Sam’s taunt and her eyes would gain just a bit more glow, but she wouldn’t follow up the words with a third charge. Instead she would set her stance wide as if she was getting ready to brace and needed to preserve her balance as much as possible.

She would wait exactly a second after she settled into her stance. Then with frightening speed her left arm would snap forward and with a dull electrical thump it would be launched towards the platform that Sam was standing on; the arm itself was little more than a blur as it slammed into the unstable platform just below the lip. The black chain that trailed behind it was much easier to notice.

Dan hollered with a cheer. “Penny deploys a rocket punch! Awesomesauce!”

The force of the impact would cause the platform to lurch violently, but assuming that Sam didn’t just abandon this particular platform, Penny would just as suddenly recall her displaced limb and with her inhuman strength she ripped the platform away from it’s tethering and brought it along as well. Her wide stance kept her own platform from rocking too much, both on the launch and on the retrieval of her limb.

While this was happening, those who were keeping an eye on the mechanical queen herself, and not just her actions, would see her performing another action at the same time as her terrain renovation. Smoothly and quickly her head would snap to face the second of the two platforms that Sam had prepared earlier and she would discharge a glob of semi translucent slime that would splatter across the top of it. At a distance it looked like water, but it flowed too slowly for that to actually be the case. By the time she was recalling her limb she was already looking back at Sam so it was easy to miss it due to all the other action.

“And Penny grabs the platform itself! Is she going to topple it over with Sam still on it?” Dan asked from nobody in particular.

Penny's actions sparked more than one response, as both Samantha and the blob she had parted with earlier moved as well. It rested on the platform behind Samantha, which meant she had Penny to one side and the blob to the other as far as the small platforms went. From that blob emerged another Samantha that kept its right hand hidden behind it, though aside from keeping its eye on Penny, its stance suggested it intended to respond to something, yet it would do nothing else just yet.

Dan chimed in. “Samantha creates a magical clone! Is she going to try to go for a victory by numbers?”

As for the actual Samantha, she instantly responded to the rocket grab with a complete unwillingness to join Penny's get-together, only she did not retreat to the platform behind her, but instead back to the large one, strangely despite her earlier hesitation. The effect of Sam's magic also seemed to leave the platform Penny had 'spat' on, likely indicating she was abandoning whatever claim on it she had. That was not true for the one Sam just left, although something about it seemed to change before she left it.

"Fine," Samantha said, now standing at the edge of the big platform as though waiting for her opponent. "If I play keep away too much longer, you might be able to win just by standing there," she sighed. "You sure you can't just hop off for me? If you intend on returning that mirror to Mariette, I can almost assure you that's what'll happen to it after I beat Rachel.”

“Now why would I do that?” Penny would ask as she flexed her hand into a fist and threw the platform down into the water behind her. The large hole in its side is now causing it to sink into the water. It’s slow sinking speed seemingly lost on Penny. “My intention for the Mirror isn’t to give it back to Mariette. And fuc-BLEEP- you for the insinuation.”

”Phew, that was close!” Dan had pressed a button just as Penny expressed her expletive. “Am I glad for making this magical censor!”

A slight shifting of her stance and Penny was once again flying through the air in a near direct line towards Sam. Her speed once again a small step faster than it was before. It was obvious now, to those that had seen Penny fight at least, that the queen was operating under an enhancement. She had started at her normal top speed, but kept getting faster, and she herself wasn’t expending any mana for these speed increases. Yet since they were all small increases it was impossible to tell just how much higher she could actually go.

“I want to secure the Mirror, and protect the Beach.” She would state as she swung her chest down in an effort to send Sam head first into the water below. “Not return it to its Horror.”

“Penny’s getting faster and faster, can Sam keep up!” Dan added in. “Oh, she goes for a hammer blow!”

"Two can play at that game," Samantha muttered under her breath, secretly shilling her youtube.

As it happened, Samantha was also enhanced, though she had not been making obvious use of it until this point. Of course, this didn't mean she was able to discard her tricks and evasion and just slug it out with Penny, although it did mean she wasn't quite gapped as she had been making herself out to be. And what would she do with this enhancement? For the most part, she'd already done what she set out to do. Samantha made an attempt to dodge towards the side nearest to her clone as though she intended to counterattack, but it didn’t pan out quite as one might think.

The second Samantha that had been watching and waiting for it's time to act finally decided to act. As Penny launched herself like a rocket towards Sam to batter her with her breast, the Schatten also exploded with a movement. But it didn't just rush to its Master's aid. Had it merely attempted to rush after Penny, it would surely have failed before the robotic girl could reach Sam. But that's not what happened. While dashing in Sam's direction, the Schatten's wrist exploded with movement as it flung a shadowy object in their direction, before returning to blob form as its job had been accomplished.

