Avatar of Cello
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    1. Cello 4 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 9 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current Sliced Bread is the best thing since Betty White
6 yrs ago
I finally got around to watching A Silent Voice. Very nice to see some deaf culture representation in anime.
7 yrs ago
My room is so empty! All of my furniture sans bed and wardrobe have been moved to the new place. Not long now :)
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
*Downing a bottle of cab merlot whilst filling out mental illness quizzes on buzzbeed* COMING OUT OF MY CAGE AND I'VE BEEN DOING JUST FINE
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"Just a white girl trying to enjoy the croutons in her salad."

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Leon had spent the remainder of the battle crouched in the debris from when the dragon had sent him flying with its tail. His eyes were puffy with dried tears, his trousers stained with his own blood from the gash he had since patched up with a bit of restorative magic. The wound wasn’t that deep, so it had healed up nicely with minimal effort on his half. Meanwhile, Lorelai was still alongside Lilianna, making sure she was recovered enough before returning to Leon as per his request.

Gritting his teeth, Leon clenched his fists with such intensity his nails began to dig into the palms of his hands. Slumped over, the young mage let out a pained wince, but it was not physical pain he was feeling right now. His first chance to prove himself useful to his guild mates and he had spent most of the battle frozen up. When Marduk had dropped Felix off beside him, he couldn’t even muster the courage to help the boy through his own self pity. Luke had stopped by to pick the boy up, bringing him back to the group.

If not for the droplets of rain sending an invigorating sensation along his skin, Leon may have stayed where he was for quite some time more. Blinking, he caught a glimpse of his guild mates converging around the disintegrating dragon's corpse. Among them, he spotted Holly and Marduk. The former looked pretty worse for wear. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. How could he face them after failing them so spectacularly? Felix lay unconscious before the entire guild, and it was entirely his fault. He was so desperate to look useful that he ended up abandoning the only thing that was asked of him.

Now, drenched from head to toe under the sudden downpour, he would have to face the music. Raising himself from the ground, he held his codex firmly under his arm and began to approach his comrades. As he got closer, he took note of their injuries. They all got off so much worse than he did, yet they held the line. He didn’t deserve to stand among them. Once he was close enough to lay eyes on Felix’s still body, the boy’s wounds became much more apparent.
I’m…” He choked on his own words, eyes darting between his peers. “I… I can help Felix. Please, you’ve all done so much.

Please, let me do this for you at least.

Crouching besides the boy, a cursory glance at the amount he was perspiring confirmed him to be overheating from some unknown cause. Perhaps it was magical? Leon admittedly knew very little about Felix’s magic. For now he thought it best to proceed with his aid as normal. He first went to unzip the boy’s jacket to free his breathing of any restriction. As his hands got closer though, he felt an intense heat. His first instinct was to pull away, but Leon was determined to push through and help this kid. Taking the pain in stride, he managed to open up the jacket. Hopefully this would help him cool down a bit.

Opening up his codex, Leon lay his hands above Felix and began to channel Physick. The familiar green light swathed over the boy, pulsating back and forth along the length of his body. With less distraction, Leon’s healing worked a lot faster than it had on Grasidia during the battle. Once he had done all he could, Leon let his arms slump back down to his side with an exhausted sigh. He wasn’t sure when Felix would wake up, but at the very least he had stopped his condition from worsening. By the amount of power he had to exert just to stabilize him, it was clear things could have gotten worse if left unchecked.

All of a sudden Leon felt the familiar touch of sunlight against the back of his head, followed by an intense crash that shook him into a standing position. Fearing the dragon’s brother or cousin or something had decided to pay them a visit, his immediate reaction was to clutch the sides of his head in panic. Only for a man with a commanding, powerful voice to address the group.

Leon watched the standoff between Grasidia, Holly and this man - who would eventually introduce himself as Ajax Thera. The tension in the air was palpable. He hoped he would never find him on the receiving end of either Ajax’s or Grasidia’s intense presence. The conversation eventually came to a stop, with Ajax leaving the S Classes behind him in a stifling silence.
Uh, what now?” Leon questioned, looking to the other guild members for direction.

