Avatar of CaptainSully
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    1. CaptainSully 6 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Apologies to anyone I’ve let down by not being around, had a recent scare with the girlfriend but things are good now.
5 yrs ago
Nothing quite like a heavy weekend of the beer to put you behind
5 yrs ago
Christmas was great...apart from the death of my PC...
6 yrs ago
Does your country's flag have a dragon on it? Didn't think so!


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ΚŸα΄α΄„α΄€α΄›Ιͺᴏɴ: α΄‡α΄€Κ€α΄›Κœ | α΄˜α΄α΄‘α΄‡Κ€ ΚŸα΄‡α΄ α΄‡ΚŸ: 800
α΄€α΄„α΄›Ιͺα΄ Ιͺᴛʏ: α΄›α΄€ΚŸα΄‹ΙͺΙ΄Ι’
α΄›α΄€Ι’s: @Eviledd1984@supertinyking

Colda's willingness to fight filled Sam with the smallest sliver of hope. The alien was on par to his own strength and had some unique abilities that could help the effort. Combined, maybe they could land a lucky killing blow. There in lay the problem however, they were gambling on luck to see the day out and save the planet from total destruction. Sam turned in the direction of the dojo and gestured with his head. "Let's go get Master Kojiro and make our way up to the fight." Taking off Sam hurried to his masters side, seeing him stood talking to a new comer. Sam dropped to his feet and approached with semi caution, unable to sense the individuals power level. He and Colda arrived just as the person spoke to Kojiro.

"I've come here seeking aid. Tell me, have you felt it? The great power that has arrived, and threatens the very world with its vast power?" Master Kojiro turned to Sam and allowed the student to answer. "I think most people would have felt that power in some form." He cast his eyes up at the sky once more. "It's up there now...I don't know if we're ready or not but be damned if I don't do what I can to save my home." Looking back across at the ninja clad visitor Sam continued. "My names Samanosuke but most people just call me Sam. This is Colda. He's here to fight with us, even though he's from a planet away from here." Looking the guest up and down Sam wondered just how powerful the man stood in front of him was. Even the weakest human gave off a power level but this person...nothing. "Are you here to join the effort? We could use anyone who is willing to fight."

As Sully spoke to the newest guest Kojiro leant over to Colda and spoke. "I was impressed with how you managed to handle Sam, I have rarely seen him in such a state after a fight. How did you find it?"
@King Cosmos it’s not going to be easy to work out. I only suggested it given the ability pretty much makes Raditz’s higher PL redundant, like Tien with Cell.

Someone may come up with a better idea. All I know is that Sam’s gonna die
@King Cosmos with Sam and Colda’s spar finished in going to move them up to the Raditz scene to see what’s happening. Once they are there then it’ll be a case of waiting for @Weird Tales to see what he wants to do. Might be worth doing the same thing with Alex.

In terms of the fight itself I do have an idea to finish it but obviously GM needs to agree as would everyone else. Because Sam has his Mistform technique he could taunt Raditz into attack him giving everyone else to charge up ther finisher techniques. Then when Sam finally reaches exhaustion and gets killed (he wants to go visit his best mate King Kai), everyone unleashes their attacks at once to kill him.

Again, all depends on what people want to do.

ΚŸα΄α΄„α΄€α΄›Ιͺᴏɴ: α΄‡α΄€Κ€α΄›Κœ | α΄˜α΄α΄‘α΄‡Κ€ ΚŸα΄‡α΄ α΄‡ΚŸ: 800
α΄€α΄„α΄›Ιͺα΄ Ιͺᴛʏ: α΄›α΄€ΚŸα΄‹ΙͺΙ΄Ι’
α΄›α΄€Ι’s: @Eviledd1984@Weird Tales@Renny@Double

Sam let out a sigh of relief as the alien came around and rose to his feet. The sight of seeing him rise up to his feet was one of the things he loved about Korin's wondrous beans. Colda then spoke, "Never mind i just figured it out, How did you cure my wounds so easily? That was quite a battle, I have to thank you for the fight...it was quite exciting and fascinating, I did not know you humans were so durable and strong." Sam smiled at the inquisitive visitors questions and stretched his arms across his chest, alternating them to stretch them out.

"Well of all things, a bean is what helped sort out your wounds. A person called Korin cultivates them but they are incredibly rare. It is just fortunate Master Kojiro and Korin are quite good friends, otherwise we'd have had to reign our powers back. " Sam looked down at the hole in his shirt. "I'll be honest with you, I really enjoyed that fight. It's nice to fight someone different, particularly who has a skillset i've not seen before. That ability where you froze me in place, that was something else. Did you learn that by training or does your race have some sort of genetic psychic abilities?"

The moment Sam finished his sentence his heart skipped a beat. That same power that stabbed at the back of his neck earlier in the day had reappeared. This time however it was right above the dojo. The time Sam hoped he and the others had was gone and the time would soon be at hand, the fight to save the Earth from this unknown invader. His face of worry soon turned to steeled determination. He looked Colda square in the eye and spoke. "I'm sure you can feel that power above us...that is what I spoke of earlier. You are clearly a talented fighter and with your unique skills then maybe, just maybe, working together we can all defeat whatever it is." He looked up into the sky, the invader too far away to make out, before returning his glance to Colda. "Would you help us in the fight? I would understand if you were to say no."
I’m good with or without it as long as all announcements are still made in the OOC
@Double Im sure we’d rather you stick around than leave because you find it hard writing the character. Have him disappear off somewhere and then create a new character, I’m sure Weird wouldn’t mind.
@BingTheWing edits made. Let me know what you think.
I’ll hold off posting until you get your next post up
@BingTheWing I haven’t got PC access at present so here’s Sik’s property. I’ll add to the CS tomorrow once I’m back at my PC. I’ll also add details on his shop tomorrow so it can act as a possible location for people to visit if they wish.

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