The 'object' flew through the air at superior speed to even Penny. It was pitch-black and, to many, appeared as though a blur in the split instant they had to witness it. But those who could see it noticed it was shaped similar to a knife, a knife intended on piercing its target! And so, as Samantha and Penny were to clash, this 'knife' would attempt to interrupt by lodging into the side of it’s apparent target -- Samantha!

Dan screamed: “Sam’s clones are on the move and -she throws a knife at Sam herself! She’s cray-cray in the brai-brain!”

There is a certain amount of intention that once reached an action can’t be stopped. And to Penny, whose martial skills were so closely linked to the natural movement of her body and who’s eyes now see so much more than they used to, it was easy to notice a feint. The instant that the clockwork combatant knew that Sam was committed to her course of action, Penny changed hers.

For she was not helpless in the air.

Sam would be able to tell that something was up, but would not have the time to set herself against it. As the flow of time around Penny would suddenly balloon outward at the same time as it sped up. Directly after that a long blackened spider limb would lash out with blinding speed, striking the large platform far to the side that Sam hadn’t dodged too.

In normal circumstances that would have simply pushed Penny perpendicular to her opponent and back towards the seven remaining smaller platforms. But somehow the Queen would not fly straight, she rotated around some unseen axis so that she instead landed behind Sam, with nary a ripple or shockwave of her impact even as she stuck true. All the while moving at as of yet unseen speeds from her. The flow of time around her normalized just as Penny started to lay into Sam with a barrage of butt strikes.

Dan was quick to respond. “Penny extends one of her Doc Ock limbs and pivots! She’s a mechanical marvel!”

“I told you I was going to win” Penny would reiterate calmly as she maintained her offense. Her smirk once again sharp. “That didn’t mean you had to make it easy for me, Silhouette.” The long spider limb, still extending from her lower right back, would then curl backwards, behind Penny and Sam, and place itself in the path of the flying dagger. Fully ready to be hit by the notably hostile spell action.

"Committed" was the perfect word to use to describe Sam's course of action. She had no fire spec to sharply adjust her trajectory, nor a grappling hook nor wings. She could not merely turn while in the air and she was already stuck in that particular action. Sam would not reach the blade before it struck Penny's spider arm with the speed she was going at, and she was not confident Dan would rule in her favor when it did. She understood the risk long before she tried this. So what else could she do but continue to watch events unfold? What else? Give up?

"I'm still in this...!" Sam could almost feel the onslaught of robutt approaching as she swore this.

But Samantha had been committed to this from the very beginning! No hesitation, no delay, no mistakes. She was further away from the dagger than the spider arm? That was only true if she had to move in a straight line! To Samantha, the distance and obstacles between her and her destination were wholly irrelevant, especially when that distance was so small. A moment she was confined between spider arms, another she was taking the shadowy blade just before Penny could. This was the sort of movement teleportation allowed her even when she was airborne! Penny wasn't the only one waiting for her opponent to be committed to something!

Similar to her entrance onto the stage, there was no visual flair when this happened. The last thing many would see was the impending doom Samantha was almost subject to. But Lily, if she were in the stands, would see the assassin take the blade mid-air at the last possible second, grit her teeth as she landed, and then set about to work.

Lily gasped audibly in the audience as she sensed the familiar magic that she had felt before at the incident in the graveyard, as time came to halt in the arena. However, she also knew the price for such powerful magic, having paid it herself. The only thing Samantha could hear in the frozen moment was her scream:

Samantha wasn't going to take any chances. Her opponent did not allow as much. She knew the time and place this had to happen. That's why it had to be at the center platform and at the edge, to prevent any last-minute reactions from her as it was as close to the water as it could be. No rocket boosts or grapple hooks would have the time to help her recover, and a single spider limb wouldn't have enough leverage to swing her out of it.

This was her trump card and she wasn't confident enough in any backup plan to even think about conserving mana in this instance. Her eyes seemed to light up an eerie red as she scanned the girl for any signs of her stasis. If for whatever reason Penny had used it on herself, Samantha would spend just a bit more of her mana enchanting her following butt barrage to penetrate it, as she then reigned a series of her strongest blows down on the girl who was also mid-attack, down and towards the water!

Samantha had a little over five seconds to complete her rush, which allowed her to store up quite a bit of blows before time would return. Individually, Penny might be able to shrug them off but these would all take effect at the exact same moment. A build-up of power that should have been more than enough to fling the robotic girl into the liquid that lay below them.

There was no stasis to protect Penny from the oncoming assault. Nor was there any gravitational flux or metallic meddling. There was a Lightning effect suffusing Penny’s internal systems, but it wasn’t anything to do with defense. So all five seconds of sustained booty slammed into Penny. Impressive as she was, even amped as she was, It wasn’t an attack she could simply shrug off. So the moment time resumed she was sent rocketing downward.

Yet there was no splash.

