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    1. Cairo 6 yrs ago


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Name: Ryan Seamus


Age: 18

Instrument(s): Piano, badly, but he doesn’t play on stage. He’s the band’s co-manager and songwriter.

Description: Ryan could be fairly characterized as a dreamer, a gentle soul, or a bit of an odd duck. He’s a largely introverted person, always grappling with big ideas but struggling to express them, and though he’ll usually try to strike up a conversation with anyone he spends time with, he’s absolutely abysmal at ‘small’ talk. He absolutely abhors conflict, and will concede, surrender, or back off of any topic he thinks has a chance of becoming an argument. His main trait that won him a spot as the band co-manager is the fact that he is unconditionally helpful; no matter what anyone needs from him, he will do it, half because of a sense of generosity and half because he’s just truly terrible at saying no. His sense of humor is best described as surreal, and around people he’s become comfortable with he’ll happily share all his unfiltered thoughts and feelings. Unfiltered really is the best word for him – he’s a person of great emotional highs and lows, motivated by his passions, guided by questions he wishes he had an answer to. For him, the band is more than just something to spend his free time on; it’s a chance for all these disparate young people to find a direction, find a future, and for him to have a mouthpiece through which to share his ideas with the world.

Favourite Genre(s)/Band(s): Folk rock, Alternative, indie.

Brief Backstory: Ryan is the product of a broken home – his mother ran out on them when his little sister was a baby, and his father, though never abusive, handled this loss as well as their lower-class conditions with a mixture of neglect and alcoholism, resulting in his becoming the de-facto parental figure for his little sister, Cassie. Everyone in town knows this, and almost nobody knows how to talk to him about it.

Miscellaneous Info:
Has a tight five minutes of stand-up comedy. It’s not very good.
Loves the Princess Bride. Quotes it roughly two times a conversation.
Has a driver’s license, but bikes literally everywhere.
That's actually what I was about to suggest. Brandi's laid back and chipper, but tends to be practical and kind of down to earth. Supposed to be kinda a rock for other people, so I figured that would work in a supportive role.

Yeah, absolutely. I also wanted to focus more on like, the creative, song-writer side of Ryan, so I think that works very well - Ryan helps right the music, makes sure it's sounding right and everyone's where they need to be, and Brandy gets the gigs and does most of the actual managing? And they handle the roadie stuff between them?
So @Cairo how is this story going to start in respects to our characters knowing each other? I would imagine we have not been together long if at all? Another question if it isn't too revealing, as its been 45 days I would imagine we know some things about the creatures fighting in the war, not a terrible lot but strategies by now to help take them down, would we be coming up with such things on our own or would you kind of fill us in on a need to know basis type thing?

Good questions, all! If any of you guys want to establish your characters as having known each other / been traveling together before the RP starts, that's totally fine. Otherwise, we will all be strangers who just happened to be in a similar place in the D.C. area when some shit started going down.

As far as strategies go, absolutely, the characters would have come up with tricks and tools to get an edge over the beasties and gained a reasonable level of knowledge about them; really, that's how they've survived. If it's stuff like tools or maneuvers that are effective, you're free to come up with those on your own - an example of that sort of thing would be the rope trick Charlie and his friend use against the frost giants in the sample post I put on my CS. When it comes to supernatural weaknesses, or knowledge you've gained about their nature or their organization, those I'll ask you to clear with me beforehand if you have any ideas about them. You can always ask if you have any thoughts or particular questions about that sort of thing. Otherwise, yeah, I'll be filling you in on information about them as it becomes relevant, though most of what Survivors know about them is still rooted in very practical matters, aka, how to get them dead before they get you dead.
I was working on a woodwind (saxophone)/harmonica player, but I guess I'll shift her over to a manager if that's alright with @Cairo. Character works either way.

We could probably work out a way to be co-managers in some sense, and also handle all the tech needs between our two characters. My character is already shaping up to be a bit of a head-in-the-clouds type, so if yours was more concerned with like, the practical running of things, then that might work?
Would a songwriter / manager be acceptable? I know I'm late, but this really does seem like a very fun idea and I'd like to be involved if possible.
Hey, I know I'm late, but is there still room in this? Maybe on keyboard or something similar? It's alright if there's not, of course.
@Takida Inigo Sergei is awesome! The perfect mix of rawness, old wisdom, and sadness befitting the situation. Accepted.


Absolutely! I was going to cap it at six, but since it seems like Yung won't be joining us, you're both welcome to throw something up. Once you guys are done (and hopefully I will also be) we'll get started!
Well, alright! Seems like there's enough interest left to try. I'll finish up my CS and post it tonight. @cunfuzzler, Marissa is accepted!
@cunfuzzler@AngelofOctober@akirashadow@YungTweak@Takida Inigo

So, I'm not gonna lie, I had figured interest in this had petered out and was preparing to shutter it, but then all of a sudden there's been a seeming resurgence. I'd still like to play it if there's interest, so I guess I'll put the question out - y'all still here and game to play?
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