Grasidia’s unexpected hostility had definitely caught Leon off guard, but he understood her frustrations. Despite that, he couldn’t help himself from voicing his own concerns.
You’re one of our strongest mages, Ma’am. If we’re to stand a chance you need to be kept healthy too.” His words seemed to ring hollow, the plant mage ordering him to aid the others. At the very least she seemed a little less worse for wear than before. Leon turned to Lorelai, who was continuing to wrap Grasidia in her healing embrace just for a tiny bit of extra relief.

Alright Lor, that’s enough.” The fairy flew back to his side, resting on the young man’s shoulder. Tucking his codex away, Leon scanned around to try and find someone else in need of his assistance. Unfortunately the battle was much too chaotic for him to get a good grasp of his surroundings. Though the sight of a young Felix rushing in to face the beast immediately drew his attention.
What is he doing?! This was bad! Holly and Marduk had specifically told him to look after Felix and he’d already abandoned the young lad. Grasidia was right - he has wasted his efforts and now Felix was in peril. He began to move forward, thinking he could try and protect the boy at the last moment. He willed his legs to move another step, but a blood curdling screech locked his muscles in place. The dragon was enraged. Fear had Leon in its grasp, Lorelai’s words of encouragement falling on deaf ears. Then the dragon readied its breath attack.

If not for Grasidia’s brambles, Leon would surely have been roasted to a crisp. Falling backwards, he took a moment to catch his breath as the heat of the flame breath lashed all around him. Had Grasidia managed to protect Felix too? He would never forgive himself if he has failed to keep him same. Once the flames subsided, Leon peaked out from behind his cover just in time to see Zenith escorting Felix to safety. What a relief. Before he had time to get comfortable, the ground rattled and warped around him - the result of the dragon’s body slamming down to the earth with immense force. The foundation of the streets around him buckled, and Leon employed a bit of quick footwork to try and stop himself from being swallowed up by debris. Jumping from large pieces of unstable ground, he made his way to a patch of earth that was relatively untouched. The decimation of Era surrounded him, but at least his friends had managed to get some good hits in on the creature. Or so he thought.

Leon couldn’t believe his eyes, the dragon was healing itself! It was hopeless to try and fight this thing. Though it seemed he had resigned himself to despair a tad too early. His allies were not so complacent as to let the beast get away with dismissing their efforts to fell it. A good portion of its face, neck and wing bloomed into sanguine thorns - a sight that sent shivers down Leon’s spine. No doubt that was Lavinia’s doing. Did blood magic have to be so unsightly?

Meanwhile Holly’s assault, cleverly taking advantage of the Dragon’s own carnage of the surrounding area, pelted the monster with chunks of rubble and debris. Wait, was that Clover being flung towards it as well? Leon watched him torpedo into the dragon before attempting to further rend its wound apart. That was definitely one way to go about it. All the while, Grasidia continued to subdue the beast with her vines, but it would seem the effectiveness of her restraints was starting to fade. That was when he saw the tail swipe heading straight for Lilianna. Damnit, in all the chaos he had failed to keep an eye out for his other guild members. He winced at the sight of the dragonslayer’s body being sent reeling from the attack.

The dragon’s tail swipe didn’t end there, continuing along its arc and heading straight towards Leon. Lorelai braced for impact, but thankfully the young mage had been given enough warning of the impending attack to pull his codex in front of him.
Adloquium!” He shouted, the same magic circle from when he had healed Grasidia bursting forth from the flipping pages of his book. From the bottom of his feet, an array of tessellating hexagons began to solidify into a crystalline force that enveloped him in a sphere of protective magic. The shield had only just finished taking form right as the tail collided with it. The barrier shattered immediately, but had thankfully managed to absorb a good amount of force from reaching Leon. He was still flung backwards, tumbling along the streets in a messy heap. Lorelai flew to his side, beginning to heal him with her own regenerative magic.

Raising himself to a kneel, Leon pointed towards his injured teammate and issued a pressing order to his Pixie.
Go to Lilianna! Do whatever it takes to get her back in the fight!” Lorelai hesitated not wanting to leave her conjurer in an injured state, prompting a much more forceful shout.
Go! She’s more important than I am!” Leon was practically useless against this dragon, but he could at the very least try to keep his allies safe. He attempted to stand up, only to be met with a throbbing pain in his right leg. Crumpling to the ground, he winced whilst examining the gash along his thigh. Probably nipped it on some jagged rubble.

