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Alright Soooo here it is,
I'm an old man (post 30's) who has been at the RP game since I was in Middle School. Happily Married and a huge Nerd. My main interests for RP's and such are Medieval Realistic Fantasy, As in no one person wielding a massive 200 lb weapon in one hand or going way over the top with crazy 25 hit combos in the air. I like things to play out as they would normally of course with magic, magic is always fun. I also like Futuristic Space (Star Wars, Mass Effect, and almost anything involving some sort of Mech). I work a crap ton and cant really get into a real post every day but I do try. If you think you got something I might like hit me up.

Most Recent Posts

[Prologue - The First Mission]

-=Sanada Estates, Honimora, The Empire=-

"What?" Stephan exclaimed after Jing gave out the assignment. "I understand sending Alm and Shion to the B Team, but why are you sending me as well?" He said in almost a shout clearly displeased with the order. Jing shot Stephan a look, "Why? because I don't want anything going wrong with this assignment and I know you will ensure everyone makes it back even if you don't like it. Anyway you and Shion are only on loan for this assignment I'll need you two for our next job so use that as incentive to not drag your feet." Jing replied in a matter that forced Stephan to stand down. And after that little outburst Jing turned to Olivia. "Now don't listen to Stephan your team is by no means "The B Team" You have proven yourself in these last few months and so I am trusting you with a mission of your own. As I said Alm shall join your team as a second in command, he has been around long enough to know how we do things and has access to all our resources out in the field. Aside from him I will be handing you a few new recruits along with some of our other members. Make this team your own and I expect great things from you all." He said to her before concluding the mission assignment and sending everyone off to get prepared.

-A Week and a Half Later-
-=Lost Oasis, Black Desert=-

The Bloodrose Irregulars left the Silver Moon Citadel a little over a three days ago venturing into the Dread Desert. Their mission to find a lost expedition team, or more so a Sir Frances Darkwing, under contract by the Noble's worried wife. Simple circumstances base pay for information, better pay for proof of death, best pay for returned alive. As well as a cut of the expeditions findings if it returned, or whatever the Irregulars could carry on their own in case of the Expedition's untimely demise. The journey thus far was simple enough found by a few orc raid parties who were quickly put to the sword and avoiding a roaming clan or two.

As of now the Irregulars had found a rare thing the Desert, water, and decided to take a bit of a rest and restock their water provisions. Their goal was only a day or so away but the sweltering heat was enough that Alm decided to convince Olivia to let the group to rest as some of his company weren't used to these treks into the Desert just yet. Shion had opted to take first watch allowing the others the time to relax for a bit. Stephan had made himself a little make shift hammock taking a bite form an apple "So I'll take bets will we find this noble alive or dead? My money is on dead 50 Sovern at that." He said trying to egg on one of the others to take his bet. Alm scoffed at Stephan's comment, making a joke at the life or death of a client put a bad taste in his mouth. Instead he spent his time chopping vegetables doing the prep work for the nights dinner. So far things were quiet and nice but there was a bit of truth to Stephan's joke the expedition was more than a month late now, the chances of finding them dead was far greater then the expedition finding hitting a jackpot and still collecting valuables.
@Aragorn With that fell free to move her over
And with the slight adjustments to Athol and Aragorn we will be at 5 which is a nice point to put our foot in. I'll get started on the first IC post tonight and probably post it up tomorrow so we can get started. I plan to start it off with a light bit of down time before throwing us in giving us a bit of time to pick up a few more if anyone else decides to show up
@Aragorn It's not really bad, I'll approve after the same changes as requested as the others. (just a bit of how long you have been with the Irregulars even if it is as simple as being a new recruit to the group) After that Id say its good to go
@Athol looks good aside from the same bit as Nerdy. Just a bit needed on time and such within the irregulars
@Athol shhhh.... that means I have to edit it in paint and reupload it whenever I think of someplace new for us to go.
@Lumiere Looks good I'll accept. I did like the take of the Bio from first person and a lever action crossbow that sounds fun
Name: Alm Saito

