Avatar of bmxbrat484
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 243 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. bmxbrat484 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current It does not xD
1 like
2 yrs ago
Does line break work in statuses? \n Guess we're gonna find out
2 yrs ago
Me: *prefers to RP as male*
5 yrs ago
Just started the new year off by sobbing for 10 straight minutes on the sidewalk. #GetOnMyLevel
5 yrs ago
I met a faun in Vegas (as evidenced by my profile picture). You should go to Vegas. 10/10 would vacation again.


Real name is Nyx, 27 y/o pansexual, medically retired Coastie. Born and raised in Florida with a Boston accent and southern twang.

~My Social Media Accts~
Crafting Insta NyxKnax | Drag King Insta Nyx. i. am | Drag Facebook Nyxiam Themperor | Twitch PastelScoops

~My Fam~
I'm still in Arkansas but hopefully not for too much longer. My bf and I want to move to another state, but it's hard with the current pandemic and state of the world in general. I have 2 super f*cking annoying cats, but I love the shit out of them. I also have a niece that's now 10, last time I updated this bio she was 6. How the time flies.

~My Interests~
I'm a 3D artist, I used to make miniatures out of polymer clay, but now I mostly dabble in resin stuff. Check me out on Insta @NyxKnax. If I could choose one way to dress and live for the rest of my life, it wold be in Steampunk fashion. I used to BMX for 9 years, did Tae-Kwon-Do for 5, and Yon Chu'an for 2. I only have 15 8 piercings (my microdermals fell out and healed..), and so far only 35 tattoos. I plan on getting a lot more.
~My 1x1 Thread~
~My Quotes~
Various things I've said in RPs and OOC's that I find amusing.. ^^"
"You know what Owen? How about you take that self-righteous attitude of yours, and stick right up your arse, next to your fucking head." -Roy Edgar Nott
"There be no rich or poor, there just be survivors an' shark bait." -Joel the Pirate
"So little fucks were given when you killed Willow that I feel like I now owe you fucks." Me when V KILLED OFF MY RAVENCLAW BITCH.
"Hey now, I prefer to call it a paroxysm of vindictive and fiery rage.. Translation: Temper Tantrum." Me in an OOC.
"The body is Eira but the mind is not. The mind is me." -Eira's mind.
~My Obsession~

~My Poetry~
All of these I wrote 7 or so years ago.. I remember liking them, but I didn't bother to re-read them. Deal with it.

~My Musics~

Most Recent Posts

The collar bone is one of my favorites as well

I was video chatting with my husband today and he commented on my collar bone.. I hadn't noticed before now but THEY SHOW AGAIN. I was super mad that the few pounds I lost (I was on meds for 2 years and couldn't lose weight til I stopped taking them 2 months ago) didn't show, but apparently it does.. in my shoulder and clavicle area xD

So now I'm suuuuper excited to get the implants, I'll deff. post pics when I do o3o

Once he had finally made it to his office, Satan immediately began dialing numbers, having both his phones ringing at once. The first phone was to the security building, the second to their militia headquarters. He had to fight nearly every meeting to keep the two services separate, as some thought it would be more efficient to merge the two even though they were not the same, damnit! Dispatch picked up immediately, and the Sin barked into the receiver "I need 5 guards down at the portal, and 50% more men towards efforts on the perimeter until further notice." Satan barely waited for the dispatchers affirmation before slamming that receiver back onto it's hook, still waiting for the other line to pick up. "Sergeant, what the fuck took you so long? This shift is literally just answering the damn phones! Request the General meet me in my office at his earliest convenience, kid."

Satan returned the receiver just to pick the other one up to dial his boss. They would have to call a meeting in, preferably within the next few hours, to discuss these recent events. Hopefully the Sin would have time to calm down by then, as his claws and fangs had returned the moment he stepped into his office. The problem with Wrath was that he didn't worry so much as he just got frustrated when things went wrong and couldn't calm down until they found a solution. If this incident was in any way related to the the 'holier-than-thou' mutants, then they may be on the verge of war.. again. Wrath may not like about 85% of the population in the Underworld, but they were better than the ass-hats in 'Heaven', that was certain. And while his main trait was unwarranted anger towards everything and everyone, there was also a deep sense of loyalty to the other Souls and especially the Sins.. Even Sloth.