I’ll be fine.” Lorelai wasn’t reassured, but she reluctantly darted away towards where Lilianna was. When she had stopped in front of her, Leon closed his eyes and began to focus his magic. In front of his face, a magic circle depicting a pair of butterfly wings formed.
Whispering Dawn” On his command, Lorelai began to pulse with energy, twirling around Lilianna before an intense plume of pixie dust burst from all around her. In addition to her own healing magic, the additional restorative effects from her spell began to mend Lilianna’s wounds much faster than if he had relied purely on Lorelai’s embrace.

Leon watched as Felix began his assault again, only to be taken out by one of the dragon's attacks. Similarly, Zenith had a gout of intense fire breath aimed towards him. Leon grit his teeth and attempted to stand up again, but his body failed him.
Come on! Move!” Tears welled up in his eyes. He pounded his prosthetic fist into the side of his good leg. “Move!” Unfortunately, he could not overpower his instincts right now. Everything in his body was screaming at him to run and hide, to give up and let be. No matter how hard he wanted to continue helping he just couldn’t force himself to move. How pathetic. He’d only received mild injuries and was already at the end of his rope? He started to think perhaps his guildmates should have questioned bringing him along rather than Felix. At least Felix had the guts to keep on fighting despite all odds. Through his tears, Leon looked over to Lilianna and prayed Lorelai’s efforts accumulated to something. He hated to leave Zenith and Felix without his aid, but he had to trust that the other more composed members of the group would be capable of helping them.
@j8cob Can I join that wait-list queue?

Leon remained silent whilst his guildmates debated whether or not Felix, the youngest of them, should attend the mission or not. It wasn’t as though he didn’t have an opinion on the matter, he himself did not feel great about putting a kid on the front lines. He just knew it wasn’t his place to voice such concerns. Especially since Felix, prideful as he was, really didn’t need to be lectured by a mage with not even half his level of skill and experience. To be outclassed by someone nearly half his age. How embarrassing.

Deciding he ought to change into something more appropriate, Leon began to slink away to his room when Holly and Marduk voiced their trust in Leon’s capabilities to protect the others. His stomach fluttered with both delight and trepidation.
They’re counting on me. Me. It took everything to repress a childish giggle from escaping his lips. Instead he waved his hand back behind him as he ascended the stairs - keeping his back turned as to hide his stupid grin.
Naturally. I’ll keep you all safe.” Leon clenched his fist to his allies, disappearing down the hall with a skip in his step.


Leon was wiping away a dead insect that had decided to kamikaze itself into his spectacles, visibly disgusted by the presence of bug guts. The trip to Era had his mind racing with so many uncertainties. The confidence he had shown to his guildmates back in the tavern was slowly fading as the sky began to turn black with thick plumes of smoke. His mind was plagued with doubts. What if he couldn’t keep it together and someone got hurt? Or worse. Despite having never seen a dragon before in his life, the history books described them as truly fierce beasts. Very few creatures boast such power as to spawn an entire group of mages dedicated to keeping them at bay.

As Era approached, Leon couldn’t help but freeze in horror at the sight of burning buildings and smoldering debris. It wasn’t long ago he called this place home. He could see some of the districts he’d frequent, now reduced to rubble and ash. If he had remained a student of Era, it could just as easily have been him fleeing for his life down there. He gulped. Bringing his palms up to firmly slap himself in the cheeks in an attempt to bring himself back to reality.
Come on man, get it together! You’re a Fenix… tear… m- His attempts to rally himself up crumbled immediately at the sheer sight of the dragon itself. It was fear incarnate, a most horrifying beast that vastly exceeded anything Leon could have imagined reading a history book.

We have to fight that thing?!” Leon threw all composure to the wind, just as he saw Grasidia engaging in combat. Panic gripped him. She was going to get herself killed! Despite all her power, there was no way she was a match for that monster. As if on cue, Leon watched the mighty dragon’s tail swat the plant mage from the sky not too dissimilar to how Leon had been handling the bugs that flew into his face on the way here. That’s what they were to a dragon. Insects.

