Avatar of CitrusArms


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2 mos ago
Current Descriptive cluster of the day: hail of visible yet non-alarming size
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3 mos ago
Does anybody else get really anxious about posts you've just made?
7 mos ago
As someone who went to work at midnight for 8 hours, it is my privilege to drink at 9am.
7 mos ago
I LIIIIIIIIVE! Who knew, all I needed was bath time.
9 mos ago
Yo. Gardeners that use hand tools are badasses.


Guess I should write this thing, huh?

It's me, Citrus Arms. I'm 32 now, married, an aspiring indie game dev, as well as a hobbyist writer. Well, who here isn't one of those. I've been meaning to write a book, but that's a big project and I've yet to finish more than a chapter and a prologue. Plotting a whole book is hard work, man.

I'm open to 1x1s and group RPs, feel free to invite me to something. I'm also part of a discord RP server of an old friend.

My favorite genres are fantasy and space, and I've got an original Universe that blends the two together. It's a post-apocalypse galaxy on the way to recovery, so there's everything from straight fantasy worlds to post-apocalypse survival available within the setting. The universe recovers and grows stronger with unity and inner strength.

Discord: CitrusArms

Most Recent Posts

Stella Lumite

Oh dear. Had she just sentenced the professor to some terrible fate? "I really couldn't have asked for a battery opportunity. To have a living ancient Pokemon to study is a dream come true, I'm very thankful to him. Please don't destroy him over this."

She looked over to see the little bug Pokemon, surprised to see it approaching then. "Oh, and it seems you've made a friend somehow." She looked at the Tyrunt in her lap, at least glad we was the personable sort. She had the feeling she lucked out, in that regard. Maybe because of how he was born, and what that meant for his experience growing up? Always around people, never in the wild. Of course he'd turn out like a puppy...

Speaking of a puppy, Kaebe had gotten up and was approaching the little bug, but much more slowly this time. He sniffed, and then gave the bug a lick.

"Kaebe, give the poor thing some space, come on now." She leaned forward and wrapped an arm around her excitable puppy, slowly bringing him back to her side. She then placed a PokeBall in front of the Blipbug, smiling softly, "you seem like you want to come with me? Or maybe you just want to say hi. I don't mean to be presumptuous, but you must have had a compelling reason to come out from hiding."
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Leaky Tap and Tavern
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876

It was early, but Yuka's antics were refreshing. Or perhaps it was her ambiance. Whatever the case, Aiko was appreciative of her presence. The past couple of days had them in a funk without them really realizing, but they were starting to feel a little better.

"Yes, I don't suppose I'll be back for a while. Hmm.. no, I don't need anything." Aiko picked up a napkin from a table and approached Yuka, taking her hand a wiping it for her. "No, I don't sprout wings, sorry." A careful half-truth. Their shape shifting was, in fact, limited.

He leaned back on the bar, "hey, boss. You can pack my things up, if you need the room. I'm going to get out of the city for a while." There wasn't anything important to grab, and nothing embarrassing for the man to have to touch. Mostly just some clothes. He left the napkin on the counter.

"I suppose they probably leave it alone because it's a pain to get to. Wouldn't you?" Ah, but if they kept talking, they'd never go anywhere. "Since we're all in agreement, let's go." The fox moved to the door, peeking out for anything strange before waiting to open it for his companions. On to a place with, hopefully, a better pick of dreams to sup from.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Leaky Tap and Tavern
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876
Mentions: Nabarra

When Yuka approached, Aiko welcomed her warmly. The ambient energy wafting off of her was delicious. They were too busy fighting fires last night to do much better than break even by the time folks started walking up. A brief breath of vital vapors. She retreated all too quickly, but he would just have to make do.

"She was not with me, and nowhere to be found. I can only assume she recovered after I administered the antidote and made off. Can't blame her, after last night. I wouldn't be too keen to stick around, either."