"Comon, Thurman, pick up already you bastard.." Satan muttered under his breath as he paced the floor anxiously, the ground under him briefly catching fire at each of his footfalls.
Eira tilted her head side to side at the boys question to what she would like, her neck popping loudly as she chose her words carefully. Aran was the overly charismatic one, and while she could be when she had to, she wasn't going to waste the energy on these fools. "I would like you to stop treating us as if Eira had acted in a manner that offended you. All we've done is act with caution. If I wanted you dead, you would be by now, so take the fact that Eira hasn't turned you into ash as an admission of trust." Eiras grip shifted on the rodent, as the smooth tail had been slipping ever-so-subtly. "Otherwise, you can go find your own food. I won't be wasting resources on an ungrateful cretin. Do we have a deal, Drake?"

Eiras gaze shifted to Overreach, and she contemplated the situation for a moment. "He's survived this long without assistance, he'll either be grateful for a hand or embarrassed and possibly offended that you would think he needed help. From the few minutes we've talked, I'd say he would be embarrassed but may still accept your help. Your call, kid." Eira looks up at Aran for a moment, before breaking off from the group herself. "I would say it would be quicker if you left him to his own devices, but don't take my word for it." She called over her shoulder as she headed to the house opposite the one Dawn had indicated. She would rather not make a bloody mess where they were to sleep, as she didn't think Overreach would be too keen on the overpowering smell of blood. Plus, this way, animals wouldn't be attracted to where they were to sleep for the night. "If any of you want to eat, the food will be in here." She added as she stepped across the threshold.

Once inside, Eira makes quick work of clearing the rubble from one of the corners and making a small circle of the non-flammable debris. She then takes out a knife and goes to work on skinning the rodent and gutting it, carefully laying the innards on the hide to make for easier clean-up. She had forgotten to ask Drake if he minded entrails, or if he just wanted the meat, but hopefully he had enough brain cells rattling around his thick skull that he would follow her in any moment now so she could confirm. Or, he was going to be a stubborn oaf and avoid her all together. That just meant that Eira could have leftovers.

@Conch Shell VII@EchoicChamber@Claw2k11@Hyro
XD does anyone else laugh when they write these sentences?
all the time, that's why I keep my favorite quotes on my bio page thing


When she saw the ridiculous amount of paperwork the woman had prepared she almost turned around and walked off but Satan's request rang in her ears.

She walked up to her desk and smiled politely trying not to show how much she was dreading this.

Seeeeeee @Cherrywitch, Satie is a good influence xD
I want them close together like the first pic, but 3 instead of 2 like the second.. Basically the 3rd pic except rhinestones instead of studs.. Oh, and I don't want them straight, I want them to follow my collar bone.

I have to wait until August to get them, though, because my gym is going to be closed for a week then so they can heal xD

The collar bone is one of my favorites as well

I'm actually planning on getting Transdermal Implants along my collar bone.. Probably just 2 or 3 per side

She might be queen bitch but she had already started to enjoy her new home, and shed hate for it all to go to hell.
go to hell.

I assume this was a fully intentional pun, and I appreciate it. Probably too much since my roomie just texted me to stfu from laughing so hard.

I need to go to sleep, now..
I do have a thing for blunt bangs and slightly large front teeth on girls, so she's got that going for her.. And exposed clavicles *u*
<Snipped quote by bmxbrat484>

Bitch, no. Those shoulders and breasts are fine with me.

As long as i don't look like me with the troll-under-the-bridge look. *cue serious body dysmorphia*

#ManShoulders #HerBreastsAreWaySmallerThanSheMakesThemLook #ErgoTheyAin'tFillingInOnTheSides #FreeYoBreastsGirl
I'm just over here like "Dammit, I want to look like that."

Just with normal shoulders and breasts xD Her boobs are totally distracting, not ina good way lmao.

Hmm. I'm starting to notice there's only about 2 humans active here. Maybe even 1.

Yeeaah... =/
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