Just as suddenly as Penny had been sent flying towards the water she came to a complete and utter stand still, scant few millimetres from the water. Stasis. But even so it seemed like it was more than a stalling tactic. Because time was stopped, but the momentum would be preserved.

Before Sam could move to simply power through it a red sheen would flicker across Penny’s skeleton and the assassin would register the Monarch’s magic resettling into a different form, rapidly consuming mana.

“Time’s up!”
Suddenly, Dan’s voice could be heard from the loudspeakers, and Dan’s concerned face appeared on the screen high above them.
“Well, this fight was...I don’t know how to describe it! Everything must have been moving so fast even I couldn’t really follow! But it was an epic match nonetheless, and-”

Samantha had begun to glow around her chest, but Dan's voice acted like a switch and as suddenly as this change came, it disappeared, along with the adrenaline pumping through the girl. "..." Samantha didn't say anything in response to the declaration, and instead sat down on the platform, her skin getting paler by the second, followed by her transformation back into her more diminutive human form.

And then, with a final, long exhale, she promptly fell onto her back and lost consciousness as her blood began to pool beneath her.

Seeing Samantha’s collapse, Maura quickly shot up from her seat in the audience. ”Damn it- Hang on Sam!!” With that, she sprinted over and onto the platform, only stopping once she reached the unconscious girl. Now Maura only used other forms of magic for emergencies, but whether this counted as one, she simply didn’t care. The witch carefully held Sam up and began (Nay, tried) to mend her wounds with reinforcement magic. Whatever they may be…

The moment Sam lost her footing, Dan squeaked in a panic. “Oh no, Sam is bleeding!”
He teleported to the arena wearing a paramedic’s jacket, only to discover that Maura had arrived to take care of the injured patient. “There’s first-aid equipment over there!” The dolphin pointed to a corner of the arena, where an ambulance with an open back door was situated.
Maura swiftly took Sam there, leaving a blood-red stain on the platform. Dan then summoned a microphone, and spoke to it.

“...She is okay, folks! No need to panic. Well, looks like she has been knocked out, which means the winner is-”

He turned to Penny, only to squeak loudly, surprised by what he saw; Penny had appeared and in a harsh smokey burst of light and dropped to her knees.

“Penny! Are you okay?”

Penny couldn’t think straight as her vision blurred, and her limbs shook. She saw wisps of smoke leaving from her body, and felt a sensation much like a severe heatstroke run across her body. It was then that she realized what had happened; during the fight, she had utilized her magical enhancement explosively, overclocking her systems to the point of overheating her processing units. However, while her Regeneration allowed her to maintain such high power and speed, it inevitably led to her mana running empty. And the moment it did, her hard drive and other vital parts of hardware had begun to melt.
As a result, her operating system incurred kernel errors, and flooded her software with junk data. That was when she also lost consciousness, having hit a safety mode to prevent further destabilization.

“Oh no, this is bad!” He summoned a magically floating stretcher which scooped Penny up, and brought her to the ambulance as well. Dan was now left alone in the arena, surrounded by blood and the stench of burnt electronics.

“...This has been Round one of Keijo Live,” Dan awkwardly mumbled into the microphone.
“Stay tuned for the round up...With Pac-a-Fist. Um, goodbye.” He then puffed out.

"Wow, it nearly splashed!" said the winged Valkyrie who was now seated next to Dina, eyeing the outcome of the match… clearly referring to something else than water, which earned a small glare from the Regent.

"Go and aid her…" Dina said in between her teeth as she gripped the rails of the public stands. "Tenebra...go with her." She had said, eyeing the other girl, who was wide eyed in shock.

"Tenebra! Go." Dina snapped as she jumped from the rail into the arena, making a sprint for the center. "What a mess." She muttered as she summoned her catmaid crew, now in a tasteful change of bathing suit uniform, to scrub clean the offending stains.

The beating of wings and the static of a short range teleport were heard right next to Maura,as both Sanngridr and Tenebra landed besides the ambulance crew, one with her own healing in tow, the other producing a healer artifact out of mid-air.

“Seems like you were chosen to fight yet another day, warrior.” said Sann, as both applied themselves to help Maura.

Meanwhile, Dina had been standing in the middle of the dueling platform."Sometimes we have unforeseen… setbacks, ladies and gentlemen." said Dina with a microphone in hand. "We will offer some entertainment in the recess while we work hard to solve this situation."

With that being said, Dina passed the microphone to a certain mermaid singer, as she made her way out towards where Penny was.

Neito waved to the crowd with a bit lip.
"Um, I will be singing Berry Go by Freezer…"

Okay. Mariette stood and was trying to think this through. So why exactly had she entered?

Right. That’s right. Because she had a unique set of skills that could allow her to overcome certain opponents.

There was also the tiny, tiny chance that she’d be able to plead with a superior opponent that they could fight to get the mirror back for her.

