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lmao, even
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dancing dancing raspberry
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This wall is an eyesore.


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

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To her surprise, Andras's challenge was followed by a new voice. Covering her eyepatch with her hand with a dramatic pose, she glanced sideways at the newcomer with her uncovered eye. 'A face I've never seen before... A fox, even! Maybe she's a relative of that one Laurels boy?' Andras noticed that the fox's demeanor shifted immediately after cheerily asserting herself into the fight. 'Perhaps she spoke without thinking, and is regretting speaking up...' Andras's non-library eye watched the fox's tails, which betrayed her unease. 'Kind of cute, actually.'

Chuckling softly to herself, she strode slowly towards the fox. "I'm personally fine with that, but might I ask who you are?" With every step Andras took, she tapped into her power, summoning the spells she had acquired from Perfect Alexandria. They manifested as golden squares of light, and they orbited around Andras slowly. Of course, it was all for show, and the cards didn't actually do anything on their own other than look cool.

But Andras enjoyed theatrics immensely - after all, she went through all the trouble to climb that tree just to jump down. She even skinned her knee doing it, but nobody seemed any the wiser. 'I should really find a bandage after all this...' Andras mused to herself. But right now, she was being far too cool to worry about skinned knees. She was, after all, the Demon Lady of Despair right now, who was about to make her debut into the night-fight scene.

A lilting laugh rose from among the trees of the park. Standing out against the moon, a dark, hooded figure stood, on a branch of a tree. A single eye gleamed from under the hoodie she wore. Looking down, Alexandria stood, grinning with delight. "Your opponent will be none other than I, Andras, the Demon Lady of Despair!"

Amidst the murmuring of the crowd you could hear individual voices. Isn't her name actually Alex? I heard she once got kicked out of the library for trying to draw a magic circle on the ground. Did she climb up that tree just to say that?

Alex dropped from the tree limb to the ground. "What do you say, mortal?" She grinned once again, her eye sparkling with anticipation.

I'm working on a potential new character. I'm gonna post it here because linking a text file in the discord seems a little mean for people's eyes.

Still tweaking bits and pieces.

Lise scratched her head as she watched the showdown unfold before her. She had barely managed to learn the names of her classmates, so she was fairly lost at all the new faces currently squaring up before her. However, Andreim gave her the impression that they were dangerous enough to warrant keeping a guard up. Lise summoned two maids to her side, just in case, and studied the situation.

"What should we do about this...?" Lise muttered to no one in particular. It seemed fairly simple at first, Kath being angry at the man. But then someone else appeared from thin air and appeared to have created a three-way crossfire. Or something like that. 'If a fight actually broke out right now, I don't think I'd know what to actually do. Staying close to Kath would burn, and I'm not sure what the other two are doing, or what their abilities are, at all. I should just follow Andreim's lead.' Lise was glad that she finally found someone able to recognize her status as royalty - Andreim proved to be a trustworthy guard so far. Trusting him for this fight seemed like a safe move.
Lise peeked out from behind Andreim, quickly scanning the room. Nothing spooky anymore. She let out a sigh of relief.

Lise's face burned red. 'How embarrassing, freezing up like that! How can I call myself the team's undeniable queen if I lose my composure like this in front of them?!' She sneaked a look at her team members that were left in the room. None of them seemed to have noticed her freeze, instead focusing on the... person? Lise wasn't paying the best attention, but she remembered someone saying the name Vittorio.

"Don't worry, Lady Valois-Saint-Remy. I will take care of any hinderances ahead." Andreim said to her. It was at that moment, when Lise's embarrassed gaze met with Andreim's, that Lise became acutely aware that she was still gripping his arm. In addition, she was pretty close to him overall. Had she ever been this close to anyone? Especially a boy?! How did she not notice until now?

"T-That's very good A-Andreim." Lise stammered, letting go and quickly taking a step back. Taking a few quick breaths and clearing her throat, she continued. "It's natural to clear the way for the royalty, after all! Let's move after Katherine."
What are the other four races? It could be interesting.
Lise heard everyone agreeing to move up distantly. She was in her thoughts as she ascended the staircase. 'Should I recruit some people to train group fighting? Who would be good for that... If I tell them to join my royal guard, I'm sure they'll go for it-'

Lise was snapped out of her thoughts as she softly bumped into Andreim, who was walking ahead of her and had apparently stopped. Scanning the area, she realized that the entire party had stopped. She looked over the stances of everyone, trying to get a feel for what had happened. Lise internally berated herself for losing track of another situation. Her eyes settled on Katherine, who seemed to have stormed ahead, looking ready to fight, and in front of Kath...

Lise gripped Andreim's arm. She figured some place as shabby as this would have all sorts of strange things, but some part of her refused to accept the possibilities of ghosts. That part of her now had to deal with none other than a spectre appearing before her. Lise wasn't afraid of ghosts. She wasn't. Only children get scared at stuff like that. Children who lived seemingly alone in a giant, empty manor, waited on mainly by faceless shadows taking the form of domestic servants. Children who explored the empty halls at night, walking through the oppressive stares of countless dead family members' portraits, each one with canvas-white skin and lifeless eyes that seemed to follow you as you tiptoed down the dark hallways, trying to find your room using only the sliver of moonlight coming from a faraway window.

But she wasn't afraid. She summoned a shadow servant, in a totally-not-afraid manner, as she clutched Andreim's arm. The servant stood at the ready for any potential attack.
Lise crossed her arms. "I'm ready. Though... I wasn't sure what I expected to run into out here. Giant cats? What kind of apartment is this?"

The threat was dealt with fairly quickly. Lise knew that as a group they would be able to handle single targets well, but she didn't consider the interactions of the different powers, which made the fight more complex than she would have imagined at first. She had to admit that she didn't consider having to maneuver her shadows amongst friendlies until recently.

This most recent fight wasn't her first, but she had to admit she was fairly inexperienced. She wasn't the type to normally spend time worrying about her place, considering she was always at the top, but perhaps she will have to practice more with a group to fully understand fighting. Lost in her own thoughts, she absentmindedly pondered the power dynamics of her team. She didn't even notice Andreim's subtle offer of his arm to her.
Lise was cursing her poor luck at encountering enemies when, ironically, nothing other than a giant cat pounced down from the top of the stairs. The previous wave of banter forgotten, she saw her other teammates spring into action. Lise admittedly did not have the most honed of combat reflexes, nor did she commonly deal with wild beasts - let alone ones that seemingly have crawled out of Hell itself, so she definitely couldn't spring into action as quickly as all the others.

Ignoring her normal theatrics of speaking in her royal tongue, she called two shadow servants between her and the demon cat. They stood in position, ready to take advantage of an opening on the enemy, or protect her if it decided to come towards her.
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