Avatar of Crowvette


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3 mos ago
Current This is an example of speex, an audio compression codec specifically tuned for the reproduction of human speech.
4 mos ago
lmao, even
4 mos ago
dancing dancing raspberry
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5 mos ago
i like it
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6 mos ago
This wall is an eyesore.


I'm sure there's a lot of stuff I could put here but I'm blanking.

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I'm interested in this!
Hey awesome! Glad you're interested ^^
I hesitate when answering a specific city/country(as I personally am not from the US or UK where most commonly I see these settings are based) however it will be set in a rather vast and sprawling city, that I can say with confidence.

As for ai, robots and cybernetics, full ai robots are outlawed(if anyone would like to play as a robot, feel free though, as it's definitely possible for them to be blending in with humans) cybernetics are not outlawed, however there would be a social stigma surrounding them.

Could a character who was revived from serious bodily damage making them more cybernetic than human be possible? I guess an example would be Jensen from Deus Ex HR. Not really set on anything but curious.
I'm interested in this! Been wanting to do something cyberpunk for a while.

"Huh?! What kind of festival is this?!!" Lise took a step back instinctively from the newcomer. She felt a chill looking at it. "You commoners have absolutely no sense of restraint! What kind of tasteless costume is that?!" It disgusted her about as equally as some of the "fashion" that Lise witnessed among the streets. She could only assume the costume was some kind of homage to their filthy harvest gods.

Her shadow reformed into two servants between her and the monstrous cultist, both of them ready to intercept the newcomer. "And furthermore," Lise continued, rubbing her ears, "It is extremely rude to be so loud in public!"

"Must I teach these peons manners all by myself, Andreim!?" Lise said exasperatedly.

Lise scoffed at her foe's ploy. "Do you intend to exhaust me of my servants? Fool! The servants of Liselotte Castellan de Valois-Saint-Remy are endless and unstoppable!" Her other servants were destroyed, but their power returned to the one that was abandoned. "After that scoundrel!" She commanded to it.

The shadow butler took off into a sprint after the true one. With its full strength available, it was much faster than normal, moving to overtake the masked enemy. At the same time, Lise was wary of other threats, so she readied herself to summon another servant close to her if the need arose.

'More strange people... Is there some kind of commoner's festival going around?' Lise remembered as a child being told about festivals where unwashed paupers donned sack-cloths and hit each other with clubs in the name of a good Harvest, so perhaps this was it. She watched Andreim spring into action, knocking one of them away with a vortex. 'Ah, perhaps the gods' blessings have made clubs irrelevant. Well, it would be rude to not help them with their celebration, though I don't intend on receiving any clubbings...'

"Do not worry Andreim, I understand what is happening now!" Lise said. The replicating one closed in on them, and Lise responded with her own copies. Rising from her shadow, four copies of shadow butlers dashed forward, seeking to tackle the doppelgangers before they got close to Andreim and Lise. Even with their strength divided fourfold, they would be a formidable defense for any person. "I will occupy these ones, Andreim. Perhaps you can give the original the beating he desires?"

Though, even if they got past, Lise could summon more. And in the back of her mind, she had another idea entirely, if the need arose.

Lise didn't pay much attention to any of the other fights. While she knew many of her family were fond of watching peasants scramble amongst the dirt of an arena, she considered it rather pedestrian. She felt that entertainment fitting for her would have to come from a higher degree of human ingenuity, something that can be considered art. Her most recent purchase of a television had shown her the breadth of modern entertainment, and although she considered most of it base drivel, there were a few things that piqued her interest.

If only she could manage to make them appear when she wanted to. She would have to bring in someone who was more inclined with such strange creations. She was going over the mechanics of the seemingly magical technology of the black glass television as well as the wonders it displayed to her in her mind as the fights continued.

Lise was knocked out of her internal musings when Andreim spoke up. She didn't really have a good grasp on what was going on, but it seemed like one of the peons on the enemy team - or, wait, her team - went and made a mess of things, and someone hurt someone else? 'Well of course they would get hurt, they can't seem to grasp the spirit of a friendly duel and end up making it personal.'

"We're bailing them out? Are they really that important?" Lise groaned. To her, it seemed like a waste of effort. "Or is this a case of sponsoring a fighter for promotional purposes?" Lise had never really paid much attention to the more business-oriented side of Valois-Saint-Remy, but she knew that sometimes lifting a grubby lowlife to spend some time in the spotlight with the royalty was a common tactic that boosted popularity of both participants.

She sold herself on the idea. 'I may have to hire a manager in the future, so I don't have to do this. But for now, it's a necessary evil.' With that, she took Andreim's hand.

"You are so-" Alyona's complaint was muffled by Sasha's body crushing her. Crying out in frustration, she tried to push her twin off of her.

'She's too heavy... I'm gonna die...' Alyona's head spun with the close contact. Her body wasn't a fan of Sasha's positive energy so close to her, and it was making her feel sick. She couldn't push her away with her own strength, so she tried to roll out from under Sasha instead.

