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11 mos ago
Current Anyone up for a Pokemon RP set in the Orre Region? Gonna try setting one up again.
1 like
1 yr ago
Ah. I see. Like I said, not very technology wise myself.
1 yr ago
Is it possible to file a complaint with his internet service provider? Not very good with technology myself but isn't that an option?
2 yrs ago
@LadyAnnaLee As someone who has done it in the past, I highly recommend you don't do it. I don't want to see you harm yourself.
3 yrs ago
If anyone is interested in joining a Pokemon Orre Region based RP, please feel free to get a hold of me.


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Post will be incoming tomorrow.
Universe 193
Unknown Planet

Tabaga had arrived in her home universe expecting some differences from what she remembered but the scale of what she was seeing horrified her beyond anything she had ever seen before. She stared up at the sky with terrified eyes as her mind tried to cope with what she was seeing.

Massive black and red spheres that were large enough to fill part of the sky littered her view. Thousands upon thousands of the black armored troopers were leaving the spheres and traveling through massive red rifts that looked like massive wounds in the sky. But the thing that really caught Tabaga's attention was the large amount of bodies arriving through the rifts and being thrown carelessly on the ground before being hauled away by what appeared to be robotic spider-like creatures. The bodies were being dragged across the landscape towards massive ominous looking factories that were belching foul smelling smoke across the battle scarred landscape.

"Harvesting Chamber 1731 is now operational." A loud booming voice seemed to echo across the desolate landscape as Tabaga took cover behind a large boulder next to the portal.
I'm going to throw up a post now and hopefully you guys like what you see.
@Chev at a time like this you might want to just push forward with the next scene so everyone has more to interact with. Everyone will go through the portal eventually anyway and as GM you can just assume everyone has gone through if you want.

I've honestly been considering just moving along forward. Probably I'll be able to get a post up tonight or tomorrow.
Odd. I've been getting notified of posts.
Alright. So everyone now has one post to go through the portal. Once everyone posts once, What Tabaga's universe now looks like will be revealed.
The Kai smiled at Yaksha's words and began inputting commands into the Dimensional Scanner. The device flashed green twice and a soft beeping sound began to fill the air as a moment later, a large swirling greenish-blue portal appeared in front of the group. "As you can see, the portal is now open and the time is now." She said simply. "Remember, I just want you all to take a quick look around and if you see anything or anyone that looks hostile, Do. Not. Fight. It. Your mission here is to observe and that's it."

Tabaga slowly rose to her feet and stepped towards the portal and took a deep breath.

"I'm not expecting home to look like anything I remember. But at the least maybe I'll be able to put some demons to rest." She said quietly as she stepped though the portal and it shimmered slightly behind her.
So like are we going or what?

Yup. I was giving whoever wanted to one last chance to voice objections :P

But seriously, had to take care of some business over the weekend and finally got back late Monday, didn't have enough energy to post when I got back and then crap came up yesterday and I had enough time to do a short post in a different thread. The plan is to get a post up here today.
Outside Second City

Viran shook his head slightly as the transporter released it's hold on him. The Valkorian refugees had managed to fine-tune the technology nearly to perfection and yet Viran still felt dizzy when he came out of the thing. He looked around the Observatory and hit the lights and a moment later spoke a command in Valkorian and a series of screens appeared around the observatory with what little data Viran had managed to gather about the kidnappings. Also in a screen located in the corner was a single screen with two vital signs located on it. Viran knew exactly who those vital signs belonged to and he always kept a very close look on those two vital signs.

Still 0.3% brain activity. As long as it stays that way we should be fine.

"Activate external sensors. Show all incoming bio-signatures." Viran spoke as he leaned against a console that had come out of the wall. The console beeped once and one of the screens flashed to show an outside view of the observatory.

<Snipped quote by Chev>

Whatever happened to the others? Did they drop, or did they not post?

Not exactly sure. I think mattmanganon still intends on joining but I'm not sure if the other two dropped it or not or if they haven't had a chance to post. Heading out of town until Monday so I'll check back then.
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