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6 yrs ago
Current First post after nearly a month of inactivity. Here's hoping I can get back into a good post routine before long.
6 yrs ago
“Just put on anything by Enya. No, not anything. 'Orinoco Flow.' On repeat.”
6 yrs ago
Managed to burn both my thumbs and index fingers pulling a tray of cookies out of the oven. I trusted you, oven mitts, and you betrayed me.
7 yrs ago
Thanks to having to move earlier this year, I finally get to experience snow for the first time since my early childhood. It's absolutely wonderful :)
7 yrs ago
RP’s that amass a good player base and have a good start only to suddenly die are why I have trust issues.


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Heard we were lacking teachers so I figured I'd try my hand at one.

Roland Nightbreaker

“Um… Note?” Roland shook his head and shrugged. “Sorry, I didn't get any note. But I’d be more than happy to help if you’re looking into this thing.” Roland held out a thumbs up confirming his interest in joining the cause as it were. The one thing he had wanted was an opportunity to help find a way to stop whatever was out there, even if it was sort of going behind the faculty's backs. How could he say no?

Duncan, on the other hand, must have decided he’d rather not be associated with such dealings and decided to leave the table. Although, the way he said "I’ll leave you two alone.” sounded more like he was a wingman making his exit play and leaving the rest to Roland. Man, what a bro!

Now it was just the two of them. Circe began explaining her progress with research. The amount of books she had been reading made it seem like she already had a handle on this thing. Roland started to wonder if it would be truly wise for her to involve him in this especially with all the attention he had drawn to himself. He found it hard to imagine the staff didn’t already have an eye on him at all times.

“Before we go any further though, I have to ask.” Roland said after Circe gave him instructions on when to meet up later. “Are you sure you want to partner up with me? Obviously I'm interested but after the stunt I pulled yesterday I kinda brought a lot of unwanted attention on myself. I know this isn’t technically breaking any rules, but I seriously doubt you want anyone else to find out about this.”

Roland Nightbreaker

Roland groaned simultaneously with Duncan when Tholl decided to sit at the table they were headed too. “Oh come on. First we have to be escorted by the staff now we have to eat lunch with them?” Roland shook his head but continued walking forward anyway. Hopefully she would be pulled away by other duties and let the four of them talk freely.

Plans changed, however, when the red haired girl noticed them approaching. She quickly excused herself from the table and me them halfway ushering them to another one. Roland cocked an eyebrow when she mentioned they would “talk about it later.” He figured she was talking about the murder, but the blush on her face and the way she looked at Duncan made him wonder if there wasn’t something else on her mind.

Sitting down at the new table, the girl handed correctly guessed their previous class and promptly handed them some potions. Roland sumized them to be healing and politely declined. “No thanks.” He said handing the vile back, “Healing isn’t something I need to worry about.”

Not wanting his food to get cold, Roland took a bite of his sandwich before continuing to talk. “I don’t think we got your name before. I’m Roland and this is Duncan.” Introducing himself and his friend with a mouth full of chicken probably wasn’t the most formal way to do things, but he at least covered his mouth while he spoke. ”Think your friend is alright being left with Tholl over there?”

@Silver Carrot@Cerces22
Roland Nightbreaker

Despite the success of his first attacks, Roland soon found he was unable to land anymore hits on his opponent. Even with Duncan’s impressive archery to contend with as well, Yurius was still able to dodge every attack that came his way. It was hard to tell what was more infuriating for Roland, that he and Duncan were giving it their best to no avail, or that Yurius clearly wasn’t even trying.

Well, that last part wouldn’t be true for much longer. As Duncan fired his last arrow and switched to a great sword, the two started to close in. This time Yurius stayed still allowing the boys to corner him. Just as they attempted to move in, the vampire suddenly clawed his own neck followed by a compliment on their abilities. If his intent was confusion, it worked like a charm. The sight of the teacher inflicting wounds on himself during what was supposedly a demonstration disturbed Roland who froze in his tracks.

And then he struck.

Yurius charged Duncan, first, taking him out with a single punch before moving to Roland. Roland was only just able to snap out of his shock in time to raise his shield up to block the first punch thrown at him. The speed Yurius displayed appeared to be faster than he had already been moving, but somehow Roland was able to keep up. The second punch was a much easier block as Yurius continued using the same move albeit from the other direction.

By now Roland was starting to pick up on the pattern of Yurius’ attacks. Every time he struck with the downward punch it would leave his body turned or half a second. All Roland would need to do was wait for the next opening and use it to get back on the offensive. For a brief moment, the brown haired boy though he might be able to do this. Such hopes and possibly his arm were soon crushed as Yurius delivered a final punch with the force of a sledge hammer, knocking the poor boy to the ground.

Dazed and defeated Roland lay on the ground while Yurius announced their turn was up. Once he managed to push himself off the ground, the teacher gave him his overview and potentially his goal for the future. His powers needed to be strengthened and his physical abilities needed refinement. Good. Those were the reasons he came here, after all. And if there was anyone who could teach him these things, it was Yurius. Roland thanked his teacher for the feedback before replacing his weapons on the rack and taking his seat to observe the rest of the students. Even though he technically got his ass handed to him, Roland couldn't help but smile at his performance. He could tell he was going to enjoy this class.