The question was given to them, of their next destination. The demi-human-shaped succubus pondered briefly, though their preference was not hard to settle. "The stout folks of Ironhold would surely be a great benefit, yes?" And they'd be less likely to sniff them out. Somehow, the River Fairy Kingdom felt like the bigger threat to Aiko's cover story. At the same time, "though, the fairies of the river would have useful magics for our cause. It would be foolish to ignore their talents. Perhaps we can make plans to go there from Ironhold." Perhaps we can send someone else there and I can dodge the ordeal.
Stella Lumite

"More than being out of place - or, perhaps, time - there's no one for him to learn from." He was an ancient Pokemon, she understood that much. Stella pet Kaebe softly on top of his nose, and belly rubs as he turned over in her lap. She giggled, "well, you're not so different from a Growlithe, or a Meowth, huh? You are a bit bigger, maybe..."

Stella looked up from her pet, looking at her questioner while her brain quickly picked up and processed that bit of audio. "Ah, yes. Professor Kapoc. I was surprised, too. I wasn't expecting a Tyrunt to pop out, but there he was."

"Kaebe, I suppose the point is that you need to respect others' space. That little Blipbug was just trying to get on peacefully, so we should leave him to his peace, right?" She looked over at the bush and spotted the bug, offering a wave before she turned her attention back to the trainer that had addressed her, "you asked if I was new? It isn't as though this is the first time I've met one, but I've never had my own. Well, until now." She still rubbed Kaebe's belly, grinning at him, "ooh, what a cute."
Stella Lumite

As Stella observed the small bug Pokemon, it became clear to her that the poor thing was not having a good time. Just in time for a voice to address her from aside. She looked over her shoulder at the woman approaching, smiling weakly, "y-yeah."

She turned back to her Pokemon and his... new friend... Taking a careful breath before, "Kaebe."


"Did you accost this poor thing? Look, it's trembling." She sighed and carefully scooped the bug into her hands. She held a hand over it to protect it from the sky, and quickly found a bush to deposit the poor creature into. "Sorry about that, darling. Go on, now, we won't-"

She was interrupted by a grunting "runt runt runt runt" as Kaebe shoved his nose into the bush.

Stella sighed heavily and rubbed her face. This guy probably weighed... Half her weight? She had to strategize. With Meowth, you could push on their wishers to manipulate them a little. Kaebe didn't have sensitive antennae or wiskers, though... Maybe she'd just try commands first? "Kaebe."

"Tyrunt?" He turned to face her, leaves on his nose.

The trainer sighed as she looked at him, smiling just a bit. That was cute. But! "Cm'ere." She had a seat on the grass and motioned him over, grunting a little as her suspicions about his weight were confirmed. "You can't just go bother whoever you want, sweety. You're really big and scary to that little guy, right? You've got big teeth and your mouth is huge, you could swallow him whole! Did you take him from his bush in the first place?"
Stella Lumite

The park was a good idea. There were plenty of ways Kaebe could let out some of that bitey energy. There were some Meowth around, and some birds squabbling. She considered approaching one of the Meowth, but instead caught sight of that buffoon from the lab, battling a Riolu. "Well, that's quite the find you've found there."

Kaebe looked briefly at the battle but lost interest quickly. This world felt so strange to him, like something was out of place. That did, however, make exploring all the more exciting! He climbed around Stella and wandered away a bit, and Stella followed after him, half-watching the battle but more interested in what Kaebe was doing. He sniffed around and ran up to the Meowth, but they hissed and chased him away. The birds banded together against him, and the Rattata just fled.

Stella frowned. Was he trying to make friends? Not very successfully, he was kind of intimidating. She watched him run around a little more, and for distracted when she heard a PokeBall being thrown. She looked over to at the Riolu disappear into a PokeBall, and when she turned back around,


The academic looked down to see Kaebe standing in front of her, his tail wagging slowly like a dog while he presented her with a Blipbug on his nose!

