Avatar of bmxbrat484
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 243 (0.07 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. bmxbrat484 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current It does not xD
1 like
2 yrs ago
Does line break work in statuses? \n Guess we're gonna find out
2 yrs ago
Me: *prefers to RP as male*
5 yrs ago
Just started the new year off by sobbing for 10 straight minutes on the sidewalk. #GetOnMyLevel
5 yrs ago
I met a faun in Vegas (as evidenced by my profile picture). You should go to Vegas. 10/10 would vacation again.


Real name is Nyx, 27 y/o pansexual, medically retired Coastie. Born and raised in Florida with a Boston accent and southern twang.

~My Social Media Accts~
Crafting Insta NyxKnax | Drag King Insta Nyx. i. am | Drag Facebook Nyxiam Themperor | Twitch PastelScoops

~My Fam~
I'm still in Arkansas but hopefully not for too much longer. My bf and I want to move to another state, but it's hard with the current pandemic and state of the world in general. I have 2 super f*cking annoying cats, but I love the shit out of them. I also have a niece that's now 10, last time I updated this bio she was 6. How the time flies.

~My Interests~
I'm a 3D artist, I used to make miniatures out of polymer clay, but now I mostly dabble in resin stuff. Check me out on Insta @NyxKnax. If I could choose one way to dress and live for the rest of my life, it wold be in Steampunk fashion. I used to BMX for 9 years, did Tae-Kwon-Do for 5, and Yon Chu'an for 2. I only have 15 8 piercings (my microdermals fell out and healed..), and so far only 35 tattoos. I plan on getting a lot more.
~My 1x1 Thread~
~My Quotes~
Various things I've said in RPs and OOC's that I find amusing.. ^^"
"You know what Owen? How about you take that self-righteous attitude of yours, and stick right up your arse, next to your fucking head." -Roy Edgar Nott
"There be no rich or poor, there just be survivors an' shark bait." -Joel the Pirate
"So little fucks were given when you killed Willow that I feel like I now owe you fucks." Me when V KILLED OFF MY RAVENCLAW BITCH.
"Hey now, I prefer to call it a paroxysm of vindictive and fiery rage.. Translation: Temper Tantrum." Me in an OOC.
"The body is Eira but the mind is not. The mind is me." -Eira's mind.
~My Obsession~

~My Poetry~
All of these I wrote 7 or so years ago.. I remember liking them, but I didn't bother to re-read them. Deal with it.

~My Musics~

Most Recent Posts

Look at what I started xD
<Snipped quote>

@AkaiJose Under the Hell? tab. And no, they can exchange whatever Earth money they have for Mon with Greed, but it's not a very high ratio. One dollar is about a half Mon, and for scale a burger in the Underworld is like 5 Mon. Hope that makes sense. ^_^" And I don't know if I should reply yet, so...

What kind of burger, though? Like, a pathetic fast-food burger with literally no substance, or like a hefty mom-and-pop burger that takes a small group to eat?
I'm here, I'm (gender)queer

I've just made some new friends irl and been hitting up the gym, so haven't been on..
@EchoicChamber. I couldn't sleep knowing that my post didn't go through… I hope after I get some sleep and reread my post, it doesn't suck 😂
Eira listened to her mentor with her usual blank expression on her face as she set up two cinder blocks on either side of her makeshift pit. She was almost annoyed at his warning, but ignored this since she knew he meant well. Weighing her words carefully, the pyro tugged two metal rods free from the wreckage and wiped them down with a dampened rag before laying them across the fire to sterilize. She stood for a moment to stretch her legs, sore from being crouched, before hunkering back down to continue her task.

"Aran, I may not be able to experience emotions in a typical fashion, but I hope you understand that I have come to respect you.." Eira pokes at the fire with a thin stick, tossing it to the flames when it inevitably caught. "I would never do anything to harm you or your family, in any physical or mental sense. That extends to Eira having relations with your brother-in-law." The woman avoids the mans gaze as she began to tap her thumb to each finger individually, her one and only real tell when she was concerned. She sighed lightly, figuring there was no better time to discuss her concerns than now. She busied herself with filleting the meat and laying it on the rods supported by concrete blocks as she spoke, not wishing to waste time by talking when she could be working.

"Sir, ever since I've been training my psychometry, I believe I've been perceiving emotions unattached from anything around me, and I can only assume it's coming from Eira. Such as, when the newcomers looked at us with such discontent, but not you or Overreach, I was aware that something was giving off a sense of.. loneliness, I believe." Eira looks up from the raw meat, finally meeting her mentors eyes. "Why does everyone treat us like we're a threat? Eira has done well to control herself, hasn't hurt an innocent since we found you." Eiras voice may have seemed more curious than anything to a bystander, but to someone who was familiar with her way of speaking, they would be able to hear an undertone of.. something akin to sadness. "She's gotten much better at controlling herself, but still, no one will trust Eira. I don't understand it. I haven't even lied to these people, much less act with hostility towards them."
@EchoicChamber I just really freaking wish that I knew what I had typed up because it was really good.. I can literally only remember one line… But it's also almost midnight here, so maybe I'll have more luck in the morning. Going to try to get some sleep now, possibly hiking in the morning so… Night y'all!
@Nightknight I was just poking fun at you dear.. Notepad is the worst, I definitely understand the spacing now. Haha

@EchoicChamber nah, I just planned on having Eira have a heart to heart of sorts with Aran, but I can also just PM it to him

Why is your CS spaced out so frikin weird? XD
Also, my IC post never went through and I'm away from my laptop ATM soooo I'll not be able to post til Monday

"Thank you for calling Head of State; Thurman Douglas speaking."

"Thurman, this is Wrath. Is Lucifer busy? On second hand, as urgent as this is, it's not an emergency so could you just write this down please?" Satan didn't so much as pause while talking to the man, even as his own office door slid open. A tall, burly demon stepped in, clad in their standard military uniform, except with four neat stars on each shoulder. Satan holds up a hand, motioning for the man to sit before him as he continued talking to the secretary. "I have upped security around the perimeter by 50%, and sent a specialized force to the portal until we can meet and decide what to do about the girl getting through at an unspecified time. The general has just arrived in my office and I was hoping to call an emergency meeting, at Pride's discretion, of course." Satan paused as his other phone rang, giving the inanimate object an annoyed look. Someday he would find a secretary for himself, just not today.. Or anytime soon. "Just, uh, call me back after you confer with Lucifer, please. I have a call on the other line."

Satan hung up before the poor man could reply, but that was just his nature and Thurman had to have been used to it by now. Just get out what you need to say and hang up, no need for pleasantries. He picked up the other phone and set it on speaker, letting the General listen in on the conversation. "Sir, this is Master Sargent, head of the task force sent to the portal."

"Right, how does it look?"

"Sir, no new souls have come in, it seems stable by what I can tell, and there are no abnormal energies that I can sense."

"Has anyone else come by? Any demons are immortals that have no business in the area?" The generals deep, rumbling voice echoed the office.

"No, sir. Mr. Sloth came by a few minutes ago, but he didn't seem alarmed by what he sensed. Just worried."

"That lazy bastard is probably asleep in his office by now.." Satan muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose as he sighed in aggravation. "Thank you Sarge, keep a vigilant watch. Anticipate watch rotation in two hours." With that, the sin hung up the phone again, resuming his pacing behind his desk. "General, do you think we need to start preparing our troops? Or are you leaning towards just another fluke in the portal?"
Just so you guys know, Eira speaks in a very light tone. Meaning she never sounds upset at all. Curious, maybe, or neutral.. That's about it. Unless specifically stated, her tone will always be such.
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