Lunch time!

“Hey, nice work back there. I don’t think even and elf could shoot a bow that well.” Roland said to his centaur battle buddy as they headed to the cafeteria. Despite having a rather excessive breakfast, Roland was looking forward to sinking his teeth into something.

Leaving the lunch line with a tray of mashed potatoes and a chicken sandwich, Roland looked around the packed cafeteria for any free spots. While there were a few open seats, the table that drew his attention was the one with the red haired girl from before. They didn’t get much of a chance to talk yesterday and he wanted to know more about what she saw in the forest. Though she was currently sitting with some spider girl and after all the commotion he had stirred up yesterday, he’d rather they discuss the matter privately. Still, no harm in being friendly until then.

“Hey, Duncan. Wanna go sit by that ‘cute girl’ from yesterday? Looks like she’s got a friend.” Roland asked giving his pal a nudge and wink.

@Silver Carrot
Lanithil Valkas

The wood elf let out a chuckle at Gil’s comeback, but continued watching the towers with absolute focus. It wasn’t until Ardur gave the order for them to retreat back to the trees that he broke line of sight and ran quickly back to the safety of the woods. As there was no need to check for tracks at this point, Lanithil hastily ascended one of the trees and vanished inside the leaves. From there he silently watched over the others. He paid careful attention to where each person hid making sure he had clear views around them to spot any possible ambush.

After two hours of waiting, the reinforcements from the main army finally arrived, but noticeably without the other Skor twin. As the scouting party moved to join up with the forward troops, only those who had been paying attention would notice Lanithil jumping out of a tree different from the one had climbed. The ranger had been moving undetected through the treetops to make sure he had no blind spots, and also to kill time.

With no specific task given to him by Ardur, Lanithil took position next to the archers in the main force. It was then he heard the voice. More accurately, he felt the voice. It shook in the elf’s mind as he nocked an arrow in his bow and searched in vain for its origin. He could tell he was not alone as those around him acted in a similar manner. Whatever this was, it was truly more powerful than they had imagined.

When Ardur gave the order to ready weapons, Lanithil and the other archers all drew their bow strings back in almost perfect unison. Though they all aimed at the city gates, he could see some were having difficulty steadying their hand. The sound from such a mass of metal striking fear to their hearts.

”Steady yourselves, brothers. Lanithil said hoping to calm his fellow archers down. “We must not waste a single arrow on panic. Do not fire until the enemy is in sight.”

Just as the words left his lips, the “champion” the voice spoke of emerged from the portcullis. As the monster let put a roar, Lanithil yelled as best he could, ”RELEASE!” A volley of arrows whizzed through the air. Some stuck in the flesh of the beast, while most simply bounced off the thick black plate.

Now joined by Valena and Percival of the Luna Falcons, Lanithil and the archers drew their shot once more. As the beast began its charge, the ranger once more shouted to his allies. ”Aim for the joints! Try to slow its advance!” the arrows continued flying at the beast this time aimed at it's knees and ankles. Even if they too were armored, they had to rely on basic tactics until a weakness could be found.
Roland Nightbreaker

Roland smirked at Yurius recollection of his family, though he had yet to decide if this was a good or bad thing. It hadn’t occurred to him that with Yurius being their teacher, he might already know everything Roland had to offer. No matter, he was still going to give the vampire everything he had.

Keeping his posture upright and his eyes firmly locked on the teacher, Roland began to speak. “As you’ve probably figured, I am a user of divine magics.” To give a little show with his speech, the young paladin activated his light aura giving him a bright glow as he spoke. “My abilities allow me to both protect and attack as necessary. In one moment I can heal wounds and cure ailments inflicted upon my allies, and the next, destroy me enemies and banish those who do not belong in this plane.” Finished with his powers, he let the light fade away as he ended with his physical skills. “When it comes to physical training, however, I have been taught in a variety of weapons with my specialties being sword and shield and unarmed combat.”

With his presentation done, Roland gave the stage to Duncan. Once he too had stated his abilities, Yurius commanded them to attack him. Roland eyed the weapons presented to them before jumping on a training sword and shield that were present. While the balance of the sword felt proper, it’s blade was dull and capped to prevent any chance of real injury. Not really Roland’s style, but this was just training after all, so it would do.

Not wasting another moment, Roland stepped in front of Yurius. Raising his shield and pulling back his sword, the blade was suddenly engulfed in the white flame of a Celestial Strike. Keeping his shield up Roland rushed Yurius swinging his blade the moment he was in range. Once his attack connected or was deflected, he followed it up by thrusting his shield forward. Instead of a bash, however, he cast an Exorcism sending a burst of energy out that enveloped Yurius. The vampire wanted to see his all, and Roland wasn’t holding back.

@Conscripts@Silver Carrot

Your post is fine by me.
I just remembered this RP has a Discord but the link doesn't work anymore. Someone mind shooting me a new one?
And yet no one has stopped my carrying collapsible short sword shorts lol

Because when it comes to swords vs guns... Well.

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