Avatar of Cu Chulainn


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10 mos ago
Current its been a week and i still dont feel 24...
11 mos ago
born today, dead tomorrow
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11 mos ago
Barbie: a provocative piece that shows the disparity in gender roles in today's society using the representation and marketing schemes of children's toys as a medium. Oppenheimer: bomb bad ☢️ 👎
11 mos ago
Watched the Barbie movie in all black and guyliner. Watching Oppenheimer in a pink polo tomorrow.
12 mos ago
I hate clocking out early because the power went out. I want muh hours ffs
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Most Recent Posts

Expect my post in the next day or two. Sorry for the delay .-.
Gonna write up my post soon. Still overseas, sadly. Been going places and seeing things.

10:07 AM, December 3rd 2017

New York City, New York

"This just in, museum robbery in broad daylight?! "

"Jean Mcready with the news at Channel 52, here! Looks like the impossible really happens at the Museum of Impossibilities in New York City as Jade Mantis's famous bulletproof pilot goggles have been stolen in the middle of bussiness hours. We'll go onto our man on the scene, Ted Giannopolous, for more."

"Hey, thanks, Jeanie. It's the Ted Giannopolous here in front of the Museum of Impossibilities! It seems the museum was closed after the alarms went off. Police and witnesses say the goggles just... disappeared. Eerie. They're playing back the cameras right now, but while we wait for those to air, lets talk to some witnesses!"


"So like, I was eating my chili dog, and, like, looking at the rad exhibits, man. Then suddenly, there's this... flash. Not like, the bright kind, but... the goggles just, like, went poof, man. I was about to take another bite of my chili dog until it went poof, too. If you find that guy who stole my chili dog, he better, like, pay me back for that dog, man."


"First off, hiiii Brad! He's my boo, we've been together for... three weeks now, and I feel like he's the one, you know? Annnnnnyway... what were we talking about, again? Oh, yeah! So our class had to come to this lame museum to learn about some old guys or whatever, and when I went to take a selfie with my friends, the alarms, like, went off! I was freaking out so much, I had to send a snap to everyone so they all know how freaked out I was! When I took the snap, this weirdo in a ski mask was behind me with his arm around my shoulder, raising the peace sign and everything! Ugh, that's sooooo 2007. But when I looked behind me, there was nobody there! If this is a bad joke, Brad, you can stop now!"


"So it seems some pretty weird things are happening down here at the Big Apple! Could it be the same culprits as the weirdos in Hub City? Find out more after this commercial break! Also, Jeanie, you never texted me back about lu-"

Rider already has a potential pair unless the person in question changes their mind.

I'll roll up my Master first since I'm indecisive with my Servant.

Here's my 100% original banner for Lancer

Ooh, would the reveal of Saber's spooky heart NP cause Lancer to snap out of his Duality and be genuinely afraid? Lancer and I both know that's some genuinely spooky stuff Ayondale gots there.

why is eating a burger important enough to pause anyway

Berserker had remained awfully quiet for most of the trip. Upon closer examination, he had appeared to be sulking to himself, like some sort of ill-tempered child. At moments when he was manifested, Berserker let out a few impatient groans, and when he was forced into Spirit Form, he delivered the equivalent mentally to his Master through their contract. The way back home was awfully long, too long for Berserker's liking, and he wanted to make sure his Master knew just that.

When they finally made it home, Berserker had ceased his whining. Berserker took a moment to look around the small house, taking the burger he was offered and stuffing the entire thing in his mouth, chewing it profoundly with, ugh, his mouth opened.

"Ahm ghna be osside ihf you nhed meh." Berserker said to Johanna, his mouth full, as he left for the beach. Leaving his Master's humble abode, Berserker wandered the property, looking for an isolated area suitably "wild" enough for his liking. A place where he could easily meditate and regain some of his qi. While he admittedly only used ma moderate fraction of it earlier, it is still wise for him restore some of it back in the event they're attacked once again. Perhaps if he gets just enough he could begin to scout the city as a bird and find more suitable places to set up camp.

Not that a beach house isn't at all suitable, though...

Berserker headed down to the beach, walking by the shore and watching the waves gently hit the sand. He would be whistling himself a tune if not for the burger in his mouth. He continued down until he found a suitably quiet place for him to finally hunker down. Letting himself fall on his ass, Berserker took one big gulp of whatever's left of that burger in his mouth, completely consuming the light snack before crossing his legs, seating himself into the lotus position.

Berserker took a deep breath, and began to meditate...
Berserker? Meditating? Weird, huh?
i wanna put longynongy into that heart and make things go boom

But really, woo we used up one (1) Command Spell!