Gasping for breath, Alyona finally got out from under her sister. "Get... Away... From me! I'm lucky my skull wasn't crushed!" Her body still was hurting from her fall, and the headache Sasha was giving her was making things much worse. She scrambled to her feet, and backed away from her twin. "And do NOT follow me!"

Eventually she rounded the corner and was sure she was out of her sight. 'That boy left. I wonder if he's Sasha's boyfriend?' Alyona grinned to herself. 'Well, maybe he can spare some kindness for his girlfriend's sister as well.' She walked out to where Kato went, unknowingly leaving a trail of pudding footsteps.

She would have called out to the boy, but just as she opened her mouth she realized she didn't know his name. She couldn't put the moves on him just calling him "boy." And upon further inspection... That entire situation looked complicated. There was her crashed helicopter, two boys, and... something (someone?) else entirely which she couldn't quite describe.

Alyona decided to hang back and see what was happening before inserting herself into this situation. She spied at the group from around the corner.

Alyona covered shielded her eyes from her twin's low-intensity light. "Of COURSE you care more about food than you do seeing me!" Alyona tried to scramble to her feet, but her foot being slick with pudding caused her to stumble. "And maybe you can consider this as some kind of message?! Haven't you had enough sweets for a lifetime?" Just staying near Sasha was giving her a headache just from remembering all of her childhood frustrations. Or maybe the headache was from falling out of a helicopter.

Either way, Alyona was glad she didn't have to start dodging bolts from Sasha. Maybe she'd keep a close proximity until she felt like she could make a break for it.

She eventually settled for just sitting up normally rather than slipping around on the table, which was when she came face-to-face with Kato. She narrowed her eyes as she adjusted her skirt. "Hey. You didn't look, did you." The sentence was technically a question, but its delivery was more akin to a command. Alyona hoped that he could figure out the right answer from the way she said things, but she could also just take out her frustrations on this kid if he answered wrong. It was a win-win.

Andras felt the magic as it was being invoked. Though she could not hear the words, she knew what the spell was. Covering her eye with her free hand, her mind raced. At times like these she always felt as if time slowed - As if to give time for her to think of something. She couldn't invoke any normal spell fast enough to react. Her mind went over her cards - Only one would help, yet the conditions for casting were not fulfilled.

There was nothing she could do. She had given the enemy the tools for their own destruction. Andras grit her teeth as the spell cast an oppressive silence over the entire field. She would have preferred to have some kind of speech to give, but she couldn't even sound out much more than the sound of breathing. She didn't need to check her partners, she knew they were equally as affected. And from her understanding of the spell, it was unlikely for any of them to have any real options.

'I've got to do something. What is it that I can do...?' Andras thought of her friends. Even if they were powerless... They'd fight. One in particular would fight just to defy their opponents.

Andras readied her holy spear. Though she couldn't use any new spells, her existing ones were still in effect. She had an enchantment for her strength. The spear would help with that as well. The feather of an angel even had reacted to the law magic cast on her team, boosting her endurance slightly. She gripped the spear hard, the enchantment of unholy strength manifesting as a pentagram tattoo on her hands. It felt strong. She could do this.

Andras gave one last look to her partners. She mouthed the words: 'I'm going.' With that, she stepped into view of the opponents.

Andras kept a grin on her face, her left hand covering the Root. The pentagram on her hand was glowing, as if the Root was going through her eyepatch and hand. She couldn't say anything, or even laugh wildly as she wanted to, but that wouldn't stop her from showing the opponents how a demon would fight.

Andras's first challenger came forward - a massive statue of stone and ice. It dwarfed her in size. It was surrounded by some kind of blizzard. It had a weapon larger than Andras. And it was, of course coming straight at her. Andras dug in her heels and readied her spear. She didn't have the reach advantage, so if she tried to use it as a lance she would be taken out before they clashed. There was another option, though.

Andras tossed the holy spear with her enhanced strength at the moving statue, and quickly dove to the side to avoid the swing of its scythe. Turning back to face the statue, she saw that her spear had hit the target... But it was still standing just fine. It was embedded in the stone, which was quite a feat for Andras, but it was not destroyed. 'Oh no. That means I'll have to-'

Though the statue had missed with its initial swipe, it quickly remedied the situation with a backswing that knocked Andras off of her feet. Had it not been for the various enchantments, she probably would have been knocked out by that alone. She managed to keep it together as she crashed into the dirt of the stadium. 'Good... At least I can do this...' The cold was getting to her, and she didn't really know if she could stand up on her own. But she raised her hand and snapped her fingers soundlessly, looking up at the statue.

The Spear of Heliod was not just a spear that bolstered armies. It was also known for another aspect of its holy deity - smiting those who harmed his followers. With a thunderclap, the light within the center of the spear burst out, forcefully ejecting the spear and cracking the entire statue. As the spear landed on the ground near Andras, the iced statue began to crumble into pieces.

'There.... How about that?' Andras let her head down. She figured it was all over. Her strength was sapped from the cold, and her body hurt all over from the hit. Maybe she didn't look as cool as she initially hoped, but Andras figured she did as well as she could have... Given that she gave the opponents the way to beat them.
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