Mariette gazed at the name of her opponent on the screen…

‘I… don’t think that will be happening…’ Mariette grunted a sad sigh. If Justine was even the slightest the horror that Caroline was, then this was going to be very, very hard. Mariette had the physical ability of a regular human. A regular human with a lot of tentacles and portal-powers, but a regular human nonetheless.

‘I am truly impressed by your ability to make a fool out of yourself. Go ahead. I will clean up your mess,’ Lea told her, in the room they’d decided to prepare in. With that said, she walked away, not intending on watching.

Mariette sighed, squeezing her bunny a bit. Josefin had stuffed her full of magic. Taihei had her swallow a protective artifact. Suzette had instilled some sense of determination. Still, it was hard to look forward to this.

Eventually, her name was called out for the next match…

and Mariette opened a portal and walked out on the stage, wearing an eyepatch, still holding her bunny. She’d drop him off in a second.

Not long after, Justine could be seen slowly walking towards the arena, temporarily paused by the spotlight that Dan had shone on her, causing her to shield her eyes.

"This is going to be a battle for the books, ladies and gentlemen! Mariette Pedersen versus Justine Visceral!" Dan's voice could be heard squeaking in excitement.

”It’s the fight we all heard about, but few of us saw!-”

"Here at Keijo Live, with your hosts Dan the Dolphin and Pac-a-a-fist!”
The camera panned over the contestants faces, before placing them in a split-screen for the broadcast.
“Two newcomers to the Keijo scene, but with enough animosity towards each other to blow up a plane of existence! Who will be the winner of this grudge match?"

”The one who practiced their combos more!” Pac-a-fist’s mic was filled with the sound of her slurping.

Justine sighed, having figured that the dolphin would exaggerate their old feud and make a spectacle of it. She couldn't help but think what this might have been like had she not been freed of Father's influence. Perhaps she would have flown in with grandiose style, or worn a red robe that she'd let be flown away by blood bats like a rising curtain to a stage play.
She'd surely have made a scene all of her own, so severe was her megalomania back then.

But now, like this, there was no enjoyment to be had in this match, no sense of satisfaction, for Justine was born anew, now sworn to Maura's service. But what's more, Justine had heard a shocking secret from Penny; that Mariette was also liberated, now free to have her own choices. Since that was the case, Justine felt that Mariette was the braver of the two of them, for she had willingly stepped forth to face her.

She respected that choice, and honoured it by flying gracefully over to the platform, her eyes closed and arms crossed in an X-pattern.
When she landed, she opened her eyes, and met Mariette's gaze, her red eyes shining like rubies in the light. Inside, she felt afraid, worried for what Mariette may say. But she steeled her resolve match Mariette's determination.

"Mariette…" She spoke, carefully choosing her words.
"For a time longer than I'd like to admit, I was obsessed with you. I wished to destroy you, to prove myself superior. I was jealous of you. Even now, as Father's bloody grip had let go of my will, I still remember that fiery passion consuming my thoughts. However, I won't let such pettiness color my perception any more. I'm here to fight not because of hate or envy, but because I wanted to prove myself, and cut free of my past. Now, to meet you again like this, eye to eye...For the first time, I see myself in that reflection."
She then took a combat pose, her white wings unfurled and her arms swept to her sides.

"Mariette, prepare yourself! Let's settle this...once and for all."

Mariette calmly watched as Justine landed, and winced a bit at Dan hyping up this battle. She was definitely imagining that it would pretty much be over immediately. Her opponent had wings, what was she supposed to do? Normally she’d want to restrain the wings with tentacles and then push her opponent into the water, but she could only touch her opponent with highly limited parts of her body. Ugh…

… Justine started to speak. Mariette looked on at her, her gaze focused but passive, her dose of determination from Suzette still shining. She listened, and… something took hold. A feeling she wasn’t… wasn’t entirely familiar with. Once, she feared, felt terror for Justine, but with Justine being reduced to this state, she no longer felt afraid. The feeling was replaced with another, far less welcome feeling. Disgust.

‘I… I despise you,’ Mariette said, the combination of words unfamiliar to her. ‘You ruined everything. Everything would have gone so smoothly if it wasn’t for you. Yet I-’

Wait. Whose perspective was she talking from? She blinked twice, a dawning realization going through her. If it hadn’t been for Justine killing Deni, so that she could come back free from Asengav’s influence. If it wasn’t for Justine launching that attack on her mansion, Deni wouldn’t have gotten to Eli, and Mariette wouldn’t have been, well, tricked into being unbrainwashed.

It’s not like Justine meant for any of that, yet from Justine’s perspective it was like all irritation suddenly left Mariette’s face and her one visible eye widened. Staring in shock at Justine.

Well, her irritation with Justine all of a sudden didn’t make sense, huh.

‘…’ She could hardly tell Justine what she just realized, but she gave a tiny smile. ‘Well… Thank you,’ she said, as paradoxical as it was.

