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    1. candlelitcraft 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Stress is my first, middle, and last name


call me aven

they/them pronouns only please

18 years old but like. dont be a freak about it

anthropology major, currently working on my ba

might get busy but ill try my very best to stay active

Most Recent Posts

☽ Welcome to Remedy, a Summer Camp for “Wayward Juveniles” ☾

Dear Camper,

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the government-funded summer camp, Camp Remedy!

If you’re reading this, then you’re like me. No, not a wayward juvenile like the general public believes, but a Leoh, or as we’re more commonly known, a supernatural. You may have known this your whole life, or this may be the first you’ve heard of it. Leoh have been around since the dawn of time, through we were quickly outnumbered by mortals and make up about 5% of the general population. Most of the time powers are hereditary, passed from parent to child (with the occasional skipped generation), though there is the occasional case of powers appearing out of nowhere. There is also the case of powers being transferred to a person (in the case of transmittable powers, such as vampires or werewolves). However you became a Leoh, it is now your responsibility to learn how to live with your abilities to protect yourself and every other Leoh on the planet from being discovered by the general public. While certain people in the government know of our existence, it is widely believed by those who know of us that the world isn’t ready to know that Leoh make up just over 5% of the population.

Our goal at Remedy is to teach the juvenile Leoh (ages 13-17) to control their powers, so they can fit in seamlessly with the mortal world. Juvenile Leoh are known for losing control of their powers when faced with strong emotions, and we spend a fair amount of time a day teaching campers how to maintain control of their powers under stress for not only their safety, but the safety of the mortals around them. Our second goal is to teach the different species of Leoh to be more tolerant of one another. Tension between species of Leoh have been rampant since the beginning of time, but as our numbers dwindle in the modern world, it’s important that we learn to stand together, not as vampires, fae, witches, et cetera, but as a single unit. We achieve this by teaching one another about our respective cultures and encouraging a safe environment for each species to live their lives the way the Gods intended.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your summer at Camp Remedy,

Head Counselor

Ember had listened carefully as the headmistress spoke. She stood from her seat afterwards, clutching her file close and curling the edges of the paper sticking out out of habit, trying to memorize the time of the test well enough that she would be able to trust her own memory later on. She was undeniably nervous. She wasn't too good in big crowds, and she hadn't seen this many people in one place for a long time. Her mother had warned her about attending Angel Academy, but Ember was only just realizing how out of her depth she was. She was so anxious that she hadn't even looked at her file yet.

She navigated out of the crowded hall, needing space to breathe before she began the quest to her first class. She slipped into the girl's restroom and took a few deep breaths, thankful to have some space to herself, before looking at her file.

She read that her roommate was someone named Leorin, a 25-year-old who was one rank below Ember. She was a little worried about figuring out how to balance a tiny room between the two of them, but then again, she was worried about everything right about now. Realistically, she knew that it would only take a week or so to adjust to life here, but her insecurities just kept whispering everything that could go wrong.

She gave herself another minute to get it together, examining her schedule closely, before leaving the bathroom and heading towards her first class, Nature Studies. She was able to find her classroom fairly easy, as she had a good sense of direction, and took the seat off to the left side of the middle row of seats. She figured this way she could hear and see everything the professor did without drawing much attention to herself. She was hoping that the wandering eye would pass right over her until she figured out the social climate here well enough to begin socializing with the others. She just wasn't ready to have a conversation yet, and was extremely scared of making a fool of herself. She settled into her seat and pulled the book she was reading out of her bag to pass the time until class started, and to shield herself from anyone who might approach her.

Kindness is like snow - It beautifies everything it covers.

{ N A M E }: Ember Davids
{ G E N D E R }: Female
{ A G E }: 17
{ A P P E A R A N C E }: As pictured above

( T R I A D ) : 2nd
( T Y P E within Triad ): Virtues
( M A J O R P O W E R ): Control over snow and frost, though she has a very hard time doing it in hot weather
( M I N O R P O W E R ): Can freeze small amounts of water

* P E R S O N A L I T Y * : She’s very loyal and a great listener. She’s very honest and doesn’t like to dance around things. She’s a person you want to come to with your problems. She is the type of person to sacrifice her happiness for others. She can be pessimistic and lacks confidence. She’s good at improvising to fix situations. She tends to expect more out of others than they can give. She’s very well-mannered and tends to be a bit reserved.
* F A M I L Y / R E L A T I O N S H I P S *: She grew up with a single mother. As the only child, her and her mother are very close.
* R O O M M A T E *: (leave empty until assigned)
* H I S T O R Y *: Ember’s father left her mom after finding out she was pregnant. Her mom taught her not to trust easily as a result. She tended to be a bit overprotective of Ember because she doesn’t want her to get hurt.

