Avatar of Cerces22
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  • Posts: 982 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Cerces22 7 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current There are reasons why I don't let people get to close, and the world has to constantly remind me why 😑
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7 yrs ago
The darkness serves me to protect the light I will never see.
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My family, mess with them you answer to me!!

@soufflegirl123: One of my sister's, she's not evil like me, but she's not an angel either.

@haleytherandom: My other sister, who is as evil as I am. Together we make dad's life a living hell!!

@jakeb1993: Sigh, hi Dad. What is there I can say about you, other than your my favorite punching bag, you make it to easy.

Most Recent Posts

I am now to commited to this fight and can't post until the boys are done laying them on the tables πŸ˜‚
@King Cosmos

I did not realize I thought Kase was zero πŸ˜‚ I will fix everything. Though it won't change Relkas prediction lol

I want to see Relka try and logic little Kyro into forming a team. πŸ˜‚ be interesting to see

Relka walked the halls of the school, lunch ling forgotten as she studied her notebook trying to plot the perfect way to climb even high in the ranks. Twenty Eight was fine, but in order to take on the student council she had to be at least rank forty. The pink haired girl absentmindily chewed on her glasses as she expertly weaved around people walking.she had to consider actual fight training, her active and inactive engines got her this far with misinforming her opponents but eventually she would come across someone she had to take on where subtlety and decent weren't enough. She glanced down at Loki's Bangle and thought of ways of taking it apart and improve her original design. Maybe she could train Mimicry to go beyond its fifty percent copy abilities, if she could even get to a good eighty percent she could effectively overcome any sort of lack of training.

She passed by a window where a group of students had gathered to watch an other fight brewing, Relka peered outside hoping to see who was at it. The first boy she noted was a new student, no information, rank eleven. She opened up her book to double check the other. Ichiro, rank seven, enthusiast of the baseball club. Able to predict high propabilities of opponents. Relka had never taken him on herself but heard how tenacious he was about getting people to play baseball. He was almost a walking Shounen clichΓ©, after a quick read of both fighters Relka gave Ichiro a 37.43 percent chamce of winning the fight. The other boy looked like he could properly handle himself just a little to well and despite his ability to predict things, he still had to actively dodge any incoming hits. Relka waited to see what the new boy would do, always smart to have information on everyone. She could always use an ally in her goals.

Its a logical thing to have I can't fault you, I built arelka as one of the smartest in the school and having that info is just something I figured she have πŸ˜‚

Relka sat inside the library flipping through a book, her lunch barely touched next to her. She flipped through the pages on Norse Mythology studying for a massive test. The sound of battle rang outside the library windows, she casually looked and saw a couple low ranks going at it. Relka turned and went back and closed her book, she opened up a notepad with a list of names. Every person who was the highest ranks in the school. Each page was dedicated to a single person, below each name several notes were scribbled. The journal detailed everything she knew about an individual persons abilities. Their fighting styles, what their AE's and IE's where if known, what weapons they preferred. After watching the new student dominate the cocky rank 10 her notes needed to be adjusted, the fight was over in a blink giving no discernible information to Relka.

She closed the book with a huff and stood up. She understood this was a Battle School, but the current President built a system that purely dealt with combat. Education was all but forgotten in favor of the Darwinian structure, so now, she had plans to get stronger and one day dismantle the entire student council. When that day came she would institute a balanced middle that allowed students to battle but still encouraged forward thinking. Relka undid her messy bun and put her glasses away while packing up, the next class was soon to begin and unlike her fellow student body she didn't want to be late.

Are you going to do a Discord channel for easier convos?
❂Name: Levia Farrow

❂Class (Look in doc): Illusionist

❂Race (Look in doc): Pixie

❂Appearance (Picture or Description or Both):

Although she is on the small side (even for a pixie she is only 4 inches) She uses her illunsion powers to give herself a body that is about 5'6

❂Character's Characteristics: Levia is charasmatic, she likes to engage with people and have fun. She can also be a bit if a prankster using her abilities to mess with those around her.

❂Main Power(s) based on Class: Levia uses her powers to dampen enemies sense ornto enhance her own. She is amazing at tracking in particular. She isn't big on combat herself but will partake if absolutely needed, using illusions to confuse enemies.

❂Backstory (If Any): to be filled in

❂Any Other Info, if any:

Ganna be honest forgot to save this to my subs πŸ˜… I will eork on a CS
I made Relka Clubless cuz the original club idea fell through and couldn't think of an other she would like
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