When Mariette first derided her, Justine had the instinct to avert her eyes, to avoid looking at her former nemesis’ scorn. But she couldn’t look away this time, as she promised herself to only look forward, towards the future. So she hardened her expression so she could stay stoic. But then, something seemed to dawn on Mariette based on the change in her expression. Justine didn’t understand what it was, but she was nonetheless taken back by Mariette’s gratitude.

‘Right, let’s get this underway,’ Mariette said, giving Bunny a hug before dropping him into a portal, for some reason smiling as she turned to face Justine in battle. ‘Let’s have fun.’

Justine nodded, her eyebrows furrowed.
There was no backing down, and she would see this through.

”Yahoo! Go Justine and Mariette’!” Lily was in the audience, hopping up and down on her seat to wave to the two.
”I'm rooting for you both!”

”That was the strangest round of trash talking I’ve ever seen. Kinda cute though.” Pac-a-fist set aside her drink and adjusted her mic. ”God has failed us, Date 1, IT’S LORD’S SPAGHETTI!”

Mariette brought her hands together and clapped… and a maze of portals opened across the platforms they were supposed to be standing on. Josefin had given Mariette a surplus of mana, and she knew how to use it. A specific portal opened with the express intention of cutting sight between Justine and herself, and Mariette quickly turned to jump through a portal to another platform that was also obscured from sight from Justine, along with numerous others. Mariette kept several portals to varying locations open for herself as options, while tiny portals from her eyepatched eye to varying points in the skies and around the battlefield told her about Justine’s exact position at all times.

Justine just moving past some portals would obviously give her the intel about Mariette’s current position, but Mariette would be able to see where she was going before it was too late. Then it was simply a matter of finding an opportunity to attempt using her (pathetic) physical ability to try to knock Justine in the water. She couldn’t actually portal Justine, because that’d be an offensive use of her magic, but she sure could use it for everything else.

To note, no, Mariette can’t do all these portals like this instantly, she’d been charging her magic and preparing to open all these portals ever since she arrived, while they were talking.

“And Mariette opens with an awe-inspiring display of her unique magic!” Dan commented.
“The Placid Portalist has filled the arena with what appear to be mirrors, but are actually gateways in space! Like a worm in an apple, Mariette has single-handedly carved out a network for herself!”

”A network with rollback netcode if I’m not mistaken!”

The moment the bell was rung, Justine swiftly took to the air, aiming to close the distance between herself and Mariette. But as she predicted, Mariette blocked her line of sight to herself with a portal and escaped. She glanced over at a tiny portal situated near her, aware of Mariette’s modus operandi. But while Mariette was fully aware of Justine’s position at all times, Justine could also track Mariette. The girl’s nose twitched, and she twirled towards the back-left, catching Mariette’s slam with a hip-parry, sending her back through a portal from the impact; Mariette could tell that Justine, unburdened by her heavy dress, was even faster than before, and possessed the kind of strength that, while not as ridiculous as Penny or Freya, still presented a real threat to knock her out with a well-aimed blow.

”Clever, but you won’t win by hiding!” She stated, and circled the arena, making sure to keep an eye out for any portals opening near her.

"And a lightning-fast counter from Justine! Ooh, that must have hurt!" Dan commented.
"But so far this has become an outright dogfight! The contestants are off the platform and out of control, just like the famous Keijo team Wonderbolts who have passed the world record for the most consecutive slams without touching the ground. And those girls did not fly!"

Mariette grunted a bit when she arrived back on her side of the portal. Yeah, that figures. She did want to test Justine’s reaction-speed in a safe-ish environment, and this was it. Turns out, they’re really quick. In a straight one-on-one physical fight, Mariette wouldn’t stand a chance. Anyway… Hiding won’t help, huh.

Mariette flexed her magical muscles, and… did something extreme. She grunted as she did it. It took a lot of effort. But, to those in the audience and to Justine, nothing was happening. Still. Mariette walked through a portal.

‘Then how about I show myself?’

As Mariette asked her question through tiny portals close to Justine for no other reason than verbal communication, all her portals turned to face Justine, and all of them switched their destination. Through every single one of them, Mariette was looking back at her, on only slightly different angles. Visually, there was a whole array of different Mariette’s standing some distance back from each of the portals, only her ankles upwards showing due to the angle. Behind her she had nothing but the sky. All the Mariettes tilted their heads, because of course it was the same one seen through a vast array of portals, and she gave a small smile.

‘What will you do, then?’

”Imagine getting a zoom call, but all the other callers are your sworn nemesis.” Pac-a-fist snapped her fingers. ”That’s gotta be some serious dread Justine is feeling right now.”

Justine stopped once a small portal opened, only to grit her teeth as more portals opened up. And on each of those portals she could see Mariette smiling back at her, each of them only minimally different, creating the illusion that Mariette had duplicated herself into countless copies.