It suddenly became harder to breathe, the sounds of his guildmates becoming more and more distorted as the rapid beating of his heart thumped in his eardrums. He wasn’t ready for this. He couldn’t imagine he ever would be. Then suddenly, an intense gust of wind sent the leaf carriages tumbling over and Leon found himself hurtling towards the pavement - frozen in terror. He had accepted this would be how his life would come to an end, just as a thicket of vines enveloped him and halted his fall.

Leon watched as his friends jumped straight into the action without a moments’ hesitation. Clover readied himself with a strange certainty, Lilliana unleashed a barrage of Nullfire whilst Holly and Lavinia took to the skies to rain death from above. Through it all, Marduk’s voice helped pull Leon back into the moment. He heard him loud and clear. Provide healing to Grasidia. The words he and Holly had spoken to him back at the guild rang through his head. There was still so much he was afraid of, but for a brief moment he felt he had a purpose. A reason he was here with the other guild members.

Y-yes Sir!” Leon bumbled, finally breaking free of the vines with only a slight struggle. Falling to the ground, he landed with a clumsy roll into a kneel, scanning his surroundings until Grasidia came into view. She was injured. He could help.

Pushing off from the ground, Leon began to rush towards his ally with his codex at the ready.
I need your help Lorelai!” On cue, the familiar sphere of light leapt from the cover of his tome, darting forward towards Grasidia in the blink of an eye. The little light flew in front of the plant mage’s face before bursting into a much more serious looking Lorelai. The pixies wings began to flutter with the intensity of a hummingbird, and she darted around Grasidia in elliptical orbits while cascading a golden dust over her.

Lorelai had already begun healing Grasidia, but Leon knew she’d require more urgent care than what Lorelai could offer right now. After a few moments he arrived beside her, holding the codex in front of him.
Please stay still while I patch you up.” Leon sounded a lot more assertive than his body language dictated, his fingers trembling and struggling to open up to the right page. Lorelai noticed his hesitation, stopping her embrace for a brief moment to flutter down to Leon’s fingers and gently clasp her hands around his thumb. He looked down at his friends and saw the reassurance in her eyes. As if she was telling him everything would be alright.

With a curt nod, Leon held his codex open in front of him while the pages magically turned to the desired spell.
Physick” Leon uttered, a complex algorithm of various geometric shapes conjuring above the pages, boasting a resplendent green light. It was a bit hard for Leon to focus with everything going on, so his healing wouldn’t be as effective as if he was somewhere calmer. Nonetheless, the light poured over Grasidia from the tome whilst Lorelai resumed her own efforts to heal her injuries. Slowly but surely, the pain would start to ease itself as he channeled his curative magics.
May I please have my username changed to Cello if available?

With the arrival of the other guild members, the small handful of mages which pretty much comprised the entire guild, Fenixtear took on a certain liveliness. Leon, immersed in the frivolity, chuckled at Zenith’s dismay over the state of the kitchen once Lorelai was done with it.

Yeah yeah, when have I ever not cleaned up after their messes?” He sighed, watching as his little pixie fluttered back to the bar with a sugar cube clutched within her arms. Felix asked Leon about the guildmaster, to which he would receive a casual shrug.
Not sure kid, you’ve probably got the right idea.” Heck, if Torys was out there finding them some work, then at least Leon might be able to earn some money to pay back his student loans. The mere thought of his accumulated debt almost made his croque madame repeat on him.

Holly made a point to scold Leon for Lorelai’s conduct, as he had been anticipating. Though he didn’t expect her to question his own training. It hardly seemed relevant and only served to mildly annoy him.
They aren’t puppets.” Leon mumbled, turning his face away from the armoured mage. “They’re my friends. I can’t just order them around. No amount of training will change that.” He was already painfully aware that he was the weakest link of the guild; he didn’t need another reminder. And then the offer to spar was made.
Are you messing with me?” Leon’s shoulders tensed up, turning back to Holly with a furrowed brow and clenched jaw. Though her gentle touch reassured him that her teasing was only friendly. He relaxed a little, feeling somewhat embarrassed over his reaction. His inadequacies were always a sore subject. Though before he could apologise for being a bit touchy, Torys had seemingly slipped in from nowhere and demanded the S Class’ attention.

