Avatar of Cerces22
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    1. Cerces22 7 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current There are reasons why I don't let people get to close, and the world has to constantly remind me why 😑
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7 yrs ago
The darkness serves me to protect the light I will never see.
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My family, mess with them you answer to me!!

@soufflegirl123: One of my sister's, she's not evil like me, but she's not an angel either.

@haleytherandom: My other sister, who is as evil as I am. Together we make dad's life a living hell!!

@jakeb1993: Sigh, hi Dad. What is there I can say about you, other than your my favorite punching bag, you make it to easy.

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Its a logical thing to have I can't fault you, I built arelka as one of the smartest in the school and having that info is just something I figured she have πŸ˜‚

Relka sat inside the library flipping through a book, her lunch barely touched next to her. She flipped through the pages on Norse Mythology studying for a massive test. The sound of battle rang outside the library windows, she casually looked and saw a couple low ranks going at it. Relka turned and went back and closed her book, she opened up a notepad with a list of names. Every person who was the highest ranks in the school. Each page was dedicated to a single person, below each name several notes were scribbled. The journal detailed everything she knew about an individual persons abilities. Their fighting styles, what their AE's and IE's where if known, what weapons they preferred. After watching the new student dominate the cocky rank 10 her notes needed to be adjusted, the fight was over in a blink giving no discernible information to Relka.

She closed the book with a huff and stood up. She understood this was a Battle School, but the current President built a system that purely dealt with combat. Education was all but forgotten in favor of the Darwinian structure, so now, she had plans to get stronger and one day dismantle the entire student council. When that day came she would institute a balanced middle that allowed students to battle but still encouraged forward thinking. Relka undid her messy bun and put her glasses away while packing up, the next class was soon to begin and unlike her fellow student body she didn't want to be late.

Are you going to do a Discord channel for easier convos?
❂Name: Levia Farrow

❂Class (Look in doc): Illusionist

❂Race (Look in doc): Pixie

❂Appearance (Picture or Description or Both):

Although she is on the small side (even for a pixie she is only 4 inches) She uses her illunsion powers to give herself a body that is about 5'6

❂Character's Characteristics: Levia is charasmatic, she likes to engage with people and have fun. She can also be a bit if a prankster using her abilities to mess with those around her.

❂Main Power(s) based on Class: Levia uses her powers to dampen enemies sense ornto enhance her own. She is amazing at tracking in particular. She isn't big on combat herself but will partake if absolutely needed, using illusions to confuse enemies.

❂Backstory (If Any): to be filled in

❂Any Other Info, if any:

Ganna be honest forgot to save this to my subs πŸ˜… I will eork on a CS
I made Relka Clubless cuz the original club idea fell through and couldn't think of an other she would like
Name: Relka Masers
Age: 17
Gender: Transfemale
Personality: Relka is very laid back, she remains cool and collected and prefers to use cunning and wits vs brute strength to win any battle she finds herself in. She is a bit of a smooth talker and will use deception and trickery to her full advantage.

As one of the smartest students in the school, and the only out transmember, she usually isn't very sociable. Although get past her smart mouthed nonchalant demeaner and you will find no friend more loyal. And adventure around many corners with her constant planning to quietly take that number 50 slot.

Backstory: Relka always knew she was different growing up, as a young boy she felt completely out of place in the world. Her family tried to get her to join sports with the other boys, but Relka had no taste for sweat or rough housing. Instead she had found passion in learning, usually taking one of the top spots in class. But her awkwardness to participate in what was viewed as boys hobbies made her a socal pariah, which was fine with Relka, it gave her more time to study and grow in knowledge.

By Middle School Relka had come out as transgendered, which had alienated her from all the other students. Some even targeted her for being so different, after a particularly hellish year, her parents had her transfer to a new middle school were she finally began living as Relka full time.

Now in High School Relkas transition is complete and she is fully out and proud. Though going to Shiroyama with its battle philosophy has left a bit of a sour taste in her mouth. Relka plans to rise to the top to end this foolish farce and bring the school back to its core fundamentals of learning rather than fighting. But to do that she has to partake in the battles themselves. So she has been devouring every piece of information she can on the other students. And strategizing the fatest way to reach her goal, knowing who is best to take on and when.

Inherent Engine Skill: Mimicry Relkas mana core allows her to rapidly study an opponents mana core ability and use it for herself. The downside is that the copied power is only 75% the power of the original owner and lasts only for 2 hours at a time with a 4 hour recharge rate.

Active Engine Device: Loki Bangle Relka wears a green bracelett on her left arm that allows her to access a limited illusionary abilities.

Einherjar: One of the functions of her bangle allow her to split herself up to three different clones. Of course the drawback being that the new clones take up to 25% of her base strength each, giving her more numbers at a weaker state.

Prankster: Relkas Bangle is able to refract light around her making her virtually invisble. Although this does not make her intangible, a well trained individual would be able to see foot prints in dirt, or hear her breathing.

Ragnarok: Lokis Bangle has the power to transmutate small objects it whatever Relka can think of. The item cannot change its inherent propetry so sorry no gold from lead. It cannot gain mass unless multiple objects are combined at one. And Relka must have some understanding of how the object she is making is constructed.

Skills: As one of the top 5 smartest students in the school, Relka relies more on her brain than her brawn. She is a sound tactician and strategist, using deception ans misdirection to win her battles. Able to read opponents in midbattle Relka can spot weaknesses and exploit them. She is an average fighter, but isntrying to learn mixed martial arts.

Rank: 28

Club: Clubless

Nag your fine, just a small difference to hey I like your character and hey they accepted πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ when I ran RPs I turned down plenty of characters I loved. Lol

Btw you said you liked the character but not if she was accepted or not πŸ˜…

As an openly transwoman herself who has faced discrimination I fully understand. And its your RP your rules it really wasn't to big a deal to me in the end just wanted her to belong somewhere instead of being a loner like I usually have πŸ˜…


I don't think that Relka would fit in there lol shes not mean
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