"Whu-" she took a step back, surprised, "Kaebe, have you found a friend? Hey there, little guy. Hope my Tyrunt didn't scare you... Say, you look smart. He eats raw meat, right? I don't have a lot of information on him, but that would be my guess."
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Aiko Yume

Time: Morning
Location: Leaky Tap and Tavern
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Xavier @Omni5876
Mentions: Nabarra

They awoke and the sun was still low. Now this was strange. Nabarra had gone, as well... Hopefully, she had overcome the poison and was feeling better. Maybe it was best to avoid the place where her face had been revealed. At any rate, there was no dark elf here in their arms. They glared at the window before noting they were alone in the room. No matter.

Aiko rose slowly, reaching out with a bit of shadow to draw the curtains tighter. "Gnneh. Too early... No one's sleeping in today, though. Hmph... So many nightmares, too." It was because war had suddenly broke across the land, and here they were at one center of the conflict. The fighting wasn't here, but the occupation of the city has all but been declared. That declaration still weighed on the minds of Roshmi.

After freshening up a bit, Aiko decided it was time to rise and meet with their new companions. A male fox demon descended the stairs and found said companions, though a new addition have them pause. There was something about him that disagreed, but Aiko couldn't say what. They had to stifle a yawn as they approached, tail swishing softly as they did, "gmorning..." They fought to close their jaw against the yawn, but to no avail. "Gleh. Did our friend come down? She wasn't with me this morning." Their attention turned to Yuka and friend, "morning, stranger." Aiko glanced between Yuka and Xavier, succubus senses tingling, "had a good night?" They looked back at Yuka, "I see you didn't need my reward."

Granted, Yuka did have a certain... ambiance to her.

Stella Lumite

She'd been anticipating this. The phone interview had really set in that things were happening, but it also gave her certain impressions. About the champion, specifically. She seemed like an easy-going woman who didn't like getting caught up on bureaucracy or formalities.

That was the nice way of putting it, at least. Having her sit around with nothing to do was a good way to get her to describe things more colorfully, but she'd anticipated this and brought a book. It was a book with technical illustrations and dense paragraphs, on Pokemon anatomy, and it was something she made do with when she didn't have live subjects to study.

Hmm. Somehow, that phrasing sat strangely. Most of her "subjects" were pets, perhaps that was why?

Eventually, they were rescued by someone that confirmed her suspicion. The champion was supposed to have met them here. So, "carefree" really did mean "unreliable"? Hmm... She could see the correlation, but there had to be outliers, right?

At any rate, their rescue whisked them away to the local professor's lab. Quite the grumpy guy, but there were multiple reasons she could think of for that. He must be very busy.

And when dealing with a champion like this, that was understandable! She couldn't imagine this woman lifting a pen. She was likely a nightmare in paperwork, and if you ever have a meeting, you know she'll only show up on time when someone else is late.

But... She's strong.

A sobering thought to glance over at the champion with, despite her earlier scorn. All interrupted by someone's grandstanding. And what an attitude it was! Enough to get him kicked out by a large dragon Pokemon. Well... Maybe that's a small dragon Pokemon, after all.

The others opened their pokeballs and found a surprising variety of Pokemon within. Not the usual starters she'd heard of, but it was an interesting change. Eevees were always interesting, and she'd never met a Litwic. She looked at the PokeBall she'd been given, turning it over for a moment before opening it.


A Tyrunt? She'd heard of them, but they were supposed to have lived eons ago. Her starter was something so amazing as an extinct pokemon?! She got a dinosaur! "What an impressive jaw you have! How's all that jaw fit in a PokeBall, ah? I'll call you... Kaebe." She went to pet the creature, but snatched her hand away when Kaebe turned his head. To play? Hmm... That was a big jaw to just play with. Could take her hand off. She wanted to see that Kaebe had enough control to... Not do that... Before he did that.

"Well, Kaebe, let's go to the park. We can play and get to know each other a little, maybe eat before we leave town. I think there are wild Pokemon in this park, too." She had to take some time to learn about his diet, as well. Her guess is... Raw meat.

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