Not long after Torys had finished speaking with Holly and Grasidia, the Guildmaster loudly proclaimed that their assistance was needed in Era in dealing with a dragon threat. Leon’s gulp was quite audible. His first large scale mission; defeating a dragon. Not to mention the cherry on top that was returning to the city that hosted his former school. How mortifying it would be to run into some of his old peers after dropping out. No doubt the elitists among them would milk the opportunity to berate him for every last drop.

Leon was hesitant, but that tinge of worthlessness that had briefly tugged at his spirit when talking to Holly spurred him to his feet. Codex at the ready, he held his finger out for his pixie to perch on.
Sorry Lor, I’m going to need to conserve my energy for this.” Lorelai’s wings drooped down to her side at his words, but the little pixie happily complied and returned to the aether like the snuffing of a candle. When Marduk approached him about teaming up, the young man placed his fist across his chest and stood with shoulders square.

Yes Sir, I will not let you guys down.” His eyes shifted briefly over to Holly, and then the other members of the group. More than anything, this was an opportunity to prove that he could be a valuable member of Fenixtear.

The enticing aroma of smoked ham, caramelized cheese and butter roused Leon from slumber. Startling awake, he blinked a couple times whilst trying to adjust to his surroundings. Had he fallen asleep in the Guild Hall again? Peering down his nose to the mess of textbooks and parchment confirmed his suspicion. Clad in a white button up and trousers, he scratched the back of his head whilst taking note of the dishevelled mess that was his hair. A cursory sniff of his garments proved them to be not quite ripe enough to change out of just yet - all the better for snatching up a serving of Zenith’s cooking before it was scoffed up by other equally hungry guildmates.

First, he would need to call upon his friend.

Good Morning Lorelai” Leon mumbled, pressing his palm to the open pages of his codex. Lifting a sphere of warm, amber light from the tome, Leon held his hand open and watched the orb unfurl into a pair of delicate, gossamer wings. Curled up in a tiny ball was his pixie companion. He silently begrudged that his own capabilities limited him to summoning only one Fae at a time - Melia would no doubt be upset that he had chosen to call upon Lorelai first. The fae stretched out her wings before greeting her conjurer with an elegant twirl. Her inhumane squeals of delight were always a comfort.

You can play just for a little bit, okay?” Leon didn’t quite have the stamina to sustain his summons for extended periods of time - even if they weren’t using any magic.

He gazed up at the bar, only to see quite the gathering. Instincts immediately kicked in as he began to worry he’d miss out on a feed. Quick to his feet, Leon stumbled over his own footing to make his way over to a stool. Just as Zenith placed a plate down in front of him.


Thanks man, I’m starved.” Careful not to burn himself, Leon pulled off a small piece and placed it to the side of his plate. Lorelai eyed it off, fluttering down beside the plate with an eagerness that faded almost immediately. Upon closer inspection the pixie had realised what Leon had offered her. Displeased with her meal, the petulant fae lifted her piece of croque madame and flung it straight into the bar shelves. She looked up at him and began mouthing off in a series of high pitched squeaks and jingles. Only one word caught Leon’s attention.

Ah, that’s ‘sweet’ isn’t it?” He’d come to know that word pretty quick. “You want something sweet.” Before he could feel too proud of his realization, Lorelai had taken Leon’s understanding as somewhat of an invitation and taken wing through the kitchen window. No doubt on her way to investigate the pantry for some form of confection.

Looks like I’ll be cleaning the kitchen again. The clatter of a stray pot affirmed his worries.

Turning to the rest of his guildmates, Leon caught the tail end of Felix’s inquiry as to the whereabouts of the Guildmaster. He bit into his sandwich whilst watching the conversation unfold - trying not to blush at the sight of Gwen’s apparent overconfidence. Even after so many weeks, he still found it extremely uncomfortable. Thankfully Holly arrived just in time to tell her off. The sternness in her tone even sent a shiver up his spine - were all S Class Mages so intimidating? Based on his interactions with both Holly and Grasidia, the only S Class Mages Leon had ever talked to, he conclusively deemed that yes, they were.

The clang of another kitchen utensil falling to the floor made Leon tense up, hoping not to draw Holly’s ire while she was still fired up over Gwen’s misconduct.

Interested. Keen to learn more about this new Fiore you've created.
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