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10 mos ago
Current All that remains is pure, unfiltered madness.
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Good CS,

With blood magic and whatnot being her whole thing for offense, she seems pretty fun.

Her "Geas" wouldn't be able to affect Miseria, they're just amalgamations of pure negative emotions but it would indeed be effective on magical girls or just regular ol' people, not bad indeed. Seems she'll mostly have to rely on her blood control for most of the RP but that seems fun at the very least!

Seems good to Wendil and I, you can move her on over.
@TheWendil I wasn't planning on having her go out of her way to antagonize the other DMGs, and I'd be open to having her join the club eventually as well.

Also, yeah, that was what I was going with, as far as "instant corruption" was concerned. The experience with that first Miseria was so soul-destroying that she turned dark pretty much immediately.

Ideally she'll join early during the first arc, you'll likely see why but it's cool to have her not be a member to start! The detention club will probably go out of their way to recruit magical girls anyway so then will be the best chance.

And yeah, I figured she was just filled with so many negative emotions that her soul was corrupted instantly, works for me!
Between Roche’s dad being a (former) salaryman and Himea being loaded, I realize the Detention Club has all the funds to burn.

I would personally not recommend burning money, unless it isn't yours.
<Snipped quote by CamiCat>

Well, it probably is a bit overboard honestly.

Pile Bunker/Rocket Launcher was the idea that got me to ask. It's a lot more directly weapon-y compared to everyone else's choice of weapon so far though, and it's a mix of two pretty strong ones at that. And it'd probably end up bulky enough to function as a sort of shield, thinking about it now.

Though I will admit that the rocket launcher part is coming from a want to rocket jump around.

Character plan is an extremely apathetic sort of dark magical girl, who ended up with an uber armored outfit to fit with the devil arm.

As for magic... haven't got anything down on that front quite yet.

Definitely just a little bit overboard!

The Pilebunker could work on it's own, definitely a unique weapon for a magical girl to have but who am I to say no to something fun. As for the rocket-launcher and uber armour, it would be best to possibly leave those! They wouldn't fit too well with the theme, nor Hibusa Town's own general vibe!.

On that note, however; It's certainly possible to have the "rocket launcher" be part of her magic, perhaps she channels explosives through her weapon, allowing her to do that rocket jumping without it being a different weapon. Could make for some fun destructive magic.
How many functions can the devil arm have, exactly?

Kinda want to do a combo weapon.

Two functions would be perfectly fine - as long as you don't go overboard!

What kind of idea do you have in mind? We can talk it out and decide if it'd fit!
Given I don't want this to be too big, I might work on an OOC sooner than later. You know what that means, @CamiCat.

Please no more lashes! I can't take it anymore!
No comment!

In the midst of all of the chattering, the clambering to check out the newspapers to find any shred of evidence, Robyn's attention would shift to Jane, who previously seemed to be rather loud, eccentric, a cheery girl. Innocence that Robyn could only hope would continue throughout the girl's career, the world needed more like her after all, yet there wasn't an ounce out of the girl besides a few words, before she falls into silence, uncharacteristic from their first meeting, it seems something was going on deeper there, but Robyn would leave it at that for now. After all, her attention would only shift once more thanks to Marie's incredibly pessimistic speech, one that has Robyn's family rolling in their graves.

"You're a bright character, aren't you? All sunshine and rainbows in that head~" The rookie would joke. Of course, Marie didn't leave the greatest impression upon Robyn, but she wouldn't make it her duty to disregard her words, she was just as much a part of the operation as the rest of them. "Still, I can't blame you, do try to lighten up, though. Rough line of work, don't want to make the office depressing as-well." Would be her final words towards Marie, or so she thought.

Robyn jumps, startled at the sudden intervention of Kaspar, a dock worker, traumatised by what they had seen. A big man, brought to a grovelling mess in front of the group, worried for his life, it seemed. While Robyn's first instinct was to stay quiet, working out at first as Abigail does her best to calm the man down, even bringing him inside where it would be far safer, warmer. All until Marie rushes towards the man, a burst of energy springing from seemingly nowhere. Just what was that alcohol laced with?

The poor man seemed to be overwhelmed by Marie's presence, exacerbated only by the tone in the girls voice, not the most welcoming voice, almost as if he was being interrogated by the police. There was a time and a place for her emotions to overwhelm her, for her to let them out, but in-front of this poor worker was not the place. "I don't know what's going on Marie, but shouting isn't going to get you the answers you want, start slow." Robyn would begin to approach her, holding onto the angered girl's shoulder lightly. "Try your best to take a calmer approach, okay? We can always take you outside and investigate the scene instead, if you can't." She would finally add, reaching for her glass of water, untouched. She'd hand it over to Kaspar, offering him the chance to drink something and calm his mind first.

Robyn didn't intend on listening to Marie, despite her warnings. Not out of distaste, but because that's the first thing a detective should do, in her mind. "Jane's got a good idea, I'm not great at interrogating witnesses, only criminals, so I'll go take a look at the crime scene, see what we can gather there, maybe find some more witnesses to help back up Kaspar's claims." The rookie confidently states, now looking over to Jane, a warm smile covering her face. "You're coming with, anyone else that wants to, follow me."

Robyn would begin to walk her way over to the exit, a cigarette sliding out of her pocket between her fingers, finding itself lodged between her lips. She thought this would be a cool way to exit, until she had to turn back to the party, a with a little defeated look on her face. "Oh and someone that knows the way to the bar, please."

Robyn had never taken initiative on an investigation, her heart was racing and she knew that one wrong step could end this whole investigation in an instant. But she wasn't planning on backing down either, she never had after all. Besides, if the perpetrator left any traces behind it would be best to find them now, before they can get further, She did have a knack for that after all. One could only assume she had the help of divinity with her high success rates in apprehending suspects that are on the run.
I'll post up afterwards, have this ping as a reminder, SSR!
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