”What...What are you planning?” Justine slowly spun in place, her knee lifted in a defensive pose, expecting Mariette to attack at any moment.
”I see...You’re trying to wear me down mentally, and make me lose my guard. As expected of you to find ways to outsmart me,” she added.

“What’s this? Mariette has stopped Justine in her tracks...With portals of herself!”
The broadcast zoomed in to show the constructs in better detail.
“As if this wasn’t already a circus of wonders, now Mariette has built a funhouse of mirrors. She has quite literally stopped hiding!”

Justine thought of how to approach this, until her eyes flashed with an epiphany.
”But that’s still not enough!”
At that moment, Justine swooped down, causing Mariette to lose track of her; Justine had figured out that Mariette had to be standing on a portal above Justine, which meant she created a blindspot directly under her. Justine made a spiraling U-turn, causing Mariette’s perception to also spin as she used her Awareness to follow Justine, inadvertently causing her to turn in place and disorient her. That was when Justine came forth through a portal to ram with her chest, forcing Mariette to escape.

Mariette blinked, taking a part step back as Justine suddenly sped up to massive speeds, her smile replaced with a sudden surge of uncertainness. Her Awareness was doing its darndest to follow Justine’s movements, but it was hard. Justine was just so absurdly much faster than Mariette, that it was throwing her whole plan into question. Everything depended on Mariette’s timing, if she messed it up, she’d lose for sure. She did her best, trying to track Justine’s movements…

On instinct, perhaps as a fearful reaction, Mariette managed to make the tentacles attached to her feet start pulling herself through the portal she was standing on just before she’d actually registered that Justine was surging through the portal at her. Mariette forced her eyes shut, yet still did the magical switch she intended, and-!

Justine just barely missed her, Mariette feeling the force of Justine’s passing as the portal closed above her. But now, Justine had flown through the portal, and…

She was in a room. A room of portals. The portals weren’t ovals, like Mariette’s usual portals, they were square. The sky in the background had been a giant square portal, it just wasn’t visible from the other side of the portals due to the angle. As soon as she entered, the portals behind her snapped shut, and she was now in a room where all portals linked back to the wall on the other side of the portals, locked in somewhere.

Justine’s eyes narrowed into slits as she recognized the darkness she had arrived in.
”Ah, this is-!”

Mariette lay gasping on a platform, and to the audience she was now alone. Justine wasn’t anywhere in the arena. That is, that they could see. Mariette smiled, and held up a hand.

‘With that… I should win,’ she said, and snapped her fingers.

All the portals around Justine suddenly disappeared.

In their place, a flood of water suddenly came crashing down on her.

Mariette had created the room of portals underwater and tricked Justine into it.

“Well, Justine seems to have left the arena and gone off-bounds,” Dan commented, sounding baffled.
“I suppose the winner is-”

At that moment, the surface of the water broke, and a shape emerged up from the surface, causing Mariette to gasp as she saw what it was; a red cocoon, which then opened dramatically like two bat wings, scattering the water away and revealing Justine inside. But most shockingly, Justine did not show a single drop of water on her body.
She breathed heavily.

”Devious move, Mariette. You’re really creative with those portals of yours. That is admirable.”

“WHAT! I can’t believe what information light is transmitting to my retinas!” Dan screamed, sounding like he was out of his mind.
“Mariette had performed an underwater entombing, but Justine had somehow survived with a barrier of blood! This is crazy! This is nuts! But this is what Keijo’s all about!”

”Sometimes you need to bleed to win but this is something else!” Pac-a-fist took hold of Dan’s fin. ”Does Mariette have anything left to fight back with?”

Mariette lay on the platform, her head slightly raised watching Justine for a bit, before a portal promptly opened under her and more portals opened across the arena in order to hide her location again. Mariette herself landed on a portal diagonally above and behind Justine, crouching to hide herself. It was all in preparation to continue the battle. But, what could she even do? She’d tried the best trick she could think of, literally entombing Justine in an underwater prison, and it didn’t work. What was she supposed to-

Suddenly, a voice was singled out from the crowds, as the silver haired beauty in a swimsuit bounced up and down. “Go Mariette! Dunk that poopy-head! Even if you’re my lifetime rival, I’m cheering for you in this one. Just think with portals! Portals are pipes, and you can make the most complicated pipeway of them all. Bet a bat can’t fly straight if the places keep changing!”

That voice belonged to Tenebra… who once had been in Mariette's opposition.

Justine's eyes widened in shock, and she turned her head towards Tenebra's direction.
"What? That girl...How is she still alive? I'm sure she didn't have a Soul Jar…"
Her back turned to Mariette, the eyepatched girl could take advantage of the distraction.

Mariette blinked at the sudden change of circumstances. Seemed like Mariette had gained an unexpected ally. While the girl’s tips were obvious, she’d created an unexpected opportunity. Attacking was risky, but she couldn’t afford not to try to take advantage of it.

