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Gonna be trying for the Peach Blossom role and I will reserve Na Jaemin for my FC
MACKENZIE LI - Lakewood High
Monday, 1 October 2029 - 7:30 am

“Ah, how the battlefield calls. At ease, peons, for your savior has returned.”

“I can’t-- I c-can’t do this.”

Her sneakers were slapping the concrete towards the gym as soon as her mother’s car disappeared from sight. The girl looked anxious as ever - hair a little messier, eyes a little more sunken in. Every aspect of her appearance seemed designed to slip under the radar with one exception: the obnoxiously bright skateboard sticking out of her backpack. It felt like a demonic ‘KICK ME’ sign.

“Our inspiring entrance!” Venga hissed from inside her brain. Which was a thing that happened now, a lot, for some reason. “What are you doing, child? You mock me with your cowardice.”

Mackenzie locked the cubicle door and hung her backpack against it. “I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I just…”

It was a mistake coming here so soon after that attack. Aliens- Demons were real, for heck’s sake! Why on earth would anyone be leaving the house after—

It all came back in the flash. The news reports and the memorials and the family discussions and the ‘what comes next’s. The losses mourned; none of them hers though. She knew their names and their faces, shared classes and volleyball games with a few of them, but held no right to memorialise them. Not after cutting all her peers out of her life for a year.

Mackenzie squeezed her eyes shut, cutting off impending tears and catching her breath. The world was a muted red when she finally opened them again.

No. No, no, she couldn't do this again.

“I…” It seemed redundant to repeat it. Somewhere within, she heard Venga growl in anticipation.

“A suitable opponent indeed. Release me, child.”

Standing on the toilet seat cover, Mackenzie peered out of the overhead window and did just that. Venga’s gargantuan form materialized. The building shuddered as he touched down, dust and metallic creaks emanating above her. She could already feel her heart rate accelerating.

And as it foretold, a monstrous "YAHAHAHA!" echoed through Lakewood High once again.
NAGAKU OTOYA - Northwestern District: Yajirui-Kan

Let’s just get it out of the way. Otoya wasn’t a fan of that golden boy taking the club’s helm. He didn’t like the way he dressed, the way he talked. Guy was like a spotlight shining directly into his eye. Though Sayuri, bless her heart, always had some praise (or excuse) for him, Otoya was never swayed. He knew what that type was like.

So he abstained, his seat half-turned away from the group as he plucked a countermelody to the beat in his earphones. A small show of rebellion that brought him a little satisfaction, even if no one else visibly gave a shit. He didn’t pack anything large, once again just slinging his guitar case over his back.

He scratched at a bruise through Hiroyuki’s little spiel. Simple enough.

“Oi, wanna check the basement with me, Fumiko?” he asked, jerking his chin down the hall.
NAGAKU OTOYA - Central District: Outside Sharehouse
@HereComesTheSnow @Crowvette

"Yo, shit."

Shit was damn right. This day was shaping up to be a whole lot of it. As Fumiko fretted about, Otoya rested his hands on his knees, waiting to catch his breath.

“Giant rat,” he said, as if that explained everything. He heard how stupid that sounded and added, “It’s big.”

A groan as he hoisted the guitar case off his shoulder, letting it rest by the dinner table. Fumiko was right about needing a weapon. Where the hell was he gonna get one? Mentally running over the belongings he had in the sharehouse, there was next to nothing. His guitar was a hard ‘fuck no’. Spare drumsticks were too short. Stolen umbrella was too flimsy. Kitchen knives were communal and therefore sacred.

Ah, whatever. It was preparation for a ‘what if’ scenario, hardly a priority. If their luck held out, that obese nightmare would run out of food and be out of the block by morning.

Otoya peeked out the window hoping to see exactly that, only to narrow his eyes in annoyance.

“Fuck me, there’s another one."
NAGAKU OTOYA - Central District: Outside Sharehouse

Otoya grimaced. “What the fuck is tha—nngrh!”

It came from nowhere. A sharp noise screeched through his skull, piercing, causing him to block his ears. Not that it appeared to be necessary. Though his eardrums still ached, the sound stopped as abruptly as it started.

Before he could dwell too much, there was a pressure on his arm. Huh?

A glance back showed Fumiko, noticeably unaffected by whatever noise that was, cowering behind him.

“T-The hell you want me to do?” he said, backing up with her. Goddamn, surely this fatass rat wasn’t gonna chase them, was it? There were so many better things to snack on in this alley.

It didn’t stop its approach.

Otoya’s hand tightened reflexively around his guitar strap. Not because he was going to beat that thing with it; no, he’d rather jump into traffic than damage his baby. He just needed to secure his valuables before going on a dead sprint.

“Fuckin’ hell.”

He grabbed Fumiko by the wrist and ran.
NAGAKU OTOYA - Central District: Outside Sharehouse

Not a fruitful session.

Otoya wondered if he was losing his touch. His emotions were the core of all his songs, a good third of the band’s discography, but it was getting stale. Frustration, that bitter anger crusted into his psyche, it was all he had. Their followers always commended the relatability of a new track, but he could feel doubt creeping up his throat. Surely, they were getting as worn down as he was.

He tried to get something out today, strumming away by the riverside. Dead cats and assaults, shouldn’t have been hard to get a song out of that, right? A harsh melody and a few chords were all his creativity could produce.

His ribs were sore. His bruises were still fresh. He decided to head back.

An early promise the clubhouse had made between itself was to keep attention away from their living situation. For Otoya that meant no disturbing the neighbors with his music. Friggin’ annoying but whatever. It didn’t stop him from singing as he walked back, trying to knock out some decent lyrics into his Notes app.

Voice recording would have sounded fine if it weren’t for those loudass birds.

Strange stuff. As a Southern kid he knew what kind of fauna flocked around the garbage heaps. Whatever was going down in that alley seemed… excessive.

More out of idle curiosity than anything else, he wandered towards it. Fumiko was already there, and he greeted her with a casual, “Oi.”

Hopefully, it wasn’t gonna be another dead stray.
In Skybound 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@banjoanjo | @bubsy 2


@Lasrever | @banjoanjo | @bubsy 2
THE FORNACIS | KITCHEN | Halt - 10, 1Sm; 844


@banjoanjo | @stone
THE FORNACIS | KITCHEN | Halt - 10, 1Sm; 844


@banjoanjo | @bubsy 2 | @ERode
THE FORNACIS | KITCHEN | Sky - 11, 1Sm; 844

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