Avatar of Aristocles


Recent Statuses

8 mos ago
Current Still alive. Sorry for the delays. Still have that new job, but I'm (gradually) getting another one. Current one is too slow.
1 yr ago
Starting a new job in June. Wish me luck!
2 yrs ago
I truly wish I didn't have to type this, but RIP Jason David Frank.
2 yrs ago
Still a little sick. Some sort of cold. Hopefully not the flu. Getting better but it's slowed me down.
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2 yrs ago
That's a good point. Classics like The Little Mermaid were basically perfect the first time around and any remakes can only be worse. Remakes of the bad Disney movies are a second chance for them.
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Hi there! I've been roleplaying for years, mostly in fantasy-type RPs. I don't like giving out too much about myself, but I am a man living in New York City (that's in the Eastern time zone, if you don't already know), over 18. Recently, I have been busy working, although I graduated from college and grad school a while back.

Most Recent Posts


Sadly, you are right. There's not much more to say or do about the matter as things stand.

@Dark Cloud

On a minor note, personal firearm ownership is a right in the United States under the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, provided one pays for the guns and passes background checks to prove that one doesn't have disqualifying past crimes or a history of mental illness. Further restrictions can apply, but that's a controversial matter for another discussion.

They spelled out what isn't allowed by basically copying what Google's Adsense doesn't allow, at least, if you want a page to be monetized with ads. The dozen or so people who demanded the change basically got what they wanted. There's no grounds for them or for anyone to ask for additional changes to the rules. We're already accountable to the rules and to the mods and admins of the site, not to a group of self-appointed political crusaders. That's the thing, whenever anyone says they want to hold you "accountable", it's important to ask "accountable to what?" They often mean "accountable to my view of how the world should be."
In Yo! 3 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the guild! I think you'll like it here. We;re a very friendly group for the most part, and we have just about every genre you could ask for.
@Shadow Dragon@HowlsOfWinter@Milkman

Here's a link to the Discord. I'll have the Roleplay thread on the forum itself up later.

@Shadow Dragon@HowlsOfWinter@HowlsOfWinter

And there's the one more person I mentioned. I'll set it up later today, when I get a chance.

Great! I think between the three of us and one more person who I know who may be interested, we can get this going. I'll set up a page in the casual section and a Discord later today.
TL;DR: Dark Ages fantasy RP with an adventuring party headquartered in a classical palace.

It is a time of despair for the human realm of Omicria. The once-great kingdom has fallen into ruin, its people left leaderless, the kingdom overrun by invading tribes of orcs and marauding dragons who have set themselves up as local lords, with what few areas still under native leadership squabbling amongst themselves.

The reasons for the decline and all of Omicria were many. An incompetent dynasty of inept kings. A series of poor harvests coinciding with massive inflation. The tightening of serfdom at the expense of the pool of military manpower. The list could go on for a while. As far as most people were concerned, it was the orcs and dragons who pushed the kingdom down, even though the realm had in practice fallen decades before the invasions.

Out of this darkness, there was a single mage by the name of Anthedon. A noble and sorcerer by birth, he was one of the few Omicrians to still believe in the kingdom. After scoring several victories against the invaders, he met a tragic end at the hands of the last heir to Omicria's throne, a jealous prince who feared that Anthedon would usurp what had remained of the throne and rule the restored kingdom for himself.

That was almost three centuries ago.

Anthedon is long dead, but his palace remains. Using magics long-lost to the people of what remains of the kingdom, he created a mighty and impenetrable fortress, a single point of safety and beauty in all the land.

It is this fort which will serve as the main base for us. We have discovered the magic palace of the great sorcerer. We, who have formed a party who sought out to find the key have succeeded and now stand at the mighty gate. We haven't decided what we intend to do in the long run, but we are all capable fighters, mages, or adventurers of some sort in our own way. The kingdom is lost and odds are, it's not coming back. Even so, the people of Omicria need our help. At the same time, there's no reason we can't enjoy the amenities of this place, a perfectly preserved palace with all the luxuries of a bygone age perpetually ripe for the taking (but please keep the public stuff no more than PG-13 and take anything else to PM!)

The only question is, who are we?


Anyone may join and you can play any sort of character you want so long as he or she isn't OP. Any race, any skillset, any appearance you want. The RP as currently envisioned is a split between adventuring away from the palace and relaxing in it, although the first few posts will have to work to establish exactly what is in the palace to begin with. Also keep in mind that this ISN'T a medieval castle, but based off of a Roman palace. You may wish to ask me if you have any questions as to what that entails, or do a bit of research if you feel so inclined to.

Omicria itself is more like the dark ages immediately after the fall of Rome, if the setup didn't make that clear. There are no knights, no castles, and not much in the way of central authority. Omicria is even worse off than the former Western Roman Empire was, as there aren't even kingdoms set up in the aftermath of its fall. Instead, the land is divided into estates ruled over by independent lords, tiny little statelets each claiming to be the "real" Omicria, and areas ruled outright by tribes of orcs and dragons. I won't waste too much time on geography and climate, other than to say that it is warm all year round, much like the Mediterranean. Think of the warmest parts of Greece, Italy, and Spain if that helps.

The standard rules of the guild all apply with much addition from me, though I'm going to insist that each player have no more than two characters at most, background characters (bystanders on the street, guards, nameless enemies, etc) notwithstanding. Simple character sheets will be made, and if you have any questions about the lore, history, or what remains of Omicria, feel free to ask.

With all that out of the way, any takers? I'll set up a Discord for OOC if we have enough interest, but the RP will probably all be on the forum itself.
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