L I K E S:
(Faux) Fur
Reading anything she can get her hands on
Cold nights
Thick blankets
Fire places
Hot tea

D I S L I K E S:
Summer nights
Abusive relationships in books
Cold food

She wants to perform miracles to make any many people happy as possible. She wants to be able to help turn people’s lives around.

@shagranoz Well there's traditional species like vampires, witches, fae, et cetera, but I'm also accepting any type of demon, half-seraph (just to help explain why they're on Earth and stuff), demi-god, and so on. Pretty much any magical species
I think the friends in the city one sounds fun. It could be like FRIENDS or how i met your mother. It could be really cool.

I'd also be up for the apocalypse thing, I love the idea.

The family summer one sounds good too! I'd like to join any of those

I feel like I may have misunderstood what the virtues do... if so then I'll change it, just let me know. Thanks so much!

☽ Welcome to Remedy, a Summer Camp for “Wayward Juveniles” ☾

Dear Camper,

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the government-funded summer camp, Camp Remedy!

If you’re reading this, then you’re like me. No, not a wayward juvenile like the general public believes, but a Leoh, or as we’re more commonly known, a supernatural. You may have known this your whole life, or this may be the first you’ve heard of it. Leoh have been around since the dawn of time, through we were quickly outnumbered by mortals and make up about 5% of the general population. Most of the time powers are hereditary, passed from parent to child (with the occasional skipped generation), though there is the occasional case of powers appearing out of nowhere. There is also the case of powers being transferred to a person (in the case of transmittable powers, such as vampires or werewolves). However you became a Leoh, it is now your responsibility to learn how to live with your abilities to protect yourself and every other Leoh on the planet from being discovered by the general public. While certain people in the government know of our existence, it is widely believed by those who know of us that the world isn’t ready to know that Leoh make up just over 5% of the population.

Our goal at Remedy is to teach the juvenile Leoh (ages 13-17) to control their powers, so they can fit in seamlessly with the mortal world. Juvenile Leoh are known for losing control of their powers when faced with strong emotions, and we spend a fair amount of time a day teaching campers how to maintain control of their powers under stress for not only their safety, but the safety of the mortals around them. Our second goal is to teach the different species of Leoh to be more tolerant of one another. Tension between species of Leoh have been rampant since the beginning of time, but as our numbers dwindle in the modern world, it’s important that we learn to stand together, not as vampires, fae, witches, et cetera, but as a single unit. We achieve this by teaching one another about our respective cultures and encouraging a safe environment for each species to live their lives the way the Gods intended.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your summer at Camp Remedy,
Lilac Honeybell

Head Counselor

@ineffable hey, I think I'm gonna discontinue this thread and start a new one. I'll try to write a better intro post and I'm gonna post in the interest thread. Hopefully I'll have started the interest post by tomorrow, but we'll see. Thanks so much for your help and interest. If you want to be updated on the new version when it's up, I can let you know
I'm super interested in joining! I'll have my CS sheet up ASAP!
Alvina listened to them, slowly becoming more convinced. She honestly wasn't even thinking about the danger of the idea, she was just trying to figure out how to work her schedule around it. She thought it sounded really fun, and she wanted to help people. She especially wanted to protect the young girls who were constantly harassed and attacked by men on the streets. This crime had been one that bothered her the most out of petty crimes, and she had frequently been in similar situations. If she could help a girl avoid that, she didn't care how dangerous it was.

"I think it sounds like fun. We're capable of this. Let's face it, we're all pretty fricking cool, and we can all do such amazing things. We should use that to help other people!" She smiled and reached over to give Ally's hand a squeeze.

"Not to mention, it's gonna be so cool to think up our hero aliases. How cool would it be to have a name that strikes fear into the hearts of the criminals of Long Beach?" Her smile grew and she reflected on some of her favorite super hero movies. She had always wanted to be like them, but it had never occurred to her that this was something that could really happen. She was excited for the adventure.
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