Bluh to keeping track of all the turns Constantine's helmet drains mana. Servants pretty much leak the stuff by just existing, so just assume Lancer's used a small chunk of it zipping around stabbing skellies.
Lancer of Red

Day 0

Urquhart Castle


Lancer was rather bemused. Other magi surrounded them, a few of them seeming to be Masters as well. As they began to summon their own Servants, Lancer armed himself with a silvery spear inscribed in religious symbols, glowing faintly with holy power. A beautifully bejeweled helmet appeared on Lancer's head as well, glowing with magic, a shroud of light cloaking Lancer like armor. A piece of armor unique enough to be considered one of his own Noble Phantasms.

Helmet of Constantine: ACTIVE

If this was all a battle royale, then Lancer had to locate his Master fast, and bring her to safety, and he needed all the protection he could muster.

Saint: A

Due to being summoned with his skill, Lancer had to choose between a set of effects. While he would choose to boost the effects of his holy sacraments in order to increase the power of both his spear and armor, that would also mean that accursed spear would also take hold of him easily, as well... Perhaps if he boosted his Charisma, he will be able to convince the others not to fight eachother? ... No, the situation is far too unique to call for a boost to his already high ranking in the skill. Right now, and especially given the circumstances, there is only one selection that would make sense if he is to fight such a defensive battle so soon...

Saint: A

Automatic HP recovery


Lancer looked to one that happened to be his Master, a bit annoyed, although keeping his stoic composure. While he would correct her on how one must assure a contract is made in order to ensure that himself, as a Servant, is serving the correct Master, Lancer instead bit his tongue. He'll have to serve his rather... impatient Master for the time being. Her being blind will be quite the problem, as well.

"... Very well. Then I, a Heroic Spirit brought fourth as one of the Knight classes, will fight for you." Lancer simply said, giving a regal bow. While he would normally kneel, the circumstances regarding where he was summoned would require him to keep his guard, standing in front of his Master and watching the other Servants carefully as they each appeared.

Berserker, Caster, Rider, Archer, Assassin. But no Saber?

Use me.
You have the advantage.
Kill them all.
End this War before it even starts.

The Lance spoke to him again, feeding him visions of a battlefield full of corpses. Not of the Servants, but... the magi surrounding the castle?

10:00 PM

The attack happened at an instant. Flashes of light raining down on the group surrounding Lancer and the other Servants. It was no real issue for Lancer, however, especially with how his Master was already brought away to safety by what seemed to be the other Masters. Even then, Lancer's incredible speed and practical immunity to magecraft allowed him to stay relatively safe from this sudden bombardment. All in all, Lancer was not afraid of the attacking magi.

The Saber-class Servant, on the other hand...

Duality: ACTIVE

Strength: A

Luck: C+

Saint: X


How dare he? How dare he? How dare does this Servant, this knight of the sword, proclaim the word of the Lord, Lancer's own words, committing such a profane act? Saber must be taught a lesson. He must be shown that he cannot simply mince Lancer's own words into his own pagan show of prowess. Saber will be brought down to his knees. Saber will be defeated at this moment. Lancer's... allies have already rushed in, attacking Saber and his army of the dead brought forth by Ayondale, the apparent Master of Saber. Berserker and Rider began to attack Saber himself, with just about everyone including his own Master requesting for Lancer's aide.

And Lancer was happy to oblige.

"Very well. Hold Saber's attention for me."

Divine Protection: A

Lancer zipped through the bone army at extreme speeds, accurate strikes from his spear smashing in to the skulls of whatever was unfortunate enough to stand in his path, the blessings of his weapon possibly empowering his attacks against the undead, whose nature was unnatural to many, and blasphemous to the very Church he served in his lifetime. His movement was unnatural, even for a Servant, as if he was blessed by some sort of higher power, a faint radiance surrounding his body. Using his agility and burst of speed, he dodged through many of the attacks directed at him, his bleseed armor taking the few blows that Lancer wasn't able to avoid, himself. If Lancer were to be fighting against normal humans, his attacks would indeed paint the battlefield scarlet with their splattered remains. In this case, however, only a trail of shattered bones had been made.

And soon, Lancer had thrown his spear for his target. Not for Saber, but for the magus who happened to be Saber's Master. Lancer had cut a path through their summoned army with the goal of finding an opening to attack Saber's Master while Saber was confined by two other Servants. If his spear struck true, then it would have ended the battle then and there. And if not? Then another opening for his allies to attack Saber has been made.
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