Mariette flung a dark tentacle to grab the rim of one of her portals, and had the tentacle swing her down towards Justine. While she herself had no physical ability, her tentacles were driven by magic and were another story altogether.

She opened a portal, one just in the corner of Justine’s eyes somewhat below her, meant to draw her gaze and distract her. It led directly into the water. … And a moment later came Mariette, uncomfortable with the speed she was travelling in, yet intent on having her tentacle just punch her into Justine with behind first to try to drive the bewinged girl into the portal into water.

In case of a miss, she’d intentionally made the tentacle too short to actually drive herself into the water and she’d end up bungee-jumping back where she came from. It probably would hurt her fragile form a lot, too. Regardless of hit or miss. But, with her last strategy failing and mana dwindling, she was desperate.

Justine’s eyes darted down, and her breath hitched as she realized what Mariette’s plan had become; she intended to bring the surface of the water right up to her.

“Unfathomable! Mariette has turned herself into a weapon!” Dan commented with a half-shout.

However, this epiphany had arrived too late, as she turned and saw Mariette, swung by her own tentacle like she was a mallet, right into her stomach; While Mariette was physically the weakest contestant in the tournament, her tentacle granted her the momentum to slam herself hard at Justine.

“And she hit!”

The hit surged a fierce pain into Mariette’s behind. It was far too fast an impact for her regular-human-vitality body. But it was her last chance to win…!

This seemed like the end for Justine, as she swiftly reached the portal…
When suddenly, she shot a red strand of hardened blood from her palm. She couldn’t touch Mariette with her magic...But her own magical construct was exempt from the rule. Attached to the dark tendril just at the moment it snapped back like a bungee cord, Justine managed to barely avoid dipping her toes into the water by pulling herself along with the tentacle.

“And Justine recovered! Ahh, I can’t watch!” Dan once again shouted, having covered his eyes with his fins in the reaction camera located on the corner of the broadcast.

”Don’t worry, leave the commentating to me. You can just go home!”

”Now this is it! The real, fighting you!”
Justine shouted, and her eyes glowed as she accelerated the blood in her veins, turning so fast Mariette had to rely on her Awareness to follow her.

“Justine’s gone to Gear Two!” Dan commented. “She’s zipping around like greased lightning! What does greased lightning even look like? I don’t know, but it’s fast all right!””

”I thought you weren’t looking!”

”I finally saw it in your eye! The Mariette who didn’t give up, who bested me!”
Justine came down from below, and smashed the portal Mariette created between them with a sharp spin of her wings.
”Thank you, Mariette.”
Mariette instinctively knew she was out, the moment Justine managed to grab her own tentacle to keep from falling. Yet, it was the only thing she could do to open another portal and try to grab it with tentacles and pull herself…!

But, before Mariette threw herself through the portal, Justine performed a rising uppercut with her butt, striking her right in the chin and knocking her out. Having lost consciousness, Mariette passed through the closing portal, and then plummeted into the water.

“And Justine wins!” Dan shouted, but the former vampire had no time for festivities; she dove into the water like a spear, and lifted Mariette up from the water, with Mariette’s arm thrown over her shoulder. She grabbed a dark blue towel from Dan and draped it around Mariette, before she set her to sit on a bench.


When Mariette came to, Justine was standing at the edge of the pool, facing away from her.
”Mariette, thank you for allowing me to fight you. It...allowed me to sort my feelings, to understand that in the end, victory no longer means anything to me...Except for one thing.”
She turned to Mariette, and gently took her hand.
”You knew you wouldn’t have any chances in this tournament, yet you still gave it an honest attempt. I see how much the Black Mirror means to you, and how much willpower you have to reach that goal.”
She averted her eyes, looking unsure, before she quietly spoke:
”So...If I am to win this tournament, I’ll give the Mirror to you. How about that?”

Mariette grunted awake, feeling dizzy and definitely feeling in pain from numerous places. She flinched a bit as Justine turned out to be close to her, but calmed down when she realized her circumstances. Mariette sighed out, sitting up and leaning on her legs. She silently listened to Justine talk. She kind of felt empty. What did her determination mean, she lost anyway. She let her hand be taken, albeit didn’t really feel a lot of connection by the gesture. That is, before Justine made her final offer. Mariette blinked like shook awake, her mouth parting a bit. She had to take a bit of time before answering.

‘I… I would greatly appreciate that…’ she said, and didn’t find that she could say much more.

Justine nodded with a smile, and released Mariette’s hand.
”I’m glad to hear that.” She took the red towel offered by Dan, and began drying herself up.
Now then, I'll be going. I still have a moment before the second bracket matches start, and I’d like to rest up a bit. You really pushed me into fighting seriously, Mariette. You seemed like the weakest player, but you were close to winning there at some points.”

”Hey! Justine!”
Justine turned to see Lily approach her, and waved uneasily to Mariette.

