Avatar of Awesomoman64


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
7 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Awesomoman64>

¿Qué dijo?

<Snipped quote by Apollosarcher>

Because you were unconscious and not captured all at once?

Also, @Awesomoman64, you're caged too.

Well, at least being captured here won't involve any NSFW collabs... right?

@KoL @TheWindel (@Lonewolf685 Totally didn't forget to mention you and edited this in now. >.> )
@Awesomoman64 Btw, where's Barlog?

I've actually had this written in my post template for some time now:


Meanwhile, Balrog was… I don't know. Having a skull crushing contest with some other demons. What? The guy has the strength of Atlas but the IQ and attention span of a toddler. Not sure what else he'd do in his free time.
Don't mind if I do! Working on a character now. Any chance I could get a summary of what's happened so far?

<Snipped quote by Awesomoman64>
We promise to not molest you too much.

KoL, you should know by now that there's no such thing as "too much". Now come on either give it your all or not at all.
<Snipped quote by Awesomoman64>


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Blame KoL.

Don't we always?
Hang on a second, have I seen this before?

Long standing empire.

Personal items with powers that turn into weapons.

A legend about heroes defeating an ancient evil with a festival to celebrate it.

Students at a military academy.

NOPE! Doesn't sound like a certain RP I was ever apart of.

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