Avatar of Cherrywitch
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 997 (0.35 / day)
  • VMs: 2
  • Username history
    1. Cherrywitch 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Will be absent this weekend!
7 yrs ago
I’m. Bored. No. Role plays. Kill. Me.
7 yrs ago
If anyone needs someone for their rp, hit me up! I’m lonely... ;-;
7 yrs ago
Wooo! Nothing like coming back from a hiatus!! I’m pumped!!
7 yrs ago
Why does all my roleplays just die at once?! Whyyy?! If anyone needs a member for their RP, hit me up please!



So, my name is Cherrywitch, but call me whatever! (Cherry, Cher, Cherry-kohai, it's pretty open.)

What's your personality?
I consider myself fairly laid back, and a lot of people like me for some reason. I'm highly sarcastic and well... Weird. I kid around a lot and love to play. I can be awkward and pretty confusing at times, but I'm very imaginative and friendly! However, I'm sort of a 'dandere.' I'm really shy, even virtually, so you kind of have to come to me first if you want to chat or something. Heh, sorry about that. ^^

What do you like?
Yes, I am a weeaboo and proud. I'm addicted to anime and especially love the comedy ones. I'm also a gamer chick, and my favorite video game is Mortal Kombat because it was the first I ever played. I also have a strange liking towards mythology, especially from Asia.

How are you roleplay-wise?
I am a fandom/fantasy role player for the most part, but will also play futuristic topics if they interest me or dark-themed modern roleplays.

I've been on other rp forums before, so I kind of know the ropes. I'd consider myself an average writer. I write at my worst about four sentences and at my best four paragraphs depending on my mood and what I'm given to respond to. My grammar could be better, but it's pretty decent in my opinion. I play both 1x1 and group, and I'm always open for new roleplays! If you're interested in me joining one, don't be afraid to ask, I won't bite... Maybe just a nibble. :3

Sadly, I can't be on too much, what with real life and all. If I do get on, it should be about 2 hours during school days and twice that on weekends.

(Yes this is my intro post. Did I forget to mention I'm incredibly lazy? Whoops.)

Most Recent Posts

@Archmage MC XD ehhh no, sorry, wasn't thinking of connecting them actually XD

SCREW IT! What's one more character? I really wanted a villain. >_<

I have no control...
It is just a matter of time before a major battle breaks out between the two factions.


I too would like to have a baddy character... I don't have time, but...

Aghhhhhh I have two really awesome ideas for a crazy freaking monster/villain, but I don't have the time to write for one, even if I could choose between the ideas!

Thats the reason she doesn't try to touch injured people. lol. FF doesn't have to worry about any of those double edges with his powers. All he has to worry about is being too fast in bed. But even then that doesn't mean anything if he can keep going after one or two times :P.

Niflheim Sokolov

The Violet Reaper
Location: City W, Main Street
Interactions: @chukklehed@Archmage MC@Animal@FallenTrinity@Polaris North

Reaper landed with utmost grace back onto the cracked concrete, eyes wide as she stared at the near dead giant before her. Again, her power had far exceeded what was usual before. A soft smirk twitched at her lips, but she forced it down, only to quietly turn her attention to the bubbly figure calling and waving at her. Niflheim opened her mouth to speak, when a searing pain stung in her frontal lobe. The woman buckled slightly, pushing her scythe into the ground and leaning on it for support as she held her head.

A-ah! D-damn it... it's lesser, but it's similar to that agonizing pain that went through my body when I first received the powers. Is my body still not accustomed to it?

Through the pain that clouded her senses for a brief moment, she could hear talking, a conversation. It wasn't the voices of her comrades calling to each other, it was two other voices, ones she didn't recognize.

A... girl? Are they talking about... me?

Taken aback, and only just hearing their approach, Niflheim gripped Hell's Mirror and readied it before blinking in surprise as the bubbly toon girl appeared out of nowhere and viscously cuddled one of her canine attackers. Instead of staring, Violet Reaper turned with a deadly look towards the second shadowy wolf. "I thought I already got rid of you..."

As Hell's Mirror's blade bursted into erratic flames once more, Reaper winced and held her left eye in pain. It feels... like it's going to explode! She grit her teeth from the pounding pain in her head and behind her eye, just getting her scythe ready for Flame Strike.

But, before she cast the move, something happened. Only the wolf watching and the attacker would see as black tattoo-like inky tendrils slid out from the left side of her face and filled her eye so it was nothing but a pool of black. The flames on her scythe grew larger and were filled with new, black flames that seemed heavier and as if they didn't fit, like they were some virus in her power. "Go... away!" As she swung the scythe down, fire raised into the sky almost as tall as the giant they had just slashed down, it not its usually violet color but blackened with the inky flames. The fire was so unbelievably hot it melted the top of the concrete as it cut towards the wolf in a rampage, faster than a speeding beast. As she watched the attack strike the poor creature, Violet Reaper noticed that she couldn't remember even doing that. It was subconscious almost... and now, her vision was growing blurred.


Her knees buckled as she sank lower against the pole of the scythe, before ultimately slumping on her side, face against the bubbling hot concrete as her eyes stared out dazed. If someone was fast enough, they would just see the tendril-like tattoos retreating back behind her hairline until she was back to her normal appearance. Niflheim struggled to keep her eyes open, mouth slightly parted in silence. Whats... happening to me?

Vivilyn Trainer

The Pumpkin Witch
Location: City W, atop building on Main Street
Interactions: @FallenTrinity

The coup against HA? Yeah, Vivilyn thought she had heard something about that. Unsurprisingly, the blonde wasn't too absorbed in the Academy's affairs and what was going on internally unless it personally affected her. Guess that's why she's considered selfish, but...

This somewhat piqued her curiosity. So this weirdo thought that one of the rebels was here, fighting? Huh. The witch delicately walked up behind him, crouching and peering over his shoulder with no care of personal space. In fact, the Pumpkin Witch was only maybe an inch or two from Sinister's face. Ignoring him almost completely, she followed his gaze to one of her favorite heroes— and, not for shallow reasons, of course.

"Huh? You don't think the banging Russian chick is in on it, do ya? Reaper is like the golden child of loyalty, hell would freeze over before she turned on the academy." Vivilyn stated blandly, standing upright and swiveling on her heel swiftly away, already losing interest in this bozo. "Hottie Violet is definitely off the list. I don't know much about her except her body measurements, but she definitely isn't a rebel. Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. Neurotic." Leaning backwards, she fell easily into a sitting position on her broom that was all prepared to catch her as it lifted her just a foot in the air. "But, whatever. Do whatever floats your boat. I'm going down to help the hottie out. See ya~" Vivilyn gave a half fast wave of her hand as she crossed one leg over the other, about to go down to the city level.
I'm going to a concert tonight, so hopefully I'll have a post up by tomorrow night, or maybe even in the morning.
I'll probably post after Trinity if no one else needs to post first.

Sometime in the morning or night after their post most likely.
@carla6677 Yeah, I dunno, the writing is different than I expected and my two posts have gotten kind of brushed past, so...
@Letmehaveone2 Hey, I think I might have to quit, there's not really anywhere Lucifer can interact long before the situation changes and no one notices him so...
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