Avatar of Bluetommy
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2208 (0.69 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Bluetommy 7 yrs ago
    2. ██████████ 9 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current I remember being on this website all the time. Where does the time go
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4 yrs ago
Buying GF with Fall Guys crowns please pm me if interested
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4 yrs ago
I'm going to beat you to death
4 yrs ago
Today on bottom gear
4 yrs ago
Dear diary, I shat myself to destroy the libs.


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@Ruiner Trev's fantastic. I thought I said that, guess not lol.
@A Lowly Wretch Yeah she's still good, port her over.
A Warrior's Heaven: Supreme Anime Bullshit

Earth, the year 2030.

Centuries of unending warfare, unending conflict, unending death, it would bring you to cry at the pointlessness and brutality of it all.

If it wasn't so goddamn fun!

These centuries of war breed a species capable of battling each-other with skill unparalleled in the animal kingdom, with abilities unimaginable to even their ancestors. Magic, evolution, technology, all ways to bloody each-other and ourselves, even past death and back again. While there have always been those who wield these powers and smash armies, it hasn't been until the last century that they arrived in great numbers, all with a love, no, fetish, for fighting.

And now they're trying to destroy the world.

So uh, maybe do something about that. I dunno I'm just the introduction text.

Setting Information

The world of Warrior's Heaven is purposefully created to be as general as possible. If you think of a character, they can probably be shoved into it somehow. The main thread is the existence of a huge number of superpowered individuals who, instead of fighting crime or forming teams, simply fight each-other indefinitely. It's not well understood why, but winning fights makes you stronger, sometimes even gaining new powers out of nowhere.

Losing fights often leads to you never being able to fight again, very few fighters fight non-fatally, their powers often make that too difficult. In terms of the average Joe, they can compete in this universal cockfight through technology, gaining new powers through any method really, it's not a picky universe, or through sheer pluck and determination.

The world can be dark, and it's more often dark than it is goofy, but making the best of it is what most are good at. For every mutilation, there's a quip about someone needing a hand, even the most villainous take part in this dialogue. Anyone who takes themselves too seriously is taken not at all seriously by anyone else.


  • Be cool, criticism is okay, but no personal attacks or other such rudeness.
  • I don't expect pacing to be super quick, but if you're gonna be out for a while let a GM know.
  • No autohitting, metagaming, god modding, the usual.
  • No ERP in the thread you horny animals
  • If there's intercharacter fighting please establish who's going to win beforehand, fights that devolve into dick measuring contests that take months to end are no fun.
  • Talk to the GMs for any concerns you have. Don't say nothing.

Please follow these, I dislike being a cop just as much as y'all probably dislike being GMslapped.

@Lmpkio Very soon
@Claw2k11 The OOC isn't even up yet of course you can
@Weird Tales Pretty much yeah
@Weird Tales no, unless it's a hidden nation
All four of the sheets are very interesting. I'll wait on backstories for the first three, but @Dead Cruiser yours will be good to go when the OOC comes up.

Which will be sometime this weekend for sure.
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