”...I have to go now. Goodbye.”
She then walked away, as Lily buzzed around her in excitement, but not before she also waved to Mariette.

Mariette nodded to Justine’s words, a hand going to her own butt, which still hurt from that impact earlier. Not to mention her chin, but that aside. All she could say for now was… ‘Good luck,’ she said, as she portalled Bunny back to her and squeezed him tightly. ‘I’ll…’ Oh, this next part is going to sound weird, Mariette realized before she said it. ‘I’ll be rooting for you.’

Except if Justine was facing any of Mariette’s own girls, of course, but that aside.
“Banana coins it is then!” Dan answered as he came back, as if he had never left magical disc jockey’s side, and shook her hand with his surprisingly adhesive fin. He rolled his eyes as Oros fooled around with the soap, having decided to ignore her for now and focus on his new co-commentator.
“Welcome aboard! We’ve got commentator seats and equipment ready at the arena, but I can also help you set up any equipment you might want to use for the matches. Just make sure not to be late, ok?”
Before Paca could answer, he once again teleported away; she had a feeling this was common for the whimsical dolphin to do.

FanFan’s eyebrow raised as she received the ticket, which has turned into an origami. “I wasn’t-!” She protested, but Oros drowned her words with her own, and quickly disappeared, leaving her to puff her cheeks.
“I hope this won’t start a nasty rumor,” she mumbled, and unfolded the ticket to take a better look at it. Just as Oros said, the ticket’s description promised a memorable night with a person on their choosing. She placed it in her pocket, and smiled warmly, heading off to follow her boss.
“Yep, this will do it. Just you wait, Leena...”

After some time has passed, the dolphin spoke again on the megaphone, and this time had it connected to loudspeakers that reached other islands as well.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I would now like to announce the start of the Kejio Tournament! Please direct your attention to the nearest broadcast screen!”

At that moment, the screen flickered on, and a chart appeared, listing the matchups for the tournament.

“Participants, for now you may prepare. But once you are ready, please make your way to the arena for your match,” Dan continued.
“If you’re first to arrive, I will contact your opponent and let them know it’s time to rumble!”

Sally put a finger to her chin, amused by the chart. "Well isn't this interesting..."
Goblina managed to wake up from her drunken stupor, and also check out the announcement.
"Whoa...Queen's gonna be madd..."

Soon, Kimble had rushed back to the feast hall upon hearing the news.

”Wait, who’s Betty?”
As eyes drifted to the girl with the queried name, Kimble quickly walked up to her, a cocky smile on her lips as she put her hands to her hips.
”So you’re Betty, right? Well, no matter who my opponent is, I won’t let them stand in my way of beating Justine! And that includes you!”
She pointed her finger at her confidently.
”So prepare yourself, for I will kick your butt! Well, not literally kick it, but you know what I mean!”

In the Beacon practice room, Rachel adjusted her glasses as she examined the chart. "Hmm...Mariette seems to be invested in this outcome. And as I thought, Penny is in..." She gave a mocking laugh.
"Still, it doesn't matter who gets to the end...I will be prepared." She noticed how Kimble left in a rush, and threw her arm in Alicia's direction.
"Thank you for your aid, Alicia. I will now take it from here, so you may go and observe the matches if you wish."
She then turned back to focus on sparring with Violette, who was swiftly knocked into the water.
"Paladin Seraph! "FanFan had approached Alicia. "If you are to spectate the matches, may I accompany you? I wish to see how this supposed sport will play out."
Dan made a clap of his fins as Pac-a-fist volunteered to commentate on the matches, eliciting a squeak of joy from the dolphin. “Oh, I like your spirit, lady! You’re hired! Would you like your payment in bologna sandwiches or magical coins?” However, before Pac-a-fist could respond, Oros had called out from the crowd.
Dan was mortified by Oros’ heckling, and puffed his cheeks like balloons. “You shouldn’t insult others like that!” He responded, turning red in the face as he teleported up to her with a bar of soap on his fin, dropping it to her hand. “Here, take this. Maybe it will help clean your language.”

He then went back to Ruby to check the applications with her, and then announced over megaphone: “We have now reached enough applicants to form the tournament brackets. However, it is going to take just a little while longer, so keep sending in those applications! You can also start practising for it if you want, with full access to the tropical islands! Thank you for your patience!”

Later at the feast, as FanFan was on her own contemplating, she heard Oros’ voice from underneath the table, startling her. The sight of her clown face peering from the darkness was like the opening scene from IT.
“Ah! What is this?” She then blinked as she heard her offer for a trade, and looked at the jacket in her lap.
“Leena...” She sighed, and then nodded, accepting the trade as she gave the jacket away.
“Deal. I do wish to spend some time with her, without all...this. Thank you very much, umm, Miss Oros, correct?"

If time runs out, the judges decide the outcome of the match based on performance.

And yeah, judges can call a match to be over at any time.

Edit: here's the chart to OOC:

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