Gender: Male

Age: 25


5'8" Slender Muscular Build, Long Black hair and brown eyes


The small village of Seki buried deep in The Ittoki Pearls, the mountains in the south east part of the Empire, is the ancestral home of the of the Saito Clan and the Spirit Hunters. The mountainous terrain is perfect for training the mind as well as the body, and it is a prime location to hunt rare and powerful beasts for Spirit Hunters. This was the world Alm was born into, and it was amazing. From an early age Alm was intrigued by the spirit hunters and wanted to join their ranks. But that dream seemed far off, his mother had died during child birth and his father once a great hunter turned into a worthless drunk. Practically abandoned on the streets of Seki Alm was forced to fend for himself.

Luckily for the boy one of the Old Hunters Master Shan was willing to look after the boy and train him. Well that was what Alm believed at first. But the next twelve years pushed Alm to his limits and broke them. Determined the young boy's progress was amazing, he could easily beat other students his age given the chance. But Master Shan's training was no walk in the park even for a natural. Alm had many times where he had to fight for his life during the training, more so than any normal student would have to go through, and by the age of 18 Alm was ready to show his progress. A hunt had been arranged by the head family for their heir Mitsuhide to obtain his Spirit, their prey a Dire Frost Wolf. Alm heard of this hunt and knew the perfect way to show his power.

Alm followed the group in their hunt for a few days until he was able to find a trail to track the beast. As soon as he had her thread Alm was off. The lone hunter was easily able to maneuver and track far better than the group that now followed him allowing Alm to find the Dire Wolf's lair well before Mitsuhide. This was both a blessing and a curse as Alm would soon find out he didn't find the lair on his own accord, the wolf had lured him there. Alone Alm faced off against three frost wolves and the dire frost wolf in a bloody fight in which he almost lost. Standing the victor Alm didn't waste any time, he immediately started extracted the Spirit Stone and began ritual to absorb the Dire Frost Wolf's spirit stone.

The experience was something that could not be explained with words it was amazing, yet painful it was like being torn to shreds just to be put back together again and when he awoke from the meditative trance his life began anew. Instantly he noticed that his sense of smell and hearing had been amplified, and something was coming. Alm instantly shot up and turned, Before him stood Mitsuhide and his hunting party. Enraged that the boy had taken his kill Mitsuhide charged Alm. The fight was over quickly Alm was far to powerful for the boy and he was unable to control himself as his blade cleaved Mitsuhide in two. The remainder of the hunting party fled and to tired to chase them Alm knew what would happen.

He returned to his village a few days later expecting the worst. He was to be put to death for slaying the heir to the family "in cold blood", but luckily Master Shan was able to convince the elders that Alm was to good of a spirit hunter to waste. After agreeing to a demonstration of his abilities the elders of the clan agreed with Shan's words and instead of putting Alm to the sword they exiled him. Never to see his home again.

Alm left Seki that day and headed to the Empire. For the next five months he wandered as a Ronin helping out villagers in need while looking for a place to call home. That was when Alm meet Jing the man was strong willed, had purpose and was willing to give Alm a new life. For the next seven years Alm has followed Jing and been a member of the irregulars making a new life for himself in the Empire, although without Master Shan's Guidance his progress as a Spirit Hunter has been slow.

Fighting Style: Spirit Hunter - After fusing his own Spirit Stone with that of a creature's the hunter can surpass human limits. This also leads to more primal fighting styles as the abilities of the absorbed spirit bleed into the hunter's original Style.

War Glaive
Armor - Shown in picture
Supplies - enough food and water to last Alm a week in the wild
Hunting Knife
Casual Clothes


Tracking, As the term hunter implies Alm is a skilled tracker
Cooking, A hobby of Alm's he likes to cook making the times when hunting is the primary source of food it makes things more interesting

Other Information:
@Nerdy Reference *grins evilly* you mean that my character doesn't have to be the "leader" of the new squad. I am so for that. But looks good I shall accept.
@Nerdy Reference looks good for the most part. Only thing I would ask is to add how long you have been with the irregulars and a bit of your time with them. Unless your a new recruit
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