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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Wanted to give other peeps a change to post first.
I would -love- to take part in this, but stuff has kind of picked up all of a sudden and I don't think I'll have the time to commit to this. Sorry.

Umm... Your link takes you to the interest thread again in a loop...
This is an amazing idea and I want to take part in it.
Wait, how close is the siege tower? We weren't bringing it into this battle.
And posted. Everyone knows where they should be.
Organizing units on the field of battle was somewhat more difficult then putting markers on a board, but with some degree of satisfaction Pizurk found most of the commanders present at least willing to do what they were told.

He had planted himself among his infantry in the middle of the line, since his plan hinged on them pulling back slowly without breaking and running away. Somewhere in the mess of Uruks were the so called 'Chosen' tarks, few in number but if they were going to be of any use then it was going to be were the push was going to be the hardest.

To the left of the center were organized the Guards of Roffela and the Twilight Knights, while to the right were placed the Royal Knights and the Hoplites, all of them free to organize themselves in whatever manner they saw fit. Behind the front line was the second line, the various archers and crossbow wielding units that almost all forces had brought with them to a degree, as well as those magic users who had a talent more suited to healing then anything else. On the right flank of the formation, the Acity Light Cavalry had been mustered while on the left he could spy his own worg riders ready and waiting to tear into horse and tark meat.

Further back, the Darkforest Rangers, the Scaleguards, the Devotees of Rofella and the Acity Heavy Cavalry were kept in reserve, ready and waiting to be called in as required of the tides of battle.

Staring out at the army of eastern tarks that had been sent forth, Pizurk couldn't help but sneer in their general direction. "You know lads, I wasn't expecting much from these eastern gits... and I still find myself disappointed! If these fools had any brains at all, they would have begged to join our army and given themselves a chance to survive! Dumbass eastern tarks clearly can't even think for themselves without someone telling 'em what to do!" A dark, sinister chuckle escaped the Uruk leader as he glanced around at his lads, deciding to end his motivation speech on a high note. "Still, what they lack in brains they make up for in free meat and leather! Fight hard boys and don't die, we're eating a large victory feast tonight and I want as little Uruk meat as possible on the menu!"

The roar that went up from the Uruks in the center of the formation was filled with a mixture of a demented glee at the slaughter that was about to take place and a dark fury that blood wasn't already being spilled yet.
I'll try and get a post up tomorrow.

Quick question: Are the allies aware of just how rebellious the forces they are about to engage actually are?
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